• 2 days ago
Islah e Muashra - Episode 11 | Topic: Gussa (غصہ)

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:15May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:21Ladies and gentlemen, this special segment of Nehmat-e-Iftar is Islah-e-Mohashara.
00:25Your host, Dr. Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi is here with us.
00:29Today, like every other day, I would like to present a blessed hadith to you
00:34which is related to our Islah.
00:36We are discussing this in the context of Islah-e-Mohashara.
00:39It is a coincidence that I have chosen this blessed hadith.
00:45When I saw the topic, it was in accordance with that.
00:51This hadith has become relevant.
00:53Of course, we had to hear this hadith from the scholars.
00:56May this hadith be blessed.
00:58I feel that in the beginning, I would like to present this blessed hadith.
01:01The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
01:05In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
01:06There is no one among you who is more powerful than the one who overpowers the other.
01:14The Messenger of Allah said,
01:17There is no one among you who is more powerful than the one who overpowers the other.
01:24There is no one among you who is more powerful than the one who overpowers the other.
01:41Of course, our levels are different.
01:44But the standards set by Allah and His Messenger are related to humanity.
01:51They are related to the honor of humanity.
01:54That is why the Messenger of Allah said,
01:55The one who overpowers himself in a state of anger.
02:00Today, our topic is anger.
02:02It seems like an important topic.
02:06We get angry over small things.
02:09As a result of anger, we do not only cause individual harm,
02:14but also family harm.
02:17We suffer the consequences of this all our lives.
02:21Today, we will talk about how our religion guides us.
02:25How it is addressed in the Holy Quran.
02:28We think that it is something that is related to us only.
02:33It has been properly addressed.
02:34To minimize and streamline the things that are present in the nature and nature,
02:43the Shari'ah has given us a proper order and has also addressed it.
02:48Please come with us, Mr. Mufti Muhammad Ramadan Sialvi.
02:52He is the Khateeb of Jamia Masjid Dada Darbar.
02:54He is very respectful to us and always comes with us.
02:56It is a time of happiness for us.
02:59And this happiness is mostly available to us on Thursdays and Fridays.
03:03Thank you very much.
03:04Qari Muhammad Yunus Qadri, please come with us.
03:07You watch him in many of our programs.
03:12In fact, I would like to say that he is a manifestation.
03:15We love him and we always have a good conversation with him.
03:20Today, Dr. Irfanullah Saifi has joined us again.
03:24Welcome. Thank you very much.
03:26We will guide you on how to control your anger.
03:37Mehmood Hassan Siddiqui is a very respected person in our country.
03:41He is from Sana Khan and Ahluwal.
03:44It is a village very close to our Narowal.
03:48And the people of the village are always happy to see a young man who plays with us and walks with us.
03:57He is seen all over the world through NAAD and on an international level.
04:04So it is a joy for everyone.
04:05Bismillah, please give us the words.
04:34Zuroor dekhenge Hamdina
04:45Zuroor dekhenge Hamdina
04:58Zuroor dekhenge
05:05Kaise hota hai unke dar ka tawaf
05:29Yeh nazara zuroor dekhenge
05:54Hamko tabe jamal ho ke na ho
06:12Unka chehra zuroor dekhenge
06:34Hamdina zuroor dekhenge
06:45Shehra ka zuroor dekhenge
06:56Wo agar meherbaan hua toh muneer
07:19Unka roza zuroor dekhenge
07:31Shehra ka zuroor dekhenge
07:42Hamdina zuroor dekhenge
07:54What to say? Subhanallah, subhanallah. Thank you very much.
07:57You and the people of Hallauwala have given such a good voice to our first love.
08:04Mr. Mufti, anger. We live in an angry society.
08:08At this time, it is normal to get out of it and things get out of hand.
08:14So first of all, like every day, how has it been addressed in the Quran and Hadith, please guide us on that.
08:20Thank you very much.
08:22Today's topic and this thing, we can call it basic.
08:29Because along with this, there are many other things in our personal life, in our character building, in our personality grooming, and along with that, in our family life.
08:40And especially in the circle in which you perform your duties, in any capacity,
08:48Similarly, on the way out, with people, in society, you have to face it everywhere.
08:56On the way, while walking, at home, outside, everywhere.
09:00You can face it anywhere.
09:02So first of all, in short, what is anger?
09:05Basically, the human body that Allah has created, we have 16 different chemicals in us.
09:12And these 16 chemicals are what basically affect our moods and our emotions.
09:19This happiness, sadness, anger, these different things are basically the result of them.
09:26As the mood is, so is the scene.
09:29The weather is inside the human being.
09:31Wow, wow, wow.
09:33As the weather is, so is the mood.
09:35And remember that all these emotions, their duration and time is just only 12 minutes.
09:45Maximum is the timing.
09:47And the loss that is going to happen, it happens in the first 1-2 minutes.
09:51The maximum, if you think about it, is within those 12 minutes.
09:56Meaning, if a person can control these 10 minutes, he can get out of that situation.
10:01He can get out of that situation.
10:03And since this has to be controlled, now you see, how does the Quran define this control?
10:11Because this has to do with the control of the human being.
10:15Allah, the Lord of Glory, has said in Surah Al-Imran, verse 134,
10:23He has addressed this nature of the human being.
10:27Dr. Sahib, the use of words, the eloquence and eloquence of the Holy Quran,
10:31the word that Allah uses for this is very apt.
10:35Exact word.
10:38If at any place Allah has said,
10:42then that place is of knowledge and wisdom.
10:44And if at any place He has said,
10:48then that place is of forgiveness and mercy.
10:50It is so apt.
10:52Those who drink their anger,
10:56those who control their anger,
10:58it means that its effectiveness
11:00and its foundation
11:02has been given to that person.
11:04That you will have to work hard,
11:06you will have to work hard
11:08and you will have to keep it under control.
11:10What does it mean?
11:12The person who learns to control it,
11:14he is able to control it
11:16and whoever is able to control it,
11:18he is able to avoid its harm.
11:20He is able to control it.
11:22Yes, he is able to control it
11:24and he is able to avoid its harm.
11:26You yourself have given a hadith about this topic
11:28which is very comprehensive.
11:30And there is another hadith about Prophet Kareem,
11:32which is about anger.
11:35Prophet Kareem said
11:37to Abu Huraira,
11:39the Messenger of Allah,
11:41O Messenger of Allah,
11:43give me a will.
11:45The Messenger of Allah said to him,
11:47Do not get angry.
11:49Do not get angry.
11:51He said this again.
11:53Do you know why he said this again?
11:55Sometimes the questioner
11:57thinks that the answer to something
11:59is either not enough for him
12:01or he wants an answer
12:03So he repeated this question
12:05many times
12:07that O Messenger of Allah,
12:09give me a special order.
12:11Tell me something special.
12:13So Prophet Kareem said
12:15in every answer,
12:17Do not get angry.
12:19Control your anger
12:21and you will have a successful life.
12:23Absolutely right.
12:25Ladies and gentlemen,
12:27this is a very important topic
12:29and we are talking about it.
12:31Is it absolutely forbidden
12:33to get angry?
12:35Or are there some conditions
12:37for it?
12:39Let's talk about it
12:41after a short break.
12:43Ladies and gentlemen,
12:45we are talking about anger
12:47and before going to the break,
12:49Mufti Sahab explained
12:51the basic principles of anger
12:53in light of the Quran and Hadith.
12:55So the question arises
12:57that should we not get angry?
13:00Is it forbidden?
13:02Or is there some condition
13:04for it?
13:06Iqari Muhammad Yunus Qadri
13:08is here with us.
13:10Can we get angry?
13:14Thank you very much
13:16for your love.
13:18Love is always with us.
13:20Before answering,
13:22I would like to congratulate you
13:24on your book,
13:26Shohra Afaq.
13:28Thank you very much.
13:30Your title is
13:32that your name
13:34is famous
13:36all over the world.
13:38I think
13:40you have derived this title
13:42from the saying
13:44that Allah and Allah's Messenger
13:46know best.
13:48Thank you very much.
13:52your question
13:54about anger
13:57in light of the Quran
13:59and Hadith
14:01is that
14:03anger is a condition
14:05of lawful and unlawful.
14:07In the Quran and Hadith,
14:09anger is a condition
14:11of lawful and unlawful.
14:13If we look at the life of
14:15the Prophet,
14:17he never got angry
14:19about himself.
14:21But when it comes
14:23to Allah's limits
14:25Aisha Sadiqa said
14:27that she has never seen anyone
14:29who gets angry about Allah's limits.
14:31And this anger
14:33comes to the Lord of the Universe.
14:35The Lord of the Universe destroyed
14:37many nations.
14:39When they disobeyed the truth
14:41and they disobeyed Allah,
14:43Allah got so angry
14:45that the Lord of the Universe
14:47took the earth to the heavens
14:49and destroyed it.
14:51This anger is required
14:53for religion and honor.
14:57look at the anger for Jihad.
14:59When the people of Moses
15:01were told to go and do Jihad
15:03against the disbelievers,
15:05they said,
15:07We do not go.
15:09You go, your Lord goes.
15:11We are sitting here.
15:13But when the servants of the Prophet
15:15disobey the truth,
15:17how angry do they get
15:19when they disobey Allah's limits?
15:22When the servants of the Prophet
15:24were told to go and do Jihad against the disbelievers,
15:26they said,
15:28O Messenger of Allah,
15:30wherever your sweat will fall,
15:32our blood will fall.
15:34So when there is an attack
15:36on Allah's limits,
15:38it is absolutely permissible
15:40to get angry.
15:42And when it is about
15:44one's own self,
15:46then one should not get angry.
15:48Dr. Sahib,
15:50we have seen both situations.
15:52It is necessary to do it
15:54at some place
15:56and at some time
15:58it is also needed
16:00for training.
16:02But how is it
16:04to be an angry bird
16:06all the time?
16:08And what do you say
16:10about it
16:12in domestic and official matters?
16:14In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
16:16Thank you very much.
16:18The Prophet was a blessed man.
16:20He was gentle.
16:22And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
16:24was always
16:28and loving.
16:30As Qari Sahib said,
16:32as Qibla Mufti Sahib said,
16:34wherever there is a need for
16:36strictness, there is a need.
16:38But the nature of the Prophet,
16:40may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
16:42was gentle.
16:44And the Prophet himself said,
16:46la yakoon fee shayin illa zanahu
16:48wa la yunza'u min shayin
16:50illa shanahu.
16:52Whenever there is a need for gentleness,
16:54it will be adorned.
16:56And if there is a need for strictness,
16:58there will be a flaw in it.
17:00So, this was the nature
17:02of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
17:04And the Prophet,
17:06Hazrat Anas bin Malik,
17:08he said,
17:10I have served the Prophet for ten years
17:12and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:14has never said to me,
17:16why did you not do this?
17:18And if I had not done it,
17:20why did you not do it?
17:22And if I had not done it,
17:24why did you not do it?
17:26So, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:28he always
17:30acts as a source of mercy
17:32for his Ummah.
17:34Even if people
17:36trouble him,
17:38as we see
17:40in an important incident of Taif,
17:42the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:44even if they threw stones at him,
17:46his feet were covered in blood,
17:48his shoes were full of blood,
17:50but the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:52still prayed for him.
17:54Hazrat Imam Ghazali, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:56he said three things in this regard.
17:58He said,
18:00there are three forms of anger.
18:02One is anger,
18:04the other is entertainment,
18:06and the third is moderation.
18:08He said, anger is when a person
18:10always scolds you,
18:12and always
18:14scolds you,
18:16the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
18:18did not like this,
18:20and the Shariah did not like this.
18:22Rather, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
18:24said, to smile for your brother,
18:26is also a form of charity.
18:28So, to get along with a person
18:30in a friendly manner,
18:32is also a form of charity.
18:34The second is entertainment.
18:36Whatever happens,
18:38should not be seen by the hands.
18:40That is, even if there is
18:42disobedience to the Shariah,
18:44even if there is wrongdoing,
18:46a person should not think of it as anything.
18:48The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
18:50said, if one sees evil in you,
18:52he should stop it with his own hands.
18:54If he is not able to do it,
18:56he should say it with his tongue.
18:58That is, there should be
19:00as much honour and emotions
19:02in the heart as possible.
19:04And moderation, which is the third form,
19:06should not be seen by the hands.
19:08The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
19:10said, if one sees evil in you,
19:12he should stop it with his own hands.
19:14The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
19:16said, if one sees evil in you,
19:18he should stop it with his own hands.
19:20The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
19:22said, if one sees evil in you,
19:24he should stop it with his own hands.
19:26The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
19:28said, if one sees evil in you,
19:30he should stop it with his own hands.
19:32The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
19:34said, your Lord
19:36has more importance
19:38than you do.
19:40What does he say
19:42in relation to one
19:44who does such inappropriate
19:48As, you said,
19:50the chemical reaction
19:52we call anger
19:54in our body,
19:56occurs when some positive
19:58or negative
20:00or negative
20:02shah ke mutaabik kaam na ho, jaise wo cha raha hai waise nahi hua, jo uski demand hai
20:10wo poori nahi hoi, jo uski expectations hai wo poori nahi hoi, uske nateeje mein jo uska
20:16reaction hoga, wo gusse ki surat mein ho.
20:20Ab sabse pehle to usse understand karna chahiye ke surat-e-haal kya hai aur jisse kaam nahi
20:27hua, ya jisne nuksaan kiya, ya jisse nuksaan hua hai, wo uska apna usme amal dakhal kitna
20:36Bahut saari cheezein aise hain jisme insaan ko ikhtyaar hi nahi hai.
20:41Masalan, insaan apni aulad ko, maal ko, sukoon ko, itmeenaan ko, aaraam ko, sihhat ko, har
20:48cheezein ko pasand karta hai.
20:50Wo chahta hai ke ye saari cheezein usko hasil rahein.
20:53Inmese jab koi cheezein usse chhin jati hai, usme usko nuksaan aata hai, bimaari aati hai,
20:59kisi taraf se maal ka nuksaan aata hai, business ka nuksaan aata hai, usko aulad ki taraf se,
21:03aal-e-khaana ki taraf se takleef aati hai, uska izhaar wo gusse ki surat mein karta hai.
21:09To baat ye hai ki, ab sabse pehle to ye samajhna chahiye ke ye saari cheezein insaan ki aazmaaish
21:15aur Allah Rabbul Izzat ki taraf se hain, jaise Allah Rabbul Izzat nein Quran-e-Majeed,
21:19Surah-e-Baqarah mein irshaad firmaaya ki,
21:20wa la nabluwannakum bishay'im minal khawf wal ju' wa naqsim minal amwaal wal anfus wal samaraat.
21:27Ki insaan ki aazmaaish in cheezeon ke saath huni hai, ye cheezein chheeni jaayengi.
21:32Tumhaari khaishaat ke mutaabik sab kuch nahi hoga.
21:35Tumhaare maboob tumhaare saath amesha nahi raayenge.
21:38Tumhe nuksaan hoga.
21:39Lekin wahaan kulliyaan ye bataya gaya hai,
21:42ki uska reaction gusse se nahi,
21:44balke sabar ke saath kar raha hai.
21:47Aur phir, ye bhi yaad rahein,
21:48ki ye gussa aur sabar hai,
21:50ye jo insaan ki kaifiyat hai,
21:51uske andar ye bhi yek cheeze,
21:53hadees-e-paak se raanumai milti hai,
21:55ki insaani tabiyyat aur mizaaj aisa hai,
21:57ki waqt guzarne ke saath,
21:58insaan ko sabar aa jaata hai.
22:01Original aur asal jo,
22:03uska reaction aur gussa dekha jaayega,
22:05wo jo pehla lamha hai,
22:07jab wo waqia hua,
22:09jab wo cheeze saamne aayi,
22:11dekha jaayega,
22:12ke us waqat uska reaction kya hai.
22:14Sunan Abi Dawood Shareef ki hadees number 3124.
22:18Huzoor-Alaihis-Salaam ek khatoon ke paas se guzre,
22:20jo apne bacche ki maut ke gham mein ro rahi thi.
22:24Nabi Kareem-Alaihis-Salaam ne usko irshaad firmaaya,
22:28ki ittaqillah wa sabiri,
22:31Allah se dar aur sabar kar.
22:34Ab jab usne ye suna na,
22:36to Huzoor-Alaihis-Salaam se usne kaha,
22:37ki aapko kya pata mere upar kya museebat guzri hai.
22:41Yani usko maalum hi nahi tha,
22:42ki ye Nabi Paak-Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam hai.
22:44Jab usko baad mein pata chala,
22:45Huzoor-Alaihis-Salaam ki khidmat mein haajir hui,
22:47aur aakar maafi ki talabgaar hui,
22:49aur araz ki ya Rasool-Allah,
22:50aapne mujhe nasiyat firmaayi,
22:52aur maine uska reaction ye diya,
22:54ki maine aage se ye jumla kah diya,
22:56maine aapko pehchaana nahi tha.
22:57Kya matlab, ab wo uska hifiyat se nikal aayi thi.
23:00Sahi, sahi.
23:01Ab ye ek Nabi Paak-Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam...
23:03Hidamat hoti hai.
23:04Hidamat hoti hai, baad.
23:05Huzoor-Alaihis-Salaam ne fir,
23:07jo rule aur qaida ata firmaaya na,
23:10Nabi Paak-Sallallahu-Alaihi-Wasallam
23:11ye nishat firmaaya,
23:12innama sabro inda sadmatil oola.
23:15Allahu Akbar.
23:16Asal jo control karna hai na,
23:18ghusay ko control karna,
23:19ya sabar karna jo hai,
23:21ye to pehle lamay par hai.
23:23Nafsiyati taur par,
23:25waqt guzarne ke saath saath,
23:26insaan ko sabar to aayi karta hai.
23:28Control to kar hi leta hai.
23:29Asal dekhna hai,
23:30ki jab wo hua,
23:31us waqt usne fori uska kya reaction kiya hai.
23:34Isko istarike se hum samajh bhi sakte hain,
23:36aur istarike se hum isko control bhi karte hain.
23:39Qari sahab,
23:39mawasharati taur par kya nukhsanaat hote hain,
23:41ghusah karne ki wajah?
23:42Ji, Qibla Daqt sahab,
23:43mawasharati taur par aap dekhein,
23:45ki jab insaan ko ghusah aata hai,
23:47to khandaan jo hai,
23:49miyan-bibi se shuru hota hai,
23:50fir mawashara tashkeel paata hai.
23:52Agar, farz karein,
23:53agar miyan-bibi ke darmayan ghusah aagaya,
23:56aur aise jumlein uske moon se saadar ho gaye,
23:58to aayili zindagi sari tabha ho gaye.
24:01Aur fir na sirf aayili zindagi tabha hoti hain,
24:03fir dilon mein nafratin pehda hoti hain,
24:04aur fir aap andaaza karein,
24:06na sirf qaumi sata pe,
24:07barke bain qaumi sata tak ye maamla jaata hain.
24:10Agar banda ghusah peele,
24:12jis tarah Qibla Mufti sahab ne ishara firmaaya tha,
24:14Imam Zain-ul-Abideen,
24:16aap wudhu firmaa re hain,
24:17aapki ek laundi aapko baandi wudhu karwaa re hain,
24:20to haad mein paani ka bartan pakdaa hua hain,
24:22aur bartan haan se gir gaya.
24:23Jab gira to aapke chehre peh laga,
24:25zakhmi hoga chehra,
24:26to aapko jalal aaya,
24:28to foran,
24:28zahra uski bhi tarbiyat unke ghar mein hui thi,
24:31to unhone foran wahi alfas kahein,
24:32jo Mufti sahab Qibla ne padhein the,
24:33wal qazimin al ghayz,
24:35ki Allah wale wo hain,
24:36jo ghusah ko pee jaane wale hain,
24:38aapne firmaaya,
24:39maine ghusah pee liya,
24:40aage se usne kahe,
24:41wal aafin anil naas,
24:43wo logon ko muaaf kar dene wale hain,
24:44firmaaya maine tujhe muaaf kar diya,
24:46fir aage usne padha,
24:47ki wallahu yuhibbul muhsineen,
24:49ki Allah ihsaan karne walon ko basand firmaata hain,
24:52firmaaya maine tujhe muaaf firmaa diya hain,
24:54to jab banda ghusah ko apne kaabu karne,
24:58wal qazimin al ghayz,
24:59usko pee leta hain,
25:01to phir Rabb-e-kainat deelon mein muhabbatin peyda firmaa deta hain,
25:04jo nafratin hain,
25:05wo muhabbaton mein tabdeel ho jaati hain,
25:07to ghusah jab insaan ko aata hain,
25:10to muaashre ke andar,
25:11janaab ghusah,
25:13kareem aaka alayhi salatu wasalam jalwa firmaa hain,
25:15hazrat muaz min jabal firmaate hain,
25:16ki ek shahs hain,
25:17wo bade ghusah mein tha,
25:18laal peela ho raha tha,
25:20to kareem aaka alayhi salatu wasalam ne firmaa hain,
25:21mere paas aisa jumla hain,
25:22agar main isko beyaan kar doon,
25:24bata doon,
25:24to iska ghusah zaail ho jaayega,
25:26to arz ki ya rasulallah mujhe bata deen,
25:28to kareem aaka alayhi salatu wasalam ne firmaa hain,
25:29jumla ye hain,
25:30a'oozu billahi minash shaitanil rajim,
25:33aur ek rawayat mein,
25:34Allahuma inni a'oozu bikam minash shaitanil rajim,
25:36to jab kareem aaka ka yeh pigham se haabeen us tak ponchaya,
25:39usne nahi pada,
25:40to uska ghusah aur zyada ho gaye,
25:42nazareen karam break ka waqt hain,
25:44humare saath siri yeh lotte hain,
25:45aur ghusah karne ke kuch tibbi nuksaanat hain,
25:48kuch tabi nuksaanat hain,
25:50iska tadaaruk kaise mumkin hain,
25:52wo bhi hume sunnat se rehnawai milti hain,
25:54uspe baat karte hain ek chote se waqfe ke baad,
25:56jee nazareen khushandeed kahte hain waqfe ke baad aapko,
25:58Programme dekh rahein aap Islaah-e-Muhashara,
26:00aur aaj ghusah pe baat kar rahein hain,
26:02break pe jaane se pehle,
26:03sawaal maine chhoda tha aur waqt ko,
26:05zara samethte hube,
26:06main dok sahab ki khidmat mein hazir hone lako,
26:08ghusah karne se zahir hai,
26:10ke ek toh insaan ka mizaaj bigadta hai,
26:12usse jo nuksaanat hote hain,
26:14uska bhi humne kuch na kuch zikr kiya hain,
26:16to iske tibbi aur tabi itibaar se bhi yakeenan,
26:20nuksaanat hote honge,
26:21uspe kuch rehnawai firma.
26:22jee bilkul,
26:23iss hawaale se itibaar ne,
26:25iske kaafi saare nuksaanat ka shumar kiya hain,
26:28jo insaan ghusah mein aata,
26:31aur zyada dir ghusah mein rahta hai,
26:33uska fishaar-e-khoon badh jaata hai,
26:36blood pressure ke masayal uske badh jaate hain,
26:38kahi balke aisi hamwaat bhi humne suni hain,
26:40blood pressure ke masayal uske badh jaate hain,
26:41ghusah mein aata hai,
26:42toh zyada badhta hai,
26:43kaabu se bahar ho jaata hai,
26:44toh usse phir heart attack ho jaata hai,
26:46iss tarah ke masayal aate hain,
26:48ghusah ko control na kar sakne ki wajah se,
26:51depression aata hai,
26:52zihni tanao insaan ke tabiyyat mein aata hai,
26:55chirchirapan paida hona shuru ho jaata hai,
26:58aur choti-choti baaton ko lekar apni tabiyyat ko kharab karta hai,
27:02ismein ek aur masalah bhi hota hai,
27:04ek hormone jab ghusah aad mein aata hai,
27:06ek hormone jisko cortisol kahte hain,
27:08wo release hota hai,
27:10usse ek toh fishaar-e-khoon badhta hai,
27:14doosra uska masalah yeh hota hai,
27:15usse medhe ke masayal paida hote hain,
27:18toh Atiba yeh bhi biyaan karte hain,
27:20ki ghusah mein aksar aadmi rahta hai,
27:23uske medhe ke masayal bhi padh jaate hain,
27:25tabiyyat aur allasar aur iss tarah ke masayal usmein zyada aate hain,
27:29ghusah zyada karne se jab khoon ka masalah paida hota hai,
27:33toh phir tanao ki wajah se baaz waqaat,
27:36faalij ke jo khatarat hain wo bhi badh jaate hain,
27:39aur usse iss tarah ki kaifiyat bhi paida hona shuru hi rahi hai,
27:42yaani agar hum majmui taur par in cheezon ko dekhen,
27:45toh ghusah ke koi fawaid humein koi nazar nahi aate,
27:48yaani humesha ghusah mein rahna,
27:50aur tabiyyat ko humesha iss tarah rahna,
27:54anxiety ki tarah, depression ki tarah aur yeh cheezin,
27:56bekhkha bhi iska ek aham masalah hai,
27:59ki insaan jab ghusah mein aata hai, toh usko neend nahi aati,
28:02wo sochta rahata hai,
28:02acha main kya karoon,
28:03isko yeh hogaya,
28:04yeh kyun hogaya aise,
28:05neend nahi aati,
28:06aur neend na aana yeh ek bahut badi bimari hai,
28:09aur uski wajah se phir insani,
28:10tabiyyat par aur sihat par jo asraat paida hote hain,
28:13wo iske ilawa hote hain,
28:15so humein koshish yehi karni chahiye,
28:17ki jo nabiye rahmat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne firmaaya,
28:20jo aapne bhi beyan kiya,
28:22ki wo shahzoor wo nahi hai,
28:25ki jo doosre ko pichaad de,
28:26wo hai jo kaabuk hai,
28:28aur yeh technical team ka bhi ek sawal hai,
28:29wo bhi zaahara hai,
28:30ki bahut saare us mahaan par bhi ghusi le,
28:33chahiye wo baithe hote hain,
28:35toh unka kehna hai ki kisi ko dekh kar jo ghusah aata hai,
28:37toh usko kaise control kiya jaar saki?
28:39Usmein jo nabiye rahmat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne cheeze beyan firmaayi hain,
28:43aap uske baare mein apne andar khair ke jazbaat leke aayen,
28:47jo nabiye rahmat sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ki jo hadees hai,
28:49usko zehn mein le aayen,
28:50ki huzoor sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ne jo firmaaya,
28:51ki apne bhai ko de kar muskurana,
28:53ye bhi sadqa hai,
28:54toh aadmi ghusah karke ki wajahe muskurake sadqa ka sawab aasal kar raha hai.
28:59Subhanallah, subhanallah.
29:00Acha mufti sahab,
29:02yeh iska tadaruk bhi yaqeen hai,
29:04iski rehnaumai ki gayi hogi,
29:06isko ropna,
29:06isko kis tarah se control karna hai,
29:08uske baare mein joh rehnaumai hain uspe mukhtasara.
29:11Ji main iski arz ki yeh deta hu,
29:13ki sabse pehla jo isko control karne ka tariqa hai,
29:17wo yeh hai ki dar guzar kiya jaye.
29:21Dar guzar ka matlab,
29:22wo jo khaas waqt aur time hai na,
29:25usko thoda sa guzar de.
29:27Uske liye mukhtalif tariqa bataya gaye hain,
29:28jagah tabdeel kar li jaye,
29:30paani pee liya jaye,
29:30baithe hain toh khade ho jaye,
29:32istana ki...
29:32Dar guzar kar diya jaye,
29:33ek baat.
29:34Doosre number par muskil hai,
29:36lekan bohot mazboot athyaar hai,
29:39ki khamoshi ikhtyaar kar diya jaye.
29:40Thode waqt ki khamoshi jo hai,
29:42wo us bohot bade nuksaan se,
29:44jo aage us gusse ki wajah se ho sakta hai,
29:47usse bacha jaa sakta hai.
29:48Ek aur cheez hai,
29:49ki usko ignore kar diya jaye,
29:50nazar andaaz kar diya jaye,
29:52bilkoli us taraf diyaan hi na diya jaye,
29:54aur tawajjo hi na diya jaye.
29:55Aur yeh baat yaad rahe ke,
29:57aaj amari jo generation hai,
30:01young generation,
30:02aur khaas taur par jo khaangi aur marital life hai,
30:06uske andar talaak ki badhti hui shara,
30:09uski wajah sirf gussa hai.
30:12Balke aksar jab baad mein,
30:14us maamle ko hal karne ke liye jaate hain,
30:16to uzr yeh biyaan karte hain,
30:17gusse ki haalat mein.
30:18Ji main gusse ki haalat.
30:18Hala ki yeh kaam gusse mein toh hota hi nahi hai.
30:21Kya khayal hai,
30:21gusse mein hi hota hai,
30:22khusmein toh koi nahi karta hai.
30:24Lekan uske saath saath,
30:24nabi paak sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
30:26ne bhi humein iske upar raanumai farmai hai.
30:29Masalan, gussa ke waqt,
30:31aauzu billahi minash shaitaanir rajeem padha jaaye,
30:34la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi laliyil azeem padha jaaye,
30:37wazoo kar liya jaaye,
30:38aat mu dho liya jaaye,
30:40jaise aapne bhi rishaat firmaaya,
30:42ki uz jagah ko badal de,
30:44jagah ko badalne ka matlab wahan se bahar nikal jaaye,
30:46hayat ko badal de,
30:48hayat ka matlab hai ki khada hai toh baith jaaye,
30:50baitha hai toh leth jaaye,
30:51side par ho jaaye,
30:52aur apni kaifiyat ko tabdeel kar de,
30:55iske saath saath.
30:56Kahun bagh molese,
30:57door hai...
30:58Gunaati taur par,
30:59environment yaa na,
31:00pet uskak bada hua hai,
31:02aur agar mobile ke upar,
31:04koi aisa hora hai,
31:05toh thodi der ke liye,
31:06mobile ko aath kargi raha hai.
31:08Uske apne aap ko chhudaha lai,
31:09taake us kaifiyat se,
31:11wo nikal aaye,
31:11apr jaise shuru mein humne arez keen hai,
31:13ki wo iptadai chand minute jo hain,
31:15aur jiski limit 12 minute tak jaate.
31:18Haj saath ya...
31:19At most 12.
31:22So, jisko woh control karne aaya gaya hai,
31:24and in that he has learnt how to tackle the situation
31:27so I think he can easily control the state of anger
31:31and as a result of that he can save himself from the consequences
31:36and also protect the people around him and the society
31:41Mr. Qari please conclude what message do you give in this book?
31:45As Mufti Sahib said, forgive and rectify
31:58Don't you like that your Lord forgives you?
32:01When the army of 10,000 of Sahaba entered the land of Mecca
32:06and announced the day of resurrection
32:09Hazrat Sa'd said to them that the day of resurrection is the day of redemption
32:21and the Holy Prophet said to them to change this slogan
32:24and say that the day of resurrection is the day of mercy
32:28Subhanallah, please give a message to the people
32:31We should keep in mind that we are humans
32:35and the way we are getting angry, the same can happen to them
32:40It is better that we submit to Allah
32:43and Allah has mentioned the attribute of Ibadur Rahman
32:47that when the ignorant people address them
32:52that is, they have a program to make them angry and angry
32:55then they become on one side by saying Salam
32:57and try not to stay there
33:00so a person should try this
33:02and the result should be kept in mind
33:05that I will get rid of my anger now
33:07but I will continue to be angry later
33:09and I will not be able to get rid of that loss
33:11Absolutely right
33:12Thank you very much, Mufti Muhammad Ramadan Sialvi Sahib
33:15Qari Muhammad Yunus Qadri Sahib
33:17Dr. Irfanullah Saifi Sahib
33:19and Mehmood Hassan Siddiqi Sahib from Hallabal
33:23Thank you very much
33:24We will listen to you today
33:26and before asking for permission
33:29I would like to say a few verses
33:31InshaAllah we will meet you tomorrow
33:33and our discussions will continue from Karachi Studios
33:36Every time our worries were our worries
33:40Every time our worries were our worries
33:44How much did you care for the Humans
33:48You lit that fire of knowledge and awareness
33:52You lit that fire of knowledge and awareness
33:56When it was impossible to even name the fire
33:59All the answers were with the Ummi Laqab
34:03All the answers were with the Ummi Laqab
34:07When every person had a question
34:11That is when the King of Nations spoke of love
34:14That is when there was a war on a small issue
34:18The words were burning with the fire of knowledge
34:22The tone was like your poetry
34:26Everyone used to call you Sadiq Ameen
34:30Fisqo Fujoor was the reason for perfection
34:34The character was that there was no one like you
34:38And the beauty was that you were your own example
34:42All the comforts are due to him
34:46Otherwise it is impossible to pass even a moment
34:49We will meet you tomorrow
34:52Let's listen to a poem by Mahmoodul Hasan Sadiq
35:19We believe in our master
35:48The one we have not seen
35:53The one we have not seen
35:58We believe he is God
36:10The one we have not seen
36:15We believe he is God
36:27How can the patient be happy
36:55The one who believes in the cure of God
37:16The one who is the prisoner of the chain of the love of the master
37:34The one who is the prisoner of the chain of the love of the master
37:48He is free, we consider him free
38:04And she does not take my eyes with her
38:31The one who is the prisoner of the chain of the love of the master
38:57The one who is the prisoner of the chain of the love of the master
