• yesterday


00:00The girl grew up in a town that was said to have nothing.
00:10The wind of Ootsuku blows through the port town of Gokkan.
00:20Eventually, they met a dream that would cost their lives.
00:25Will they be able to make it?
00:29Will they make it with this one shot?
00:33No.1 is Japan!
00:36In a town that was said to have nothing, the one who gave the girl a dream was...
00:52...the grandfather with a smile that was as bright as the sun.
01:37Venus at the corner of the town
01:42Where did everyone go?
01:46Without being watched
01:52No one remembers the stars on the ground
01:57People are just looking at the sky
02:02Wake up, from the red sky
02:07Tell me, the stars on the ground
02:12Pick them up, the stars on the ground
02:17Where are they now?
02:25The waves are high.
02:27The waves are high.
02:30We are in Tokoro town, Hokkaido, Ootsuku.
02:35The wind is cold.
02:38It feels like it's going to prick my cheek.
02:41Look at this.
02:43A lump of ice.
02:45The river water that flows nearby flows into Ootsuku.
02:50It is said to be a winter treasure.
02:57Today, I will tell you the story of the people who created smiles and enthusiasm in this rugged land.
03:08300 kilometers from Sapporo to the northeast.
03:13In Tokoro town, where you want to go to Shiretoko Renzan,
03:18the exquisite scallops and oysters go up.
03:28In winter, it is closed to the sunset.
03:32In this town, a strange man was running a liquor store.
03:42Oguri Yuji.
03:45He has a calm smile, but he gets caught up in everything.
03:50He started shooting wild birds as a hobby,
03:55but his family was busy looking for him all the time.
04:05He was particularly interested in bowling,
04:09and even studied how to apply oil to the lane.
04:14However, the bowling alley that Oguri loves is closed due to the bad weather.
04:23How rusty is the town?
04:28In 1980, there was a radio news.
04:33It was said that Oguri Yuji, who was running a liquor store,
04:38was running a bowling alley in Hokkaido.
04:48He ran to a town 160 kilometers away,
04:53and saw a strange event.
04:58It was a bowling alley in Hokkaido.
05:03He threw a stone called a stone on the ice,
05:08and competed to see who would be in the middle.
05:17Later, Oguri talked about
05:22the most important thing in his life.
05:26That's what I've been doing since I met curling.
05:33Soon, in the middle of the night in midwinter,
05:37I saw Oguri in the water at the parking lot.
05:42It was the first time in my life that I saw Oguri.
05:47It was the first time in my life that I saw Oguri.
05:52He saw Oguri in the water at the parking lot.
05:59He was determined to make a curling rink by hand.
06:07Ryoji Kaneda helped Oguri to make a rink.
06:15It was hard to make a rink.
06:19I couldn't sleep at night.
06:22I drank a lot of alcohol.
06:26Did you drink a lot?
06:29Yes, I drank a lot.
06:32I drank a lot of alcohol in one day.
06:37He was serious from the beginning.
06:45He didn't hold back.
06:48Kaneda's wife, Etsuko, was also involved with Oguri.
06:57One day, Oguri, who had a radical personality,
07:03invited her to the rink.
07:08Kan-san, Kan-san, wait a minute, wait a minute.
07:12I was a little bit, but I was a little bit.
07:16I was a little bit, but I was a little bit.
07:24Anyway, listen to this power.
07:34But you can't tell what kind of competition it is with this sound.
07:42This is a curling rink.
07:46So, Kan-san, why don't you try it?
07:50But when I heard that, I thought, is that so?
07:56I thought Oguri was weird.
08:00But that was the first opportunity.
08:04The important stone was made by Suzuki Katsumi,
08:10who runs a steel mill.
08:14He welded the handle.
08:17He welded the handle.
08:32It doesn't matter if it's not aligned.
08:36It became a stone with a gas bomb and a destroyer.
08:40It became a stone with a gas bomb and a destroyer.
08:46Now, the actual game.
08:51When he started imitating Miyo, his voice rose.
08:57It's funny.
09:03Kaneta was a ballerina.
09:07His heart was pounding.
09:11Even if you're as bad as us, you can win.
09:15I think that was fun. I think it's addictive.
09:22He made a toast to Kaneta.
09:26Ryoji Onodera, a farmer, was the one who started the practice.
09:31I was disappointed.
09:35I thought it was a lie.
09:39That's why I thought I had to practice.
09:43I should have been an old lady.
09:49Of course, Oguri's enthusiasm to learn the form was different.
09:55Ryoji Onodera, a farmer, was the one who started the practice.
10:00He said he was going to hold a serious competition.
10:07Kaneta was the one who was taken with him.
10:15I went to NHK and asked them to sign me up.
10:19I told Oguri to sign me up.
10:22I told Oguri to sign me up.
10:26I told him to sign me up for NHK.
10:30I told him to sign me up for NHK.
10:34He didn't care about other people.
10:38When he started, he was serious about it.
10:45He was the best.
10:49A year later, the NHK Cup curling championship was held.
10:5815 teams competed.
11:06The scene of a large adult being enthusiastic about an unfamiliar competition was featured on TV.
11:19Look at this.
11:21Before I knew it, the iron was curling.
11:25What do you think of this iron?
11:29And this excitement led to an unexpected situation.
11:38A Canadian magazine featured Oguri.
11:43They decided to hold a press conference.
11:49The press conference
11:55One person was in charge of the press conference.
11:59His name was Hitoshi Matsudaira.
12:06But he didn't have a plane ticket.
12:11He couldn't go to Canada.
12:14I got a ticket for a car.
12:18I got a car insurance.
12:21I went to Canada with that insurance.
12:24I didn't have the internet.
12:27I could only read about it in magazines.
12:30I wanted to see what real curling was like.
12:36What caught his eye in Canada was a smile.
12:45A small country town like Tokoro.
12:50But the children were proud that it was the most fun town in the world.
13:00It was completely different.
13:02In the afternoon, the elderly would play.
13:07The children would play.
13:10At night, there was a bar where you could eat.
13:13The wives and children would watch the games.
13:19I was envious. I thought it would be like that.
13:25You can't get used to that kind of town.
13:28But in Tokoro, the railway was shut down.
13:34In the 1990s, two elementary schools were closed.
13:44Then, the news of water came to the fore.
13:49Curling was the official sport of the Olympics.
13:57The city's athletes were going to perform.
14:02Suddenly, they were going to perform in the sunny stage.
14:06That's what happened.
14:16It was an Olympic that he never dreamed of.
14:20I want to hide it.
14:25How is it?
14:29Will it stop? Will it stop? It came out!
14:32The difference in power was obvious.
14:36The whole town was watching.
14:41At that time, Oguri made a declaration.
14:47Our town aims for the medal.
14:51There was no one to believe.
14:55It's quiet. It's 8 o'clock at night.
15:11It's time to use a lot of coats.
15:17The curling team of the town is here.
15:22The curling team of the town is here.
15:27From elementary school students to the 70s.
15:38This is the stone that Oguri made in the early days.
15:44There are various things.
15:47This is a beer aluminum can.
15:52This is a propane gas tank.
15:57It says LP gas.
16:00When I look at the handmade stone,
16:04I can see that the history of curling has begun.
16:12After the Nagano Olympics,
16:14a man who observes the school's physical education with binoculars appears.
16:27He spoke to a girl who was good at sports.
16:33Let's do curling in earnest.
16:36After Oguri and Raran Matsudaira,
16:41curling was incorporated into the physical education.
16:47There must be someone among them.
16:56He learned the form from a Canadian athlete.
17:00He learned the form from a Canadian athlete.
17:06Oguri was burdened with the amount of tools and links.
17:16And one day, Oguri was fascinated by the movement of a girl.
17:25Mari Motohashi.
17:28She started playing on the court when she was a child.
17:32She was in the 6th grade of elementary school.
17:37She came to my house.
17:40She came to my house to ask me if I could teach her curling.
17:46She came to my house to ask me if I could teach her curling.
17:50Oguri took the shoes she couldn't wear from her seniors.
17:56She made a little girl wear them.
18:00She brought white and black curling shoes that looked like pandas.
18:07Motohashi formed a group of friends called Maririns
18:11and joined the adults' league.
18:20Oguri didn't miss the talent of little children.
18:29Yumi Suzuki, a member of the team called Robins,
18:35was in the 2nd grade of elementary school.
18:42Komanechi, a member of the team, won a gold medal at the age of 14.
18:47Robins, a member of the team, won a gold medal at the age of 15.
18:52He was encouraged by Oguri.
18:58Michiko Suzuki, a member of the team, was inspired by Oguri.
19:07I thought it would never come true.
19:11I thought it would never come true.
19:17But I didn't think it would come true.
19:24Rather than curling,
19:28I wanted to hang out with my friends after school.
19:32I think that was the most important thing.
19:39Oguri was particular about the basics.
19:44If you have a stable form,
19:48you can compete with the world.
19:55Can you get the center of the stone where you want it?
19:59Can you beat a 6th grader?
20:05For one season, Oguri didn't let me hold the stone.
20:12But he let me hold the brush and pulled me around.
20:16It was fun.
20:19He was very enthusiastic.
20:22I thought he would watch me if I tried hard.
20:26At 12 or 15 years old,
20:31adults are very serious.
20:37Until then,
20:40children who were not blessed with a place to play or a lesson
20:46shined their eyes.
20:50Adults showed their skills in a serious competition.
21:04Motodachi raised his arms and pulled from the adult team.
21:12He was a cute boy.
21:15He was a cute boy.
21:18I wonder if someone got sick.
21:21I asked him if he would come out.
21:24Mr. Kaneda.
21:26Yes, Mr. Kaneda.
21:28Mr. Kaneda's team is called Winter Queen.
21:31When I started as a junior,
21:35Mr. Kaneda and I were competing in the league.
21:40We were from different generations.
21:42He was like a mother who took care of us from head to toe.
21:49Motodachi was 15 years old
21:52and was about to compete in the World Junior Championships.
22:00However, what awaited Motodachi
22:04was the reality of a town with nothing.
22:08From high school,
22:11there was no way to continue competing seriously.
22:17There were few jobs,
22:20and the day would come when he would leave the town.
22:24Motodachi was prepared for his childhood.
22:31By the way, I want to continue curling.
22:34I want to continue curling.
22:38Matsudaira, a child like that,
22:41realized this with complicated feelings.
22:46I know that I can't eat if I do curling.
22:51But if I think about the future,
22:54I want to go to a good university
22:57and work for a good company.
23:00That's what I taught him.
23:03However, Motodachi was determined.
23:09He left the town and continued curling.
23:15With the support of the local government and companies,
23:20he continued competing with his high school seniors.
23:27In 2006,
23:28the town of Tokoro was at the turn of the century.
23:34The population decreased to about one-third at the peak,
23:39and the merger with Kitami City was decided.
23:43The town of Kawariyama, the hometown of Tokoro,
23:47is proud of its long history.
23:50I will quietly close the curtain.
23:53In this town, dreams do not come true.
23:58Hope was not visible.
24:06We have guests from Tokoro.
24:09They are Hitoshi Matsudaira and Etsuko Kaneta.
24:12Nice to meet you.
24:15Mr. Oguri, Mr. Matsudaira, and Ms. Kaneta,
24:18you all raised your children seriously.
24:23It's a pity that your children are leaving.
24:26I was lonely.
24:28I went to Aomori because I didn't have a job.
24:32I was very disappointed.
24:36Everyone is doing their best.
24:39I want to continue,
24:43but I have to go to university and work.
24:46I couldn't tell my children to do their best.
24:52It's complicated.
24:56How did you two hear about the medals from this town?
25:01We didn't even think about it.
25:04It's difficult.
25:06How did you start training your children?
25:11I went to an elementary and junior high school sports meet.
25:15I went to the house of the boy with the star.
25:18He said,
25:20your daughter will live for 10 years,
25:23or 100 years.
25:25He is an old man, isn't he?
25:27It's suspicious.
25:29It's a small town.
25:31When Mari first came here,
25:35she wore old shoes.
25:37I taught her how to wear them.
25:41I taught her how to wear them.
25:43I still remember how she wore them.
25:47It's nostalgic.
25:49Why did you put so much energy and enthusiasm
25:54into teaching your children?
25:58We were dreaming together.
26:00It's not a commitment.
26:02It's more like
26:05I'm sharing my dream with my children.
26:09It's more like I'm sharing my dream with my children.
26:12It's not a commitment.
26:14I see.
26:16The wind is blowing in the opposite direction.
26:21However, Oguri's passion for curling
26:25was passionate even at the age of 80.
26:30It's pretty good.
26:35The boy who left the town
26:40I just need to find something
26:43that will make my heart beat again.
26:47He is angry.
26:51Motohashi was suffering.
26:55He went to Vancouver, Torino,
26:59and the Olympic Games twice.
27:02But his goal was far away.
27:11What is his goal
27:14and why does he continue curling?
27:25Motohashi was overwhelmed
27:28by the strength of the Queen of Sweden.
27:33She was supported by her hometown and her family.
27:37She felt a sense of stability.
27:45But it didn't come true.
27:48At that moment,
27:50she suddenly realized
27:51that she couldn't make it.
27:56She had a dream in a town
27:59where there was nothing
28:01because of the Queen.
28:07The environment is made by someone.
28:11She wanted to make her own way
28:14to the top of curling
28:17in her hometown.
28:29Motohashi came back to the town.
28:34She didn't invite anyone,
28:36and she was alone.
28:40I didn't have a chance
28:43to succeed in this challenge.
28:46I thought if I failed,
28:48my hometown would be better.
28:49So I came back.
28:54Oguri was worried
28:56when she heard that Motohashi came back.
29:02I didn't tell him
29:04that I was looking forward to the next Olympics.
29:07He was just worried about my life.
29:15Motohashi called
29:17Yumi Suzuki
29:19and Yurika Yoshida,
29:21Oguri's students.
29:26She wanted to continue curling,
29:29but she couldn't see the way
29:32because she had to go to college.
29:37She couldn't support them.
29:45One day,
29:47she got a call from Kitami Hospital.
29:53She was asked
29:55why she came back to the town.
30:02She wanted to build a top team
30:05to compete with the world.
30:09She wanted to be a choice
30:12for her juniors.
30:18Jun Kokubu
30:20was eager to be a sponsor.
30:23He even called his friends.
30:29He said,
30:31I don't have any money.
30:33He said,
30:35I don't have any money.
30:37He said,
30:39I don't have any money.
30:41He said,
30:43I don't have any money.
30:44He said,
30:46I don't have any money.
30:50cheers up the town.
30:53He wanted to build a team
30:56that would support everyone.
31:05Kitami Hospital and its employees
31:09work hard to hire athletes
31:11to build a team
31:13that can compete
31:15for four years.
31:34The name of the team
31:43means the sun of the place.
31:53At the town's rink,
31:55the athletes who competed in the Olympics
31:59and trained for more than 30 years
32:02in the local leagues
32:04have always been our opponents.
32:09Ryoji Onodera
32:12The coach
32:14was Ryoji Onodera,
32:16a farmer who played
32:19for a strong team in the town.
32:26I feel very comfortable
32:28coming back to my hometown
32:30to train.
32:32I don't feel special.
32:34Even if I play in a big tournament in my hometown,
32:36people cheer for me.
32:41I don't feel special.
32:43That's what makes me special.
32:48The smiles on Kaneda and Fusai's faces
32:51gave them a sense of stability.
32:58I thought,
33:00they must be hungry.
33:02I thought,
33:04I'll feed them.
33:06I thought,
33:08I'll help them.
33:10I didn't think of anything else.
33:12If I didn't do that,
33:14I wouldn't feel at ease.
33:16That's what a local town is like.
33:25the year before the Pyeongchang Olympics,
33:31an unexpected news came in.
33:40They were worried,
33:42so they stayed in the hospital.
33:47The whole team went to the hospital.
33:53But Oguri
33:55left 20 minutes ago.
33:58He said,
34:00he might still be able to hear.
34:05The five of them said,
34:08we'll win a medal at the Olympics.
34:15It was Oguri's dream.
34:29The sun has risen on the stage
34:32where the moon is shining.
34:37The Olympic Games in Rokosola
34:41were a success.
34:43I got it!
34:45One, two, three.
34:47Nice, nice, nice!
34:53the three-way final.
34:59His opponent was the British.
35:05The British showed a good shot.
35:16The locals gathered at Tokorocho
35:20and watched the game.
35:24I was so nervous.
35:25I was so nervous.
35:27I thought I was going to lose.
35:30To be honest, I didn't think so.
35:34He led by one point
35:36and finally made it.
35:38The final end.
35:43Japan was in a disadvantageous lead.
35:47Go, go, go!
35:49Go, go, go!
35:51Go, go, go, go, go!
35:53It was a sharp turn.
35:55Go, go, go!
35:57Nice sweep!
35:59He was about to hide.
36:01Nice sweep!
36:03Thank you, nice sweep!
36:05Japan's 10th and final end.
36:08Go, go, go!
36:10Go, go, go!
36:12Go, go, go!
36:13Go, go, go!
36:17Fujisawa's last shot
36:26The closest to the center
36:29was the red British.
36:31One more thing.
36:33If the British put a stone in the middle,
36:37the game would be reversed.
36:44The first shot of fate.
36:54With this first shot,
36:57will he make it?
36:59The number one is
37:02The number one is
37:13Japan's carding
37:18grabbed the medal.
37:23The bronze medal of his dream.
37:26Oguri saw it
37:29in the front row
37:30and watched it
37:32in silence.
37:41After the game,
37:46the team members
37:48went to their hometown,
37:55Everyone was nervous.
37:57The person they wanted to show was decided.
38:00Everyone said
38:02the final destination was Tokoro no Rinku.
38:05Why did you cry?
38:07I was happy.
38:09When I was little,
38:11there was nothing in this town.
38:13Even if I was in this town,
38:15I thought my dream would never come true.
38:18But now,
38:20I think it would have come true
38:22if I hadn't heard it.
38:24The children who came here today
38:27have important friends
38:28and loved ones.
38:30If I had a dream I wanted to make come true,
38:33I think I could make it
38:35in this town.
38:38Forty years ago,
38:40a strange event
38:44and brought
38:46a smile
38:48to the town of Gokkan.
39:09Do you remember
39:11how you felt
39:13when you won the medal?
39:15I wanted to see it
39:17at home alone
39:19while experiencing many things.
39:21What did you want to feel?
39:26it wasn't just Mr. Oguri.
39:28Since I started curling,
39:30many people in my town
39:32have helped me.
39:34The actors worked hard
39:36to make money for me.
39:38The coaches worked hard
39:40to get a coach's license.
39:42I went to Canada
39:44to get an ice maintenance license.
39:46I wanted to experience
39:48the feelings I had
39:50for decades
39:52until I won the Olympic medal.
39:53I think that's how I felt.
39:55I see.
39:57That's the kind of people
39:59you raised.
40:01I heard that
40:03you couldn't make your dreams come true
40:05if you weren't in this town.
40:07That's a good thing to say.
40:09That's a good thing to say.
40:11That's a good thing to say.
40:13That's a good thing to say.
40:15My mother
40:17was a curling coach.
40:19After school,
40:21she came to the curling school
40:23to play.
40:25She played at the curling school
40:27to play.
40:29That's how I grew up.
40:31I think
40:33it's everyone's hope.
40:35It's everyone's hope.
40:39the players who left
40:43are active again.
40:45That's right.
40:47The Japanese team, Fortius.
40:49It's hard to cheer for them.
40:51That's right.
40:53It's hard to cheer for them.
40:55It's hard to cheer for them.
40:57It's hard to cheer for them.
40:59It's hard to cheer for them.
41:01It's hard to cheer for them.
41:05Looking back
41:0740 years,
41:09what does curling mean
41:11to Tokorocho?
41:13It's fun.
41:16It's fun.
41:18Everyone had fun
41:20during those 40 years.
41:21During those 40 years,
41:23it was fun to play
41:25like Mr. Oguri
41:27taught his juniors.
41:29It was fun to make ice.
41:31It was fun to teach.
41:33Everyone had fun,
41:35so I think it continued.
41:37I happened to
41:39have fun
41:41and lived happily
41:43in a small house
41:45in a small town.
41:47We talked
41:49about curling
41:51and saw pictures
41:53and talked about it.
41:55I have friends
41:57I can talk to.
41:59I'm glad I came to Tokorocho.
42:01Curling is good.
42:03It makes people
42:05get along with each other.
42:07That's what I think.
42:12This image
42:17At the new curling hall,
42:21was asked
42:23to do a ritual.
42:26His body was weak
42:28and he was in a wheelchair.
42:33But he continued
42:35his training
42:37for this day.
42:40The most important thing
42:42in life
42:44is to have
42:46a strong heart.
42:52The weight
42:54of the 20kg stone
42:56was thrown
42:58with all his strength
43:00and the juniors
43:10I'm doing my best.
43:12Even if it's just
43:14one ritual,
43:16I'm doing my best.
43:21The town he grew up in
43:23was the moon.
43:28It was said
43:30that there was nothing
43:32in the town.
43:34The one who gave the girl
43:36a dream
43:38was a man
43:40who was sick.
43:44His dream
43:46came true.
43:52It's a good dream.
43:55In Tokorocho,
43:57even in winter,
44:01learn curling
44:03from the adults in the town.
44:10are passed on
44:12to the next generation.
44:22To be continued...
44:38To be continued...
44:42Next time on New Project X
44:45The story behind the challengers
44:48I don't want to make that mistake again.
