Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos a los compañeros digitales más geniales, populares o simplemente icónicos.
00:00Try this on for size, Thunderclap!
00:07Hey, hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español.
00:10I'm G, and today we will meet the coolest, most popular or just iconic digital companions.
00:16To keep our digilista under control, we only consider Digimon that have appeared in the anime.
00:22Also, we only focus on an evolution line and not on fusions.
00:28Full Moon Blaster!
00:49Initiate plan. Eliminate.
00:58On the other hand, what else can you expect when you fight one of the Dark Masters?
01:12Machinedramon has not conquered the digital world just to look threatening.
01:16Power supports him.
01:18At this point, the best thing is to stay away.
01:21Once Machinedramon puts his eyes on you, it's too late.
01:28Number 19. Gammamon.
01:31Are you looking for a good companion? Here's some advice.
01:34Wherever there's chocolate, Gammamon will be there.
01:37Although what he lacks in maturity will be compensated with charm.
01:40Well, that and his versatility in combat.
01:49Gammamon has a lot of digi-evolutions.
01:52Do you want a flying ready to take off?
01:54A ferocious fighter? A walking cannon?
01:56He even has an evil digi-evolution that wants to destroy the world.
02:04Gammamon is all kinds of companion in one and adorable package.
02:07Well, forget that, he's not just a companion, he's Hiro's little brother.
02:11When it comes to little brothers, there's no one as adorable as Gammamon.
02:25Number 18. Wizardmon.
02:27The evil henchmen aren't usually very good friends.
02:31But Wizardmon will steal your heart without the need for spells.
02:34Although at first he served in Mayotsimon's scary army,
02:38he was only there to help keep Gattomon and Kari out of the bloodsucker's clutches.
02:44Ah, forget about it. As a matter of fact, Thunderbolt!
02:50Later, at the time of the truth, he risked his life to defend his loved ones.
02:55The heartbreaking sacrifice of Wizardmon makes it an unforgettable part of an already charming story.
03:14Especially because his death triggers Gattomon's ultimate evolution.
03:18Angewomon has the honor of defeating Mayotsimon, but Wizardmon's victory is total.
03:28Number 17. Rosemon.
03:30It takes a little more than water and sunlight to raise a mega-level Digimon,
03:35but Rosemon is worth all the effort.
03:44It's easily one of the most popular figures in the franchise,
03:47and with just a glance at all its sprouts and petals you'll understand why.
03:51Its thorny whip knows how to hit people, that's a fact.
04:00The best of all is that there are several.
04:02For years, Rosemon has been the mega-canonical form of not just one, but two different chosen ones.
04:09And that says it all. No matter the season, it always blooms.
04:15Number 16. Diablomon.
04:17This Digimon is the walking and talking reason for having online security.
04:32Diablomoron started as a simple virus.
04:35Then Digi evolved to become a general annoyance,
04:38then a serious problem, and finally a menace.
04:42All in one afternoon.
04:48Its conquest of the world network was so serious that it forced the chosen ones to intervene and take out the heavy artillery.
04:54Literally in the case of Omnimon's Supreme Cannon.
04:57Although its hostile plan became nuclear,
04:59the fact that it triggered the first Digi DNA evolution of the franchise is still an insignia of honor.
05:13Number 15. Leomon.
05:16Proud, brave, and powerful.
05:19Leomon is the kind of friendly face that is hard to forget.
05:22After all, he is a walking lion with a sword.
05:32Leomon honors his design by fighting for what is fair.
05:36Even if that means putting yourself on the line of fire.
05:39In fact, he has died protecting the chosen ones more than once.
05:43To the point that today he has a notorious reputation for heroic sacrifices.
05:54If that doesn't prove his loyalty, nothing else will.
05:57Also, Digimon don't really die, they just reborn.
06:01Sometimes like new and brilliant Megas.
06:03Trust us, you won't be wrong if you support Leomon.
06:10Number 14. Terriermon.
06:12Terriermon's slogan is to take everything easy.
06:15A necessary reminder when you face corrupt Digimon.
06:19Divine devas or the end of the world.
06:25But that doesn't mean it's all lights and rainbows.
06:28As Henry learned first hand, this Digimon has a lot of personality in such a short stature.
06:40In a way, his insolence becomes part of his charm.
06:43It doesn't matter if you use his ears to cast a shadow or if you face an unstoppable enemy.
06:48There is no need to Digimodify Terriermon.
06:51It's perfect as it is.
07:03Number 13. Susanomon.
07:05Digimon Frontier took a new direction for the series when it introduced the concept of humans that transform into Digimon.
07:12Both Takuya and Koji are able to transform into Digimon, like Agunimon and Lobomon.
07:18But when they combine with 20 spirits, they reach new heights.
07:28Based on the Japanese god of the sea, Susano, this Digimon honors his name.
07:33It has the Zero Arms Orochi and it is said to be one of the fiercest so far, as it even defeated Lucemon.
07:47Although this series was not so well received in its day, it has some of the best designs in the franchise.
07:52And Susanomon is no exception.
07:55Feel the power of the legendary warriors and perish!
08:00Number 12. Vimon.
08:02When they say that Vimon is a tough guy, it's not a joke.
08:05He is exaggerated, over-the-top and he likes to act first and think later.
08:09But in addition to that, his head also has a very practical use in battles,
08:13specifically when he uses it with his devastating attack V-Headbutt.
08:19You can't say he doesn't fight with his head.
08:22In short, he is the kind of silly enthusiast that we can't help loving.
08:33Taking into account that he partnered with the easily alterable Davis, he shouldn't even surprise us.
08:39If someone is worthy of being next to the leader of the second installment, it is definitely Vimon.
08:47Number 11. Renamon.
08:49Rika's novice Digimon, based on Kitsune from Japanese folklore,
08:53has gained great popularity among Digimon fans.
09:00It is quite intelligent and capable of being only a novice level Digimon,
09:04and as such, it stands out in the battle against the others in Tokyo.
09:08Although at first the relationship between Rika and her is only utilitarian,
09:12they make ties and later they fuse biologically to become Sakuyamon.
09:20However, Renamon's strength not only lies in his skills in battle, but above all in his kindness,
09:28as he even shows compassion for the naughty Impmon.
09:35Number 10. Alphamon.
09:37As one of the royal knights, this mysterious Digimon faces the team of Digimon Adventure Tribe.
09:49Their motives and intentions were uncertain, but one thing was certain, it was quite powerful.
10:00Another Alphamon debuted as the protagonist of the TV movie, Digimon X Evolution,
10:06going from the weak Dorumon to the royal knight of myth.
10:16Number 9. Gatomon.
10:18This is a common feline Digimon capable of maintaining its champion form.
10:23When Gatomon appears for the first time, it is part of the evil legion of Mayotsimon,
10:28focused on taking over the human world.
10:40Only when he meets Kari, his predestined companion,
10:43he is able to recover his memory and support the other Digimon.
10:48Hi there, are you a friend of Agumon?
10:50Huh? Are you one of them?
10:54As a means of redemption, Gatomon digivolves to its definitive form, Angewomon,
10:59and defeats its former leader alongside Angemon.
11:02It continues alongside the chosen ones in season 2, where it reaches other forms such as Nefertimon and Sifimon.
11:14Number 8. Shoutmon.
11:16You are probably wondering why this little friend is among these Digimon titans,
11:21but you have to recognize its power.
11:27Shoutmon has the unique ability to merge with other Digimon,
11:31which makes its possibilities infinite.
11:34With forms such as the unmatched Superior Mode Shoutmon X7F,
11:39this small and rude creature can even face the strongest enemies.
11:47It even has a great digievolution.
11:51Its arrogance and fighting spirit help it achieve its final goal,
11:55becoming the king of all Digimon.
12:04Number 7. Galantmon.
12:06There are few Digimon as adorable as Gilmon.
12:09Its tenderness, affectionate nature and playful attitude are noticeable from the first moment,
12:14which is why it is so surprising that it merges with its partner Takato to become Galantmon.
12:26After accidentally forcing it to become Megidramon,
12:29Takato takes advantage of its friendship to help it reach this form.
12:33Galantmon has an incredible speed and strength, and finishes off its enemies with Lightning Joust.
12:45But Galantmon does not stop there,
12:47as it obtains additional powers such as coupling Grunty and then the Crimson Mode.
12:59Number 6. MetalGarurumon.
13:01With an ancient prophecy, Angel Arrows and a huge leap of faith,
13:05Matt and Gabumon finally reached their highest point.
13:09Its name is MetalGarurumon.
13:12Along with WarGreymon, it is the first time that a chosen one reaches the Mega level,
13:17and it did not disappoint us.
13:19We met him through an amazing sequence of Digi Evolution,
13:23and he quickly became one of the fans' favorites,
13:26thanks to its ingenious design and overwhelming strength.
13:42Well, except for VenomMayotsimon, of course.
13:45Did we mention that MetalGarurumon can freeze its enemies and shoot missiles from its chest?
13:51The power of friendship had never been so great.
14:01Number 5. ImperialDramon in Paladin Mode.
14:05The team made up of the leader Davis and the former emperor Digimon Ken seemed unlikely,
14:11but when it came to the truth, they were able to work together through the Digi Evolution DNA of ExDemon and Stinkmon
14:19in a Digimon known as Piledramon.
14:28The truth seemed a bit silly, but when they went to the next level and became ImperialDramon,
14:33they convinced us.
14:39It started as the Dragon Mode and then became the Fighter Mode,
14:43capable of facing rivals of the size of MaloMayotsimon and BlackWarGreymon,
14:48but after all, nothing is cooler than its Paladin Mode.
14:57Number 4. Angemon.
14:59Small seeds grow big trees, or in this case, flying hamsters can become angels.
15:08When the chosen ones entered the digital world, the threat of Devimon and its black gears were causing them problems.
15:15One by one, they were able to digievolution their companions to level Champion to end these challenges,
15:22but Patamon seemed to be a bit behind.
15:25When the time finally came, his determination and TK helped him become Angemon,
15:31one of the most powerful Champions.
15:37With his Hand of Fate, he proved that he was more than capable of fighting.
15:47Number 3. WarGreymon.
15:49The true Mega of Agumon doesn't need introduction.
15:53His debut during the original adventure is still one of the most iconic moments of Digimon for a good reason.
15:59WarGreymon is so legendary.
16:05It's a lot to say when you realize how many different types of Greymon there have been over the years.
16:11For example, BlackWarGreymon, one of the best villains of the series,
16:16although it's only because he gave us the unforgettable duel of WarGreymon.
16:24On the other hand, Angumon of Marcus abandoned the armor and became a dragon,
16:29giving place to the unforgettable ShineGreymon.
16:32But among all the versions, there's something in the classic Terraforce of WarGreymon that never goes out of fashion.
16:47Number 2. Belsimon.
16:49The only thing Impmon wanted was respect.
16:52When he ran away from his Tamer's house, he came to the conclusion that Digimon don't need humans,
16:58and instead, he's looking for the ultimate strength.
17:01The opportunity called to his door when Caturamon offered him the ability to digivolve in exchange for the Tamers' lives.
17:09A deal he accepted, and he became the always evil Belsimon.
17:16Belsimon shook the foundations of the series by killing the dear Leomon.
17:21However, after realizing the mistake he had made, he allied with the Tamers in his mission to defeat the D.Reaper.
17:28With his new attitude and ability to reach the Blast Mode, he could be the coolest Digimon of all.
17:42Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
17:45Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our most recent videos.
17:51You'll surely like them.
17:53Now, let's go to the end.
17:56Number 1. Omnimon.
17:58In his day, the debate about who was better, Agumon or Gabumon was unbearable.
18:09But when the Digimon movie was released, the dispute was over.
18:13By combining his Digievolutions Mega to defeat Diablomon, Omnimon was born.
18:22With the Great Sword in one hand and the Garuru Cannon in the other, this Digimon is capable of facing some of the best.
18:30Although they generally fight, Matt and Tai's teamwork is undeniably effective.
18:37Connection terminated.
18:39Leaving aside their differences once again, Omnimon made his glorious return in Digimon Adventure Tri, where he showed that he hasn't lost his rhythm.
18:48We can't forget his impressive appearance at the beginning of the Reboot of Adventure.
19:01Which is your favorite Digimon?
19:03Trump Sword!
19:09Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of Spanish WatchMojo.