• 3 days ago
Yeh Sab Tumhara Karam Hai Aaqa

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#YehSabTumharaKaramHaiAaqa #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:30And he loves all the Sunnahs.
00:32One good thing about him is that
00:35if you mention him in his absence, you will get a smile on your face.
00:39He is the subtleties of a person's personality
00:42which are in everyone.
00:44Because not everyone gets a smile on their face by mentioning him,
00:47but if you mention him, you will get a smile on your face.
00:51And Allah has bestowed him with countless talents and abilities.
00:56And the one who has received all the blessings is Huzoor.
01:00And he is known and recognized all over the world as Sanah Khan.
01:03Among the people who have been blessed by Huzoor,
01:06Al-Hajj Muhammad Shahrukh Qadri is also mentioned.
01:08Assalamu Alaikum.
01:09Walaikum Assalam.
01:12How are you, Shahrukh bhai?
01:13How are you?
01:14Which personality was the reason for your voice attracting our attention?
01:20I mean, voice is just a voice.
01:22If you go towards imagination, it becomes a voice.
01:25This is also true, this beauty of voice will last for four days.
01:27Yes, tears will keep on singing my praises.
01:29No, this love will keep on singing my praises.
01:31It's the same thing.
01:32Correct it, not tears.
01:33It's not love, because you have to stop in love.
01:37Tears are right.
01:37No, okay, that's fine, but...
01:39The words, tears will keep on singing my praises.
01:43I mean, you have no objection with the poet, you can say whatever you want.
01:46No, no, I have read this from the beginning.
01:48The right of a poet is...
01:49Come on, brother, Madhavraj Shahid.
01:51Okay, our elders say, tears will keep on singing my praises.
01:56What to do about that?
01:57We also expect tears to keep on singing my praises.
01:59Tears will keep on singing my praises.
02:01Tears will keep on singing my praises.
02:03Okay, okay.
02:04Where there is no praise, there is a difference.
02:06Like, people say Mustafa, so we should keep this in mind.
02:11When the name of the Prophet is mentioned, you can spoil it a little bit.
02:15But don't disturb the name.
02:16Correct the name.
02:17Correct the name, because it's the name of the Prophet.
02:21There is no praise in this.
02:22Even if it's the name of a saint, even if it's the name of a common man.
02:26Now your name is Shahrukh Qadri.
02:27If I call you Shahrukh, how will you feel?
02:29You will feel bad, won't you?
02:31Of course.
02:31You have to take anyone's name correctly.
02:33See, this is a must for Shahrukh.
02:35It's important.
02:36When did you start having an interest in Nathkhani?
02:39Where did it start?
02:40I have had an interest in Nathkhani since childhood.
02:42My brother used to read it.
02:44Asim Siddhi.
02:45I used to read it after seeing him.
02:47So you have been reading it since childhood.
02:49Yes, it's just been a while.
02:51Okay, it's just been a while.
02:52It will be completed soon.
02:54Mustafa, I would like to say a word for Shahrukh Qadri.
02:59He has the voice of a crowd.
03:01He knows how to do crowd pulling performance.
03:05And if there is a lot of crowd, if Shahrukh is told that he has to handle the crowd,
03:10he can handle his voice.
03:11Because his scale is very high.
03:14And he brings you to the subtleties of personality.
03:17Whenever we get a chance to talk to Shahrukh Qadri on QTV,
03:21behind the scenes, we will try to listen to him on the screen as well.
03:26Of course.
03:28You have copied a lot of good people, brother.
03:31You have copied a lot of good people, Mashallah.
03:35So let's refresh the memory of Mr. Alhaj Muhammad Siddiq Ismail.
03:39Actually, copying is not because we are making fun of someone.
03:44No, no.
03:44The thing is that...
03:45Making fun and doing it is different.
03:47Because there are people who have been heard a lot.
03:52Brother Siddiq hasn't passed away. He is still there.
03:54I mean, in front of our eyes.
03:56Yes, in front of our eyes.
03:57He is always present in our eyes, in our mind.
04:01The ones who have more attention, that's why their voices remain in the mind.
04:05If they remain, then there will be a difference in Siddiq's language.
04:09She goes to Madinah secretly every day
04:22She hides her eyes from me as well
04:34Wow, Mashallah.
04:35This is a poem by Siddiq.
04:38You must be missing Allama Hamza Ali Qadri a lot.
04:42I miss him a lot because I have been with him a lot, Alhamdulillah.
04:47You have been with him a lot.
04:47I have been with him a lot and I have come and gone with him a lot.
04:51So he himself says, shahru bai Allah.
04:54And his style is very much like a child, the way he talks to children.
04:59Kindness and affection.
05:01Okay, how did you talk to him when you were free?
05:03We always talked like this.
05:05One day I was at his house and he was making tea.
05:10So he said to me, Shahru bai, you copy everything.
05:14Learn to make tea as well.
05:17As you say.
05:19So that's why.
05:20When you used to address, what was the style of address?
05:23In the style of address, it happened that we were in a big gathering in Landi.
05:31And Hazrat was giving a speech.
05:33And the speech was going on at a speed of 500.
05:35Oh, 500.
05:36Yes, it was very loud.
05:38He was standing and giving a speech at that time.
05:40It's a very old thing.
05:42And I was sitting on the stage.
05:44While walking, there was a lot of talking going on.
05:50And suddenly a child woke up.
05:52Now when the child woke up, Hazrat said in the same flow, hey child.
05:56Okay, okay.
05:58Where are you going?
05:59I mean, he didn't break the tune.
06:01He didn't break the tune.
06:01He didn't break the tempo.
06:02Now that child got scared.
06:04Hazrat was going to drink water.
06:07What a thing.
06:08Go, but you come.
06:10Because if you go, a generation will go.
06:12Oh, wow.
06:13You see, because thinking.
06:15Sentence, vision.
06:16If yes.
06:17I say, if the sentence is not on the occasion, then what is the use of the sentence?
06:20The real thing was that the child woke up there.
06:23That means he is saying what I am saying about religion, what I am saying about Allah and Rasul.
06:27If you didn't listen, then understand, a generation didn't listen.
06:28A generation didn't listen.
06:29This was the concept.
06:31But it was obvious that he scolded him.
06:33But he didn't really scold him.
06:34And then from there, as soon as he said, I am coming, I will come after drinking water.
06:38Then from there, the speech again.
06:40Exactly, you were going in the car.
06:41Mr. Shaturab Al-Qadri was also present.
06:43Calls were coming.
06:44Yes, you know that.
06:46No, no, I don't know.
06:47New viewers also join, they also want to listen.
06:49No, it is for the viewers that it is on YouTube.
06:52You go and see.
06:53No, you show it here, sir.
06:55It happened that Mr. Shah, Alhamdulillah.
06:57Mr. Shaturab Al-Qadri.
07:00He was going to America.
07:01With reference to Mila Sharif.
07:04So me and Allama Kamran Qadri went to meet him.
07:06So we sat in the car, then we sat in the car.
07:09Now a call had come here.
07:11So he must be calling from the beginning.
07:13And Mr. Shah was busy.
07:15So now the way he scolded him.
07:17In this way.
07:18He started saying that.
07:19Now I got the phone.
07:22Yes Maulana.
07:24The thing is that now.
07:26A person should not do any work.
07:28Don't talk about anything.
07:30As soon as your call came.
07:32Leaving all the work.
07:34Sir, talk to you.
07:35Now you are ringing the bell on the bell.
07:38You called once.
07:40We found out that I have to talk to you.
07:43But you are not stopping the phone.
07:46It looks like you are sitting on a pole.
07:49Now he said.
07:50Even Hazrat is not stopping.
07:51Hazrat is also.
07:52Rapid fire.
07:54Now he said again.
07:55He said that.
07:57There was one more number.
07:59From which the call was coming.
08:00He must have said that Hazrat is mine.
08:04There are two or four more companies in Pakistan.
08:06Take their numbers too.
08:08Don't die of starvation.
08:10Hey man, take one number and distribute it all over the world.
08:13All over the world.
08:14All the numbers to bother others.
08:16This was such a topic.
08:18Okay, when he was angry, there was a fire.
08:22There was such a matter.
08:25It was stuck in my mind.
08:26That's why when someone asked me.
08:29Yusuf Bhai was stuck in your mind.
08:31I didn't do much to Yusuf Bhai.
08:35Something light.
08:36You know him.
08:37No, I don't know. You tell me.
08:38No, I really don't know.
08:40Many people are going to read Yusuf Bhai.
08:43Give it to me.
08:43I have seen you once while reading.
08:49Look for Yusuf Bhai.
08:51Reading is different.
08:52You know the fifth couplet.
08:53The most famous thing is his poetry.
08:55And the fifth couplet is related to it.
08:57May Allah raise his status.
09:00And now it's just Hafiz Mustaqeem.
09:02Oh yes, I said in a live program the day before yesterday.
09:06In the gathering of Khatm-e-Quran, Hafiz Mustaqeem Khan Mustaqeem.
09:09Saying Ya Nabi Salaam Alayka.
09:12He jumped from the water.
09:13I did the gathering.
09:14My martyrs also have a crush on death.
09:16That Ali death.
09:17And it was the gathering of Khatm-e-Quran.
09:19Ya Nabi Salaam Alayka.
09:20He fell down and passed away.
09:23I am coming from his funeral.
09:25Oh Allah Akbar.
09:26May Allah forgive him.
09:27May Allah raise his status.
09:29And when Hafiz Mustaqeem is mentioned,
09:32please recite his couplets.
09:34People should know what kind of a poet he was.
09:36You know how to read his poetry.
09:37Perfect is the perfection of the Prophet's beauty.
09:45That the world is not a self-conceit.
09:53This is the flower that is far from the thorn.
10:00This is the flame that is not smoke.
10:06This was his style.
10:08I think none of our singers had the same talent as Hafiz Mustaqeem.
10:14Yes, mixing couplets and reciting the verses of the Quran.
10:18He used to play with different rags.
10:19For example, Bilawal is reciting.
10:21Maulana Salli wa Sallim.
10:25In this, Aiman used to come with the rag and also leave.
10:28This was his magic.
10:29Now he is reciting.
10:30Muhammad is very generous.
10:36He is very generous.
10:40How can I go back?
10:43This was his magic.
10:45He was also a great poet.
10:46There are famous couplets written by him.
10:50O Messenger of Allah, you are the permission to come.
10:54My heart goes to your court.
10:57My heart comes.
10:58Both are equal partners in this sorrow.
11:01I make my heart understand.
11:03And my heart makes me understand.
11:05There is no solution to it.
11:09There is no solution to it.
11:12The heart that collides with the waves of the wind.
11:15When the heart finds a glimpse in the chest of Mahi Taiba.
11:18The heart goes beyond the glory of the throne.
11:21Shahrukh Bhai, MashaAllah.
11:22You have a promise of seven personalities.
11:24You have lived that era in Nath.
11:26And you have seen all kinds of incidents.
11:30For you, the most favorite Nath Khan.
11:32From whom you got inspiration.
11:34And you grew more interested in seeing him.
11:37In my childhood, Siddiq Ismail was heard more in Nath Khans.
11:43And he was heard more.
11:44Then when I returned from the mall, other Sana Khans also came.
11:48But in my childhood, it was the beginning.
11:50I mean, in 1982-1982.
11:52Siddiq Bhai was the role model for you.
11:53Siddiq Bhai, Waheed Zafar Qasmi.
11:56These were the Nath Khans at that time.
11:58Actually, they were the same.
11:59Nath Khans were the same.
12:00The rest came later.
12:01They came later.
12:02Then we came to our religious environment.
12:05Then Mushtaq Qadri Sahib.
12:07I heard him.
12:08He was also a very nice personality.
12:09He was a very nice personality.
12:10He used to read very well.
12:10He was a very loving person.
12:12Just like a Fasid Bhai.
12:15He just kept on reading.
12:16Just like Mushtaq Bhai, he just kept on reading.
12:18He was sincere in Allah.
12:19He didn't pretend to be sincere in the world.
12:24No, no, no.
12:25And I don't have any connection with money.
12:26I am a professional.
12:27And all the evidence is with him.
12:29So he was sincere in Allah.
12:30He was a sincere person.
12:32He didn't give preference to the world.
12:33He took the goods of the hereafter.
12:35Now the focus is on the goods of the world.
12:38And I don't take it.
12:39This world is not mine.
12:40I seek forgiveness from Allah.
12:41May Allah make us believers.
12:43May Allah keep us believers.
12:45And may Allah grant us that success.
12:48May Allah grant us that success.
12:49With which he is satisfied.
12:51And his messenger is satisfied.
12:52Shahrukh Bhai, thank you very much.
12:54For coming.
12:55It was a short session.
12:57But it was a very effective session.
12:59Before leaving, Shahrukh Bhai will present a tribute to Saeed Hashmi.
13:03In his style.
13:04He will sing two verses of Naat.
13:05And we will leave you.
13:06Assalamu Alaikum.
13:18Whoever wants what is good for himself.
13:25Whoever wants it, God wants it.
13:33Whoever wants it, God wants it.
13:41Make me your guest, master.
13:50Make me your guest, master.
13:58Everyone wants to be a king.
