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00:00Good morning guys, happy Saturday, hello, I just got up, I'm still waking up as we speak,
00:27hold on, you know what, I'm gonna prop you down on my little desk here, I got, it's messy,
00:32there's makeup everywhere.
00:33Gonna do a little Tower 28 spray just to wake up the skin, oh that feels so nice, a little
00:40deep breathing before we go, okay so this morning we are going to The Grove, we are
00:45doing a little meet up slash Q&A, like a live Q&A with Barebells at The Grove, if you guys
00:51remember we shot the little promo assets for that last week, so that's so exciting that's
00:54today, I hope people show up with events like this, you like never know, if no one's
00:58gonna come or if a lot of people are gonna come, hopefully people come, regardless we're
01:02gonna have a good time, so we are doing that, I have my outfits packed, I'm about to head
01:06over to Alicia's to get glam for the morning and then we're gonna head over there, do that,
01:10after that we're gonna come back home and we have to pack because tomorrow we are leaving
01:14for Asia, which I'm gonna be so honest, I am so excited for but also things have been
01:19so crazy lately that I haven't had time to like sit down and like actually get super
01:24super excited yet because I'm like oh I just need to get through the week and finish all
01:26these things, so today is like the last big work thing that I have to do, I have to do
01:30some more work stuff when I get home and then we leave tomorrow, so I'm super super excited,
01:35I need to pack for that and then the rest of tonight I wanna just do a little date night
01:39and like quality time with Cal because I'm gonna be gone for a while and I'm gonna miss
01:42him so much, we also have some wedding decisions that we need to make tonight, so we need to
01:46decide on our invitations, we need to start looking at the catering menus and a couple
01:51other things, so lots of decisions to be made but first let's go to Alisha's and get
01:56glam for this event, so excited, let's get to it.
01:59Hello all, we are here at Alisha Marie's glam room and I just got glam, the makeup looks
02:04so good, Aeroslay, the hair looks so good, Amanda Slade, I walked in, Amanda was doing
02:08her own hair, she said what do you wanna do to your hair, I said exactly what you're doing
02:11right now.
02:12No, it looks so good.
02:13How did she do it?
02:14I didn't know what she did.
02:15I think she used a straightener, I need to watch, I should have watched.
02:18That's so mermaid-y, I love it, okay, four outfits, I have two options, I guess it just
02:23depends how cold it's gonna be, I brought like a big jacket and I brought like a puffy
02:26jacket but this is very warm I will say.
02:28I was gonna say, I don't want a sweating either, I'd rather be slightly cold than too hot.
02:32Yeah, that's true.
02:33Oh my god, your lips look so good!
02:35Thank you!
02:36Kylie, iced latte and then the lip oil on top, the creme brulee lip oil.
02:41Aeroslay, okay, one sec guys, let me try these on, okay, this is the outfit, a little neutral
02:45moment, let me pull the hair out so you can see, honestly, I was gonna tape my boobs but
02:50I just put like a skim sprawl, you can see the strap but as long as I keep the jacket
02:53on we should be fine.
02:54Top is like a brown long-sleeved Norma Kamali top from Revolve, skirt is a Helsa like butter
02:59yellow like super soft silky skirt from Helsa from Revolve, this is my Miu Miu jacket and
03:05then my Dolce Vita shoes, I think it's cute, let's go!
03:09We made it to the Grove, we're here!
03:13It's quite cold.
03:14Yeah, it's really cold.
03:15We are excited, how's everybody feeling, zero to ten, excitement.
03:18Excitement ten!
03:19Excitement is the word.
03:20Shout out to Adrian who we just met, so sweet, we are now walking to the event, Cal is on
03:26his way, I told him to bring a dog but he said she might be a little overstimulated
03:32so we'll see, hopefully people show up, we're not sure.
03:36Move that bus!
03:38How cute this Barebells bus is.
03:41I know, the merch is really cute.
03:42I love it!
03:44Okay everybody, it is significantly, is it fun housey?
03:47It is significantly hotter than I thought it was going to be so the jacket is coming
03:52off, I didn't prep for this as I told you earlier, I didn't tape the boobs, I put the
03:56bralette straps down so hopefully we're good.
03:57How are you feeling Chiki?
03:58I'm scared.
03:59Why are you scared, you're going to do such a good job.
04:02I told Ollie, just act like we're on my couch talking to each other like we always do, all
04:06three of us and then there's just an audience.
04:09Introducing Alicia Marie, and Miss Tanya Johnson, soon to be Misses.
04:22Rym and I have both had meetups where no one came and it was so humbling so we always
04:25get scared, no one's ever going to come so we're like thank you so much for coming and
04:28thank you Barebells for having us.
04:30Thank you so much for having us.
04:32It's so nice to meet you.
04:33I feel like three, good luck with the company too.
04:35No, no, no, you're fine.
04:38So good.
04:39Wait, can you say that to that camera right there?
04:42The Remy Cruze Bowl, chef's kiss.
04:44Oh, you want me to take that?
04:45Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:49How cute is that?
04:53Hello guys, I ripped my lashes off in the car, do not mind that, it's so funny.
04:58Okay, I have so many things to catch you up on.
05:00First off, if any of you guys came to the Grove, thank you so, so much.
05:04I truly cannot believe how many people showed up.
05:08It was so, so cool.
05:09Alisha and I have talked about how before we've had meetups where no one's come before
05:12and that's okay.
05:13It's a little embarrassing, but I will say it makes you extra, extra, extra, extra grateful
05:17when anybody shows up.
05:19Thank you so much to every person who came by and supported us, whether it was like,
05:23you know, online or like a live stream or whatever it is.
05:25Thank you so much.
05:26I was definitely really nervous this morning, but it's so nice because I did it.
05:32I got it done and now I'm home and I get to pack to go to Asia in the morning.
05:38I feel like this is the last big thing that I had on my schedule where I was like, okay,
05:41Robbie, just like, you have to do it.
05:42You have to get through it.
05:43You have to get through it.
05:44You got to do it.
05:45I get really nervous with public speaking sometimes, especially like a live Q and A
05:47like that.
05:48Sometimes I just get nervous of like trying to be funny and it not landing well or like,
05:51you know, whatever it is overall, I think it went really well though.
05:54Sweet Cal came and supported.
05:56Thank you, Cal.
05:57Thank you, babe.
05:58It's so funny.
05:59I was telling him like, it's so crazy being there and like having my little mini Hannah
06:05Montana, obviously not real, but like a little mini Hannah Montana moment and like getting
06:08to meet so many of you guys and having like so many amazing conversations and like feeling
06:12pretty cool, honestly, for like an hour.
06:14And then I come home and it's just Cal and I alone with three dogs and I'm eating my,
06:18my frozen dumplings just back to, back to normal life.
06:21But that was such an amazing experience.
06:23Thank you to Bearbells for being so awesome and like, you know, letting us do that.
06:27That was super cool.
06:28As I said, I'm now home eating my frozen dumplings.
06:32We had so many amazing conversations, especially in the meet and greet that truly last with
06:38me forever.
06:39Like it means so much.
06:40So thank you guys so, so much.
06:41On the way home, my car is at Alicia's.
06:43So I went and got my car, drove home.
06:45And then it's so funny because there was so much traffic.
06:47I took side streets to get back.
06:48And as I'm driving home, I'm like almost home, like maybe like five minutes from home, just
06:52driving down the street.
06:53And Zane calls me.
06:54So I pick it up.
06:55I'm like, Hey, what's up?
06:56And he was like, you just drove by us.
06:57And he shows Heath.
06:58Him and Heath were sitting outside at a coffee shop so close to my house.
07:02I was like, you're kidding.
07:03So they're like, come back, come hang out if you have time.
07:05So I turned around.
07:06I went and hung out with them for a little bit, got a coffee, just chatted with them
07:09a little bit.
07:10Such a nice little surprise.
07:11And then now I'm back home.
07:12I'm having my snack and Cal's going to take me on a hot little date tonight.
07:15Look at that steam.
07:19So I'm having a bit of a late lunch right now.
07:21We're doing a late dinner later.
07:22It's 345 right now.
07:23All I need to do is go upstairs, pack up for Asia tomorrow.
07:28I could pack in the morning, but I do feel like packing in the morning would be a bad
07:31idea because I forget a lot of stuff.
07:32So I'm going to pack tonight and then Cal and I are going to just like have a nice little
07:35date night before I leave.
07:37We're going to watch movies and hang out, go to dinner tonight.
07:40And then I leave in the morning and I'm going to miss him so much.
07:43I'm going to miss you too.
07:44I'm so sad, but I'm also so excited.
07:46On that note, I'm going to enjoy my dumplings and then let's go get packing.
07:50Before we pack.
07:51What happened, babe?
07:52I don't know who did this.
07:53They just kind of like gave me these charm keychains.
07:56Wait, one for Jordan.
07:57I love that.
07:58And I just thought it was really cool.
08:00Like, you know, you can tell they're made with love and I really appreciated that.
08:04And I, you know, sound off whoever did that.
08:07Whoever did that.
08:08Thank you for giving them to Cal.
08:09He was like, someone just gave these to me and he brought them home so I can give them
08:12to everyone.
08:13We've got a Remy, a Heath, Alicia, Jordan, Cal, Zane, Ollie, and Mariah.
08:17Oh my God.
08:18These are so sweet.
08:19Thank you to whoever made these.
08:22Please comment down below if you made them and I will be sure to make sure everybody
08:25gets theirs.
08:26Oh, the baby blue for me.
08:27I love it.
08:29Hello, guys.
08:30Oh my gosh.
08:31Sorry about my voice.
08:32I pretty much just woke up.
08:33Good morning, guys.
08:34It is officially the day that we are leaving for Asia.
08:37Sorry I didn't vlog after getting home yesterday, but Cal and I had our little date night, so
08:42I just put the cameras away.
08:43We just had our little time just he and I, you know, bonding before I leave.
08:48And yes, I ended up just packing yesterday.
08:51I am either a chronic overpacker or a chronic underpacker.
08:54I don't think there has ever been a trip where I pack perfectly, and I'm okay with that,
09:00That's just who I am.
09:01Cal and I were talking.
09:02We're like, we're most of the time...
09:03I sounded very Minnesotan there.
09:04We're most of the time overpackers, if anything.
09:06But I got my suitcases.
09:08I got my little carry-on here.
09:10I literally packed a giant bag of every sort of drink we could want.
09:16We have our Cloud Cafes.
09:18We've got Gatorade Hydration Booster.
09:21These are like little energy drinks.
09:23It's basically like a Celsius, but in a stick, so you can travel with it.
09:26We've got our Folgers latte.
09:28We've got our Matcha Tokyo lattes.
09:30I've got little energy chews.
09:32For me, when I travel, especially abroad, I really heavily rely on like caffeinated
09:37drinks to fight the jet lag.
09:39So especially these like little 200 milligram caffeine ones.
09:41Like if I'm really tired and I want to sleep, but it's daytime, I'll drink one of these
09:45and it'll wake me up.
09:48And then when I need to sleep, but I can't sleep, I'm bringing a whole new bottle of
09:52Let Me Sleep gummies.
09:53If you haven't tried these, these are absolutely phenomenal.
09:56So you know when I'm awake, but I need to sleep, I'll pop a couple of these and it usually
10:01does the trick.
10:02So it kind of helps me to retrain my body with the jet lag.
10:05And it usually works pretty well.
10:07Also, I'm someone who likes to readjust on the plane or adjust on the plane when I get
10:11on there.
10:12On that note, Alicia Marie is on her way to the airport.
10:15So let's get in the car and let's go.
10:18Hello vlog.
10:19We made it to LAX.
10:20We did.
10:22Cal drove me, my sweet, sweet Cal.
10:25And we have amazing news.
10:27By the time that I'm back, what's going to happen Cal?
10:29Foot will be ready.
10:30Foot will be healed.
10:31Foot will be ready.
10:32We're so excited.
10:33I don't know if I told you guys this.
10:36Honestly, I have the worst memory ever, but Cal's foot is healing ahead of schedule.
10:41So we're very proud of Cal.
10:42You go Cal's foot.
10:44And yes, we are at LAX.
10:48There's a good amount of traffic.
10:49Here we are.
10:50And it's almost time to say goodbye.
10:52But I'm going to find Cal some really good souvenirs.
10:55And you guys are going to come with me.
10:56I actually have something in mind that I want to find.
10:58It's probably going to take me a while, but it'll probably take like a whole day, but I'll
11:02find it.
11:04Love you.
11:07I love you.
11:08Love you.
11:09You and your merch.
11:11They're so cute.
11:12We made it.
11:13Korean Air.
11:14Hi guys.
11:15We made it to the lounge.
11:17This spread is nice.
11:18Here's the fruit bar.
11:19Perhaps I'll take an orange or a banana to go and make sure I do not take it into a different
11:26They have one of these pancake stations.
11:27I think it's not working right now, but they had this.
11:30If you remember my college vlogs, they had this in the dorms.
11:34There were a lot of people there, so I didn't want to vlog.
11:35Also, look who's here.
11:37The first Korea vlog of the year.
11:41We're so excited, guys.
11:42Look at this spread that I got.
11:44A little American.
11:45A little Asian breakfast.
11:46We have some scrambled eggs, a little bacon, I know, sausage, crunchy tater tots, ketchup,
11:51and then congee, which is like a rice porridge.
11:53I put some shredded chicken, some green onions, a little chili, and a little garlic on top.
11:59We're going to the second floor of the plane.
12:02We're excited.
12:03It begins.
12:04It begins.
12:07We're going to butter.
12:09We're going to butter.
12:11I'm so excited.
12:12It's hitting me.
12:14Love the baby blue.
12:16Gotta go quick.
12:17Gotta go quick.
12:18Gotta go quick.
12:20Okay, guys.
12:21We have the menu for our meals.
12:22There's two meals.
12:23Los Angeles to Seoul.
12:24Of course, the famous Korean Arab Bibimbap, but I think I'm going to do ... Oh, should
12:29I do Bibimbap?
12:30It's really good.
12:31I do love ... They've got cod or beef.
12:36And then over here, since we're landing at dinner time, we land at like 5 p.m. Korean
12:41Which, what time will that be here?
12:43I think it's like 2 a.m. in the morning.
12:44Ooh, okay.
12:45We've got chicken, seafood.
12:46Ooh, I love tortellini.
12:47Oh, yes.
12:48Or beef bourguignon.
12:51I'm watching Frozen 2, and we have our first little meal, our little appetizer.
13:00It's cream cheese with cucumber, or no, zucchini and eggplant.
13:07We're having an appetizer service before the meal, which is a tuna with a salad.
13:16Would you like some wine with it?
13:17No, thank you.
13:18Okay, thank you.
13:19Thank you so much.
13:20Please enjoy.
13:21My lunch is here.
13:22I got the famous Korean Arab Bibimbap.
13:23It's so funny.
13:24I'm not normally like a big Bibimbap fan, but on a Korean Arab flight, you have to get it.
13:29It's not that I don't like it.
13:30It's just not my favorite, but it sounded really good today.
13:32We've got all the veggies, rice, hanchan, some gim, gochujang, and sesame oil.
13:40Okay, this is honestly hitting.
13:42I put the seaweed in there.
13:44So good.
13:45We made it to Korea.
13:50I'm by the bathroom.
13:51Alisha Marie's in there.
13:52We've got our luggage cart with all of our luggage loaded up.
13:55Oh, my goodness.
13:56I'll put you here for right now.
13:57I ended up sleeping, I think, in total like eight hours.
14:00We got on, had that first meal within the first couple hours.
14:03I slept for, I think, like maybe six hours or so, woke up.
14:06I had some ramyeon.
14:07I guess rather ramyeon on a Korean plane, but it was so good.
14:12It was so spicy and like kind of cleared up my stuffiness that I had just from like the
14:16air and flying.
14:17And then I went back to sleep for a couple hours, and then they did serve dinner, but
14:20I was full from all the food we already had, so I just kept sleeping.
14:23And now we're here.
14:24We landed a little early.
14:25We were supposed to land at 5, 10 p.m., but we landed at like 4, 40.
14:29But yes, we are here now.
14:30We're about to jump in the car, head to the hotel.
14:32I think by the time we get to the hotel, it should be around like 6 p.m.
14:35People are cheering.
14:36Something's happening.
14:37I never showed you guys my plane outfit either.
14:39It was actually pretty cute.
14:40I had on these little shoes from UGG, little socks, my normal plane outfit, leggings, and
14:46everybody's cheering outside.
14:48Something's going on.
14:49I've got this sweatshirt from the bar, and then I had this black trench on top.
14:53Yes, to try and stay awake tonight, I've decided when we get to the hotel, I have some work
14:58I have to do because it is technically Monday now back home.
15:00I'm going to go to the gym.
15:01I'm going to take a shower.
15:02I'm going to air out my hair, and then hopefully by that time, it'll be time for bed.
15:06Hello, Alicia Marie.
15:07And then we're going to go to the convenience store, and then we're going to get all our
15:11We're going to get snacks and drinks.
15:12We need water, staff.
15:14No, I feel like I'm withering away.
15:16Me too.
15:17They only gave like little glasses of water, so I was like, can I ask for a water bottle?
15:20They gave you a water bottle?
15:22I'm so sorry.
15:23I should have brought you one.
15:24No, that's okay.
15:25I did chug like seven glasses of water on the plane, though.
15:26Let's go.
15:27Remember when people were cheering?
15:28People are taking photos.
15:29Is there a K-pop star here?
15:31I want to shriek.
15:32I want to shriek.
15:33I'm shrieking.
15:34Something's happening, actually.
15:35Oh, wait.
15:36There are football players.
15:37Oh, what?
15:39They were sitting next to us on the plane.
15:41People were asking them to sign footballs.
15:42Very exciting.
15:43What a great start to our trip.
15:44Hello, guys.
15:45Okay, we made it to the hotel.
15:46This is so stunning.
15:47Alicia and I have our own rooms for the next couple of days.
15:48Let me put you guys on this little shelf.
15:49Side note, as I said, I'm so thirsty.
15:50There's like our own little water dispenser here.
15:51Very Korean.
15:52We love to see it.
15:53Hot water and cold water.
15:54And I'm about to chug.
15:55I have not had enough water.
15:56Oh, this is awesome.
15:58Oh, my God.
15:59Everybody, five big sips.
16:00I needed that.
16:01Room service menu.
16:02I'm going to do a full room tour in the daytime as well because lighting is not great right
16:04But, oh, my God, it's so crazy.
16:05We're staying in this hotel room.
16:06This is the view.
16:07It's so pretty.
16:08So cool.
16:09So, we're gonna have our dinner.
16:10We're going to have a hot pot.
16:11We're gonna have a nice hot pot.
16:12We're going to have a hot pot.
16:13I can't wait.
16:14in the daytime as well because lighting's not great right now but oh my god it's so crazy we're
16:20staying right by where my dad grew up like we literally passed it on the way in and i love that
16:25i could tell i was like wait this is literally where my dad grew up like right across the street
16:28it's so cool i can't wait to send him photos in the daytime we have the room service menu we are
16:33waiting to get our luggage and then alicia and i are going to go to the convenience store it's
16:37like a two minute walk away nice to see you if you guys remember when we came here oh and it's
16:42here coming thank you so much all right luggage is here now we're gonna go get miss alicia marie
16:52but i want to see this room service menu what korean food do we have oh yum honestly i might
16:58be a bibimbap girl now maybe because as i'm getting older i'm liking vegetables more and more
17:03growing up i didn't like it because it was just too much vegetables but we've got japchae we've
17:08got kimchi fried rice we've got kimchi jjigae everything looks so good but i do think we're
17:12gonna do a little convenience store dinner tonight but let me give you a little nighttime room tour
17:17it's so pretty here seriously when i walked in i actually gagged look at these beautiful trees
17:24like i'm scared of heights and i'm not even that scared right now how stunning is that again you
17:28can't really see much right now because it's nighttime but in the morning together we will
17:32be gagged we've got the little sofa here table i'm gonna get all my work stuff done mirror over
17:38here tv bed i'm so excited to sleep and relax we've got suitcases there this is where you were
17:45just sitting we've got the water dispenser room service menu coffee machine oh we got some snacks
17:53some nespresso pods perfect little closet over here and then toilet and bathroom and shower
18:00okay so right now at home i think it's probably like three closer to 3 a.m i would say let's see
18:05it's 7 p.m here at home it is 3 a.m so i'm tired but i'm not that tired so i'm gonna try to stay up
18:11at least till like 9 30 10 would be amazing just so i don't wake up too early tomorrow but let's go
18:18to the convenience store please look at this view so pretty so pretty we made it let's go mama's home
18:28it feels like we were just here these peely candies that we love they have so many candies
18:34that i've never seen before oh my god they have so many swedish candies these are like um bubs
18:38i just got these these look really good swedish jelly sweden jelly the hello kitty everything's
18:44so cute okay we definitely need something salty now we've got all the chips i've never met a
18:49korean chip that i don't like honestly the banana kicks are good i like those what else do we have
18:54shrimp can't go wrong with the shrimp chip can't go wrong with the turtle shell their sun chips are
18:58good everything's good honestly all right we have all the drinks i got like an iced tea but i'm gonna
19:04have that tomorrow so i sleep tonight but i'm gonna get one of those big waters got all the
19:08noodles look at this one it's pink kind of crazy they've got all the samyang i'm kind of just
19:15craving like just seaweed and rice like just rolling that up could be good or yeah oh here
19:21we go a little onigiri moment oh oh my god the eggs i gotta get an egg okay this is what i have
19:26so far we're looking at the little sweets and things too i'm like hungry but i'm also not
19:32starving so i think that should be enough food my eggs and my little onigiri should be good i will
19:38say like there's oden here like a fish cake soup that looks good but i don't want to carry hot soup
19:43back to the room so i might call it a night with what i have in the cart hello guys okay we're back
19:49from the convenience store i feel like i have to be quiet but it's it feels like it's like 2 a.m
19:53here but it's actually only like 7 40 it's 7 48 p.m it's just so quiet here but i love it i'm very
19:59calm alicia and i went to our separate rooms for the night normally we share a room but we're like
20:03let's take advantage of the situation we have our own rooms our sleep schedules are probably going
20:06to be a little off too so i'm here i have my own little space for the night which i'm very excited
20:11about and i will show you guys a little haul from the convenience store so it's nice to see you as
20:16you guys saw first off i got two drinks but i'm gonna drink them tomorrow because i'm pretty sure
20:20there's caffeine in them and i don't want to stay up any later than i need to these are like little
20:26fruit teas so this is a green grape tea and then this is an apple tea i'll do a taste test tomorrow
20:30but i'm sure i'm gonna love those okay then we got for the meal situation i have here this tuna
20:39it's called onigiri in japanese i don't know what like the korean word would be for it because it's
20:43not quite a kimbap i don't think that's what it would be called but i don't know i guess maybe
20:47because kimbap means just like seaweed and rice maybe i got that and then i also for some extra
20:52protein got these soft boiled eggs you guys know any asian convenience store i'm all over the eggs
20:57egg sandwiches egg anything eggs themselves so these are like my little dinner and then for snacks
21:03i got which now i'm regretting it i was almost gonna get something chocolatey and i wish i had
21:07now because i feel like i need something chocolatey but i got these little potato sticks i love these
21:11so much i eat these all the time and then i also got some candy i got these little apple rings if
21:17you saw i love apple anything so these are all apple flavored little candies and then also they
21:22had swedish candy so we're gonna give this all a try let's do a little taste test we'll start with
21:26our little rice seaweed moment so you peel back the sides then we pull here's what we do we pull
21:33this little tab here down i might have done this wrong actually maybe i was supposed to do that one
21:39first no no i did it right sides come off also this one's giant it's like the 3xl one
21:46but i love tuna mayo okay here we go the crunch
21:54that hits the spot
21:59i need to take a moment for myself i'm having one of my favorite snacks
22:02in one of my favorite places it doesn't feel real this was the move and it was like three bucks
22:07absolutely let's get into this shall we
22:15oh crap i'm pretty tired i'm gonna be honest i think the jet lag is hitting a little bit egg
22:25perfect wow i'm putting the yolk in my onigiri there we go absolutely
22:36i gotta shut the camera off and just enjoy this hold on sorry guys that was so good i had to sit
22:41in silence it was so and just eat it let's have some candy i also got this little green grape
22:48candy i think it's green grape gum i'm pretty sure for alicia so i'm gonna put in my purse
22:52so she can try that tomorrow but i forgot to give that to her let's try this candy we have
22:56the apple hoops first that rice ball hits so much phenomenal okay here we go
23:07oh good apple leaf flavor
23:11really chewy i like when gummies are softer personally but still good i like the flavor a lot
23:17and now we'll try the swedish candy oh it smells so good okay oh my god
23:24it smells like korean candy but it's swedish it's called ufo
23:36it's a different texture of swedish candy that i've had it's got like that gumminess
23:39it doesn't taste like a bub so part of me loves it part of me hates it i can't decide
23:45oh i really like the smell though this one's green grape
23:50i can't decide they smell better than they taste i will say that
23:53all right that wraps up my nighttime convenience store haul in korea i love it i've decided i am
24:00gonna go to the gym i'm just gonna at least get some steps in or something just to keep
24:03myself up a little longer but i'm gonna let my food settle a bit we'll go down to the gym i'm
24:07gonna get some work done and then we will go and i'm holding myself accountable you're holding
24:11me accountable okay hold on hello guys i am back i am showered i'm feeling fresh i ended up just
24:21getting like 20 minutes of walking in nothing crazy but i figured i would do it since i needed
24:26to stay up but man am i tired i just got back i ended up not washing my hair because it didn't
24:31get super sweaty and i'm gonna try to work out tomorrow morning before breakfast to get like a
24:35real workout in but i took a body shower did my skincare i'm feeling fresh and clean okay it's
24:40now 9 53 p.m we did it i wanted to stay up till 10 let's see what time it is back home right now
24:46it's 5 53 a.m so as i'm going to bed everybody's waking up soonish fingers crossed hopefully i
24:52beat the jet lag oh you know what i'm gonna do before i sleep actually i'm still gonna take a
24:56couple of these little sleep gummies just to help me stay asleep in the middle of the night
25:02so i don't wake up at like 3 a.m and i'm not able to sleep on that note i will see you guys
25:08in the morning bye good morning cal good morning we're both wearing pink
25:15yeah good afternoon to you almost good night good morning to me
25:20good morning guys i kicked jet lags oh my god i'm so excited okay i have so many things to
25:27update you on first off look at this gorgeous room in the daylight let me show you the view
25:32it's insane are you kidding me i mean last night was gorgeous but this is just a little
25:38more gorgeous also that is the tower i could get emotional talking about it that's the tower
25:44that my dad growing up would see every day when he grew up on the military base like right over
25:49there it's like so crazy to be here and to see that it's just so special it's also so beautiful
25:56my god i'm so excited to be here i kicked jet lags but as i said let me do a little morning
26:01room tour it looks the same but absolutely stunning okay guys so as you know last night i
26:06ended up going to bed at like 10 30 or so came back to the room got in bed finally went to sleep
26:12and then i woke up at like 3 50 a.m wide awake my eyes were like open and i was like okay time to
26:19start the day and i looked it was still super early i forced myself to go back to sleep and
26:23then i slept until 8 a.m on the dot for my alarm so i'm super happy i feel like i did a really good
26:29job it's now nine i've just been doing a little work this morning cal and i just officially locked
26:34down our wedding invites so those are going to be sent to the printer which is exciting and i'm also
26:38about to get my bridesmaid's dresses i want to make sure that order is in so that we are good to
26:44go super excited we locked down the color scheme for the wedding it's just it's all like feeling
26:50very real now and we're making like big decisions which is so so exciting so with that note i'm
26:55going to lock this down and then let's go head down to the gym let's get a little morning workout
26:59and then we're gonna head to meet alicia for breakfast yay hello okay where'd i go for
27:05breakfast i think it's the lobby okay hi guys i just finished my workout i did a little cardio
27:12i did a little pull day i'm ready to eat i'm hungry i'm really craving yogurt randomly enough
27:17yogurt sounds really good okay oh my god i think is this breakfast i think this is breakfast oh my
27:24god this has lauren written all over it this is gorgeous okay so it turns out the breakfast buffet
27:30closed sooner than we thought is it good i just grabbed random stuff we've got look at this golden
27:35egg i'll show the full buffet tomorrow we got tomatoes potatoes quiche sausage a little beet
27:41apple juice some yogurt i wanted my yogurt i thought they said 10 30. oh well i got lots of
27:51mandu or dumplings here for us we got chicken we got kim got rice kimchi all the things french
27:57i know you love french toast she loves a french toast and i need to know what this golden egg is
28:02i'm like i hope i hope it wasn't for show i think it's edible we will see updates the golden egg
28:08seems to be a soy sauce egg maybe flavor okay i got a hot coffee i'm gonna add in i'm getting a
28:14little tired already i need to start my caffeine intake this morning i'm adding a cloud cafe royal
28:19milk tea to my hot coffee double the caffeine you guys look at this little cafe that they have
28:26oh alicia it's called am i banana am i bonana am i bonana look at these look at that strawberry
28:34like we're coming back oh my god look at the cherries alicia oh they have a mini shine mascot
28:39wow look at this we will be coming back the matcha pound cake oh no this is actually look at these
28:48strawberries i want to come back look at this chocolate right this is crazy i love korea hello
28:54guys okay we're back in the room i just took another shower and honestly i liked my hair so
29:00much like this curl still staying in after like two three days maybe i thought it was cute and
29:04we do have the event that we came out here for tonight so i was like honestly it's like a business
29:08casual event so i thought a slick hairdo actually might be cute with my little outfit and honestly
29:13i like the look of the pony so we're gonna go one more day with this hair i hope you guys enjoyed
29:18the event at the grove thank you guys so much again for coming out i hope you enjoyed traveling
29:21to korea with us and don't you worry we have a lot of fun stuff coming so on that note i love
29:27you and be sure to come back to the next one to see what we get up to on our travels bye
