• 9 hours ago
Namaz e Taraweeh Aur Khulasa e Taraweeh

#ShaneRamzan #ramzan #aryqtv

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00:00Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:09Divya Salaam.
00:11Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:21Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:31Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:39Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:49Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
00:59Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:07Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:17Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:27Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:37Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:47Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
01:57Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:07Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:17Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:27Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:37Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:47Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
02:57Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:07Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:17Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:27Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:37Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:47Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
03:57Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:07Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:17Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:27Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:37Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:47Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
04:57Shanti Ramazan, Shanti Ramazan,
05:07Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
05:29Alhamdulillah, Rabbil Alamin, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem, Maliki Yawm Al-Deen,
05:37Iyaka Na'budu Wa Iyaka Nastaeen,
05:40Ihdina As-Siratu Al-Mustaqeem, As-Siratu Al-Lazeena,
05:44An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi, Alayhim Wala Ad-Dalleen,
05:53Wa Hushira Li Sulaymana Junuduhu Minal Jinni Wal-Yunsi Wal-Tayyiri Fahum Yuza'oon,
06:01Hatta Iza Ja'uha,
06:07Wa Hushira Li Sulaymana Junuduhu Minal Jinni Wal-Yunsi Wal-Tayyiri Fahum Yuza'oon,
06:13Hatta Iza Ja'uha Wa Futihat Abwabuha,
06:20Hatta Iza Atau Ala Wadi Al-Namli,
06:28Qalat Namlatun Ya Ayyuhan Namlu Dukhulu Masakinakum,
06:33La Yahatimanakum Sulayman Wajunuduhu Wahum La Yashu'uroon,
06:39Fatabassam Zuhikam Min Qawliha,
06:43Wa Qal Rabbi Yawzi'ni An Ashkura Ni'mataka Allati An'amta Alayya Wa Ala Waliday,
06:51Wa An'amala Salihan Qardahu Wa Adkhilni Bi Rahmatika Fi Ibadika As-Saliheen,
06:58Wa Tafqadat Tayda Fatala Maliya La Ala Al-Hudhudha Amkanan Min Al-Gha'ibin,
07:06La U'azibannahu Azaban Shadeedan,
07:10Au La Azbahannahu Au La Ya'tianni Bisultanin Mubeen,
07:15Fa Maqafa Ghayra Ba'idin,
07:18Fa Qala Ahattu Bima Lam Tuhitu Bihi,
07:20Wa Ji'tuka Min Saba'in Binaba'in Yaqeen,
07:24Inni Wajattu Mura'atan Tamalikuhum,
07:28Wa Ootiat Min Allah Kulli Shay'in,
07:30Wa Laha Arshun Azeem,
07:33Wajattuha Wa Qawmaha Yasjuduna Lishamsi Min Waduni Allahi,
07:45Wa Zayyana Lahumu Shaytaan,
07:49Wajattuha Wa Qawmaha Yasjuduna Lishamsi Min Waduni Allahi,
07:54Wa Zayyana Lahumu Shaytaanu A'malahum,
07:57Fa Suddahum A'ni As-Sabeeli Fahum La Yehtadoon,
08:01Allah Yasjudoonillahi Allathee Yukhrijul Khabaa Fissamawati Wal-Ardi,
08:06Wa Ya'lamu Ma Tukhfoona Wama Tu'alinoon,
08:10Allah La Ilaha Illa Huwa Rabbul Arshil Azeem,
08:19Allahu Akbar
08:28Allahu Akbar
08:34Qala Sanadur Wa Sadaqat Amquat Min Al-Kathibin
08:39Idhabbi Kitabi Hada Fa Alqih Ilayhim Thumma Tawalla Anhum Fa Audhur Mada Yarji'oon
08:47Qalat Ya Ayyuhal Malaw Inni Ulqiya Ilayya Kitabun Kareem
08:53Innahu Min Sulaiman Wa Innahu Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
08:59Alla Ta'alu Alayya Wa Atuni Muslimeen
09:04Allahu Akbar
09:06Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
09:16Allahu Akbar
09:21Allahu Akbar
09:28Allahu Akbar
09:32Allahu Akbar
10:02As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:15As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:22Allahu Akbar
10:31Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
10:40Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
10:42Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
10:43Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'ueen
10:47Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladheena
10:51Man Anta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Al-Dalleen
10:59Qalat Ya Ayyuhal Malaw Aftuni Fi Amri
11:07Ma Kuntu Qatiatan Amran Hatta Tashhadoon
11:11Qalu Nahnu Ulu Quwatin Wa Ulu Ba'sin Wa Shadeedin
11:15Wa Al-Amru Ilayki Fawaduri Mada Ta'mureen
11:19Qalat Inna Al-Muluqa Idha Dakhalu Qariyatan Nafsaduha
11:23Wa Ja'aluu Aizzat Ahliha Adhillah
11:27Wa Kadhalika Yaf'aloon
11:29Wa Inni Mursilatun Ilayhim Bi Hadiyyatin
11:33Fa Naziratun Bima Yarji'ul Mursaloon
11:36Falamma Ja'a Sulaiman Qala
11:39Atum Middoonan Bimal
11:41Fama Ataani Allahu Khairan Mimma Ataakum
11:46Bal Anwakum Bi Hadiyyatikum Tafrahoon
11:49Irji' Ilayhim Falanaatiyannahum Bijunoodillaa Qibala Lahum Bihaa
11:55Wala Nukhrijannahum Minhaa Adhillatan Wahum Saagiroon
12:02Qala Ya Ayyuhal Malawiyyukum Ya'atini Bi Arshiha Qabala An Ya'atuni Muslimin
12:09Qala Ifreetun Minal Jinni Ana Aatiika Bihi Qabala An Taquma Min Maqamik
12:16Wa Inni Alayhi Liqaula Qawiyun Ameen
12:20Qala Allazi Indahu Ilmun Minal Kitabi Ana Aatiika Bihi Qabala An Yarqad Ilayka Tarfuk
12:29Falamna Ra'ahu Mustaqiranu Indahu Qala Hadha Min Fadli Rabbi
12:35Liyabalwani Aashkuru Am Akfur
12:39Waman Shaqara Fa'innama Yashkuru Linafsih
12:43Waman Kafara Fa'inna Rabbi Wani Kareem
12:47Qala Nakkiru Laha Arshiha Nawadhura Tahtadi Am Takoon Minal Lathina La Yahtadoon
13:02Falamna Ja'at Qeela Ahakadha Arshuk
13:07Qalat Ka'anna Hu Hurutina Al'ilma Min Qabaliha Wakumna Muslimin
13:13Wasaddaha Ma Kanat Mu'abudu Min Wa'adhunillah Innaha Kanat Min Qawmin Wa Kafirin
13:20Qeela Laha Dukhli Sarh Falamna Ra'atuhu Hasibatuhu Lujjatan Wa Kashafat Ansataiha
13:28Qala Innahu Sarhum Mamarradun Min Qawarid
13:32Qalat Rabbi Inni Walamtu Nafsi Wa Aslamtu Ma'a Sulaimana Lillahi Rabbil A'lamin
13:41Allahu Akbar
13:47Samee'Allahu Liman Hamida
13:51Allahu Akbar
14:00Allahu Akbar
14:05Allahu Akbar
14:11Allahu Akbar
14:21Alhamdulillah Rabbil A'lamin
14:24Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
14:25Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
14:27Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'aeen
14:30Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
14:33Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
14:36Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Al-Dallin
14:52Qala Ya Qawmi Lima Tasta'ajeelun Bil-Sayyiati Qabla Al-Hasanah
14:57Law La Tastaghfiruna Allah La'allakum Turhamoon
15:01Qalu At-Tayyarna Bika Wa Biman Ma'at
15:04Qala At-Ta'ilukumu A'indallahi Bala'atun Qawmu Wa Tuftanoon
15:10Wakana Fil-Madinati Tis'atu Rahtun Yufsidun Fil-Ardi Wala Yuslihoon
15:17Qalu Taqasamu Bil-Lahi Lanubaytannahu Wa Ahlahu Thumma Lanakulanna Li Walihi
15:24Thumma Lanakulanna Li Walihi Ma Shahidana Mahlika Ahlihi Wa Inna La Sadiqoon
15:30Wama Karu Makran Wa Makarna Makran Wahum La Yash'uroon
15:35Fa'awwur Kaifa Kana Aqibatu Makrihim Anna Dammarnahum Wa Qawmahum Ajma'oon
15:41Fatilka Buyutuhum Khabiatan Bima Ghalamu Inna Fi Thalika La'ayatan Li Qawmi Ya'alamoon
15:49Wa Anjayna Al-Ladhina Amanu Wa Kanu Yattaqoon
15:54Wa Lotan Idh Qala Li Qawmihi Atatoon Al-Fahisha Wa Atum Tubsiroon
16:01A'innakum Latatoon Arrijala Shahwatan Mi Wa'adoonin Nisa'i Bal Atum Qawmu Tajhaloon
16:10Fama Kana Jawab Qawmihi Illan Qaloo Wakhrijoo Ala Lotim Wa Qariyatikum Innahumu Nasun Yata Tawharoon
16:21Fa'awwajaynaahu Wa Ahlahu Illa Maratahu Qaddarnaaha Mina Al-Ghaabirin
16:27Wa Amtarna Alaihim Mataran Fa Sa'a Mataru Al-Munwarin
16:34Qul Al-Hamdu Lillahi Wa Salamun Alaa Ibadihi Al-Lazina Astafa
16:39Allahu Khayrun Amma Yushrikoon
16:46Allahu Akbar
16:51Sami'Allahu Limanul Hamidah
16:56Allahu Akbar
17:04Allahu Akbar
17:08Allahu Akbar
17:15Allahu Akbar
17:45As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
18:15As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
18:25As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
18:38Allahu Akbar
18:46Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbi Al-'Alamin
18:50Al-Rahman Al-Rahim
18:52Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
18:54Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
18:56Ihdina As-Siratu Al-Mustaqeem
18:59As-Siratu Al-Lazina
19:01An'amta Alaihim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi
19:03Alaihim Wala Ad-Dallin
19:08Amman Khalaq As-Samawati Wal-Arda
19:13Wa Awazal Lakum Min As-Samai Ma'a
19:18Fa Ambatna Bihi Hadaiqa Thata Bahja
19:23Ma Kana Lakum Awatun Bitu Shajaraha
19:27Fa Ilahum Ma'Allahi Balhum Qawmun Ya'dilun
19:32Amman Wa Ja'ala Al-Arda Qararan
19:35Wa Ja'ala Khilalaha Anharan
19:38Wa Ja'ala Lahara Wasi
19:42Wa Ja'ala Bain Al-Baharin Ha'jiza
19:45Fa Ilahum Ma'Allahi Bal Aksar Hum La Ya'lamun
19:51Amman Yujeebu Al-Mudqar Itha Da'ahu
19:54Wa Yakshifu As-Suwa
19:56Wa Yaj'alukum Khulafa Al-Arda
19:59Fa Ilahum Ma'Allahi Qaleelan Ma Tazakkarun
20:04Amman Yahdiikum Fi Ghulumati Al-Barri Wal-Bahari
20:07Wa Man Yursilu Al-Riyaha Bushran Bain Yadai Rahmatih
20:11Fa Ilahum Ma'Allahi Ta'ala Allahu Wamma Yushrikoon
20:17Amman Yabda'u Al-Khalqah Thumma Ya'iduhu
20:21Wa Man Yarzuqukum Min As-Samai Wa Al-Arda
20:24Fa Ilahum Ma'Allahi Qul Ha'atu Burhanakum
20:28In Raquatum Sadiqeen
20:30Qul La Ya'alamu Man Fi As-Samawati
20:34Wa Al-Ardi Al-Ghaiba Illa Allah
20:36Wa Ma Yash'u'uruna Iyana Yub'asoon
20:40Bal Id-Dalaka Ilmuhum Fil-Aakhirah
20:43Bal Hum Fi Shakkin Minha
20:45Bal Hum Minha Amoon
20:48Wa Qala Al-Ladhina Kafaru
20:51A'itha Kunna Turaban Wa Aba'una
20:55A'inna Lamukhrajoon
20:57Laqad Bu'idana Haza Mahnu Wa Aba'una Min Wa Qablu
21:02In Hatha Illa Asatirul Awwaleen
21:06Qul Seeru Fil-Ardi Thumma Qul Seeru Fa Mu'adhuru
21:10Kaifa Kana Aqibatul Mujrimeen
21:13Wa La Tahzan Alaihim Wa La Takoon Fi Zaiqeen
21:17Min Ma Yimqooroon Wa Yaqooloon
21:19Mata Haza Al-Wa'du In Raquatum Sadiqeen
21:23Qul Asa'in Yakoon Ardifalakum Ba'adhul Lazi Tasta'ajiloon
21:31Wa Inna Rabbaka La Ya'lamu Ma Tukinn Suduruhum Wa Ma Yu'allinoon
21:36Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:39Wa Inna Rabbaka La Ya'lamu Ma Tukinn Suduruhum Wa Ma Yu'allinoon
21:44Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:47Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:50Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:53Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:56Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
21:58Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:00Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:02Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:04Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:06Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:08Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:10Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:12Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:14Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:16Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:18Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:20Wa Ma Min Gha'afirun La Yashkooroon
22:22Indeed, your Lord will judge between them by His judgment, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing
22:28So put your trust in Allah. Indeed, you are on the clear truth
22:32Indeed, you do not make the dead hear, nor do you make the deaf hear the supplication when they turn their backs
22:40And you are not blinded by this from their error. You only make those who believe in Our verses hear, and they will submit
22:50And when the Word falls upon them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth to speak to them that the people were not certain of Our verses
23:20Allahu Akbar
23:26Allahu Akbar
23:30Allahu Akbar
23:42Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Maliki Yawm Al-Deen, Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
23:54Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema, Sirata Al-Ladheena, An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Ad-Dalleen
24:06And on the Day when We will gather from every nation and a crowd of those who deny Our verses, and they will be divided
24:14until when they come, he will say, Did you deny My verses, and did you not encompass them with knowledge, or what were you doing
24:25And the Word will fall upon them because of their wrongdoing, and they will not speak
24:31Did they not see that We have made the night that they may rest therein, and the day to see
24:37In that are signs for a people who believe
24:42And on the Day when the Horn will be blown, and those in the heavens and those on the earth will be terrified, except those whom Allah wills
24:53And all will come to Him humbled
24:56And you will see the mountains, you will think they are firm, and they will pass through the clouds
25:03The work of Allah, Who perfects all things, He is aware of what you do
25:11Whoever comes with good, he will have better than it, and they will be safe from terror that Day
25:21And whoever comes with evil, their faces will be cast into the Fire. Will you be recompensed except for what you used to do
25:32I have been commanded to worship the Lord of this city which He has forbidden, and to Him belongs all things, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims
25:44And to recite the Quran. So whoever is guided, he is guided only for his own self, and whoever goes astray, say, I am only a warner
25:56And say, Praise be to God, He will show you His signs, and you will know them. And your Lord is not unaware of what you do
26:14Allah is the greatest
26:24Allah is the greatest
26:32Allah is the greatest
26:36Allah is the greatest
26:43Allah is the greatest
26:48As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
27:17As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
27:28Allah is the greatest
27:38All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help
27:48Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, those who have not incurred Your Wrath, and those who have not gone astray
28:09These are the verses of the clear Book
28:13We recite to you from the story of Moses and Pharaoh, in truth, for a people who believe
28:19Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into sects, weakening a group of them, slaughtering their sons and giving life to their women. Indeed, he was of the corrupters
28:36And We will be kind to those who are weak in the land, and We will make them leaders, and We will make them inheritors
28:51And We will establish for them in the land, and We will show Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers. They were not afraid
29:01And We revealed to the mother of Moses, saying, Bring him back. And when you stand upon him, fall into the sea, and fear not, nor grieve. Indeed, they turned him to you, and made him of the messengers
29:20So the people of Pharaoh met him, that he might be an enemy to them and a defender. Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were wrongdoers
29:32And Pharaoh's wife said, Be pleased for me and for you. Do not kill him. Perhaps he will benefit us, or we will take him as a son, and they do not perceive
30:02Allah is the greatest
30:29All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help
30:38Guide us to the straight path, the path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your grace, those who have not incurred displeasure, and those who have not gone astray
30:50And their hearts became empty of Moses. She almost revealed it to him, if only she had not bound us to her heart, that she might be of the believers
31:02And she said to his sister, Tell me. So she looked at him from a distance, and they did not perceive
31:10And We made it forbidden for him to have children before. So she said, Shall I guide you to a householder who will take care of him for you, and they will be his advisors
31:23So We returned him to his mother, so that she might take care of him and not grieve, and that she might know that the promise of Allah is the truth, but most of the people do not know
31:53Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
32:23As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
32:53Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
33:19Ya Mujir, Ya Mujir, Ya Mujir
33:23Salat Bar Muhammad
33:49Allah is the greatest
34:04Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, Malik Yawm Al-Deen, Iyaka Na'budu Wa Iyaka Nastaeen
34:21Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not of those who have incurred Your Wrath, nor of those who have gone astray
34:34And insert your hand into your pocket, and it will come out white, without any harm, in nine verses, to Pharaoh and his people. Indeed, they were a rebellious people
34:50Say, Travel through the land, and see how was the end of the criminals
34:57And you see the mountains, you think they are firm, while they pass through the clouds. Allah is the One who perfects all things. He is aware of what you do
35:12And when he reached his maturity, and We gave him wisdom and knowledge, thus do We reward the doers of good
35:22And he entered the city at a time of heedlessness from its people, and he found therein two men fighting. One was of his sect, and the other was of his enemy. So the one of his sect asked him to fight against the one of his enemy. So Moses defeated him, and they defeated him. He said, This is the work of Satan. He is an enemy, a clear misguider
35:46He said, My Lord, I have wronged myself, so forgive me, and He forgave him. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful
35:53He said, My Lord, because You have blessed me, I will not be a barrier for the criminals
35:59And in the morning, in the city, he became fearful, and he who had helped him the day before, shouted at him. Moses said to him, You are a strong man, a clear one
36:12So when he wanted to strike the one who was their enemy, he said, O Moses, do you want to kill me as you killed a person yesterday? You want only to be a tyrant in the land, and you do not want to be of the righteous
36:33And a man came from the farthest part of the city, running. He said, O Moses, surely the angels are plotting against you to kill you, so get out, I am among the disobedient
36:47So he got out of it, fearful, and he got on his horse. He said, My Lord, save me from the unjust people
37:03Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest
37:30All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Sovereign of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help
37:39Guide us to the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your grace, those who have not incurred Your wrath, and those who have not gone astray
37:50And when he turned towards Midian, he said, Perhaps my Lord will guide me to the straight path
38:00And when he came to Midian, he found a group of people giving him water, and he found two women beside them, eating
38:12He said, What is the matter with you? They said, We do not give water until the shepherd brings it, and our father is a great sheikh
38:22So he gave them water, and then he turned to the shepherd, and he said, My Lord, I am for what You have sent down to me of good and poor
38:38So one of them came to him walking on the ground, saying, My father calls you to reward you for what you have given us
38:50So when he came to him and they told him the stories, he said, Do not be afraid, you will be saved from the wrongdoing people
38:58One of them said, O father, hire him, surely the best of those you have hired is the strong, the trustworthy
39:07He said, I want to marry one of these two daughters, and you will pay me eight silver
39:17So if I complete ten, it is from you, and I do not want to be stingy with you
39:24He said, You will find me, and I do not want to be stingy with you. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the righteous
39:35He said, That is between me and you, which of the two terms I have decided, so do not be stingy with me. And Allah is the Guardian over what we say
40:05Allah is the Greatest
40:35Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah
41:05Peace be upon you
