• 9 hours ago
Unboxing Pre-Release Poppy Playtime Chapter 5 Mystery Box! today we unbox the poppy playtime chapter 5 mystery box! this mystery box is from mob entertainment gaming and poppy playtime chapter 5 will be coming out! subscribe for more poppy playtime chapter 5 videos!!

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00:00Today we have a Poppy Playtime Chapter 5 Mystery Box.
00:04The only issue is on the top, it's chained up and there's just a lock.
00:08Let's try 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
00:16Okay, it's not 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
00:216, 3, 3, 3, 4.
00:24It's not that either. We're going to need to break this thing.
00:28Let's break it.
00:30This is a thick lock. That barely got through it.
00:50So maybe instead of breaking the lock, let's break the chain.
00:53Now I know these look small, but they can work.
00:56So let's see, because it doesn't feel like the strongest chain.
01:00I feel like I could break it. I just need to push really hard.
01:03All right. Oh my goodness. These are actually stronger than you think.
01:11Come on, break. Oh my, what is this made of?
01:17This is crazy. I thought this was like weak, but it's not.
01:22Come on. I'm going to need something stronger.
01:27Seeing as it's not metal, this can break through it.
01:29A saw could, I reckon, easily break through it. So let's try it.
01:34Oh yeah, that's working.
01:37Just got to get into the rhythm though.
01:43And now hyperspeed, hyperspeed.
01:47It's getting jammed, but look, you see how we're almost through it?
01:51I can nearly break that with my hands.
01:53Okay, a little bit more on my throat.
01:55Hyperspeed, hyperspeed.
01:59It worked.
02:00Look at that. Okay.
02:05Boy. All right.
02:08Now we just need to break one more of these, right?
02:10So let's do it again.
02:14It keeps getting jammed. It's so frustrating.
02:25Oh, this is actually triggering me.
02:31Why is it getting jammed right at the end?
02:34Oh, this is...
02:35Wait, hang on a second. Why don't I just pull it off?
02:39Okay. It's kind of hard, that's why, but I've almost got it.
02:44How annoying. Seriously.
02:46Why are they putting chains and locks on this?
02:49All right, let's cut this open.
02:51I'm so excited to see what's in this right now
02:55because I know they sent me an email
02:57and they said some epic chapter five stuff is in this box.
03:01So let's see what that means.
03:10I only got to do that two more times.
03:12Here we go. Oh yeah, it's gliding now.
03:15Now it's really gliding.
03:18There we go.
03:20And the final one.
03:25Here we go.
03:29And we are in.
03:38All right, let's open this thing.
03:42No way.
03:43I'm going to pull out the first thing, guys.
03:45It's looking amazing.
03:47Oh man.
03:48Now this looks like secret stuff is in this.
03:51What does that say?
03:52Inside contains special contents.
03:56Playtime Co.
03:58All right, let's open this thing.
04:00So it's got this latch right here and it's got this latch right here.
04:04And of course, there's locks.
04:10Every time.
04:11Why make my life hard?
04:12I just want to see what's in it.
04:14Now we've got to open locks again.
04:16I've got a few ideas.
04:16So I'm going to try the code 1 1 1 1 1 first because that seems to always be a lot of the
04:23times the code.
04:23So 1 1 1 and 1.
04:27All right, it's not 1 1 1 1.
04:29Okay, so maybe let's try 0 0 0 0 because that seems to be the code a lot of the time too.
04:360 0 0 and 0.
04:45Okay, it is not 0 0 0 0.
04:49Okay, let's try this side.
04:50Maybe this side's different.
04:52Let's try 0 0 0 and 0.
04:59It is 0 0 0 0.
05:01Okay, for that one at least.
05:02So we got one off.
05:04This one's tricky.
05:05We tried 0 0 0 0.
05:07We're going to need to break it.
05:08There is nothing that an axe can't get through if you use enough force.
05:11So here we go.
05:15I just smashed right into our table and caused a mark.
05:18Okay, let me be more accurate this time.
05:27Let's keep going.
05:33I feel like I'm in Minecraft right now.
05:36Minecraft in real life.
05:41What if there's something really special in here
05:44and I can't...
05:45Okay, there we go.
05:47Get it up again.
05:57Actually, look at this.
05:58There's a keyhole at the bottom.
06:00So maybe there's a key in the box.
06:02Let me start looking.
06:03Okay, let's see.
06:05All right.
06:05Oh, I got to pull this out.
06:07This is something crazy, guys.
06:10I don't know what's going on in this box.
06:13Look at this.
06:15This is like fully, fully locked.
06:18And it says on...
06:19It says something on it.
06:22Inside contains chapter 5.
06:26It says inside contains chapter 5.
06:28I'm reading that correctly, right?
06:32No way that there's chapter 5 in there.
06:34It's got to be...
06:35It's got to be a joke of some form.
06:37Okay, well now I want to break this open.
06:40Oh my.
06:41Which one do I go for?
06:43Uh, no, I got to try this.
06:46Okay, let's see.
06:47Hey, it's got a code.
06:49So 37, 12, and 26.
06:52And I know how to use these things.
06:53So I think I can use this code.
06:55Okay, so 37, 12, 26.
06:58So you go past zero three times.
07:00And then you go to 37.
07:04And then you go past zero again once.
07:07And then you go to 12.
07:09And then what was the last number?
07:12And then you go back to 26.
07:18Why didn't it work?
07:20I know that is how you use these.
07:22Oh man.
07:23Did I forget how to use...
07:25What do I do?
07:26This one won't open.
07:28This code doesn't actually work.
07:30So what am I supposed to do?
07:32Maybe there's more instructions on the inside of this box.
07:35Let me see.
07:36Oh, how did I miss this?
07:38This box just keeps getting better and better.
07:42The only issue is everything in the box has a lock on it.
07:47What is going on here?
07:49Okay, so this one says inside contains essential components.
07:54Essential components to what?
07:57Okay, nah, I gotta break this one open.
08:00That one is really baffled me.
08:03And yes, there's a code on the back of this one.
08:05So it's E-O-M, end of message.
08:09So how do you do these ones though?
08:10Because I don't know how to do these ones.
08:12I'll try the same way.
08:13So we'll go start at zero.
08:15We'll go past zero three times.
08:18And then we'll go...
08:19What was it?
08:20E. E first.
08:22E. And then O.
08:25And then past zero one more time.
08:28And M.
08:32How do these work?
08:34Okay, that's it.
08:36I'm sick of this.
08:36I'm gonna break it.
08:53I'm not gonna lie.
08:55That was really spitting hot metal on me.
08:58It burnt me a bit.
08:59All right, axe time.
09:00There ain't nothing left.
09:01Look how close we got.
09:02We're almost through.
09:03Let's just finish this off with a nice hit or two.
09:06I don't care what's in it.
09:07If I break it or not, it's irrelevant.
09:09I'm getting into the box.
09:17Oh, nearly.
09:19Oh yeah.
09:28Look at that.
09:29Would you look at that?
09:31Look at how dented that is, but it won't open.
09:34Okay, I've got an idea.
09:36We wedge under here.
09:38I am serious.
09:41Every single...
09:43How many locks does one man have to get through in his lifetime?
09:46For the average man, it's like one.
09:48For me, I swear it's about five a video.
09:53Get into it!
09:58I think I broke whatever's in there.
10:00See, and that's why you don't get angry.
10:02That's the reason.
10:04Because then you break things.
10:05And when you break things, things stop working.
10:10I'm just going to try the code again.
10:11It's as simple as that.
10:13Okay, E-O-N.
10:15End of message.
10:16Okay, so start off at zero.
10:17We go past zero.
10:19Once we go to E, okay?
10:22E and then O.
10:24Okay, so we go past zero and then we go all the way to O.
10:30And then we go past M and all the way to M.
10:34Okay, let's see.
10:39I nearly threw it downstairs!
10:42I was this close.
10:43I'm serious.
10:44I nearly threw it.
10:47What is the answer to the question?
10:53I don't care at this point!
10:56Okay, I like this now.
11:11This is getting me genuinely angry.
11:14I don't actually know what to do right now.
11:16Because I feel like I'm close.
11:18I'm so close.
11:19But the code doesn't work.
11:21The access is not working.
11:23The code doesn't work.
11:24The axe isn't working.
11:25The metal grind is literally burning me.
11:28Let's try it one more time.
11:38That had to have worked.
11:40I'm sorry.
11:40Hang on.
11:41Maybe there's instructions.
11:44Oh, yeah.
11:45Okay, there's instructions.
11:46Turn the dial right three times.
11:48Stop at the first letter of your code, okay?
11:51Turn the dial left one complete turn,
11:53passing the first letter,
11:54and stopping at the second letter, okay?
11:58Turn the dial right,
12:00and stop at the third letter,
12:02and pull the shuffler.
12:03I thought that's what I was doing,
12:04but let's try it again.
12:06So you go three times,
12:08and then you go to...
12:09Wait, that was that three times?
12:11Okay, let's do it one, two, three.
12:15And then you go, it said, past once,
12:18and then stop at your letter, O,
12:20and then just strike the M,
12:21and it should work.
12:30Okay, let's see what's in it.
12:33Here we go.
12:38Okay, whatever's in this has to be good,
12:41because it's covered by paper, so...
12:46Okay, I'm excited.
12:48If you're excited, smash a like right now.
12:52Oh, okay, I'm pulling out the first thing.
12:56It's an iPhone 16 Pro Max!
13:01Okay, that's epic!
13:05No way!
13:06Guys, another!
13:09Is that a Pro Max?
13:11That's a Pro Max as well!
13:14So that's two!
13:16Okay, what else?
13:19You're not gonna believe it.
13:22I don't believe it.
13:24There's a third!
13:27No way!
13:28This is epic!
13:30Okay, so I've got a good plan for these,
13:33because I already have a good plan,
13:35so I'm gonna give away these to you guys,
13:38and all you have to do is smash a like,
13:40subscribe right now,
13:42and comment down below your favorite part of...
13:45And I spat everywhere, I know you saw it.
13:47Your favorite part of this video,
13:49and I will be reading the comments,
13:51and I'm gonna pick three special lucky winners.
13:54They have to be subscribed,
13:55you have to like this video,
13:56and you have to comment down below your favorite part.
13:58One of you, or three of you,
14:00are gonna win a new iPhone 16 Pro Max!
14:03I'm struggling to know which one I should open next.
14:09This one says it contains chapter five,
14:11so I'm interested,
14:12but this one says contains special contents,
14:14and we're almost halfway in this,
14:16so I think we'll go for this one next.
14:18And my plan is to bring the old mate back out.
14:22Here we go.
14:23Let's put this in a good position,
14:26like that,
14:28and then...
14:29Let's go, baby!
14:46Okay, it started slipping.
15:02It's almost through, though.
15:03So let's just...
15:05Oh, it's melted the plastic as well.
15:07Wow, look at that!
15:09That's crazy!
15:11All right, let's get an ax,
15:14and let's smash this thing.
15:18Here we go.
15:29Did that actually work?
15:31It actually worked!
15:33Look at that!
15:34Are you guys seeing this?
15:37This is crazy!
15:39All right, I guess we're in.
15:41Let's open this thing.
15:42Okay, we pop.
15:44We pop, pop, pop, and pop that one too.
15:49All right, here we go, guys.
15:51Ready for the big reveal.
15:53What could be inside it?
15:59Is there nothing?
16:02Oh, it's deep, but...
16:04Do you know what's going on here?
16:07It says on the top,
16:08inside contains special contents.
16:11Do you guys see anything in this?
16:14This is weird.
16:15Do I need to rip these open or something?
16:18Okay, hang on a second.
16:19Maybe there's a clue in this big thing right here.
16:21So I'm sure that we're not done with this.
16:23There's something in...
16:24Because I can...
16:26There's a rattling in there.
16:27There's something in it.
16:28Okay, let's just go to this.
16:30Let's break it open,
16:31and then we'll move on from there
16:33because there could be more secrets here
16:35that I'm not piecing together.
16:36So let's try the code one more time.
16:3837, 12, 26.
16:40And it says turn right three times.
16:42So it's the same way.
16:43Okay, so 37, 12, 26.
16:47So we go past zero three times,
16:49two, three, 37.
16:53And then we go past zero once,
16:54and then we go to 12.
16:58And then we go all the way to 26.
17:01Is that the course?
17:10It's not working again.
17:12Okay, we're clearly doing something wrong.
17:15There's got to be some sort of answer to this.
17:18Hey, I almost got it off here.
17:23Oh, so it's not actually holding it properly.
17:26Okay, hang on a second.
17:28If I just get this...
17:29And guys, I know I keep going back to the axe,
17:31but here we go.
17:32And I just whack.
17:33Three, two.
17:36Three, two.
17:39Three, two.
17:40Three, two.
17:42Three, two.
17:47Look at that.
17:48So you guys, you know,
17:50I really give everything for you guys.
17:51And I mean, I've nearly broken this lock open.
17:54So a few more hits and we're in.
17:56Here we go.
18:04This serves this lock right.
18:10Look at that.
18:14Who said that you can't break a lock with an axe?
18:17Whoever said it has no idea what they're talking about.
18:20Because you can't.
18:21All right, let's pull this off.
18:29Bang, we're in.
18:30Okay, so it says inside contains chapter five,
18:32or at least it said that.
18:34Pop this open.
18:36Pop this open.
18:37Now we open it.
18:42And now we open it.
18:45Why is it not opening?
18:47Oh, this is really like seriously.
18:52Why did they make this so difficult for everything?
18:55Why is it not opening?
18:57Do you know why?
19:00It's not actually opening.
19:01I'm pulling as hard as I can.
19:04Is there a trick to it?
19:05There's got to be a trick to it.
19:07It's a trick case.
19:09Okay, does anyone watching this video right now know how to open this thing?
19:13Because right now, it's not actually opening.
19:19Oh, maybe if you like pull it.
19:20Is that what you're saying?
19:23I'm pulling it.
19:24That's not doing anything.
19:25And if I twist it, maybe?
19:27It does twist.
19:29But it's not actually doing.
19:32Okay, I think I need to go back to the big box and see if there's any more answers in there.
19:36All right, I'm going back into the box because there's a very interesting item in here.
19:41Look at this.
19:42So this one does not have a note on it.
19:45It says nothing.
19:46It's a clipboard of some form.
19:49And I guess we just need to figure out how to open it.
19:52So where's the axe?
19:53All right, here we go.
19:54I'm just kidding.
19:55There's no lock, so we don't need to axe it.
19:57Okay, well, I don't think so anyway.
19:59So, oh, easy.
20:02Now this is how a mystery box is supposed to be.
20:09There's nothing there!
20:11No, that can't be right.
20:12There's got to be some sort of trick to this.
20:14Even the easy ones have a trick to them.
20:16See, there's a thing here.
20:17Like, probably Playtime's a very mysterious, figure-y out kind of game.
20:21So let's see.
20:23Maybe there's a way to open this.
20:25Oh, yes!
20:26Look at this.
20:27So you lift that, there's something under there.
20:29Hang on, how can I get it all open, though?
20:31Oh, is that what I thought it was?
20:34No way.
20:37It is!
20:38That's a...
20:39That's a Joy-Con for...
20:42I spat again.
20:43That's a Joy-Con for, like, um, the Switch.
20:47All right, let's pull this thing open.
20:51That's awesome!
20:52That's awesome!
20:54There's an actual Switch in here!
20:56With the Joy-Cons and everything!
20:59For real!
21:00Okay, maybe, maybe...
21:03Maybe this has the game pre-loaded on it or something.
21:06I gotta switch this on and find that out.
21:09Oh, that is awesome.
21:10That is awesome!
21:11All right, well, you know what?
21:12That was a fun, easy little item to open.
21:14Let's go back into the box and see if there's any clues as to how to open up this and what's in it.
21:20Because that's what I really want to figure out.
21:22All right, here we go.
21:25There is something.
21:27Okay, so on the inside of the box, it's got some writing written.
21:30And it says,
21:32Blue box only has secret inside.
21:38What does that mean?
21:40Blue box only has secret inside.
21:43Let's see.
21:44What is this secret inside?
21:46So, maybe it's hidden under here?
21:49Okay, it's not hidden under there.
21:51There's a secret in this box, no doubt about it.
21:53We just need to find it.
21:55It's got to be back down, because these rip.
21:58So, let's see.
21:59Oh, look, look, look, look, look!
22:01There's something shining.
22:02Can you see that?
22:03It's got a reflection.
22:04You can't see it.
22:06Wow, okay.
22:06Well, there is a reflection down there, which means there is something down there.
22:10So, we just need to open this up like this.
22:14Oh, maybe, actually, can we pull this whole thing out?
22:17Let's see.
22:19Yes, yes!
22:20I think I figured out the secret.
22:21I figured it out.
22:22Okay, so you just pull this out like this.
22:25Here we go.
22:27Oh, no way!
22:30There's an actual iPad in here.
22:34That's like a legit new iPad.
22:38It's like, why though?
22:41Maybe there's a secret message on the iPad or something?
22:43Is that why?
22:44I'm confused.
22:45I'm confused.
22:46I don't understand why there's just an iPad.
22:49Are they just saying you can have a free iPad?
22:52This is weird.
22:53Guys, if you have any ideas on what I should do with that iPad,
22:56comment them down below right now.
22:57But it still is an iPad.
22:59And also, don't forget, make sure you smash a like, subscribe,
23:03and comment down below to win one of these iPhones as well.
23:06All right.
23:08This box right here is the one that I really, really, really want to get inside of,
23:12because it says inside contains chapter five.
23:14And this is the one I'm most excited for,
23:16because if chapter five's inside this, we're going to go crazy.
23:21We're going to play it, and we're going to do everything we can.
23:23So let's see.
23:25Maybe it's like a pre...
23:30All right, this one's gotten me interested since the beginning.
23:34Look at this.
23:36Okay, I don't know what it is.
23:38It's wrapped all in black and sticky tape.
23:41So it's got to be something really cool.
23:43Let's see this.
23:50And that's the thing.
23:51The trusty axe can break open anything.
23:56What is this?
24:03Oh, this is looking really cool, guys.
24:06This is looking like next level kind of stuff here.
24:10What the heck is this thing?
24:13This looks like they smuggled it into the country.
24:19It's like I'm going to open it and just...
24:22I don't know what I'm going to see.
24:25Why is it so hard to open?
24:30You would think for someone who does this, honestly, seriously,
24:34like this is what I do.
24:36I open things.
24:38This is what I do.
24:39I open things.
24:40That I would be better at opening these things.
24:42But I'm just...
24:44It's so hard.
24:52Why is it wrapped 500 times?
25:02This would have helped me from the beginning.
25:04This is looking actually sick though.
25:07What the heck?
25:10This is like...
25:12This has to be coming to Poppy Playtime.
25:17What the heck?
25:18I'm breaking everything here.
25:21Because I...
25:21Oh my goodness.
25:24This is amazing.
25:25Hang on a second.
25:27What is this thing?
25:32What actually is this?
25:33I'm serious.
25:34This is taking me four minutes just to rip open some bubble wrap.
25:38But what is it?
25:39It looks like it shoots.
25:45Oh my...
25:46Just wait!
25:47Get off!
25:50Oh, it's so frustrating.
25:52It really is making me so frustrated.
25:54Okay, there we go.
25:57That actually took more effort than breaking those open.
26:01What is this thing, guys?
26:04Like actually, what is...
26:06And it's got...
26:07Look at this.
26:08It's got a trigger.
26:11What is this thing?
26:13It looks like it shoots.
26:14Oh no, look at this.
26:16So if I pull this, does this come off?
26:19It does.
26:20It's sharp at the top.
26:22What on earth, guys?
26:24Is this a secret that's coming to Poppy Playtime?
26:26Is this like...
26:28Do I shoot it?
26:29Do I put it in here?
26:31Look, I think you put it in here.
26:34And then you load it.
26:36And now that's loaded, I think.
26:38I don't know what this does.
26:40I don't know if that does anything.
26:44I don't want to just start shooting something and like destroy or hurt people, you know?
26:50So I think this is like a super powerful harpoon.
26:53I can't shoot it inside.
26:54It's made...
26:54I don't know what it's made for.
26:56But I know that Poppy Playtime might be bringing this to the game.
26:58Maybe that's why it's in this box.
27:00So finally, let's open up this because it says inside contains chapter five.
27:05We just...
27:06I haven't been able to figure it out.
27:08Bulb said it's maybe something to do with this.
27:10And I think Bulb might be right.
27:12If I twist it or something, then we're probably going to get into it, right?
27:18Or hang on.
27:18What if I push it?
27:20Push it like that.
27:22All I needed to do was push it all that time.
27:24All right.
27:25Here we go, guys.
27:26Put that on the ground.
27:27It says inside contains chapter five.
27:29Let's see.
27:32No way.
27:34No way!
27:36Is that chapter five?
27:39Hang on.
27:39It says on the back something.
27:42This is Poppy Playtime chapter five beta testing.
27:45It is illegal to share this.
27:51So they've sent me a beta of chapter five.
27:53So obviously it says it's illegal to share it, which means I can't play it.
27:56But maybe I can.
27:58I'm going to message them and see if I'm allowed to play it to show you guys.
28:00But this has been an epic mystery box.
28:03And seriously, if I get to actually beta test chapter five, I'm going to go crazy.
28:08I'm going to do that right off this video.
28:09I hope you guys enjoyed.
28:10Make sure you don't forget about our giveaway.
28:13And get ready for the next video because I'm expecting something crazy.
28:17We'll see you guys in the next one.
