¡El dinero no siempre compra calidad! Únete a nosotros mientras te contamos las películas que de alguna manera recaudaron miles de millones a pesar de sus méritos cuestionables.
00:00You, uh, you're at Jurassic World.
00:02Jurassic World? I'm not a fan.
00:05Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:08I am G, and today we will show you our top 10 of movies whose high income in box office left us asking ourselves a lot of questions.
00:15We are not saying that all these movies are terrible, but we do clarify that their limited quality did not deserve such a huge success.
00:23Curious, I'm curious.
00:26Number 10, The Fate and the Furious.
00:28There is nothing inherently bad about giving the public exactly what they want.
00:32However, one can point to the eighth chapter of the Fast and Furious saga as the moment when the commonplaces of Dom Toretto about the family began to lose their charm.
00:42You guys ready?
00:43One thing I can guarantee you, Dom.
00:45No one's ready for this.
00:47The Fate and the Furious do not dismiss those details that make these movies so easy to enjoy.
00:53But since it is the movie that premieres after Paul Walker's death, it is often difficult for them to forge their own identity.
01:14The moving tribute that was paid to the actor of Fast and Furious 7 was a reason for celebration, and rightly so.
01:20But without an ordinary man like Brian O'Connor to keep his feet on the ground, inconsistencies and inverosimile logic become much more notorious.
01:42The Fate and the Furious allowed this movie to rely more on its accumulated fan base than on its own merits.
01:48Number 9. The Hobbit. An Unexpected Journey.
01:59The trilogy of Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson raised almost 3 billion dollars and 17 Oscars in total.
02:06So it was a matter of time before viewers could return to Middle-earth once again.
02:12While the collection of 1 billion dollars from the first Hobbit movie made it clear that love still persisted,
02:18the decision to divide a relatively short novel into three movies showed signs of weakness.
02:24The odds were always against us. After all, what are we? Merchants? Miners? Tinkers? Toymakers?
02:36Hardly the stuff of legend.
02:39While the characters, both old and new, are mostly pleasant, the feeling of adventure is hindered by an endless exposition and a strange use of CGI to bring certain creatures to life.
02:52The action would be recovered in later installments, but the notable reduction in box office revenues indicates that An Unexpected Journey did not cause the best first impression.
03:10Number 8. Aladdin.
03:23Like most of the real-life action remakes that Disney has approached, Aladdin makes a magic carpet of nostalgia fly in its best moments, but it is very poorly calculated in the worst.
03:34It deserves credit for trying something new with a story that we all know and love, but the changes it chooses to make make it lose the magic that made the original so beloved.
03:45You have got to be more confident about what you have to offer.
03:48What do I have to offer?
03:50Despite having everything from an energetic Will Smith to immortal music, Aladdin never wishes to free himself completely from the shadow of his predecessor.
03:59It is more than a little frustrating when something with promise conforms to being mediocre and wastes its opportunity to find a place in our hearts.
04:08But you know what they say.
04:10Phenomenal cosmic powers, but itty bitty living space.
04:14Number 7. Minions.
04:16The Ames or the Odies, the Minions were a phenomenon at the beginning of the 2010s, but they are proof that you should not have too much of something good.
04:25They go by many names. Dave, Carl, Paul, Mike.
04:32Oh, that one is Norbert. He's an idiot.
04:36Their hilarious humor made them an endearing aspect of the first two films of Despicable Me, but their best qualities only emerge when they have a villain to follow.
04:46This origin story that shows the little yellows looking for the perfect master throughout the story is ultimately an inoffensive and occasionally tender adventure.
05:07But the comedy is not as novel as before, with the chaos of the Minions that quickly tires even the most patient viewer.
05:14But when your target audience are the kids and their families who pay, sometimes the best way is simplicity.
05:29Number 6. The Lion King.
05:45It is not surprising that the nostalgia for The Lion King has propelled this new version of Action Real to an astounding 1.6 billion dollars in income,
05:54but that figure must be taken with a grain of salt, since it is likely that it reflects the number of people who saw the film and not the number of times they saw it.
06:02Once you take your glasses off from nostalgia, this Lion King has very little to offer at first glance, much less after several glances.
06:14A step-by-step recreation, its surprising lack of originality is aggravated by its search for realism.
06:29Although it lacks technical skill, its performances with little enthusiasm and its cast of animals generated by the computer deprive it of the soul that makes the original an timeless classic.
06:40We cannot feel the same love for this version.
06:45Number 5. Star Wars Episode IX. The Rise of Skywalker.
07:03Star Wars will always achieve good numbers in the cinema, but it is difficult to know who is responsible for bringing the saga to such an atrocious point.
07:15Regardless of your position on The Last Jedi and its bold decisions, The Rise of Skywalker practically did nothing to rectify the reputation of its predecessor.
07:32If the question was whether Episode IX would end the established story or yield to the demands of the viewers, the answer was neither.
07:46And the entire plot was eliminated, while the characters we were starting to fall in love with were almost exiled so that the saga could resurrect its greatest antagonist.
08:03It was an illogical attempt to save credibility and resulted in one of the least satisfying endings of recent times.
08:13Number 4. Alice in Wonderland.
08:17It was the wrong movie at the right time. Alice in Wonderland represented just the kind of 3D adventure that expands the mind and that people longed for in a later panorama to Avatar.
08:39In addition, it made the idea of re-experiencing a Disney classic in live-action a very innovative concept, but despite generating great profits, its biggest selling points turned out to be temporary novelties.
08:53Have I gone mad?
08:59Afraid so. You're entirely bonkers.
09:02Although the images of the film were suitable for director Tim Burton, the excess of this style made that much of the story had difficulties to keep up with the pace.
09:12In fact, the film completely misinterprets the original text of Lewis Carroll by leaving his eccentric characters aside to give way to a crazy story of factions at war.
09:23It is enough to say that Disney did not learn many lessons from this film.
09:31Number 3. Pirates of the Caribbean. On Stranger Tides.
09:43That's very good, may I use that?
09:45I'm sure you will anyway.
09:47Of course I will.
09:48Considering that this was, at the time, the most expensive film ever made, Disney executives probably breathed a sigh of relief when it crossed the threshold of the billion dollars.
09:59And that's a good thing too, since this unnecessary continuation of Pirates of the Caribbean has not inspired many repetitions since then.
10:06On Stranger Tides has an intriguing premise in theory, since Captain Jack Sparrow facing Blackbeard in a search for the source of youth sounds like an adventure we will remember.
10:18I know where you're headed.
10:19The fountain.
10:21Have you been there?
10:23Does his face look like it's been to the fountain of youth?
10:28Depends on the light.
10:29But the returns of Jack and Hector Barbossa were tainted by the confusing plot and the new uninteresting characters.
10:36What should have been a return to the basics is instead a fill of miswritten humor, underdeveloped action and superfluous side plots.
10:56Number 2. Jurassic World. Dominion.
11:06The way the world is headed, it's hard to look away.
11:09Paraphrasing Ian Malcolm, the producers of the Jurassic World series were so worried about whether or not they could revive this franchise that they did not stop to think if they should do it.
11:19Although not without special effects of the last generation, Universal's excessive overestimation of the critical capacities of the saga reached its peak with this sixth and unfortunately not last chapter.
11:38Oh my God.
11:39So then there are doors that you don't open, things that you ignore, but mainly he's exploiting your enchantment with these.
11:48Dominion already does a minimal favor to the fans due to the lack of chemistry between its characters from the old and the new school, but by creating a plot around a lobster plague, it achieves the unthinkable by making the dinosaurs almost irrelevant.
12:01If we add to this action sequences that actually belong to other franchises, Dominion ironically evolves into one of the avid beasts of power and money that Spielberg's original tried to warn us about.
12:31I don't think that any of us actually believe that these dangers are real.
12:35Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but almost. Make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
12:44Very well, let's see our position number 1.
12:47Number 1. Transformers. Age of Extinction.
12:50I have sworn to never kill humans. Big mistake. But when I find out who's behind this, he's going to die.
13:00In retrospect, nothing was going to stop Michael Bay from finding new ways to infuriate Transformers fans while their movies kept making money.
13:092011's Dark of the Moon should have been all the proof that we needed that a billion dollars couldn't compensate for unpleasant characters and incoherent action.
13:19And yet, Age of Extinction took the franchise to a historical minimum three years later.
13:25You promised me human intelligence. Or is there such a thing?
13:30By quadrupling the biggest flaws of the franchise, it not only presents a more complicated story than the first three movies together, but it also reviews its human cast with a disastrous effect.
13:42The worst part is that Bay directs the movie as if the box office success was a guarantee and makes all the wrong decisions simply because he can.
13:52When I fixed you, it was for a reward. That was it. That was why. For money. And it was me making a mistake.
14:02Is there a movie that surprised you that raised a billion dollars?
14:07Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again.
14:10Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other videos of WatchMojo Español.
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