#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash
00:02Ahem, class!
00:04Class, hey, wake up!
00:05Oh, jeez, how did I fall asleep?
00:07Always snoozing in my class, meanwhile I'm trying to give a lesson.
00:10Oh, yeah, I forgot I was in class. Sorry, teacher, I was just bored.
00:13You know what? No more apologies. How about we go on a little field trip? How about that, huh?
00:17Oh, wait, I'll stay awake. I won't fall asleep anymore, I promise.
00:20Yeah, since you guys think my class is so boring, how about we go do something fun, huh?
00:24Like a real field trip? Are you sure it's not just a punishment?
00:26No, no. Come on, let's go.
00:28Okay, so you're not gonna take us to the back shed and make us sit in there for hours, right?
00:32No, no, no, no. I just need you guys to come to the back of the locker area where no one can find you.
00:36What? I don't trust this.
00:37Why do I feel like this isn't a real field trip? He's definitely mad at me.
00:40Yeah, I don't know.
00:41That's my bad. I didn't mean to fall asleep.
00:43Alright, alright, everyone gather round. I need you to put these suits on. Wink, wink.
00:47Suits? What kind of field trip is this? Shouldn't we sign a permission slip first?
00:50Don't worry, just everyone come close.
00:52Okay, alright, I'm here.
00:53Yeah, yeah, nice and close. Yeah, yeah.
00:58Was that supposed to be our punishment, teacher?
01:00Wait, where am I? What happened here?
01:02That was awful.
01:03Why am I hearing a lot of bees?
01:06What is happening?
01:08Are you guys bees? Am I a bee?
01:09I'm a bee.
01:10You're all bees.
01:11I'm a bee. I'm a, I'm a, I'm a bee.
01:13Cash, what happened to you?
01:14This is kind of awesome. This is what the field trip was all about?
01:17Guys, I'm orange.
01:18Oh, looks like you realize what happened.
01:21I kind of like it. Thanks for doing this, but I'm pretty sure we needed a permission slip, so I'm definitely not going to tell my parents when I'm home.
01:27No, no permission slip needed. This is for falling asleep in my class.
01:30Is this actually real, or am I just dreaming?
01:32No, it's real, because our lesson in class today was about bees, and no one decided to listen, so I'm just going to have you live the life of a bee.
01:39What? But I was listening at first. I heard you say, welcome to class, and then turn your pages to chapter one, and then I fell asleep.
01:45Yeah, exactly. You don't retain any of the info that I taught.
01:48I taught a really good lesson today, so I'm going to teach you an even better one in here.
01:51Okay, well, honestly, I like this better than reading from a book. Now I can actually experience the life of a bee.
01:56Me too. This is great.
01:57But we're all small. I can only fly for a few seconds before it goes away.
02:02Well, basically, my simulation will actually simulate you through the full life, so you should end up being the max age that a bee can be.
02:09Oh, I see. So we start off as babies, and then we'll turn into adults as time goes on.
02:13Yes, you will grow really fast, so just be careful.
02:18Are we going to be quizzed on this?
02:19Yes, you actually will be quizzed on this. Tomorrow, once the simulation is over.
02:23Okay, I have more questions.
02:25Well, number one, if I get hungry, then what do I go eat? Because I don't see any chicken sandwiches here.
02:29Uh, yeah, I'll see you later.
02:31Wait, what? No, I have more questions, teacher.
02:32Nope, good luck.
02:34You asked for this.
02:35Teacher, I can't even fly for more than five seconds. This is messed up.
02:38Are we going to have, like, another teacher in this dimension?
02:40I have no idea.
02:41Yo, Peanut, are you the orange one?
02:44Do you know where Mia went? She was supposed to be in class with us today.
02:46Oh, she paid me so I could take notes.
02:49What? She paid you so you could take notes?
02:51No, I should do that.
02:52Wait, can I pay him? I don't have any money. Never mind.
02:54Hey, yo!
02:55So, um, this is really bad, then.
02:57I actually think it's pretty cool.
02:58We can't fly that well since we're babies, but we can still walk.
03:00Okay, maybe we should look on the bright side, then.
03:02We could do this honey parkour thing.
03:04Yeah, true. Do you all see those honey slimes, though?
03:07I'm going to hit him.
03:08Oh, what's up? Oh, he split.
03:09I get a bunch of items from these guys.
03:12To do this, you have to fly up and then slowly land.
03:14Oh, I see what you mean.
03:15So I do like that and then I land right here.
03:18And then I jump up again and fly and land.
03:21Guys, you've got to see the outside of this place.
03:23Okay, I'm on my way up.
03:24I could just fly for a few seconds and then go up here.
03:26Oh, no, don't fall.
03:27I got it.
03:28I made it to the peanut.
03:30Oh, my goodness.
03:31I think there's clues to get out of this room, guys.
03:34Yeah, like, look, we need to, like, get to this chest.
03:36Oh, yeah, true.
03:37Do you all see that ginormous white bee over there, though?
03:40Yeah, that kind of looks like my mama bee.
03:41Be careful because if you fall, then you die.
03:43So we can't get out of this honeycomb like that.
03:45I'm focused on this white bee over here.
03:47She's giant.
03:48I think that might be the queen.
03:49Hello, my subjects.
03:54Excuse me.
03:55We're actual bees.
03:56We're definitely not subjects.
03:57Yeah, we're not humans.
03:58Well, I am the queen of this hive.
04:00So you are my subjects, my bee subjects.
04:02Nah, see, I knew it.
04:04I told you guys she was the queen.
04:05Wait, if you're my queen, does that mean you're my mom?
04:07And does that make me a prince?
04:08No, you're just a worker.
04:09Wait, a worker?
04:10Yeah, and are you making my honey?
04:12I don't see the honey.
04:13Making honey?
04:14Oh, yeah, no, I learned this in class.
04:15Apparently, most of the bees are worker bees, and they work for the queen.
04:18Yeah, and you gotta shake your butt to generate honey.
04:20Is that all you learned?
04:21Well, yeah, and then I fell asleep.
04:22Okay, Mrs. Queen, since we are your servants, we'll do whatever you ask.
04:25Oh, good, good.
04:27For now, I need you guys to collect some of these items.
04:30And it's the poop downstairs, so follow me.
04:33You want us to collect poop?
04:36Oh, no.
04:37No, I can't even follow her.
04:38Yes, someone has to fix it.
04:39No, I need to fly.
04:41I have little legs.
04:43I can't believe we have to clean poop as our first task.
04:44Now I'm starting to see how this is a punishment from the teacher.
04:46Cash, I thought peas poop out honey, but apparently I'm wrong.
04:49You thought peas poop out honey?
04:51I meant bees.
04:52Oh, nah.
04:53Is this all the poop?
04:54This is nasty.
04:55Yes, now get to work.
04:56How is it even on the ceilings?
04:57That's disgusting.
04:59Also, I'm not gonna lie, my arms are too small, and the poop's not even breaking.
05:02Yeah, the poop doesn't even break.
05:03Why can't you guys just break it normally?
05:05Well, listen, we're way too young.
05:07Maybe when we get older, we can clean poop, but for now, since our arms are so small,
05:10we can barely even make a dent.
05:12Ah, so you guys need honey to grow up, huh?
05:15I guess so.
05:16I don't really know what bees eat.
05:17I thought they make honey.
05:18Yeah, I thought you were the queen bee.
05:19You should know this.
05:20I do know this.
05:21I was about to show you the honey right here.
05:22Hey, don't get all sassy on me, lady.
05:24Don't talk back to me.
05:25Don't get all sassy on me.
05:26Excuse me?
05:27Who do you think you're talking to?
05:29Shady, I would not fight with the queen.
05:31Dude, you know if I was out of this form, I would squash you like a bug.
05:34That's it.
05:35I'm fighting you.
05:36Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
05:38Shady, don't fight with our mom.
05:40You will be put in the prison.
05:42He didn't mean it.
05:43Hey, guys, I already found an exploit.
05:44Just keep clicking your flight button, and you just fly in the air.
05:46Easy dubs.
05:47Oh, well, that's kind of annoying, though.
05:48I keep having to spam this just to keep flying.
05:50I wish I could just fly forever.
05:52Well, it's better than falling.
05:53What's this down here?
05:54I see a bunch of levers with some doors that leads to cobwebs.
05:57Wait, what?
05:58I'm going to check it out.
05:59Hold on, guys.
06:00We're getting shot at.
06:01Whoa, what's going on?
06:02I found the honey bottle the queen was talking about.
06:05I'm going to drink it.
06:06Okay, drink it.
06:07Okay, I drank it.
06:08Did anything happen?
06:09Do I look different?
06:10Yo, you grew.
06:11I did?
06:13Oh, my goodness.
06:14You guys got to drink the honey.
06:15We got to find some more for y'all.
06:16I know where the other one is.
06:17I'm going to go get it.
06:19There's another one over here.
06:20I'm getting this one.
06:21Does this mean I can fly for longer?
06:22Let me try.
06:23Boot gang.
06:24Oh, you fly way longer when you grow up.
06:25Oh, really?
06:27I don't even have to press the keybind multiple times.
06:28This is goated.
06:29I just grew up.
06:30I'm a big B.
06:31This is perfect.
06:32Wait, what?
06:33That is not me.
06:34I'm this guy.
06:35Yo, that has to be him, right?
06:36Oh, I see.
06:37That B looks cooler than Shady.
06:38I'm not sure why.
06:41I'm black and yellow, bro.
06:43Now, could you guys clean up the poop?
06:44I could try to.
06:45Let me see where it's at.
06:46I'm very impatient right now.
06:49Well, I'm sorry.
06:50I'm just a baby.
06:52Yo, Queen B, I think you need to wipe your butt.
06:53It has stuff on it.
06:57Oh, that's just pollen.
06:58You nasty.
06:59What is pollen?
07:00Is that what you get from the flowers whenever you eat them and stuff?
07:01It sure is.
07:04That makes sense.
07:05Well, I guess since we can clean the poop now, we might as well just get rid of it.
07:08Dude, this poop is so nasty.
07:09I know.
07:10The ones on the ceilings are kind of hard to get.
07:11I know I could fly, but it takes too long to break.
07:13I can't even believe I'm holding poop right now.
07:17Yeah, true.
07:19Hey, wait.
07:20I have a question.
07:21Do bees eat peanuts?
07:22Just wondering.
07:23Um, no.
07:24They do not.
07:25Okay, good.
07:26Oh, goodness.
07:27I just wanted to make sure.
07:28You know, we have a friend that could be unsafe.
07:29Well, I could be the first bee to eat a peanut.
07:30Where is he?
07:31I'm in danger.
07:32Zoe, do not eat the peanut.
07:33I'm going to kill the peanut.
07:35Mia would probably be mad at you.
07:36Come here.
07:37You can't kill her assistant like that.
07:39Meepo's the assistant.
07:40Anyways, we cleaned all the poop.
07:41Are you happy now, Mrs. Queen?
07:43I'm satisfied for now.
07:44So, can we have more honey?
07:46You'll have to find it.
07:47How about exploring?
07:50Queen, I want to still talk to you.
07:55We have to explore?
07:56Yeah, I guess so.
07:57First, the teacher left us, and now the queen.
07:58Welp, I found her.
07:59You follow me?
08:00I'm your leader.
08:01Well, yeah, guys.
08:02Come on.
08:03Someone has to lead the bee pack.
08:04I really want to figure out that door before we go, though.
08:05It looked cool.
08:06Maybe I'll come back to it.
08:09This is awesome.
08:10Oh, my goodness.
08:12I'm going to show you how to do it.
08:13Are you going to shake your butt on the flower, Nico?
08:14You shake your butt on the flower.
08:15I don't think that's how you pollinate it.
08:16Peanut, don't listen to him.
08:17And it's going to generate.
08:20How'd that actually work?
08:21It generate.
08:23Can I eat this stuff?
08:24I can't even consume it.
08:25I want to grow up, but I need more honey bottles.
08:27We can't use honeycomb.
08:29Let's see if there's some around here.
08:30How did you do that?
08:31If you break these, you get honey crystal shards.
08:33I can eat it, but it doesn't grow up.
08:35Aw, man.
08:36Do you all think the other bees in this area speak?
08:38I could probably talk to them.
08:39Ooh, try to talk to them.
08:40What if they're AI programmed?
08:42Let me see.
08:43I don't think so.
08:44I'm going to talk to this one down here.
08:46A little busy right now pollinating flowers.
08:47Oh, he had a deep voice.
08:49Yeah, I'm an adult.
08:50Well, he seemed chill.
08:51Obviously, I'm busy.
08:52I'm a worker.
08:53Do you not hear the queen's orders?
08:54Oh, the queen's orders.
08:56If those guys are adults, then that means we need to get to that stage to pollinate.
08:58Hey, what's your name?
08:59My name's Fred.
09:01Oh, just curious.
09:02Yeah, Fred number 046.
09:03There's 46 Freds?
09:05There's actually over 100.
09:06Yeah, I was going to say and counting.
09:07And I'm Nico 001.
09:10I don't know if you're the first Nico in this hive.
09:12Bro thinks he the OG.
09:14Well, I am the OG.
09:15Yeah, you're actually the last one, technically.
09:17I'm definitely the OG shady, though.
09:19Who else names their kid that?
09:20That's kind of true.
09:21Same with Cash.
09:22I don't think anybody here would be named Cash, so I'm probably 001.
09:25Same with Nico.
09:27No, I read it on the book.
09:28It said Cash had 42 bees already.
09:30So I'm number 43?
09:33That's insane.
09:34What about Peanut?
09:36I almost just died.
09:37Oh, he's number one.
09:38Oh, yeah.
09:40Well, you guys just got lucky.
09:41I'm going to keep searching through these caves.
09:42If I could find another honey bottle, I could probably grow up even stronger.
09:43Guys, I think I found the honey supply.
09:44Where are you at?
09:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
09:47Come here.
09:48Okay, I'm coming back.
09:49I wish my flight lasted longer.
09:50At least it's better than when I was a baby.
09:51Do you see me?
09:53Sorry, I blend in with all the other bees, but follow me up here.
09:55Look, okay.
09:56It's just right down here.
09:57Oh my goodness.
09:58And it's just a big supply of dung.
09:59Made you look.
10:00Really, bruh?
10:02That's just poop.
10:03You just brought me here to look at poop.
10:04Go enjoy feasting on the dung, little bro.
10:05I am not eating on that.
10:07Although this place is huge.
10:08Peanut said that was an anthill, and I'm guessing ants are probably our enemy, so I'm not going
10:14to go near it.
10:15No, I bet wasps are.
10:16Where are they at?
10:17Oh, true.
10:18I bet wasps are probably going to attack us if we don't keep our eyes open.
10:21Or like a hornet.
10:22This chest is empty.
10:23It has no bottles for us.
10:24I'm going to go open these levers because I've been looking at it for a while now, and
10:27if I figure out the code, I could probably find another honey bottle.
10:29I'm just doing the random guessing strategy.
10:31I'm flicking all of them down.
10:32Flicky, flicky.
10:33Do y'all want to help me?
10:34Maybe it's a very secure password that I don't know of.
10:37It's probably just B-E-E.
10:39There's no letters on this thing, bruh.
10:41It's just levers.
10:43I'm doing random patterns, but I don't think it's working.
10:45We might have to find the code somewhere else.
10:46Wait, I have an idea.
10:48What is it, Peanut?
10:49A different perspective.
10:51I found it.
10:52It's right here.
10:53Oh, man.
10:54I was so close.
10:55A different perspective.
10:56You just got to look from the side.
10:59And this does have a honey bottle.
11:00You know what?
11:01Since I'm feeling nice, I'm going to give Peanut the honey bottle.
11:04No way.
11:05You're going to make him the big B?
11:06Yeah, he could be the biggest one.
11:07Drink it up.
11:09He actually grew.
11:10He's large.
11:11What the heck?
11:12I don't like how big he is compared to me.
11:13Wait, so he's no longer a kid?
11:14I think he's a teen now.
11:15Oh, how'd you do that?
11:17Excuse me.
11:19Oh, my goodness.
11:21I think he's actually, like, launching himself.
11:22Maybe that's what happens when you grow up.
11:23Look at me go.
11:24We have to find more honey bottles.
11:25He could probably also fly away longer, too.
11:27Oh, yeah.
11:28I'm going to keep searching around this honeycomb and seeing if there's a new area that we missed.
11:31I feel like I haven't explored this part that much.
11:33There's definitely a honey bottle hiding somewhere from me.
11:36What the heck is that?
11:38Dude, what is that B?
11:40What's one B?
11:41That is a ginormous B.
11:42Yo, right there with the long legs.
11:43Oh, my goodness.
11:44Excuse me.
11:45Is everybody working?
11:46Yo, don't hurt me, please.
11:47Yes, sir.
11:48Is that a worker B or something?
11:49I have honey bottles for those who are doing the best job.
11:53Oh, oh, oh.
11:54I just cleaned up the biggest pile of poop ever.
11:57Can I have one?
11:58No, I did.
12:00No, Pina, you already have a honey drink.
12:01Yeah, Pina, we need to grow up, too.
12:03I need more.
12:04Who were the ones who cleaned up all of the poop?
12:06Me, me, me.
12:07I was part of it, too.
12:08I help.
12:10Please come over here.
12:11Honey bottle payments for all of you.
12:13Gimme, gimme.
12:14Oh, boo gang, boo gang.
12:15Nah, Zoey, that was messed up.
12:16I got this one.
12:17Please wait your turns.
12:18Zoey ain't even too bad, bro.
12:19Am I gonna be the smallest?
12:20Come on.
12:21Here you go.
12:22I have two more honey bottles.
12:23I think Shady still needs one.
12:24No, I got one.
12:25Hey, what about me?
12:26You look like you're already big.
12:28Oh, wait.
12:29He gave me an extra.
12:30Oh, you took Nico's one.
12:31Oh, my goodness.
12:32Shady just drank two of them.
12:33I'm gonna eat Zoey now, bro.
12:34No, don't eat me.
12:35I'm drinking mine.
12:37Oh, no.
12:38Oh, no.
12:39Oh, no.
12:40Oh, no.
12:41Oh, no.
12:42I'm drinking mine.
12:45Oh, yeah.
12:46Now I can sting people.
12:47Oh, my goodness.
12:48This is awesome.
12:49Yes, since you guys are teenagers, you are halfway through your life.
12:52You still have to become the adults and the elder bees.
12:55Well, what are you?
12:56I am forever an adult.
12:57An adult?
13:01Do not call me an unk.
13:02I'm going to check on the queen so I can defend her.
13:03Good luck, workers.
13:04So he's not a worker bee.
13:05I'm guessing he's like the protector.
13:09No, don't sting me.
13:10I'm supposed to be your friend.
13:11Look, we're all doing it at the same time.
13:12You see that?
13:13Yeah, I do.
13:14I don't know.
13:17Hey, yeah.
13:18Wait, hold on.
13:19Hold on.
13:20Let me throw it out.
13:21Let me throw it out.
13:22Hey, yeah.
13:24How did you do it?
13:25How do you do it?
13:27It's whenever I do it.
13:28Oh, wait.
13:29Never mind.
13:30Hey, yeah.
13:32We should probably not use it against each other in case we hurt.
13:41Come on.
13:42I'm out of the nest.
13:43I guess so.
13:44Since we're teenagers now, we could probably leave and not get attacked by wasps.
13:45Well, I think that's probably what the last bee said, and then they died.
13:48Oh, yeah.
13:50But I'm down.
13:51Let's do it.
13:52We just got to be careful and stay together.
13:53Don't worry.
13:54Big Papa Shady will protect you.
13:55Oh, guys.
13:56I found the queen's nest.
13:57Wait for real?
13:58I don't know if we should go in there, but it's at the top of the hive.
13:59You think I'm old enough to riz her?
14:01Definitely not.
14:02Hey, yo, yo.
14:03What's up, my beautiful looking queen?
14:05Oh my goodness.
14:06Get out.
14:07Oh, gosh.
14:08Oh, geez.
14:09She's mad.
14:10I'm sorry, my beautiful queen.
14:11Okay, let me try.
14:12I was going to hit it with the double take, but go ahead, May.
14:14Your eyes glisten in the darkness.
14:15You know what?
14:16I think I'll eat this one.
14:18This one looks delectable.
14:19Oh, my gosh.
14:20Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
14:21No, no, don't eat him.
14:22Don't eat him.
14:23Come here.
14:24We need him.
14:25She thinks you're a blueberry.
14:26I'm a blueberry.
14:27We'll leave you alone, Mrs. Queen.
14:28Here, take some honeycomb and some poop for your troubles.
14:30Okay, bye.
14:31You threw poop on the queen.
14:32I'm sorry.
14:33Is this poop?
14:34I don't know what else to do.
14:35Wait a second.
14:36What is that?
14:37Wasps, I think so. Nah, it looks like a big scary nest. They're chopped. Not gonna lie. Yeah
14:44You know, are you good peanuts getting jumped? Wait, what do you know? Where are you at?
14:48I see you. Oh
14:50I'm seeing the wasps. Oh, yo, yo, get up. Do not fight the peanut. Let me get up look out
14:55They do so much damage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, nobody fights the peanut you too
14:58I can tell that the wasps are different from the bees because they have a much longer body. Yeah, let's go
15:02I'm jumping them right now. Yeah, me too. I'm killing all these guys. I know where they're coming from, too
15:06You're not messing with my friends. Yeah, what's up? You yo, daddy, son
15:09They have a big gray nest and that's probably where they repopulate at and stuff gross. Oh, I see it
15:14Should we tell the Queen about it? Yeah, let's pop up in there and like swing on them
15:18Okay, true, but we should ask her first. Maybe she'll have gear for us to actually fight them
15:21All right, fine. We could do it your way. Excuse me Queen. I come in peace. Oh, what is it?
15:26This better be quick. We have something to tell you
15:28Well, we looked outside and we saw a huge wasp nest and we wanted to alert you about it. What a wasp nest?
15:33Yes. Oh, no, this isn't good. No, listen, we can take care of it Queen. Come back. Come back
15:38You don't even have to look at it. We'll handle this. Oh, you'll handle it. Yes with what?
15:42What do you need and after I handle it? May I place a ring on your ring finger shady, dude?
15:47You know what if you kill all the wasps? Sure. Wait, what? Oh, yeah. Okay
15:51Well, can we have some like gear to help us or do you not have that over here in bee world?
15:55Let me see. I think I have some stingers. Oh cool
15:58And also if I could ask one more thing
16:00Can we also maybe get some honey bottles if we get rid of the wasp nest?
16:03Nah, you're asking so much but fine. Oh cool. I just want to grow up more
16:08I'm a teenager right now and I don't see what an adult is like being an adult probably so much better
16:12Excuse me Queen bee. I will be your jester. Really Nico. Oh, I
16:17Still want to eat this guy Nico. You should just help us kill the wasps. Take my honey Queen
16:22I think that's the only way to impress her brah. Okay, fine. I have my stinger. It's shady already go in
16:27What? What did you do?
16:31Oh my goodness
16:33Yo, they're all up in there. We gotta help shady out. Yo, I'm good. Let me go. Yeah. What's up?
16:37Yo, yo, what's up destroyed the entire nest do not let any bit of it remain
16:42I see where they're spawning to shady. You got to remove the top. Oh, yeah, dude. I'm feasting on it. What is going on?
16:46This is disgusting. That's their spawning point. Oh, no, how are there so many dude?
16:51We stepped on the ant hill. Nah, blow it up. Blow it up. Blow it up. They're coming out. I don't like this
16:56Okay, I'm going in from the top. Okay good. I'm just gonna kill the ones around
16:59We can't let them get to the Queen. I'm gonna blow up the tip of it. Yeah, hurry
17:02All right, it's gonna blow get out of here wasp. Oh, holy smokes
17:07That actually worked they dropped so many honey things. Thank goodness. We got rid of it
17:11We should probably destroy everything else too. So they have no chance of rebuilding. Yeah, true
17:15How about this while you destroy the rest of the nest? I'll just kill all these stray wasps that survived the explosion
17:19All right, I'm doing it. Okay, me too. Queen's gonna be so proud of me
17:22She's probably gonna give me like five honey bottles after this. I just hit a bee on accident. Watch out. It's gonna blow. Oh
17:27Ouch I'm taking more damage from the wasp. I'm not gonna lie nest exterminated. Oh, yes
17:32We should definitely post this on snapchat. People are gonna be so proud of us. Yeah, we should say Victory Royale, too
17:37Oh exactly. Hold on dude. I'm gonna eat all this honey that the wasp stole from us, bro. It looks bussin you have honey
17:43Yes, I
17:46Can't consume it unless it's in a bottle for some reason I can't lick it
17:50Shady, dude, you turned old
17:53Did you just skip the adult stage now you're like a hundred no, I was already an adult and now I ate it
17:58Oh, that's right. You do not look good, bro. Wait, I'm gonna extract some elderness from you shady
18:04Okay. No, I need to go marry the Queen before I die. Hey what I'm gonna see if this actually works
18:08Hey, do you still think I'm handsome? I'm back from war
18:13It's shady the one that asked for the ring on your finger and stuff. Oh, look I blew up the wasp nest. See look
18:19Oh gosh, that is horrifying. Am I still handsome? No, no, stay away from me, please. Nah Queen said you're too old
18:28Well shady, maybe you can revert some of your age somehow how I do that you might have to die and get reborn
18:34I got you shady. I'll slip up your honey
18:39Did y'all just kiss ah, there we go what okay we evened it back out. All right. There we go. I'm big now
18:45Okay, am I handsome? Wait a second. I want to grow up. Yes, and we could adopt my son here
18:50We could be a family. Oh, you know what? You look pretty good. Actually, I'm not the son. Listen Queen
18:55We got rid of the nest and you promised that you would give me a honey bottle when I did it
18:59Yeah, peanut wants one too. Okay, fine. Here you are. Oh cool. I still want to eat that blue one
19:05Hey, I'm a big blueberry. Now. You can't mess on me guys. Come over here. I got you
19:09I'll toss out four for y'all and then take the last one for myself. Oh sweet
19:13Mmm, that tasted really good. Oh, I grew up too guys. I think I'm gonna skip the elder life
19:18You know I'm saying I like being fresh and handsome. Yeah me too. I'm a chill here
19:22Well, you have to grow up if we want to get out of here
19:24The teacher said we have to live our whole lives as a bee. Hey, you leave him alone
19:30Nobody fights the peanut nobody Oh
19:32Was that like cannibalism or something? I think so. Sorry Queen if that was your friend. Oh my subjects. Oh, okay. Sorry
19:38We're just trying to get out of here because our teacher kind of did this as a punishment and we were human
19:42Before this. Oh, you guys are humans. Yeah, I don't like humans in my hive. Well, we'll get out of your hair
19:48We just need more honey to do that. Yeah, genetically. I'm a bee. So I'm chillin. You know what?
19:51I'll give you guys some more honey. If you redesign my room. I need a new change this room
19:55Yes, this way, but it looks fine. No, it looks hideous. Okay. Well, I guess we could do that for her
20:00How do y'all think we should redesign this place? Honestly, I don't know I incorporating some blue blocks
20:04I think that's not a good idea. I do like that. We could get rid of all this honey. That's in the way
20:09Yeah, but what if she likes it true? She kind of didn't give us any directions on how she wants it to look
20:14I'm guessing whatever we make works for her, right? I guess so and if not, I guess we're kicked out
20:18She probably wants a new throne. It could be bad on her back or something. Yeah, she is kind of elderly and wrinkly looking
20:24So, oh, no, I wouldn't say that about the Queen
20:28Probably for like a day. Oh, has it not been like a day? I don't know. Honestly, I can't see outside
20:32Well, I'm feeling a little old. So, um, does that mean I'm cooked probably we're all gonna turn old in like an hour
20:38So anyways, oh my back. I'm gonna be wrinkly. Just get rid of all the honey. What happened shady? No, I didn't
20:44I think I just turned old. Did you drink more honey? No, I'm wrinkly. Oh what I
20:49Think it's because you've been drinking too much honey and also stealing it from Nico and stuff. It's fine shady
20:54I'll slip your honey from inside of you. Wait, what? Oh, yes
21:00I'm back to an adult dude
21:03Let's go. You guys just swapped ages. Wait, hang on. Let me slurp some of yours cash
21:09No, no, don't do that stop stop nah bros back to a teen
21:14Dude you can't steal my youth like that
21:19What hey stop sucking me come here, uh-huh. See now I'm the old one what you gonna do about it
21:24Yeah, come here. Come here. You can't take my age. I'll take your age first
21:29No, he was the one doing it first get away from me now you come here I will sting you bloody stop it you bloody
21:35You stop it. Who is this? You want some smoke? I fight you for the Queen
21:39Oh my goodness. Let me get up. What's up? What's up?
21:44I'm not as young as I used to be. I can't really move very well. You know what?
21:48I'm sucking all the juices out of the peanut. Come here
21:52You leave the peanut alone
21:56Okay, well now we're all old I'm the Queen now what the heck and the peanut is a baby
22:06This reminds me of when I play chess and I move a pawn until the end of the board they just become a queen
22:15Shady I don't think the real Queen will be happy with this
22:20Sister what's up? Oh, what is that? Yeah, you want to fight? Let's go. Come on. You're trying to take my throne
22:26Yeah, come on. You want to sting me? Yeah, I want to fight get rid of you. Yeah, I'm gonna fart on you
22:30No guys stop fighting, please guys, please. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's up? What's up? Stop it?
22:35Oh, I'm gonna rip your weave off enough enough. Stop breaking up Queens
22:44Queens stop fighting. Oh
22:47What just happened? Wait, I'm not a bee anymore. Oh cool. I guess once you die
22:50You actually leave the simulation and I respond here. Oh, no peanut peanut. Are you okay?
22:57Did all of you guys die too
23:00Yeah, we got destructed by shady and the Queen's mess. They started fighting out of nowhere. Yeah, that was just bad
23:05I am NOT breaking up any more fights after that Oh shady
23:11Y'all were still fighting yeah now she's dead. Are you serious? You killed her. We are Ohio. Let's go
23:18I'm going to talk to the teacher. Well, that was a cool simulation, but I never want to do that again
23:22Oh, you're back. How was it? I guess it was cool
23:24I learned that bees go through stages really fast and they don't live that long
23:28Yeah, and that's what's gonna happen to you if you keep falling asleep in my class cuz I'm gonna whack you with my ruler
23:32Oh, nah, wait, what are you holding? Is that a test? Yeah, it's the pop quiz. Remember I told you guys to be ready
23:37Oh, no
23:39Whatever time to study about bees if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now
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23:47Bye guys