• 4 hours ago


00:00Mr. Sandoval, according to your paper, sir, you and the defendant dated briefly and were romantically involved, were sexually intimate,
00:09and there came a time when you broke up.
00:14And during that time, you were pregnant, had a baby. Is that right?
00:22And you called him and told him that you would have the baby.
00:27And invited him to come over to see the baby.
00:30Do you remember what you said to him?
00:32Yes. When we were at my house, I had told him that I had been with another person,
00:37but I was pretty sure that he had been the father because I had used a condom with the other guy that I was with.
00:43So I let him know straight up that I had been with another guy.
00:47Did she tell you that, sir?
00:50She never told you that?
00:51No, she did not.
00:52That doesn't make sense, madam, that you would tell him that when you invite him over to see the baby
00:57and say, listen, this could be yours and it couldn't be yours.
01:00In any event, she told you that the baby was yours?
01:04That's correct.
01:06And at that time, according to these papers, you weren't living close to each other.
01:10That's correct.
01:11Where were you living, sir?
01:12I was living in Stockton with my mother.
01:14And where were you living?
01:16I was living in Hayward with my parents.
01:19And how far is that away?
01:21About 50 miles.
01:22And you moved?
01:23Yes, I moved to be near the child.
01:26Did you take an apartment?
01:28I rented a house with my friend.
01:31And you were visiting the baby?
01:33How often?
01:36About at least three times a week.
01:41Would you go over to her parents' house?
01:43Yes, I would.
01:44Is that right?
01:45I did.
01:46A couple times, yes.
01:47So he would come over and visit with the baby.
01:48Were you present when he visited with the baby?
01:52Did you hold the baby?
01:53Yes, I did.
01:55Did you feed the baby?
01:56Yes, I did.
01:57Did he?
01:59Did you take the baby out?
02:00Yes, I did.
02:01Sometimes with her, sometimes away from her.
02:04And for how long did this go on?
02:06From the time she was about three and a half weeks till she was about five and a half months.
02:12So for five and a half months, for five months, you spent a lot of time with the baby?
02:19And then there came a time when you were called into court for child support.
02:24No, that's not true.
02:25What happened?
02:26I initiated court proceedings against her because she would not give me any access to the child whatsoever.
02:32Well, what happened that stopped this free flow of visitation that you had?
02:38We just, we began having problems arguing over money and things because she didn't think that I was trying hard enough to look for work.
02:45So you were arguing over something?
02:49Did there come a time when you told him that he wasn't to see the baby anymore?
02:53Yes, he was harassing me at work.
02:55He kept calling me.
02:56I told him not to call me in case of an emergency.
02:58He called me anyway over and over again.
03:00Well, what did he call you about?
03:02What are you doing?
03:03I'm at work.
03:04I'm working, you know?
03:07And I said, you know, just please call me, you know, if there's an emergency.
03:10And he would call me just any time.
03:12Well, what did that have to do with the baby?
03:14He, and then he, um, would go over to the babysitter's house.
03:18You know, she asked him to call first.
03:20He wouldn't call first.
03:21He just started showing up over there.
03:23It's just, um, he, it's just a bunch of things that just came down to it.
03:28I don't...
03:29So you told him that he couldn't see the baby anymore.
03:32Is that right?
03:35So you went to court.
03:37Yes, I did.
03:38And when you went to court, you had a blood test.
03:40Yes, and they excluded me.
03:41And the blood test said that you could not possibly be the biological father of this child.
03:46That's correct.
03:47And then what happened, sir?
03:49Because that's not the only thing that you're suing her for, the fact that she misled you.
03:55I got served papers at my aunt's house in March, on March 20th, and I received the papers by April.
04:03And that was the state calling you into court for child support.
04:07Yes, correct.
04:09Because you had listed his name as the father.
04:12And the welfare department, they have you put down...
04:14No, no, listen to me. Just answer my question.
04:17You had listed his name as the father.
04:19And the other guy also.
04:21They have you put down whoever the father could be on a child support paper,
04:27and so, you know, you put down both of them, and they go from there.
