Goldie.S01 E02
00:06Giant girl giant heart feels the feelings big and small finds the magic in it all like
00:13Doesn't matter who you are if you're shorter if you're tall. Yeah, we're gonna love it all like
00:50Come come on. Come on. Come ride the spinnatron
00:55All are welcome young old rich or yeti
01:01Stop right there
01:04Uh-huh. It's just as I thought you're too short
01:12Hey genie you can ride or what?
01:18What did I say
01:25Well, what do you know? It's time for my break. What is it teeny?
01:34Believe what I'm too short to write the spinnatron
01:38So the sign says can you imagine a size of it on fun? Uh,
01:44Actually, I can
01:48I'm too big to write anything around here. It's why I've been at the strength test all day. Oh
01:53Sorry Goldie, but it's no fun being small either
01:57There are so many things I can't do like sit in a chair without a bouncer seat and reach the monkey bars on the playground
02:06No one takes you seriously
02:09But what about the time you scratched an itch?
02:11I couldn't reach or the time you sorted out that misunderstanding I had with a ladybug. Oh
02:17That was fun. You see how happy we made those kids. Hey that show kept me on my toes
02:23Oh to be tall. Oh, it's so fun to be tall
02:27You know, I'm feeling much better. Oh
02:32Glad to hear it teeny
02:42Okay, see you later
02:51I don't know Romeo, but something tells me teeny's up to something
03:10Have you seen teeny today? I'm worried about her
03:28Think you're tall
03:33That's a ridiculous accusation Romeo, it's just like teeny said she had a growth spurt
03:42So, what do you say Goldie ready for a fun day being tall with me
03:47Right because you are definitely a tall person and not a short person pretending that she's tall, right?
03:54Well tall teeny. What would you like to do first?
03:58You hungry
04:10Sorry, ma'am, I I didn't see you were so tall follow me
04:19Please take a seat. I think I'll stand of course. Let me know if there's anything I can do anything
04:28What can I get for you today?
04:31I'll have a quadruple decker club sandwich. I don't think that exists
04:37But I'm sure we can make it for you
04:41Gosh teeny I never noticed tall people were treated any differently than short people, but you are right
04:48Told ya, here's your quadruple decker club sandwich
04:57Salty that will be
05:46So, how do you like being tall teeny oh
05:51It's great and that I should probably change my name to Tali I
05:57Know I like the name teeny to Romeo
06:01Besides no matter what size you are. You're always gonna be the same person
06:05Well, the only thing that's changed about you since yesterday is how tall you are. You're still kind
06:14Wiser than her years
06:16Well sure Goldie, but now I'm all those things and people respect me
06:22You saw that man dressed like a penguin treated me at that fancy restaurant before he saw that I was tall
06:28Yeah, but your mittens is in trouble. I repeat
06:33Mittens is in trouble
06:36That's the mayor's cat. Oh, come on teeny let's see if we can help
06:47Goldie tall teeny
06:50Where's mayor mittens somewhere in that mouse maze, but we're all too tall to enter
06:59No, if you listen closely you can hear his faint meows
07:08That's terrible, yes, if only there was someone tiny and brave who could save him
07:18Goldie can I speak to you in private?
07:25There's something I need to tell you
07:29I'm not really a tall person. I
07:31Know you do. Yeah, I knew this whole time
07:37But I thought to myself what would teeny do in this situation?
07:41And I realized that you would want me to tell you what I needed to tell you in my own time
07:47Because well, that's what good friends do, right?
07:52Right, so what do you think I should do now?
07:55Well, what would teeny do not tall teeny or short teeny just teeny?
08:08Mayor mittens, he's probably so scared and alone right now. Don't worry mayor. I'll save mayor mittens
08:16but how
08:23Do you mean tall teeny isn't tall no taller than a fire hydrant, sir
09:15Got you
09:31You think he's all right in there. Oh, yeah teeny might be tiny but she is the bravest tiny girl I know
09:38I'm giving you this key to the city
10:02Wow a giant key, no, that's just a regular sized key
10:12Oh and I used to do this all the time
10:45Know being tall was great and all but I think I'd like to say small for a while longer
10:50I'm glad to hear you say that. I mean don't get me wrong tall fives are great, but finger hugs
10:57even better
11:31Well, if that's how you feel
11:35What's wrong Petey we heard yelling pillow and I got into a huge fight, but you two are like peas in a pod
11:43What happened? Yeah, I might have said some things
11:47Anyway, I think I heard his feelings cuz he ran away. Oh
11:52Who's pill Roy? Oh me my best friend in the whole world. Tell me and I have known each other forever
11:59Can you say mama or dada
12:04Who's pill Roy
12:07If you and pill Roy are such good friends, why haven't I met him before because
12:13He's been
12:14Sailing the seven seas. He's the adventurous type
12:19Well, don't worry Petey teeny Romeo and I will help you find pill Roy even if it takes all day
12:26Had other plans well cancel them a friend is missing but Goldie you don't even know what pill Roy looks like good point
12:34Petey what does pill Roy look like?
12:37Let's see. Now. He's about five feet tall blue. His nose is a telephone and
12:44Oh, and he kinda looks like a cat
12:51I can't say that. I have seen someone who looks like that
12:55But you're telling me we have a missing persons case on our hands. Should I be worried?
13:03I see
13:05That is a peculiar case. Well, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding him
13:10I remember when I first moved to this city. I was worried my friend cat Arun chess wouldn't follow me cat Arun chess
13:18Cat Arun chess is my oldest dearest friend. He's been with me ever since I was a tiny mayor
13:25Where's cat Arun chess now? I don't know exactly but he can't be far a friend like that
13:32Is never too far away
13:37Cat Arun chess sounds great. And so does pill Roy. I wonder how they feel about giant girls
13:43I should never have pushed him away
13:45Ah, it's like the mayor said a friend like pill Roy is never too far away
13:51Exactly. We should keep asking around. I'm sure someone's seen him
14:35Use Goldie pill Roy could have scuba dived to Atlantis by now or blasted off on a rocket to Mars
14:42I really gotta meet this guy. He sounds too good to be true
14:46That's because he is. Oh
14:49Hey, let's ask that little girl if she's seen pill Roy
14:56Have you seen a boy who looks like this? Yeah, I seen him, huh? You need to jump over there
15:05Ha our first clue
15:11And when was the last time you saw pill Roy or didn't see him it's like I told you I don't know anyone named pill Roy
15:20But I do know someone named Jill Roy, huh?
15:26This is a portrait I made of my friend Jill Roy Jill Roy, but Julie looks just like
15:33Really? Oh, what did you think?
15:35You're the only person who has a friend with a telephone for a nose who looks like a cat
15:42Last I heard from Jill Roy
15:44She was scaling the icy mountaintops of Olympus Mons the two of us used to be inseparable
15:49Now she just comes to visit from time to time. You see she didn't much care for my fourth husband. Oh
15:59Well, we better get going we have a missing person to find wait if pill Roy is anything like Jill Roy
16:06Chances are they'll find you
16:13You know, I think there's only one person in this world who could tell us where pill Roy is
16:21He's right here
16:25Come on Petey think if you were pill Roy, where would you be?
16:30Traversing the lost ruins of Machu Picchu. Oh
16:36Okay, then
16:38Ice fishing in the North Pole
16:41You really think poor I would have gone that far. Maybe ask me. I think he's somewhere right here in this town center
16:48Oh, why didn't you say so?
16:50We'll leave no building unturned until we find pill Roy, come on
17:01Excuse me
17:05Excuse me
17:07You know Petey you are getting pretty old maybe it's a good thing pill Roy ran away
17:13Maybe it is time. We let go of friends like pill Roy
17:32Tell me how is school and more importantly, how is madam cheese?
17:39Madam cheese madam cheese is genie's oldest friend. Surely you've all been introduced
17:47She's eight feet tall looks like a cross between an elephant and a crocodile
17:53She smells like cheese
17:58Okay, now this is just getting hurtful why haven't I met pill Roy and why haven't I met madame cheese
18:06Does everyone have a secret friend I don't know
18:13Goldie it's not like that. It's just whoa. She never came up just don't usually talk about friends like madame cheese
18:20She's well, she's different
18:24Sure teeny I get it. Come on Romeo. Let's go watch you eat some worms
18:41Have an idea, but it's gonna require a great deal of imagination. I
18:48Said yellow safety patrol sashes not orange. Yeah. All right
18:56We schedule all my important meetings for the day
19:06Tea party in the forest all friends welcomed
19:11Gee Romeo, you think, you know some kids, but it turns out you don't know them or their secret friends
19:24Party oh boy. Come on Romeo. Let's go check it out
19:40If you wanted to stay for a while I have an empty room in my shop
19:44Hello Goldie. Oh
19:46Hi, Grandma Shirley. I don't get it. I don't see anyone
19:53That's because these friends are imaginary
20:00I'm sorry. I pretended you didn't exist madam cheese. You must have felt invisible and I'm sorry
20:06I said I was too old to play with you pill Roy. You're never too old to play with something or someone you love I
20:15Hope you find it in your heart to forgive me
20:18For me you shouldn't have
20:22Friendship bracelets. Oh pillow Roy. I'll wear yours too just to keep it safe
20:44I get it now
20:47Imaginary friends or whatever you need them to be and that's what makes them so special
20:53That's right. All it takes is a little bit of
20:58Imagination tell me Goldie. Now. What do you see?
21:18Do I smell cheese
21:20Wait, oh
21:23It's me. I
21:26Have an announcement to make Petey and I are best friends again. Look we have these friendship bracelets to prove it
21:39I love a good tea party. Don't you sure except why do the teacups always have to be so tiny?
21:48Cool who wanna play leapfrog?