• 2 days ago
Bazm e Ulama | Naimat e Iftar

Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

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00:26Yes, welcome dear viewers.
00:28You are very welcome in Bazm-e-Ulema.
00:30Not only in Pakistan, but globally recognized scholars of Islam are present with us.
00:35You are lucky to have a panel of very authentic and authentic scholars in ARYQ TV.
00:39And it is a rare opportunity for you to learn knowledge from them,
00:43to ask questions and to learn answers.
00:45And I always say, ask questions, questions are half knowledge.
00:49With us, my dear Ardil Aziz Al-Haj, Mufti Muhammad Suhail Raza Amjadi Sahib,
00:53Qibla Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi Sahib, and Hafiz Ahmad Yusuf Sahib are present with us.
00:59I also welcome you, Allama Sahib.
01:01Mashallah, he is a great scholar.
01:04May Allah increase his happiness.
01:08He is our guest today.
01:09And Mufti Sahib, I would like to say in the beginning,
01:11one of the most famous and the most senior Naat reciter of Pakistan,
01:16the best Naat Gob, the best Sana Khan-e-Rasool,
01:19Hafiz Mustaqeem Khan Mustaqeem,
01:21passed away last night.
01:24Verily to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.
01:27And remember how he died.
01:31When he started reciting Hadee-e-Durood-e-Salaam at the end of the Qura'an,
01:36he closed his eyes and recited,
01:39O Prophet, peace be upon you.
01:41This word came out of his mouth and his soul flew away.
01:45Look, how blessed is this.
01:47How beautiful.
01:48My martyrs will also be overjoyed at my death.
01:51Let me die by embracing my feet.
01:54What a beautiful death Allah has bestowed upon them.
01:56May Allah elevate their ranks.
01:58And may Allah bestow a great reward upon the lovers of patience.
02:02Ladies and gentlemen, today's topic is the love of Allah.
02:05Yes, Allah who loves us, loves us immensely.
02:09But the people who are rebellious,
02:11the people who do not fulfill the requirements of love,
02:14the people who are prone to negligence and laziness,
02:17they do not listen to Allah.
02:19They make friends with Satan.
02:21Let us learn from the world-famous scholars of Pakistan about the love of Allah.
02:27How much and how much is the love of Allah?
02:30Mufti sahab, in light of the Qur'an and Hadith,
02:32tell me what is the importance and value of the love of Allah?
02:36And how is it mentioned in the Qur'an?
02:38In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
02:41All praise is due to Allah alone.
02:43And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah.
02:46O Allah, send blessings upon our Master,
02:49Muhammad and his family and companions.
02:52May Allah forgive Hafiz Mustaqeem sahab.
02:56And grant him a place in paradise.
03:00He is like our dear little brothers.
03:04Allama Hafiz Ahmed sahab.
03:06He has come to the talk show for the first time.
03:09I would like to welcome him.
03:13May Allah keep him happy.
03:15May Allah increase his knowledge and practice.
03:17You always encourage the young scholars.
03:20This is our future.
03:21I remember Allama Shahbaz Nurani sahab,
03:23when a 9 year old scholar used to come,
03:25you used to stand and welcome him.
03:27This is how it is.
03:28And we have learnt from him.
03:30We have learnt from the great scholars.
03:32As far as the love of Allah is concerned,
03:35Remember that our love for Allah is not like worldly love.
03:44In worldly love, there is a psychological aspect.
03:49It is like the love of a husband for his wife.
03:54Or the love of a wife for her husband.
03:56It is different.
03:58In the same way,
04:00sometimes the love of children for their parents,
04:04the love of parents for their children,
04:07it is different.
04:09The love of Allah is beyond all these loves.
04:15The love of Allah is like the love between a servant and his Lord.
04:23That is the love.
04:25There is no psychological aspect.
04:29There is no worldly aspect.
04:31And I would like to say that
04:33when a person loves Allah,
04:37this love is not give and take.
04:42This is not a business deal.
04:44He gave me this, I will give him that.
04:47He gave me this, I will give him that.
04:49I went to such and such place, he respected me,
04:51so I will also respect him.
04:53This is not give and take.
04:54This is completely different from these loves.
04:56In the presence of Allah,
04:59the love of a person,
05:01is like a love,
05:07and spiritual.
05:08If we look at all these aspects,
05:12if it is with all these things,
05:15then we will have love for Allah.
05:17Otherwise, this is not just words.
05:19This is love, heart, physical, and spiritual.
05:25And this love is greater than any benefit.
05:28So when a person,
05:30as a servant,
05:32will love Allah,
05:34will love the Lord,
05:36which is the sign of the Lord.
05:39In life, in this world,
05:41if someone does a favor to you once,
05:44then you spend your whole life
05:46repaying his favors.
05:48You remember his favors.
05:50But Allah is such that
05:52O people, worship your Lord,
05:56who created you,
05:58and those before you,
06:00that you may be.
06:02O people, worship your Lord,
06:04who created you,
06:06and those before you,
06:08who created all,
06:10who gave you breath,
06:12who gave you life,
06:14who gave you all blessings,
06:16who gave you relations,
06:18and count the blessings of Allah,
06:20that you may count the blessings of Allah,
06:22but you will not be able to count them.
06:24So in this world,
06:26if you do a small favor,
06:28you bow down in front of his favor.
06:30So here, Allah has so many favors,
06:32so many favors,
06:34that we cannot even count them.
06:36So worship and servitude
06:38is only for him.
06:40That is why Allah said,
06:42Those who love others,
06:44love others.
06:46The one who has faith,
06:48the one who loves others the most,
06:50Allah loves him.
06:52What a great thing, Mufti sahib.
06:54Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi sahib,
06:56why should we love Allah?
06:58In the name of Allah, the most merciful,
07:00the most compassionate,
07:02the most merciful.
07:04Allah is our creator,
07:06our master, our provider,
07:08the one who created us,
07:10the one who fulfills our needs,
07:12the one who takes care of everything.
07:16So why should we not love Allah?
07:18The reason is this.
07:20Why should we not love Allah?
07:22We should love Allah.
07:24And whenever you love someone,
07:26there are reasons for that love.
07:28Because of those reasons,
07:30someone's love is born in the heart.
07:32There are three reasons.
07:34One reason is beauty.
07:36Because of beauty,
07:38someone's love is born in the heart.
07:40Allah says,
07:42Allah loves beauty.
07:44Allah loves beauty.
07:46Allah loves beauty.
07:48So if you look at this level,
07:50if you look at this angle,
07:52the one who deserves the most love
07:54is Allah.
07:56Allah is so beautiful,
07:58that wherever there are
08:00manifestations of beauty in this universe,
08:02they are all His manifestations.
08:04All these are the manifestations of beauty.
08:06He is so beautiful.
08:08He is the one who creates
08:10the taste of beauty.
08:12He is the one who creates
08:14the taste of beauty.
08:16So He is the one who deserves
08:18the most love.
08:20The second level of love
08:22is perfection.
08:24If you look at perfection,
08:26Allah is capable of everything.
08:28Allah is capable of everything.
08:30He is capable of everything.
08:32And this is only His glory.
08:34And perfection is such that
08:36perfection is only for Allah.
08:38Perfection is only for Allah.
08:40Perfection is only for Allah.
08:42Perfection is only for Allah.
08:44Perfection is only for Allah.
08:46Perfection is only for Allah.
08:48Perfection is only for Allah.
08:50Perfection is only for Allah.
08:52Perfection is only for Allah.
08:54Perfection is only for Allah.
08:56Perfection is only for Allah.
08:58Perfection is only for Allah.
09:00Perfection is only for Allah.
09:02Perfection is only for Allah.
09:04Perfection is only for Allah.
09:06Perfection is only for Allah.
09:08And the third level of love
09:10is generosity.
09:12A person loves someone
09:14because of their generosity.
09:16For example,
09:18Allah is the one who
09:20rewards and favors everyone.
09:22What you have of blessings
09:24is from Allah.
09:26This blessing is also from Allah.
09:28There are so many blessings.
09:30And if you count the blessings of Allah,
09:32you will never be able to count them.
09:34If you want to count the blessings of Allah,
09:36You will not be able to count, you will not be able to count, there are so many blessings, there is so much beauty and grandeur, so in short, look at the beauty and grandeur, look at the wonder, look at the beauty and grandeur,
09:46At all levels, at all angles, the love of Allah is necessary and that is the most worthy of being loved by Him and to be loved by Him the most.
09:57May Allah protect you.
09:58Mr. Ahmad Yusuf, how are you?
10:00May Allah protect you.
10:01May Allah protect you.
10:02The topic is the love of Allah, so how much should we love Allah?
10:07In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
10:10First of all, I am very thankful to you for the arrangement of QTV, that you have invited me here and Mr. Mufti welcomed me.
10:17I am very thankful to him.
10:19Both Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi and Mufti Suhail Azamzari are among my teachers.
10:24So, Alhamdulillah, it is a matter of great honor that I am getting the opportunity to speak here in their presence.
10:30How much should we love Allah?
10:34There is no limit to this, there is no limit.
10:37How can you judge this?
10:40No parameter can be determined.
10:42No parameter has been invented that we can estimate how much we should love Allah.
10:48We should love Allah more than anything else.
10:52Those who believe love Allah more than anything else.
11:00So, how much should we love Allah?
11:02Allah has given an example in the Holy Quran.
11:19O people, if you love your parents, love your children, love your relatives, love your business, love your family.
11:31If the love of Allah and His Messenger increases in your heart,
11:40then your faith is in danger.
11:42The Holy Quran tells us that we should love Allah more than anything else in the world.
11:52How much should that love be?
11:54It should be more than anything else.
12:03A person should love Allah so much that he says,
12:06My prayer, my sacrifice, my life, my death, everything is for Allah.
12:13So, we should love Allah more than anything else.
12:16But it is important that it should not be verbal.
12:19It should be love through action.
12:22O you who believe, fear Allah as it is the right to fear Him.
12:30Those who are involved in polytheism, why are they involved in polytheism?
12:33Because they did not recognize the greatness of Allah.
12:35So, it is important to recognize the greatness of Allah.
12:38And the fear of Allah is important.
12:40And what will happen with that fear?
12:42That the actions of the person will testify that he is loving Allah.
12:47And then his life will be the proof of this.
12:56From this verse, I remembered the poem of Hamd.
12:59My eyes open for you.
13:01My lips open for you.
13:03My life, my death, my Lord is for you.
13:07Even in the mosque of words, I am giving the call to prayer.
13:10My art, my skill, my manners are for you.
13:14See you after the break.
13:16Thank you. Welcome back.
13:18This is a very important segment for us.
13:21Because the scholars are present.
13:23And we learn from them.
13:25We talk on any topic.
13:27Today's topic is love for Allah.
13:29Allahu Akbar.
13:31The benefits of life.
13:33The meaning of life.
13:34The meaning of prayer.
13:35The meaning of claim.
13:36The meaning of claim.
13:37All of this is that a person should be immersed in the love of Allah.
13:41And when it is about Him, it is not about himself.
13:44He should be immersed in the love of Allah.
13:50Muzaffar Warsi said,
14:03This is an example.
14:04Today, I would like to ask Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azam Jali.
14:07What are the real requirements of love for Allah?
14:11The real requirement is that the love for Allah should be pure.
14:17Like we say, 24 karats.
14:21There should be no imperfections.
14:23No imperfections.
14:24No mixing.
14:27And in the same way,
14:29More than anything in the world,
14:33More than anything in the universe,
14:36If there is love,
14:38Then it should be from Allah the Lord of the worlds.
14:43This is the sign here.
14:46The second important thing is that,
14:48When there is pure love,
14:50And there will be no imperfections in that love.
14:53And second, more than anything,
14:55If there is love for Allah,
14:57Then you cannot stumble anywhere in the world.
15:01You cannot stumble anywhere.
15:03And the verse of Surah Tawbah in the Holy Quran,
15:06Which has been recited by the Qibla scholar Hafiz Ahmed,
15:10He has counted 8 things.
15:12In that also,
15:13A person naturally loves Allah.
15:16But he says, love Him.
15:19Allah and His Messenger and Jihad for the sake of Allah,
15:22Should not be more than love.
15:26I love you more than Allah and His Messenger.
15:28He has given the parameter.
15:29Love Allah more than anything.
15:31And then his beloved.
15:32And Jihad for the sake of Allah.
15:34And he says,
15:35If you have not won the love of Allah,
15:38Then wait for the punishment of Allah.
15:44We see many examples of this in the Holy Quran.
15:47How did the Prophets love Allah?
15:53See one example of this.
15:55Ibrahim, peace be upon him,
15:57Allah sent his soul to Nairan.
15:59And his heart to the Merciful.
16:01And his wealth to the poor.
16:02And his son to the sacrificial.
16:04These are examples.
16:05Allah made Ibrahim as Khalil.
16:10Khalil was not made like this.
16:12When it was a matter of a child,
16:15He said, O my Khalil,
16:17Sacrifice the child in my garden.
16:20So he did not take the work of Hiroj.
16:22He went to Mina to sacrifice.
16:25Satan came and took him out of the way.
16:27In the same way, when it was a matter of life,
16:30He said, Khalil, the fire of Nimrod.
16:34He did not do anything to it.
16:37He gave himself to the fire.
16:39This is a dangerous leap.
16:41In the fire of Nimrod.
16:42The mind is still thinking.
16:44The mind is still in the dream.
16:46Then what happened with him?
16:48Khalil is the son of Allah.
16:50The child is a little older.
16:52He said, Khalil, leave this child and his mother in Makkah.
16:57He did not do anything.
16:59And Ibrahim is leaving and going back.
17:01What was the last sentence?
17:03Sayyida Hajra.
17:05Did your Lord say this to you?
17:09If the Lord said, then it does not come in his way.
17:11Our eyes are on the command of the Lord.
17:13Our necks are bent.
17:15So this is the case of Ibrahim.
17:17In the same way,
17:19When he said,
17:21Nimrod is claiming divinity.
17:23Challenge his divinity.
17:25He went to the door of Nimrod.
17:27And confronted him.
17:29In the same way,
17:31The case of Moses is in front of us.
17:33The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:35All the disbelievers of the Quraish
17:37They are offering.
17:39They want wealth.
17:41They want leadership.
17:43They want to marry someone.
17:45You will get what you want.
17:47But they leave this.
17:49The Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:51He said,
17:53If I have the sun in one hand and the moon in the other,
17:55Then I will not leave this mission.
17:57This is pure love.
17:59Which should be in the court of Allah.
18:01And when there is this love,
18:03Then he says,
18:05Those who remember Allah,
18:07Stand up and sit on their sides.
18:09They are sitting, standing, on their laps.
18:11They do not say to remember Allah.
18:13Those who remember Allah and their hearts.
18:15When Allah is mentioned in front of them,
18:17Their hearts are washed.
18:19When the verses are recited,
18:21Their faith increases even more.
18:23What a great thing.
18:25Very good.
18:27He puts his head on his palm.
18:29In his love.
18:31We have read such examples.
18:33And this is called love.
18:35Peace and blessings be upon the consciousness of Bibi Ajra.
18:37She knew.
18:39They can't leave me like this.
18:41Surely they have been commanded by Allah.
18:43I will say one thing.
18:45Our love can't reach that level.
18:47But we can't sacrifice our wealth.
18:49We can't sacrifice our children.
18:51Today this demand is that
18:53Give us time.
18:55Pray five times a day.
18:57Fulfill the obligatory Sunnah.
18:59What a good thing.
19:01Fulfill the requirements of his servitude.
19:03Come to the court of your Lord.
19:05Come fresh.
19:07Come with focus.
19:09And in his court,
19:11With full attention,
19:13He is not demanding all this from you.
19:15Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi.
19:17The matter of love for Allah.
19:19The matter of love for Allah.
19:21What can be its style and appearance?
19:23What can be its style and appearance?
19:27As far as style and appearance are concerned.
19:29The first style and appearance is
19:31To do a lot of Allah's Zikr.
19:35Whoever loves someone,
19:37He talks about him a lot.
19:39The one who loves Allah,
19:41He talks about Allah a lot.
19:43He talks about Allah a lot.
19:45And similarly, it is Allah's command.
19:47That is, it is the appearance of love for Allah.
19:49It is the demand of love for Allah.
19:51And it is Allah's command.
19:53It is also a command.
19:55Pick up the Quran Majeed Furqan-e-Ameed.
19:57Allah Almighty says,
19:59O you who believe,
20:01Remember Allah a lot.
20:03O you who believe,
20:05Remember Allah a lot.
20:07Syedna Abdullah bin Abbas says,
20:09Allah has not said about any worship in the Quran
20:11Allah has not said about any worship in the Quran
20:13Do it with a lot of your Zikr.
20:15Allah has not said about any worship in the Quran
20:17There is a time period for every worship.
20:19There is a tenure.
20:21There is a decorum for it.
20:23But Zikrullah is that,
20:25About which there is no decorum.
20:27Neither is there a number about it.
20:29Nor is there a quantity.
20:31Nor is there a time.
20:33Rather, it says,
20:35Zikr Allah with a lot.
20:37Zikr Allah with a lot.
20:39This is the biggest sign of love for Allah.
20:41This is the biggest demand.
20:43That a person should Zikr Allah.
20:45And do it with a lot of Zikr.
20:47The second sign of love for Allah is,
20:49Allah's pure words, Quran.
20:51The words of Allah.
20:53Reciting Allah's words with a lot of Zikr.
20:55Contemplating and reflecting on it.
20:57And then acting on it.
20:59This is the sign of love for Allah.
21:01And it is also a demand.
21:03And it is stated in Hadith Qudsi,
21:05I will give him more than those who ask me for prayers.
21:11Whoever is preoccupied with reciting the Quran,
21:13and asking me for prayers.
21:15I will give him more than those who ask me for prayers.
21:17I will give him more than those who ask me for prayers.
21:19What a great thing.
21:21What a great thing.
21:23Meaning, if someone recites the Quran with so much Zikr,
21:25that he is giving Zikr to the recitation of the Quran,
21:27not even asking for prayers,
21:29but reciting Allah's words.
21:31Busy in Zikr.
21:33I will give him more than those who ask me for prayers.
21:35Allah says, I will give him more than those who ask me for prayers.
21:37He is busy in my words.
21:39This is a great reward.
21:41This is a great reward of reciting the Quran.
21:43Don't worry that you didn't ask for prayers.
21:45Stay busy.
21:47And Allah's nearness is achieved by this.
21:49When a person asks for nearness in love,
21:51Imam-e-Mustahid, he visited Allah 99 times in his dream.
21:53And then said,
21:55If I visit Allah for the 100th time in my dream,
21:57I will ask Allah,
21:59O Allah, the One who gives you nearness,
22:01what is greater than that, through which He gives you nearness?
22:03Allah said,
22:05If I visit Allah for the 100th time in my dream,
22:07I will ask Allah,
22:09O Allah, the One who gives you nearness,
22:11through my words,
22:13whether you understand it or not,
22:15Allah says,
22:17Whether you understand it or not,
22:19through my words,
22:21you will get nearness.
22:23So, he was saved from the objection,
22:25that people blame the reciters,
22:27that the translation is not clear,
22:29Allah is light,
22:31and this is also a means of nearness to Allah.
22:33And Allah's creation,
22:35and Allah's good treatment,
22:37and Allah's worship,
22:39is also one of the manifestations of Allah's love.
22:43Very good.
22:45What you just said,
22:47without understanding.
22:49Very good.
22:51I think,
22:53people should understand,
22:55that reciting the Quran,
22:57Allah is pleased with it.
22:59This is the best way of Allah's zikr.
23:01Recite the Quran.
23:03Don't avoid those things from the Quran,
23:05that what is the benefit of reciting it.
23:07Recite it.
23:09It will bring you to understanding.
23:11It will give you transparency in life.
23:13Allama Hafiz Ahmad Yusuf,
23:15What are the blessings,
23:17the benefits of Allah's zikr,
23:19and His love, and His remembrance.
23:21Allah said in the Holy Quran,
23:23If you love Allah,
23:25then follow me.
23:27Say to people,
23:29if you claim to love Allah,
23:31then follow me.
23:33If a person loves Allah,
23:35and the love he has for Allah,
23:37the obedience to Prophet Muhammad,
23:39if he fulfills that obedience,
23:41then what is its blessing,
23:43Allah says,
23:45Allah will love you,
23:47and forgive you your sins.
23:49Allah will love you,
23:51and forgive you your sins.
23:53So when Allah will love you,
23:55then what will happen?
23:57Allah will include His beloved people.
23:59When Allah will love you,
24:01then what will happen?
24:07Then the person will have no fear,
24:09no sorrow.
24:11Allah said,
24:21So when Allah will love a person,
24:23then the person will have no fear,
24:25no sorrow.
24:27He will have the glad tidings of heaven with him.
24:29He will be counted among the blessed people.
24:31There is a style of love,
24:33when a person calls Allah,
24:35when a person asks Allah,
24:37when a person prays,
24:39then what is its blessing,
24:41Allah says,
24:43when a person prays to me,
24:45then I am with him.
24:47So Allah's special blessings
24:49are directed towards him.
24:51In Hadith-e-Pak,
24:53Prophet Muhammad said,
24:55that the person who has three things,
24:57he will attain the sweetness of faith.
24:59Number one is,
25:01to love Allah and His Prophet
25:03more than anything else.
25:05So when a person loves Allah more than anything else,
25:07then he will attain the sweetness of faith.
25:09If he attains the sweetness of faith,
25:11then what will be the result of it?
25:13It will be easy for him to do good deeds.
25:15It will be easy for him to do good deeds.
25:17It will be easy for him to abstain from sins.
25:21righteousness will be born in him.
25:23There is a beautiful Hadith,
25:25when a person loves Allah,
25:27then what reward does Allah give him?
25:29Allah says,
25:31that I start loving him.
25:33And when I love him,
25:37that I become his ears,
25:39through which he listens.
25:41I become his vision,
25:43through which he sees.
25:45I become his hands,
25:47through which he holds.
25:49I become his feet,
25:51through which he walks.
25:53So this reward, this blessing,
25:55is given to a person,
25:57when a person loves Allah.
25:59Very good, Mashallah.
26:01Ladies and gentlemen,
26:03our telephone lines are open.
26:05You can call us during the break,
26:07and ask us questions.
26:09You can ask questions.
26:11You can ask questions.
26:13Inshallah, after the break,
26:15in the next segment,
26:17questions will be collected.
26:19With Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azamzari,
26:21in the segment,
26:23we will answer your questions.
26:25See you after the break.
26:27Welcome viewers.
26:29May Allah bless you.
26:31We have a caller with us,
26:33Assalamu Alaikum.
26:35Assalamu Alaikum.
26:37How can I contact you?
26:39Can you hear me?
26:41Assalamu Alaikum.
26:43Assalamu Alaikum.
26:45Walaikum Assalam.
26:47What is your question?
26:49My question is,
26:51I am from Lahore.
26:53My son-in-law,
26:55he doesn't fast.
27:05Why doesn't he fast?
27:07Why doesn't he fast?
27:09Just like that?
27:13My son-in-law,
27:15he doesn't fast.
27:19I won't fast.
27:21We have another caller with us.
27:23Assalamu Alaikum.
27:25Walaikum Assalam.
27:27What is your question?
27:29Do we have to pray Fardh Salat
27:31or Sunnah Salat?
27:33In Safar.
27:35Safari Salat.
27:37During the journey.
27:39We have another caller with us.
27:41Assalamu Alaikum.
27:43Walaikum Assalam.
27:45Can you hear me?
27:47Yes, what is your question?
27:49My question is,
27:51how many parts of the body
27:53do we have to wash?
27:55Should we wash the feet
27:57or wash the hands?
28:01We have another caller with us.
28:03Assalamu Alaikum.
28:05Should we wash the hands
28:07or wash the feet?
28:09Should we wash the hands
28:11or wash the feet?
28:13We have another caller with us.
28:15Assalamu Alaikum.
28:17Walaikum Assalam.
28:19What is your question?
28:21I have a question for Mufti Sahab.
28:23Mufti Sahab,
28:25I have a daughter.
28:27I know you are going through a divorce.
28:29I don't have anyone to earn
28:31and I don't have a husband.
28:33My daughter divorced me
28:35after 1.5 years of marriage.
28:37My mother was divorcing me
28:3912 years ago.
28:41My aunt came to me
28:435 years ago.
28:45She passed away 5 years ago.
28:47What is your question?
28:49I am asking you
28:51to tell me
28:55We have another caller with us.
28:57Assalamu Alaikum.
28:59Walaikum Assalam.
29:01What is your question?
29:03I am fine.
29:05What is your question?
29:09I can't hear you.
29:13Can you hear me?
29:15His line is disturbed.
29:17No problem.
29:19Next caller.
29:21My question is
29:23if someone doesn't have children
29:25and he adopts
29:27his children
29:29then there are problems
29:31between them.
29:33But there is a Hadith
29:35that the best house is
29:37where an orphan is brought up.
29:39Have you read the Hadith?
29:43I have read it.
29:47We have another caller with us.
29:49He would like to take a message
29:51from today's topic.
29:53Assalamu Alaikum.
29:55Assalamu Alaikum.
29:57Assalamu Alaikum.
29:59Take the message.
30:01Callers can take it later.
30:03Mufti sahib,
30:05Allah's love was the topic today.
30:07What message would you like to give?
30:09I would like to say
30:13Allah's love
30:15is fulfilled
30:17without any requirements.
30:21For example,
30:23if we say that
30:25we love Allah
30:27and we are lazy
30:29in prayers
30:31then this love
30:33is not complete.
30:35It will be complete
30:37when we wake up
30:39in the morning
30:41and destroy our sleep.
30:43The Prophets
30:45and the Prophets
30:47had decided to sacrifice everything
30:49and they also demonstrated.
30:51We cannot reach there.
30:53We can at least
30:55follow His commandments.
30:57Give us some time
30:59in His court.
31:01Give us some time in the mosque.
31:03Give us some time in prayers.
31:05We can at least do this.
31:07We can wake up in the morning
31:09and pray without any reason.
31:11Whenever it is time to pray,
31:13we can go to the mosque
31:15and pray as much as we can.
31:23I would like to say that
31:25when we pray,
31:27we should not
31:29show off.
31:31We should not show off.
31:33We should do a small good deed
31:35in the court of Allah
31:37and do it with sincerity.
31:39You will always be successful.
31:41It is about Hazrat Shibli
31:43that people gathered.
31:45Why did they gather?
31:47They said, they love you a lot.
31:49They picked up a stone and threw it.
31:51They all ran away.
31:53They said, what kind of love is this?
31:55If you love me,
31:57be patient for my good deeds.
31:59Similarly, when we express
32:01our love in the court of Allah,
32:03may He keep us happy
32:05and may He give us sorrow
32:07and may we be in pain.
32:09Imam Hussain is pleased with you.
32:11Look at Syedna Siddique Akbar.
32:13Even after giving all the wealth,
32:15he says, Maula, I am pleased with you.
32:17Imam Hussain,
32:19even after giving his head,
32:21his head is on the
32:23Holy Qur'an.
32:25The Holy Qur'an is being recited.
32:27This is his glory.
32:29We should at least
32:31make ourselves
32:33bound by the obligatory Sunnah.
32:35After Hazrat Shibli,
32:37Hazrat Fuzayl, may Allah be pleased with him,
32:39he said,
32:41if someone asks you
32:43if you love Allah,
32:45you should remain silent.
32:47If you say no,
32:49the matter will get worse.
32:51And if you say, I love Allah,
32:53then it will be a lie.
32:55What do you do?
32:57Your prayers,
32:59your worship,
33:01may Allah grant us the ability
33:03to worship
33:05and to love Allah.
33:07Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi,
33:09what message does the Muslim Ummah
33:11receive from today's topic?
33:13Allah's love,
33:15one of the requirements of Allah's love
33:17is to love the love of Allah.
33:19The Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,
33:23I love Allah for what He gives you
33:25and I love you for the love of Allah
33:27and I love the people of my house
33:29for my love.
33:31Love Allah for the blessings
33:33that He gives you.
33:35And love me for the love of Allah
33:37and love the people of my house
33:39for my love.
33:41And secondly,
33:43when it comes to my companions,
33:45fear Allah.
33:47I make you fear Allah.
33:49Say good words about my companions.
33:51So, Allah's love
33:53is to love the beloved of Allah.
33:55Allah's love is
33:57to love the people of Allah's house.
33:59Allah's love
34:01is to love the companions
34:03of the Beloved of Allah.
34:05Say good words for them.
34:07Allah's love
34:09is to say good words
34:11for the Prophets and the saints
34:13and to love them.
34:15One who loves Allah
34:17cannot be without
34:19Allah's love.
34:21Allah's love is
34:23the creation of Allah.
34:25The creation of Allah
34:27is the whole of Allah.
34:29Allah's love
34:31is to love the people of Allah.
34:33Who is the most beloved to Allah
34:35in His creation?
34:37He is the most beneficent
34:39to His creation.
34:41So, be beneficent to Allah's creation
34:43and say good words for them.
34:45My message is love.
34:47Wherever you reach,
34:49be true to it.
34:51I, Allama Hafiz Ahmad Yusuf Sahib,
34:53a short message to your viewers
34:55and especially youngsters
34:57There is a Hadith
34:59Allah Almighty said
35:01when a person will come to
35:03Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgement
35:05Allah will say to him
35:07O my servant, I was sick,
35:09you did not come to me.
35:11He will say, O Master,
35:13how could I come to you?
35:15You are the Lord of the worlds.
35:17Allah will say,
35:19O my servant,
35:21I was sick,
35:23you did not come to me.
35:25You are the Lord of the worlds,
35:27how could I come to you?
35:29Allah will say,
35:31O my servant,
35:33I was sick,
35:35you did not come to me.
35:37If you had gone to him
35:39with food,
35:41I would have gone to him.
35:43So, Allah's love
35:45is to help the people of Allah.
35:47Like Mufti Sahib said,
35:49to fulfill the obligations
35:51and duties.
35:53We go to many places
35:55and try to find sources
35:57but the element of prayer
35:59is out of our lives.
36:01Ramadan is an important
36:03moment for us.
36:05We have many opportunities
36:07to make people pray.
36:09So, in Ramadan,
36:11pray as much as you can.
36:13Thank you for coming.
36:15You are with us.
36:17Remember, you can join us
36:19through live telephone calls.
36:23we will have a segment
36:25when we come back.
36:27We will have a segment
36:29with Mufti Muhammad Sohail Nizam.
36:31There is a caller,
36:33let's take a break.
36:35Peace be upon you.
36:37Peace be upon you too.
36:39What is your question?
36:41Speak loud and clear.
36:43My question is that
36:47Your voice is not on the floor
36:49Is it?
36:51Let's take a break.
36:53We will be back
36:55with Azan-e-Asr
36:57with the beautiful voice
36:59of Alhaj Qari Zawarqasfi.
