• 2 days ago
► My Childhood Memory Box & New Addition To Our Garden
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Enjoy 10% off the Monkey Climber, Canyon Adventurer and Jungle Adventurer, and accessories from their garden climbing frames collection using code SPRING10 until the 7th April 2025.
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• Music •
Epidemic Sound
• Contact • Enquiries@AlfieDeyes.com


00:00Can you find me a duck duck?
00:16There we go.
00:17Little monkey.
00:18Little monkey.
01:19Hello, hello.
01:21Good morning.
01:22How are we?
01:23One second.
01:24Looks like there's a little bit of dust on the lens.
01:27It is just, as you can see from the light coming through, it's probably not the best
01:32lighting for the video, but I'm just soaking it up.
01:35I want to sit in the sun, you know.
01:36It is another lovely day today.
01:38I hope you're well.
01:39I hope you're good.
01:40How are you?
01:41What have you been up to?
01:42Let me know down below in the comments.
01:43By the way, if you ever see me filming in this room here, it is purely to avoid the
01:48noise and the busyness and the craziness of having two little ones.
01:53Because if I try and vlog and have like an actual chat to camera like this downstairs,
01:57it's just impossible.
01:59So if you're ever wondering like, why is Alfie just up in the room hiding away vlogging?
02:03That is exactly what I'm doing.
02:05Hiding away vlogging so that I can actually vlog with a little bit of peace.
02:10Anyways, I wanted to kick off this vlog by doing something that I did a couple of times
02:13in my videos at the end of last year.
02:15And always in the comments, people seemed to absolutely love it.
02:18So just thought I'd kick off the vlog, only for a couple of minutes.
02:21But I just want to talk through a couple of things in life at the moment that are my favourite things.
02:26They're very rogue.
02:27They're very niche.
02:28First thing being, very random, my tattoos.
02:32I was just like in the shower earlier and I was looking at my tattoos and I was just
02:36I'm so glad that I still love all of them.
02:39And if anything, I want more.
02:41And I feel like that's quite rare, maybe.
02:44I feel like I know quite a few people that are like, yeah, that's just not really the best tattoo.
02:48I kind of regret getting that one.
02:49Or yeah, I'm not really a fan of that one anymore.
02:51I might get it covered up.
02:52I still love all of my tattoos.
02:54And I just had a moment earlier where I was like, I love it.
02:56They all remind me of a different moment in my life.
02:59Or a continuous feeling or thought that I want to have in life.
03:03So yeah, a little bit random for this video.
03:05I'll show you them just in case you haven't seen them before.
03:07I've got a camera here.
03:08My family here.
03:09Me and my dad got matching bees.
03:11This was actually my first ever tattoo, which is the word why.
03:14This here is Nobie's initials with the length of her foot the day that she was born.
03:19And then switching over to this arm, I've got the word perspective here.
03:22A little moon that matches with my mum.
03:24She's got the same.
03:25And then Ottie's initials here with the length of her foot the day that she was born.
03:28Now my second favourite is something that I genuinely feel so incredibly lucky to have.
03:34It's a weird one how like the world works.
03:37Back in December in one of the Vlogmas videos that we did over on Zoe's channel.
03:41If you watch them, you might remember we were speaking about the question.
03:45There was something along the lines of what is something that you've lost that you wish you could have back?
03:52That you wish you could get back?
03:53And my answer to it was my iPods from my teenage years.
03:57To be able to listen back and like know all of the music that I was listening to.
04:02During that like phase and that like time of my life.
04:05When I was like skating all the time with my friends.
04:07Going to house parties.
04:08Like all the different things that I did as a teenager.
04:10I wish I could like reminisce via the songs and the music that I was listening to.
04:15Obviously there is a lot that I remember.
04:17But back in the day, I used to get friends.
04:20I used to give my iPod to my mate like Joel for example.
04:23He would plug it into his iTunes and put on a load of the songs that he likes on there.
04:26Or like remixes from like DJs that he listens to.
04:29Or like drum and bass sets and stuff that were like two hours long.
04:32And then give it back to me the next day at school.
04:34And my iPod would now have like a bunch of new music on it.
04:36And that's basically how I got like new songs.
04:38Because Spotify and stuff wasn't a thing.
04:40Anyways, I went over to my parents house a couple of weeks ago.
04:43Was going through their drawers in my dad's desk.
04:46Found both of them.
04:48These two are literally mine from my teenage years.
04:52My actual iPods that still have all of my music on them.
04:57So I went on to Amazon and bought a charger.
05:02That sound is like the biggest throwback.
05:05Just so many songs that I completely forgot about.
05:08And I've been listening to a bunch over the last couple of weeks.
05:11And by far the most niche, the most random favourite to add as the third one.
05:18Is Novi saying the word duck duck.
05:20She's at the age where every word that she's trying to say.
05:23Like ball or duck duck.
05:25Or dada, mama, nala, nana.
05:28I mean she can't really say much.
05:29She's very young still.
05:30But anything she does say is just so unbelievably cute.
05:33And I never ever want to forget her how she says it now at this age.
05:37And her saying duck duck.
05:39It's just like instant happiness.
05:41I feel like I could be in like any mood in life.
05:44And then I just hear her say duck duck.
05:46Instant happiness.
05:48Can you say duck duck?
05:54What goes quack quack?
06:04I've just realised that I'm like rambling on about all different things.
06:08And this is the blog where I get to show you the new addition to the garden.
06:11Which is probably why loads of you are here.
06:13And I've like spoken about it a couple of times in recent videos.
06:15Should we just go now?
06:18Right let's go downstairs.
06:19I feel like I need to give a little bit of a background.
06:22Just before we head out into the garden.
06:24Literally in a second.
06:25Because this is something that Zoe and I have literally since we first viewed this house.
06:30Have been dreaming about this moment.
06:32Like when we first saw the garden and we went outside.
06:34We've always spoken about and dreamed about bringing children up.
06:38With this beautiful garden that we're so lucky to have.
06:41And we've always spoken about and always wanted to at the right time.
06:44Which literally is now.
06:45Putting like a big climbing frame set up into the garden.
06:49And we've been looking at like options over the last couple of years.
06:52And like waiting for the right moment that we felt was right.
06:55Which is as I said literally now.
06:57And then I want to say it was either October or November.
07:00I got an email in my inbox from a company called Homefront.
07:04Now I'm going to have to put like an ad on the screen up here.
07:06Because I've been working with Homefront to like make this happen.
07:09So their team actually came over to the house.
07:11During one of the Vlogmas videos.
07:13I think it was on like day 4 or 5 or something.
07:16And I didn't put it into the Vlogmas video.
07:18Like we didn't film it.
07:19Because I wanted to wait until everything was fully finished and built.
07:22Which obviously it is now.
07:23To be able to like show you the end result in a video you know.
07:26So this has been a good couple of months in the making.
07:29Anyways the team from Homefront came over to the house.
07:31Absolutely lovely guys.
07:32Zoe and I spoke about what our dream set up would look like.
07:35Like whereabouts in the garden we would want it.
07:37And their team went away.
07:39And designed up the most realistic renders of our garden I have ever seen.
07:44Like I have no idea how they did it.
07:45I'll put some on the screen now.
07:47We tweaked a couple of small things just to make it 100% perfect.
07:50And ended up going for the jungle adventurer.
07:52Now they've got like sets and packages on their website online.
07:55But because all of their climbing frames are modular.
07:58It really means that like due to the size and the space that you've got available.
08:01And what you're looking for.
08:02You can literally customise and design everything with them.
08:06All of the timber that they use comes with a lifetime warranty.
08:09They deliver to all of the mainland UK.
08:11And yeah after approving the couple of tweaks like I said that we made.
08:15We got the final renders through.
08:17And then last week was the week.
08:20We had their team come back.
08:22And literally only over two days.
08:24They were here Monday and Tuesday.
08:25They built the entire thing.
08:27Like everything you're about to see was literally built in two days.
08:30And obviously as you know I love documenting like the process.
08:33And the progress of like working on something.
08:35So I got my camera and filmed a couple of clips of the guys making it.
08:38And I'll insert some footage now.
08:56It looks unreal doesn't it.
08:57It looks so good.
08:59We are at the end of day one of building.
09:03When I say we obviously Zoe and I have not done any of the building.
09:07As you've seen we've had the amazing team over here doing it.
09:10Novy's seeing a little sneak peek.
09:11Ottie knows nothing about this.
09:13It is going to blow her mind.
09:15This is what it's currently looking like.
09:17It is just so good.
09:19And the finish on the wood is so nice.
09:21I didn't realise as well Zoe.
09:22Because of the weight of this wood.
09:24Because of the quality of it.
09:26They don't need to do any like digging down deep into the ground.
09:29Like they don't need to dig like a metre or two down to secure it in.
09:32Because of the weight of the wood it holds itself.
09:35That's so good.
09:36And obviously it's all designed onto the angle of our garden.
09:39So everything is like pre-designed.
09:43A little cheeky face.
09:47What do you think?
09:48What are you doing up there?
09:49What do you think?
09:50I've said this and I'll say it again.
09:52This summer we are never going to get to be indoors.
09:59Right let's go outside.
10:00And show you the new addition to the garden.
10:02Shall I put your hair up for you so it doesn't flop in your face?
10:05Where's mummy's toes?
10:07Is that your toes?
10:08I like blue too but I don't want blue hair.
10:11Let's go join mummy and Evie.
10:15Check what it looks like now.
10:19This is literally the dream.
10:22Daddy I'm over here.
10:24Where have you gone?
10:26Cor you've been bouldering by yourself.
10:29Alright I'm coming up.
10:30I cannot even explain the amount of time that we've spent outside.
10:34I won it.
10:35You won the race?
10:37I haven't even started the race.
10:38Let's do it again.
10:39Right we've got to start at the same time.
10:42Two. Three. Go.
10:43Oh no.
10:44Oh no.
10:45Nobody's at the top.
10:46Oh no.
10:47Oh no.
10:48Come on Nave.
10:49Let's go this way.
10:50Watch your head.
10:52I'm coming.
10:54I'm coming.
10:56I'm nervous.
11:01You beat me.
11:02Nobie's really...
11:03Yeah she's already worked out that you hold on and you move your hands.
11:07Oh my gosh Nobie.
11:09Look at her.
11:10What are you doing up there?
11:12Yeah she proper does it.
11:14How many hours do you think we've spent in the garden in the last week?
11:17Pushing these two swings.
11:19Otis says 80-50.
11:21Probably right.
11:23Now we did actually originally have this swing here
11:26that Nobie's currently in as like an adult swing
11:29or like one of the older flat swings.
11:31And within literally like an hour of being outside
11:34for the very first time on here
11:36both girls wanted this swing that Otis is in.
11:38So we had to switch it up and change it over
11:41so that we've got two very similar swings.
11:43Because obviously why would your two kids not want the exact same thing
11:48at the same time always?
12:00One of my favourite things down here that you might not have noticed
12:03is this picnic bench.
12:05It is such a good use of space.
12:07Because like what else would you have put there?
12:09And already twice in the last week Otis had a lunch out here
12:12and it is just so cute.
12:13Alright you ready?
12:16Oh your foot's on my foot.
12:20I'm winning.
12:21I'm winning.
12:23Come back.
12:24Come back.
12:28It's actually a couple of days later
12:30although I'm aware that I'm currently wearing
12:32the same outfit that I was wearing
12:34in the last vlog clips.
12:36Oh I feel like Shaun must go to sleep.
12:41It's going to be very loud and very busy.
12:43Because you know how I started off the vlog
12:45upstairs in the house
12:46sneaking off so that I could vlog in quiet.
12:48Well we're currently at my parents house.
12:50Pop and Shaun are here.
12:51Dottie's here.
12:52Obviously the girls are here.
12:54Both the dogs are here.
12:56And Shaun is like the fun uncle
12:59that they all just hang off of.
13:01But he's currently trying to put Dottie down for a nap.
13:04So it's like just a lot of noise going on.
13:07The reason why we've come over is because my parents
13:10like if you think that Zoe and I
13:12particularly Zoe
13:13keep a lot of like memorable things
13:16of not only our life
13:17but particularly the girls lives
13:19are like memory boxes that we keep.
13:21My parents are on another level.
13:24Whose is that?
13:25Is that mine?
13:26No. You draw that now.
13:28Are you kidding me?
13:29That's better than I can draw now.
13:31This is mine and Poppy's memory boxes.
13:351, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 there.
13:40All neatly put together.
13:43Do you know what's wild?
13:44One day this will be all the girls
13:46with all their memory boxes that we've made them.
13:48Made for them, yeah.
13:49And I'll be like this.
13:52When did you organize all of this, mum?
13:54I had it in two big boxes originally.
13:57And when I got COVID
13:59and I couldn't go out for 10 days.
14:01Oh, that's such a nice.
14:02Oh, that's a nice, yeah.
14:03I cleared off our bed
14:04and I literally put everything from the car on the bed.
14:08Oh, that's so funny.
14:09We want to do this on a piece of fabric.
14:12Yeah, we were looking at that the other day.
14:14That's so cute.
14:15So, and then I ordered these
14:17and then I literally went through every single thing.
14:20How did you decide to keep and what to throw away?
14:22I don't know actually how they need to work.
14:24You can't after keeping it for like 30 years.
14:27You can't be like,
14:28ah, now's the time, yeah.
14:29So I just thought I'd get the vlog camera out,
14:31film a couple of little bits and just like.
14:34See what there is.
14:35Yeah, I have no idea what's in here.
14:36Have we ever fully gone through this part?
14:38No, I don't remember any of it.
14:40It's weird, I thought we had.
14:43Sorry, you can probably hear Otty shouting in the background.
14:45You probably can't even hear Poppy speaking.
14:47So in this box here, there it is.
14:49Whoa, oh my gosh, yeah.
14:52She used to outline us and then we'd fill it in.
14:56That's so fun.
14:58Look at you at the top.
15:00Five years, 11 months.
15:02That's so cute.
15:03There's a picture of Poppy.
15:04Where's that photo of you that I had a second ago
15:06that literally looks like Otty?
15:08Have you switched out Poppy's eye colour to?
15:10Although this one I feel like looks like Otty's.
15:12It's both of them really.
15:13If you switch Poppy's eye colour to blue,
15:15that is literally Otty.
15:17Isn't that so crazy?
15:21Look at Poppy's tired eye.
15:23Alfie and Poppy both get one.
15:24The Daze family, and my cousin as well.
15:26And don't get this.
15:27Does she?
15:28So does Otty and Navey.
15:29Sometimes when they're in the bath, I'm like,
15:31oh, big eye, small eye.
15:32Getting tired.
15:33Getting tired.
15:34That's literally Otty though, that blows my mind.
15:37We have to put all of this back in the right place.
15:39Mum is going to, we're going to leave later
15:41and mum's going to be crying.
15:44Are we?
15:45Of course.
15:46I'm giving them to you now.
15:49I'm handing them over.
15:51No, you can't hand them over.
15:53It's up to you.
15:55When we're done.
16:01I don't remember this.
16:02But I think they're yours.
16:04It's my birth folder.
16:06Birth congratulations cards.
16:08Oh, I've got those.
16:09Birthday and achievement cards.
16:11Early years painting, certificates of achievement
16:13and school reports.
16:15Oh, let's have a look.
16:17Oh, yo, I remember that.
16:18Did you make that?
16:20Or painted it, yeah.
16:23I feel like you'd still paint a mug like that now.
16:25Coffee cup from the early days.
16:27Look, pop.
16:28Is this your?
16:29Yeah, this is my version.
16:34So you'd have been three.
16:36Three years, six months.
16:37That's like Ottie.
16:39That's Ottie's age.
16:41Yours is quite different.
16:43Oh my God, look at your pierced.
16:45You drew that.
16:49You drew that.
16:55Look at my little shoes.
16:57Look at the face.
16:59Head, arms.
17:01I want to do that now with Ottie.
17:02We should.
17:03Oh look, there's me wearing those pyjamas.
17:05Do you look like Ottie there?
17:08Oh my God.
17:09That looks like Ottie.
17:11Oh look, there's me wearing a little dress.
17:15Up at Devil's Dyke, flying a kite.
17:17Look, that's literally.
17:19That's what we do with Ottie.
17:23I want to say your first ever vlog, pop.
17:25It's got clips of us literally there.
17:27Yeah, not first, like four.
17:29The one where you look grey in the thumbnail.
17:31Yeah, where I'm dying.
17:35I had this book.
17:37That's so funny, I had this scrapbook.
17:39Oh pop, look, you made me that.
17:41You probably made me that when you were two.
17:43Oh, that's literally Novy.
17:45Look, there's her.
17:47Oh my gosh.
17:49That's Novy.
17:51The day's genes are very strong.
17:53The day's genes are very strong.
17:55But not in my child.
17:57In everyone else's.
17:59Just my kids that look like you.
18:01Alfie has made very good progress
18:03and has had a successful year.
18:05It has been pleasing to see him grow in confidence
18:07and become more independent in approach.
18:09Alfie establishes effective relationships
18:11with other children and adults.
18:13He enjoys being part of a wide
18:15friendship group in which he
18:17considers others, or consides
18:19in others readily.
18:21Alfie is a friendly and cooperative member
18:23of the class who is always keen to please.
18:25There we go.
18:27Who is that, Alf?
18:29Miss Fleming.
18:31Oh, are these all different?
18:33Week two
18:35of playgroup. Alfie has started
18:37to behave badly at times.
18:39He becomes very aggressive
18:41when he does not get his own way.
18:43Okay, right.
18:45On two occasions, he smacked another child on the face.
18:49Listen, listen.
18:51They spoofed me.
18:53It's a joke.
18:55I must put that on there.
18:57I burst into tears.
18:59He never told me this.
19:01I can't believe it. I just know
19:03that's not how he would behave.
19:05They spoofed me.
19:07Then it says, he has also
19:09bitten me when I tried to scold him.
19:13I was beside myself.
19:15You can imagine.
19:17Did you know the people though?
19:19Oh yeah, of course.
19:21It's crazy how in some of the pictures I look
19:23literally like Novy and in some I look like Ottie.
19:25Oh look, that's the newspaper the day you were born.
19:29I think that's such a cool thing to do in a memory box.
19:31This patient should be treated
19:33promptly and referred to the
19:35pediatric SHO on call
19:37if presenting to A&E
19:39with the above illness reason.
19:41Has home nebulizer and asthma.
19:43It's crazy that I just don't have
19:45asthma anymore but I had it like so
19:47intensely growing up.
19:49Yeah, I had the thing that like plugs into the wall.
19:53Here we go.
19:55Look at that scrub wipe.
19:57That scrub wipe should go in a frame.
19:59That's so gorgeous.
20:03Camouflage camel.
20:05As you do.
20:07I love it.
20:09That's actually so cute.
20:11I think we should all get camouflage camel
20:13tattooed on us.
20:15When we go on holiday we should have a camouflage camel t-shirt.
20:19Happy birthday.
20:21Look behind our nose.
20:23Look at Naomi laughing.
20:27Do it again.
20:33Happy birthday to you.
20:35Happy birthday to you.
20:41Happy birthday to you.
20:43Happy birthday to you.
20:45Happy birthday to you.
20:47Happy birthday to you.
20:49This is what I wanted to look at. Oh you're like school photos. What pose is that? It's
21:06a tiny little red velvet cat. No it's my hands like this. How is that a thing? Look at that.
21:17That is a serious bowl cut. Oh my goodness. What are these poses? Where did you take me
21:28to get pictures? This was at the playgroup. When you went to playgroup. They brought in
21:34a photographer. You look like Novy though. You wouldn't let me cut your hair. Have you
21:39ever seen my childhood pictures? On a little red sofa. Oh I've seen that one but I forgot
21:47about that. That's really cute the red one. Oh my god if you could put Virgo across your
21:52head in a photo. That picture Zoe I had made into a mouse mat. I thought I'd seen this
22:00somewhere. Is that the original? That's the original I had made into a mouse mat. Alfie's
22:04good ideas book. Come on then let's see what my ideas are. I'm going to start a business
22:12selling sweets. I'm three. That's quite a good idea. Testing out different pens. Look
22:19at all these different flowers you've listed out. Gardner Alfie. I didn't do that. By Alfie
22:265SR. Yeah yeah 5R. So how old would you put it? Year 5. 9-10. Yeah. And she's added an
22:41F. Toby I've got an F. This is Poppy in age 5 years old. Here are my friends. Stop. Let
22:55me see. Poppy drew her friends when she was 5. Are you ready? Yeah. Also here are my friends.
23:07You put friend of April. Do you want to see you as a little Victorian boy? Whoa okay.
23:15I feel like you've got your teeth quite right. That's better than the drawing I did of you
23:25in the August videos. That's better than that. So it's gone downhill. That is quite good.
23:31That's pretty artistic for me. Imagine all the things Poppy's going to start bringing
23:38home guys. I can't wait. Oh look I drew myself. You were always very artistic. Like you can
23:46tell that Poppy's like the art kid. What are you trying to say? Mum and Dad are being Alfie.
23:52What are you trying to say? Not artistic. Dad learned it wrong. What are you trying to say?
23:56Dad was like well you were an academic one and I said excuse me he's got a first class
24:01honours degree. Yeah that's true. There is just so much. Right let's look at some clothes.
24:05Little Clarks. Wait whose are these? Mine or Poppy's? These are yours. Little pair of shoes.
24:14These were from Gap. That looks like something out of a museum. They look like they're rotting
24:25and disappearing into the ground. How old would I have been mum when I made this? You made that?
24:33I randomly once just got really into knitting on a boxing day so I just knitted myself a scarf.
24:42I have no idea. Yeah because I would have been young. I didn't do it when I was like 19.
24:46You probably did. That's so cute. There we go. My little Woodcraft t-shirt. Used to go to a
24:56Little Woodcraft club. This is a throwback. This is literally trying to jump. My etnies.
25:01Lophi what are you up to? Jump jump jump. I just found this as well. My first ever Brighton shirt
25:16with Alfie number 7 on the back. What is Lophi doing over here? Are you in your little shop?
25:21What have you got for sale in here? What have you got? Some bread? Can I buy it? Thank you very
25:30much. Hello can I have some milk? Thank you so much. How much money is that? You want it back?
25:38Such a cute little shop that I put together with my parents. Look what dad just found.
25:43Relative values. A little magazine that they've kept from 2017 of me and Poppy.
25:48Oh I kind of remember you guys doing that. Let me show her. Oh my god that's so weird.
26:00Why did we do that? Back home now. All the girls are in bed and I really do mean all the girls.
26:10Obviously Novi and Ottie but so are Zoe and Nala as well. And before I end off the vlog,
26:16as always, I end off each video by answering a question that was left in my previous videos
26:21comments. So if you've got any questions that you ever want to ask me, it doesn't matter how random
26:26it is, whatever you want, drop one down below and I'll pick one and I'll answer it at the end of
26:30the next video. What is one skill that you wish you had? I don't know if this counts as a skill
26:37but I'm looking around at the room now and it couldn't be more fitting and it's not quite a
26:43skill. Maybe it's a skill. It counts as a skill because I find it almost like so nearly impossible
26:52to do. Not fully impossible. I'm getting better at it slowly and gradually over the last three
26:59years since having children. But it's a tough one. It's hard. And that is, sorry Poppy just dropped
27:05me a call. As I was saying, it is being able to be okay with the fact that at all times,
27:12literally all times, every single room in the house more or less is messy. There is kids stuff
27:20everywhere in the house. Things that shouldn't be in that room, things that are from other rooms,
27:24things that are from their bedrooms, just stuff everywhere. And prior to having kids, I'm like
27:29through and through Virgo. I feel like you can see that, you can feel that in my vlogs. I feel like
27:34that's been obvious over the years that everything in my life like has a place and I'm like very,
27:40yeah, I like to be organised. I like things to be in the right place. That's impossible.
27:47That is just not possible in my life. I'm not in that phase of life for that to be a thing. And I
27:53wish I had the skill and I'm counting it as a skill because I'm so bad at it. But to just like
28:00almost not notice it. Like just not care about it. But like the coffee table now has got one,
28:06two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11 things that just don't belong on the coffee
28:13table. And that's just got to be okay. We've got two young kids. It is what it is. I find it very
28:20hard to sit here and relax and just seeing the coffee table looking like that, like a genius.
28:26It's annoying that I find it hard. I wish I had the skill to be able to not find it difficult.
28:31And as I said, I'm getting far better at it and I'm accepting it. And also I'm seeing how much
28:35the girls enjoy their toys and their stuff being everywhere, you know, that they get to play with
28:40them all in all the different rooms. And like, why, why can't the coffee table look like that?
28:43You know, like I don't want it to be super neat and everything in its place because I want the
28:49girls to be able to just have fun. And like, do you know what I mean? It's a home. It's meant to
28:52be like that, but I've got like years and years of conditioning of everything being in the right
28:57place and everything very organised and neat and tidy and clean. And that's just not the phase of
29:02life I'm in now. Bit of a rogue one. I don't know if that counts as a skill, but I'm counting it
29:07as a skill, as I said, because I find it difficult and I'd love to, love to be better at it. Let me
29:11know down below in the comments, if you could be amazing at one skill, what would it be? Doesn't
29:17matter how random the answer, I mean, my answer literally couldn't have been more random. Also,
29:21just before I end the vlog, going back to Homefront, who are the company that I worked with
29:25to create the unbelievable climbing frame that we've got in the garden, they're currently running
29:31a promotion. So I thought I'd definitely want to mention here in case any of you are looking to
29:35get something made for your garden. They're currently running a spring promotion where you
29:38can get 10% off of selected frames and that is valid until April the 7th. So I'll leave a link
29:44down below. Definitely go check it out. Use my link and you can get 10% off of selected frames.
29:48We've got the Jungle Adventurer until the 7th of April. Let me know if you get something designed
29:54up. I'd love to see a picture, like send me a DM or something like that so I can see. And yeah,
29:58I hope you enjoyed the vlog. I just cannot wait. I know I'm saying it a lot at the moment,
30:02but I just cannot wait for summer vlogs when there's just consistent good weather
30:08and we're just out in the vegetable patch, playing on the climbing frame with the kids,
30:11barbecue, pizza oven. It's just going to be so good. So I appreciate you watching.
30:16I will see you next week with another new video. I'll see you then.
