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¡Hola y bienvenidos a WatchMojo Español! Hoy veremos los 30 mayores fails de influencers hispanos.


00:00If you are in a house where you live violence, screams, blows, I ask that person who screams at you, who hits you, who humiliates you, who insults you, you ask him with all your heart to treat you as he would like you to treat him.
00:21Will you regret it later?
00:23Hello and welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jack and today we present the Top 30 Fails of Hispanic Influencers.
00:31For this list we will be seeing the most ridiculous, strange and questionable moments that we consider fails of some of the best-known influencers in Latin America.
00:44Number 30. The insurer complains of mistreatment in the store and the seller responds.
00:50And we start strong.
00:52The influencer Natalia Segura turned on social networks after accusing a seller of treating her as less in a store in the United States.
01:01According to her, the scandal was not for being an influencer, but because this could happen to anyone.
01:08And take care of this case so important because it does not only happen to me, it can happen to anyone, it is a shameless, a bold, a rude.
01:16So far everything seemed like a classic story of me against the system.
01:20But plot twist, the seller did not remain silent and came out with evidence to defend himself.
01:26According to his version, the insurance company came demanding a VIP treatment as if the outlet was the red carpet.
01:33Fail that ended up costing him rejection by his fans.
01:37She comes and tells us that if we do not know who she is, she is the number one influencer in Colombia.
01:45To which I respond, that does not give her the right to come to the store to want to treat us the way she is treating us.
01:53Number 29. Sprint as a starter in the Riestra sports.
01:58From streamer to footballer in seconds.
02:02The Argentine Iván Buhayeruc, known as Sprint, went from streamer to play professional football.
02:10Well, to say something.
02:12In a turn as unexpected as questionable, he was aligned as a starter in the Riestra sports against Vélez Starsfield.
02:20Well, there is the poster above, outside the 47, Sprint withdraws, who played just a few seconds in the game.
02:26He lasted just a minute on the field before being replaced without having touched the ball, not by accident.
02:33Well, a minute, 10 seconds, he didn't even touch it.
02:40Applause for Sprint.
02:42Fernández enters.
02:44Is it that his energy drink brand sponsors the club?
02:48There is the answer, friends.
02:50A marketing play that left fans and critics with a serious face.
02:56More than goals, Sprint accumulated memes and controversy, proving that sport and advertising don't always make a good team.
03:04Number 28. Cinnamon Style disappoints its followers.
03:09Natalia Merino, better known as Cinnamon Style, sold for years the image of a perfect marriage.
03:15Until images of her husband were leaked, being unfaithful to her.
03:20She cried in front of her audience, isolated from social networks, suffered logically because it is shocking to see your husband in some images on national television, kissing another woman.
03:34Her community supported her in her separation process, turning her into a symbol of resilience and empowerment.
03:41But everything changed when she returned with her husband as if nothing had happened.
03:45They were recorded together at events, which left her followers with a mixture of disbelief, disappointment and indignation.
03:53These without self-love exist on television, on social networks, everywhere.
03:59Everywhere they cook ... they cook beans.
04:02Number 27. Carolina Bread and the Frenchman.
04:05After 10 years of stable relationship and a year of marriage, the influencer left everyone speechless with her lightning divorce.
04:13But that was not all, she quickly appeared with a Frenchman and together they boasted on social networks a life dreamed of between Paris and Lima.
04:22Everything seemed like a fairy tale, until the castle of Naipes collapsed.
04:27Carolina admitted that her relationship was a disaster, which unleashed a rain of criticism for selling an unreal fantasy.
04:34She does not have enough lucidity to realize that she is sinking alone with this type of publications.
04:39And as in every good drama, the Frenchman did not remain silent. He published videos playing the role of a victim after being evicted.
04:48Imagine arriving home at 9 at night and being kicked out a day after Valentine's Day. Very interesting. Speechless. I'm speechless.
05:01In the end, the truth came to light. The alleged blue prince was nothing more than a liver who took advantage of Carolina's fame and fortune.
05:09Number 26. Fofo Márquez and his leopard.
05:13This Mexican influencer is famous for boasting his life of luxuries and is always in the eye of the hurricane.
05:26But he took his eccentricities to a new level by showing on social networks how he bathed a leopard puppy in his bathtub with Fiji water and champagne.
05:36What he probably thought would be another luxury to show off, quickly became a reason for criticism for animal abuse.
05:43Although Fofo is used to controversy, these types of acts have only fueled his already questionable public image.
05:51And he is currently facing serious legal problems due to recent serious accusations.
05:56Number 25. Karely Ruiz says she is not an influencer.
06:01In the middle of the show, half and half, Karely Ruiz, one of the most followed Mexicans on social networks, left everyone with their mouths open with her strange attitude.
06:09It all started when Marcela Mistral, the hostess, asked her apparently simple questions about her role as an influencer.
06:31What do you mean nothing else? With more than 2 million followers, one would expect at least one prepared answer.
06:38His disconcert left everyone scratching their heads because, come on, being an influencer is not just about uploading beautiful photos, but about knowing what you do and how you do it.
06:49Number 24. Luana Barron on safari.
06:52Being an influencer sounds like a dream, traveling to incredible places, making epic content and taking the most spectacular photos.
07:01But Luana Barron went too far on her trip to Africa, where she tried to combine her dress with the landscape.
07:09And some lions.
07:11But of course, these animals do not pose for Instagram.
07:14And it all came down when another influencer, Alessandra Bonelli, accused her of promoting animal abuse.
07:20Luana Barron, you should be more aware of what you do and publish. These animals are thirsty for you to take your cool photo. You are a terrible example.
07:28After the wave of criticism, Luana deleted the photos from her social networks. But the lesson remained, being an influencer implies responsibility.
07:36That is the other side of the phenomenon of social networks, between the thin limit of what is politically correct and what is really about showing in each publication.
07:47Number 23. Daniela Ardila hates her country.
07:51When you think you've seen it all, Daniela Ardila comes to unleash a hurricane of criticism.
07:56During a round of questions and answers, she released a pearl worthy of collection.
08:02I don't know, I can work as a waitress. I don't feel sorry for that. Let's say here in Colombia a little bit, if you say.
08:08But in another country? In another country I don't feel sorry to take the bus. Here I feel disgusted, afraid, everything.
08:15Uff, Daniela, maybe you wanted to talk about insecurity, but that way of expressing it didn't help you at all. And in case it wasn't enough, she finished it with...
08:26You know I'm from Colombia, but I'm from here, I had to put up with being from here, and nothing to do.
08:32Obviously, the internet exploded and although she tried to defend herself by saying that she was referring to insecurity, the damage was already done.
08:40One more sample that as an influencer, every word counts.
08:44Number 22. Cooking vulnerable species.
08:47Rodrigo Fernandini, a Peruvian chef and influencer, got into the pot of controversy after sharing a video where he cooked a yellow-legged motel turtle.
08:58A vulnerable species in the Peruvian Amazon.
09:01First turtle sample of my life. A delight.
09:05He justified the act as a way to enhance the culture and Amazonian gastronomy, but the images of the turtle entering the boiling water ignited criticism.
09:15Faced with the flood of comments, Fernandini withdrew the video and apologized, recognizing his mistake.
09:22I have taken, then, the decision to withdraw the video, motel shoe, after understanding the importance of protecting this species in danger of extinction.
09:32Number 21. Carlos Feria attacks his wife.
09:36Ay, Carlos Feria, a manual lesson on what you shouldn't do if you're an influencer.
09:42It all started when Adriana Valcarcel, her partner, also an influencer, known as Adrilatina, uploads a video on TikTok where he pushes her in front of her daughter.
09:52Although they tried to erase the evidence, it was too late, the followers had already seen it, shared it and made it viral.
10:01Because that's the consequence of what I did. Obviously, I never thought this would be public, I never thought that such a big mistake as it was that day would be public.
10:14And as expected, Feria defended himself with excuses about not knowing how to control his emotions and even apologized.
10:22This is not something that should happen, this is something that is wrong, this is something that should not happen.
10:29Number 20. Rare filters.
10:31Bárbara de Regil is a Mexican influencer and actress who became popular thanks to her role in the series Rosario Tijeras.
10:39After starting a life in the fitness world of the TikTok platform, she did live broadcasts that hundreds of people followed to exercise with her or just to listen to her speak.
10:51Smile, smile, smile, I want you to smile, do it.
10:58It was during one of those occasions that when trying various filters, Bárbara came to one that made her gesticulate with displeasure and in front of an audience that finally ended up quite annoyed by her comment.
11:11Don't stay away.
11:14Oh, how beautiful, how ugly.
11:19Number 19. The cheap mango.
11:35Gentrification is a social phenomenon that occurs when an important number of middle or high-class people move to a certain area,
11:44but that forces low-class people to look for another place to live.
11:48Chinguamiga has been accused of promoting gentrification by showing only the most beautiful and economic parts of Mexico as a foreigner.
11:58Although she has received several criticisms, she has even made fun of the situation.
12:03But friends, it doesn't matter.
12:05Because mango is super cheap.
12:06Number 18. Ryan Huffman and the German flag.
12:10The one I'm wearing right now is really raw.
12:13The party was good here in Russia.
12:16Two important things, friends.
12:18Don't mess with the culture or the flag of a country.
12:22It was a fucking challenge that some Mexican drunkards put me on the street.
12:27The popular YouTuber Ryan Huffman made the fatal mistake of using the German flag in a way that definitely no one should use it.
12:38And he posted the video on Instagram.
12:53Although he went out to apologize the next day through his social networks, the act was recorded forever on the internet and caused the annoyance of many people.
13:03Number 17. Bathing course.
13:06The course I'm taking is called En Casa.
13:09It's really cool because they teach you everything.
13:12How to have a super good bed, how to wash a bath.
13:15The influencer Mariana Rodríguez, wife of the governor of Nuevo León, Mexico, is a somewhat controversial public figure.
13:23Since there are people who hate her and there are people who simply adore her.
13:28I remember a year ago when I lost my flip flops, when I dropped my iPhone in the marina, when I dropped the San Benito that I have here.
13:37All the obstacles that I have had to live.
13:41In general, she has involuntarily entertained many with her publications, including this one.
13:48She promoted a course to learn how to do essential housework.
13:53And not necessarily for oneself, but to, according to her words, supervise the housemaids.
14:01There they can send their housemaids if they have them and train them.
14:06Because many times maybe we don't have time to train them.
14:10Number 16. Epa Colombia vandalizes the station.
14:14While some are looting the businesses that may be their mother's, their father's or some family's.
14:21I was destroying what was the state.
14:24The Colombian Daneidy Barrera, known as Epa Colombia,
14:28vandalized a station of the Transmilenio transport system during the national strike in her country in 2019.
14:36I know it's not well done either, but it's one of the ways in which the people can manifest without going unnoticed.
14:43As a consequence of how viral the audiovisual material that she herself recorded became,
14:49the reactions made us wait.
14:51Her accounts were limited, she had to face legal consequences,
14:55and she was also forced to pay a considerably high fine.
15:00Number 15. The extended bed.
15:03There was a time when the protocols regarding contact with other people were much stricter than now.
15:10Paula Galindo, who was staying in a hotel where for a while the employees couldn't enter the rooms,
15:18apparently didn't understand this very well.
15:21They never told me that before paying.
15:23Never, never, they never told me that their room wasn't going to be cleaned.
15:26And I'm staying in a hotel because I also wanted to have the comfort of resting for a while.
15:30During her stay, she was very angry to complain that when she returned to her room, the bed wasn't extended.
15:37Naturally, she didn't know about the existence of the protocol,
15:40but her followers and the internet in general didn't think it was the best or the most coherent of her reactions.
15:47And I'm angry because now I'm a mom, it's night time, and I have to get out of bed, organize the bathroom, and all those things.
15:54Number 14. Custody water.
15:56And the purified water that we drink almost all day is the worst drinking water that exists.
16:03How big must a fail be for a topic like purified water to cause laughter and displeasure on the internet?
16:11Juan Pazurita brought to the market his own brand of spring water during a serious drought problem in Mexico.
16:18We live in an era where we are worried about everything we eat and not about what we drink.
16:25And today, being more aware than ever of what I consume to give to my body,
16:31I decided to never drink water that is not spring water.
16:34After having released a promotional video of more than 10 minutes of doubtful scientific data,
16:40he announced that he would sell the bottles of his brand at a considerably high price in contrast to the others on the market.
16:47If you live in Mexico City, the water flowing from the key is already drinkable,
16:52but in case you doubt it, because of the cross-contamination, a good filter and that's it.
16:57And it can also add to certain minerals of interest like this type of brands offer you,
17:02but without the unnecessary waste of those plastics, you know?
17:05Number 13. Friendship has a price.
17:08iKuno, one of the most relevant and infamous influencers of the Latin American scene,
17:14had achieved stardom after his famous walk went viral, which was imitated hundreds of times on the TikTok platform.
17:23Everything seemed to be going well until he found his first stone on the way.
17:28Well, friends, today we are going to buy the greeting of Kuno.
17:30As you can see, here is Hola Fan, Papi Kuno, 1200 pesos.
17:36The influencer sold his greetings for an approximate of US $ 50 on the Hola Fan page,
17:44which seemed ridiculous to many people.
17:47Hi Fer Martinez, how are you? I send you a kiss and a hug.
17:50Thank you, I hope to meet you very soon. I love you very much, thank you very much for your support.
17:54What would his fans have thought when they found out that if they wanted to upload it to their networks,
18:00then the price went up to almost $ 300.
18:04Of course, I have to pay for my apartment, I have to pay for my mattress if I'm not going to be living on the floor,
18:09I have to buy several things, the dispenser and all that.
18:12And that's why it was like this new project.
18:15Number 12. The plagiarism of Jimena Moral.
18:18I want to clarify that I have not copied the photos that are circulating.
18:21The Peruvian Instagrammer was accused by Twitter users of copying the content of their networks,
18:27benefiting economically from the creativity of others.
18:31Users exposed photos taken directly from other accounts,
18:35even texts that had been the product of a copy-paste.
18:39The most obvious case was that of the photo she used to honor her son for his birthday,
18:45in which she used a text taken from the photo of a recognized Argentine actress.
18:50Dedicating a poem is not less romantic because one has not written it.
18:53As I mentioned above, I know it was a mistake to use a foreign text without accrediting the person,
18:58but what I will not allow is that they question the love and affection I have for my son.
19:02As a result of the wave of criticism he received,
19:05he published a video in which he admitted to having used foreign content,
19:09and apologized for not giving them the credit corresponding to their creators.
19:14Number 11. Manelik and his stylist.
19:29It is a fact that we can all say what we want on our social networks,
19:33but we must not forget that our opinion can have consequences,
19:37especially if we speak not precisely well of a minority.
19:41The influencer Manelik invited her stylist to her podcast,
19:45in which they talked for a long time about the trans community.
20:01After some misguided comments such as that being transsexual was fashionable,
20:06among many other baseless statements,
20:09it was to be expected that negative comments would be gained by the LGBTQ community.
20:27Number 10. Samuel scolds Mariana.
20:34It is true, we mentioned Mariana Rodríguez again,
20:38but this time it was not she who committed the fail,
20:41but her husband, the governor and to a certain extent influencer, Samuel García.
20:46During a live broadcast in which everyone was in a different room,
20:50Samuel asked the influencer to modify the camera angle,
20:54since according to him he was showing a lot of leg.
20:58The comments and criticisms were not expected,
21:02crossing it out as sexist and retrograde.
21:05Number 9. Giovanna before Robana.
21:08This is more than a diet, it is an awakening of conscience.
21:12The Mexican YouTuber, formerly known as Robana,
21:16for promoting raw and vegan food,
21:19surprised her followers when in a video shared by a community,
21:23she appeared about to eat fish.
21:26Not even with her evident attempt to hide the dish,
21:29she was able to avoid causing a huge disappointment.
21:32In response to the criticisms, she published a video
21:35in which she explained the various health problems
21:38that had led her to incorporate new foods into her diet,
21:41and the reasons why she had not shared these changes before.
21:54After the incident, she took a few months away from social media
21:58to then return with a new name, a new logo, and a new diet.
22:02To start, you just need to mentalize yourself.
22:05If you really want a change in this life,
22:08be honest with yourself and ask yourself,
22:11do I want to change?
22:13Number 10. In the comments,
22:15the Mexican YouTuber, Samuel García,
22:19Number 8. The Macaws of discord.
22:32The well-known Venezuelan, Richard Linares,
22:35was at the center of the debate in his country,
22:38after sharing content where his pet macaws appeared,
22:42and that a well-known biologist expresses his concern
22:45for the irregular tendency of this type of animals.
22:48In response, the influencer used his networks
22:51to instigate attacks against the specialist in wildlife,
22:55which did not please the general public.
23:11The situation did not improve when he assured
23:14that he did not want to promote hatred or disrespect,
23:17without offering any kind of apologies.
23:20Naturally, Twitter users do not miss one,
23:23and responded with a series of captures
23:26that evidenced his attacks and support for those who harassed the biologist.
23:36Number 7. Kika Nieto and his opinions.
23:44Kika Nieto has been the protagonist of a couple of incidents
23:47when in a failed attempt not to offend anyone,
23:50he ended up doing just the opposite.
23:53One of them was in 2018 when he uploaded to his channel
23:56a video in which he responded to his opinion as a Christian
23:59about the LGBT community.
24:15Naturally, he received a rain of criticism
24:18that described him as homophobic,
24:21saying that he was not well, but that he tolerated it.
24:24Another more recent one was when in a reaction video,
24:27he congratulates a girl for being short-tempered
24:30and that he does not feel sorry for her,
24:33which was taken by the vast majority as a double-edged comment.
24:45Number 6. AfroChallenge.
24:48In 2018, two Peruvian influencers
24:51known as WhatTheChick and DolcePlacard
24:54published a challenge
24:57that consisted of doing an Afro hairstyle.
25:05The video was quite popular,
25:08and many people liked it.
25:12The video was quite problematic,
25:15not only for its nature itself,
25:18but also for the comments it contained about this type of hair.
25:29The first to point out the discriminatory nature of the challenge
25:32was the model and anti-racism activist Natalia Barrera.
25:42In front of the criticisms that emerged since then,
25:45the YouTubers had different reactions.
25:48One did not even realize it,
25:51while the other accepted her mistake
25:54and even organized a meeting with the activist
25:57in order to inform herself and inform her followers
26:00about the problem in question.
26:12Number 5. Pautips and the TSA.
26:33Considered as strange and strongly criticized,
26:36this video of Pautips in which he talks about his experience
26:39from Christianity to face his health problems
26:42became quite popular recently.
26:54Of course, everyone can approach their experiences
26:57in the way they like,
27:00but when you are an influencer with more than 9 million followers
27:03and it is said that a psychiatric disease is the fault of the devil,
27:09you have to be ready for a rain of criticisms that can fall.
27:25Number 4. Bitter chocolate.
27:33The well-known brand of Hershey's chocolates
27:36launched a campaign under the hashtag
27:39doing good tastes good.
27:42In this, a group of well-known Mexican influencers
27:45published photos where they appeared doing a good action,
27:48under the precept that doing it felt as good as eating chocolate,
27:51obviously with the logo of the brand
27:54casually visible.
27:57The campaign was highly criticized for using the image of people
28:00in a street situation for advertising purposes,
28:03so the brand had to order to remove the images
28:06and launch a statement to apologize.
28:26Number 3. Green Party support.
28:33Various actors, singers and creators of Mexican content
28:36showed their support for the Green Party.
28:39The bad thing?
28:42They did it during the period of electoral vacation.
28:45In addition, all coincidentally with the same dynamics.
28:48They shared a box of questions in a story
28:51and when someone asked who they were going to vote for,
28:54they answered that for the party.
28:57They labeled the official account
29:01and mentioned some of their proposals.
29:14This strange coordination made us understand
29:17that far from being an opinion organically expressed,
29:20it was a dynamic scripted with a contract behind.
29:23This very serious situation did not take long to cause a reaction
29:26by the National Electoral Institute
29:30that ordered the influencers to remove the stories
29:33and pay a fine.
29:51Number 2. The barbaric protein.
29:54Unfortunately, this influencer did not appear only once
29:57in our list.
30:00Nutriologist Ari Esterron questioned his food supplement
30:03Loving It after having done a laboratory analysis
30:06and found some inconsistencies.
30:09While you have that composition of ingredients,
30:12you will get more carbohydrates,
30:15more sodium and less protein
30:18to what Loving It wants to promise
30:21in its original label, which is a fraud.
30:24Which unleashed the fury of Bárbara,
30:27who did not hesitate to use her social networks to defend herself.
30:40After the specialist denounced harassment against her,
30:43other health professionals such as Isaac Chávez Díaz
30:46or Mystery Doctor, as well as many internet users,
30:49spoke in favor of the expert.
30:52Finally, the brand's Instagram account was suspended
30:55and she posted a video in which,
30:58while still defending her product,
31:01she admitted errors in etiquette.
31:04In this video, we can see how Bárbara
31:08I want to tell you that I wish you the best
31:11and all the personal and professional success.
31:14If you don't like my protein,
31:17or you don't think it's ideal,
31:20I respect it.
31:23Hey! We haven't reached the end yet, but almost.
31:26Forget about a second of so many fails
31:29and make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell
31:32to receive notifications of our latest videos.
31:36Very well, let's go to the end.
31:39Number 1. Just Top
31:53Jocelyn Huffman, better known by her name as Influencer Just Top,
31:56remained 5 months in a prison in Mexico City
31:59after being sued by Ainara Suárez.
32:02The reason was that the YouTuber published in her channel
32:05sensitive material about the girl,
32:08enough reason to be tried.
32:11They recorded the crime on video and viralized it on social media.
32:14One of the accused of spreading this aggression
32:17would have been Jocelyn, better known as Just Top.
32:20Although she was able to come out free with the condition
32:23of asking for public apologies,
32:26the audience did not think she was honest in her speech.
32:30I apologize for discriminating, stigmatizing and mistreating you.
32:33Today I understand that no one should judge another person
32:36for their physical appearance, nor judge them for their sexual behavior.
32:39But above all, now I understand that you f***ed with Ainara
32:42and that I made your wound and your pain bigger.
32:45And do you agree with our choices? Which of these fails was the worst for you?
32:48Tell us in the comments and don't forget to watch
32:51these other original videos of Watch Mojo Español.
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