During a Medicaid Day of Action press briefing on Tuesday, Speaker Emerita Pelosi (D-CA) urged voters in Republican districts to voice their discontent with Republicans' proposed cuts to Medicaid.
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00:00As you can see, Sasha is always an inspiration to us.
00:03We learn so much from her.
00:05And also, we were so proud that she graduated from UC Berkeley.
00:09Everybody can make that point.
00:11Sasha's mom was with us earlier.
00:13We thank her sister-in-law for participating in the presentation.
00:19Thank all of our – as you heard from our – from Chanel and from Sasha,
00:25who are right there working with people directly,
00:28this has such an impact immediately on people's lives.
00:32I heard from Dr. Harold and Dr. Adler,
00:36in terms of the big picture of what it means to institutions
00:41who serve and meet the needs of these people.
00:44This is about our values as a country.
00:47Our budget should be a statement of our national values.
00:51What is important to us should be reflected in that budget.
00:55But what we see now is an assault on our values.
01:00And to make this assault on our budget,
01:03$800 billion coming out of Medicaid.
01:08But we don't agonize.
01:10We organize.
01:11And this day, today, we have scores of events across the country,
01:16starting in New York and across the country.
01:20And we'll have them tomorrow and the next day and the next day.
01:23And the beat will go on.
01:25And Chanel, when you talked about the impact on the black community,
01:29our inspiration has been Dr. King from the start.
01:33Dr. King said, of all forms of injustice and inequity,
01:38what is happening with health care is the most inhuman,
01:42because people could die.
01:44With that, Mr. – our co-chair of this event, Mr. Thompson,
01:48and I would be happy to take questions, as will our guests as well.
01:52I'll do the on-topic questions first.
01:55So this is – I know that this is something you held at events
01:59just a couple weeks ago, just to have people aware of this.
02:04This has come up as a budget resolution
02:06that a couple of your senatorial colleagues actually supported.
02:09So what should voters do?
02:11What can people actually do about what's coming next?
02:16Well, I don't know if anyone wants to answer the question,
02:19but what I would say is when we are operating in the Congress,
02:24our inside maneuvering can just go so far.
02:27It's the outside mobilization that makes the difference.
02:31So what we are doing today with the drumbeat across America,
02:35with the impact of these statements you've heard today,
02:39not from us but from others who are at the mercy of
02:43or are delivering services to those at the mercy of,
02:47that drumbeat is really important.
02:50And what we want our Republican colleagues to do
02:53is to hear it from their own constituents.
02:56I think it's more eloquent to a member of Congress
02:59than it is to our own constituents.
03:01When the Republican members – like in California, there's one member.
03:05We have about 800,000 people in our district.
03:09Not many more.
03:11He has 500,000 people on Medicaid.
03:15We want his constituents to tell him what it means to them.
03:18Who is that?