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00:00Hello guys, okay before this vlog gets started
00:02I just wanted to say I did post this one out of order with the last one because I was waiting to post this one
00:07Until the RV video went up on the patreon
00:10So if you guys want to see the whole video that we filmed this was obviously like behind the scenes
00:14But if you want to see the whole video, it's over on our patreon. The link is in the description
00:17It's slash basically unfiltered. Cal actually just texted me that it was his favorite video that we've done so far
00:23He said it was like super fun almost like reality show ish
00:26But also just like a fun like follow me around kind of vlog if you really got to like hang out with us
00:31So I love that so much if you guys want to check it out, it'll be linked down below
00:33I hope you guys enjoyed this. Don't worry. All the next vlogs are gonna be in order with that being said
00:38I hope you guys enjoy this vlog and then also I hope that you enjoy all of the Asia vlogs that are coming at you
00:43Very soon. I also wanted to flag towards the end of this vlog. The audio got a little weird
00:47I put the mic on a different setting because it was raining. So apologies for that
00:50But I hope you guys enjoy it regardless. It was such a fun one and I will see you guys in the next one
01:17Hello guys, welcome to the vlog it is Monday. Good morning. Hold on. Let me prop you up here
01:24I'm gonna make my coffee. My voice is kind of leaving me currently
01:27I feel like I need to find my little Grether's pastels. I definitely have some of the studio. Hold on. Let me clean this
01:32I don't think I'm sick
01:34If you guys have been watching the vlogs and you know that Cal has been sick and I've been
01:38Trying my best to not get sick. I've been taking care of myself. I've been trying to sleep a lot drink water
01:43I've been taking wellness shots all the things I will say I'm lacking a bit of a voice this morning
01:48But I don't think it's because I'm sick fingers crossed
01:51I think it's because I've been talking so much and obviously probably shouldn't be vlogging right now, but I can't be stopped
01:58I love vlogging so much. Hold on. I'm making my coffee. Also, if you guys know me, I have constant allergies
02:03So I'm just constantly like a little stuffy. Hopefully it's nothing more than talking and allergies, but making my coffee
02:10We're gonna run out the door in a couple minutes
02:12But yes
02:13My voice has left me a bit because I have literally not stopped talking for the past
02:17I mean 30 years to be honest, but especially this past week if you guys missed the last vlog
02:23I talked about how Alicia and I with our moms and her sister ash
02:27Obviously you guys know ash are going on a trip to Asia, which we're so excited about
02:31I cannot wait
02:33obviously before we leave we have a lot of work stuff that we need to get done and when I tell you guys that like
02:37Every single day for the past like two weeks into the next coming week
02:41I have not had like pretty much any free time
02:43But I would not change it any other way just in the past couple days recording podcast wise
02:48We recorded an episode with Bretman on Saturday yesterday was Sunday. We recorded two episodes of BU yesterday today
02:55We're gonna do two episodes of PB tomorrow morning
02:58We're doing an episode of BU and then we're going on an RV trip for the patreon
03:02Which I'm really excited about because I low-key scammed a little bit
03:06I'll tell you guys that later but like I am truly so excited and then when we come back
03:10We have to do another episode on Thursday Friday
03:13I'm doing episode of cooking with Remy and then oh don't mind. Oh, I don't know if you saw them behind me
03:17Oh my god, it looks so amazing. The tree cutters are here and they're doing a fantastic job
03:21We have this giant oak tree in the backyard and also just all these like ficus trees around the house
03:26So twice a year we have to get them maintained so they don't hit like power lines and they don't grow too much into the neighbors
03:32Yards and things like that. So if you see men carrying branches behind me, that's what's happening
03:37Yes, Friday is cooking with Remy Saturday is a meetup at the Grove and then Sunday
03:42We leave for Asia. So it's just been like a lot but it's been so amazing
03:47I'm so grateful to have such a full schedule, but also need to be healthy
03:51So with that being said I'm heading over to the studio right now
03:53This is my outfit of the day that I'm very excited about. I thought it was super cute. I'm wearing this little top
03:59It's a corset from house of CV. Hopefully I don't regret wearing this when I'm sitting there recording
04:05But for now it works. I wonder if I have brothers right here. I need to do something about this voice
04:09I don't I definitely I'm at the studio. Okay, my skirt is actually I don't know the brand but I got for my stylist Parker
04:16She got it for me and it's so cute. I actually got it like tailored to fit me perfectly
04:20I was gonna wear it for a recent shoot and I didn't but I was like I got it tailored
04:24So I want to keep it. It's just like this cute little pleated cream skirt
04:27My shoes are these little cream boots little knee-high boots that are from I think they're Vince Camuto
04:33I'm pretty sure they've got this cute little like braided top right here
04:36And then my little bolero is from Aloe
04:38So this is my first outfit for the first episode that we're doing with Mariah and Heath on PV
04:44Which is gonna be so good, but I'm gonna make my little coffee. We're gonna hit the road
04:48Also, Momo and Daisy got their teeth clean this morning
04:51So they're currently at the vet which I can't think about too much because when they get their teeth clean
04:56They obviously go under anesthesia and that just like freaks me out a little bit
04:59So I'm trying not to think about it, but I'm telling myself they're gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay
05:03But they got dropped off super early this morning
05:07Come here, sweetie. I hear you. Come here my love. Come here my love. Oh my gosh
05:13You're such a sweet miss
05:14Looney is here because that's a story for another day another stressful thing that I will get into but long story short
05:22She didn't qualify to get her teeth cleaned at the same time because there is a possible health complication going on right now
05:28So again, I'm trying to stay positive
05:30But for now, Looney is an only child today and I'm gonna be honest. She's pretty sad
05:34Obviously, she's used to having her sisters all the time. So I'm gonna bring miss loons to the pretty basic studio with us today
05:40Yes, otherwise, she'll just be here and sad and she's got so much energy so much energy
05:45I'm gonna bring her with me to the studio. I need to make this coffee
05:48Oh my god, also so many of you have tagged me that Chobani is coming out with a confetti birthday cake creamer
05:54We will be finding that absolutely, but I'm gonna make my coffee. Let's hit the road. Look who's here
06:00Oh my god, we have so much energy now. Oh
06:02She wants my coffee. Yes, Looney down. Good girl. Looney down. Good girl. Look who's gonna be on the pod today
06:10Five days in a row miss Mariah's here. She's looking gorg. Hey girl
06:15Our big episode
06:18Yes, thank you. I need my Grether's. I see them. Can I have that tin chicky? Yeah. Ah, yes
06:25All the do's and don'ts and must-haves for your way I'm excited to learn today there's much to be learned
06:38You guys I just have to say also already he the Mariah text account I like oh we could go up like they got back
06:43For the wedding touchdown. I'm like, let's go to dinner. We'll tell you guys everything you need to know. We love it
06:48Not gatekeepers. Good
06:54Hello guys, I am home from a wonderful recording day
06:59My voice is still a little scratchy, but honestly like not too shabby. Look who's home
07:05Well, first off look who did the best job ever at the studio today
07:08She sat and clonked out for both episodes. It's cheese tax time. I'll give some to our little girl
07:14Yeah, miss mama give some to our brave our brave soldier our brave soldier
07:21Yay, cheese tax cheese tax. Oh, we got to give some to momers, too
07:25I just get oh, I just did a little more for Daisy me. Our sweet girls are home from their teeth cleaning
07:31Oh mom. Oh, there we go. Baby. You enjoy that here. You can lick my hand. All right, everybody's home
07:37We're all so good. Here's dinner you guys
07:39I'm having a chicken burger
07:41which I brought this to the studio yesterday to eat or to Alicia's house to eat between episodes and I didn't get to it and
07:47I have been looking forward to this then that means for like actually
07:51Two days we have here a chicken burger and sweet potato fries
07:55I was just waiting for me to eat it and we have fresh lettuce from the garden
07:59He also sliced and put on fresh tomato and fresh onion. Wow. How good does that look? Here we go. Oh
08:10Mmm, how's your Sammy? I don't know what I'm eating, but it's good
08:13It's like spicy and kind of has like a curry flavor to it
08:17We're now gonna eat and chit-chat about our day and then watch White Lotus. Yay. Bye. Hello everybody
08:23It's the next day voice is still kind of gone, but I'm feeling good
08:27I am gonna take this lovely immunity shot that miss Alicia Marie got me. It is an immunity boost elderberry ginger and turmeric
08:35I did take a normal turmeric one this morning, but elderberry should also be helpful. So let's take her. Oh
08:41I did supply the snacks for the RV and I am excited to show Keith who's sitting behind the camera
08:48I'm coming. Are you ready pizza cupcake? Oh, wait, what is this? It's a cupcake. I think it was on shark tank
08:54I also got you your pizza roll because he did say he wanted Totino's pizza roll
08:57So there's something about pizza rolls in a family RV
09:02Just in the smell on a paper
09:08Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself
09:10We got on crustables. We got the grape flavor and the strawberry. I had one for breakfast
09:16Looks like somebody got into it already. It was really good. We also got some mac and cheese cups. This was a la your wedding
09:22They did sell these in the gift shop. Yes, it reminded me how good a craft mac and cheese in general is
09:27They hit sometimes where you know, it just brings you back, you know
09:31It does it's a perfect little snack. I got some salt and vinegar chips. Do you like those too?
09:37I love a Ritz chip. These are
09:42Unbelievable the crispity crunch
09:44Crispity crunch the light butteriness. I'm the exact same way. Okay, then I got movie theater butter popcorn
09:51Obviously good for the RV and then I got these with you and Dan in mind
09:55These are new chips of white baked bites. They're blondie bites. I don't know what it is
10:00We should probably taste
10:04Just to make sure it's worth just make sure it's so true. Should we try now?
10:07Yeah, I know. Yep. Oh, you brought more a movie
10:12Good size package too. You don't want to overdo it. I love it. I like that color blue. Oh my god
10:18I like cookie dough bites. Oh my god. It looks like astronaut food
10:25It's cookie dough I like that. Mmm, I like that a lot that
10:30Blondie, right? Oh, that's a good texture. It's like a
10:34compact version of a chewy chips of white
10:38Like if you were to like smoosh it into like a little square that air is compressed out. You're so right
10:43Mm-hmm. It's actually very satisfying to eat really good texture. I like that a lot. I like that more than a cookie itself
10:49I think me too. Oh my god. All right. Try these out one more. I have the rest
10:54Okay, guys, so for part of this video we are dressing up like tourists like we're in the Miller's tour
11:00And I was very much inspired by Catherine Han's character in that
11:04So I've got my suitcase here and I'm about to change and look at everyone's reaction to my outfit
11:09Not looking forward to wearing this
11:11All right. Here we go. Let's start with this. This is what I'm really not looking forward to
11:16I mean just my my body type does not look good in a short of this length. Oh
11:24So annoying like so no, I don't know they're gonna fit here I go
11:30Hold on
11:32Unfortunately, they fit like a glove
11:36Okay, actually wait kind of more comfortable than I thought doing absolutely nothing for the butt
11:42Honestly, I think I was wrong obviously for the shirt. It's also so cold today
11:48So I'm like freezing but here's the shirt. Oh my god. It's so good. Okay, we're getting somewhere
11:53I'm keeping my little tank top on underneath tucking it in. I will say also I think this is like a golf shirt
12:00It's got like UV protection built in pretty good. I feel like I could do my hair and like braids. Oh my god
12:06This looks really crazy. I could do braids. I feel like I should I think it'll really take the look to the next level
12:13I got my socks and my new balances on. Okay, honestly pretty comfortable length of short
12:19All right. Now we need the accessories to really take it over the top
12:28Sound of the velcro absolutely. Okay the finishing touch
12:39Let's rock and roll baby sport mode ab-solutely
12:48Let's do it who's ready to rock and roll
13:04I gotta see the whole
13:14Okay, so story time as to how I scam a road trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium you guys so we did a patreon
13:22Also, sorry if it's loud. We're literally on the road right now. This is actually so cool
13:25This is as this is as close as I'm getting to Remy getting on a tour bus as the hours go on
13:30We've been here for 10 minutes
13:32As the minutes go on I'm more into it. Sorry. It's a little bumpy
13:36We're currently on the 101 freeway, but we did a patreon
13:39competition last year and we have people submit their ideas for videos for us to do in
13:44The next coming year this year
13:46One of the winners was a comment that said that we should go to the aquarium
13:50Which if you live in Southern California, you know that I love the aquarium of the Pacific which is in Long Beach
13:55But I've been there a hundred times. I've never been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and I've always wanted to so I said wait
14:00Why don't we do a road trip make the video extra fun and go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium because it is supposed to be
14:06Significantly bigger. It's like one of the best
14:08I think it is the best aquarium on the west coast or like on the western side of the states
14:13The Georgia Aquarium is the better one on the right side
14:16With all that being said we then came up with the idea to take an RV up to
14:21Monterey and we're gonna go to the aquarium and I'm really excited because again
14:25I wanted to go my whole life and I'm finally going I've talked to Alicia's mom a hundred times about going and we're going
14:30Today the last time I went to an aquarium, I think I was like
14:34Years, I love an aquarium, I'm really excited and in case you did not know finding Dory was based on the Monterey Bay Aquarium
14:40It's a truly one of the best in the world. So glad we're getting such good content out of it
14:44It's so glad I get to go to the aquarium. Can't wait. Are you excited for the aquarium babe? I'm so excited
14:51Can't wait. He's my aquarium buddy. I've made you an aquarium fan now. Also noting we have a five hour and 55 minute drive ahead of us
14:57Let's go
14:58We're also not doing the aquarium till tomorrow. Okay. Bye. Hello everybody. We made our first stop
15:03We are in Solvang which if you guys remember Cal and I came here for our trip with the knot
15:09Everybody looks amazing. It's a little Danish town. We're gonna get some food. The weather is lovely
15:15The Sun is so nice. Cute little stop along our way. Let's go show the George's I did the George's so many times
15:26Look how cute it is. I think actually I think this is literally where Cal and I had dinner
15:31So Jason when he planned the trip, he did a whole dinner right inside of there and in like in between the hotel here
15:37So kill you the lands me Cal. This is where we had dinner. Remember he set up the dinner there
15:42So cute. We send him a photo you guys look at this cute little town
15:46There's an assy on TV store over there losing my mind have to go there. Oh, no
15:52I've seen on TV
15:56You guys Oh
15:59Vintage vintage. Oh
16:04Wait, this is exactly what I wanted to see today. Where is the NutriBullet?
16:11Oh my god dream like star belly, what do you still like for your costume?
16:18Your goat costume. Oh
16:20Where is it right here? I don't see it
16:24Right. Oh right here. Okay, we're getting lunch. Oh my god. They have a freshly baked apple fritter. Oh, I'm getting that
16:30I'm getting that Cal. Okay, we made it to the sausage garden. There we go
16:34You guys look at all the choices of sauces here so many options and all the fixings. It's like Costco
16:41Do you see this if you know me, I love anything cranberry. I got cranberry honey mustard and stone ground
16:47I'm gonna do a little cider taste test
16:49Okay, I'm sorry. I'm done. Oh my god. Yum. Oh
16:53It was flavor. That's so hairy buns. Fuck. I can't wait
16:59Wow, that's a lot of sausages Alicia, you know, she can handle it guys. Look at this pretzel. That was crazy
17:06I'm gonna share with everybody. Whoa
17:08Who wants an onion ring? We gotta we gotta share these. Oh, I do want to try one. Oh
17:12That was a good crunch. Wow. Oh
17:16No way onion rings anyway, I don't like onion rings, but I feel like I have to try this. No, it's really good the salt
17:26Yeah, I had chicken apple sausage Wow Wow a little relish
17:37I'm sorry. My sausage squirted at you. Okay, we got the
17:45Oh my god
17:48Guys that sausage was
17:50Delicious now we're getting dessert. Oh
17:56Now we're going to my favorite dessert place in the world the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
18:01Which they don't have any in LA actually they have one that's at the outlet mall, but it's super far
18:06So anytime I see one we go shut up. Oh
18:09Pistachio chocolate bar made here. We don't need it. We've had the real
18:19My god Oh red velvet bear
18:29Dips nutter butters wait a minute cheesecake time
18:37He was ready for it, oh my god, are you getting truffles?
18:40Yeah, the ones that I've tried the birthday cake ones are really good. I got the dark chocolate cupcake truffle. Oh, yeah
18:47You can't go wrong. Honestly, the espresso truffle for you. Sure. We'll do the espresso truffle one espresso truffle
18:54The birthday cake one is really good. Oh, they just got those in the guava passion. I love guava. All right, we'll do one
19:11That's that post-wedding diet right there I've been out of control I've had
19:26Hello guys, it is the next morning. Oh my goodness. It's raining outside. Good morning, baby
19:33It looks so beautiful. Okay, so we've made it up to Monterey. We got here like 9 30 p.m
19:37Or so it was pitch black outside
19:39We stayed at a hotel tonight because this hotel is like walking distance to the aquarium
19:44It is raining today, but you guys know how I feel about the rain
19:47I feel like recharged and rejuvenated just watching it right now. Wow. Look at how pretty it is
19:53I've never been to Monterey before my hair looks a little crazy today. Do not mind it
19:57I mean, it's raining outside anyway, so it doesn't really matter but I'm so excited to be here
20:01It's been such a dream to come here and everybody's so excited
20:04It's just gonna be such a fun time. But oh I need to catch you guys up yesterday on the bus
20:09I pretty much slept the entire like six hour drive
20:12Like I got up obviously for the activities that we did when we went to Solvang other than that
20:16I slept so much and then I was nervous that when I got here
20:19I wasn't gonna be able to sleep but I slept a full like nine hours last night at the hotel, too
20:23As you guys know, I feel like my body's been really trying to fight not getting sick
20:27My voice does sound better today. And I think my body just really needed to sleep
20:31I have not been sleeping super well lately to be honest
20:33I haven't been sleeping lately at home for the first time in what feels like a month maybe maybe even longer
20:39I've had like a really good night of sleep and I realized this morning
20:43I think it partially has to do with the fact or honestly like I think it mostly has to do with the fact that Cal and
20:47I spent the night together in the hotel as we know Cal's foot has been broken for how long has been now?
20:53Oh about a month and a half a month and a half. Wait, really?
20:56Yeah a month and a half so we haven't slept in the same room in a month and a half because
21:02Cal's been sleeping on the couch and I've been sleeping upstairs because you can tell them why well first off I need a special like
21:09Sleeping way for my foot because I had to sleep with a boot on the whole time
21:14So I had to have it like levitated and upright and like no pressure on it whatsoever
21:19And when I sleep on my back, I snore like an insane
21:23Kremlin, I don't even know how else to describe it like the zombies in my craft next on our list
21:29We're gonna we're gonna take care of that
21:33Yes, so when he's sleeping on his back he snores so much that I'm not able to sleep
21:37But when he's not in the room, I found out I also can't sleep that well
21:41It's crazy that but you get to sleep with the dogs. I don't care with all the dogs
21:46They all sleep around me, but soon Cal got an update from the doctor. Your foot is almost healed
21:51He's ahead of schedule. His foot is growing bone back quicker than we thought that it would I slept like a baby last night
21:57I feel so good, but I almost slept too much, you know when you're like so tired because you slept too much
22:01But all is well, I'm not complaining. I feel very well rested. I'm excited to get a coffee
22:06I'm excited to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium
22:09It's gonna be so fun. I can't wait. I cannot wait. Okay. See you soon. Bye
22:17Honeycomb candy and guava. Yeah, let's do that for the table
22:22Yeah for the table
22:28That looks amazing
22:30Look at the honey crumbles. Oh, it's like butter honeycomb candy. Oh, that looks soft
22:36Yeah, the two for the table is a good girl. Yeah. Thank you so much
22:45Here we go
22:59Really no way. What's her name? Oh, okay. Here we go. Oh
23:11Okay, guys, we're walking to the aquarium it's literally right there my dreams are coming true
23:17It's so cute. Oh my god. I know Chris. I don't know if you watch my vlogs Chris, but this is for you
23:23Oh the little oh my god, Harry otter store. Oh
23:30There's so much we need to do you guys into a grandpa, oh my god, I'm having the best time we have the oceans and
23:38Wait, have you been to an aquarium before? Yeah, this is the one like one in a mall
23:51Dr. Gabe's office
24:00You know that one
24:04That's a bass, oh my god, look at him you go get it you go get it baby you build it
24:12Oh my god, no, not them giving it to him. Oh stop
24:18No, he's not he's building is a mess. Oh my god, look at her Queen sitting in there. Don't move girl as you should not
24:27Oh my god, he's so cute
24:30You know, they don't have brains to
24:32no, they're just
24:36Bumping bumping that bump of that told this is the best ice cream ever
24:43This is so cool
24:46You just keep getting it. Did you see that?
24:50Fine I'll come from this side
24:53Oh, that's so pretty. Thank you so much
25:03Crazy I was expecting this the texture of a soft serve, but it's the texture of like scooped ice cream because I think it pushed it
25:12Really good
25:16Hello guys, I'm back home coming on to end the vlog. I hope you guys enjoyed it
25:21Thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye