• 2 days ago
Paradise (2025) S01 E07


00:00Now, we cannot divulge specifics, but what we can tell you is that we are preparing for
00:06a massive catastrophe that could cause an extinction level event for humanity in the
00:11very near, very real future.
00:14Listen, I know this all sounds pretty far-fetched, but you know when it won't seem far-fetched?
00:23In less than a decade, when a tsunami plunges the entire eastern seaboard of the United
00:28States underwater.
00:29Marsha, you want to come in here?
00:31Xavier's going to take me on a little walk.
00:34The minute Versailles is called, you record the speech.
00:36We'll escort it down.
00:37Wait for confirmation of the safest route to Joint Base Andrews, then we're out.
00:41Collins, I think it's time you put your foot down with your wife.
00:45Trips to Atlanta are not as risk-free as they used to be.
00:49My wife hasn't listened to me for 20 years, sir.
00:52I guess we'll just have to go pick her up from there.
00:56Don't go.
00:57I love you, baby.
01:02See you in 10 days.
01:07Your wife is alive out there, Xavier.
01:10And if you stop all this nonsense, I can help you find her.
01:27...is hoped to be the final act of the nearly two-week-long drama that is the Cuban Missile
01:33Today, Ambassador Adlai Stevenson addressed the United Nations Security Council.
01:37This resolution calls as an interim measure under Article 40 of the Charter for the immediate
01:44dismantling and withdrawal from Cuba of all missile and other offensive weapons.
01:50Leaders around the world rejoiced as a peaceful solution to...
01:57I didn't know you'd come home.
02:02We got intelligence an hour ago.
02:04The Soviet sub that was loaded with nukes was out of contact with Moscow.
02:09The one that turned around?
02:11Apparently its last orders were to launch all missiles if cornered.
02:16The captain made the decision not to on his own.
02:28It's going to happen again, Miriam.
02:32It's goddamn inevitable.
02:40What if the wrong person's at the controls next time?
02:44What if the wrong person decides not to turn around?
02:49You're tired.
02:52Come to bed.
02:57You can't save the world tonight.
03:28You can't save the world tonight.
03:33You can't save the world tonight.
03:55Didn't you hear what I said?
03:58Your wife is alive.
04:00I'm not playing your games.
04:02Everything was destroyed.
04:04It's a nuclear winner out there.
04:06Which is exactly what we thought, initially.
04:09The expedition, the four that didn't return.
04:14They didn't die because of the environment.
04:16They died because they were bringing a survivor back to the bunker.
04:20Which I ordered them not to do, by the way.
04:24And it was going to open a whole can of worms, and so I had to take care of them.
04:29My God, could I sound any more like a bomb villain?
04:33I swear I'm not a monster.
04:35Interesting how people who swear they aren't monsters usually are.
04:46The expedition set up shortwave transmitters so that we could communicate while they were outside.
04:52Transmitters are still active, and I've been listening.
04:57This is Cameron Middleton of Saintsville, Ohio.
04:59If Carla or Joseph Middleton are listening, please tell them I'm headed for the Colorado Bunker complex.
05:05Looking for safe passages to Colorado.
05:08All string charges have been irradiated.
05:11Forming a community south of Paso Robles.
05:14If you're listening, several members plan to set up camp there.
05:18People are alive.
05:22And they're looking for us, and I believe your wife is one of them.
05:27Don't. Don't you fucking dare.
05:30She was in Atlanta. It was a direct hit. It was unsurvivable.
05:35The president did something that day, Agent Collins. Something you don't know about.
05:39Not true. I was with him. I was with him that whole fucking horrible day.
05:43You don't know everything that happened.
05:45I was there!
05:48I was there.
05:51This is our continuing coverage of the situation that started in Antarctica
05:55and is causing unprecedented destruction and chaos around the globe.
05:59Here's what we do know right now.
06:01Just over three hours ago, what scientists are calling a massive mega caldera or super volcano
06:08erupted under the Antarctic ice sheet, expelling millions of tons of ash into the atmosphere.
06:15The force of the explosion shattered large portions of the ice shelf,
06:19instantly melting trillions of gallons of water and triggering a tsunami
06:24that is hurtling northward at nearly 600 miles an hour.
06:29Most disturbingly, some reports indicate the wave may be as high as 300 feet.
06:35In an unprecedented move, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
06:41has put all coastal areas of the United States on a tsunami watch
06:45with estimated landfall at Key West in two hours and the nation's capital in five.
06:56Xavier, did you hear that? Do you see in five hours?
07:03Are you guys here because of this?
07:05Why are you two stationed outside the cabinet room door?
07:07Don't ask me ma'am. This is my third day here.
07:11Is this not normal, sir?
07:13I'm not sure. We're just doing what we're told. I have no additional information.
07:16That's Melbourne.
07:19Nancy Salmon lives there.
07:21Ashbridge Preparatory.
07:23Can you give me 20 seconds?
07:24Hi Denise, this is Xavier Collins again. I'm just calling to reiterate how...
07:28No, I know, I know. But how important it is that James and Presley stay near Jeremy Bradford.
07:33You told me this before.
07:34I know. I'm sorry. But someone will be coming to get them.
07:39No, actually, if you could just give them their phone so I could talk. Calls keep dropping.
07:41Goodbye, Mr. Collins.
07:47Xavier, talk to me. What do you know?
07:49The cabinet gathered like there's some kind of plan in motion and I heard the word Versailles.
07:54Marsha, I swear I would tell you.
07:56I mean, do I need to pick Edward up from daycare? He's got health issues.
08:01Talk to him.
08:03The President, I have been with him since his Senate campaign. Edward can't be left alone.
08:07I will talk to him. I will tell you everything that I find out.
08:10VP, come this way.
08:17Sir, Mr. Vice President, I need a moment with the President.
08:23Rush has gone dark. Completely dark.
08:25Thank you, Henry. We know.
08:27Why don't you have a seat? Take a breather.
08:30Maybe a Valium. Joint Chiefs were just walking us through it.
08:34General Kirtley?
08:36Yes, sir. As the Vice President noted, Russia isn't picking up the red line.
08:41We're still trying to confirm if the Soboru Group coup d'etat was successful.
08:45Indications are that it was.
08:47CIA can confirm that.
08:50We also have confirmations of troop mobilization to the Chinese border,
08:53along the Argonne and Amur rivers and western Mongolia.
08:56It feels like they're setting up for a land grab, sir.
09:00We don't know all the players, except for the Soboru Group leader.
09:02Chirkin. Unpredictable. Ruthless.
09:04Which I was about to say.
09:07It is the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that we move to DEFCON 3.
09:11This will set the Air Force readiness envelope to 15 minutes.
09:15Christ. Okay, anything else?
09:17The UN Security Council is convening in two hours.
09:20NATO countries have been reaching out.
09:22Two hours? We lose Florida in two hours!
09:25I've said that before, but it was about the Electoral College.
09:31I mean, how bad is it?
09:33I want to know. I mean, I know it's bad, but honestly, is this it?
09:36Is it?
09:38Half the world leaders we're talking to say it's the end of the world, the others don't.
09:41The Tories in England say the volcano's too far away for them to be affected by it,
09:44and they live on a fucking island.
09:46It will most certainly affect them, sir.
09:48This appears to be it, Mr. President.
09:50It's what we've been preparing for.
09:52What about Australia? Anyone on the horn with Melbourne? I can't get anything.
09:57Melbourne is gone.
09:59Sorry, Henry.
10:01Nancy's entire family?
10:03As is Sydney.
10:05All coastal cities.
10:07New Zealand, gone.
10:09Argentina, apart from the mountain regions, effectively gone.
10:11Chile, South Africa.
10:13Need I go on?
10:15We need to make the call.
10:17Hey, where are my nerds?
10:19Scientists, come on, step two.
10:21You said we'd have a warning!
10:24Days or weeks if this was the real thing.
10:26What the fuck happened?
10:28Mr. President, we thought we'd have warning,
10:30but this happened faster than the worst-case scenario in all of our modeling.
10:33That's a bunch of bullshit. Come on.
10:35We calculated that there'd be ten days from first seismic activity to eruption,
10:38but we had minutes.
10:42We are not making the wrong call here.
10:49Move us to DEFCON 3.
10:52Round the horn. Go or no go for Versailles.
10:54Joint chiefs? Go.
10:56Homeland security? Go.
10:58Jesus Christ, we know our fucking titles. Just give me your answers.
11:00Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
11:02Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
11:04Go. Go.
11:11I'm calling Versailles.
11:13So right now a large wave is approaching Indonesia.
11:18Soon it'll head to the southern coast of India.
11:20of India. So, Dr. Lewis, run it up, but this will stop.
11:25When it's done, after rolling up to the North Pole and echoing back to Antarctica maybe a dozen more times,
11:32anything under 300 feet above sea level will be inundated.
11:36You're not thinking about this correctly. It's not a wave.
11:40The Antarctic ice sheet...
11:42Marcia, my family's going to be calling. Make sure you put them through.
11:46Sir, can I have a minute?
11:47It's a go for Versailles.
11:51Ryan, on me.
11:53So, when it's done, that's when it'll end.
12:08Are they taking down paintings?
12:10Boss, what the hell is Versailles? Is there anything I need to do?
12:13Your job is briefed. I'm on Wildcat, you're on me.
12:16Mr. President...
12:17Better get this tie off. I mean, it's too fucking cheerful.
12:20You know, I once read that neckties gave back to Serbian mercenaries in the 1600s or some shit.
12:32Okay, let's go blue. It's a little more calming.
12:40All right, Steps, what's next? Walk me through it.
12:44You record the speech. We move down to Piak.
12:47And when it's time, board Marine One to Joint Base Andrews.
12:50After that, I don't know.
12:51Are we going somewhere?
12:52Sir, if I may, I just need a word.
13:01Rebecca, Jakarta right now where the wave is due to hit at any moment, is that correct?
13:07That is correct, Bob.
13:09Sea is the waterline, which is just beyond the city lights.
13:12Has receded well over three miles out to sea.
13:16It's a safe place for you to be?
13:17We're on top of a 20-story building on the north shore of the island, so we should...
13:24Are you okay?
13:26I don't know if you can hear that.
13:28We just got hit with a massive, high-pressure sand wave that has been preceding the tsunami
13:34and wreaking havoc with air traffic throughout the southern hemisphere.
13:40It's quite painful.
13:49What's going on?
13:51What is that?
13:53Oh, my God! Get away from the edge!
13:55Get away from the edge!
13:56Get away from the edge!
14:01Did we just... Did we just lose her?
14:03Oh, my God.
14:04We lost Rebecca.
14:07Get back to her.
14:11What's happened?
14:12Daddy, what's going on?
14:13They're moving a few of us to another room.
14:15I think the president's kid...
14:16Good. Is James with you?
14:18Good. He is not to leave your sight. Do you understand me? This is not a game.
14:22You do not let go of his hand, and you do not lose sight of Jeremy Bradford. Promise me.
14:25I promise.
14:26Where's Mom?
14:28I'm working on that.
14:29Daddy, people are freaking out.
14:31Miss Johnson fell in the stairs, and I don't think she's okay.
14:33Hey, listen to me.
14:34There's a plan.
14:35You're gonna be fine.
14:36They're gonna take you to an airport, and I'll see you there.
14:38So we're Mom, okay?
14:42A plan?
14:44What airport? What do you know?
14:45Have you talked to Cal?
14:46A little.
14:47More soon, okay?
14:52Head in the game, man.
14:54Guard the door.
15:03I mean, isn't this a little optimistic?
15:05It's important to keep the calm.
15:06This reads like we're prepping people for a goddamn snowstorm.
15:09When does this go out?
15:10Recording won't air until after we evacuate to Andrews.
15:12I'll lead the press corps to believe it's broadcasting live when we play it back.
15:16Yeah, I don't know, guys.
15:17It's important we keep to the plan. Keep people calm.
15:22Lose the strength and resilience, repeat to the end.
15:24That pays off the whole structure.
15:25Riley, really? Today?
15:29Okay. Come on.
15:30Come on.
15:32Did you see that fucking wave?
15:35My family.
15:36About to load up to Andrews as we speak.
15:38Yeah, okay.
15:43I'd like the room, please.
15:45Sir, we're on a timetable.
15:47I'll be ready to record in two.
15:49All right, folks, that's a real two minutes.
15:56We're going to remain calm.
15:57Top priority at this time is ship hug safety.
15:59That's why I'm calling all command agents.
16:01Record it.
16:02That's for bullshit.
16:09Shoes off, please.
16:12That's the first thing I ever said to you.
16:13When we met.
16:15Right here in this office.
16:16And you did it.
16:18It was so cute.
16:29It's like a reenactment of that day.
16:31Sir, Terry is still in Atlanta.
16:35They had her on the first flight out.
16:37But the FAA grounded everything,
16:38which I just found out because their cell phone towers are overrun.
16:42Calls are dropping, not getting through.
16:44So I didn't know for, like, the last ten minutes.
16:46Xavier, calm down.
16:47And now she's stuck there.
16:49And you said that you were going to get her a plane.
16:51Agent Collins, calm down.
16:54Where are your kids?
16:55At school.
16:56I think with your son.
16:57Okay, then they're right where they need to be.
16:59They're going to get picked up with the other Versailles kids.
17:01You're going to see them on the plane, okay?
17:03And Terry?
17:07All right, let's get this done.
17:13Just like magic.
17:16Talk to General Kirtley.
17:17He'll get her here.
17:18Thank you, sir.
17:28Oh, shit.
17:32Hi, this is Dr. Terry Brooks.
17:34And that's smoke in the air, for sure.
17:36We're working on it.
17:37We need confirmation now.
17:39General Kirtley, sir.
17:40A little busy.
17:41The president said I should talk to you.
17:46Make it fast.
17:47My wife was on a plane that was grounded.
17:48The president said that you could get her here.
17:50And I'm certainly hoping...
17:51Facts only.
17:53Atlanta Airport.
17:55You know that was for Versailles?
17:56Yes, sir.
17:57Dobbins ARB.
17:59Go with him?
18:00Yes, sir. Thank you.
18:01She needs to get to Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
18:03It's 25 miles from Hartsfield-Jackson.
18:05Does she have a car?
18:06I don't know.
18:07Her name?
18:08Terry Rogers Collins.
18:10She'll have gate clearance.
18:12Last transport is wheels up, 1 hour 15.
18:14Get her there.
18:15Thank you, sir.
18:21That was too long.
18:26Have Tompkins cover me at the oval door?
18:34What do you mean?
18:35You're on point.
18:36Kids on you.
18:37POTUS is recording.
18:38I'm back in five.
18:39And recording.
18:41My fellow Americans.
18:43As you are undoubtedly aware,
18:44a catastrophe has befallen the Southern Hemisphere.
18:47And while the images from that part of the world are unsettling,
18:50it's important we remain calm.
18:52Because a tsunami moves fast,
18:54but fear moves faster.
18:56This will be a challenging moment.
18:58We believe that the damage from the weather event will be extensive.
19:10This is crazy, man.
19:11Yeah, my sister got hit.
19:12Guys, here.
19:14Can you believe this shit, X?
19:15Why'd you pull up Tompkins?
19:16I need...
19:17Give me the fastest route to Dobbins Air Reserve Base
19:19from Hartsfield, Jackson.
19:21The roads are a wreck.
19:22It's for Terry.
19:23It's our only way out.
19:24On it.
19:40What you got?
19:41Tell her to take Route 6 to Route 5 to Marietta.
19:43Stay off all freeways.
19:44Should take 45 minutes.
19:45Good man.
19:46And send back Tompkins.
19:47She's coordinating the choppers.
19:49The United States has weathered many great challenges in the past
19:52and has always come through stronger.
19:54This will be no exception.
19:56When the dust clears from this tragic day,
19:58we will go forward.
20:00As Americans.
20:02As a beacon of strength
20:04in a sometimes dark world.
20:05As a beacon of strength
20:07in a sometimes dark world.
20:10And God bless you all.
20:16Get this shit off of me.
20:18All right, clear the room.
20:20Move it!
20:30Sir, we have confirmation of multiple interceptor clusters
20:33laddering down across the Russo-Chinese border.
20:35Guys, that was an English lead, Major.
20:38Russia and China exchanged fire,
20:40both air and ground, across multiple fronts.
20:43Intelligence also indicates both sides are prepping nuclear action.
20:46This is not unexpected.
20:47As briefed, governments will begin securing resources for...
20:50what comes next.
20:57The tide rises, the tide falls.
20:58Yes, sir.
21:00There have also been explosions at two airbases in Denmark,
21:02seemingly from inbound conventional missiles.
21:04From who?
21:05We don't know.
21:06But Denmark being NATO,
21:08if they invoke Article 5...
21:10We recommend moving to DEFCON 2, sir.
21:11And maybe speed up evac to Andrews.
21:18For two years,
21:19thanks to our compromised carbon emissions,
21:22so now volcanoes are man-made too.
21:25Rising global temperatures lessen the ice map over the Antarctic.
21:29We know from history,
21:31our actions allowed the cork to pop.
21:35So, yes, I would say we played a fucking role.
21:38All right, we can keep it clean.
21:40We don't need that kind of language.
21:42Oh, we don't need that kind of language, Bob?
21:44You're a hype for a real disaster to say fuck or shit or tits.
21:50You know, Mr. Markley,
21:51your oil company checks...
21:55Thank God I've been trying.
21:58Outside the airport, a bunch of us are walking.
22:00Listen to me.
22:01You need to get to Dobbins Air Reserve Base.
22:04Okay, but I don't have...
22:06Listen to me, listen to me.
22:07I sent you the map.
22:08You take Route 6 till it meets Route 5
22:09and take that to Marietta, right?
22:11No freeways.
22:12They'll have your name at the gate
22:13and they'll fly you here.
22:14You have just over an hour.
22:15It should be enough time.
22:16Repeat it back to me.
22:17Route 6 to Route 5 to Marietta.
22:19But, Xavier...
22:20Yeah, no.
22:21But no freeways.
22:22I don't have a car.
22:23Steal one.
22:24Xavier, how...
22:41What the fuck is going on?
22:42It's like the world's coming apart.
22:44Back to the door.
22:48Back to Garcia.
22:51I'm in trouble.
22:54I know the resident is helping you.
22:56And I don't care about myself.
22:57I need you to save Edward.
23:00My sister is dropping him off with his meds.
23:02Get him to safety.
23:06Promise me.
23:12It's gonna be okay.
23:20What happens then?
23:22I don't know.
23:24Why don't you ask a fucking dinosaur?
23:39Are we on, Bob?
23:40Is it just me here?
23:42No, we're on.
23:43We're gonna remain on
23:44as the decision really has been made
23:46by the brave women and men in this newsroom
23:49to continue our broadcast for...
23:51It's clear, Bob.
23:55Agent Xavier Collins?
23:56Yes, ma'am.
23:57Special Agent Robinson, in charge of EVAC.
23:59I'm Agent Ryan Noble. I'm...
24:00Agent Collins,
24:01after you've escorted the President to PEOC,
24:03the others will come down in shifts.
24:04You'll await my orders to move to Marine One.
24:09Agent Collins, am I boring you?
24:10No, ma'am.
24:11Escort Wildcat to PEOC,
24:12shift, await orders.
24:14Uh, and what about me?
24:16You'll stay here, guarding the door.
24:18Mr. President.
24:20This way.
24:27Give me a second.
24:30Sir, we need to move, now.
24:32Ryan, Rainey, perimeter.
24:37Get him.
24:39Mr. President, I need to get you...
24:40Excuse me.
24:43It's Jeffrey, right?
24:45Mr. President, you know my name?
24:47Everyone knows your name.
24:48You've been here for nine administrations.
24:51And that's what you're doing.
24:53Making my rounds as best I can.
24:55People have been leaving kind of a mess today.
24:57I guess they're all distracted.
25:00And you're not.
25:02It looks bad, but...
25:04when you get to be my age,
25:06you've kind of seen it all before.
25:09Been here for 9-11, war, pandemics.
25:13Things always go back to normal.
25:15Mr. President, I must insist.
25:20I think you should call your family.
25:23It's different this time.
25:26With all respect, sir, I've heard that before.
25:29I'm seeing them for my granddaughter's birthday tomorrow.
25:32I'll talk to them then.
25:43Thank you, sir.
25:52This is not right.
25:54This isn't right. We gotta go back to the Oval.
25:55That is not the plan, sir.
25:56I don't give a shit about the plan.
25:57I want you to put me on TV right now, live.
26:01Non-essentials, stay here!
26:02Right. Ready.
26:04Agent Janus, you, hold your positions.
26:06What do you plan to say, sir?
26:07To be honest,
26:09pre-recorded speech was horseshit.
26:10We are not airing it, you understand me?
26:12People deserve to know what's really happening.
26:14They need a chance to say goodbye.
26:16Okay, we gotta go.
26:19Equipment still up?
26:20Yes, but please don't do this, sir.
26:22We need to...
26:23We need to stick to the plan.
26:24We need to keep the calm.
26:25Listen, sir, towels!
26:27Get your fucking hands off me and put me on TV right now.
26:31Erica, alert the networks.
26:34Mr. President,
26:35you do not leave that room until I get back.
26:37Is that understood?
26:39Sir, make sure all interior side doors to the Oval are locked.
26:46Weapon's ready.
26:47You're cleared hot.
26:51Things might escalate.
26:55Stay calm.
26:56I'll be right back.
27:03You Versailles?
27:04I am.
27:05Assume you are, too.
27:07Come on, baby, pick up.
27:08Hi, this is Dr. Terry Bunch.
27:10We got about five minutes before the President starts talking.
27:13Think this is gonna turn into a frenzy?
27:14It's already been a frenzy.
27:15It's about to become a fucking riot.
27:20No, no, please.
27:21I don't need any of that.
27:22More lighting.
27:23More equipment.
27:24Just put me on air as quick as you can.
27:27And a cup of coffee, please.
27:30I sure could use a cup of coffee.
27:32Roger that.
27:33He's cleared to enter.
27:34Back to you in two.
27:35Commander Hunter is Versailles, too.
27:39The man with the football.
27:41What about Garcia?
27:42No idea.
28:02Let's get moving.
28:11It has been an honor serving you, Mr. President.
28:17The honor is mine, John.
28:22Best fucking hamburgers I've ever had.
28:33We're 30 seconds out.
28:44Is that for me?
28:45No one gets in.
28:59And we're live.
29:01In three.
29:12My fellow Americans.
29:20I know you're aware of the situation we now face.
29:26And I want to tell you the truth.
29:32Our modeling...
29:35...shows imminent worldwide disaster.
29:38Including here at home.
29:44I'm telling you this so that you can make decisions based on where you want to be right now.
29:50And who you want to be with.
29:54This position that I'm held.
29:58I didn't always want it.
30:02I certainly didn't always like it.
30:07But it has...
30:11It's provided me access to people all over this country.
30:17And one thing that's constantly struck me is true.
30:21That despite all the ugliness in our world.
30:25Despite our tendency to focus on the grotesque.
30:28And the conflict.
30:30Despite all of that.
30:38Are inherently decent.
30:42You love your families.
30:44Your parents, your children.
30:47And I hope we can find that decency and that love now.
31:00And if I may be so bold.
31:04To all of you watching.
31:07To all of you watching.
31:10To all of you watching.
31:12To all of you watching.
31:14To all of you watching.
31:16To whoever's been talking to me personally.
31:20Too many to name.
31:25I just want to say I love you.
31:43God bless you and good luck.
31:47We're out.
31:50Move it!
31:52Here we go.
31:54On me.
31:57Excuse us.
31:58Wait a minute.
32:05I'm sorry, everyone.
32:08Mr. President, my sister is here with Edward. They're at the gate.
32:12Son, go get them.
32:17I've been with you since the beginning.
32:20You told me everything was going to be okay.
32:23I wish I could say something that would make this better, but I can't.
32:26I can't offer you safety.
32:28You can stay here if you want, but the truth is it's not going to help.
32:32If nothing is, go home.
32:33And where are you going?
32:34Back off.
32:35How long did you...
32:36People, this is the cold reality.
32:38We need to ask for those willing to keep the White House secure until we can all get out.
32:43We'll continue to evacuate the room, but right now, your duty is to keep the President safe.
32:48What about us, Todd?
32:52Calm down.
32:54I need you to calm down.
32:56Let's move them now!
33:00Down the hall.
33:01Come on!
33:02You promised me.
33:04The blood of my babies is going to be on your hands.
33:06I couldn't do anything about it, Marsha. You understand that?
33:08You promised me.
33:09Do all you have to do.
33:27Come on, come on.
33:43Forget the groups.
33:44Load in Wildcat.
33:50Come on.
33:51Come on.
33:57Go with the next one.
33:59Cover them.
34:01Stay where you are!
34:02You won't make me shoot!
34:14Thanks, Cal. I enjoyed that.
34:15Fuck you.
34:17It was the right thing to do.
34:18We're not out of this yet.
34:20Marine One took hits, then peeled off.
34:23Hits from who?
34:24Don't know, sir.
34:25People are surging onto the south lawn.
34:27There's a cat team waiting.
34:28You will load into the first gunship, then take off immediately.
34:31I'll go back up for the others.
34:33Do not wait for us.
34:39Prepare for live fire.
35:00All right, let's focus.
35:03Let's go.
35:09Mr. President, put this on.
35:13Here we go.
35:30Open the door.
35:52Keep them back!
36:01Go! Go!
36:02The football!
36:13The airspace has been secured.
36:15You're clear for takeoff.
36:20Your orders are to stay here!
36:21No! I'm going where you're going!
36:23You can't...
36:25I'm going where you're going!
36:28What the fuck?
36:30He wasn't gonna shoot me!
36:32Do your fucking job, agent!
36:37There's a yellow chopper in the air!
36:39Hey! Hey!
36:40Clear for that chopper!
36:41Let's go!
37:37...others, revert one.
37:38Say again.
37:39Congress, Justices, revert two.
37:41Captain, Joint Chiefs, others, revert one.
37:46Let's go! Let's go!
37:51Let's go!
37:55Take your time.
37:56I have to get her somehow.
38:04Come on, man.
38:05Your kids are on board.
38:06Let's go.
38:07She's alone.
38:08I don't know where she is.
38:09I don't know who she's with.
38:10It's an impossible situation.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:12I can't get on that plane without her.
38:13Xavier, look at me.
38:14Your kids need you.
38:15I need you.
38:16Let's go.
38:17When did you know she wasn't going to make it?
38:38You told me she was still in Atlanta.
38:44She was there because she didn't know what was coming.
38:46Why didn't you tell me what was coming?
38:48I tried.
38:50I did.
38:51I tried.
38:52You hinted.
38:54You danced around.
38:55There was no urgency.
38:56We didn't know how fast it was going to escalate.
38:58But I see your family is here.
39:00I would have kept her close.
39:01I would have prepared.
39:02People would have prepared.
39:03But instead, you played this game.
39:04I did my best.
39:05Your best?
39:07In an impossible situation.
39:08Or you did your best because you told everybody that the world was ending 10 minutes ago?
39:09No easy option, Xavier.
39:10You should have told me.
39:11I did my best.
39:12I did my best.
39:13I did my best.
39:14I did my best.
39:15I did my best.
39:16You should have told us all 10 years ago.
39:17You're falling apart.
39:18This is not my fault.
39:19Look at what you let happen.
39:20That's enough!
39:21If you don't want a seat on that plane, there's roughly 8 billion people on this planet who
39:27will fucking take it.
39:32Your wife is gone.
39:33And I'm sorry.
39:34But you need to process that.
39:37And go be with your children because they just lost their mother.
39:42We have to go.
39:50Are you coming or not?
39:51I don't know what to do.
39:52What do you do?
39:53Each of you have been given a packet of information and a red tape.
39:54And a document.
39:55I sent it to you.
39:56Hey, you do
40:10Each of you have been given a packet of information and a wrist device that is paired specifically to you
40:16We'll be taking off for Colorado momentarily
40:27Didn't make it
40:33Where's mommy
40:49Where's mommy
41:11Ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves. We're about to empower the high-pressure sound waves
41:41One of the planes went down
42:29I'm sorry
42:37I've been told this might break through to a cell phone
42:45You could use the liaison office
42:50Sir you need it upstairs. It's George's
42:53Mr. President free bird to went down with a pressure wave. That's the justices Congress todd
42:55Mr. President free bird to went down with a pressure wave. That's the justices Congress Todd
42:57Mr. President free bird to went down with a pressure wave. That's the justices Congress Todd
43:21General what do you have?
43:23Sir as predicted several nuclear devices have just launched one headed towards India and another targeting what we believe will be never, Colorado
43:30Are they aiming for us? We don't know. You don't know our intelligence networks are breaking down, sir
43:35All we know is it's headed your way. There have also been two nuclear detonations around the Mongolian border. It's starting sir
43:41That's why it's the consensus of the Joint Chiefs
43:44That we fire our arsenal Christ at who all nuclear powers full-scale attack
43:49But prevent any attack on the bunker location at all costs is our only chance for survival for those of us on this call
43:55What about everyone else out there? So we're not saying this to spare ourselves
43:59I'm going to make it to the bunker. We took the damage from the pressure wave. We're putting down outside st. Louis, mr
44:05President we do not come to this lightly that eruption is going to destroy supply chains and crop production
44:12Every nation on the planet with a military understands this and they will act to protect themselves against possible incursions
44:20Knowing that we will do the same
44:23Mr. President you must launch
44:25Once the ash cloud covers our skies, we cannot guarantee luck for these
44:30Enter the code sir, and we are ago
44:39Good luck gentlemen
44:41Taking a second in my office
45:16When the team ran our scenario through thousands of models that always told us the same thing
45:22Yeah, what was that the eruption of the Antarctic supervolcano would lead to nuclear war
45:36You know
45:38When I became president
45:41The first thing I asked about hand to God was the secrets
45:47Aliens who killed JFK Bigfoot and there was nothing I mean little things but really nothing
45:57I was so disappointed, but then I
46:02Was briefed on this little guy
46:05the nuclear football
46:08The device that allows the commander-in-chief to unilaterally launch America's entire nuclear arsenal
46:15No two-person system
46:19Just me and the red codes I
46:25Enter this we are off to the races
46:29But basically everybody knows about the football what nobody except the president knows is what else it can do
46:43I enter the blue code
46:46It turns out after the Cuban Missile Crisis some colonel had an idea to create a switch
46:53an ultimate failsafe a
46:56Linked array of global EMPs in
47:00Satellites submarines missiles you name it that would fry every electronic circuit on earth
47:08the microwaves
47:12even its own satellites
47:16But it would also disable the nukes
47:20Maybe even in midair
47:23It's a switch that would shut off the world
47:27Unfortunately, it would also take the planet back 500 years
47:33But that was better than the alternative
47:37Because it would give people a chance
47:42You can't be considering this
47:50How long till we land
47:54Thank you
47:57I should be more than enough time. It takes a while to shut down the whole world
48:05With that luck will be in the mountain by then
48:11Those people will die anyway
48:14It's more humane to let it happen in a bright flash than to let them all starve over the course of a year they
48:20Need a chance
48:23We need a chance
48:26The bunker relies on outside sensors for communication for the safety of the city so that we know when it's safe out there
48:33We will be blind. We will be vulnerable Samantha
48:38I ain't launching the missiles. I am gonna do this
48:48Stop stop stop, please
48:52We are humanity's last hope
48:55Well, maybe the thing won't work
48:58That'll be all
49:01Agent Rainey
49:04If she doesn't move
49:06Shoot her
49:43Terry it's me. Where are you?
49:54It's okay
50:06The kids are they say they're safe we're safe they're taking us somewhere safe
50:14Colorado somewhere somewhere in Colorado
50:45Tell them it's okay to be happy. Okay
50:49The mommy loves them whether I'm there or not
50:55I will baby
51:06I'm here. I'm here
51:28No, no, no, I'm with you
51:33You feel me I'm holding you right now
51:36I'm protecting you baby. I got you. I got you
51:54Today can you hear me?
51:57Hey Ted, I
52:01Love you, baby. I
52:04Love you more than anything on this planet. I love you so much. I love me too. I love you
52:20Be a good mother
52:56Guess it worked
52:59Nuclear holocaust was at least partially avoided
53:02And no missiles hit Atlanta
53:05You can't know that for sure. People are rebuilding finding ways to communicate
53:12To Denver, Colorado
53:16I'm looking for a spin safe here. Call it my children Presley and James. They were had a complex in Colorado
53:24Once again, my name is Terry Rogers Collins. I'm here other survivors
53:29Searching for our loved ones. If you know the whereabouts of your comments, tell him I love him
53:42Where is she? How do I find her?
53:52Let me just make one quick call and you can shoot me to your heart's content
54:05Tavern you might want to check on your daughter
54:13And Michael it's Xavier put Presley on the line
54:22Know what you said
54:31The DNA from Cal's murder
54:35Didn't match anyone in the bunker
54:38It appears our killer came from the outside
54:43What did you do to my daughter
54:49You will release my people
54:51you will return my arsenal of weapons and you will find out who murdered the president and
54:57You will return this place to fucking normal if you ever want to see your daughter or your wife again
55:11Maybe I am a monster
