• 3 days ago
Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 Completo HD
09:10¿Al fin llegas?
09:12No debiste ir al entierro.
09:14Solo vine a decirte que no voy a ayudarte.
09:17Daniel ya me reconoció y no lo voy a enfrentar más,
09:19y menos a sus papás.
09:21Solo averigua si Daniel puede hablar
09:23o si recuerda el accidente
09:25o si recuerda algo o si nos vio o no sé, lo que sea.
09:29Tengo miedo, Adrián.
09:31Todo lo que hemos hecho no va a servir de nada
09:35si no salimos de dudas.
09:38Piensa, piensa que me pueden encerrar años en la cárcel.
09:46Por favor, amor, ve.
09:48Yo te espero afuera.
09:56¿Cómo estás, pato?
09:58¿Cómo estoy?
10:00Preocupado por Adrián y por Memo.
10:02¿Cómo es eso de que atropellaron a dos personas?
10:04Mi mamá me dijo que les habían robado la camioneta.
10:07Sí, se la robaron y al parecer
10:09los ladrones atropellaron después a esos muchachos.
10:13Bueno, eso suena distinto,
10:15pero es que en redes sociales les están dando con todo
10:18como si fueran culpables.
10:20Bueno, no ni les hagas caso.
10:22Ya sabes cómo son algunos medios.
10:24Lo que sí es que andan acosando mucho a tu papá,
10:27pero él ya aclaró todo.
10:29No sabes, ayer fui a ver a Adrián y se siente pésimo.
10:34Le marqué y no me contestó.
10:36Le marqué a mi mamá y tampoco me contestó.
10:38Bueno, tal vez apagaron sus celulares
10:40para que nadie los esté cuestionando sobre el asunto.
10:44Luciana, me preocupa a mi hermano
10:46y también me preocupa que utilicen eso para ater a mi papá.
10:49Ya sabes que mi papá es el favorito.
10:51Sí, ojalá y no sea como el problema con mi papá.
10:54Hace tantos años que pasó
10:56y todavía alguien nos envió un anónimo
10:58diciendo que es el culpable.
11:01Todavía recuerdo cuando las paraban a ti y a Chofis
11:04para interrogarlas por lo del fraude.
11:06No les importaba que fueras una niña.
11:09Le daban a tu papá con todo.
11:11Lamento mucho.
11:13Oye, bueno, ¿qué decía el anónimo?
11:16Solo era un recorte de periódico, nada más.
11:20Oye, Lu, ¿no crees que le tienes
11:22que pedir a mi papá seguridad o algo?
11:25Ay, no, no, no quiero molestarlo
11:27y tampoco al abuelo Francisco.
11:29Aunque sí le pedí que me ayude a conseguir
11:31el expediente de la investigación.
11:33No sé por qué, pero hay algo en este anónimo
11:36que me hizo pensar en revisar el caso del fraude.
11:41Pero pensé que...
11:43¿Estaba segura de que mi papá era el culpable?
11:46No, no del todo.
11:49Y yo no quiero pasarme el resto de mi vida con la duda.
11:53Y sea cuál sea la respuesta,
11:55la verdad va a ser lo único que me va a dejar tranquila.
11:58Bueno, pues ojalá y el abuelo te ayude.
12:01Oye, ya me tengo que ir,
12:03pero por favor, te encargo mucho de Adriana.
12:05Ya sabes que él no puede con tanta presión.
12:39Hola, Daniel.
12:48¿Por qué te fuiste tan rápido ayer?
12:51Bueno, no quería estorbar.
12:54Y ni siquiera sabía si me reconocerías.
13:00Claro que sí.
13:03Jamás me imaginé que te preocuparías por mí.
13:08Es que no quería que te pasara nada malo.
13:14Oye, ¿tú sabes qué me pasó?
13:17Lo que pasa es que aquí me dicen que tuve un accidente,
13:21pero nadie me da detalles.
13:24Toby ni siquiera ha venido a visitarme.
13:31Y yo lo único que me acuerdo
13:33es hasta cuando salí de la fiesta y ya.
13:38¿De verdad?
13:45Me han hecho estudios y estudios,
13:49pero nadie me dice nada y yo quiero saber.
13:52Si sabes algo, por favor, dime.
13:54Bueno, la verdad es que te diría...
13:58Discúlpeme, lo tengo que llevar al imaginólogo aquí.
14:01No, no, espéreme tantito.
14:03Me va a contar qué pasó.
14:05No creo que eso lo haya autorizado la doctora Yéñez.
14:07Creo que tiene razón.
14:09Deberías hablarlo con la doctora o con tus papás.
14:11Que te vaya muy bien ahí en los exámenes.
14:14Gracias por estar conmigo.
14:20No dejes de venir.
14:29Espera, espera, son mis papás.
14:31Mientras su hermano mayor se recupera en el hospital central,
14:34amigos y familiares se dieron cita
14:36para dar el último adiós al joven universitario
14:39Tobias Aldaña Leal.
14:41Seguiremos reportando con mayor información
14:43de esta terrible tragedia
14:45en tanto tengamos más datos de parte de la fiscalía.
14:48Reportando para ustedes Edgar Guzmán
14:50para el diario de la Fuente del Saber.
14:54Tommy, no, no.
14:56No puede estar muerto mi hermano, no.
14:58No, necesito al colegio.
15:00Necesito ayuda, por favor.
15:02La doctora Yéñez, tranquilo, no te lo digas.
15:04Apoyo, por favor, a la doctora Yéñez.
15:07Doctora Yéñez, sedante, por favor.
15:09Tranquilo, tranquilo, no.
15:11No, no, suélteme.
15:13Tranquilo, ayúdame yo.
15:15Por favor, por favor, no, Tommy.
15:17Tommy, por favor.
15:19No, mi hermano no puede estar muerto.
15:26Mi hermano, Tommy, no.
15:29No, no, no.
15:33Por favor, suélteme.
15:35Por favor, suélteme.
15:37No, suélteme.
15:39Por favor.
17:29Señora Saldaña, podemos hacerles unas preguntas, por favor.
17:31Otra vez tú.
17:33Entiende que no vamos a hablar.
17:35Lo único que buscamos es justicia para nuestro hijo.
17:37Por eso los estamos buscando, señor.
17:39Queremos saber qué opinan acerca de que el hijo
17:41del candidato Enrique Ferrer
17:43esté directamente involucrado con el atropellamiento
17:45de sus hijos.
17:47¿El hijo del candidato mató a mi Tobias?
17:49¿No contaba con esa información, señora?
17:53¿Alguna información que nos pueda dar?
17:55¿Nos puede compartir cómo lo está haciendo?
17:57Queremos saber qué opinan
17:59acerca de que el hijo del candidato
18:01mató a mi Tobias.
18:03Vámonos ya.
18:05¿Por qué? ¿Daniel sí se acuerda de Alex?
18:09Nos acaba de enterar que su hermano se murió
18:11y no puedo hablar.
18:13Alex, cálmate, ¿sí?
18:15Lo importante es que no se acuerde de nada, ¿ok?
18:17Vámonos ya, ya.
18:23¿Cómo es posible que la policía haya encontrado
18:25la camioneta tan rápido?
18:27No lo sé, pero parece que el fiscal Furio
18:29es el responsable del caso.
18:31Maldito imbécil.
18:33¿Es capaz de torturar al mecánico ese
18:35con tal de perjudicarle?
18:37Aquí lo importante es que alcance a decirle a Greñas
18:39que vamos a apoyarlo en absolutamente todo.
18:41Pasara lo que pasara.
18:43Herman, por favor, termina con este asunto ya.
18:45De lo contrario,
18:47mi carrera se va a ir al demonio.
18:49¿Por qué mejor no cooperas, Bruno,
18:51y nos dices de una vez
18:53quién te llevó esa camioneta?
18:57Ya te la sabes.
18:59No entiendo para qué te quedas
19:01tan callado.
19:03¿Quieres que venga el fiscal Roldán
19:05y te saque las palabras a la fuerza?
19:07No creo, ¿verdad?
19:13¿Por qué?
19:15No creo, ¿verdad?
19:20¿Sigue sin hablar?
19:22Es lo que pasa cuando les dices
19:24que pueden guardar silencio.
19:26Pero sus actos hablan solos.
19:28Especialmente los del pasado.
19:32Bruno López Guerrero, alias el Greñas.
19:36Ya te encerraron por
19:38esconder vehículos robados en tu taller.
19:42Seguro tienes partes robadas ahí también.
19:45Aquella vez te dieron un año.
19:48Esta vez serían de tres a siete.
19:50Y por encubrir el delito
19:52de homicidio imprudencial
19:54y ocultar el instrumento del mismo
19:56sin la camioneta,
19:58son otros siete años de prisión.
20:04Son muchos años de cárcel, Bruno.
20:07Pero yo te puedo ayudar
20:09si nos dices la verdad.
20:12Mira, solo me tienes
20:15que señalar quién te llevó
20:17la camioneta para desaparecerla.
20:19¿Fue Adrián Ferrer
20:21o fue su primo Guillermo Solís?
20:23¿O fueron los dos?
20:25Quiero platicar con mi abogado.
20:28Por supuesto.
20:30Aunque dudo mucho que te recomiende
20:32seguir callando.
20:34La que tiene el contacto es mi esposa.
20:36¿Le puede marcar?
20:38Yo, mientras tanto,
20:40voy al hospital.
20:42El hermano del muchacho atropellado
20:44está en el coma.
20:46Y él sí nos va a decir
20:48lo que pasó esa noche.
20:51Vamos a resolver este caso
20:53con o sin tu ayuda, Greñas.
20:56Así que tú decides
20:58de qué lado quieres estar.
21:00¿Con nosotros
21:02o con los que van a pagar?
21:14¿Cómo lo vas a hacer?
21:16Por favor, voy a atenderlos a todos,
21:18pero por favor...
21:20Candidato, ¿nos podría explicar
21:22cuál fue la participación
21:24de su hijo Adrián Ferrer
21:26en el atropellamiento
21:28de los hermanos Aldaña?
21:30A ver, escúchenme, por favor.
21:32Escúchenme, escúchenme.
21:34En la madrugada del domingo,
21:36mi abogado, Guillermo Solís,
21:38fue atropellado.
21:40¿Cómo lo vas a hacer?
21:42En la madrugada del domingo,
21:44mi hijo iba conduciendo su camioneta.
21:46Iba acompañado con su primo
21:48y unos asaltantes a punta de pistola.
21:50Les quitaron la camioneta
21:52y al parecer con esa camioneta
21:54fue que arrollaron a esos jóvenes.
21:56¿Los ladrones o su hijo?
22:12Ya, Alex, quita esa cara, ¿sí?
22:14Piensa en otra cosa.
22:18¡Ahí viene, Adrián!
22:20Adrián, contesta.
22:22Tenemos preguntas que hacer.
22:24¿Cómo va el caso?
22:26¿Qué pasa con esta situación?
22:28Vámonos, déselo a Martín.
22:30Vámonos, por favor.
22:32No, no, no, no.
22:34No, no, no, no.
22:36No, no, no, no.
22:38No, no, no, no.
22:40Déselo a Martín. Vámonos, por favor.
22:42Adrián, por favor.
22:44Tranquila, tranquila, tranquila.
22:46Vente, vente. Sígueme, sígueme.
22:48Hagan su lado, háganse por allá.
22:50Ven, ven, ven, ven.
22:54Adrián, ¿algún mensaje
22:56para la familia Saldaña?
22:58No voy a decir nada.
23:00Por favor.
23:04Nada, nada.
23:06No les voy a decir nada.
23:08No estás grabando.
23:30Por favor, Adrián, ¿qué está pasando?
23:32Por favor, dame un abrazo.
23:36¿Estás bien, Alex?
23:41Tranquila, tranquila.
23:59Tú no tienes por qué
24:01caer con nosotros.
24:03Adrián, Memo y yo podemos decir
24:05que tú no sabías nada,
24:07que todo lo hicimos
24:09a tus espaldas.
24:11Esa es tu solución.
24:13Hay que ponernos
24:15en todos los escenarios posibles.
24:17Además, si el tipo
24:19no ha dicho nada,
24:21se me ocurre que todavía
24:23podemos hacer algo.
24:25Dame un segundo.
24:27Hola, Memo.
24:29Sí, aquí estoy,
24:31con Enrique.
24:35Te llamo en un minuto.
24:41La mujer del mecánico
24:43acaba de hablar con Memo.
24:45Dice que el tipo
24:47no le ha dicho nada a la policía
24:49y que no lo va a hacer
24:51siempre y cuando lo saquemos libre.
24:53Haz lo que tengas que hacer,
24:55pero hazlo ya.
24:57No puedo parlar
24:59a la presidencia
25:01por una estupidez de mi hijo.
25:05¿Dónde está?
25:21¿Te duele de comer algo?
25:23Adrián, yo lo único que quiero
25:25es irme de aquí.
25:27¿Me puedes avisar
25:29cuando esa gente se vaya, por favor?
25:31Y no entiendo cómo tienes estómago
25:33so that you can relax.
25:44You look great, huh?
25:46Even though I'm not that tall.
25:49Yes, you are.
25:51I want to grow up like this,
25:52so I can pick up girls easier
25:54when I work with my dad.
25:58If I had siblings, they would help me.
26:00But I have to do everything myself.
26:03Do you have siblings?
26:05Not in blood, but in my heart.
26:09They are people I love very much,
26:11and I love them, even though they are not my parents' children.
26:14I was going to have a little cousin,
26:17and her mom loved me very much.
26:19Does that count?
26:21Yes, of course.
26:23The bad thing is that she died before I was born.
26:28I'm very sorry.
26:30It must have been very sad for you.
26:32But now you are an angel,
26:34just like my aunt Claudia.
26:36She was my dad's sister,
26:38and they both died on the same day.
27:03I understand how difficult this is.
27:05I know you are young,
27:08but everything will be left behind.
27:10All that pain, that anguish,
27:13will be in the past with time.
27:20And do you think that the Saldaña family
27:22will get over their pain and sorrow with time?
27:41Toby took care of you from heaven.
27:44You hadn't woken up for several days.
27:46We were afraid the same thing would happen to you.
27:51Why didn't you tell me?
27:55We didn't want you to get upset.
27:58You need to regain your strength.
28:03Tobias is here with us.
28:07He is accompanying us.
28:11And he will always accompany us.
28:16Come with me, please.
28:30The DA is looking for you.
28:37Why didn't you tell me about the candidate's son?
28:39I just found out from a reporter.
28:41Mrs. Elena,
28:42I know you're going through a very difficult time.
28:44You have no idea what I'm going through.
28:47But tell me,
28:48that boy Adrian Ferrer,
28:51the one who killed my son,
28:53cannot be charged without evidence.
28:55That's why I need to talk to Daniel.
28:57He is the only witness to the accident.
28:59Any detail you tell me can help me.
29:01Daniel doesn't remember anything.
29:02He doesn't even know why he's here.
29:04So if you want to talk to him, you'll have to do it another day.
29:08He's devastated right now.
29:10He just found out what happened to his brother.
29:13In the worst way.
29:14Because of the news.
29:18Please don't tell anyone that Daniel doesn't remember.
29:22If the culprit or those who cover for him
29:25believe that his son can identify them,
29:27they may make a mistake.
29:28Something that will help me find them.
29:30So you think this boy is guilty?
29:37Has anyone asked about Daniel's health?
29:40Only Alexander.
29:47Is it her?
29:48Yes, why?
29:51This girl is Adrian Ferrer's girlfriend.
29:54The son of the candidate to run for president.
30:04That girl told us she was Daniel's partner.
30:07And it's true.
30:08They study at the same university as Adrian Ferrer.
30:11But how close was she to her son?
30:14Did she ever talk to him about her?
30:16Did they hang out?
30:18No, I just found out about that friendship now that she was here.
30:23And when she came, what did they talk about?
30:25She asked me about Daniel.
30:28And I saw her really worried.
30:31Do you think she came with other intentions?
30:35I don't know.
30:37But the best thing is to stay alert.
30:40Many times the culprits stay close.
30:43They even try to help.
30:46Thank God.
30:48I trusted her.
30:50I'll let you know when Daniel is ready to talk to you.
30:55I appreciate it.
31:07Come in, Jimenez.
31:08The mechanic's lawyer just arrived.
31:11I'm on my way.
31:19Adrian's case is like a snowball, Enrique.
31:22I'm planning an interview with the newspaper
31:24until late at night.
31:25I can't cancel it.
31:26I need to do it at your house.
31:28You need to explain what happened.
31:30Adrian won't say a word.
31:32Especially in front of a camera.
31:34Why not? If he doesn't, he'll look like he's guilty.
31:36I said no!
31:39It's about my son.
31:42I won't expose him.
31:50So you're going to talk in his name
31:52to clear up all the doubts?
31:54Rodrigo, please explain to the candidate
31:57what's going on on social media.
31:59Maybe that way he'll understand the gravity of the situation.
32:02Enrique, of every ten people who touch the subject,
32:04seven doubt that they have assaulted your son.
32:07And not only that.
32:08The party people are saying
32:09that you have to resign from the candidacy.
32:11Of course, of course. I saw her coming.
32:13But I never do that.
32:14And I don't accept interviews.
32:16Now they're crucifying me.
32:18What are they going to do?
32:19Are they going to accuse me of meddling in my son's process
32:22and asking for favors?
32:23Of course not.
32:24So let's all calm down, okay?
32:27And let the investigation take its time.
32:29Weeks or months can pass for that, Enrique.
32:32And to ruin your reputation and make it worse,
32:35hours can pass.
32:37So I'm sorry, but no, I agree.
32:41Let me think about it. I'll call you later, okay?
32:43I don't know.
32:47I have to be with my family.
33:08I don't know why I listened to you, Inés.
33:10What's going to happen now that the police
33:12found out that I was disarming your son's car?
33:16I had no idea about that.
33:19Aunt, calm down.
33:20I already talked to my mom.
33:21We're fixing it.
33:23And I don't want to know how they're fixing it.
33:26Inés, if my son goes to jail, you're going to regret it.
33:33As soon as your dad arrives, I need to talk to him.
33:35No, no, no, no, please don't tell him, Mom.
33:37What if he ruins it and finds out he shouldn't?
33:43I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
33:46But I can't do this alone.
33:48Please understand. I can't.
33:59Where are we going?
34:00The detainee is still talking to his lawyer.
34:03Half an hour?
34:04That's a lot of time for someone who only has one option.
34:09Prosecutor Roldan is in charge of the case.
34:13Ariel Duñas.
34:15Nice to meet you.
34:16I spoke to my client and he's willing to cooperate.
34:27Mom, you're not alone.
34:28You have me and Uncle Enrique.
34:29Oh, please.
34:30How do you know Uncle Enrique cares about us?
34:32Of course he cares about us.
34:33Otherwise, we wouldn't be seeing each other
34:35to solve this issue.
34:36Help me keep this secret, please.
34:38I'm begging you. Help me.
34:39Son, it's not that easy to keep a secret like this.
34:44Why do you say it like that?
34:47Because you have to lie to do that.
34:50And I'm very bad at lying.
34:54Help me.
34:56Help me, please.
34:57And after this, we're going on vacation.
34:58You and I, to the beach, wherever.
35:07Until when were you going to tell me
35:08that you're in big trouble, Guillermo?
35:12I was like an idiot.
35:14In the middle of the teacher's meeting,
35:16they start showing me videos of Enrique saying
35:18that you and Adrián were robbed,
35:20that they took your car,
35:21that you ran over the Aldañas with him.
35:24And I didn't know anything.
35:25Well, what did you tell them?
35:26What was I going to tell them, son?
35:28And Enrique already explained everything,
35:30but honestly, from the reactions I saw,
35:33no one believes they were robbed.
35:36What exactly happened?
35:38Your son, the only thing he did...
35:41Oh, sure, sure.
35:43You already knew.
35:45Sure, again,
35:46he was responsible for taking refuge in you.
35:49As always.
35:54Is there anything else you need to know?
35:59Answer me!
36:01And I want the truth.
36:06I want the truth.
36:12You made the best decision, Bruno.
36:15Soon you'll be able to go home.
36:18Let's get to the point.
36:20Who took your truck?
36:26No one.
36:28We both took the ship to the workshop.
36:33I took the beans.
36:34We stole that guy's truck.
36:36Then the beans ran over them.
36:42Dad, I swear, nothing else happened.
36:45Those guys stole our car
36:46and they were the ones who ran over the brothers.
36:48I swear, we would never have let you go.
36:50You have to believe me.
36:51I swear, Dad.
36:54If everything was as you say,
36:55then it will be solved.
36:58Don't worry.
37:04Let's go.
37:13Here, let's see which one you like.
37:15Let's see, which one will it be?
37:18The classic one.
37:19No, this is the good one.
37:21My dad also has this book.
37:25And this one.
37:28Hey, they're my favorites.
37:30It's funny that you like the same books.
37:33Yes, right?
37:34Hit them.
37:40Oh, no, I wanted that one.
37:42You don't deserve it.
37:43You better take this one.
37:45Well, I'll take this one.
37:48You wanted the truth, right?
37:49Well, I already told you.
37:51You prepared him to lie.
37:53That's why it took you so long.
37:54I don't accept any doubt about my honorability.
37:57I am a professional with years of experience.
37:59You should be ashamed to denigrate our profession like this,
38:03Let's calm down.
38:05There's no way.
38:07Listen to Agent Jiménez.
38:09I want you to take my client's confession as it is,
38:13because it is totally valid.
38:16Tell us what exactly happened that morning,
38:19in detail.
38:24And at what time?
38:26On Saturday night,
38:27Frijol and I were taking a cold shower.
38:30He took me to a car to check the distribution.
38:33Then he asked me to go get a luxury car.
38:37And what's that guy's name?
38:38That Frijol.
38:39I don't know.
38:40I have no idea.
38:41I only know him by his nickname.
38:44You went to steal a car from a guy you don't even know his name.
38:47I didn't even know.
38:49We were going through the corn field,
38:50and he took out a gun from the heavy ones.
38:53He forced me to help him.
38:54He forced you?
38:56It's true.
38:58He told me that if I didn't get in,
38:59he was going to kill me.
39:00I had no choice.
39:04He ordered me to get on the road,
39:05and to make a sign,
39:06as if asking for help.
39:08Why them?
39:10Not them.
39:11Frijol liked the car.
39:13The guys stood up,
39:14and you could see that they were...
39:18He pointed the gun at them,
39:19he forced them to throw themselves to the floor,
39:21and the guys didn't resist.
39:22He grabbed the steering wheel,
39:24he kicked it,
39:25and boom!
39:26We felt the blow.
39:28Well, you saw how the windshield was left.
39:31And then what did you do?
39:33Well, first of all,
39:34check what we hit him with.
39:36I saw one of the guys,
39:37he was already bleeding,
39:38and he had already taken it to his head.
39:40I was a little embarrassed,
39:41and I left him there,
39:42on the edge of the road.
39:45And then what?
39:47They sat you down to wait for dawn?
39:49Those guys ran over them
39:50at 5 and a quarter in the morning.
39:52And the truck arrived at the workshop
39:53four hours later.
39:55Were they pushing it or what?
39:57Obviously not.
39:58We were going around Portopilejo
39:59thinking what we were going to do.
40:01There we disappeared
40:02the papers of the truck,
40:04and we were talking
40:05next to a winery.
40:07I don't even remember how long...
40:08You don't remember
40:09because you're making it up!
40:12my client is cooperating
40:13with good faith...
40:14You're not going to tell me
40:15how to take my interrogation!
40:17Why don't we leave
40:18Mr. López
40:19to finish his interrogation?
40:23You have nothing to add.
40:27I'm sorry,
40:28but that prosecutor
40:29needs a therapy
40:30of anger management.
40:32Now I understand the nickname.
40:44Today wasn't a good day either.
40:45It was a terrible day.
40:47If you want,
40:48I can make you a coffee
40:49or two
40:50so you'll feel better.
40:54Officer Champiñón!
40:56Tell me, officer,
40:57what did you investigate today?
40:59Something very suspicious.
41:03The young lady
41:04is guilty of having
41:06the same books
41:08that you have.
41:10Look at them closely, prosecutor.
41:16So you like forensic psychology?
41:18Yes, a lot.
41:20And I'm also a fan
41:21of police novels.
41:27when I have the opportunity,
41:28I'll show you my collection
41:30to see if there's anything
41:31that interests you.
41:32I'd love to.
41:33I'm sure there is.
41:36Mrs. Sofía,
41:37excuse my manners.
41:40It's just that sometimes
41:41I see my daughter
41:42and I get lost in her world.
41:43Yes, I understand that perfectly.
41:45But it seemed to me
41:46that you were more interested
41:48in Luciano's books.
41:51I'll leave you.
41:53I have some calls to make.
42:06Luis, I understand your anger,
42:07but please allow me
42:08to explain...
42:09Let's see, ma'am,
42:10I didn't come to hear
42:11any explanations.
42:13I came to pick up my daughter.
42:16Good afternoon.
42:17What's going on?
42:19It's just that I've been calling
42:20my daughter for hours.
42:22And the only thing I know,
42:23and that's because of the news,
42:25that some journalists
42:26almost suffocate her
42:27when she got here.
42:28So I want my daughter
42:30Alexandra, let's go.
42:31Mr. Luis, please.
42:32Luis, calm down, please.
42:33Let's talk.
42:34I didn't want...
42:35I didn't want to...
42:36I don't want to talk to you.
42:37Luis, I understand...
42:38I didn't know that sooner or later
42:39you were going to hurt my daughter.
42:40Luis, I tried to take care of her.
42:41I didn't...
42:42My wife just called me.
42:44She told me she called a DA
42:45looking for Alexandra
42:46who wants to talk to her.
42:59So I'm taking her there
43:01No, no.
43:02Luis, the press
43:03is not telling the truth.
43:04Listen to us.
43:11No, no, no, no, no.
43:12Listen, you have to accept it.
43:13I mean, in that novel
43:14I did have to get to the end
43:15to find out
43:16who was guilty.
43:18but it was more than obvious.
43:20No, obvious for you,
43:21Mr. Attorney.
43:22Not all of us are professionals.
43:24Well, I have to say
43:25that it did take me
43:26a little more time
43:27to deduce it.
43:28Oh, a little?
43:29How much?
43:30About 12 pages.
43:3112 pages?
43:32Hey, are you kidding me?
43:33I'm not kidding.
43:34I'm not kidding.
43:35I'm not kidding.
43:36I'm not kidding.
43:37I'm not kidding.
43:38I'm not kidding.
43:40you're kidding, right?
43:41No, of course not.
43:43I saw it.
43:44I caught you.
43:45You'll see.
43:46I've never heard you laugh like this.
43:52Do you want sugar?
43:53No, I'm fine, thanks.
43:55Can I confess something,
43:56Mr. Attorney?
43:58Very few people
43:59in the world
44:00make me laugh like this.
44:01My grandmother, Chofi.
44:02My stepbrother, Patricio.
44:06And now you.
44:11For the coffee.
44:12Yes, but also because you have the gift of always
44:17putting me in a good mood, despite days like today.
44:27Oh, I'm sorry.
44:29No, it's okay.
44:30Yes, yes.
44:31I burned a little.
44:32No problem.
45:09No problem.