Hey everyone !!! I hope you all enjoy this catchup video.... I don’t know why I get nervous to speak openly like this sometimes, but I hope you all enjoy the video anyway!❤️
Thank you for being a part of this special family…my YouTube community means the world to me.
Molly x
Lash and brow serums linked as promised… they are an investment! But so worth it in my opinion, they’ve genuinely changed my life.
Nanobrow- https://rstyle.me/+AGYIi2DFUhe28FJT6lUK4Q
Nanolash- https://rstyle.me/+AYOjVUx_sFMLVXxbt7sDTQ currently on sale !!!
Thank you for being a part of this special family…my YouTube community means the world to me.
Molly x
Lash and brow serums linked as promised… they are an investment! But so worth it in my opinion, they’ve genuinely changed my life.
Nanobrow- https://rstyle.me/+AGYIi2DFUhe28FJT6lUK4Q
Nanolash- https://rstyle.me/+AYOjVUx_sFMLVXxbt7sDTQ currently on sale !!!
00:00Hey guys, welcome back to my channel. I hope you're all doing very well. It looks like I'm back in my pageant era
00:06I don't know. I actually don't really know why I have pink curls in I had a blow-dry this morning
00:10and I asked my girl to
00:12Pop it into pins because I just thought it'd be a little bit less like in my face and just keep out of the way
00:17Whilst I do my makeup on camera this morning and catch up with you guys
00:21But it's really giving me a flashback to like my pageant days and I'm pretty sure how to feel about it to be honest
00:26How are we all doing? Welcome back to my channel. Yes. I still have my pajama bottoms on and it's a Monday today
00:32And I'm actually hoping that I may potentially be able to get this video up tonight
00:35basically, I thought I would just sit down today and
00:38Have a really nice catch up with you all. I genuinely think it's been
00:43Months and months and months and months since we've done something like this
00:45I honestly don't remember the last time I just sat down on camera and we just caught up
00:48I don't answer your guys's question
00:50sometimes I feel like I don't get the opportunity in my vlogs to really just like
00:54Talk about things that you might you guys might want to
00:57Know about or catch up on I do my makeup
00:59I don't think it's gonna take me that long to do my makeup
01:01So I might carry on talking once my makeups done depending on how much I how many questions I'm gonna want
01:06So I don't really have a plan for today's video and also something that is really really upsetting me at the minute
01:11This is complete first of all problems
01:13Basically, I think I've said before that I have an obsession with vanity bags like I kind of collect them
01:19I genuinely prefer them to handbags or something about a vanity bag like that stores makeup and wash like
01:25Toiletries and stuff that makes me so happy. Like it's my favorite favorite thing ever
01:29So, um, I don't know why but like obviously because I collect them
01:33My makeup is now split across three bags and across these three bags is something that I need in each one
01:40And it's so impractical and I really genuinely need to have a huge sort out if you hear a lot of rummaging through this video
01:47It's because quite frankly, I don't know any of my makeup is because it's across three bags
01:50I also don't know why I think this is a good place to sit down and
01:53Film videos because the lighting is absolutely shocking
01:56Like I literally have one of those what's it called like a fan when a fan light I went basically a window
02:02That's like on a slant
02:03So basically the light is just coming down from above me like the heavens have opened a lot of the questions that I got
02:08In my Q&A box that I put up last night were all about my brows and lashes
02:10But I feel like I can't really talk about that much more
02:13I actually sent a
02:14Picture that I was gonna put my story last night to Zoe saying and she was like you Molly like you you actually can't keep
02:18Talking about it anymore
02:19like it's getting a little bit boring like I think people get the message that like you had a transformation with your brows and that
02:24You're really happy with it
02:25but I
02:27Mean, I actually cannot believe that. This is my brows and this is my these these are my brows
02:31Sorry, and these are my lashes like I will never get over it. But today's makeup. I'm just gonna do my quite quick office every day
02:40Want to look put together but not like a big fancy makeup
02:44It's just like my basically my everyday makeup for when I'm going to the office or if I'm shooting a little bit of content
02:48It's the L'Oreal true match
02:51Tinted serum. I'm using it at the minute in shade two to three and I just constantly go back to this
02:57I actually forgot about it for a while and now I'm back using it and I just feel like I actually can't forget about this
03:00Product because it is so so good
03:03This is like the perfect shade for me at the minute. So many of you guys asked me questions last night
03:08So thank you so much
03:09If you did pop a little question on my little box that I put up with someone asked me
03:14how are you doing truly which I think is such a lovely question and I want to answer it because I
03:20honestly feel like I'm in such a good place at the minute and
03:24The happiness the happiness levels have been spiking recently
03:27There's been a crazy amount of ups and downs over the last few months over the last like year really
03:33But currently right now as we speak I am feeling
03:39Really really happy and just like a glimmers of like my true old self like
03:45Coming back and yeah, I don't know
03:47I mean, I always do have this really bad silly little fear though that like when things are really really good
03:53I say this all the time when things are like really good. I get like so
03:57Anxious that like it means that something bad's around the corner
04:00I'm having this good moment because something bad's about to happen
04:03So like, you know tech like sometimes people say like you're meant to have your fair share of good and bad
04:08So I'm like if things have been good for too long
04:09I'm like it must mean that I come about to get my fair share of bad, which is such a horrible
04:14Mindset to have I hate that like I don't know why that when things are good
04:17I can't just be like
04:18Enjoy it and just be like, oh my god
04:20Like this is great
04:21Like this is gonna carry on because also the more I think about negative things being around the corner
04:25You're probably manifesting that and like actually bringing on to yourself
04:28Such a long-winded answer to a really simple question, but right now I am really good
04:34Yeah, thank you to that person who asked I had a lot of questions asking me that so I just thought because I am feeling
04:39so good, I really wanted to just
04:41Say that I'm in a really good place at the minute concede
04:43I'm gonna use it's a Natasha Denona concealer and so many of you were asking about Bambi and how Bambi is and
04:49How's motherhood and everything someone said? How are you finding Bambi at this age?
04:54And I want to answer this question because I feel like at the minute I'm in like a bit of a motherhood bubble and
05:00I can't really
05:03Like I can't actually really put into words how
05:07Much I am enjoying motherhood at the minute and this age. So Bambi has just turned two and I feel like
05:15Motherhood right now is everything like if I'd like I could have dreamt about motherhood and visioned it for me like this
05:22What I'm living in right now with Bambi this stage is exactly like what I would have pictured and it's a look-alike
05:28She's honestly at the minute like my little best friend. I'm a little sidekick like I
05:34Being able to communicate with her and to chat to her and to like ask her what she wants to do today
05:39And she can tell me or like ask her what she wants to eat and she can tell me like it is so game-changing
05:45It's like you've gone from
05:47Taking care of this little person that you have absolutely no idea their wants and needs that they can't communicate with you
05:52They can't even tell you like how they're feeling or if they're crying like why they're crying and now like you've got this little
05:57best friend this little like version of you in a tiny human form that like can tell you like they can talk to you and
06:04I honestly like it is just the best thing ever luckily for us the terrible twos
06:11Haven't really seemed to
06:14Kick in yeah, I don't know if maybe they will or they won't I know it's different for everyone every parent every child
06:20But Bambi doesn't really at the moment have tantrums
06:23I get so excited to wake her up in the morning and to like spend another day with her
06:27I get so excited to like chat to her and like to every day just like see
06:31Her growth and just like watch her turn into this little person
06:35I hope me saying that doesn't make anyone feel like oh well
06:38She's funny easy, and I'm finding it terrible
06:40Because that's how I found the newborn stage when I used to see everyone posting about having the most amazing blissful time
06:46That's literally I used to feel like
06:48Why do they feel like that and I feel like this?
06:50But I don't want me saying that to make any other month feel like that
06:52I've had quite a lot of questions asking about horse riding someone said how is the horse riding going and I?
06:59Wanted to update you guys on this because I feel like I have an update for you
07:04I'm pretty mad update actually so let me just find which bronzer. I want to use. I'm just using there are five bronzer in shade
07:11Tan I actually feel like I can't do my makeup without this like this product for me is just so so good
07:18I love the
07:20Instant transformation it brings to my face like say right now that my face like it looks quite flat the minute
07:25I use this product like I just feel like I
07:28Love what it does and obviously and now I can't find the brush that I use with it because of my
07:3285 60,000 different makeup bags like as for the horse riding and I
07:38Actually had a really bad fall recently off a horse which was
07:44Really quite shocking because obviously like at the stage that I'm at with my riding like I'm like a beginner
07:51And I'm really just like learning and the kind of fool that I actually had off the horse recently was like
07:57Not the kind of fool that you would expect to have like at the stage of learning that I'm at and
08:03it was actually really quite bad and
08:06Thank God. I was wearing a body protector, and I was obviously wearing a helmet and
08:11so I was okay, and I'm we're not really sure how I was okay because the fall was actually caught on camera and
08:20Like when I watch it back. I'm like
08:24How am I okay like?
08:26How did I like get up from that and like I was I mean I was literally black and blue like my bum
08:32I cannot even like I've never ever had bruising like that before and but to walk away like
08:39With just bruising. I wasn't concussed like I was literally fine
08:43I genuinely feel like it was a bit of a miracle because I
08:48Really really came hard off that horse, and it was
08:51I'm not really gonna go into it too much because
08:54Yeah, but it was it was really bad
08:56And like sometimes I have flashbacks to it
08:59And I'm like I'll like watch it
09:01I'll watch the video of the fall, and I'm like I can't believe that happened to me
09:05And I just like I don't know I just didn't really have me down for like such a bad fool
09:11So like early on in like my horse riding
09:14career definitely not a career and like will I be going back and like learning again is I'm just using the
09:21Refly Refly, I'm just using the Refly blush in shade Malaya another product. I absolutely love
09:28It really has made me question like whether
09:31Horse riding is for me which is so crazy because like I feel like this time last year
09:35I was talking about how like I wanted to get my own horse and like I really really wanted to like get a horse and
09:40To really take it seriously and have it as my hobby
09:41But obviously I'd be absolutely lying if I sat here and said like that having a really bad fool
09:47Hasn't like kind of semi traumatized me. I somehow actually got back on the horse after the fall and
09:52I got back on and I don't honestly the whole thing was just absolutely bizarre
09:58I'm taking a pause on the whole horse riding thing just for a minute whilst I kind of like
10:04What happened really and I'm gonna be using the Laura Mercier
10:09Translucent setting powder and this is in the ultra is it is it in the ultra blur?
10:14No, no, this is just the normal translucent one. And this one is the ultra blur
10:18Which I really really like and this is I'm pretty sure quite new
10:23It's only been out like a few months and I really really enjoy this powder and I use it with the Huda Beauty
10:29Powder puff and I kind of actually just like fold it back like this to create more of like a point
10:34I'm hoping that my camera isn't making that weird noise. It sometimes makes
10:38Just gonna set
10:41My under eye I
10:43Actually see like quite a substantial
10:46difference in the ultra blur to the normal setting powder from Laura Mercier, so I feel like
10:53If you're thinking of trying it, I highly recommend someone's asked when will the next part of the documentary be out?
10:59And lots and lots of documentary questions
11:02and I've always had a lot of questions asking about a season 2 and
11:07Will that be coming and like what's happening with it and just like for a little update really so
11:11I'll be giving you one of those just now once I find my
11:14Bronzer in one of these 8,000 flipping makeup bags. So the documentary I am pretty sure that
11:22Episodes 4 5 & 6 which we are actually still filming and they are due to be out in
11:31Provisionally, I feel like May was what is what I've been told
11:35We are still filming at the minute
11:37and I feel like that's like come as quite a big surprise to a lot of people like when and I meet people out and
11:42About and stuff like the main thing that people speak to me about now is like when's the documentary coming?
11:46I guess so many like mums and daughters coming up to me saying that we watched it together
11:49Like we loved it so much like when's the next lot coming out and it means so much to me
11:54And it really takes me back cuz I just I don't know
11:55I don't I just didn't expect the kind of response that it had I
11:59just really didn't it really really should be by surprise and
12:03Episode 4 5 & 6 is being filmed as we speak. I feel like people were expecting them sooner
12:09maybe I should have made that more clear, but it's it kind of like
12:13filming a documentary or filming like a
12:17Series or like a reality series or whatever like it's so much work
12:22and you could literally film for a whole weekend or like
12:27Literally a whole entire day and that whole entire day will literally take up like two minutes of the whole entire documentary
12:33And or like the whole entire series like it's crazy like I've like for the documentary
12:39we've been like on trips like we've done things and like literally like
12:43fractions of those things like made it into the car because like just like it that's just the way it works or like for
12:48the storyline to make sense and
12:50Yeah, so it's crazy
12:51like it is a lot of work and I feel like we produced the first three so so so quickly because
12:57There was naturally so much to follow and so much was going on and that leads me on to
13:02talking about like is there gonna be a season 2 and like what's gonna happen with the documentary and
13:08Honestly, like that's one of the biggest things in my mind right now
13:10like I'm thinking about it every day and like what does the future look like in terms of the
13:16Molly Mae behind it all series
13:17is it that it does have a future and we do carry on and it you know, it changes like from a documentary into more
13:23of like a
13:26Reality esque series where you guys still get to follow my life in a different way and you see more than you probably would see
13:31over here and
13:32You know, I think a lot about like would that affect my youtube does it affect you guys?
13:36like what do you guys want to see do you guys even want to see a season 2 and
13:42Would you be okay if it was to change slightly and not be a documentary because you can't carry like a documentary on
13:48for more series because I've like it's kind of done now that we've kind of like showed you guys the journey and showed you guys
13:53Like we've documented it. So now I would see it looking slightly different
13:57but I think my main thing the main thing I think about is that I
14:02would only ever
14:03Do more filming and carry things on if things were naturally happening
14:07Anyway, like I literally could not imagine anything worse than having to like force
14:13storylines or like like make things up or pretend things are happening that aren't happening to create a storyline because I feel like I've watched
14:20Shows before but like you can utterly tell that like they're being told to not to say things but like to do things
14:27Or like things have been set up specifically like for the purpose of the filming or like I just and that's my absolute worst nightmare
14:34Like I genuinely could not do anything for the show
14:37That was just like not like organically happening and that's why the first three episodes worked
14:42So unbelievably well and four five and six are working so well as well because there's so much to naturally be following
14:48Anyway, like these things are going on in my life. So the cameras are literally just there watching it like I would only carry on
14:56the series if
14:57there was things to follow because not being funny, but you guys don't want to watch me in my house like
15:02Every day just like sitting around with Bambi like not doing anything
15:04So like but then also I'm not gonna force things and make things happen that aren't happening just to make a show
15:09Because I I'm sorry. I'm not an actress like I I can't I can't do it
15:14I don't know
15:15We'll have to see but I would love to like hear your guys's opinions on it and like how you see it looking like would
15:20You like to see more of money made behind it?
15:22Oh, like what what what do you what would you like to see basically and obviously my most important like one of my most important
15:28Is that like it doesn't affect my youtube channel and that like I will always have my family over here because without this over here
15:35I'm without you guys
15:36The documentary wouldn't have happened. Anyway, so what do you just have a coffee?
15:39I've spoken so much some of you may or may not know
15:42Much is actually endometriosis Awareness Month and I've been getting loads of questions
15:47Literally, so I actually get I'd say like my endometriosis is one of like the most
15:52Frequently talked about things in my DMS
15:54I get so many DMS from
15:56so many of you like every day like asked me about my endometriosis asked me to speak about it more and I
16:02Actually hate that. I feel like I don't talk about it
16:06anywhere near as much as I actually would like to and the reason why I don't talk about it is because I
16:10Know how much of like an incredibly sensitive topic it is
16:14I think the statistic is that one in ten girls will suffer with endometriosis and I feel like sometimes
16:21To be completely honest
16:22like I get a little bit scared to talk about it because I am really worried about saying the wrong thing or offending anybody or
16:28Not doing the condition justice when I talk about it
16:32And actually when I opened up about it a few years ago
16:36I'm really less what we've delved into my story and stuff
16:38Like I remember getting quite a bit of I mean something that I'm not used to but I remember getting quite a bit of backlash
16:42From people saying like you're not explaining this, right?
16:44Or like you're not like I mean a lot of member people were trying to say that was making endometriosis a trend
16:48I'll never forget that because it really really took me back and it really like made me feel like oh
16:53I don't know if I can talk about this because I thought obviously people would get really like sensitive about it
16:57Which I completely understand because there's not enough awareness around it
17:00It isn't spoken about enough and I hate that maybe I'm contributing to the fact that it isn't spoken about enough because I'm too scared
17:06To talk about it. And another reason why I sometimes don't talk about it is because I actually feel like I don't suffer with it anymore and
17:14Sometimes I don't want to like come on here and say that because I know like for girls that are suffering with it
17:18They're probably like great like now someone that I feel like I could relate to you with it
17:22Like isn't even going through it anymore
17:23But also I feel like hopefully it gives a little bit of hope
17:27That some people like there is like a light at the end of the tunnel for endometriosis and like it can I know it's incurable
17:34But like it can get so much better
17:36I did have a laparoscopy which is the surgery that you have endometriosis to basically burn the endometriosis
17:44Cells away and my laparoscopy was really successful and for the first few months after having it
17:51I kind of felt like it hadn't worked and it did take a while for me to see the results and
17:56To be honest with you. It wasn't actually the laparoscopy that I feel like
18:00It is incurable, but I'll use the word like it cured me. I honestly do feel like it was hamming Bambi that has completely
18:07Gotten rid of my endometriosis. So I obviously didn't have a period for nine months when I was pregnant
18:12Obviously and when my periods came back
18:16But like the first two maybe three periods that I had like I noticed that the pain had like
18:23Completely gone not debilitating like it's not
18:26Excruciating like it used to be it doesn't reduce me to tears
18:28Like it's just like it just feels like what a normal period should feel like and the painful sex went away after I had Bambi
18:34like it and I
18:36It's hard because I felt like a lot of doctors say like oh, you know
18:39Having a baby, but it should really help but like
18:41That shouldn't be a solution because no one should be thinking about having to have a baby to cure the endometriosis
18:46Like that is just kind of quite sick to be honest and like you shouldn't be
18:49Having a baby for any other reason than that. You want to have a baby
18:52It shouldn't be to cure a condition that like you're suffering with
18:56I think that is just mental would like to be given that advice and obviously that is not at all the reason why I had
19:00Bambi endometriosis for me
19:02like as much as might be sad for other people to hear like it's kind of like a
19:06Distant memory for me and
19:08I'm so so so blessed because I know that like that isn't the case for
19:12Millions and millions of women out there also feel like maybe this year
19:15I want to get like a little bit less afraid to talk about it because I hate that like I hate that I don't
19:21bring awareness to and I don't talk about it because I'm
19:24Scared that I'll say the wrong thing. That's kind of where I'm at with my endometriosis
19:28I'm so blessed that like I'm not I'm not suffering with it anymore
19:30which is strange because I actually don't know the science behind like if it's incurable then
19:35Because I don't I mean again, I don't want to say the wrong thing
19:38But like if it's incurable then like but I'm okay now and like the cell I honestly don't know how it works
19:43But like I genuinely don't feel like I have it at all anymore
19:47So does that mean that I?
19:48Will people maybe say like you didn't have it in the first place then if you like you're fine now like I don't know
19:52I don't know because when I had the laparoscopy like there was endometriosis like
19:57It was everywhere if you can see what looks like sleep or like something hanging out of the corner of my eye
20:03When you lash serum so hard that you start to get lashes growing in the inner corner of your eyes
20:08That's what you're seeing there, and it's not sleep. It's the fact that my lash serum is that freaking
20:14Unbelievable that now I literally have lashes growing in places that I don't want lashes
20:18I literally have lashes sprouting out of the wet parts like the inner corner of my eye
20:23I don't really know what to do about it because sometimes it looks like sleep. It's not sleep. It's just
20:28It's just lashes get so many questions as well asking me to share the products that I use that transform my brows and lashes
20:35But I can't if I put a link to them anymore like it's just gonna look like add add add add add
20:40But like I want to answer your guys's questions every time you ask me about it
20:43I can't link it anymore cuz I'm gonna look like I'm I'm not even working with them like it's literally just a company
20:47I've never even heard of them before but it is like I would say like the most results
20:53Showing products I have ever ever used in my entire life. They're called nano lash and nano brow and
21:00And like I didn't really want I didn't know if I could even recommend them for a while cuz I don't know much about them
21:03And I don't want to recommend a product you guys are like
21:05I don't know much about but like I've been using them and this is what it did to my brows and lashes it completely and
21:12Transformed them like I don't know what I don't know what is in it, but I've yeah
21:18I'll link them down below just in case anyone wants to shop them
21:21I'm just gonna pop some lip liner on this is Mac and shade well
21:24I don't really know if I want to put mascara on today. Just because I only had my LVL yesterday and
21:30I don't want to
21:34They say like not to get them wet
21:36I mean I have actually already gotten wet this morning
21:37But I don't really particularly want to like rub the mascara off later
21:40I actually like to avoid like putting mascara on as much as I can because I feel like with the lashes
21:45I thought the more like you're rubbing them so I get mascara off at the end of the day and stuff like it can't be
21:50Beneficial to them. I might pop a little bit of bronzer on actually another thing that I wanted to touch on again
21:55I get conscious talking about baby stuff and kid stuff because I know a lot of you that follow me on here
22:01You aren't mums, and you're probably not really that interested in like the mum stuff
22:04but obviously like being a mum is like an
22:07Absolutely huge part of my life
22:08And like I don't want to not talk about like I don't know not talk about it
22:12And I don't want to not talk about things that I've been thinking of in regards to motherhood
22:15and I've been having a lot of thoughts recently about
22:18Baby number two and more babies and I get asked when I put those question boxes up
22:22That's like one of another huge thing that like always gets asked about it's like baby number two
22:26what's your thoughts and obviously like
22:29not really in a position right now to sit here and talk about baby number two and like more babies like after the last year that
22:37relationship has gone through but like besides all of that and like if you take the
22:41relationship and like me and Tommy like out of it for a second like I
22:45Think a lot a lot a lot about baby number two and more babies and like
22:50Thoughts and feelings in regards to it and me and my best friend Taylor
22:52We talk about it all of the time and like I don't know
22:57I think it's something that like I do want to speak out a little bit because I feel like
23:02It's another thing that's in my mind all the time
23:04It's like circulating like how am I meant to feel about it because I do worry that sometimes how I do feel about it isn't
23:11Like how I view I should feel about it if that makes sense
23:15That doesn't make sense at all. It didn't even make sense to me. I think about
23:19How much it terrifies me?
23:21It's a little bit controversial it terrifies me the thought of Bambi growing up without a sister
23:26and I think I feel that way because
23:28My sister as much as we literally like we've had our times where if we can't even look at each other like my sister made
23:34My life growing up like she made she's made my life now
23:37Like I wouldn't be who I am without Zoe. Oh makes me a bit emotional. I just feel like my sister has been
23:44so key and so important in like
23:48Who I am today and like the thought of like Bambi growing up without a Zoe
23:54makes me but then also
23:56Bambi would be Zoe because Bambi would be the old sister
24:00But then I would like to think that Zoe has loved having me as a sister, too
24:05But I don't know I feel like for me and
24:09And I don't want to like
24:11upset anyone by saying this because I know
24:13Millions and millions and billions of people don't have a sister and like they are so happy like so many of my best like my
24:19closest friends and other people around me don't have even a sibling at all or they have a brother or
24:23Like, you know, everyone has a completely different setups and like it works for them
24:27So well, and I know Bambi would be absolutely fine without a sister or even without a sibling
24:32Because like I know that like I'm gonna be that girl's best friend forever and like I just know
24:37I'm like my biggest like goal in life. Is that me and her so
24:42Unbelievably close like she wouldn't even ever need a best friend because she's always gonna have me
24:47I hope that she does have a best friend one day but like
24:49my goal is that she loves her mum so much to the point where like her mum is like
24:55Her rock and like she doesn't need
24:57anyone else because like we're just gonna be so close and the same with her dad and like I know that she will be like
25:02that with us because like I
25:04Not to like toot my own trumpet
25:06What is it like blow my own horn, but I do like think we are really incredible parents to her
25:11So I know she'd be fine. I'm waffling here. But like it really scares me the thought that like I know that I am
25:18Not ready for another baby yet besides my relationship like me mentally
25:22Like I'm just not mentally physically like emotionally like I'm not ready to have another baby yet
25:28And I don't know it just and like will I be ready to have another baby ever and like this is something
25:33I'm really scary to admit
25:34But like I have this and I really don't want to like upset anyone by saying this because I know that there's so many women
25:39out there that are trying so hard to have a baby and it gets their only desire and only dream and only wish in life
25:46is to be a mum and like
25:48That like I don't wouldn't ever want to say anything that like discredits or like makes anyone feel a type of way
25:55In regards to like trying for a baby
25:57Sometimes I have this like terrible feeling of like I was to ever see a positive pregnancy test again. I worry about how that
26:04Wouldn't spark the feelings in me that I'd want it to
26:08Because I know now like if I saw a positive pregnancy test now, like I would be completely honest and say I would be
26:15terrified like absolutely terrified just because
26:18If I was to pop if I'm sorry
26:20I can't speak if I was to pop out baby and it to be a two-year-old like Bambi now
26:25Give me a hundred like I don't give me a hundred but like I can handle it
26:29But I think because I found the newborn stage so unbelievably difficult and so unbelievably daunting and looking back
26:35I can't really say that there was like any
26:38again, like scary to admit there wasn't really any part of it that I enjoyed to be honest with you and at the thought of like
26:46After like a nine-month period of like time like that that stage would come again. I
26:52Think I'd be so terrified. Sometimes it makes me sad that I feel like I don't
26:57Feel about it how I thought I would feel about it and like how currently at this moment in time
27:01there isn't any part of my being that is
27:05Ready for another baby. I'm like sometimes I think like will I ever be ready for another baby?
27:09It's something I think about all of the time like it's such a confusing
27:14Thing for me to think about and I just don't know how I feel about it
27:17And I guess like opening up about it is a good thing because I wonder if any other mums feel the same
27:22I'm going to take out
27:23my pageant pin curls
27:27It's probably gonna be oh
27:30Probably should take these out a bit sooner to be thinking next time I get my hair done. I want to go a little bit
27:38Shorter also, how are we all feeling about spring summer being around the corner?
27:43I really don't know how to feel about it. I feel like spring
27:47I'm not
27:49Dreading. I actually think spring is actually quite a nice feeling. It feels kind of fresh. It feels like I
27:54Always say this it kind of feels like an opportunity for like a bit of like a new beginning a fresh start
27:58I feel like spring feels obviously it feels like a re rebirth moment. Just fresh. It's a fresh feeling. Isn't it spring?
28:05But I
28:08As always I'm not
28:10Massively looking forward to summer and it irritates me. I felt like that was a nice little catch-up. I feel like I
28:15Didn't answer loads of questions, but I feel like we had a good chat and a good
28:19Get together. Basically, we got together in this video and I feel much better for
28:24Putting the world's to write with you guys and just having a really nice
28:28Conversation because I like I say in my vlog sometimes I feel like I don't get this opportunity to really sit down and chat and
28:34You know me like I love to chat and I'm going to head to the office
28:37I also need to meet up with Aaron for that
28:40I also need to get my passport picture taken today because my passport has expired and
28:44Oh, actually, this is alright cuz I've done my hair makeup
28:46I always feel like a lot of pressure with the whole passport picture thing
28:49And not always because getting a passport picture isn't a thing you do all the time
28:52But I felt pressure with my passport picture this time because I feel like it's like a viral thing
28:56Everyone's like come give my passport photo with me and like they do like the most unreal hair and makeup
29:00So obviously this pictures gonna be with them forever
29:02But you know me like I don't have a particular like makeup look that's gonna make me look better
29:06Like this is just the same makeup
29:08Like I would need to do this go into a red carpet and the same go to the office
29:11I can only have one makeup look had the same passport for literally
29:14Ten years now and my photo in my passport currently is from when I was 15
29:18So I'm so ready for a new one right gang. I'm out of here
29:22I love you a million to be in this video then
29:23Thank you so much for sticking around and hopefully I will see you all in my next one. Bye guys