Goldie.S01 E01
00:06Giant girl giant heart feels the feelings big and small finds the magic in it all
00:38Giant surprise
00:51Morning Romeo
00:54Teeny's having a party
00:56How come I didn't get an invitation?
00:58Teeny's my best friend. Come on, Romeo. Let's get to the bottom of this party. I
01:07Can't wait to see the huge green on Goldie's face when she opens these presents
01:13Petey is teeny having a party
01:16Oh, yeah, it's a birthday party for her, but I've had teeny's birthday wasn't for another month
01:25Did I say birthday party I meant
01:29Brewing party what? Yeah, you didn't know teeny throws herself a party every time
01:36She grows a half-inch. So is that who all these gifts are for?
01:42Uh, yes, of course, who else would they be for?
01:51No, all I have to show is this drawing I did of the two of us
01:56Hey, at least it's to scale. No, I have got to do better
02:01Teeny's my best friend. It's wait Goldie. It's okay
02:11We are all gathered here today to celebrate our amazing ginormous friend Goldie
02:20Well, I'm not learning anything about what teeny wants for her growing party and I'm starting to feel bad for spying on her
02:28Goldie don't make a move or we'll blow our cover
02:35That was close
02:39Look Romeo teeny's cold. Oh, hey, that's it. I'll make her a sweater
02:54Watch out for a soggy bottom. We want nice even layers Oh mayor
02:59Oh, hello Goldie. Could you do me a favor?
03:03What is it as you can see I'm very busy, can you try this sweater on for me? Oh
03:10Okay, but we'll have to be quick about it
03:16Very chic, is this the latest in giant fashion? Oh
03:21No, guess not. This sweater is huge. Go. I made it Goldie size. Oh
03:29What am I gonna give teeny now?
03:32Is that all you think about
03:35Mayor, what would you get a tiny girl for her growing party?
03:39Don't know a tiny doll. Oh
03:43That's a great idea
03:47Thanks, man
03:49Don't mention it remember to check that sponge
04:00Know but it was the best I could cobble together on such short notice. Maybe they have a great personality
04:10Together make a present worthy of teeny. Hey, I was trying my best
04:17Teeny like really knew her, you know exactly what to get her
04:24You're right, but I'm all out of ideas
04:33Pet that's what teeny needs
04:42Remember everyone Cody doesn't know this party is for her wait for my signal and we'll surprise her
04:54So wait a minute y'all I have something to say
04:59Teeny you're the best tiny friend a giant girl could ask for I spent all day trying to find you the perfect gift, but
05:06Nothing was good enough
05:08that is until
05:11Wait, oh you're gonna love this
05:16Teeny close your eyes and tell me what's the one thing you've always wanted?
05:20Hmm world peace. No, but close guess again
05:26In end to world hunger, nope
05:30Social justice. No, no, no, no
05:33Come on
05:39Open your eyes teeny
05:47Live Yeti Wow, I better grab my camera
06:11Comfort zone
06:20Don't you dare
06:49Am so sorry
07:19Sure, you gotta make a fine pet for a giant but for a girl teeny size
07:27Maybe I don't know what's best for teeny. Maybe I don't know what's best for anybody
07:50Are you doing here Goldie? Oh
07:54This is my secret crying spot, but maybe not such a secret when your tears produce
08:00tiny floods
08:11Hey, it's okay we like your floods
08:13I mean, we don't like it when you're sad, but who doesn't like a nice canoe ride every now and then
08:21What Petey's trying to say is that we're worried about you Goldie. I
08:27Tried to get you the perfect present teeny present worthy of you and our friendship, but instead I
08:34Ruined your party. What kind of friend does that make me? Huh a
08:39thoughtful friend
08:41The kind of friend who would bend over backwards
08:44Literally shelter you in a rainstorm the kind of friend who moved mountains for you again, literally
08:56Do look better over there
09:07Goldie did you do this?
09:13Even though I'm not allowed to get my ears pierced yet. I love it
09:20If it were my special day, which it's not
09:23See Goldie his party was never meant for me
09:27Gotcha. Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say. Ah, no
09:34Today's our God today. I got your days the anniversary of a day. The person joins a family by adoption
09:40And Goldie you become a part of our family. I have yeah
09:47You're my best friend
09:50Sure you are so what do you say we get back to your party? Huh? Sounds great. You guys want to live?
10:17Wow, I guess that yeti really did do a number on your party Goldie. Oh, that's okay
10:23All that matters is that I got to spend my first gotcha day with my friend happy gotcha day Goldie
10:36You know Goldie when you first came to this town you gave us all quite the scare
10:42but the more we got to know you the more we realized you were one of us and
10:49Even though our flood management and construction bills
10:53Are now through the roof, we're glad you chose to call boys and Berg your home
10:59unload the cargo crew a
11:53What's the matter Goldie, um, it's just this jump rope
11:59It's a little small for me. Oh, I see
12:03That is a problem
12:06Hmm. Oh
12:08I have an idea
12:15Goldie I didn't know you could do that me or did I?
12:32Aren't you?
12:58I'm gonna be stuck here for the rest of my life. I'll never do another cartwheel. I'll never learn to ride a giant bicycle
13:15Like I have any other choice
13:23Business is so slow today
13:38What no wonder
13:45Hey giant girl, it's you're blocking the entrance to my shop. Oh, hi, mrs. Petunia
13:53I'm sorry about that. You see though. I'm kind of well
13:57stuck here
14:00Excuses excuses find a way to get unstuck. Well, yeah, you're ruining business
14:07Hmm. Oh
14:09I'll try
14:11Petey's come to save the day. Yeah. Hey, I brought spoons. Oh
14:19Don't worry Goldie. We'll tap you out of here in no time
14:25Wow, thanks guys
14:37Come on teeny come on Petey if you can't do it then maybe using spoons wasn't such a great idea
14:55Think you two ought to get some sleep
14:57What about you? I'll be fine here for the night
15:01Okay, but tomorrow we're getting you out of there. It'll be okay Goldie promise
15:08Good night you two
15:16Hmm that giant girl is ruining my business
15:32She becomes my business
15:43It's getting kind of chilly
15:46Uh-huh. Thanks, Romeo
15:49You know, normally I'd be pretty frightened spending the night alone
15:53stuck out here on my own I
15:59Was getting to that I was gonna say I don't mind being stuck when I'm stuck with you
16:07That's right, I fell from the sky when I was just a babe
16:12You found me and kept me and that was really brave a giant baby raised by a little bird
16:19Have you ever heard of something more absurd and you even tried to feed me worms?
16:26But in your birdie way, you let me know you cared so long as I'm with you
16:31I don't need to be scared and I don't mind being stuck when I'm stuck with you
16:55I don't mind being sticky when I'm stuck with you
17:00When I'm stuck with you quick Sam, why don't you swallow me up cuz it turns out
17:06I don't really mind being stuck. That is I don't mind being stuck when I'm stuck with you
17:14When I'm stuck with you
17:26Excuse me, what is going on? I figured if a giant girl is going to be blocking my shop
17:31I might as well make the most of it. I
17:33Posted advertisements in all the neighboring towns. That was sneaky. Hmm. I expect folks to start pouring in any minute now
18:08Really don't like it. Oh, no, we're gonna need the big spoon
18:14This job is bigger than spoons. If only there was someone who could help
18:28That's a great idea to me, I'm sure he'll know what to do
18:33Please Romeo ask them to stop
19:01Hear if you tie a daisy to her leg hair, it'll bring you good luck
20:03No, I'm not
20:05$5 is a fair price
20:10Right, of course you are my mistake, oh aren't you?
20:35Oh my goodness, I guess I'm late. Okay. Now, how do I work this thing?
20:49Mayor it's not what it looks like. Yes, it is
20:59Stay here, you'll be safe
21:19Not the statue of our founder everything's gonna be okay mayor
21:45Want to wait inside
22:12Save the city and created a fine public art installation. Is there anything you'd like to say? Oh
22:20Right now everybody. I
22:24Know I'm a little different. That doesn't mean you have to treat me any differently
22:29You'll see that I'm not a monster and actually I'm quite friendly
22:46Look Goldie a double rainbow. Yep
23:00Hey, what do you think you're doing? Let me show you how it's done
23:09My name is mrs. Petunia I own an antique shop and if you try to haggle I'll tell you you should stop