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Check out Power Supply Circuit: @PSUCircuit
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Power Supply Circuit - our new PSU channel - has been hard at work testing power supplies for a while now and it turns out some PSU manufacturers have not exactly been honest.
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Buy a Corsair SF850L 850W 80+ Gold PSU:
Buy a FSP VITA-850GM 850W 80+ Gold PSU:
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Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
0:00 - Intro
1:06 - MSI!
1:16 - PSU Tester Overview
4:56 - What makes a PSU good?
7:59 - What kills PSUs?
10:57 - How we test PSUs
13:23 - How PSU Circuit videos are made
15:05 - Micro Center!
15:54 - Outro
Sign up for a FREE 128gig Flash Drive When Santa Clara Opens:
Check out the MSI MAG CORELIQUID A15 360 at
Check out Power Supply Circuit: @PSUCircuit
Check out the Labs website:
Power Supply Circuit - our new PSU channel - has been hard at work testing power supplies for a while now and it turns out some PSU manufacturers have not exactly been honest.
Discuss on the forum:
Buy a Corsair SF850L 850W 80+ Gold PSU:
Buy a FSP VITA-850GM 850W 80+ Gold PSU:
Buy a NZXT C1000 1000W 80+ Gold PSU:
Buy a NZXT C850 850W 80+ Gold PSU:
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
0:00 - Intro
1:06 - MSI!
1:16 - PSU Tester Overview
4:56 - What makes a PSU good?
7:59 - What kills PSUs?
10:57 - How we test PSUs
13:23 - How PSU Circuit videos are made
15:05 - Micro Center!
15:54 - Outro
00:00Woo! Look at her go! Here in my hands is the power supply that's responsible for that fireworks display.
00:08And guess what, guys? We didn't try to kill it, and it isn't from some random AliExpress brand.
00:15This unit has five stars on PC Part Picker and thousands of sales on Amazon.
00:21And yet, it failed spectacularly during routine testing for Power Supply Circuit,
00:26our channel that's been testing legions of power supplies and, along the way, discovering that
00:31many power supply manufacturers aren't so honest.
00:35Some are over-representing their products and, wait, some are underselling their performance?
00:41That's not what I expected.
00:43Well, either way, it's finally time to take a look at our power supply gauntlet.
00:48And when I say gauntlet, I mean it, because our power supply testing process has resulted
00:53in a staggering 23% failure rate, really separating the good from the, well, bright, at least.
01:02Speaking of failure, I just failed to do a segue to our sponsor, MSI.
01:07Their CoreLiquid A15 AIO cooler is quiet, stylish, and best of all, easy to install.
01:13Cool down your high-performance build by picking one up today using our link in the description.
01:17Nine months ago now, we launched our first Labs team channel, PSU Circuit.
01:22And since then, we've tested 39 power supplies, nine of which died at some point during our test suite.
01:29But we're getting ahead of ourselves a little bit.
01:31First, it's time to take a look at our fully armed and operational power supply station.
01:37Because a keen-eyed among you might have noticed that it looks a little different from how it looked
01:42two and a half years ago when we first unboxed this bad boy.
01:45Starting at the bottom, we've got our AC source, which is able to deliver three kilovolt amps,
01:50which is basically 3,000 watts, but not quite because... reasons.
01:57This is enough for us to test up to 1,600 watt power supplies,
02:00because we need to be able to briefly deliver 200% of the rated power for the power supply for excursion testing.
02:08As for why it isn't exactly double, uh, the, uh, reasons.
02:13Anyway, above that, we have what Chroma calls their on-off controller,
02:17which is just a big relay, which is just a fancy name for switch.
02:22Then above that, we have our short-circuit and over-voltage protection tester.
02:26Moving up, we have our DC power source, which we don't really use at this time.
02:30And then above that, we have our timing and noise analyzer,
02:32which is basically a headless oscilloscope with a host of relays that can be used to automate functions,
02:38like turning the power supply on or off, or changing the characteristics of our load.
02:44Say, for example, to add capacitance.
02:47Then there's a shelf, which does shelf things.
02:50Above the shelf, we've got the connection panel, which allows, well, easy connections,
02:54so that poor Lucas doesn't have to go spelunking in the back of a rack every time a wire needs to be plugged in.
03:00Of course, the real meat and potatoes is up here, our 13 loads, an unlucky number for many a power supply.
03:08Basically, these guys use MOSFETs to dissipate the energy from our power supply as heat.
03:13We've got 12 400-watt loads that can be strung together to fully load any rail on any power supply up to 1600 watts.
03:22And then our 13th unit has two 100-watt loads,
03:26which we typically use for 5-volt standby and minus 12 volts,
03:30since we don't really need a big individual load for those.
03:33It can get pretty warm behind these guys.
03:37And beside that is a digital multimeter,
03:39which we use for the, well, the seven thermocouples that go into our test chamber to measure ambient air,
03:45intake and exhaust air for the power supply,
03:48and measures the connectors to make sure that they don't, you know, melt.
03:52We don't publish our temperature results yet, but it is something that we're working toward.
03:56Finally, there's the crown jewel of our tester, our Rodin-Schwarz MXO-58 oscilloscope.
04:02She's got eight analog channels, 16 digital channels, which is nice,
04:07but the real benefit of this scope is the ease of programming and the nice waveforms you get to look at.
04:12Truthfully, we know we're kind of using the Ferrari of oscilloscopes to go get groceries,
04:18but that can be worth it when you acquire this equipment,
04:21and sometimes it takes years to finally start using it, which, yeah, yeah, what's the deal with that?
04:29Okay, I do know the deal with that.
04:31The chroma, it's not exactly user-friendly or documented.
04:35Making matters worse, the programming is very similar to assembly code,
04:39which turns the automation process for our testing from a two-month project to a ten-month project.
04:46For poor Lucas, thankfully I didn't have to do it.
04:48But now that it's finally done, we can figure out what power supplies are good and which ones are not so good,
04:55which brings us to an important question.
04:58What makes a power supply good?
05:00Well, at its most basic level, a good power supply must adhere to the ATX specification
05:06and deliver these voltages to your compu regardless of the kind of load that it's under or the input power conditions.
05:14Now, we don't follow exactly the ATX prescribed test plan,
05:18but we try wherever it's practical and our tests are heavily inspired by ATX.
05:24The good news is pretty much everything we've tested,
05:27even the ones that failed, has pretty much operated within the ATX specification until it didn't.
05:34But the bad news is we have seen some big differences in efficiency.
05:39In simple terms, the efficiency of a power supply is the percentage of the power that you draw from the wall
05:44that gets turned into useful energy that your computer can use.
05:48Now, many manufacturers market their power supplies with a little 80-plus certification that you'll find on the box.
05:54But in our testing, there were two power supplies whose measured efficiency didn't match their ratings,
06:01the Corsair SF850L and the FSP Vita 850GM.
06:07Both of them actually exceeded their rated efficiency,
06:11a result that is validated actually by Clear Results' own 80-plus testing.
06:17Why would anybody market their unit as 80-plus gold when they could have labeled it 80-plus platinum instead?
06:25When we talked to Corsair and FSP about this, we got similar answers from both of them.
06:30These power supplies, it turns out, were designed to be gold efficiency power supplies,
06:35but then their engineers went and did a bit too good of a job and they exceeded their target.
06:41But here's the thing, even though their tested units exceeded the target,
06:45they're not confident that every single unit off the line is going to hit platinum efficiency.
06:50So they decided they'd rather be conservative with their ratings.
06:53Also, in the case of Corsair, the design team had just plumb finished the box and label designs with that gold rating on it.
07:00So they ran with that.
07:03We verify more than just 80-plus though, which honestly is kind of falling out of fashion.
07:09And part of the reason for that is 80-plus only factors in efficiency from 20% to 100% load.
07:16So instead, we measure all the way from 2% load to 110%
07:21so that you know how your power supply is going to perform when your computer's asleep,
07:25all the way up to when it is, oops, slightly overloaded.
07:29Now, I can't say that it'll make a big difference on your power bill if you pick up a C850 or C1000 from NZXT,
07:36both of which have outstanding 2% load power efficiency, LTT hat pros off to them.
07:42What I will say is that this expanded testing scope helps us to separate the overbuilt units from the underbuilt ones.
07:50While testing at 110%, we have registered four power supply deaths total, including this one, which is not a good result.
07:59In fairness to these power supplies, 110% of rated power is out of spec.
08:04And we performed some of these tests with the input voltage and frequency being slightly off to simulate non-ideal conditions.
08:11But the thing is, with all of the protections that a power supply is supposed to have,
08:17an overpower or an overcurrent event really shouldn't result in outright failure.
08:22But sometimes it does.
08:24The Game Max power supply that we featured in the thumbnail,
08:27the one that Lucas is looking at here, spectacularly failed during this very test.
08:31The AC source on the tester went into protection mode.
08:34And when Lucas popped the power supply out of the test chamber,
08:37he wisely fired up his phone camera, plugged the unit into the wall, and...
08:43Yeah, you don't want that going on inside your PC.
08:47But, I mean, Linus and Lucas, that was probably just one bad unit, right?
08:54See, here's the thing.
08:56Anytime a power supply dies during our testing, we obtain another one.
09:00And almost every time, the second unit has also died.
09:06Across our overcurrent, overpower, and short-circuit protection testing,
09:10we've found six power supplies that have gone to sleep permanently,
09:14securing our coveted We Cannot Recommend award.
09:18See, while catastrophic failure protection is technically a recommended part of the ATX specification,
09:25we feel that any power supply that you spend good money on should do three things.
09:30One, it should protect you.
09:33We can't have your house, and therefore you, lighting on fire.
09:36Number two, it should protect your computer.
09:39We can't have your motherboard, and therefore your computer, lighting on fire.
09:43And three, it should protect itself.
09:46We can't have your power supply, and therefore your power supply,
09:49lighting on fire, producing molten material, or making startling noises.
09:55Another surprisingly effective killer has been our brownout test,
10:00which has claimed the lives of these three power supplies.
10:03This test is pretty simple.
10:05You know when the lights flicker briefly?
10:07Well, we're testing to see how long that needs to last before your computer will shut down.
10:12We're not even looking at surges or anything like that.
10:15It just turns out that some power supplies really don't like power getting turned off briefly and then back on.
10:21A surprising non-killer, though, is our excursion testing,
10:25where we hit the power supply with a 150% load for 1 millisecond,
10:30and then a 200% load for 0.1 milliseconds,
10:34to see how it'll handle something,
10:36looking at you, GPUs,
10:39briefly drawing way more than it should.
10:42While this hasn't killed anything yet,
10:44there are differences in performance in these tests.
10:47So, if you plan on overclocking, you're going to want to look for a power supply with all green check marks here.
10:53Now that we know what we're testing for, let's set up a test.
10:56Why don't you explain step one, because it's not obvious to me looking at it.
11:00Yeah, so the first thing we do, we unbox it, find out any of the manufacturer's claims,
11:04and write all of it down for metadata.
11:06That later gets uploaded to the website.
11:08Then we go through input and output ratings for the power,
11:10to make sure that we're loading it correctly,
11:12and that the loads are properly portioned to it and configured for that,
11:15so we're not nailing it on one rail and then leaving another one alone.
11:18And then we go through and we decide what tests to run on it,
11:20which is exactly the same for all of our standardized testing that we go up on PSU Circuit and the Labs website.
11:25And then we take kind of an inventory of all the cable that comes with it,
11:27and quick measurements of the length, so we have that data as well.
11:30And then we can just run this cell in Python,
11:32and some code I've written on the back end generates a whole mess of data and files that we can run off of.
11:39I said step one, you gave me what sounded like at least like half a dozen steps, that's great, that's efficient.
11:44Step one.
11:4480 plus platinum, this guy.
11:47It's not even titanium, I think titanium's better.
11:49Next, it's time for Lucas to turn on the tester and the scope.
11:57There's a lot of buttons.
11:58Yeah, now I can even reach most of them.
12:00Next up, we shove our power supply into the chamber,
12:03and reposition our thermocouples according to the exact physical dimensions of the unit.
12:07Then, it's time to plug into this guy.
12:10Connector board, interface board, I don't know what it's called and it doesn't matter,
12:13but shout out Seasonic for sending this thing over to us because it saves a ton of time.
12:18We can plug in as many connections as you could possibly find on a modern power supply,
12:23and the best part is this was some special work from Lucas, some tedious work from Lucas.
12:29We take our measurements right at the bottom of where everything plugs in,
12:33which is important because otherwise, the length of these wires could affect our readings, and we don't want that.
12:40Oh, there's one more thing.
12:41We have a thermocouple that we plug right into the 12-volt high power,
12:45you know, the one that has a reputation for being kind of melty.
12:50Once everything's hooked up, we start our tests at 0°C,
12:54then we move to 20°C, and finally 40°C.
12:58Everything is automated except the temperature of this chamber.
13:02We could automate that, but it's actually nice to have a few check-in times
13:06to make sure that everything is looking good with the results.
13:09Our hardest tests are only done at 20°C.
13:1216 hours later, we get this, which, as you can tell, needs some processing,
13:17but fortunately, that's automated by some code that Lucas wrote.
13:20Then from there, we get a script template for PSU Circuit videos
13:24that gets filled in with the results that are sent to Emily.
13:27For the voice in the videos, we use Eleven Labs, an AI text-to-speech dubbing service,
13:32and specifically, we use Brian because we like his voice the most.
13:36It can take a couple of tries to get a good read from Brian,
13:38and I need to balance how natural he sounds with how accurate his reading is.
13:42Some more niche phrases like ATX tend to trip him up.
13:45One thousand ATX three, two thousand twenty-four, manufactured by Seasonic.
13:50Each video has a template with parts of the voiceover that don't change in blue down here,
13:55and then I insert the generated voice above that in green.
13:58Then the footage and graphics get added in, and after two to three hours of work, we have a video.
14:02Now, if you've ever watched PSU Circuit, you're probably wondering,
14:06why don't you guys just have a human voice the videos and then have a human fully edit it?
14:11And I get it. I would genuinely love to do that.
14:14But let me put it this way.
14:15So far on this channel, we have made an eye-watering $138 in AdSense.
14:23Plus a few bucks here and there from private internet access VPN affiliates.
14:27And that's across all of the videos.
14:29So the economics of humans doing that stuff, they just don't make any sense.
14:34But that doesn't mean that the channel's going anywhere.
14:37We are committed to continuing to test power supplies and continuing to upload these videos
14:41because the data isn't just valuable to viewers of the videos.
14:45It's also incredibly valuable to LTT's ability to do build videos
14:50that feature power supplies that we can truly stand behind.
14:53Also, if you don't like the AI voice, you're not alone.
14:57But you can just read the articles at
14:59You'll even find some extra data there.
15:01You might even find this segue to our sponsor.
15:04Micro Center.
15:05March is monitor madness month at Micro Center.
15:08Try saying that three times fast.
15:09They have great deals on monitors of all shapes, sizes, and specs
15:12like this Alienware 34-inch OLED, 175 hertz refresh rate beast for $400 off.
15:18Whether it's something simple for your work setup
15:20or a companion for your ultra-powerful gaming rig,
15:23they have something for everyone.
15:25Plus, if you want to save even more money, you can take advantage of their GPU trade-in program.
15:29If you purchase a GPU at Micro Center,
15:32simply bring it back and receive an offer on the same day.
15:35They can even help you recycle your old tech
15:37or help donate it to someone in need if you need to make space for your new purchase.
15:42So click our link in the description to check out their monitor madness event.
15:46We'll also have another link there where you can get a free 128 gig flash drive
15:50if you visit their new Santa Clara store when it opens this year.
15:54If you guys enjoyed this video,
15:55why not check out the one we did on a 3,000 watt power supply
15:58where you can see what our testing capabilities used to be.