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► I've Waited 10 Years For This Moment!
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00:00Yo, Otty come and take a look at this.
00:17Oh, look at that.
00:18Don't drop me in.
00:19I might drop you in, don't you worry.
00:20Let me do your little goat up.
00:21Good morning, good morning.
00:34How are we?
00:35Hope you're doing good.
00:36Hope you're well.
00:37Look, he's just arrived.
00:38Look, he's over there.
00:40Another day, another vlog.
00:41You join me on a very chilled, very lovely Sunday.
00:45We've just driven somewhere that if you've been watching the vlogs for a while, you will
00:47definitely recognise.
00:48We're currently in the little town, village, town probably of Lewes.
00:53It's such a picturesque little place.
00:55So many lovely little shops, lovely weather.
00:58Just getting out the car now.
00:59Bob and Sean and Dottie are meeting us as well.
01:01Just having a little chill, relaxed day, you know.
01:05I say chill, relaxed, there's now three children between us.
01:09So I don't know how chill and relaxed it's going to be rather than just nonstop running
01:12around parenting whilst trying to chill and trying to relax and trying to shop and trying
01:16to get good coffee and trying to eat.
01:18But that's the plan.
01:19That is the plan for today.
01:20Brought a rucksack with me.
01:22I don't think I've worn a rucksack for like six months.
01:26I feel like I've-
01:27I thought you were going to say six years.
01:30Well, I used to wear it every single day.
01:32I feel like I'm going back to school.
01:34I feel like I've got all my belongings and I'm off to class.
01:38Have we got everything out of the car we need?
01:40Parent life.
01:41This is one of the best things.
01:43If you've got two little ones that you can buy.
01:46How much do you love this, Oddie?
01:47So much.
01:48I just want to go on that.
01:50There you go.
01:51You go on that.
01:54Now I can chase you, Shaunie.
01:56There we go.
01:57Poppy just uploaded her first video back.
01:59I've uploaded this morning.
02:01Double upload.
02:02I'm uploading later.
02:03You're uploading later.
02:04That's just what we do.
02:06Shaun, when are you uploading?
02:07Next year.
02:08Yeah, sure.
02:09Next year.
02:12Got a bit too carried away with the filming that I nearly forgot to pay for parking.
02:17You might remember the last time we came to Lewis, which was probably three months ago,
02:29four months ago, we came across coffee and pastries.
02:33I mean, just keeping it simple, just letting everyone know what they do, which is this
02:36shop here.
02:37And they just do, you guessed it, the most amazing pastries.
02:41And I don't think I've actually had one of their coffees, but probably good coffee too.
02:44What are you saying?
02:45I've got my eye on like three things already.
02:49Cheese straws are like my thing.
02:50And that's like the biggest cheese straws I have.
02:51That is a chunky cheese straw.
02:52Zoe can't make her mind up, so she's gone back outside to get a second angle.
03:08Here you go.
03:09You take that.
03:10We went in pretty hard on the options.
03:13Oh no, you dropped your cheese straw.
03:21That is a big cheese straw.
03:26Should we have a look over here?
03:33I saw it.
03:34I saw it.
03:35All right then.
03:38You've seen it.
03:39Otty, which half is mummy and which half is daddy?
03:41Daddy's the right side.
03:42Mummy's the left side.
03:45Because Otty's half mummy and half daddy.
03:46She's taking it very seriously.
04:02She's taking it very literally.
04:04And thinks that one half of her is mummy and one half's daddy.
04:05Can I have a little bit too?
04:06Because I'm your auntie.
04:07Yeah, there's a problem.
04:08A little bit of puppy.
04:09I'll have an eyebrow.
04:10Everyone does say you look like auntie puppy.
04:11Otty, what do you want to buy?
04:12For you guys.
04:13Who for?
04:14For you.
04:16Oh no, for Dottie.
04:18Let's buy one for Dottie.
04:19No, Otty's going to get one.
04:20Uncle Sean's going to buy it for us.
04:21No, we'll buy it for Dottie.
04:23But we're going to get these books, aren't we?
04:46Shaun wants a new pair of headphones.
04:48Shaun's cheating life.
04:52I'm pushing a limousine up this hill now.
04:55And Shaun has got a tiny little baby with the electric pushchair.
05:00No, it's pulling me up the hill.
05:01Look at it.
05:16For Mummy.
05:17It's nearly her birthday.
05:18Oh, you want to buy that for Mummy's birthday?
05:19Oh, it's so kind.
05:20Are you sure?
05:21I haven't got any money.
05:22Well, how are you going to pay?
05:23I need that any money.
05:24Can you go through the little door?
05:25I need that one.
05:26Try and go through the little special door.
05:27It's a magic door.
05:28Oh my God.
05:29If you go through it, you turn into Elsa.
05:30Can you even see in here?
05:32Oh my God.
05:33Oh my God.
05:34Oh my God.
05:35Oh my God.
05:36Oh my God.
05:37Oh my God.
05:38Oh my God.
05:39Oh my God.
05:40Oh my God.
05:41Oh my God.
05:42Oh my God.
05:43Oh my God.
05:44Oh my God.
05:45Can you even see anything with your hat like that?
05:48Bob, there we go.
05:49Oh, yeah.
05:50Er, do you know who I am?
05:51Who are you?
05:52I'm Mr. Potts.
05:53You're Mr. Potts?
05:55Oh, you're Dip Van Dyke.
05:56You're Dip Van Dyke.
05:58I know, I've lost Otty.
06:02Oh, Mummy.
06:03I've got some bad news.
06:04I've lost my daughter.
06:05Where's Otty?
06:06She's gone.
06:07Oh, my God.
06:08Oh, my God.
06:09Oh, my God.
06:10Oh, my God.
06:11Oh, my God.
06:12Oh, my God.
06:13Oh, my God.
06:14Where's Otty?
06:16Where are you?
06:17Where are you?
06:18Here we are.
06:20Here, look.
06:21Oh, hello, mate.
06:23Is that funny?
06:24Here we go.
06:25Flint Owl.
06:26Is that funny?
06:41Here we go. Flint Owl.
06:52There's a sun out like this, it literally feels like summer is here.
06:56Look at this view, and this is just at the car park, there's just people casually kayaking
07:03along the river.
07:04I feel like it's all I'm saying in the vlogs at the moment, but I'm going to say it again,
07:08I just cannot wait for the summer vlogs, it is going to be so good.
07:12See you later!
07:14Bye guys!
07:23See I'm on them?
07:24Firstly, close that door, if a red one comes through.
07:28And it sees my blueberries.
07:30Hopefully not.
07:31Close that door.
07:32Put that on that table?
07:33Yeah, you can put it on the table if you want.
07:35Yeah, let's put your little blueberries on there.
07:38Pop your ice lolly up there and my coffee up there.
07:41we go. Right. Let me just. You holding it? You want to put it over here? Yeah. So I've
07:50still got a couple of jobs left to do, Ottie, on the vegetable patch. One of them is to
07:55put all of these around the tops of each of the vegetable beds. That's what I'm going
08:01to try and do now. Oh, do you know what I forgot? What? We got new pillows for these
08:05chairs, didn't we? They're really nice as well. I forgot to bring them outside. We'll
08:11do that tomorrow. So you might've remembered, not in the last vlog, but the previous vlog,
08:17I showed the like tester vegetable bed with this, that I put around the top. That is technically
08:24a car door sealant that I bought online, which basically the aim for me buying this was to
08:31try and, let me show you, to try and basically smoothen out the top of these rims. Cause
08:37they're really thin. So like with the girls leaning on them, I just thought it's not the
08:40most comfortable. So I measured the size of this and then basically ordered a car door
08:45sealant that I can slot along the top like that, the whole way around all of the beds.
08:56And that's what I'm going to try and do now. Yeah? There's a magic door. There's a magic
09:01door. Whoa. Where's it go? To Australia. To Australia? I wish that was real. That'd be
09:10pretty cool, wouldn't it? Should we pretend it's real?
09:39Good morning. Good morning. How are we? Yesterday, which was the clips that you've just seen
09:43now, was just such a lovely day. Like if you live in Brighton or you live close to Brighton
09:47or you're visiting Brighton for a day, I can't recommend popping into Lewis, even just for
09:52a couple of hours, if you can do so. We've just got another absolutely lovely day. Completely
09:58blue skies outside. You might be able to hear some music playing if you listen carefully
10:03or like drilling and banging and basically construction and building going on outside
10:08this door. I've mentioned a couple of times recently that we've got something exciting
10:12happening in the garden, something being built. The time has come and it is currently being
10:17built right now, which you won't see in this video because I want to film it once it's
10:20finished. So in next week's video, I'll show you everything outside. But yeah, just wanted
10:26to let this vlog flow over a couple of days. Obviously filmed a bunch yesterday. You can
10:31hear them. I'm guessing they're sorting something outside. Yeah, just wanted to let it flow
10:36over a couple of days. Obviously filmed a bunch yesterday and filming again now. It
10:40is the moment in the vlog where I sit down and I chat to you about the paid partner of
10:44today's video, which is BetterHelp. If you've been watching my videos for a long time, which
10:49I just assume at this point that all of you have, you will know just how much self growth
10:54and working towards being the person that I want to be, being the dad that I want to
10:57be, being the friend that I want to be, being the husband, soon to be, that I want to be,
11:02always just been like at the forefront of not only everything for me, but so much of
11:06what I like share and I push and I talk about online, you know, straight off the bat, one
11:10thing that I love that I feel like is really, really changing with people's thought process
11:15behind therapy is that it is such a strength. It takes genuine courage to open up and talk
11:22about how you're feeling to somebody. And I think over the years, yeah, I just feel like
11:26there's been a real shift in seeing, speaking to a therapist as a real strength instead
11:31of as like a weakness, because it is definitely not that. Fully opening up and being honest
11:36and being vulnerable when like, I suppose like consolidating your feelings and your
11:40thoughts on things into words, even just yourself is hard enough, but to somebody else can be
11:46tough. So I hope that even just through me creating the videos that I do, being open
11:51and talking about having therapy myself and speaking to a therapist and just how much
11:55I've benefited not only is like, I feel like I say this a lot, but genuinely how much I've
12:00benefited myself from it. But everyone around me, my daughters get a better version of their
12:06dad around them because of the benefits that I've experienced. My friends around me, my
12:10family around me, Zoe as well, even Zoe and I have like jumped onto therapy sessions together
12:15and like just made sure that on different things that we're on the same page, that our
12:19thoughts are aligned, that our vision are aligned, that we've got somebody chatting
12:22through things with us. That's been really, really like genuinely, really nice, but it
12:26helps fully online, which makes it more comfortable and more convenient. You simply
12:30fill out a questionnaire and you'll get a match of a therapist in as little as a couple
12:34of days. And you'll get connected with a therapist from a diverse network of credentialed
12:38professionals with a wide range of specialties and backgrounds. Something that is so important
12:42to me is that you can easily switch therapists at any time at no extra costs. They carefully
12:48make sure that their therapists on the platform, of course, are well qualified. And they also
12:52have a customer support team there to support you if you have any questions. Something that
12:56speaks volumes is the fact that on Trustpilot, they have over 7,000 reviews and a 4.5 rating.
13:02Opening up and being raw and honest and working on yourself with a therapist is a sign of
13:07strength, not a sign of weakness. I'm going to put a link here on the screen, betterhelp.com
13:11forward slash Alfie, and you'll get 10% off your first month of therapy. I can only hope
13:16that you get the benefits that I've experienced. Honestly, life-changing stuff. Right, let's
13:22head out into the garden. Yo, you've made unreal progress already.
13:33Yeah, we didn't even start with each other. I know, I'm not speaking to you, I'm speaking
13:36to your mum. People are going to watch my vlogs and be like, wait, when you did the
13:47other vegetable bed, you lumped literally my mum, my dad, and Graham in. Now Zoe's doing
13:51this one, she's getting you to do it. She's got the knowledge. Yeah, and the skill set.
13:57I'm learning. Are you? What have you learned? Mum sold me a course. Since doing up this
14:04area, as you've seen, I've been getting a good few comments asking about these two.
14:11This is Zoe's project that she's over and currently doing. This is still going to be
14:16a flower bed and there are actually still a lot of flowers and bulbs in there,
14:20hidden in there somewhere, so we have to be a bit more careful doing this one.
14:24Whereas this was our vegetable bed, so we're just revamping all of this. Are we going to do double
14:30flowers? What's the plan? I think double flowers. Double flowers? Well, there's enough veg anyway.
14:34So we should give this away. Yeah, let's do that. Shall we put this outside the front,
14:38see if anyone wants to take it? I was going to say, shall we get rid of this? It's nice
14:42soil in there, look at it. Yeah, it's really nice. This is the good stuff. This was here from the
14:46previous owner. All of this soil, I added a little bit of topsoil, but everything else was
14:50here for like, I don't know, 10 years. Although it looks like I've still been outside this whole time,
14:56it's actually been a couple of hours since the last clip. I've just had some lunch,
14:59just got Novi up from her nap, who is currently around doing some cooking in her little kitchen.
15:04Playing in the ice cold water. She just loves it. I don't think little ones can just feel the
15:09temperature. She's drinking. They're just so immune to it. I'm being very cautious on where
15:14the camera is facing because it cannot face the other way at the moment. Come on then,
15:19let's go and see what mummy and nanny have been up to.
15:26Big step. Look.
15:29Whoa, it does look really good. Yeah, we've cleared a lot. Yeah, you've cleared a lot of it.
15:35Yeah. That is so much. There's still a lot of bulbs there, isn't there? Yeah. What are these?
15:40They're daffodils. Nice. You know where she wants to go. We have a walk down that way in the garden.
15:47There's like a nice little countryside walk that we go on. And anytime we come into the garden,
15:51that's all Novi tries to do is just go down this little path and escape off into the walk.
15:57Zoe, no, no, no, no, no. She's chasing me. Oh, you like the ladder? You are playing with fire,
16:02walking down there with her. All she wants to do is get down to that gate and go outside.
16:07Let's just see what she does. Well, we know what she's, what do you mean? All right,
16:11I'll see you in half an hour. I feel like the majority of my last couple of videos has just
16:16been garden content. Again, I wish I filmed it before, but they have put in some serious work.
16:23And this is so nice of all of these still here.
16:27Where are you off to then? Where are you off to?
16:31Knock, knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock. Go and put Nala in and let's see where she
16:36actually takes us. Fortunately, you can't just go outside without a lead on like that.
16:40I need to pop you back inside, Missy. She's desperate to go.
16:46Right, let's just see where she goes. Come on then. Where do you want to go? I'm not going to
16:52like, I'm not going to steer her in any direction.
17:01Quick. Run.
17:10Well, that ended up turning into a 20 or so minute walk, which was actually really lovely.
17:23This is the fourth book I've read in a row. Okay, okay, let me start on page one. Let me start-
17:27She wants a new one already.
17:31She loves this one, but we've got no batteries in it at the moment.
17:33I ordered batteries.
17:35Are you ready? Watch her try and press it and there's no batteries there.
17:39Old Macdonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O.
17:48How much do you hate that she picked that book?
17:49I read Old Macdonald had a farm and I was like, I'm not going to sing this in the vlog.
17:53I can't just sit here singing it. What noise does doggy make?
17:59And what noise does dap-dap make?
18:03What noise does horsey make?
18:06What noise does horsey make?
18:09Oh, you know horsey.
18:14Okay, what about cow?
18:18Yeah, that's it. What about horsey again?
18:24She's changed her horsey voice.
18:26What about piggy?
18:32Same as horse.
18:33I think that's her noise when she's not sure what noise it makes.
18:36What noise does little sheep make?
18:40Nice, same as a horse. Same as a pig.
18:44Novie, what about a dinosaur?
18:50Come on then, last one. What noise does a caterpillar make?
18:55Mummy, what noise?
18:57Um, I don't think they make noises.
18:59Right, come on then. Let's get you into bed.
19:03And then you put yourself to bed. See you in the morning.
19:06Where's she going? She's going to pick another book.
19:10I've already read that one.
19:13You want it again? Come on then.
19:16I don't think there is a baby that exists that loves books as much as Novie.
19:23Come on then. Oh, and you want this one at the same time.
19:26All right, perfect. Come on then.
19:28All right, which one do you want first?
19:29This one. Okay, perfect. We've already read this one, but okay.
19:33Good night Teddy. Good night ball.
19:39Oh, are you done? Do you want this one?
19:43Your mummy's here.
19:43I'm here.
19:47Where's Novie gone?
19:48Do you know what I think she is looking for?
19:50Where's Novie gone? Novie? Novie? Where's Novie gone?
19:57Novie? Where's Novie?
20:02And there she is.
20:03I think she's saying mama, but I think she means Otty.
20:07She can't say Otty, so I think sometimes she just says mama.
20:10So Otty's currently staying at my parents tonight.
20:13Kind of didn't mention that in the vlog. She just hasn't really been around today.
20:16Come on then. Let's go get into bed.
20:21That does look cozy.
20:22Night night.
20:23Night night. See you in the morning.
20:26Aw, her little face.
20:30I know what she wants to do.
20:31Roly poly.
20:32Roly poly.
20:34Come on then.
20:35One roly poly.
20:36We'll do one.
20:39No, trip me, she wants another one.
20:47Let's do this one.
20:50Come on then, we should go to bed now.
21:00She knows that Otty's not here, so she's just making the most out of like,
21:03I know I've got all of their time.
21:07Come on, we don't need Noah's Ark right now. We do need bedtime. Come on.
21:17We're fighting a losing battle.
21:18Otty has got more energy than you can imagine.
21:22She's next to us at the moment.
21:23I love energy. I love energy.
21:34So this question I feel like is incredibly fitting.
21:39Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
21:43I feel like that is such a big, broad question that we've had like no prep.
21:49Yeah, that's quite a big question for no prep.
21:53The reason why I picked it is because in, I want to say about two weeks time, maybe less,
21:58there is a video that I need to react to.
22:00A video that I filmed, I'm going to put it on the screen here now,
22:02that I recorded for me to watch in 10 years time and in a couple of weeks.
22:06It's like a video time capsule.
22:08I kind of wish I did one of these.
22:09A 10 year capsule.
22:10And I have no idea what I said in the video. I haven't watched it.
22:13I feel like everyone needs to do this, whether they post online or not.
22:16I so wish they'd done it.
22:17Oh, I definitely would have. If I didn't put it online though, I would have just lost it.
22:20I would have just like-
22:20Do you think?
22:22I would have gone into the abyss.
22:23Yeah, but I wouldn't have remembered to come back and watch it.
22:27Do you know what I mean?
22:27I haven't watched yours either.
22:28I've been so tempted, but I haven't.
22:30So in a couple of weeks time, somewhere in a video somehow,
22:34whether it's in a vlog or I don't know yet,
22:36I'm going to sit down and watch and react to my 10 year video.
22:40Are we going to pick just two things that we hope for in the next 10 years?
22:42Because otherwise-
22:43Yeah, that's nice.
22:43I feel like I could give a list as well.
22:45Two things each. We will have a 13 year old, so a teenager.
22:50Oh my gosh, a teenage girl.
22:52And an 11 year old.
22:55What do we want?
22:56Do you know what? As simple as it sounds, I just want more of this.
22:59Just this.
23:01Yeah, just like, well, I just, I don't know. I just love our life.
23:04I don't want to move house.
23:05I'm so happy.
23:06I don't want to, yeah, I don't want to change it.
23:08I don't want to change it, is it?
23:09I'd like for our house to look a bit different.
23:11Are you still going to be doing YouTube?
23:12I'll be 45.
23:13I'll be five. I'll be five years away from 50.
23:21Oh my God.
23:22Oh my gosh.
23:25I don't know if I will or not. I have no idea. I have no idea.
23:28Oh my gosh.
23:29I just feel like the next 10 years is going to be really family focused for me, I think.
23:34Yeah. More children?
23:37I don't, I don't think so.
23:39I don't think so either.
23:40Imagine if we watch this back and we've got like four kids.
23:43I mean, if we do, that will not be in the 10 year plan.
23:47That won't be something we planned for.
23:49Two surprises.
23:51I don't know. I agree. Just like the same.
23:53I guess just like a bunch of lovely family holidays, still living here.
23:59Just everyone a bit older.
24:01A few more wrinkles, a bit more grey hair, maybe, maybe no hair.
24:04I was going to say grey hair, maybe none. Could be gone.
24:07That is amazing that we can sit here and just say more of the same.
24:11That's, we are so lucky to have said that.
24:13I know.
24:14That's so cool.
24:15I feel very lucky. I just want this to-
24:17Hopefully we're still doing YouTube in some way.
24:19Well, you need to make another 10 year video for 10 years time.
24:21Oh, no I can't. No, I can't.
24:22You're not going to?
24:24Do you think I need to?
24:25I feel like you should.
24:26And even if you don't upload anymore, you just come back and you just upload that one video.
24:30That's why I haven't posted in eight years, but I'm back to react to the next 10 year video.
24:35Right. Let us know in the comments down below, what do you want to do in life?
24:39Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
24:41Only two main things.
24:42Yeah, two main things in the next 10 years.
24:45We're going to jump in the comments and read a load.
24:46And yeah, give the video a thumbs up.
24:48Subscribe if you haven't already.
24:50Check out BetterHelp, link's down below.
24:52I'll see you next Sunday.
