Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 en Español Completo Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 7 en Español Completo Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 6 en Español Completo Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 en Español Completo Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 en Español Completo Juegos de Amor y Poder Capítulo 5 en Español Completo
Short filmTranscript
00:32Papá, papá, por favor, por favor, no me entregues, por favor.
00:35Enrique Ferrer, si tú entregas a tu hijo a las autoridades,
00:38le vas a arruinar la vida.
00:40Y entonces, si se terminó tu presidencia, tu familia,
00:43tu matrimonio, todo, ¿me entiendes?
01:26Sofía, que la gente siempre culpe a tu padre de haber robado.
01:31Pero si insistes en revivir eso,
01:34podrías sufrir otra decepción.
01:37Y también me preocupa la salud de tu abuela.
01:41Piénsalo bien.
01:47Si en cinco minutos no abren, hay que presionar.
01:51Tranquilo, vaquero.
01:53Solo estamos aquí para investigar.
01:56Buenas tardes.
01:58Nunca me imaginé encontrarme en mi casa
02:00el exmarido de mi jefe de prensa.
02:02No es un encuentro casual.
02:04Y Karina sigue siendo mi esposa.
02:06Ah, bueno, ¿en qué les puedo ayudar?
02:09Es acerca de un accidente automovilístico.
02:12Un vehículo idéntico al de su hijo Adrián se ve involucrado.
02:15Y necesito hacerle algunas preguntas.
02:17Mi hijo no se encuentra, está en la universidad.
02:24Si no me crees, señorita, por favor, está usted en su casa.
02:27Pueden pasar, ¿eh? Adelante.
02:31¿Ustedes creen que él tuvo algo que ver en ese accidente?
02:35Para eso necesitamos revisar la camioneta de Adrián.
02:41¿Quién te dejó entrar? ¿Por qué estás aquí?
02:47¡Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos!
02:53¡Vamos, vamos, vamos!
03:02Mucho gusto. Soy Alexandra Muñoz.
03:05Soy compañera de clase de Daniel.
03:09Mire, sola... Solo quiero saber cómo está.
03:12Si se va a mejorar.
03:14Disculpen, no pueden estar aquí.
03:16Son órdenes del médico.
03:18Vamos a platicar afuera.
03:20Me da mucho gusto saber que Daniel tiene una buena amiga.
03:44No, no contestes.
03:46Mamá, mamá, no quiero ir a la cárcel.
03:48Podemos irnos a otro país con Memo.
04:10Mi hijo no contesta. Seguramente se encuentra en clases.
04:13Y yo dudo mucho que él tenga algo que ver en ese accidente.
04:16Para descartarlo, primero necesito hablar con él.
04:19Está bien. Le voy a pedir a Karina su contacto
04:21y en breve nos comunicaremos con ustedes.
04:23¿Me puede proporcionar el número de Adrián?
04:26Yo personalmente le voy a decir a mi hijo que le marque.
04:30Y si eso es todo...
04:31Por ahora sí.
04:33Espero que su hijo me marque.
04:36Buen día.
04:39Buen día.
04:47Ya vámonos.
05:00Ay, Fabi.
05:01¿Y esa carita?
05:03No me digas que sigues cruda de laughter.
05:05¿Cuál? Así ya sabes que ni tomo.
05:08Ah, sí, verdad.
05:09Por tus broncas.
05:12¿Qué tienes?
05:13Quedé de verme en la biblioteca con un chavo con el que me tocó hacer un trabajo
05:18y me dejó plantada.
05:20Tuve que avanzar yo sola.
05:22El condenado Tobías.
05:26Sí, Tobías Aldaña.
05:28A lo mejor lo conoces. Tiene un hermano en arquitectura.
05:31Sí, Daniel.
05:33Pero entonces no sabes.
05:36Lo que pasó.
05:41Ay, Fabi, no te vayas a alterar, pero ayer los atropellaron.
05:47Daniel quedó en coma y Tobías se murió.
05:54Ay, no.
05:57Yo pienso que es mejor dejar el pasado donde está.
06:03¿O hay algo especial que te haya despertado ese deseo de saber más?
06:10No, no es que haya alguna prueba en específico o algo parecido.
06:14Pero me estoy basando en las razones de mi abuela Chofi.
06:18Ella como madre conocía muy bien a su hijo y sabía de lo que era capaz o no.
06:23Y yo necesito saber la verdad.
06:25Por favor, ayúdame. Te lo suplico.
06:29Por desgracia, ya no tengo ese expediente.
06:33Me lo prestaron como un favor especial cuando era funcionario.
06:37Pero veré qué puedo hacer para conseguirlo de nuevo.
06:43Muchas gracias, abuelo.
06:59¿Y cómo te llevas con mi hijo?
07:02No hablamos mucho porque él es muy tímido.
07:04Pero es muy buen estudiante, el mejor de la clase.
07:08Sí, Daniel es muy buen muchacho.
07:11Es muy serio y algunas personas piensan que es pesado por eso.
07:21¿Tú fuiste a la fiesta de la universidad?
07:24Sí, sí. Allí lo vi y lo saludé y todo.
07:29Lo que son las cosas, ¿no?
07:31A Daniel no le gustan las fiestas, ni sus pachangas, ni nada de eso.
07:35Yo estoy segura que nada más fue para acompañar a Tobias y...
07:40Y ahora eso nos cambió la vida a todos.
07:45Con Tobias se llevaron la mitad de mi vida.
07:48La otra mitad está ahí, con mi otro hijo inconsciente.
07:56Si la persona que los atropelló le hubiera...
07:58Si la persona que los atropelló le hubiera hablado en una ambulancia,
08:02a lo mejor estaríamos contando otra historia.
08:08Discúlpeme, tengo que ir.
08:11Solo quería saber cómo está su hijo.
08:14Gracias, Alexandra.
08:16Gracias. Eres la única persona que lo ha visitado.
08:20No encontré al fiscal en su oficina, pero le dejé recado.
08:23Solo espero que no se haya vendido con esa mala entraña que abandonó a mis hijos a su suerte.
08:30Discúlpeme, voy.
08:37Acabo de ver a los papás de Daniel.
08:40Los pobres están deshechos.
08:45Yo no sé cómo vamos a vivir con esto.
08:48Yo no sé cómo vamos a vivir con esto.
08:51Yo no sé cómo vamos a vivir.
08:53No sé cómo vamos a vivir.
08:55Yo no sé cómo vamos a vivir.
08:57Yo no sé cómo vamos a vivir.
08:59I don't know how we're going to live with this.
09:02I can't blame him. I can't.
09:08What did you do with the truck?
09:10We took it with a trusted mechanic.
09:19I don't know how, but the DA knows that Adrian's truck
09:22was the one that ran over these young people.
09:24What are you going to do?
09:26I don't know yet, Ines.
09:29But this little joke about your son is going to cost us dearly.
09:33And I'm not just talking about money.
09:44Germán, stop what you're doing.
09:47Go home immediately.
09:49There's a problem.
09:54I'm sorry, but Dr. Omar is very stubborn.
09:57He doesn't listen to what he says.
09:59And he gets mad at the first person in front of him.
10:02Don't worry. I understand what's going on.
10:07How are you, friend? I'm so sorry.
10:10I came to see if you needed anything, anything.
10:18I needed to see you. A hug.
10:22Oh, sorry. It's Susana.
10:25We're from the same town.
10:27She's like an aunt to my children.
10:32Elena, the doctor needs to talk to us.
10:37Excuse me.
10:38I'll wait for you here.
10:45I still can't believe Toby is dead.
10:49When Omar called me to tell me...
10:53I felt like the whole city was sinking under my feet.
10:59Why him? Why?
11:14The sentence for murder is between 8 and 13 years in prison,
11:17plus the aggravated use of alcohol and drugs,
11:20and the injuries of the other guy, which were pretty serious,
11:23can increase the years in prison.
11:25No, and if I'm not mistaken,
11:27having heard him is another aggravating factor.
11:29That's right.
11:30We would have to negotiate with the prosecutor in charge.
11:33I don't think you're aware yet,
11:35but the prosecutor in charge is Roberto Roldán.
11:38Roberto Roldán, the famous Fiscal Furia.
11:42That's nothing, girl.
11:45In the law firm,
11:48it's not a secret that Fiscal Furia is like,
11:51let's say, a Doberman with his nose stuck in the law.
11:54In other words, he's incorruptible.
11:59Besides, he's Karina's ex-husband.
12:01Oh, well, then she could convince him.
12:03No, Inés.
12:04Why not?
12:05It would be a risk for her to know.
12:06Well, then we'll tell my dad.
12:08My dad is still in contact.
12:10No one else should find out about all this,
12:12and I'm not going to involve your father.
12:16Adrián, son.
12:17We still have time.
12:18I will always be with you.
12:20I'm going to move all my influences.
12:22I'm going to get you out of trouble,
12:24but please, we have to go to the police.
12:26No, no, no, no, Enrique.
12:27Are you crazy?
12:29How do you intend to turn in your own son?
12:31Of course not.
12:32If Adrián turns himself in,
12:33your candidacy will not survive the scandal, Enrique.
12:36And while the prosecutor is gone,
12:38he won't be long to be with the boys
12:40and with their footprints, surely.
12:42No, no, no.
12:43That's not going to happen.
12:44When we moved the body,
12:46we covered our hands with our sleeves.
12:48And on the way back,
12:49we went through little streets where there were no cameras.
12:52So if there are no traces,
12:54something can still be done.
12:56And it can save your candidacy and your son.
13:04What do you propose?
13:07I have something in mind.
13:09But I do have to warn you that if we continue on this path,
13:13there is no turning back.
13:27The tomography shows that Daniel's brain
13:30is gradually deflating.
13:32That is, the edema is disappearing.
13:35Does that mean he's going to wake up?
13:37I can't be sure.
13:39But in most cases, that's what happens.
13:42But is he going to be okay?
13:43He's not going to have any sequelae?
13:45We won't know until Daniel wakes up.
13:48Don't worry about that.
13:50For now, it's useless to make assumptions.
13:54I'll leave you with him.
13:55I have to see another patient.
13:57Excuse me.
14:01Elena, are you okay?
14:04Leave me.
14:06I told you
14:08to go look for them.
14:11I knew something was wrong,
14:12but you, as always, got mad
14:15and said they were my things.
14:17Elena, how was I supposed to know, woman?
14:20For the only time,
14:22for the only time,
14:23you should have listened to me.
14:26They are our children.
14:31If Daniel doesn't come back,
14:35I won't have anything left.
14:53No, no, no.
14:54I'm not going to talk to anyone about this.
14:57Because I lack courage.
14:59Hey, hey, but who loves you?
15:02Who loves my little girl?
15:04I'll call you later.
15:06Oh, don't worry.
15:08I'm not going to tell anyone
15:09because deep down, you're a romantic.
15:13Oh, come on.
15:15I'll give you what I brought you
15:16to see if you can take that look off your face.
15:21This is the hard drive I promised you.
15:24With a lot of information
15:25about the fraud in Capital Cresciente
15:28that my daddy investigated years ago.
15:32Your daddy's?
15:34Let's just say I borrowed it.
15:36And I hope he doesn't notice it or he'll kill me.
15:39He's always been very, very inquisitive
15:41about everything that has to do with that matter.
15:44Well, let me see what he's got.
15:46And if we clone him or upload him to the web,
15:48so you leave him in his place
15:49and don't mess with him?
15:51Well, I exaggerated.
15:53Maybe he gets a little mad,
15:54but my dad is a fan of God.
15:57Let's not look for him.
15:58Fabi, imagine if we can solve the case.
16:02What if my dad didn't do it
16:04when the matter was still recent?
16:06But at least we'll have a very good investigation job.
16:09We're going to get to the bottom of this.
16:11Did you see the show on social media that talks about the subject?
16:13No, I didn't get to see it.
16:14The girl's channel that you sent me
16:15appears as suspended.
16:21...even half paranoid.
16:23She told me she couldn't deal with the subject over the phone.
16:26But I managed to convince her and we're going to see each other.
16:33Poor Tobias.
16:34You won't see the girl you said you loved anymore.
16:40Nor your girlfriend.
16:47You won't...
16:51You won't see anyone anymore.
16:58How sad.
16:59How sad.
17:29How sad.
17:59How sad.
18:00How sad.
18:01How sad.
18:02How sad.
18:03How sad.
18:04How sad.
18:05How sad.
18:06How sad.
18:07How sad.
18:08How sad.
18:09How sad.
18:10How sad.
18:11How sad.
18:12How sad.
18:13How sad.
18:14How sad.
18:15How sad.
18:16How sad.
18:17How sad.
18:18How sad.
18:19How sad.
18:20How sad.
18:21How sad.
18:22How sad.
18:23How sad.
18:24How sad.
18:25How sad.
18:26How sad.
18:27How sad.
18:28How sad.
18:29How sad.
18:30How sad.
18:31How sad.
18:32How sad.
18:33How sad.
18:34How sad.
18:35How sad.
18:36How sad.
18:37How sad.
18:38How sad.
18:39How sad.
18:40How sad.
18:41How sad.
18:48Here you can see Dania brothers gettng out of the car
18:51which supposedly took them to the after.
18:54The owner of the car said they were taken because
18:55and he was very drunk.
18:57And did the brother drink too?
18:59No, he came out clean in the exams.
19:04According to the cameras, this happened at 4.47 in the morning.
19:10Did you take the time it takes to walk from the point where they were dropped
19:13to the place where they were run over?
19:15Yes, prosecutor. Four agents walked the route three times,
19:19It took them about 28 to 30 minutes to get to where the blood trail was.
19:25That means that the Aldaña brothers were at the place where they were run over
19:29at approximately 5.15 in the morning.
19:34Now look at this.
19:35The owner of this phone let us access his gallery.
19:39We saw the time and place of each of the photos and videos.
19:43This was taken at 4.50 in the morning.
19:47This is Alexandra Muñoz.
19:50She's Adrián's girlfriend.
19:52And that one over there is Guillermo Solís, his cousin.
19:56Look, here you can see Adrián Ferrer's truck leaving the parking lot minutes later.
20:02Although we can't see if it's coming alone or if the three of them are coming.
20:09But none of them arrived on time.
20:12It would be interesting to know why.
20:20Adrián Ferrer has not reported.
20:23But we're going to have to go to the university and get it out of our ears.
20:30Excuse me, prosecutor, but candidate Ferrer is out there with his son and his niece.
20:38Is it possible?
20:54Mr. Ferrer.
20:58Germán Torres.
20:59A pleasure.
21:00What do you have for the delicacy of the case?
21:04My son Adrián, my nephew Memo,
21:08come to give the version of the facts.
21:13Chofi, the room is ready for the new guest.
21:16Oh, thank you, daughter.
21:17Oh, they're ringing.
21:19It must be him.
21:20Open it, mommy.
21:21Of course, grandpa.
21:28I'm Joaquín Rivas.
21:30I rented a room here.
21:32Miss Sofia?
21:33No, no, no, no.
21:34I'm Luciana.
21:35Sofia is my grandmother.
21:37But come in.
21:38Thank you very much.
21:39We were waiting for you.
21:40How kind.
21:41That way.
21:44Go ahead.
21:46Come in.
21:48Here it is.
21:54I'm Joaquín Rivas.
21:55Nice to meet you.
21:56Dana Gómez from the prosecution gave me her phone number
21:59and the details of the pension.
22:01Well, that's good because in these uncertain times
22:04we no longer receive anyone who does not bring a letter of recommendation.
22:08We are going to go up to see your room.
22:10If you like it and decide to stay,
22:12I need an identification, a tax record,
22:15and your phone number.
22:16In case something happens that God doesn't want,
22:18we can let your family know.
22:20Oh, yes.
22:21Okay, thank you.
22:22I'll follow you.
22:23Yes, be careful, grandpa.
22:24Aren't your suitcases too heavy?
22:26No, no.
22:28Yes, we are already here at the prosecution, Inés.
22:31Well, Alex got mad at me because he didn't want to milk
22:34and he returned home in a taxi.
22:36In a taxi?
22:38In a taxi?
22:41By application?
22:42No, no.
22:43A normal one.
22:44One that was passing by.
22:45He stopped and left.
22:47We went to the after.
22:50We were on our way and out of nowhere a man gave us signs.
22:54He knew he was in trouble.
22:57We went down to help him
23:00and out of nowhere he shot us with a gun
23:03and then another one came out of the bushes.
23:05They made us throw ourselves to the floor upside down
23:07and we had no choice but to give them my truck.
23:10Then we were walking
23:13and thank God we found a taxi and we took it
23:16and they didn't steal anything from us, not even the wallets,
23:19just the truck.
23:23And why are you filing a complaint so late?
23:31We wanted to avoid a scandal with my dad
23:33because of his candidacy.
23:34Besides, it was my mom's birthday
23:36and we didn't want to ruin it with that bad news.
23:38Are you aware that it was with your truck
23:40that two boys were run over,
23:42one of whom is dead?
23:44Has it been confirmed that it was with Adrián's truck?
23:54The exposed fracture
23:56has traces of the special paint on Adrián's truck
24:00and the headlight matches those found by the experts.
24:03We need to check the evidence of the truck
24:05to make sure it was Adrián's.
24:08Prosecutor, that means you're not sure.
24:11That's why we're investigating, lawyer.
24:19Well, the boys have already cooperated
24:22and we have nothing else to do around here.
24:25Let's go.
24:31Prosecutor, I really want you to find the real culprit.
24:36I have no doubt that it will be so.
24:38The other boy who was run over will wake up
24:41and I'm sure that Daniel Saldaña
24:43will be able to remember exactly what happened
24:46and identify the real culprits.
24:48Just don't forget, prosecutor,
24:50that these boys just suffered a robbery.
24:54Excuse me. Let's go.
25:01Excuse me.
25:05Could it be true that they stole your truck?
25:07You were born yesterday, Jiménez.
25:09I don't believe that story about the robbery.
25:20Thank you for bringing your son.
25:23We can count on your support, right?
25:25That's right.
25:27We're going to need the clothes
25:29that the boys wore the night of the party.
25:34Count on it. We'll send it to you, prosecutor.
25:38Shall we go? It's getting late.
25:40Is that all?
25:41For now, yes.
25:46Let's go.
25:48Excuse me.
25:49Excuse me.
25:55That truck is our key piece, Jiménez.
25:57We have to find it before these guys
25:59find false witnesses.
26:03Why did they ask for the clothes?
26:07They're looking for traces of blood.
26:10Tell me something.
26:11When they moved the body, did they get stained with blood?
26:15Just the sleeves.
26:16But I washed all the clothes.
26:18We have to get rid of all those clothes.
26:20Buy an identical one and always pay with cash.
26:22Did you understand?
26:24What else do you need to finish this nightmare?
26:27Now what the prosecution needs most
26:29is to find that truck.
26:30That and the boy who's in a coma
26:32are your key points.
26:34Memo, we already took the truck to the workshop
26:36to fix it.
26:37He's a mechanic who knows my cousin.
26:39Yes, his name is Greñas.
26:41I can tell him to sell the truck in parts.
26:45To disarm it.
26:52It can't be.
26:53A guy with that nickname
26:55can ruin my future in the presidency.
27:01Come with me, Memo.
27:04No, uncle.
27:05Greñas is very suspicious.
27:07He's paranoid.
27:08He can't see me with him.
27:10You're going to do what I tell you.
27:14Okay, yes.
27:19I'm going to take you to Alexandra's house
27:22and you're going to tell her strictly
27:24what you have to say.
27:26Yes, dad.
27:27And for no reason
27:28are you going to allow me to change my mind.
27:30Yes, yes, dad. I'm sorry.
27:31Because it's not for everyone.
27:32Do you understand, Adrian?
27:34We have to go.
27:35They're taking pictures of us.
27:37Let's go.
27:48Let's go.
28:00Hello, Karina.
28:01How are you?
28:02Pedro, how are you?
28:05If you call to find out the candidate's schedule,
28:07I'll tell you right away that you're wasting your time.
28:09Actually, I'm calling because I need you to clarify a question.
28:13Enrique Ferrer canceled his event today
28:15to come to the Central Investigation Agency.
28:18Why do you say that?
28:19Because I just saw him go out with his son Adrian
28:21and his nephew.
28:24Why don't we meet and I'll explain it to you in person?
28:27I promise you the exclusive, but hold the note for me.
28:31Perfect. I'll call you to give you an appointment.
28:34Thank you, Pedro.
28:40Your call has been transferred to...
28:46as soon as you hear this message, please call me.
28:49It's urgent.
29:08Roberto, sorry to bother you,
29:09but I need to know what Enrique Ferrer
29:11and his son were doing at the DA's office.
29:14Who did you go to see?
29:16News travels fast.
29:19But you know I don't share my cases with anyone.
29:22I didn't do it when we were together,
29:24unless now that we're separated.
29:26Okay, so it has to do with a case that you're investigating.
29:30If you ask yourself why it's important for my job.
29:34I suggest you talk to the candidate.
29:37Look, if this becomes a scandal,
29:39it's going to affect me, do you understand me?
29:41I'm sorry.
29:43Believe it or not,
29:44I know it's been hard for you to get to where you are.
29:48Your job is above all else.
29:51But I can't share my cases with you or anyone else.
29:56At least tell me if there's anything I should be worried about.
29:59I told you to talk to the candidate.
30:02I'm sorry, I'm very busy. See you later.
30:22Ever since I graduated as a lawyer,
30:24my goal has always been to become a DA.
30:27That's why I'm doing a career as an investigation officer.
30:31So you're an investigator?
30:34Oh, detective!
30:37I worked in another DA's office,
30:38but I asked for a transfer because I'm interested in working
30:41with one of the best DA's in the country.
30:43His name is Roberto Roldan.
30:44He's known as Inspector Furia.
30:48How curious.
30:50My granddaughter works with her ex-wife.
30:53She takes care of the girl.
30:54Well, I hope you never find him.
30:56Because he's a very tough guy.
30:57He imposes himself when he gives instructions.
30:59I don't even want to imagine what it's like to have him as an enemy.
31:04It seems you're talking about someone completely different.
31:07I met him and he seemed like a very kind person.
31:11And even affectionate.
31:13At least, that's how I saw him with his daughter.
31:18Inspector Furia.
31:20Who wouldn't?
31:33Mrs. Mariana Bendaño.
31:35I'm Detective Roberto Roldan.
31:37This is Agent Victoria Jimenez.
31:39Are you Guillermo Solis' mother?
31:41Yes. Is something wrong?
31:43No, don't worry. Your son is fine.
31:45We just came to ask you about the assault you suffered.
31:48Assault? What assault?
31:50I don't know what you're talking about.
31:51Guillermo and his cousin, Adrian Ferrer,
31:53have already given their statement to the authorities.
31:56I still don't understand.
31:57You caught me by surprise.
31:58I'm sure your son didn't want to worry you.
32:01Do you know if they came to your house to sleep
32:03after the university party?
32:06Yes, they did.
32:09I didn't hear them come,
32:10but I saw them leave very early in the morning,
32:12probably to cure their hangover.
32:14When he saw them leave,
32:15they left in Adrian's truck, the green one.
32:19Why so many questions?
32:20What do you want to know?
32:23Look, I don't know what the case is,
32:26if they came or not to sleep with the assault.
32:28What did they steal from you?
32:29We just want to know the background of the case.
32:32Who else lives with you?
32:34My husband, Mateo Solis.
32:37But he was asleep when they arrived and when they left.
32:40But did you hear the engine of the truck when they left?
32:44No, not at all.
32:48Do you want to know anything else?
32:49Because I have a very urgent matter to attend to.
32:51No, that would be all, ma'am, for today.
33:11Come here.
33:12Alex, how are you going to go back to the hospital where Daniel is?
33:15Adrian, I have no choice.
33:17I left my card and my credential there.
33:19Adrian, it's as if everyone knew what you did.
33:22I know, Alex.
33:23It's horrible.
33:24Listen to me, calm down.
33:25Look, just today,
33:26Memo and I went to testify in court.
33:30Did they tell the police that it was all an accident?
33:33No, no, obviously not.
33:35They would have put us in jail.
33:36Look, we had to say that they stole the truck.
33:38Listen to me.
33:40Alex, they're going to come and interrogate you, okay?
33:42Come here, come here.
33:43They're going to come and interrogate you.
33:44But if you repeat what I tell you,
33:46you're not going to be involved, okay?
33:55Here are the photos that the prosecutor asked for.
33:57They are from the inspection of the city's cameras.
34:00We found the route that took the truck to the Morelos neighborhood.
34:04It's a pretty dangerous neighborhood.
34:07By the time he was in this area after the accident.
34:12And where did he move after this area?
34:15There is no record of the truck in the next 24 hours.
34:21Move all your people in this area.
34:23Coordinate with the mayor's police.
34:25I want you to check workshops and sewers.
34:27Also warehouses, parking lots, factories, everything.
34:31You make sure that C5 is very aware of that area.
34:35That's where Adrian Ferrer's truck has to be.
34:38Good job, Teresa.
34:48No, I just told Mariana that they had assaulted Memo and Adrian
34:51and that he would come here so that we could explain in person.
34:54Ines, we have to speak up.
34:56Memo and Adrian were assaulted with a gun and their truck was stolen.
35:00Start with our friendships.
35:02Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to let Luciana know.
35:04Okay, but she can't really find out what happened.
35:08And much less what we're doing.
35:10Oh, please, it's Luciana.
35:12You have nothing to worry about.
35:14It's family, right?
35:15Luciana learned from me what honesty is.
35:21Quite the opposite of her father.
35:23If she finds out what's really going on, she'll go to the police.
35:28Oh, no, you know what? You're upset.
35:31The important thing is that our son is safe.
35:34Enrique, you did the right thing.
35:39The right thing for whom, Ines?
36:00Excuse me, I left my wallet here.
36:02I'm glad you're back.
36:04Did you leave your wallet?
36:07Thank you very much, ma'am.
36:09Don't call me ma'am. Call me Elena.
36:11Let's go see Danilo for a while.
36:13The doctor told me it's good for him to hear family voices.
36:16It's just that...
36:17I know he'll be very happy to hear you.
36:19A good friend is always important.
36:35I heard about your mysterious visit to the DA's office.
36:40What were you thinking?
36:42I'm supposed to be in control of all that news, Enrique.
36:50What happened?
36:52They stole my son Adrian's car and committed a crime with it.
37:01It's a shame those guys ran over your son's car.
37:06I guess Adrian must feel terrible, right?
37:09I also felt very stressed to be there with the authorities and the DA.
37:14But above all, because the case will be handled by your daughter's father.
37:19I don't know why, but I get the impression that he wants to destroy Adrian.
37:24No, I know Roberto.
37:26He doesn't deal with prejudices.
37:28So don't worry about that.
37:29No, I wouldn't be so sure.
37:31So investigate him.
37:32I want to know what he's up to.
37:34I already talked to him when I tried to locate you and I couldn't.
37:37He didn't want to give me any kind of information.
37:40But if Adrian is telling you the truth, you shouldn't be so worried.
37:43Of course he's telling me the truth.
37:45He's my son, I know him.
37:47I would be unable to make up something like that.
37:49You know what?
37:50You take care that this note is not published.
37:53I want to avoid speculations.
37:55Too late, Enrique.
37:57A journalist has already seen them leave the DA's office.
38:05I know it took me longer than usual,
38:08I know it took me longer than usual,
38:10but I have my sick kid.
38:12And now, what do you bring?
38:13Change of plans.
38:15You don't have to fix the truck anymore,
38:17you just have to disappear it.
38:19Well, and how or why?
38:21Let's see, Greñas, don't ask so many questions.
38:23It's very easy, do what you are told.
38:25You disassemble the truck, sell the parts,
38:27and the insurance gives us a new truck.
38:29You don't have to ask so many questions if we're paying you.
38:32Well, maybe yes, because I own the workshop.
38:35And if you don't like it, you take your truck
38:37and look for someone to clean that bloody mess you have.
39:00I'm sorry to introduce myself like this without warning.
39:04And without having given you my address.
39:07Although, well, I guess for a prosecutor
39:09that's very easy to find out.
39:12I read your entry form to the prosecution.
39:15And Dana told me that they also rent rooms here.
39:17Are you going to rent one?
39:19No, not really.
39:21I came because I need to tell you something very urgent
39:23and I thought it was better to tell you in person.
39:25That sounds very serious.
39:28Am I under arrest?
39:32Yes, if you are under arrest,
39:34I definitely feel that you are hiding something behind those eyes.
39:37And if you don't tell me soon, I promise you'll regret it.
39:41Oh my God.
39:43I promise you won't regret it.
39:45No, I think you do have to improve your jokes, definitely.
39:50Seriously, how can I help you?
39:54I came to ask you, if you can, of course,
39:56to help me take care of my son.
39:59It would be apart from when you help Karina.
40:02It would be at my house.
40:04Yes, of course, with pleasure.
40:06Do you have a lot of work?
40:09It seems that the case of the Aldaña brothers is going to be complicated.
40:12And why is that?
40:15Sorry, I can't comment on a research in progress.
40:18It's the rules.
40:19Yes, of course, you're right.
40:21I won't ask again.
40:22But of course, with pleasure, I can take care of Gaby.
40:30Can I explain some things to you?
40:32Of course, come in.
40:33Excuse me, you're here on the street.
40:35Come in, come in.
40:39Yes, yes, let's see.
40:44Don't worry.
40:45And the Greñas?
40:46We come in a very good plan.
40:48Giving us the payment.
40:50Decuates nothing, kid.
40:51What's more, they're taking their problem elsewhere.
40:56The police are looking for this truck.
40:57They're taking this truck.
40:59Don't hallucinate.
41:00I already told you that it's just insurance.
41:02Do you want to see my face?
41:03I saw that they washed it and there were still traces of blood.
41:06You two are involved in something very serious and I don't want to know anything.
41:13Here is my daughter's credential and these are her schedules.
41:16Today she is late because she has football practice.
41:18And in this letter I authorize you to pick her up.
41:21Very well.
41:23And that tie?
41:25Ah, it's my daughter's school tie.
41:28But I better keep it because I have a whole issue with ties.
41:31Sometimes I forget.
41:38Is that all?
41:39Or do you need to tell me something else?
41:42No, no, that's all.
41:45Well, see you later.
41:46Of course.
41:47With my daughter, of course.
41:50I don't know why I clarify that, right?
41:52Well, I'm leaving because I'm saying a lot of nonsense.
41:54No, no, no.
41:56Ah, one more thing.
41:57No cell phones on the table and that's not a rule.
42:00It's a law.
42:02No cell phones on the table.
42:03Change and go out, Mr. Prosecutor.
42:06Well, I'll go with you.
42:08Let's go.
42:15Well, thank you very much for everything.
42:17No problem.
42:18If you need anything, call me.
42:19There you have my phone number.
42:21Gaby behaves well.
42:22More or less.
42:23She knows her.
42:24She's a little naughty.
42:25Hey, who is this little thing?
42:26Oh, it's my puppy and her name is Galleta.
42:29Say hello, Galleta.
42:31Say hello.
42:32I warn you that it is my adoration.
42:33Oh, I love dogs.
42:35At some point I wanted to buy a house to have 17 dogs.
42:39Yes, yes.
42:41But well, I couldn't convince Karina and then our separation
42:44went through and then I postponed it.
42:47I think you shouldn't think about it so much.
42:49There is never the place or the perfect moment to do what you want.
42:54Do it for yourself.
42:58Maybe later I will follow your advice.
43:03Well, I'm leaving.
43:04Of course.
43:05Take care of the cookie.
43:07Of course, Mr. Prosecutor.
43:10Let's go.
43:15See you later.
43:37Salvador Espinoza guilty of growing capital fraud.
43:49I need you to convince that journalist not to publish the note.
43:54I have to see him in person, but I have to offer him something to convince him.
43:58Tell him that I will give him an exclusive interview,
44:00but first I want to read the questions.
44:04I'll take care of it.
44:06You always know how to fix things.
44:27You always know how to fix things and you know how to make me happy.
44:57You always know how to fix things and you know how to make me happy.
45:27You always know how to fix things and you know how to make me happy.