Goldie .S01 E05
00:06Giant girl giant heart feels the feelings big and small finds the magic in it all
00:13Who you are
00:54Who's this little heart stealer
00:58Mean Jennifer, we adopted her yesterday
01:01I've always wanted a pet and this one turns out to be really smart
01:05She already learned a bunch of tricks like how to sniff out her treats. No matter where you hide them
01:15And now the jump their hoops
01:18Let's go
01:24Wish I had a pet to do tricks and stuff with isn't Romeo sort of like a pet
01:29No, if anything, I'm more like his pet, but maybe Romeo and I can trade off being each other's pets
01:40What do you mean you don't love my idea I just want you to do some more pet things like flying through this hoop
01:47Let's go Romeo, let's go Romeo
01:53Okay, okay, yes, it's true you did wash my binky when I was a baby giant
01:59So it's no fair to make you my pet if you don't want to do it
02:02You don't have to but I wonder what we can get a pet of our own
02:12Come on
02:15Okay, you're right
02:24Too loud
02:32Right, what was I thinking?
02:35Oh, how hard is it for a giant girl to find a pet?
02:49Oh my goodness Romeo, it's a ladybug. Oh, she is the most precious thing ever
02:59The ladybug likes you
03:04This whole time I've been looking for a pet but the pet needed to find me this ladybug chose me
03:12What should we name her good question, how about little cutie on account of her being such a little cutie
03:21Let's settle then little cutie. Welcome to the family
03:28There's my favorite streetlight for pole jumping and that's miss Petunia's antique shop. Oh, I bet even she will melt when she meets you
03:37Clothes due to arbitrary whims come back later. Huh? Okay. You'll just have to meet her later. She is a hoot
03:48That's where I play with my friends. Oh speaking of which here they come. Be sure to put on your best smile little cutie
03:55It's your perfect. Hey Goldie. Hey, Romeo
04:00Hey friends. I want you to meet my pet little cutie. She's right over
04:16There you are
04:21Cool, what a great pet. She's the cutest, you know, I don't think I ever noticed that freckle before
04:29That's not a freckle. It's low cutie. Oh
04:33So it is how precious she reminds me of a pet I once had but it turned out to have some issues
04:43You're the best pet ever
04:46Once in a while, I still get an itch for my old friend. Oh
04:51But I had to let it go. I can't ever imagine letting little cutie go
04:56She's the sweetest most delicate preciousest creature in the world. She's gonna be with me forever, right little cutie
05:04See she agrees now from now on we're doing everything together. We'll be inseparable
05:11It's the little things that make life sweet
05:15Taking a little stroll having a little treat taking a little time to rest your little feet
05:23It's the little things that make life sweet
05:27It's the little things that make life sweet
05:31Singing a little song skipping along the street having a little friend who makes you feel complete
05:39It's the little things that make life sweet
05:49Romeo did you make little cutie a bed out of an acorn?
05:59And we can use these flower petals as her bedding I
06:10Think she likes it, too
06:31Romeo you're a hero. I don't know what I would do if little cutie had gotten hurt
06:39She's just so small and fragile she needs more protection
06:57Know Romeo, I'm also sad that little cutie has less space to explore in there
07:01But she's much safer this way in here. Nothing can hurt her
07:12Got it
07:19That's what I like to see little cutie at her all-time safest, I'm gonna go find some fresh leaves as a housewarming gift
07:28You won't find fresh leaves in these little
07:40You accidentally left the top open after you fed her
07:45This is terrible little cutie might be in danger
07:52It's okay Romeo, I'm not upset with you, but we need to inform the town stat
08:02Little cutie is our friend and we need to find her ASAP before she comes across a toad or a bird
08:08That's not on good behavior like Romeo
08:36Found little cutie
08:38No, no, this one has six spots little cutie only has five. Oh
08:44Of course she does. I'll keep looking
08:51Little cutie
09:01Juniper you shouldn't be out here by yourself
09:04Actually Goldie, this is okay for her
09:07You have a little pet door so Juniper can go in and out as she pleases
09:11But aren't you afraid something's gonna happen to her?
09:15But I'm more afraid of we cooped her up too much she wouldn't be happy
09:20I cooped little cutie up. Maybe she ran away because she was unhappy
09:28You're right Romeo we have to find her so I can tell her I'm sorry leave that to Juniper
09:33She's got the stiffer of a bloodhound
09:36Just need for her to smell something that belonged to little cutie so she can clue into her scent
09:42I know how about little cutie's bed
09:49Come on let's follow juniper
09:53Three minutes later
09:55It's no use
09:57We've looked everywhere. I'll probably never see little cutie again
10:07I just wish I could tell little cutie that I was wrong to keep her in a jar
10:23Little cutie you're back
10:26I'm sorry. I didn't see how unhappy you were. You should be free like teeny's cat juniper
10:32Be free little cutie. Come on get out of here
10:50Little cutie, is that your family?
10:55Oh all this time I thought you needed me to protect you, but you have a whole family to look out for you
11:01That makes me feel so much better
11:04You found little cutie. Yeah, and her whole family
11:09Turns out they were living next to me this entire time
11:12If you're looking for a new bed, I highly recommend adopting a russian blue. Thanks teeny. Um, but i'm not sure romeo would like that
11:26Wait, really you would do that for me
11:30Let's go. Romeo. Let's go. Romeo. Thanks. Romeo later. I'll do some tricks for you to make it more even
11:39You want me to jump through the hoop? Well, I don't know if we can find a hoop big enough, but i'll try
12:12Hey cute friends
12:14Why are you guys so excited? Because today is the first day of spring which means
12:20It means it's poison
12:23Poison ween that's amazing
12:25Uh, and what is poison ween i'm so glad you asked
12:30How this town loves poison ween
12:35It's the chance to celebrate the sweetness of spring
12:50Flower chains hang all around town growing root vegetables grow out of the ground
13:00Or should I say berry we put on costumes take the veggies at night singing around the boys
13:36Teeny petey, I love poison
13:41We knew you would goldie. That's why we were so excited to tell you about it
13:46I can't wait to wear my costume. I'm going as a sorcerer
13:50Look into my crystal ball
13:53I'm going as boysenberg founder all-time greatest adventurer fashion icon. Lola frank boysenberg
14:01Wow, those are good costumes
14:03so, uh
14:04When does this costumed glowing root vegetable picking holiday thing?
14:09Happen around sunset. So what are you going to dress as goldie?
14:22Thank you romeo it really does look like that cute little lizard I saw today
14:32Ah, I can't wait to surprise everyone. Oh, you're great romeo or should I call you? Mr. Bumblebee
14:41Now to complete the costume
14:44Oh boy. Oh, I put the eye holes in the back of the head
14:50Hi, I can't see anything. How about you romeo?
14:56Romeo did you say something? I can't hear anything either. Oh this costume still needs some work
15:06It's stuck
15:09Very boysenween very boysenween
15:12Very boysenween. Oh, do I love boysenween?
15:19What did the boysenberg is that
15:25It's a dinosaur
15:36I can't see anything
15:41How's all that commotion didn't you see dinosaurs on the loose dinosaur
15:52Oh, I couldn't see or hear a thing our costumes need fixing
16:00Well, let's see what pd and teeny are up to I wonder if they've had any more luck with their costumes
16:07What happened goldie a dinosaur's been sighted and the whole town picked
16:17She's gonna faint mayor mittens boysenberg emergency goldie guide chapter six section four paragraph two
16:33Are you okay?
16:35Well done mayor mittens
16:38Yeah, I just can't believe there's a dinosaur on the loose by the way
16:43What's a dinosaur?
16:45Dinosaurs are ferocious giant reptiles that once roamed the earth. See I knew I should be scared
16:52No, no
16:53I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for what happened
16:57We simply must stay calm and not let our imaginations get carried away
17:02That dinosaur is ferocious it has a hundred teeth and claws as sharp as racers
17:10I heard the dinosaur has a thousand teeth and wears a sharp blazer
17:16Apparently the diner hits the beach and his eyes shoot lasers
17:21That's right. The dinosaur was born in ancient greece and was made to all its neighbors
17:30Know for a fact that the dinosaur likes to sing acabella sea shanties, but can't carry a tone
17:40Please everyone, please these rumors are growing out of control
17:47We can't let this dinosaur nonsense ruin our boys and ween he's right the dinosaur is coming back to ruin our boys and ween
18:01I really don't want to see this dinosaur. It sounds so scary
18:08Goldie get a hold of yourself. I won't let boys and ween be ruined. I can deal with this dinosaur
18:16Let's go do something to stop it
18:19We gotta keep that dinosaur from destroying boys and ween this will scare it off
18:26One whiff of these stinky onions and that dino will leave for good
18:34I can't take it. Are you sure this is all necessary? You want to listen to that dino sing out of tune sea shanties?
18:51This still doesn't feel safe enough. What if the dinosaur gets past all our defenses?
18:56Keep dinosaurs away with mrs. Petunia's official dino repellent the only dino repellent on the market that really works
19:06Even a dinosaur can't get out of this
19:11Everyone we should be getting into the spirits of boys and ween not all this panic
19:16Let's not get carried away until we consider all the facts
19:22For example dinosaurs haven't been around for millions of years
19:27Here's dino repellent and walkie-talkies if the dinosaur comes back tonight
19:32We'll be ready
19:40We better hide him from the dino I I can't even keep one
19:45This is the worst boys and ween of my entire life
19:48Come on, goldie. Read the root vegetable patches so far. No dinosaur in sight over
19:54Copy that teeny romeo and I are on our way goldie out
20:00I can see perfect too. Now that we fixed the eye holes. Everyone's gonna love our costumes
20:06Love our costumes
20:12Our wall is in our way
20:16What is that awful smell
20:20Oh, it's the onions let's bust out of here romeo
20:30Goldie the dinosaur has breached the perimeter. I repeat the dinosaur has breached the perimeter. Oh, no, we must be close
20:41Hurry back to town. We have to save my trinkets my cubs. Come on bram
20:50Dinosaur I better run
21:03Goldie come in the dinosaur is headed for our trap. Where are you?
21:10Oh, no, i'm stuck. Oh the dino's gonna get me I repeat I am stuck. Hold on goldie. We're coming to help you
21:18We got him
21:30Nothing for you to worry about we got that dinosaur stuck in our trap. What are you talking about? I'm stuck in the trap, huh?
21:38Get me out of here
21:43Oh, that's better. Oh, hi everybody goldie. You're the dinosaur what i'm the dinosaur
21:54I'm the dinosaur
21:57You see everyone there was nothing to fear if we've learned anything today it's that we shouldn't jump to conclusions
22:06Yeah, I guess I did let my imagination run away from me
22:12Now, please everyone boys and ween is my favorite holiday let's all go have some fun
22:23Nothing scary about boys
22:43Please don't panic breathe relax
22:53Boys and