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Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Roblox #Cash #NicoandCash
00:00Today us boys competed against the girls in a roblox obby. We kept fighting over which side was better
00:04So we decided to have a competition to see who would get first place if a boy can make it through first
00:09Then obviously boys are better. But if a girl gets first place, then apparently they're better than us
00:17Okay, pick a side boy or girl, I don't know what to pick which one am I but where's your pants I picked a girl
00:23What I don't know where my pants is. Mia. Nico. You're supposed to be on the boys team. I'm playing. I'm on the boys team
00:28Okay, good. I'm on the girly pump. It's boys versus girl
00:33I'm maxing this out. I'm maxing this out quick. The girls are gonna lose this against us. Wait, are we racing this what's going on?
00:38Yeah, blue means for the boys. So let's go on the blue side. Oh, yeah, of course soccer balls
00:42They got like makeup palettes and stuff. Oh cherooskies
00:45Yeah, there's gonna be a bunch of girl themed things and a bunch of boy themed things and we're all gonna have to parkour
00:50On them. Yeah, but i'm a boy so i'm gonna go on the blue side. Yeah, what happens if I climb? Oh, yeah
00:55Okay, so as a boy, you cannot go on the girl's side. It just kills you
00:59Oh cash, you gotta pick up your weight, bro. What are you doing? Okay. Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
01:04The girls are already going through what girls? Yeah, we gotta lock in. Can you give me a little chance, please?
01:09No your buns. What is this supposed to be? Is that supposed to be like foot scrapers?
01:14I don't know what I was looking at your buns your buns. Some of these stages aren't even boy or girl themed
01:19They're just kind of random like these yellow and orange and red pads. That is not blue
01:23Yeah, true. Although red is definitely a boy color and orange orange is
01:27Ah, oh we got xboxes and they got iphones. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
01:33That really fumbled me. Nah, you need to use the camera to your advantage nico. He doesn't know that strategy
01:39Okay, why am I behind everyone at my buns? He's just a little baby. He doesn't understand. Oh shortcuts
01:44Let's go shortcuts nico. Stay ahead. What's the underneath strat? You gotta use your camera to check
01:49Oh, it's this one. Well, how do you know? Nah, they cheating. Oh, it's this one goes away
01:54Yeah, you gotta use your camera wait, he learned the strategy and we don't know how to do it
01:58You don't need to know the strategy
02:01I was trying to tell you but I forgot it wasn't right. We're going ahead. We're going ahead. Oh, no
02:08Wait, how did cash get there boys boys boys boys? Yes, sir. Y'all are weird. We're not weird
02:16Yo, what is bro doing
02:18You know
02:19We went to college to get more knowledge and then i'm pretty sure the girls went to jupiter to get more stupider
02:23Yo, we did not go to college, bro
02:25Yeah, you guys did not go to college. Who's the one that went to college fair fair? Nah, because she unk
02:31I am not unk. I'm super young at him. I'm not even old enough to go to college. What is that?
02:35I'm, just a little baby
02:37Okay, it doesn't matter because I think this obby is what determines which side is better
02:41Yeah, this thing's getting more difficult as we go on we got to prove ourselves. Everybody always underestimates the boys
02:46Yo, where's the troll button so I could troll them that's on banning him for good because he's in first place be quiet girl
02:53No rainbow carpet. No. Oh
02:57Oh, nah, I just saw nico die we kind of got pranked i'm jumping on swords now. Oh, that's definitely a boy thing
03:03Yo, how long is this tower?
03:05Yo, the girls the girls got like a star power wand. Yeah, I know we had to go up that tower for like five minutes
03:12Dude, we're not even there yet. Oh, I see them over there. They made it to the top. I know I know it's fine
03:17I'm trying dude. It's always like faster for some reason. Are you cheating? Does she have a speed coil?
03:21No, no, zoey, you're not allowed to use it anymore
03:25Girls are drooling right now drooling and boys are ruling right now. Y'all are some weird people
03:31But i'm not trying to get my makeup messed up. I'm not drooling. No, that's how the saying goes
03:36It's boys rule girls drool. No, it's cash's poo poo. That's not even a saying i've never heard that before
03:41Literally everyone says that what you're the first person i've heard say that everyone usually always says cash is the best and he's awesome
03:47And so handsome as well and he's so handsome bootiful. Yeah, exactly. See can we start the trend of cash's poo poo period?
03:53No, no, I don't want to start that. All right, let's do it guys. I'm gonna comment that on this
03:57I'm gonna comment it that he's gonna pin it to me as a purple sticky head. No, no, he's not pinning that
04:02He doesn't want to I will pin it. No, you won't. Yes, I will. No, he's lying. He's lying
04:07We got beef. You don't want to see my bad side. It's very evil. I can't have him come out
04:11Yeah, I don't want to see a bad side. His name is frederick. He just has a little bit of issues
04:14Sometimes he's just a cool guy. My bad side is arnold. What mine is mia. Nah, so she already on her bad side always bro
04:22I'm a menace. Does your good side have a name? Yes. My good side is cash. Oh see
04:27She just proved it. I'm a good person. No, then i'm the original cash and you're the fake. Okay, what? Yeah, that's right
04:33Yo, is there some cloning going on? She's trying to take my youtube channel everyone vote for mia for cash
04:38And she tried to ride her mia. You got your own youtube channel. You don't need mine
04:42But i'm cash which means I have two i'm greedy. That's not true. I know your youtube is at mia dash yt
04:48No, it's at not nico blocks.com. No, no. Okay, don't go there. What is not nico block.com?
04:57Everybody knows real ones get it real ones get it. Wait mia. Don't you show your face on that channel?
05:03You can't even prove that no. No, that's not me. I know it's yours. That's some random girl
05:08I don't even know who that is. She lying true that though. She's a random
05:12To that though, you know what you little man, how do we kill him? Oh, thank you
05:16Finally i'm acknowledged as a man not a boy. Nah, she's gonna make it her goal to beat us in subs now
05:21I don't like that here I come no
05:24Really? Are you serious? I thought I ran over a trip line
05:27I just got a checkpoint so I don't care zoe the tag to take a selfie as she's falling in the void low-key the background
05:33Fire though. Nah, see I knew it. She always looking for good lighting for the selfies
05:37Why do girls always do that? Just enjoy the moment. We need a good outfit. Nah screen agers. Wait, i'm at 39
05:44Why are you oh wait i'm close i'm gonna get you you're close out almost halfway there
05:49No, how many more skips do I need if they catch up on this second half then we're cooked?
05:53I know right because they got speed calls and stuff. I don't like that. Lock in mia, dude
05:57I'm, so i'm on like 35 i'm trying bro. I'm doing like shortcuts too. Wait, you're at 35
06:04I thought you were way further behind. Oh, wait, where are you 40? Nah. Oh, yeah. Guess what? I'm at 38
06:11Oh my goodness. I'm gonna get you. I don't like that. Wait, do we see them nico?
06:15I see zoe back there. Oh, she fell. Oh, no, no, no, no
06:20Nah, she buns. Yeah
06:22She fell and took a selfie on her way down. Yeah, I did and it was amazing. Oh my goodness
06:26I really need to change out of this diaper once we complete the obby. So let's go quick
06:30Now you got a wedgie, but no, no, I don't that's kind of gross bro. No, I don't think about the optimization though
06:36You could just go poopoo right there. That's true
06:40Okay, really see girls get grossed out by the most normal things like everybody poops their pants when really i'm just trying to be efficient
06:47Exactly. I bet you don't even shower. Not everyone poops their pants
06:50Not everyone poops their pants, but you mia. Yeah, that could be a song bro. My pants are the cleanest
06:57Somebody told me once that mia only showered a month ago. I heard that from someone. No, i've only showered once this year. Nah
07:04Yeah, sometimes I shower every hour. That's a record for me, bro
07:08The natural oils from your body are good for you, dude. I found the void cash and that delayed me so much
07:14I was so close to you. It's okay. It's okay
07:16Just one of us has to be first. It has to be a boy in first place. No girls
07:20We have to prove ourselves worthy. Everybody always says girls are better. That's just messed up
07:24I'm here to prove that for all the world by completing a roblox obby first. Oh, I fell. Oh, man
07:28Okay, i'm here nico. Let's go. All right, let's go. Let's go that kind of set me back, too
07:32I'm, not gonna lie. Oh my gosh. I almost just fell. Okay, we're good. We're good. Where's zoey at? I'm scared
07:37Oh, i'm at 90 and i'm gonna get you zoey
07:40You need to be more like mia see she would never cheat and buy a speed coil
07:44Oh my gosh, i almost just failed on the last one. This isn't cheating. This is optimizing my gameplay. Oh, no
07:52I saw a ledge. I wanted to adapt. I watched nico fall into the void. Uh-huh
07:57Why is zoey making those sounds i'm finding so many items nah nico. I know the strat they're doing
08:02They're having mia. Well, wait, we made it to stage 100. What is this a portal? Oh go in the portal. Yes
08:07Okay, we're officially halfway through world two
08:11I know their strat nico. They're having mia catch up and try hard and then zoey's gonna try and troll us
08:15Okay, I think I understand it now she's the one buying all the stuff there's 200 levels this obby
08:20We already did 100 and that was easy. Oh, yeah, that was super easy
08:23I know yesterday. I looked at my budget book and I cannot be buying robux. Let me tell you
08:28Mia, can we steal nico's credit card again? Yes, please the robux be costing so much
08:33What do you mean steal his credit card again? What do you mean like how we stole your credit card like a week ago?
08:38What nothing I actually still have it in my wallet. Hey, hey, hey, whoa
08:42Oh good, I like that nobody's supposed to have access to that but me you want me to read the numbers out?
08:48Okay. No, we don't have to do all that
08:51Okay, fine. I won't I won't I won't five. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa four
08:58Uh, we are not doing this. How do you know it? How do you know it?
09:02We are not doing this what the martin wait for me i'm coming. I need to switch up my credit card
09:08How does everybody know it? We've all stolen it? Okay, really and why am I just now hearing about this?
09:12We keep it under wraps. No on promise day. I buy my groceries with it. Oh my goodness. I don't like that
09:17I'm on stage 114 though. I'm 56 percent complete. You know what you keep on doing that. I'll be back
09:22Oh, yes, uh, I don't know what she means by she'll be back. Zoe ran out of robux. I'm up now. Nah, she's down
09:28Are you serious?
09:31Oh my god
09:33You killed your own teammate. I had to murder them for the greater good for the greater good
09:38It's not for the greater good meal was right at the end of a stage two. Oh, it was
09:43Bro died to himself. I just watched nico miss the ladder. What the modern where are my friends nowhere?
09:51Go zoe go. I am so far ahead of you. Zoe. I'm like 120. How did you know?
09:55How do you know that because i'm in your head you got that exactly on point
09:59She can see on the top right of the screen. Oh, yeah, you can we're 109 now they bind wait 109
10:04How are you that close because i've been running man? I'm legit. I thought you were way further behind and i'm not legit
10:11You'll see me soon bud. She calling you bud bud. We gotta disqualify it if she gets first place. No, no, no
10:17We can use our power here disqualification of the girls
10:21I see zoe coming at like mach speed at me right now. Oh my goodness. Zoe. What is that? Oh, what is going on?
10:27Okay, zoe, you can't use it anymore now that you caught up. You cannot it's banned. It's banned. It's banned
10:32No, no, it's not banned. You can't ban my item and also we're gonna go by the last person to complete
10:38So you can't leave mia behind like that. Well, guess what? I'm just gonna go here real quick. Oh my goodness
10:43What is she doing? Then go up here and then pow pow. Come here. No, zoe. Stop it. Come here zoe
10:49Stop it. What is that you have in your hand? She got a freeze ray
10:53Oh jump on that
10:57Yoni could you see that zoe jumped on the blue side? Yeah, zoe play zoe. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
11:02Oh, why is this laser gun not working because you're not hitting your shots? Wait, what in the world?
11:06How do you get up this ladder the pink one and the blue one don't work? I don't know I flew over it
11:10What ladder is she talking about? It might be an invisible ladder. I see where mia is mia you buns
11:15Oh, wait, I know what ladder you're talking about
11:19What do I even do so it allows you up if you're normal, but if you're a buns poopoo player
11:24It doesn't let you up dude. I actually can't get up it. I actually can I mean you could skip stage
11:29What it doesn't work. It's broken. She got scammed out of her robux. I didn't get scammed
11:33Yeah, you bought a gun and it doesn't work and mia's getting scammed on the ladder
11:37No, I just think the girl's side doesn't work that much. I think we know who made this obby. Definitely the boys. Hey, zoe
11:43I want to try out my gun. No weave weave all your buns. What are you buns? Is my angel?
11:49Yeah, it is
11:54I don't even think she hit us once i'm hitting you guys. Leave me be
11:58I'm trying to compete against mia right now because you are disqualified. I'm not disqualified. I'm a girl
12:03Yeah, you can't be cure. Really? Yeah. She's just a girl. You didn't know that. Okay. Well, what about boys?
12:07Can boys be disqualified? Yes work as a matter of fact, you guys are disqualified. What happened?
12:12That's not fair. Come here. Come here. Really bro. Nah, she missed again. Oh my gosh
12:18Did you die came out of nowhere, dude? I'm actually terrified of her right now. I'm trying to weave her shots
12:22I know i'm trying to shoot you. Oh, but you buns though. Hold on. No, i'm not
12:27Oh you buns though, look at that weave a weave you're lucky that I have bad aim and i'm trying to jump around this stuff
12:33Yo, look there's boys tennis shoes and then girls high heels over here. Ah, your tennis shoes looking rough
12:38What you crease them? No, they're gucci tennis shoes. Oh, they are creased
12:42Okay creases in my shoes just means that i'm using them
12:45You probably got like that moldy stuff in the middle of it what I don't even know what that is
12:49Yo, she calling you moldy. What you gonna say about it cash nothing because ow, she hit me with the gun
12:57It didn't kill me though. It works. I gotta get my shots. Oh, no, I regen my health
13:02Oh, no, no, not a straight path. Not a straight path. Come here. Come here. Come here. Oh, this is terrifying
13:08You missed it by like a minute
13:11Oh guess who fell?
13:12Okay, really? Oh, I got you cash. I got you. I'm back at the game. Oh good. Hello nico
13:18Zoe fell as well. So we're chilling I go on the pink side and I die. What is it the triangle level?
13:23Yeah, yeah that one doesn't work what maybe it doesn't work for the girl side
13:27It doesn't work because I died to it too. That just means boys are such dubs
13:31No, I think the game's trying to hint at something that boys are better that boys are cheating
13:35They're trying to make money off the girls. Nah, it's working. Oh, I know why it's because they know that the girls are spenders
13:42Girls always like to spend well too bad for them. My budget book says I can't my budget book doesn't exist
13:48Girls don't have budget books. It's not a thing
13:50They see something they like they check their bank account and they buy dude my screen is like frozen. Oh
13:56What it works? Wait, what has always been trying to figure out that it works?
14:00Yeah, i've been dodging zoe for the past like 30 stages. It's terrifying
14:05Nico, you're gonna have to take the brunt of the hits for me here. I know I got you, bro
14:09Nah, never mind. I want to go attack cash. She knows she's disqualified now
14:13She's just trying to stop us so mia can win. I want to help my girly. Oh your buns. No your buns. Oh your buns
14:19No, hey, stop it. Come here i'ma get you stop it. Oh, i'm frozen you frozen. All right, bro
14:26There is snow on my screen right now, I cannot see are you feeling cold in your diaper?
14:31No, no, don't make fun of my diaper. I make fun of the diaper. Where are you going? Why are you so quick?
14:36Because i'm good. I'm good at obbies. Wait, i'm stuck. Ah, zoe's gone in the void. Oh
14:41Now me and nico just have to complete this obby and we can secure the dove for the boys
14:45I know we are so close 13 stages left. I just want to use my weapons. I don't want you to use your weapons
14:50Okay, I just saw her fly past me. No, I did it. Hey, bro
14:54I'm, just gonna dodge your shots because your buns look at that. See she missed again. No and she died
14:59Can this obby stop i'm trying to troll?
15:02i'm not trying to
15:04Yeah, we're gonna complete it
15:08Because you buns nico we got eight stages left let's go almost there i'm so sad man
15:13I'm, just stuck mia got the worst luck. Hi. Hey, come here. Stop it. No, never
15:18You can go bully nico. Not me though five stages left get away from me. Zoe. Come here. Don't bully him
15:23He ate toast in the morning and it was mine nico. You can't steal her toast. That's just messed up that never happened
15:30I don't know what she's talking about. You're dead. Oh, thank you for being distracted on nico. I just completed the obby. Let's go
15:37First place goes to the boys. Yes
15:40Number one for the boys does that mean we're better than girls? No, you're still poop
15:45Okay, and mia's all the way back at stage 130, dude. I literally am stuck
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15:57Bye guys