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Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, y hoy vamos a hacer un recuento de nuestra selección de los treinta personajes más poderosos físicamente en la historia de la ficción.


00:00You're a monster, Zod, and I'm going to stop you.
00:06Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:09I'm G and today we will show you our top 30 of the most powerful characters physically in the history of fiction.
00:16Don't try to sell it short, Frieza. You and I both know it's an incredible jump. It's changed my whole idea of power.
00:24Number 30, Spider-Man, Marvel Comics.
00:28After being bitten by a radioactive spider, the skinny teenager Peter Parker turns into an absolute hero overnight.
00:40Of course, he still has his teenage problems, but now he can lift a car. Actually, he can lift much more.
00:46We have seen Spider-Man catch trams that fall, stop trains out of control, even lift the weight of entire buildings that collapse.
00:55According to his story, he supposedly has the proportional strength of a spider.
01:05But when he's under pressure and there are lives at stake, Spider-Man has proven to be capable of much, much more.
01:11Whether it's for the work of his suprarenal glands or for the great power that all that responsibility entails,
01:18Spider-Man is located somewhere between the average weights, even in a universe full of superhumans.
01:26Number 29, Luke Cage, Marvel Comics.
01:39If this were a list of resistances, Luke Cage would be much higher on this list.
01:44His famous impenetrable skin can reject knives, bullets or even blows from Iron Man or Thor.
01:50It also gives him a level of strength that embarrasses the average bodybuilder.
01:53But Luke occupies a place where he can do great things like destroy construction equipment and break steel chains with his own hands.
02:01Don't you think it's enough? Once he loads a semi-truck, he rolls seven blocks on his shoulders because he didn't start.
02:08Number 28, Mario, Super Mario franchise.
02:11Well, what's amazing here? Mario can break a block of bricks with a single punch.
02:17True martial artists can also do it, but can they do it once every few seconds during the time it takes to win the game?
02:25That's special. On the other hand, we don't classify the characters just because of their resistance.
02:30What else does Mario have?
02:32Ah, he can also lift a castle and throw a flying kick as if it were nothing.
02:40And spin a turtle the size of a truck by the tail.
02:48He can also throw asteroids as if they were cannonballs.
02:56Ok, ok, we get it. Mario is the definitive example of how appearances deceive.
03:01He may look like a little chubby plumber, but you should never underestimate someone who can nail stakes to the ground like nothing more than a well-placed tramp.
03:13Number 29, Mario, Super Mario franchise.
03:16Number 27, Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles franchise.
03:20When Mr. Incredible needs training, normal weights are not enough.
03:25This hero has to go to the local train station and start lifting wagons.
03:34But that's just the warm-up.
03:36In The Incredibles we see him fight giant robots, change the course of vehicles the size of a battleship, and destroy tons of domestic objects simply for being distracted.
03:50His maximum strength is not enough to get out of the syndrome traps without help, and he is not as unstoppable as other heroes on this list.
03:58But Mr. Incredible remains a solid contender for the strongest man in his world.
04:07Number 26, Wolverine, X-Men franchise.
04:10Undoubtedly one of the most recognizable X-Men, James Logan Howlett has faced some of Marvel's most powerful villains.
04:26And his prolonged life has involved him in some of the greatest battles in the history of humanity.
04:31His anatomy makes him almost indestructible, and his healing abilities allow him to recover quickly from any blow that enemies can hit.
04:39His magnificent battle skills and experience have brought together impressive allies, from his mutant team to a recent association with the unique and unmatched Deadpool.
04:52Even if we remove the adamantium from the equation, Wolverine's brute force shows a power and determination that have allowed him to successfully defeat equally invincible opponents.
05:07And seriously, look at those muscles.
05:10Number 25, Kirby, Kirby franchise.
05:13It may seem adorable, but this little pink balloon can fool you.
05:21It is better known for inhaling opponents, and by doing so it allows Kirby to acquire the strength of his enemies and use his own weapons against them.
05:35With a strength similar to that of a leaf cutter ant, he can easily lift and throw objects that are much larger than him.
05:44We also see him endure hostile environments, proving to be adaptable and resistant to extreme climatic and geographical conditions.
05:53He has even defeated literal celestial beings and gods.
05:57His skills, unbreakable determination and unique versatility make him the epitome of the phrase, small but powerful.
06:06Number 24, The Thing, Marvel Comics.
06:14Ben Grimm is the equivalent of a human landslide.
06:19No, it's not just a word game about his terrifying face, this character has all the power to back it up and more.
06:26He is shown just below Hulk in brute physical strength, but The Thing of the Fantastic Four has managed to defeat Jade's giant in one or two occasions.
06:37In addition, he has raised skyscrapers, oil platforms and has even replaced the hanging bridge cables, all by himself.
06:45And either for all that heavy training or for the continuous effects of his mutation induced by cosmic rays, he seems to be becoming stronger over time.
06:55Who knows, maybe Hulk has a tough competition.
06:58Number 23, The Genius of the Lamp, Aladdin.
07:02The genius of Aladdin is an absolute colossus of cosmic power, a mixture of shameless humor and herculean muscle.
07:08What would you wish of me?
07:09The ever impressive.
07:11The one containing luck.
07:14You often imitate it.
07:16But never duplicate it.
07:18Duplicate it, duplicate it, duplicate it.
07:20Genie of the Lamp.
07:24His magical and physical strength has no limits, it is only limited by the imagination of his summoner.
07:30The genius could alter reality effortlessly with a wrist movement.
07:35He can lift mountains, remodel worlds and challenge the laws of nature, all while throwing ingenious phrases that illuminate the cosmos.
07:43His strength, however, has a significant limitation that forces him to be at the bottom of the list.
07:49He can only do these things while fulfilling a wish.
07:54You little genius, you.
07:56On the contrary, his power and strength are trapped inside a lamp and he is essentially powerless.
08:02Number 22, Juggernaut, Marvel Comics.
08:05Juggernaut is one of the most fearsome enemies of the X-Men in Marvel Comics.
08:09Who's that?
08:11The Juggernaut.
08:13Stop or we'll shoot.
08:15Ooh, I'm scared. I better run.
08:19Thanks to the carmcide gem of Sitorak, Professor Xavier Kain Marco's stepbrother received a divine force.
08:26He becomes a living Juggernaut, the embodiment of pure and relentless strength.
08:31Juggernaut is the proverbial unstoppable force.
08:34Nothing can stop his advance, nor the mountains, nor the armies, not even the laws of physics.
08:39Oh my God! Juggernaut!
08:44I thought that was you!
08:46I should have worn my white pants.
08:48His immense power is combined with an almost total invulnerability, which makes him almost immune to damage.
08:54When he attacks, the world trembles and the barriers collapse.
08:58In a universe full of superhumans, Juggernaut stands as an indomitable monster.
09:03I'm gonna squeeze the funny right out of you.
09:06In the past, he faced and defeated some of the strongest heroes of Marvel, including Hulk.
09:12Number 21, Wolf, DC Comics.
09:16There is a reason why no one in the DC universe wants to know that there is a reward for their heads.
09:22There is a possibility that Wolf, the main man, has accepted it.
09:27So that's how you want to play it? Fine.
09:30Contract calls for the main man to put on a show for the locals.
09:34So one more time, surrender or die.
09:39Wolf is a galactic power, a bounty hunter whose strength challenges understanding.
09:45Like Superman, Wolf is the last son of his world, Sarnia.
09:50Wolf's super strength is not only equaled by his regenerative abilities.
09:55Fine. You had your chance.
09:59He can heal from any wound, which guarantees that he is never vulnerable.
10:04Wolf has faced the Iron Man on many occasions.
10:08In essence, Wolf is a team of demolition in one man.
10:11His strength, speed and pure willpower make him one of the most formidable characters in DC Comics.
10:18But you still sound like a dweeb.
10:22You could have mentioned the immortality.
10:25I like to keep people guessing.
10:27Number 20. Rick Sanchez. Rick and Morty.
10:30In fiction, a Mary Sue is a character who is too perfect and competent to be credible.
10:36You for real just try to smite me?
10:38Siri, triangulate source of power.
10:41I got you now, you son of a bitch.
10:43Sweetie, you handle the hippies, I'll handle the off-brand Yahweh.
10:46Kick his ass, dad.
10:47Bear witness.
10:48The only thing that prevents Rick Sanchez from being the most Mary Sue character of all time is his attitude and his alcohol consumption.
10:55He is possibly the brightest scientist in all of fiction, limited only by his own imagination.
11:01Rick's inventions can amplify his strength by whim.
11:04His arsenal of gadgets can transform Rick into a power capable of taking down entire dimensions.
11:10You think my Rick's dead, he's alive. And if you think you're safe, he's coming for you.
11:14He can rebuild his own body at will, remodel reality or build an invincible mechanical suit.
11:20Rick's true power lies in his unlimited ingenuity and unpredictability, which makes him a practically unstoppable force.
11:28This combined with his cruelty and lack of moral restriction, Rick is almost invincible.
11:34You're less motivated to fight now, so this is literally punching down, but you've got it coming.
11:38Number 19. Shazam. PC Comics.
11:43Did someone really mix a lot of joke entries in this list?
11:46First Mario and now this... kid?
11:49Who simply says a magic word and suddenly can lift a bus?
11:53Well, yes, apparently that's what happens.
11:56I got the bus. I got the bus.
11:58Nobody move in there.
12:00I'm gonna put this thing down. I'm gonna put this thing down.
12:02Originally called Captain Marvel, nowadays he's known as Shazam to avoid confusions with other heroes.
12:09Billy Batson's superhero identity can go through mountains, through steel, and perhaps the most impressive of all, fight Superman until he stops him.
12:25To be fair, Superman is vulnerable to magic, so that could be what gives Shazam an advantage.
12:31But anyone who can face the Steel Man is a force to be reckoned with.
12:39Number 18. Sentry. Marvel Comics.
12:42In the beginning, Sentry was meant to be an ironic parody of DC's Superman.
12:47Overweight and outdated, Bob Reynolds was an average middle-aged guy who remembers that, in fact, he's a powerful superhero.
12:55He's Sentry, a being with the power of a million explosive suns.
12:59He has the power of a living god, capable of lifting an immense weight and facing the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe.
13:05Sentry's presence can change the balance of entire wars.
13:09Sentry is almost invulnerable.
13:11His only weakness is his evil alter ego, Devoid, who lives inside himself.
13:16Sentry's power is almost unlimited, which makes him one of the greatest beings in the history of fiction.
13:23Number 17. Sauron. Lord of the Rings franchise.
13:27Given the titanic power and the depth of Sauron's evil, it's hard to believe that he was just a servant of a greater and darker power.
13:46Sauron is the most powerful and evil of the Maiar, an angelic race.
13:51Like the Dark Lord, Sauron exerts an immense physical and mystical power.
13:55He can choose to annihilate entire armies by hand or with his powers.
13:59The One Ring amplifies his strength and extends his influence throughout Middle-Earth.
14:16Sauron's physical form, when it manifests, is imposing and formidable, capable of devastating combat.
14:22His resistance is almost infinite, surviving even the fall of Numenor.
14:27Sauron's strength is not only brute force, it is his unbreakable will that is capable of dominating the minds of others.
14:44Number 16. Darth Vader. Star Wars franchise.
14:48Darth Vader is a figure of pure power and elegant evil.
14:51A Lord Sid whose strength is both physical and mystical.
15:05Wrapped in his iconic armor, Vader can easily dominate enemies with the pure force of his rage and violence.
15:12Vader's power is reduced and increased at the same time by his terrible wounds.
15:16Although he uses his strength to help his suit stay alive, the pain feeds his hatred and rage.
15:36His dominance of the dark side of the force amplifies his power.
15:40Vader can strangle enemies from afar, launch telekinesis objects and withstand serious wounds.
15:46Vader's combat ability has no parallel.
15:49His lightsaber is an extension of his lethal will.
15:52His mere presence can dominate a battlefield, infusing fear and crushing all opposition.
16:10Number 15. All Might. My Hero Academia.
16:14When you meet All Might for the first time in My Hero Academia, he's already old.
16:19Wounded and sick, he can't use his powers for long periods of time without making things worse.
16:24Well, how strong is he really?
16:27Well, it's the time he launched a monster into space despite his powers of impact absorption.
16:40Or the time he hit a guy so hard that he changed the air pressure and caused it to rain.
16:52But that's not even half of what he can do.
16:54All Might is so muscular that he can use his muscular strength as a ranged weapon.
16:59The pure wind of his punches and kicks can knock down enemies, destroy buildings and even cause tornadoes.
17:08If he wasn't such a good guy, All Might would be a natural disaster.
17:25Number 14. Hercules. Marvel Comics.
17:28I haven't had this much fun battling bird beasts since I saved Prometheus from that liberating vulture.
17:58Come on, deep down you admire me, I know it.
18:14Come on, deep down you admire me, I know it.
18:28It's as if they were Jenga towers.
18:30When they get into a bloody fight, the cities are in ruins.
18:34When he raises and throws another kaiju of his size, or even when he takes a step that is equivalent to lifting 90,000 tons,
18:41he is achieving a feat that competes with few things.
18:51So why is Godzilla on the list and not some other kaiju?
18:55Why not the much bigger King Ghidorah?
18:57First, Godzilla becomes stronger and stronger the more radiation he absorbs,
19:02which means he has a higher limit in his power.
19:15But most likely Godzilla has fought King Ghidorah over and over again,
19:20and each time he has kicked Ghidorah's golden butt with great advantage.
19:35Number 12. The prince of all the cosmos. Katamari franchise.
19:39Well, enough jokes. It's just a big ball of things that rolls by itself.
19:44And besides, what? That little one over there is the one who moves the ball of objects that grows non-stop?
19:54Although it is often represented with only a few centimeters in height,
19:59the prince of all the cosmos of Katamari clearly has great power.
20:04It starts out small, rolling arrows and pencils in his Katamari.
20:09But once he gets going, he picks up people, buildings or even kaiju.
20:19It is known that he incorporates small earth masses in his Katamari.
20:23In a short time, he is pushing a sphere hundreds of meters in diameter.
20:27Not bad for such a small being.
20:33Number 11. Thor. Marvel Comics.
20:36You couldn't call him the powerful Thor if it weren't true.
20:39Thor is much more than an elegant hammer and a lot of lightning.
20:43His official ranking in the Marvel universe places him just below Hulk in terms of pure lifting power.
20:55And although he may not agree on who is the strongest avenger, being number 2 is not something to despise.
21:02Even without Mjolnir's help, he has maintained destroyed moons together.
21:07He has launched a snake the size of Earth and has resisted the gravity of a neutron star.
21:16When he fought his rival Hercules, the strength of his fight was enough to destroy a mountain plateau.
21:23At this point, powerful could even underestimate him.
21:32Number 10. Kratos. God of War franchise.
21:35Kratos killed most of the Greek gods, so you know that he has earned a place on this list.
21:41In the God of War games, there is no doubt that Kratos is superhumanly strong.
21:46Just look at this scene of him, where a titan cannot crush him between his fingers.
21:56When Kratos decides to kill a titan, his usual tactic is to climb and stab him in noble parts.
22:01That seems less like a competition worthy of a god and more like one of a very ambitious mosquito.
22:07But even so, there are not many mosquitoes that can throw giant logs, hit a guy through a forest or do this to the hydra.
22:15There is no doubt that Kratos has earned his place in the hall of fame of the super force.
22:24Number 9. Asura. Asura's Wrath.
22:26You can probably deduce from the title in Spanish, Asura's Wrath, that the main character is not what you would call his quiet name.
22:34In fact, as the game progresses, he gets angrier and angrier.
22:45And as he does, he becomes stronger.
22:48While Asura goes through various forms of empowerment, he begins to be as strong as to break mountains,
22:54to hit monsters the size of asteroids in half,
22:57to hit a being almost the size of the earth with so much force that it explodes.
23:12And that is not even his final form.
23:19Number 8. Thanos. Marvel Comics.
23:22You might think that having Thanos on this list is cheating.
23:26His most impressive feats are made with the help of the Infinity Gauntlet,
23:30which clearly allowed him to manipulate the fabric of reality.
23:37But even without the gauntlet, Thanos gives a tough competition to the most powerful heroes of Marvel.
23:42A good example is that he can always face Hulk.
23:45A good example is that he can always face Hulk.
23:48Which is a kind of gold standard to be considered one of Marvel's best in strength.
23:56He is not stronger than Marvel's powerful furious beast, but he can defend himself.
24:00Of course, he has the advantage of fighting against Hulk's Berserker style, which sometimes gives him victories.
24:06Either way, Thanos has earned his place with growth.
24:10Number 7. Wonder Woman. DC Comics.
24:18Wonder Woman's strength has not been exactly constant.
24:21Since the 40s, she has been represented by moving islands with ease,
24:25or having trouble lifting a tank.
24:34But when it's strong, it's very strong.
24:37She has dominated the entire Justice League, except for Superman, of course.
24:41She took Martian Manhunter out of a black hole and remained firm against Doomsday, the monster that killed Superman.
24:54Wonder Woman even took the moon out of its orbit without sweating a drop.
24:58The only correct answer seems to be, she is almost as strong as Superman.
25:02Like Shazam, he has defeated him in more than one fight,
25:05compensating the difference in brute force with his magic weapons and superior training.
25:17Number 6. Unicron. Transformers franchise.
25:21Unicron is a planet in the universe of Transformers,
25:24he is also a robot, and eats other planets.
25:27He does it by dragging them into his orbit and destroying them with his terrifying giant robotic teeth.
25:38Like Godzilla, Unicron would have entered this list even if he didn't do much more.
25:43Every time he raises a hand to scratch his nose, he is moving more force than Kratos and Spider-Man together.
25:49Tearing pieces from a planet is the equivalent of eating a sandwich.
25:58With Unicron we have entered a part of the list full of characters that are so strong that it is difficult for us mere mortals
26:06to even understand the amount of power they can generate.
26:13Number 5. Hulk. Marvel Comics.
26:15There is a reason why we have been comparing other characters on this list with Hulk.
26:20He establishes a standard of strength that few heroes can expect to reach.
26:24She-Hulk, Deathink, Abomination, all of them would like to reach the level of Banner.
26:29And how does he do it? Simple. The more Hulk gets angry, the stronger he becomes.
26:33And he gets very angry.
26:35We have seen Hulk do punches that defeated all the other Marvel heroes without help,
26:40sometimes all at the same time.
26:42And he has hit them all, since the beginning.
26:45In his apogee, Worldbreaker Hulk causes earthquakes when he walks and destroys planets with the strength of his fists.
26:52Number 4. Saitama. One Punch Man.
26:55Some people will get angry because Saitama is not the same person as Hulk.
26:59But it is not true.
27:01Saitama is not the same person as Hulk.
27:03He is not the same person as Saitama.
27:05He is not the same person as Saitama.
27:07He is not the same person as Saitama.
27:09He is not the same person as Saitama.
27:12Some people will get angry because Saitama is not the number one on this list.
27:16In the end, he is capable of defeating any opponent that comes to him with a single blow.
27:24How can you not put that in first place?
27:26In terms of brute force, Saitama technically has not proven to be equal to Hulk.
27:31No, it is not Saitama's strength feats that take him so high on the list.
27:36It is the way he does them, so casually.
27:42As if he would not even try so hard while stopping an asteroid or hitting a monster that seems unstoppable.
27:50That makes you wonder, if this is him when he is bored, how would he know if he made a real effort?
28:06Number 3. Darkseid. DC Comics.
28:09Darkseid is a man of the cosmic war of unstoppable power.
28:13He is literally a new god whose strength defies understanding.
28:29The ruler of Apokolips.
28:30Darkseid's physical power can destroy planets and subdue the most powerful heroes.
28:35His omega rays, which are in essence bursts of energy that come from his eyes, can hit speeders and destroy worlds.
28:42He is also capable of receiving a punch from the man of steel without affecting him.
28:47Darkseid can easily crush buildings and face the most powerful characters of DC in devastating body-to-body combats.
28:55This arsenal of power and muscles, when combined with his strategic brilliance and his mastery of the anti-life equation,
29:02make Darkseid one of the most feared beings in the DC Universe.
29:23Number 2. Goku. Dragon Ball franchise.
29:26Goku is the anime what Hulk is the superheroes.
29:33He is the criterion with which all other examples of strength are compared.
29:39Of course, sometimes he meets an enemy stronger than him, but only until he screams enough to multiply his power at the next level of Super Saiyan.
29:54It is difficult to say exactly how strong that makes him, since he generally fights against enemies as strong as to balance him.
30:02But based on the large number of powerful characters he has defeated, not to mention the planets he has made explode on the way,
30:09it is safe to say that he has a place near the top.
30:18Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but almost.
30:21Make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
30:28Very well, let's see the position number 1.
30:30Number 1. Superman. Free Crisis. DC Comics.
30:41Uy, this is going to be controversial.
30:43The discussion about whether Superman is stronger than Goku has been on the rise for years.
30:49To be fair, Superman as we know it today probably is not.
30:54He can still move continents and even planets, of course.
30:57But before DC Comics weakened him and his cousin Supergirl with the crisis in Infinite Lands, Superman was in a totally different league.
31:07Here he is toppling a dozen planets the size of Earth in a chain when he was a teenager.
31:12That alone equals any character on this list, but there are more.
31:16In the number of ACTION COMICS 273, he destroyed a complete solar system in seconds just sneezing.
31:23Good thing he chose an empty space.
31:26Doing a feat like that by accident is the way you become the strongest character of all time.
31:39So form groups of three and discuss who is the strongest in a fight in the comments.
31:47Tough one, though. I mean, what is One Gage's response on?
31:50Physical prowess, keen detection skills, the ability to banter well with supervillains...
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