Goldie. S01 E09
00:30♪ Any size, any shape, and it's plenty of space here ♪
00:33♪ Everybody's welcome here. ♪
00:44I want to thank you all for coming today
00:46and for following my instructions on what to bring.
00:49I don't know either.
00:52I'm on the edge of my seat.
00:54For the last year, I've been working in my free time
00:57to invent the most awesome, elaborate, fun-filled game
01:02in all of game history.
01:04You are the lucky chosen ones
01:06who will play the first-ever game of...
01:15Now, let me just hand out the rule books.
01:20Three hours later.
01:24Oh, that goes to blue.
01:25Molasses, mulberry, marmalade, uh...
01:30That doesn't count.
01:31Meredith is a proper noun, not a regular noun.
01:34Petey gets a free shot.
01:40Petey threw the sky blue ball.
01:42But players are supposed to use the baby blue ball for free shots.
01:47That means you have to go all the way back to ninth base.
01:51I forgot. Which one was ninth base?
01:53The one with three fish on it.
01:55Why can't we just use numbers?
01:57Every rule has been carefully thought out.
02:00Yeah, Teeny, this new game you made up...
02:04It's a little overly complicated.
02:07Why can't we just play our own way?
02:09Look, I know it takes a while to master the rules,
02:13but we've been playing for three hours!
02:15If we just play for three more hours,
02:18you'll start to get the hang of it.
02:20Don't play tag.
02:21It's only got one rule, and it's the name of the game.
02:25Way much better.
02:27If you leave, I have to take three Teeny tokens out of your scores!
02:31And I don't really want to do that!
02:36Hmm. They left.
02:38Sorry, Teeny.
02:40We can still play.
02:41You need at least five players to play Teenyball.
02:45It's a rule.
02:51I'm sorry nobody wanted to play your game, Teeny.
02:54I wish people could see how much fun we would have
02:57if they just played my way.
03:01Ah! Snake!
03:03That's not a snake.
03:05That's one of my eyelashes!
03:07You can use it to get your wish.
03:09Like, make a wish and blow on it?
03:14I wish people could see how much fun Teenyball is
03:17I wish people could see how much fun Teenyball is
03:20when they follow my rules!
03:27Here, why don't I blow on it for you?
03:33Oh no!
03:36Call me now!
03:37No! Oh! Teeny!
03:43Send in the next case!
03:47Another rule breaker.
03:49All right.
03:50Why dost thou come before thy king?
03:53I have accidentally cut my beans too short.
04:01Ah yes, we do have a rule about that, don't we?
04:05Seems kind of silly.
04:07Chroma Commandos!
04:10Send her over the rainbow!
04:19Bring in the next rule breaker!
04:21Another one?
04:23I spend too much time enforcing rules.
04:26As your king, I declare we get rid of most of these rules
04:30for the good of Rainbonia!
04:33But your majesty, without the rules there would be chaos!
04:38You will do as I command!
04:40I'm the king and I'm not going anywhere!
04:46Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
05:01What have we here?
05:09The rules are clear.
05:11Whosoever dethrones the ruler becomes the new ruler.
05:15All hail...
05:18Hi, I'm Teeny.
05:20Queen Teeny the First!
05:23Oh no, I couldn't.
05:25I really need to get back home.
05:27Your majesty, please reconsider.
05:30The rules must be respected.
05:32Wow, you all really like rules, huh?
05:35Oh yes, it really frees us from having to think for ourselves.
05:39Yeah, it would be nice if everyone liked rules as much as you.
05:45Say, anybody want to play a fun new game called Teenyball?
05:54Missed me again.
05:55Hey Goldie, what you looking for?
05:57I lost Teeny after making a wish.
05:59I'm looking for something to wish on to get her back, but I can't find anything.
06:03What about Mrs. Petunia's antique store?
06:06I bet it's got a lot of stuff to wish on.
06:08Come on!
06:11Madam, I must insist you let me out of here at once.
06:17Nope, you put a hole in my roof and you're going to pay for it.
06:21Talking lizard for sale?
06:24I am not a lizard.
06:26I am Roy G. Bibb, the king of Rainbonia.
06:30Hi Mrs. Petunia.
06:32Goldie and I need anything you can wish on.
06:35Teeny made a wish and flew into the clouds, so we need to wish her back.
06:39Let me check in the back, stay here.
06:41And don't touch anything!
06:44Psst, boy, you said your friend was flying?
06:48Whoa, a talking lizard?
06:51Not a lizard, I'm a...
06:53Young man, I know where your friend is.
06:56If you release me, I will bring you to her.
07:00We got a deal.
07:01Hey, that's my lizard.
07:05Hey, shoo, shoo, you're both banned.
07:09What do we do now?
07:11I think it's time for an elaborate rescue plan.
07:19Miracle, magical, misanthrope, um, um...
07:23I can sing, I get a free throw.
07:28Yes, that's another 12 stars in the top half for me.
07:32Excellent throw, your majesty. Only...
07:36If you recall, young Zafri scored a teeny dang doodle in the last inning, thus the player order in this inning goes from shortest to tallest player.
07:42Therefore, those stars and top hats go to the one holding the hoop.
07:46Huh, there it is.
07:48Okay, whose turn is it?
07:53Rule number 468.
07:55If a player asks, whose turn is it, they must...
07:59Spin 100 rotations around while it's singing, teeny ball, teeny ball, come one, come all.
08:05Grab your hoops and grab a ball, it's teeny ball.
08:08And so on and so forth.
08:10Oh, biscuits.
08:12Maybe I did make too many rules.
08:15Teeny ball, teeny ball, come one, come all.
08:20Oh, sure, I've sent lots of folks over the rainbow.
08:23People who chew too loudly, people who snore, people who bite their fingernails.
08:28I wish I could send people over the rainbow, sounds like fun.
08:32Well, it's not.
08:34I'm starting to realize that people should be free to do what they want.
08:39Oh, what is it, Kingy?
08:42Please call me Roy.
08:44You see, my friend, I'm not sure I want to be king anymore.
08:49Perhaps I would have more fun if I were a humble talking lizard.
08:54Good afternoon to you, madam.
08:56We are two important business people.
08:59I love business!
09:00We noticed your shop and thought it would be an excellent place to find a birthday gift for our other business friend.
09:12Why, of all the harebrained nonsense, I'm in goodness sakes alive!
09:16You three are the most mixed-up, dundering nanny-heads I've ever seen!
09:23You know, Roy, if you want to go back to your kingdom, I won't stop you.
09:27You're okay in my book.
09:29Actually, if it's all right with you, Mrs. Petunia, I think I'd like to stay.
09:36So, uh, do you think you could tell us how to find Teeny now?
09:41See that rainbow over there? Yeah, she's up there.
09:44Grab your hoops, grab a ball.
09:47Hiya, Teeny!
09:50Goldie? Petey? Romeo?
09:53I'm so glad we found you, Teeny.
09:57You're still playing Teeny Ball?
09:59Yeah, but I think I've actually had enough.
10:04There is no leaving in Teeny Ball! It's against the rules!
10:09Chroma Commandos!
10:15Oh, no! We're surrounded!
10:18No one leaves until the game is over.
10:22The rest of you, keep playing!
10:26Hey, we don't mind sticking around. How much longer do you think it'll be?
10:30We should be finished in approximately 37 years.
10:34What? I can't wait that long!
10:36This is all my fault. They're just doing what I told them to.
10:41I thought if people would only play by my rules, they'd see how much fun Teeny Ball is.
10:46But clearly, no one is having any fun at all.
10:51Those ones are having fun.
10:55Sorry, Your Majesty. We apologize for breaking the rules and playing our own made-up game.
11:00No! That's what you should all be doing!
11:02Are you suggesting we make our own choices?
11:06Without the rules, we can't play Teeny Ball.
11:09Make our own choices? Without the rules, what will us Rainbonians do?
11:15Whatever you want!
11:25Fulbright's it! She gets to make the rules now!
11:28Just one request. No spinning.
11:39A crushing nightmare.
11:43Welcome to Boisenburg's annual field day.
11:46We've got some great teams ready to compete.
11:49First, we have Team Giant Friendship.
11:57Next up, Team Teeny's Biggest Fan.
12:00We love you, honey!
12:01Go, Teeny!
12:03And last, but not least, Team In It To Win It!
12:10And now our first event, the Cookie Face Race!
12:13The first to get the cookie into their mouth without using their hands wins!
12:32Got it!
12:33Got it!
12:35True to their name, Team In It To Win It wins the Cookie Face Race!
12:43And now we make our way over to the Balloon Toss.
12:50Ooh, you gotta be careful. Those balloons are delicate.
12:54Can Team In It To Win It catch the last balloon for the lead?
13:00Ooh, too bad!
13:02And now Teeny's Biggest Fan...
13:04And they do it!
13:08I told you we should have trimmed your nails.
13:14This is it, folks! The final event of the day, the Obstacle Course Relay.
13:21The score is very close, and it all comes down to this.
13:25On your mark, get set...
13:33Almost there, Goldie! Get ready!
13:39I love hopscotch so very much, but not as much as I love my friends!
13:46Oh, butterfly!
13:53Oh my gosh! I almost stepped on you, Petey!
13:56It's okay, Goldie. I saw you coming and I got out of the way.
14:02Come on, Goldie! You have to high-five Petey so he can finish the race!
14:07But it's not okay! Think of what could have happened!
14:10But nothing did happen, Goldie.
14:13To think, I almost stepped on one of my best friends!
14:16Whoa! Team In It To Win It!
14:18Team In It To Win It wins this!
14:22Oh no! Now I'm sorry for that, too!
14:26It's okay, Goldie. We still had fun, right?
14:43Hi, Petey!
14:48Watch out, Goldie!
14:53It's okay, Goldie. But watch out for the porcelain egg!
15:03Butterflies! Be careful!
15:19Watch out, Goldie! No!
15:24Romeo, I had a bad dream. Can you check under my bed?
15:32No, not for monsters. For... butterflies!
15:38And all the eggs were water balloons and there were so many butterflies!
15:42And I had paws, but I'm not a cat, Teeny! I'm a girl!
15:46Wow! That sounds really scary, Goldie!
15:49And the worst part is, I almost stepped on Petey!
15:53You didn't, though, right?
15:55But I almost did!
15:57Goldie, I think you need to talk to him about this.
16:01What if I tell him and he doesn't want to be friends anymore?
16:05Why would he think that? We're all best friends!
16:10I know, but after the field day and my nightmare,
16:13I'm worried I might be more of a danger to Petey than I ever thought.
16:17But I never think of you as dangerous, Goldie.
16:20It's different with Petey.
16:25It just is. Petey's safety is the most important thing,
16:28and as his giant friend, it's my job to protect him.
16:31There's got to be a way that I can keep him safe and still be his friend.
16:39Genius! If I stay off the ground, I can't step on Petey!
16:48Sorry, Goldie. I think Romeo's the only one of us who can fly!
16:53It's okay. I have more ideas.
16:58Cloud feet! Can't hurt Petey with fluffy feet!
17:04Aw, my socks are wet!
17:16Jingle it, Goldie!
17:18Here comes my left foot! Now my right foot!
17:22Oh, this is great! I won't step on Petey if everyone can hear me coming!
17:26Air buffs here! Air buffs!
17:29Get your peace and quiet back!
17:40Mrs. Petunia, I need everyone to hear me. Especially Petey.
17:44Are you kidding? I am making a fortune!
17:48But how will Petey know when I'm walking toward him?
17:51Sorry, can't hear you!
17:54Hey, Goldie!
17:56Stay away, Petey!
17:58Why are you wearing bells on your shoes?
18:03Goldie, wait!
18:08Goldie, what's going on? Why are you suddenly acting so differently around me?
18:14I had a nightmare.
18:16Oh, no. I have nightmares sometimes, too. They can be really scary.
18:22Not like this. I dreamt that I, well, um, that I stepped on you.
18:28Oh, Goldie, it was just a dream.
18:32But it could have been real! I'm a danger to you.
18:37You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself.
18:41I know, but until I can figure out how to be absolutely positively sure I won't hurt you,
18:46you should probably avoid me. For your own good.
18:52Hmm. The obstacle course was what made you worried about Petey in the first place, right, Goldie?
18:59I guess so.
19:01Well, what if we can prove that you can make it through the course without hurting him?
19:17Goldie, are you sure this is necessary?
19:21Yes, it is. I need to prove that I won't hurt you.
19:24Well, if this is what you need to feel better, then that's fine, but...
19:30Come on, Goldie! You can go faster than that!
19:33Nope, nope, nope! This is the only way to make sure I don't hurt any of the Petey's.
19:44Goldie, let me help you!
19:46No, no, no, Petey! You have to stay away from me until I can prove it's safe!
19:52I can't let anyone get hurt because of me!
19:56Petey, stay here where it's safe!
20:30Oh, can I borrow this? Thanks!
20:49Is everyone okay?
20:53Don't worry, Goldie. Everything's fine, thanks to Petey.
20:57Your resourceful repurposing of my ribbon saved the clock tower.
21:01Forget the clock tower! He saved my life!
21:05Glad to help!
21:07Oh, I can't believe you did all that, Petey!
21:10Goldie, it's like I told you. You don't need to treat me any differently than you treat Teeny.
21:15Just because I use a wheelchair doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of myself.
21:20And others, too!
21:24Oh, looks like I need to go find a good home for these little guys.
21:27Mrs. Petunia, would you give me a hand?
21:30Anything to avoid talking about feelings!
21:35You tried to tell me that before, didn't you?
21:37That you can take care of yourself and I don't need to worry?
21:40I'm sorry I didn't listen.
21:42It's okay, Goldie. Next time, you just gotta trust me, alright?
21:49Yeah! Woohoo!
21:51I sure hope this means I won't have nightmares anymore.
22:01What in the...
22:03A disco ball? Let's dance!
22:07Yes! Woohoo!
22:30Oh, I can't believe you did all that, Petey!
22:32Goldie, it's like I told you. You don't need to treat me any differently than you treat Teeny.
22:36Just because I use a wheelchair doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of myself and I don't need to worry?
22:41I'm sorry I didn't listen.
22:43It's okay, Goldie. Next time, you just gotta trust me, alright?
22:48A disco ball? Let's dance!
22:50Yes! Woohoo!
22:52I sure hope this means I won't have nightmares anymore.
22:57A disco ball? Let's dance!
22:59Yes! Woohoo!
23:01I sure hope this means I won't have nightmares anymore.
23:05A disco ball? Let's dance!
23:07Yes! Woohoo!
23:09I sure hope this means I won't have nightmares anymore.