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00:00Oh no, no they're not popping off again.
00:03Members of the revolutionary communist group and the other far-left extremists
00:06are gathered outside Columbia University. Okay, here we go.
00:25Let me just move in.
00:30Nobody's really breaking a law here, right? It's just a protest. It's not really,
00:35I don't think it's really a big deal.
00:53Yeah, I don't agree with them, but like, there's no destruction of property.
00:58They're, you know, complying with the police. So yeah, I mean, I don't really have a problem
01:03with people that want to protest this and get mad about it, but uh, you know, just don't destroy
01:07property and break out windows. Like, I think that a lot of people don't really realize how
01:11bad it was last year. Uh, like these people, like this, these are people that were, this is a,
01:17ISIS residents, these are people, this is a protester, that this is a,
01:21this is a, it is a vandalizer terrorist, right? I mean, what, what is, what's going on with this?
01:25Look at this. Yeah.
01:34Worse than the BLM looting? I don't know. I think they're both bad.
01:38Like, I don't really have an opinion about like, which one's worse.
01:42Like, I don't think there's really a point of discussing which one's worse. I think they're
01:46both bad. So yeah. Why is it always university kids that are stupid with these protests? They
01:51support terrorism and then the next generation are redeemed? No, because they usually get older
01:56and realize that they were stupid and then start voting in a more reasonable way. Uh,
02:00I think that it's mainly young people that are very privileged that want to have a cause to
02:04fight for because they think about people that grew up, you know, in like previous ages, like,
02:09you know, you have like the civil rights era and these people were protesting for that.
02:13And then you had, you know, obviously like, you know, uh, fucking, what was it? Like any sort of
02:19slavery stuff or any sort of racism. And I think there's one other thing that happened
02:23with that as well. So I think that's really what happens the majority of the time, right?
02:28Ultra left-wing teachers, they LARP as activists. Yeah. They're LARPing as activists. Most of these
02:32people didn't really care and they think they're going to get away with it, but either way. Um,
02:36yeah. So they're basically revoking a bunch of people. Columbia has reportedly just expelled
02:42the president of the grad student union for his arrests and the encampment and building takeover
02:48last spring. Columbia university has announced expulsions, multi-year suspensions and degree
02:54revocations over the violent takeover of Hamilton hall last spring. This is what happens when the
03:01federal government finally holds the universities accountable. Now, I think this is a huge w I have
03:06no problem with peaceful protests, but you don't peacefully protest with a hammer. You don't,
03:11that's not how it works. And so if you bring a hammer to the peaceful protest, you have just
03:16disqualified yourself from peaceful protesting where the police, by the way, well, they were
03:21trying to get into the building. Right. And so, yeah, it's that simple. And, uh, what did Trump
03:26do a partner's terrorist two face? Yeah, I guess so. Right. People always like bringing up January
03:30six as if this wasn't bad. So anyway, uh, it looks like university statement. So this is what,
03:35this is what Columbia said themselves, uh, today, Columbia university judicial board,
03:39this is probably the other reason why they're, they're protesting. Uh, the Columbia university
03:43judicial board determined that findings and issued sanctum sanctions, uh, to students
03:47ranging from multi-year suspensions, temporary degree revocations, and expulsions related to
03:52the occupation of Hamilton hall last spring with respect to other events taking place last spring,
03:56the UJBs determinations recognized previously imposed disciplinary action.
04:01The return of suspended students will be overseen by Columbia university life office.
04:05Columbia is committed to enforcing university rules and policies and maintaining our disciplinary
04:09procedures. Probably. Right. Uh, this should come as a surprise to literally no one,
04:14really, it, it, it, this should be a surprise to no one. Uh, this, this place was violently
04:20taken over by activists that were again, this is the, these are, these people, they're protesting
04:27with hammers and breaking out windows. I'm sorry, but like, I have no problem with them getting
04:33around that. This is, I think this is for my class year or something, right. There's something else,
04:37but I have no problem with any of these people like sitting around and protesting
04:41and doing it lawfully, right. Sitting outside, talking about it, gathering there,
04:45but this right here, this, this is, this is just destruction of property. Yeah. These
04:50are hammers of peace. I don't think so, man. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think they're hammers of peace guys,
04:57man. I don't think so at all.
05:09Yeah. Broken windows and empathy, I guess. So self-deportation.
05:14So yeah, uh, they destroyed tons of property. They were inside of the buildings. They weren't
05:19complying with police officers. Uh, and ultimately, uh, you know, Columbia university is not their
05:26own personal playground. It's not their place to tell people that we're going to break into this
05:32building and not allow you to come into it just as a very, very baseline, simple perspective.
05:37And, uh, you think about probably collectively the millions of dollars, this costs the university
05:43to repair all of this stuff, to clean up all the damage, to get like, to process police reports
05:50and like, you know, talk to the police, the energy that that takes and time that takes,
05:54you have all of that. And then you also have like painting over the graffiti.
05:57There's millions and millions and millions of dollars. And then also you have some people
06:01that don't want to go to Columbia. Now the university is now dangerous, right? You have
06:05dangerous people that have taken it over. Uh, I think that's a big thing. Also losing donations
06:09from big Jewish donators. Well, yeah, I mean like, and, and I think it's really not that surprising.
06:15I mean, if you're a Jewish person and the problem is that a lot of these people and,
06:21and they've done literally no favors to themselves with this topic at all, uh, these people have done
06:26no diligence and they have taken no effort whatsoever to distinguish themselves from
06:33anti-Semitic terrorists. So big surprise that, you know, Jewish people might not necessarily
06:40want to support a group or a university that is actively allowing people to advocate for
06:46what they believe to be their eradication. Big surprise. If I was them, I wouldn't give them
06:52any fucking money either. Like I put myself in their shoes. Yeah. W take. Yeah. Why the fuck
06:57would you give these people a bunch of money if they're letting these clowns take over the
07:01university and some of these clowns are supporting an organization that wants to destroy you and
07:06wants to kill you and says like, Oh, all Jews are bad. A curse upon the Jews. If I see that,
07:11and I'm a fucking Jew, I'm going to be offended. I'm going to be like, you know what? I don't want
07:16to curse on me. I didn't do anything. I'm just sitting here. What the fuck based? Yeah. It's,
07:22it's common sense. How do we get here? It's nuts. It is. It's so fucking obvious. So yes, I'm really,
07:30really glad to see this happening. This is a massive W yeah. Columbia for tolerating this.
07:36Yeah. The, the administration and the faculty at Columbia that there, there are a bunch of
07:42virtue craps and moral snobs. They believe in, in diversity, equity, inclusion, and the right to
07:50harass the Jewish people. And the American people have given Columbia hundreds of millions of
07:56dollars. We've just wiped. They did the same thing with Jewish people that people did with
08:01Asians and COVID. You remember all those videos of these like dumb racist people harassing Asians
08:08is like, just because you're a Jew doesn't mean you're a Zionist. I mean, it doesn't mean like
08:12you're an Israel fucking operative. It's crazy. Like, and it's Chinese people too. They're like,
08:18oh, it's from China. Like, I remember there were people that were a conspiracy theory about when
08:29that, uh, that, that Chinese girl Casey came and she was in Austin. I was hanging out with her
08:34and, um, they, they thought that she was like a CCP agent or something like that.
08:39They were like, well, yeah. So they're bringing, is it true that the CCP is sending in
08:44Pretty young Chinese girls in order to compromise our American streamers and American influencers.
08:50And like, they had like all these examples of it of like guys dating Asian girls. Basically
08:55half of the Asian girls, by the way, weren't even Chinese, but does it matter? Like, yeah.
09:00And I was thinking to myself, please let this be true. Please, please, please. I love China.
09:07Yes. Okay guys. Yeah. That's what they want you to think. That's what I want to believe. It's
09:11not what I want to think. Yeah. Yeah. I hope so. Right. Please compromise me. And so anyway,
09:16um, this happened and, uh, it's just, it's just another, in my opinion, it's just another,
09:22it's another flavor of that. It's another flavor of, um, you know, uh, xenophobic generalizing
09:30on people that aren't even like a lot of these people, like these are people like, oh yeah,
09:34I'm Chinese. Yeah. I went there two times for like a week to visit my family. Okay. Yeah. But
09:39the rest of the time you're in America. Uh huh. Yeah. You're mainly American. Let's be honest.
09:44And so anyway, uh, but like, yeah, this totally fucking different. Yep. Exactly. Yeah. A hundred
09:49percent. We've been better off taking that money and, and spending it on scratch tickets and black
09:56Jack. Um, yeah. And this, this insanity has got to stop. And I'm proud of the president and I'm
10:07proud of secretary Rubio, uh, for saying we've had enough. Yeah, bro. These people are wilding
10:13out, man. They really are. And they're violent. That's the problem is that they're violent.
10:17And, uh, that's really what the issue is. And, uh, over half of Columbia university's
10:22enrollment is now foreign students. Over half of Columbia's enrollment is foreign students.
10:27And they're the ones of course, who, who pay full tuition. Yeah. And so of the general studies,
10:33student population, and that raises two questions. One, why is the American taxpayer,
10:37the free press reported that, you know, $400 million in federal grants have been yanked.
10:41Why are American taxpayers paying to educate people who aren't Americans? And two, it raises
10:46this question about immigration and which way the cultural exchange is going. So the other day,
10:51two days ago, I do believe, right, this is Wednesday. So I think on Monday, Harvard froze
10:56hiring. What do you make of that? How do you read that? You know, it's interesting because a lot of
11:01these federal grants go to the hard sciences. So the professors who are supporting the protesters
11:06supporting, um, you know, BDS resolutions saying, you know, screw it to the administration.
11:11They're not the ones who are going to get pinched by the fact that Trump is pulling a grant funding.
11:16So you're going to see a civil war within the universities of the serious researcher saying,
11:21Hey, we just want to do our research. We don't want to get, you know, in this fight with the
11:25administration over this versus the ones who say, no, this is, this is the hill we're going to die
11:29on. Okay. Well, they're going to die on it then. I'll tell you that. I mean, this kind of crazy
11:34fucking political shit, especially like supporting terrorist shit. Yeah. That's fine. And, uh, oh my
11:40fucking God, taxpayer grants, the universities with no billion dollar endowments. Yeah, exactly.
11:45Well, why are we paying? And that's a good question, right? Why are we paying a bunch of
11:48money to educate people that aren't even from our country when people here can't even afford it?
11:52Right. Uh, I think that's definitely true. Demanding Palestinian Columbia university,
11:57Camille, uh, into us funds, Israel. Why are they, what I don't understand is that why are
12:02they protesting at the college? Shouldn't they protest at like a government building? Because
12:06the government, the government or the ones that, that took this guy, Columbia university doesn't
12:12have anything to do with this. Yeah. I mean like maybe that's just me, right. But shouldn't they
12:18go to like, apparently the guy's being held in Louisiana or something like that. Yeah. I don't
12:24know. That would be inconvenient. I see. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. And, uh, man, let's see
12:32if there's any more of this. Cops are all over the place. Oh, Oh, here we go. Yeah. There is
12:37more of this actually. NYPD officers. Oh shit. Let me see if I can find this here. I already
12:44looked at this too. Yeah. And this is an hour ago as well.
13:01Yeah. This is, I think this is a lot of this. The same shit I saw before
13:06peaceful so far. Yeah.
13:07Yeah. I mean, so far I totally support this. I mean, I disagree with it, but I support it.
13:19Does that make sense? Yeah, this is fine. Nothing wrong here.
13:33Yeah. It'll turn violent. Well, when it does, then I'll stop supporting it.
13:38But I don't think it's fair to, uh, while a student walkout was expected inside Columbia
13:42university, according to protest flyers, the campus appears to be quiet. So nobody
13:46walked out of the class. Yeah. Big surprise. I mean, the thing is that
13:53the people that do this are in a lot of cases, like some of these people have been like extremely
13:58violent and like aggressive and like hostile. And most people just want to go to school and deal
14:03with this and just not have to think about it. Right. Like that. Yeah. They gotta, gotta,
14:07gotta go to class. Right. I mean, what the hell is this? So you have people that are being violent
14:12and doing this stuff. Uh, that's it don't support tolerate. Well, I mean, you can call it whatever
14:17you want, but I think that that's my point. So yeah, it looks like the, uh, the student walkout.
14:25Well, they're walking out. Well, they, there is a walkout. They're walking out from one class,
14:29probably to another class. So, I mean, yeah, that no, it makes sense. Right. Sure. There's a lot of
14:35walking. Yeah. I guess that's what's happening. There's a lot of reports that find out a bunch
14:40of the student protesters weren't even students. Well, you could, I could have told you that
14:45easily. I could have told you that because the reason, and here's the reason why it's because
14:50the student protesters, like, for example, I remember there were interviews with some of
14:54these protesters and they asked like, you know, what do you think about these topics? And these
14:58people didn't know anything about them at all. So that's really what it is. Yeah. They had no
15:03idea what the hell they were talking about to begin with. And they're just sitting up there,
15:07starting trouble being mad because that's what they like to do. That's really the reason that's
15:12mainly it. Yeah. It's actually that simple. Shocker. Yeah. I know, man. Y'all didn't even go to college.
15:17Shut the fuck up. I mean, I don't think you need to go to college to have an opinion on this,
15:22right? I mean, do you? And so this is the police here. So. So they're ready. They raid prep for
15:34this, which I mean, it makes sense, right? Because they had to deal with this shit last year.
15:41Yeah. Yeah. Big surprise. Yeah. They already dealt with this last year. They're not letting
15:46this thing happen again. Absolutely. Yeah. This it makes sense. Yeah. They're getting out of it.
15:52Yeah. It's smart. Now, let me see if I can find another one. I've got no problem with people
16:00protesting and like doing it legally, but you have like people that are violent or anything like that.
16:05You know, if this because the thing is like, there's a chance that like, you know, 9 p.m.
16:09tonight or like, you know, 11 p.m. tonight, you could have these people turn up and start trouble.
16:14But right now, it seems like that's not happening. But yeah, Columbia is kicking a lot of the people
16:19out that started the trouble. And I think that's a great thing. It really is. And it's I'm very glad
16:26finally, we're starting to see because like, I saw a tweet that I agreed with. And this is
16:31the thing. Let me see if I can find it. Yeah. Conservative reporters are getting murderous
16:36trades. Journalists are getting swatted. Figures are getting death threats, assassination threats.
16:40DOJ needs to do something about the extreme uptick and domestic leftist terrorism. I think I think
16:44this is true. And there's been a lot of likes just yeah, it's straight up fucking terrorism.
16:49And you got to stop these people and hold them accountable. Lives of TikTok.
16:53Well, I understand it's a biased source, but I agree with what they're saying here. I do.
16:56And I think that especially like the burning down Teslas and shit like that,
17:00that's crazy. Like who does that? Really? Who the fuck does that? That's crazy.