• 2 days ago
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cashonyt/
Merch: https://cashandnico.com

#Roblox #Cash #NicoandCash
00:00Today I opened a supermarket in Roblox and unfortunately I went bankrupt. I lost all my money in the beginning
00:05So it was my goal to get back up to a profit
00:08Let's see if I could save my supermarket or if I'm gonna be left on the streets
00:15This is the cash supermarket and when I click B
00:17This is where I buy all of my inventory so I could buy some flour like this
00:21And then once it's purchased I get a box full of it and now I'm gonna go stock my shelves with a bunch of flour
00:26Ooh, okay
00:28We need to make the average price higher than how much it costs. So I bought it for almost a dollar each
00:33I'm gonna make it worth two dollars
00:34That means I make a dollar off each purchase and now I can open my store
00:37Customers are gonna come in and they're gonna make me all the money
00:39I'm not sure how much I should set the price to in the beginning though, because I don't know how much is bought
00:44I think you should do five hundred dollars. I don't think anyone's gonna buy it at five hundred dollars
00:48All right. I'm gonna check this guy out. He bought two flowers and then he gave me cash
00:51I need to give him a dollar fifty back. Oh my goodness. There's 50 cent coins. That is so bougie
00:56This guy's the same face as me and he's paying with credit cards. So I got to put six dollars in boom
01:00I have a ton of stock. Yeah, there's honestly a lot of customers coming in
01:03So I think I maybe need to raise the prices
01:05I think it's too cheap if we're getting a lot of purchases and that's not good, but it also is really good
01:10I'm growing my grocery store me too. I need to expand this. All right, this guy looks like Thanos
01:14Let me hurry up and get them all checked out four dollars and let's leave the checkout now
01:18I'm out of stock. So I need to buy more. All right, what do I want to order?
01:21I have two hundred twelve dollars so I could get some more flour some bread Cheerios and sugar that cost 80 bucks
01:28I got a ton of inventory. Okay, first up is the bread. We'll put that here and then set the price to three dollars
01:33I like that and now we'll take this flower and then we'll set this to also be
01:38$3 because too many people were buying it before and oh, no, someone's already going up to checkout. Yo, I'm not done stocking
01:43Hey, yo, all right
01:44We'll set this to five dollars and then the last box spawned all the way out here, bro
01:48Whenever you buy inventory, it is just so chaotic. Yeah, mine's in the road game keeps on breaking. Okay, there we go
01:55I set all my prices. I got some more customers. Let's go now
01:57I'm gonna make a lot more money cuz I got high prices $15. There you go. Let's check this guy out
02:01He's gonna pay with card. I love when they pay with card
02:03It's so much easier and having to mainly tip out all the cash. I know right?
02:07You got to make sure you get all the dollars and cents, correct? Okay, $39. Really? There you go
02:11I need a cashier bro for real Mia. You want to come work for me?
02:17Fine, whatever. I just gave someone something for free. Nah
02:22Apparently my bread already ran out so I definitely need to raise the prices on that. Holy moly. Hello, bro, $15
02:28All right, he gave me perfect change. That's good. I don't have to do anything for him $5. There you go
02:33All right, please play with card. Oh, man $31 and change. Really, bro. There you go shop level up wait now
02:38I'm level two. Does that mean I could buy more stuff? Let's see $39 and change. You're welcome. Thanos is back
02:43He only bought one flower. All right $3. There you go. Wait, hold on if you spend robux
02:47You can get yourself a cashier. I want a cashier. All right, it's 300 robux
02:51So it's kind of expensive, but I need somebody to do this for me. Hello, sir. I don't even have
02:56Nah, Mia, you broke bro. Oh, nah, we need to go to please donate
03:01This guy's doing the cashier checkout for me now so I could just keep stocking
03:04I'm gonna buy a ton of these now and I'm raising my prices. I'm not trying to have all this run out so fast
03:08Exactly. I make it zero profit right now. It's kind of funny. All right sugar
03:12You're getting bumped up to $4 and then bread you're getting bumped up to $4 as well
03:18I'm not gonna lie guys. I think I'm stealing all your customers. I'm making zero profit. Wait, what? It's just a charity over here
03:23Oh, that's not good. I'm starting to run out of shelf space $3 for this
03:26Oh my goodness, I have to run all the way out in the road to grab all my inventory
03:30I know what like a car could hit my stop. Yo, this girl just took an olive oil before I could change the price
03:35I know some people are greedy. She just got it for free. You gotta close the store and then stock it
03:40No, no, that's a waste of time. We got to keep the store running while I'm stocking, you know infinite profits
03:45Dude, I got a never-ending cashier. I'm gonna keep this at $3 flowers at a good price already
03:51You guys know you can get a shelf for 200 bucks. Yeah, I just bought a shelf and let's also get some pasta
03:57I don't know if I bought that. Let's do a couple of these. Oh, yo guys. I'm down to $9 in my shop
04:02I just realized I used all my money. I was at $0. Yo, I'm literally bankrupt. I got no money to work with
04:08Hey, yo, dude, they're stealing all my bread before I could make it profit. Oh, nah, I'm actually being robbed out here guys
04:14No, I got a lot. I don't know how much profit I could take. I'm not sure
04:18You have to just set the prices for yourself. I'm just gonna set something to $1,000 and then if someone buys it, okay
04:23I know I was behind a little bit ago. I was literally at $0 for a second, but we're back up to 78
04:28You know, I always come back. I want to set something for a thousand
04:31Are you actually gonna try that if somebody buys that I will be so surprised
04:34I want to see how high I can go, you know, okay
04:36You know what? I'm gonna set this one sugar to a thousand bucks. Oh prices are too high will cause customers not to buy
04:41It's okay. I think I set that to 10,000 on accident. All right, there we go a thousand bucks
04:45Let's see if anybody wants to buy this sugar from me. It's a very expensive sugar. It's very tasty
04:50Okay Porter orders can help you move the goods onto the shelves
04:53Oh, I want that that way
04:54I don't have to go out into the road and stock my shelves that has been bought and then I can also get quick
04:58Checkout handle the checkout process more quickly. You know what? I'll do it
05:01I know I already have a cashier but maybe if I need to go check people out
05:04It's easy quick pricing automatically set the selling price of goods for high profit margin. Wait, so it auto sets the price for you
05:11I think so. Wait, what? Where's that? Okay, find a multiplier to automatically adjust the selling price
05:16Okay, I want to make three more dollars on everything. I sell three times more dollars. Yeah 3x
05:22I want a 3x my profit. Okay, that's W's. Oh, yeah, let's go. This cashier is doing some good work around here
05:27We're already at 200 bucks. Let's go back to the computer. You should probably customize your grocery store if you haven't already Oh
05:32Decoration I see it you can change the color of the wall. I like that
05:35I'm gonna make the wall color a nice pink red
05:38Ah, you're gonna be angry in a grocery store. Not when I got a nice-looking store
05:42I can buy paint for 80 robux. Does that mean I could just paint whatever I want in here? I think so
05:47Let me try. Oh wait, you can put textures with this now daily statistics day three
05:52Okay, my total profit was a hundred and eight bucks. I made like $300. I'm stuck inside this
05:56I don't get out of the screen. Oh, there we go. Oh, I could buy my first license
06:02I'm literally stuck. Oh
06:03Stuck in the screen cuz the day ended while I was inside. Oh, nah
06:10Nice try Zoe. I'm back in. All right, we're fixed. Let me open my store now and all my stock is gone. Why?
06:18I'm reordering all my stock now. There we go. Wait, I don't have enough money dude. Really bro. Am I literally buns right now?
06:24What is going on? I'd say so. Hey, I'm back down to $8. Unfortunately guys Wow
06:2919 I just fit everything. I never thought it would get this bad guys. We're struggling on pennies right now
06:35We got to get back up. Why you do that to yourself?
06:37I didn't mean to oh geez. Okay, it's fine. It's fine
06:41I'm gonna stop with the decoration for now cuz I need to make some more money. Yeah, I see your shop over there
06:45It is decorated. Yeah, I know. Wait, why is it closed right now open? Okay
06:49I'm going to fill my shelves for this guy's a little slow right now. I know bro. Where you at?
06:53Hello, bro. You want to buy something? Whoa? Okay. Yeah, the red actually looks sick. That's what I'm saying
06:57It's like a nice faint red. Hey me and Zoe across the street. I'm gonna change the floor color though
07:01By the way, y'all are competitors and I have the most competitive prices. So see ya. Well, I'm getting a cool shop name
07:06Oh, never mind. I don't have enough money. If my prices are so goaded. They're so overpriced
07:10I make so much money wait press R. You can get a starter offer for 359 robux. Whoa, chill
07:16It gives you self checkout a pro shelf a bunch of money. Oh, I have $2,000 don't expose the strats, bro
07:21Yo, I'm so up right now. I am so up. All right pro shelf. You're going right here
07:25I'm not really sure what the difference is. It's just green self-checkout. I'll put it next to the exit
07:30Is this a real Zoe at my base or is this an NPC?
07:35No, I just didn't know he looked me dead in the eyes and called me an NPC. Oh, no, that's enough
07:41Yo, I need more stock. I'm blowing up his face. Yeah, please do he's a competitor. You know what? I'm gonna scam you
07:47I just ordered a rocket ship. It's on three times profit. Yo, is this a real Zoe at my base or is this an NPC?
07:52I'm at my place. You have a name tag above your head, Zoe
07:58Nah, what does this do Oh invite? Hello. Do you guys want to join my supermarket game? I'm gonna block you. Oh, nah, bro
08:06What should I change my grocery store name? I'm chasing you right now fun store. I'm gonna name mine cash
08:11Delicious. Oh, wait, you don't get plants, right? You should be sued for that. No, that's a good name cash elicits cash
08:17You gotta get this guy. What was that? All right three times profit. This is good
08:22There's two NPCs in my store right now. One's named Nico and one's Zoe. Oh, all right
08:28It's 300 bucks for this. Let's do it. Excuse me. People have been complaining about you guys with it like an odor
08:33I would like you guys to leave
08:35This whole time I was real trying to prank you. Where's Mia store?
08:38Let's troll her trying to see what the competitors are doing. Hey out of my store, bro. I'm busy. All right, fine
08:43I won't bother you. Did I see I let no you can't what what are you talking about? There's probably just an NPC
08:49Really? Yeah, it's so you get away from me. Where's your register? Where's your register?
08:56Are you trying to check out the customers Mia? Yeah, I just sold penny for $10. Okay. Yeah, I literally can't click them
09:03You can troll them and check out if you stand on the items
09:06Dude, I almost lost this customer now. They're mad. It was late. Oh, wait, that wasn't my fault. Okay, buddy
09:12Yeah, I just want more inventory. I need wait a luxury shelf 400 robux art
09:17I need to buy a fridge for 300 the luxury shelf automatically increases your price or you and it gives you the best price
09:23I'm buying one. Give me that. Oh, yes. Okay. Now we got a luxury shelf and that's out here on the floor
09:28Dude, there is so much inventory on the ground. I don't like how it does that. Okay, let me move this self checkout
09:32I don't like it being here
09:33I want it to be over here in the corner and then we'll move the luxury shelf luxury shelf will go right here
09:38There we go. I like the look of this so far. We need more inventory
09:41Let's order the whole round of this again by and now I can license more products
09:45Wait, hold on 200 bucks to get milk coffee, whatever. I want. Yeah, look how much the fridge is
09:50Wait, I have to buy a fridge. Yeah, it hurts me man. I just bought mine. Hold on bridge. Where are you at?
09:56Oh, here we go fridge. Oh my goodness. Okay. I have enough to buy it. That's how I need to keep my milk
10:00Where are you? Mr. Fridge? I feel bad for my employee. There's a lot of boxes out here
10:04Okay fridge you will go right here. There we go. Put the milk in there, please sir
10:07And let's see any more inventory. I want to buy looks like I already got most of this stuff
10:11I'll do another round of it though. We need as much inventory as possible. That guy has a lot of boxes to work with
10:16Maybe I should help him out a little bit. Oops. Okay, I'm gonna put it all on the red shelf cuz it'll automatically set the
10:21Prices for me. We got this sugar. You'll go right here. No more thousand-dollar sugars bread will go down here
10:27I'm trying to get all my stock in because it's nighttime and I don't know if it disappears
10:30Oh, yeah, true. Let me get all my stock into now Zoe NPCs back. No, there's no way you can actually steal my boxes
10:38No way you actually took one she said boot gang with gang it's boom gang gang. Nah, that is not how you say it
10:45What is this? Yo, yo get away from my stock
10:49Poor poor I got six hundred dollars to my name. I have fifteen hundred cuz I bought the starter pack
10:55All right. I'm just gonna be quiet. I got a hundred and ninety-eight. Take it or leave it
10:59I was down me when I was at the bottom only when I was at zero dollars and sixty seven cents now
11:04I'm up now y'all trying to be my friend now that I'm at the top is crazy
11:07I think there's a glitched box right here. I cannot pick it up. Oh, there we go. We're chillin
11:10We're making a lot more money now. And with this I can expand on my store. Let's expand once purchase
11:16Now, what does my store look like? Oh, it's way bigger. Let me move my fridge now
11:20Oh, no, all the stock just fell out of the fridge because I'm moving it. Oh, that's my bad
11:23I need to put all this back in eggs water bottles. Yo, get away from my store, bro
11:30Oh fine fine fine, I'm on the job that you hang out you can hang out I'm just kidding. I'm stealing your stock
11:35You know get out
11:37Zoe you really have to stop going in and trolling Mia. It's not cool. Yeah, that's real. Yeah
11:41Yes, I'm setting the price get out. Yeah, you can't get in her way while she's trying to work Zoe
11:50I'm just on the side of the map doing my own thing. Y'all are just doing whatever over there
11:54Whatever you guys do don't go to my store. You won't be happy. Well, let's see Zoe's store
11:58This thing's about to be buns looking there's about to be nothing but a shelf. No, I knew it
12:06And the day ended. Oh, yo, I earned zero income. I lost eight hundred and thirty bucks. I made
12:13$700 brah y'all gonna get on my level. Okay, I'm putting all my money in now so that in the future I make more
12:20You know what? I mean? Now I'm taking our profits every day so that if you get that new lamb black genie, okay, bruh
12:25He's gonna lose all his money. Why would you buy that? You still gonna look goofy in it? Oh
12:29Oh, oh it hurts. I say like goofy. I'm driving a Lamborghini. What are you driving there?
12:34I'd rather be crying in the landlocked genie than crying on the street. You're real
12:38I'm buying a bunch of upgrades right now. I just got double cash and double XP. Oh impatient customers customers
12:44We'll come to shop more quickly 10 minutes. Let's do it. I literally bought every single upgrade
12:47I could now on Bosch quick deliver send goods flying towards the shelves. Wait a second. What ain't no way boy
12:53All right. So now I have quick deliver. I have fast customers and a lot more
12:56So if I order an inventory, well, it just goes straight to the shelves. Let's try. All right, I bought it
13:01Okay, let's pick this up. I don't know how it's supposed to be flying towards the shelves. Oh you stock it way quicker
13:07I understand it now. I understand it now. Let's buy some more inventory. Boom. All right, hurry up worker
13:13We got to get this on the shelves stat. It is so quick now. Boom. Apparently you can't rip people off
13:17Yeah, no, they'll get angry if you try and rip them off. Yeah, always be trying to rip me off though
13:22What's 20 cents you feel me come on 20 cents, that's what I'm saying, you're really gonna leave over that
13:28You don't want to leave a tip. Okay. Why is my self check out all the way over here?
13:30It needs to be right here. I can't place it here. Are you cereal bruh?
13:33It's funny cuz he like meant serious, but he's a cereal. Okay, bro. Are you cereal bar?
13:38What I kind of want to buy a luxury fridge, but I think instead I'd rather buy something else, you know, I'm fine
13:43I'm getting the luxury fridge, whatever
13:45I just feel like it's not worth it for 400 robux
13:47But if I want to be the most booze and have the best store out of all my friends, I'm buying it
13:50I need to show them that they can't doubt me anymore. There's no way you can make more profit than me
13:54I'm overselling so much. I'm at twenty seven hundred dollars. Okay, but you bought the two thousand thing. That's true
14:01I guess that's true
14:02All right
14:02I need to be level 6 if I want to get the next license same if I want to expand and I'm a halfway through level
14:075 so we need to hurry it up in here guys. Come on. Let's go. Keep checking out air
14:11You know what? Let me check out you had hired cashier. I know well
14:14I want to fire my cashier so I could check out get away
14:17All right, let me check out these guys, oh wait, hold on it's just automatically going what just happened to my glitched
14:23Okay, you know what I'll just let my cashier do all the work we're at thirty five hundred bucks
14:27We are so up right now. Geez. What are you selling stuff for?
14:30Five hundred million dollars. I have shelves that automatically set the prices for me Mia
14:34Yeah, like I need to sell mine like for way more. Yeah, if you get one of the cooler shelves
14:39You don't even have to set them yourself. That's crazy. Thanks, bro. Come on. We're almost level six
14:43I want to expand one more time and see how big this store gets. We're right there
14:46Someone just said I feel like VIP. Where's the carpet? I saw that fine. You want a carpet chill out? Yeah, I know here
14:52I don't think I can buy you a carpet. Unfortunately. Oh, I got leveled up. Let's go
14:56All right. It's time to expand immediately expand to size two. Oh my goodness. It expanded this way now
15:01All my shelves are floating nah, you're being moved back here and then you are getting moved back here
15:07I don't want to move these shelves because they have products on it and it'll all fall off if I do that
15:10So I'll wait. I'm gonna end the day off at 3,000 bucks. I think I did really well if this video gets 10,000 likes
15:15We're gonna expand to level 10 just me though
15:17My friends are buns
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15:24Bye guys