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AVOONGERS MERCH ๐Ÿ•ธ๐Ÿ‘•: https://shop.laughoverlife.com/

The Avoongers begin the Star Wars - Against Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker, in a fight for the holocron. Watch the epic battle between kylo ren and spooderman (and his avoonger friends!). There will be lightsabers, shields, and hammers used in this epic battle for the fate of the city. Who will win? Who will lose? Is Kylo a simp for Rey? Watch and learn!

๐ŸŽต Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
What I've Done (Instrumental) by Linkin Park, https://lickd.lnk.to/6Md9xxID License ID: GVMj82eNwYB
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/c45ab2eb68db4c70ada412161a4e01e9

๐ŸŽต Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Figure.09 by Linkin Park, https://lickd.lnk.to/7iF6ssID License ID: Rab9aDdlb4V
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: https://app.lickd.co/r/c45ab2eb68db4c70ada412161a4e01e9
00:00Try doing it again!
00:04Try doing it faster!
00:11Oh my gosh, it's the sequels!
00:13I'll show you a sequel!
00:15What'd she say?
00:16I don't know, I don't speak British.
00:18Give me the holocron, and no one gets hurt.
00:20Ha ha, finders keepers, losers are... I don't know what the rest...
00:24How dare you mock me!
00:27I'll go first! I'll throw a ball!
00:46Oh no, they're coming back!
00:49Give me back the holocron!
00:51I don't want you!
01:01Jarvis, disable LGT.
01:06More to the left!
01:08They're on their left!
01:12Huh? Why?
01:16Take that!
01:18Stop doing that!
01:22Try doing it faster!
01:24She's over there!
01:25Make them all pause!
01:34Cut it out!
01:39Aw, shoot.
01:40It's not over. I always bring backup.
01:51Aw, sweet.
02:00Aw, man.
02:01Are you kidding me?
02:02This walk is gonna take too long.
02:04My friends need us now.
02:06Who says we need to walk?
02:18What the heck, guys? You wanna freaking go?
02:21Hey, let's beat them up!
02:22Okay, show them your glowy sword.
02:25Steward wars?
02:27What were the odds of this?
02:35You're gonna have to go through me.
02:37I will, gladly.
02:51I can't do this all day!
03:01What in the dark side is this?
03:08No, I'm Iron Man.
03:16That was so easy I almost feel bad.
03:22Check this out.
03:25That lightsaber's compensating for something, right?
03:41Aw, come on!
03:44Come on, I put up!
03:45Put up!
03:55Not even a scratch.
03:57Just a couple bullet holes.
04:03Where'd it go?
04:21Stop this car!
04:22Not a chance.
04:25Oh my gosh, this is Mark Hamill.
04:28I'm not letting you get away with that holocron, Ben!
04:35This is so cool!
04:52What are you going to do with that holocron?
04:54I'm gonna use it to change my ending.
05:00Do something quick!
05:05Not like that!
05:13Aw, shoot!
05:30Looks like I won after all.
05:33No you didn't!
05:34I'm right in front of her, aren't I?
05:36This is it.
05:37You have nowhere left to go.
05:38But I haven't saved the day yet.
05:41Look around.
05:42You've destroyed the whole city.
05:44There's nothing left to save.
05:46Aw, man.
05:48I didn't even need this much power to defeat you.
05:54You've done this to yourself.
06:00This is where the fun begins.
06:11Aw, man.
06:12Aw, this sucks.
06:15Ben, what is this?
06:17And a future.
06:18I thought you said we were doing this together.
06:21Don't get ahead of yourself.
06:22You'll have your time.
06:27On your left, booty!
06:29Oh, your other left!
06:32Oh, uh, no!
06:33You had it right the first time!
06:34Oh, right.
06:38Why'd I tell ya?
06:40Looks like we got ourselves into a...
06:42...sticky situation.
06:44No, did he?
06:45Oh, shit.
06:47Jarvis, clip that.
06:49Aw, sweet.
06:50It's like endgame.
06:55This is a joke, right?
06:56They don't think they can actually stop me.
07:17I think we should make a...
07:21It was supposed to come back!
07:24Jarvis, pinball.
07:26Aw, sweet.
07:27A lightsaber.
07:30Aw, shoot!
07:39You'll always be my fear!
07:41I can't suffer it!
07:43Myself, I'm what I'm not!
07:45Giving up on what I'm not!
07:48I've let myself become...
07:53Aw, shoot!
08:04What? Where's the holocron?
08:06Looking for this?
08:09Take this!
08:14Where the heck did it go?
08:18What the heck is this?
08:21Jarvis, lock onto him.
08:24Spoonie, I already had this under control.
08:27Sorry, Mr. Stork.
08:35Dude, sorry.
08:37It's okay.
08:38I regenerate.
08:42You call yourselves heroes,
08:45yet all you do is destroy.
08:47You just want this power,
08:49so that others can't have it.
08:51But I need it to rewrite my ending.
08:54It regenerated to your cloth.
08:56There is no difference between us.
09:06Mr. Strange, you did it.
09:09That wasn't me.
09:10Actually, the difference is worth battle.
09:15What he means is we all use our powers for the greater good.
09:19Just shut up and give it to me.
09:22One more step and he does what he does best.
09:24Why are you doing this?
09:28We don't have to do this to change our future.
09:30We have each other.
09:31You know, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
09:36Get these guys a room, am I right?
09:43What is this place?
09:46Another chance.
09:50Maybe we're not able to protect the city.
09:54Maybe we're not even able to save the day.
09:59But you know what?
10:01When the good guys lose and the bad guys win,
10:06we're able to avenge it.
10:20Mr. Strange, did we need that?
10:25This is the only part we needed.
10:31THE END
