• 20 hours ago
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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00:00It's a day that ends in Y, which means that a bunch of...
00:07Nah, I'm not gonna say it.
00:11I'm not gonna say it.
00:23And she's coming back, the second time.
00:26And she's thinking about wearing a mask as well.
00:31What is she doing?
00:36What are you doing?
00:38Disgusting hog?
00:41Yeah, I guess that's one way to say it.
00:43I think that's kind of accurate.
00:49Putting your DNA on it? Yeah.
01:00It's her car? Yeah.
01:16You see that?
01:27Is she trying to act like she didn't do it?
01:33There it is, on her right. I missed that.
01:37The internet didn't.
01:42Oh, but why?
01:44Because she thinks she's morally justified to do this.
01:48That's the reason why.
01:49And she thinks she won't get in trouble.
01:52Add in accountability to this, it immediately stops.
01:57Instantaneously stops.
02:00So here's another one right here.
02:03Several vehicles set on fire at Tesla Las Vegas.
02:06There's another one.
02:08Oh, good.
02:09This is in America, by the way.
02:12Hey guys, keep in mind.
02:13These are the people that were arguing against me,
02:15saying that this wasn't terrorism.
02:25That's insane? Yeah, I think so.
02:27And let's see if we can find any more of these.
02:29And also, there's not really a big surprise here.
02:32But... and here's another one who did this one too.
02:39Oh, here we go.
02:49These are supposed to...
02:50Yes, these are the people that are preaching for tolerance.
02:54Tolerance and understanding.
02:56Here we go.
02:57Here we go. Get ready.
02:58You're ready.
03:05Model citizens? Yeah.
03:06They were climate activists, remember?
03:08Not anymore.
03:25Old white people? Yep.
03:40They're so stupid too.
03:43They're so dumb.
03:44Like, how do you, like...
03:46Like, he's walking around like a fucking NPC pathing.
03:50Watch this.
03:53Bro, it's like this guy's from Oblivion.
03:55Look at him.
04:08He's confused.
04:11He's so stupid.
04:13How can you be so dumb?
04:15Yes, oh my god.
04:16Stop right there, criminal scum.
04:19Yes, and there it is.
04:21Keying another car.
04:22And yeah, looks like he's driving a Hyundai.
04:25Tough to tell.
04:26And well, anyway, within less than 24 hours of the viral vandalism
04:31in the Senate being reported, San Jose Police Department,
04:34we have successfully identified, located, and arrested
04:38the individual responsible for this act of felony vandalism.
04:42This senseless crime and its subsequent consequences
04:45should serve as a clear reminder.
04:47No matter one's personal beliefs or frustrations,
04:50they do not justify illegal actions.
04:52I urge everyone to respect one another, and above all, respect the law.
05:00Fucked around and found out.
05:03That's too bad, isn't it?
05:07Oh, no.
05:10Oh, no.
05:17Got him.
05:18Did you just key a Tesla the other day?
05:20Do what?
05:21You're on video.
05:24This is the guy.
05:25You just keyed a Tesla.
05:26You got a video online.
05:27I just saw it.
05:28It's all over the fucking face.
05:30You have the media.
05:31I didn't key an old Tesla.
05:33Yes, you did.
05:34You keyed a Tesla in a parking lot somewhere around here.
05:38What do you got to say about that?
05:39I didn't do that.
05:40What do you got to say about that?
05:42I didn't do that.
05:51There he is.
05:53Well, you're on video.
05:54I plainly saw you doing it.
05:56You pulled up right next to it.
05:56He's wearing the same shirt, man.
05:59And then you keyed it.
06:01Oh, shit.
06:01You want to bet?
06:06Okay, well, I mean, they got your license plate.
06:10I'm surprised you haven't been contacted by the police yet.
06:14I mean, what do you have to say?
06:15I mean, I saw you do it.
06:16I'm just curious.
06:16I mean, just because, Elon, you're wearing a USA t-shirt driving a Korean car.
06:21Why would you key an American car?
06:24The guy's probably a Democrat that owns it.
06:26I think it's a woman.
06:27I mean, I'm just curious why you do that.
06:33You just don't have anything to say about that?
06:35Neither one of you guys do?
06:36This is a stupid ass old man talking shit, starting trouble.
06:41Yep, there it is.
06:43Encountering people in public is probably a bad idea.
06:45Yeah, no, I wouldn't do this.
06:48Okay, you're handicapped too.
06:51I mean, this is just kind of ridiculous.
06:53I could have told you that.
06:59Well, good luck to you, sir.
07:02Hope you learned a lesson.
07:09Chase Bank.
07:14Deserve the public critical?
07:16Oh, she is not.
07:17They're probably, dude, he...
07:20He mad, man.
07:22Oh, God.
07:23I wouldn't be approaching anyone like that.
07:26Yeah, Congressman Natchanola, Biden was called World War III.
07:28Well, I mean, he's bringing up all time.
07:30Well, I'm just saying, like, it's just...
07:34That person would just be an Indian.
07:35Let me see.
07:36Oh, there's another one.
07:38Oh, no.
07:45Man, these people are just...
07:48Oh, God.
07:52They're so mad, I know.
07:56Now, what's the common thing that all these...
07:59What's the thing that all these people have in common?
08:11That's right.
08:11They're all keying Teslas, and they're all damaging Teslas.
08:14Of course.
08:15What did you think I meant?
08:17Yeah, obviously.
08:19Oh, we already saw this.
08:20Okay, this is the one exception.
08:22I take it back?
08:23Yeah, exactly.
08:26Has Tesla hate gone so far?
08:28Jesus Christ.
08:42That's crazy.
08:46A sabotage felony?
08:47That should be a sin to murder?
08:57They've gotta...
08:58They've gotta get these Roaches under control, man.
09:02They really do.
09:03Because if they don't, this is just gonna keep getting worse.
09:07I really hope that it happens.
09:09I do.
09:09I'm expecting it will happen, actually.
09:12I think it will.
09:13And, uh...
09:14And I think especially as soon as they start seeing people getting arrested for it,
09:18and, like, getting fucked over for it,
09:20then you're gonna start seeing a lot of these people kind of...
09:24Pull back and stop doing this.
09:27Because they're afraid.
09:29Look at the Tesla doxxing.
09:31Let me see.
09:32Tesla owners doxxed, sell your car, or stay on the list.
09:35A website called DogeQuest has reportedly published the names, addresses, and phone numbers
09:40of Tesla owners across the U.S.,
09:43complete with an interactive map and a Molotov cocktail cursor.
09:47The site claims it will only remove personal data
09:49if owners prove they've sold their Teslas in an apparent backlash.
09:53This comes as Tesla dealerships face gunfire,
09:56sourced from the New York Post.
10:01What could possibly be the reason for something like this?
10:04I'm telling you guys.
10:06Is it a protest platform?
10:08If you're on the hunt for a Tesla to unleash your artistic flair with a spray can,
10:12just step outside.
10:13No map needed.
10:14At DogeQuest, we believe in empowering creative expressions of protest
10:18that you can execute from the comfort of your own home.
10:22Of course, DogeQuest neither endorses nor condemns any actions.
10:25You are endorsing it by saying spray can.
10:28And, uh, there it is.
10:31So, uh, this is what's going to happen.
10:33And, uh, peaceful protest, right?
10:35Yes, clearly.
10:37And, uh, who funded the website?
10:38Well, you have to find out.
10:40There's a very easy way to do this.
10:42Uh, you have to find out who, who made this website.
10:45And then you, you put them on trial for like,
10:49they're clearly like making a call for violence.
10:51This is it.
10:52And yeah, just immediately doxing is illegal.
10:56It's legal in some places and not legal in others.
10:59This is by definition, terrorism.
11:00Yeah, yeah, exactly.
11:02And so it's very crazy for me to see this happen and to see people,
11:06there are some people trying to play defense for it,
11:09but I think that for the most part,
11:11everybody realizes that this is totally over the line.
11:15Names and addresses of future Tesla owners have been exposed on this website.
11:18This is terrorism.
11:19Yeah, I, I really think this needs to happen.
11:22This is inciting a riot, inciting violence.
11:25Uh, didn't, uh, didn't a person who made this do an interview online?
11:28I think those are two separate places.
11:30Can't wait for Reddit to defend it.
11:32Yeah, Reddit loves defending this stuff.
11:37Send them to El Salvador.
11:40Legally, I don't think you can.
11:44Personally, I wouldn't mind.
11:47I'm sorry.
11:48I really wouldn't mind that much.
11:50Yeah, I couldn't say that website's down.
11:53Yeah, I bet it is.
11:54Well, they need to figure out who put the website up and then hold them criminally liable.
11:58And I think that this is really the, uh,
12:00doxing website that shows personal details of Tesla owners as Molotov cocktail is the cursor.
12:05Yep. There it is right there.
12:08Again, this kind of stuff needs to just.
12:12I think as soon as you start actually going after people,
12:15this stuff will go away very fast.
12:18Yeah, I'm definitely not a hacker, so I'm not thinking of visiting their site.
12:20Yeah, you're right.
12:21And a little water helps loosen tongues.
12:23Well, we'll see what happens, right?
12:25And, uh, today, Tesla, tomorrow, the trucks that deliver supplies to the stores,
12:28this has to be slapped down with every single law in the book,
12:31because sooner or later it'll go from bad to 10 times worse.
12:34No, I think that you're right.
12:35I think this is organized domestic terrorism.
12:38And the only reason why you would post a person's personal identifying information online
12:43is in order to enable and facilitate violence against them.
12:49Uh, that's literally it there's, there's no other reason to have this happen.
12:56It's like the landings happening in an hour.
12:57Yeah, I'll probably watch the 10 minutes of it,
12:59but we're going to go ahead and we're going to probably start playing some, uh,
13:02Assassin's Creed, get into it as well.
13:04Trump derangement syndrome as well.
13:05Yeah, I don't know really what the reason for it is, but, uh,
13:09yeah, I think it's probably going to happen.
13:11The reason for it is, but, uh, yeah, it's really, really, really bad.
13:15I didn't think of it like that.
13:16You're you're right.
13:17No, no.
13:18And this is one of the components.
13:19This is the last thing I want to talk about that.
13:20I want to move on is that, um, basically one of the biggest components of this,
13:26that a lot of people don't understand is that when you're posting,
13:30when you're posting a person's personal information online,
13:34there is no reason for that to happen other than for you to put that person's life at risk.
13:40Ask yourself the question, why would it be relevant or important?
13:45And how is this information going to be used other than to put this person's life at risk?
13:52That's it.
13:54That's literally it.
13:56And so when I see that happen, uh, I, I can't imagine anything being worse, right?
14:01I mean, that's it.
14:02Do you think they'll ever do sting operations with Tesla's?
14:04I think they should.
14:05I do.
14:06I think these people need to be totally rooted out.
14:10One little bonus bit of information I saw while I was taking a piss.
14:15One of the guys that did this, that attacked the station caught himself on fire.
14:26What a fucking idiot.
14:29Oh my God.
14:32How do you, how do you do that?
14:34You're so dumb, man.