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Fortnite Pump and Dump Chapter 6 Season 2 gameplay with Typical Gamer!

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00:00Alright, I'm taking a fan suggestion for the challenge of the day today and it is going to be win a game only
00:08With the pump and dump. Okay. Now if you've used the pump and dump at least and it's a
00:13State that it's been released in it's not that great
00:16All right, you can pump you could dump it doesn't do either really really great
00:21So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pump it and dump it today and see what I could do and buy this
00:25Oh, oh, yes. Yeah
00:27Okay, that's good and the pump dump right off the bat buy some gold
00:30We buy some big pots and we should be chillin. Look at this is the legendary pump and dump looks pretty close. Oh
00:38About a pump and dump you buddy
00:43There we go a basic understanding of how it works
00:46It pumps and boy does it dump I want to get the mythic version. I need a deal bit to do that
00:52So let's go ahead and rift
00:54Let's look around and let's go to lone wolf lair. A lot of people be there. I love this glider
00:59By the way, I think it might be the coolest one in the game. I
01:01Think it's my new main
01:03He's the bombs away glider that came out in chapter 2 season 2. I think I think this one overtook it
01:08Oh, there's a guy in that car
01:18He didn't expect that especially when I yelled out pump and dump as long as I wish there was a
01:23Proximity chat then they could hear me. I'll pump and dump. Okay, I have I have to keep track of the ammo
01:28It's a little confusing. I have a hundred SMG total and 21 shotgun. So hi YouTube if we're recording
01:33Let's go try and do pump and dump only we're pulling up
01:37Wait, we're going to the doghouse. Oh
01:41It's a mammo
01:43Okay floating ammo box spooky
01:46We know there's more people here. We must show them the true pump and dump master of the pump and the dump
01:52I can get this rock going. Oh, I can somebody has a crown in here
02:09Wow actually successfully pumped and dumped him
02:11I thought that was gonna be over for me if I'm gonna be completely honest
02:14We got this baseball bat
02:15He had the outlaw shotgun, which isn't great for the outlaw shock and not good looks cuz the pump and dump just beat it
02:20Honey, I'm home. We throw that on there is not wise to fight this right now
02:28So I'm gonna try to find where this other person is I know somebody else is here
02:37Be on top of the roof
02:40There is oh
02:43Bird host it's got dunked on that's a guard. Wait, maybe it might be someone
02:51Using like the mystique skin if I don't think so
02:56I'm enough. That's pretty good. Where's the boss?
03:01He's wolfing out oh
03:04My gosh, I just pumped it up them
03:07I'm honestly liking it a bit more now
03:10First you must master the pump and dump me throw that on there
03:13There's that we have the last bit there
03:24Do the guards disappear they do noise, let's get dill bits
03:27I need the mythic pump and dump very nice. Very nice. Very nice. Keep moving
03:31I remember I mean, I don't know if anyone believes me, but I did get a dill bit once from breaking these
03:37I've never seen anyone else talk about it though. Yeah, I'm not crazy. I think I carry to pump down
03:42So I'll get a shotgun delay. Let's see
03:46Yeah, you do oh
03:48I'll carry two. Otherwise, we have the dill bits. We have the medallion so we could run fast
03:53We have all the heels. I need I'm feeling good. I'm not even feeling misunderstood. I'm just feeling good
03:59Almost jumped off the ledge. Okay, um
04:02See some builds there. I
04:05Need you go get the mythic. That's what I need focused on
04:08I'm just gonna move it along. Yeah momentum. That is momentum speed power so much speed so much momentum
04:16So much pump and dump now look
04:18Was it really hard for me to leave behind the man this well, yes
04:21That was one of the hardest things I've done in fortnight recently, but it's for the greater good. Alright, this is a fan challenge
04:34My goodness, I really do hit him with the pump and the dump it's impressive truly that you can hit somebody with both of them
04:40Okay, there is a port-a-potty here. I have no idea where it goes. Oh, oh
04:44Hey, hello
04:47Swing better swing better better
04:50Wanna do this
04:55Kind of like works your brain a little bit we got to remember that you have to shoot it differently than other weapons
05:03Yeah, I saw somebody over here. What was that? Yeah, I can't forget about getting the mythic
05:08As crucial to my success, but I did hear somebody nearby. Oh my they might have been on the trip a golden Loma
05:52All right, we got a golden llama. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah a thousand gold in that little pile. That is not me. What's up?
05:59Shouldn't be not me
06:00It's absolutely bonkers
06:03Okay, somebody's on the train. I had the very least I'm gonna steal this guy's car away
06:06I must go into action show him what the pump and dump is all about. Oh
06:12My oh
06:14My oh, he's got the mythic pump and dump something called me to this location and I got the mythic pump and dump
06:22And now I'm gonna bump him and I'm gonna dump him unless I drop it for another thing
06:27Which I don't want
06:29All right, give me that. Oh, no, I don't want that. I want this area. All right
06:33Now I got everything I need. I got the mythic pump and dump. You don't see this very often
06:37Well, maybe you do actually if you love
06:39Crime City
06:41Atlanta crime city if you love it, you're gonna see the mythic pump and dump quite a bit. Okay, it looks cool
06:46We're moving
06:47I'm actually
06:49Finessing I thought this would be me. It's gonna continue to get harder and harder
06:54But I'm doing better than I thought is what I'll say. You've lost momentum mate. Let's go ahead and rock and drill this person
07:08Yeah, they looked
07:10They looked really sweaty
07:12You don't say
07:14All right, let's move it along here
07:17We're kind of dropping a big game right now with the pump and dump
07:28Okay, I'm just like I
07:33Feel like the Terminator off your luck the Terminator absolutely crushing it. Oh, I
07:40Mean some people just don't expect the the bite that this pump and dump can produce
07:46It's truly a vicious venomous venomous bite
07:5113 eliminations. I don't play. I don't play with him. I don't play with him. I
07:57Don't do that. Let's keep on
08:00We're gonna keep on searching
08:02Keep on seeking. Oh see somebody like all
08:07Colluding over here. Oh shoot
08:11Okay, I feel like that maybe should have taken you out the long fall mate. All right, I think somebody might be back here
08:17I feel like somebody's at this
08:19this power plant
08:21If they're not we're gonna check the sooth part of the map. I
08:25Wish I had vulture at this point. I
08:28See shockwaves. There might be one person up here. It's kind of close to the edge of storm, but oh
08:34Oh, there's builds
08:37Great sign. I don't know how old they are though
08:41It could be quite old. I was right. There's a guy over here about to show him the power of the pump and dump
08:49No, I actually messed up
09:01Wow the pump and dump actually has
09:04More potential than I thought I'm gonna be honest. This guy was stacked. He was also a stream sniper. So he's gonna get reported later
09:18The Yankee
09:22All right
09:2516 eliminations. Why would I go for like this weapon only challenge? I just pop off all the time without fail
09:33It's like I'm so focused
09:35Or there because I'm so focused. I don't have to look for weapons. You know, maybe that another gold llama
09:41Slap my father's ankles and call me Jeremiah the second. I'm a chokeslam this llama into the lobby. Let's go. Oh
09:50My goodness, oh, yep. Yep. Hey Alexa. Hey, Alexa
09:55How many llamas can I fit in the Tesla? Oh
09:59my gosh
10:03Let's keep on rotating this way
10:07It doesn't look like anyone's there we got the truck rotating
10:13Might be somebody in crime city at the moment
10:16I'm gonna do like these wide sweeps, you know, like these wide
10:20area sweeps
10:22Maybe going towards the city now. I need a at least four of the nine eliminations possible for me. I
10:29want to drop a Tony bomb, you know, not a requirement, but
10:33We like 20 bombs around here. You bring joy. Oh
10:37My gosh, my driving skills are spectacular
10:50Does it give you like siphon or something I like was almost sure that he did damage to me
11:05Okay, that's 20 bump this lobby
11:08Had some players some some okay players
11:12It was a definitely a handful of tough fights
11:17Let me tell you a lot of noobs in here. No a lot of noobs
11:20Yeah, I kind of like that though cuz I'd be pumping and dumping
11:24How does it work when you're outside of car? You can't shoot out a car with it?
11:32We're whipping it. All right. Um, we got 21 of limbs. Look at this guy
11:41Yikes blueberry one zero zero two, it's gonna hurt it's gonna leave a scar blueberry
11:51All right down to top three right here Oh
12:02One V one situation the pump and dump only maybe it's a strat maybe it is the strat
12:09try to see if I can get a good sense of where last player is, but
12:14They have no thing. I'm not doing
12:19Zooming down
12:28Fresh car and that's a fresh whip big deal. I'm a big deal. Yep. I just made up that lyric you like it
12:37I think it's absolutely spectacular. Oh
12:41Shoot I'm just curious. Is this a purple pump and dump?
12:47Okay, what can someone actually tell me what the odds of that is I guessed it
12:54Something fishy
12:56Smashing it
13:01Where's it go
13:04I mean, it's just it's bugging me. I need to know where this goes
13:20Come over here
13:32Don't know how it did so little damage but
13:49Stop evading me
14:08Stop stop running
14:17Pumping dump for peace W
14:22Oh my gosh, bro.
14:24Pump and dump only challenge is complete.
14:27Shout out to who requested it.
