00:00What do you want to know?
00:11The last time you saw Zap, I was at the Bistro that night, right?
00:15Coach! Coach! This is all your doing, right?
00:17How did this happen to you?
00:19You left me the other day. I know it's you, that's why I hid it.
00:23How are you sure that Zap was murdered? And it's not an accident?
00:27The killer's plan worked.
00:30He hid the victim's lighter.
00:33They found out what the fire trigger was.
00:37Coach's lighter.
00:38What's that?
00:39On the night of Zap's murder, okay?
00:41Zap was talking to someone.
00:44He was asking someone to fix it.
00:46He was asking the incense holder to fix it.
00:48Who was it?
00:49It was Eman!
00:50Do you know this lighter?
00:52Before Coach died, he gave me that lighter.
00:55He told me to change the lighter fluid because it ran out.
00:58What did you do?
00:59He said I needed a small screwdriver to open it.
01:02Who told you?
01:03Our cook.
01:09I told you, right?
01:11Yes, I'm going home.
01:13My mission here is done.
01:16What's his mission?
01:19Sister, what's that?
01:20I don't know.
01:23Okay, I'll call you later.
01:45Are you spying on Sugar?
01:50I just wanted to talk to her.
01:52To settle her issue.
01:53But nothing.
01:55Looks like she's busy.
01:56She's talking on the phone.
02:00Be careful.
02:02That's what I'll buy for myself before I go to Manila.
02:07Don't trust, don't be a traitor, and don't give up easily.
02:11Because every move, move, or what I say can be used against me.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
03:09So Sugar taught you how to do that?
03:13But I lost that lighter.
03:16How did you lose it?
03:17After we talked, I left.
03:21They took the lighter from the table,
03:23then I bought the small screwdriver that he was talking about.
03:27And then?
03:29When I came back, the lighter was gone from the table.
03:32I asked him, he said he didn't see it.
03:36He didn't get it.
03:38When I opened it, it was empty.
03:47I'm sorry.
03:54Brother, I've paid my debt to you.
03:58We're even now.
04:00Coach is gone.
04:02He's in hell.
04:04Where he belongs.
04:06You'll be quiet.
04:08And I'll go back to my old life.
04:19You're welcome.
04:23Are you leaving?
04:34Is the video okay?
04:43Let's eat.
04:45It's hot.
04:48Get Eman first.
04:50We can't keep him here for long.
04:52We don't have a case.
04:54We have a witness, right?
04:56The CCTV footage.
04:58I'm not convinced yet.
05:00The evidence is not enough to prove that he did everything.
05:03The placement of the accelerant.
05:05The tampering of the lighter.
05:07And there's one more thing he's saying.
05:11Someone took the lighter from him.
05:14Think about it.
05:17Ah, the CCTV footage.
05:21That's where we'll know who took the lighter.
05:25You're so smart.
05:26I know the answer.
05:28So just relax there.
05:30I'll take care of it.
05:32I'm just going to visit my mom.
05:34They said they miss me.
05:36How's that?
05:37Isn't Zach's funeral tomorrow?
05:39I'll go there.
05:41But of course,
05:42it's better if you're there, right?
05:44Liv needs support.
05:46She got it from you, her friends.
05:49That's why I came here.
05:50I wanted to show you this.
05:53I'm going to give this to Liv.
05:55I'm going to give her a gift.
05:57She even invited me there.
06:00They're just a squad.
06:02I'm just a cat.
06:06Friendship is not like a gym, okay?
06:08You need a membership.
06:11It's not like that.
06:13Sometimes in life,
06:15you need to force yourself.
06:18That's what I learned
06:19when I was replaced by Liv's father.
06:24I didn't fight.
06:26I just stayed quiet.
06:28Are you guys blaming each other?
06:35But what I learned there,
06:38since then,
06:41I didn't let Liv and I get aggravated.
06:45I'll be the one to hurt them
06:47before they hurt us.
06:57What exactly are you looking for?
07:00I want to confirm if what Eman told me earlier is true.
07:03Check the CCTVs, Fai.
07:05Look at the gym.
07:06And look at the kitchen.
07:14Zoom in.
07:19This is Zack Zamora's lighter.
07:22He left the lighter.
07:34Open it.
07:36Oh, the chef made the lighter.
07:39He's the one who made it.
07:41Oh, the chef made the lighter.
07:49The question is,
07:50did Sir Lim tamper with the lighter?
07:53And if he really killed Zack.
08:06Sugar Alvarez.
08:0825 years old.
08:12He studied culinary in Pampanga.
08:15He worked abroad.
08:18But he went home right away.
08:20It didn't take long.
08:22And he hasn't been employed by Zack for a month.
08:34Criminal record?
08:38No. According to the NBI.
08:41What else do we know about him?
08:44Does he have a boyfriend?
08:46Where are his parents?
08:47How many siblings does he have?
08:49His parents are in the province.
08:51His youngest sibling,
08:54Francisco, is just 19 years old.
08:56And his older brother,
09:00he just died.
09:04Yes, Byron Alvarez.
09:06He just died.
09:07Actually, he's been dead for less than a month.
09:08This is probably the reason
09:10why Sugar didn't finish his contract abroad.
09:14What about the list of people in the gym?
09:17Eman told me something.
09:19His fellow trainee died.
09:20He also has a name.
09:22This is probably just one person.
09:25If Sugar's brother is the one who died in the gym,
09:29then it's possible that Sugar blames
09:32Zack for his brother's death.
09:36And that's her motive.
09:38That's her motive.
09:40And that's my theory.
09:45Good day.
09:52Do you have alcohol?
09:53Sir, we don't.
09:55You don't have an account?
10:09A lot's been said about Zack lately.
10:13Do you know what?
10:15The fact that you're all here,
10:17well, it's a testament that,
10:20that he was a good person.
10:23My son was a good person.
10:25He was a good boy.
10:26He was a,
10:27wasn't he?
10:28Wasn't he?
10:29Wasn't he a good boy?
10:30Wasn't he a good boy?
10:31Wasn't he a good boy?
10:33Wasn't he a good boy?
10:35Wasn't he a good boy?
10:36Wasn't he? Wasn't he?
10:37Wasn't he a good boy?
10:39Aren't you his friends?
10:41No one wants to say anything?
10:45Answer me!
10:48Wasn't he a good son?
10:52What do you want?
10:55Nothing to say?
10:57Wasn't he a good person?
10:59Wasn't he a good person?
11:12I don't know.
11:22It's a long time ago.
11:23Very old.
11:36Sugar again?
11:38No, I'm gonna go to the restroom.
12:05Are you going to follow me?
12:12I need to know what you're hiding.
12:15I heard you last night.
12:17Is your mission over?
12:20What mission?
12:23And who are you talking to?
12:25Who are you talking to?
12:27Who are you talking to?
12:29Who are you talking to?
12:31Who are you talking to?
12:33Who are you talking to?
12:36My mom.
12:38She knows what I'm hiding from Eman.
12:42I just told her that my mission is over.
12:45Because I told the inspector the truth.
12:47So what are you doing here?
12:49I called my mom.
12:50You're such a liar, Sugar.
12:52Call my mom so she can believe you.
12:54Mom, don't be necessary.
12:56You know what?
12:58Why is your blood so hot to me?
13:00To me,
13:02everything I do,
13:04you think it's bad.
13:06Because Zack is dead.
13:10Naturally, I'll be protective of myself,
13:12my family,
13:13and especially my friends
13:15from bad characters like you.
13:17I'm not your enemy.
13:20I'm your friend.
13:24If you don't want to be my friend,
13:26I won't force you.
13:27It's fine.
13:28But don't take Liv and Yana away from me.
13:31I want them to be friends.
13:34You barely know them.
13:35Excuse me.
13:37Because it's fun
13:38to have
13:40female friends.
14:13Why are they here?
14:19We reported it to them.
14:21We think that Emma is the one who did this to you.
14:25Who's we?
14:27Me and Sugar.
14:29Excuse me.
14:30I'll just ask my son.
14:33Liv, son.
14:37The woman you're always with,
14:40is she your friend?
14:43You won't understand.
14:46I grew up with only men in the house.
14:49Except for my mom.
14:51I don't have any other female friends.
14:54All of my classmates
14:55call me
15:00They call me Dapper.
15:05We brought Sugar Alvarez.
15:08We just want to ask her something.
15:11About what, Inspector?
15:14Do you have any follow-up questions for her?
15:17That's when I had a true friend.
15:20A woman.
15:21It's nice to feel that.
15:27The understanding of
15:30what you're going through.
15:34that's pathetic.
15:37And sad.
15:42I can't imagine my life without my friends.
15:46You can't talk to anyone.
15:48You can't run.
15:49If I lose
15:51my friends,
15:52Liv or Yana,
15:55I feel like I...
15:57I'd lose a part of myself.
16:01It's better if Ms. Alvarez and I talk.
16:05Wasn't she here earlier?
16:07Is she in trouble?
16:10Where is Ms. Alvarez?
16:15She went out.
16:16She took a phone call.
16:17She went out.
16:18Give me that.
16:19She took a phone call.
16:48Ms. Alvarez.
16:50Come with us to the precinct.
16:54Is this connected to the case?
16:56What's going on?
16:59Excuse me, what's going on?
17:00Just come with us so there won't be any trouble.
17:02Liv, help me.
17:03Can I?
17:04Come on.
17:05Yana, can I?
17:06Ms. Alvarez.
17:07I don't need to come with you.
17:08Just come with us.
17:09Hey, help me.
17:10Help me.
17:12Please, please.
17:13Hey, Liv.
17:14Come with me, please.
17:15Come back.
17:16We need to talk.
17:17Help me.
17:18Just come with me.
17:22Come on.
17:24Come on.
17:25Come on, Ms. Alvarez.
17:30Hey, come with me.
17:31Help me.
17:45I've seen you with that woman before.
17:48Is she your friend?
17:50Sort of.
17:51But no.
17:52Well, we met her through Liv.
17:56She's a boarder of Tita Leona.
17:59Why am I not surprised that Leona has an affair with a killer?
18:03That's why you need to be careful with the people around you.
18:06Sometimes, killers just go around you.
18:10Haven't you finished talking to the police?
18:12Haven't you investigated everything?
18:15What will they do to you?
18:19That's what you're asking for.
18:22Maybe they discovered something new.
18:25That's why.
18:27Maybe they discovered something new.
18:30That's why.
18:47That chair is like new.
18:53Why did you call me?
18:55I already answered your question,
18:56I've answered all your questions about Eman.
19:00We've talked to her.
19:02She admitted it.
19:05She said the victim bought the lighter from her.
19:08But it's gone.
19:10Someone took it.
19:13You took it.
19:15Do you remember or not?
19:19I'll remind you.
19:26But Eman asked you, you said you didn't take it.
19:44Maybe it just disappeared in my mind.
19:49Is this the reason why you called me?
19:52Because I took the lighter?
19:54Of course.
19:56You took the lighter from the owner, right?
20:00We got the CCTV footage of the day the victim died.
20:04You're the one who gave it back to her.
20:10Did you notice anything different about the lighter you gave me?
20:14Before I answer, I'll just remind you.
20:18Everything you say here can be used against you.
20:23I don't remember anything.
20:25All I know is that I gave the lighter back to the owner.
20:28I just gave it back to Coach Zach.
20:32Is it a crime to give something back to the owner?
20:36Why did you go to Zach Zamora's bistro?
20:40Out of all the jobs in the province,
20:43why did you go to Manila?
20:45Why did you go to Zach Zamora's bistro?
21:00Is it because of him?
21:06Coming here is such a bad idea.
21:09What if Sugar is the suspect in Zach's murder?
21:13He's your boyfriend, Liz.
21:18Sugar is not proven guilty until the court says so, okay?
21:21He's just a person of interest.
21:23Patero, patara, whatever.
21:26Suspect or person of interest.
21:28The point is, we need to be careful with Sugar.
21:33There can't be more of us.
21:36That's why we're here.
21:37To find out why he was invited by the police for questioning.
21:41Let's find out the truth first before we start accusing Sugar.
21:49You know him, right?
21:53He's your brother, right?
21:55He died in an accident at the gym.
21:59Are you going to blame Zach for his death?
22:01Answer me!
22:04Is that why you can get a lot of jobs
22:07at Zach Zamora's bistro?
22:09What for?
22:11To get to know him?
22:13To plan his murder?
22:16To plan his murder?
22:19To make him look good?
22:21Did you kill Zach Zamora?
22:22I didn't kill Zach!
22:24But I'd be happy if he's gone.
22:38Once you're interrogated,
22:40everything you say can be used for you or against you.
23:03We choose our friends not based on their family.
23:07We choose friends because they feel like family.
23:14The only thing that's due
23:16is that woman's punishment.
23:17Do you understand?
23:18We want to know the truth.