20 YouTubers VS Titan (In My Real Life House)... the map was literally our house. This was one of my most insane videos. Oh, and by the way, for this video the titan is my DAD!
VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep (50% off until January 6th) - https://www.beyondsleeptech.com/ (there’s SPEAKERS in the MATTRESS!)
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Thank you to everyone who participated in this! It was a lot of fun.
This took a long time to make! Thanks to @awesamdude for helping code the objects system for all the cool doors and appliances and stuff! Hopefully we will do more like this in the future.
In order to make this map, we first scanned our house and converted it into the closest Minecraft blocks, then we touched it up by building in more detail in order to get a perfect to scale map, but still have it look nice and capture the smaller objects.
Here's how the game works:
All players have an hour to hide from the TITAN, anybody left alive after an hour enters a death match until there is only one YouTuber standing.
Everyone has a few special items to help them navigate the map, like a ladder to climb, and fishing rod to pull other players up. There's a special sabotage sword!
Thanks to my dad for being in the video!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
VibraSonic Mattress by Beyond-Sleep (50% off until January 6th) - https://www.beyondsleeptech.com/ (there’s SPEAKERS in the MATTRESS!)
Follow my socials:
➽ Twitter - @dreamwastaken
➽ Instagram - @dreamwastaken
➽ Snapchat - @dreampublic
Thank you to everyone who participated in this! It was a lot of fun.
This took a long time to make! Thanks to @awesamdude for helping code the objects system for all the cool doors and appliances and stuff! Hopefully we will do more like this in the future.
In order to make this map, we first scanned our house and converted it into the closest Minecraft blocks, then we touched it up by building in more detail in order to get a perfect to scale map, but still have it look nice and capture the smaller objects.
Here's how the game works:
All players have an hour to hide from the TITAN, anybody left alive after an hour enters a death match until there is only one YouTuber standing.
Everyone has a few special items to help them navigate the map, like a ladder to climb, and fishing rod to pull other players up. There's a special sabotage sword!
Thanks to my dad for being in the video!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DreamWasTaken
00:00I scanned my house exactly to scale into Minecraft, just so I could play hide-and-seek with my
00:06We're tiny Minecraft characters in this big real-life house, and my actual dad is a
00:11titan real-time projected into Minecraft using 3D cameras, and his only job is to hunt down
00:16every single YouTuber in this video until there is only one left, and he has to kill
00:21each of us with his bare hands.
00:24And you should subscribe with your bare hands, because this video is one of my best ever.
00:28Also, enjoy the house tour in Minecraft.
00:59No, stay away, please, please, no one, you guys need to stay out of my room.
01:03I found a spot over here, in the washroom, this way, this way, it's gonna be up here.
01:09This spot is low-key detect, though.
01:11How is he gonna move this giant cart?
01:13I've seen him on that!
01:17We have two minutes!
01:18Bro, he's sabotaging already, like...
01:19I'm just following that, okay, why am I being hit, why am I being hit, this is ridiculous.
01:24Wait, wait, wait, I wanna hide, I wanna hide with you guys.
01:27I'm not invited, I'm not invited.
01:29Do you have a plan or what?
01:30I found my spot, guys, I found my spot.
01:32Found such a good spot, there's no way they got me, there's no way they got me!
01:38I like up here, I don't know, there's like a spot over here.
01:41Let's go to my office, come on.
01:42Wait, what is this?
01:43Oh, it's like the little cat toy thing.
01:45Go to my office!
01:47Okay, wait, your office looks sick, though.
01:49I love this room, and I love that this is like Dream's real house.
01:52You copied my place, Captain Poofy.
01:54I was already here!
01:56It's good to be in Paris.
01:58Someone's glowing!
01:59No, don't go, don't come in here.
02:01Why not?
02:02But I like it in here, I think it's awesome in here.
02:04Thank you, oh my god.
02:05Listen, listen, listen.
02:06You think I'm glowing?
02:08I'm glowing.
02:09Wait, I can just sabotage that map.
02:10We probably shouldn't be all the way up, because they might be able to see us through the leaves, yeah?
02:15If he tries to pick you up, I'll hit you with a stick, and then you juke him, and then you fall, and then that's all I got.
02:23Oh, here we go.
02:25Five, four, three, two, one.
02:29Oh, crap.
02:32It's go time.
02:33Let's see, I think only idiots, only idiots would hide in the office right next to me.
02:39So, I'll get them easily later.
02:42Why not now?
02:43You need to be behind blocks, or they'll physically be able to see you.
02:47Yeah, yeah, yeah, the glow effect shines through leaves, I'm assuming.
02:51Let's try upstairs.
02:53Oh, it starts upstairs.
02:57I'm chilling.
02:58I'm actually chilling.
03:00Which room do I pick?
03:01Oh, oh no.
03:03Oh, no.
03:13I see him.
03:14Stand, like, right on top of me.
03:16Right on top of me, guys.
03:17Okay, wait, wait, wait.
03:19Oh my goodness, he's up here, he's up here.
03:21Wait, he's up?
03:22Yeah, he's up here.
03:23He's going up five, going up five.
03:25Wait, can he hear us?
03:26Can he hear us?
03:27No, no, no.
03:28We're too far away.
03:29Not ever shifting.
03:30Like, I hope not.
03:31I don't like this at all.
03:33Do you think the Titan is upstairs right now or downstairs?
03:36No shot, no shot.
03:38He's literally looking around everything right now.
03:41Oh my goodness.
03:42Get up, get up here.
03:43Guys, come here.
03:44Come here.
03:49Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree.
03:54Could you be hiding under it?
03:59Could you be hiding under it?
04:02Wait, he's got me.
04:14Run, run, run!
04:16Skeppy is the first loser.
04:18Let him go, Skeppy is there.
04:20Let him go!
04:22Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
04:23Mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy.
04:25I know where they are, I know where they are, trust me.
04:28I will show you, I'll show you where they are, I'll show you.
04:31Trust me, trust me, trust me, trust me.
04:32Let us go!
04:33Wait, wait, wait, wait.
04:41I have to run, I have to run, I have to run.
04:43I have to run, I have to run, I have to run.
04:45I have to run, I have to run.
04:46I know I can't see him.
04:47I know I can't see him.
04:49Somebody went that way.
04:55Somebody went that way.
04:57No, no, no!
04:58Don't get me, Skeppy hit me.
05:00Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, my friends are dead, oh my friends just perished, where
05:09do I go?
05:13Skeppy was the first one!
05:16Oh my god, two people died, what?
05:21Oh my gosh.
05:23Oh, two people!
05:24Wait, a double kill?
05:26Get eliminated by that.
05:30Yeah, there's a person glowing, I wonder, I wonder what happened to them, someone must
05:36have memed them.
05:37Why is he glowing?
05:38Bring me back!
05:39Pull me up!
05:40You ready?
05:41Stop glowing, you're baiting us out!
05:42Go, run away, leave us alone!
05:43Where you at queen, where you at?
05:44You know what, go away!
05:45No, you did this to me, you hate me, you hate me!
05:46Hey guys!
05:47We did it!
05:48We killed Skeppy!
05:49We killed Skeppy!
05:55Hey guys
05:58Get away
06:02Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone
06:06I'm going to my room. I'm going to my room. I'm going to my bedroom
06:16Why do you guys I really hope I really hope I'm not glowing right now that would so suck if I was
06:25George George George George, come here. We can't get
06:45Join me behind my pillow. Yes, George. Yes
06:56Mm-hmm. Exactly. Oh my god, that's toilet
07:07Come on yes
07:14Light round
07:19You can look on but you can't hide
07:37My gosh, this is terrifying
07:55Oh my gosh! Blippi and Skeppy, why did you hit me?
08:02I'll show you where everybody else is go somewhere else
08:06Where they're in the room. They're in the room next to the Christmas tree. There's two people in there
08:14Then they're over there they're over there in the room next to hi
08:17No, no, no, no, no, no listen up
08:20Dang it. Skippy hit me on accident
08:24Listen, listen, I'll leave you I'll leave you where they are
08:27You get the prize for being the worst friend ever giving away all your friends. What I did not this is what happens
08:34This is what happens. That's oh
08:41oh wait good news yeah he's upstairs I'm chillin I'm chillin I think the plan is
08:58that we wait for him to cross and then we go above the door after the glow up
09:02and then if he walks in you jump around and hide to the next room and we repeat
09:07the process I'm so curious as to how Daznerth is gonna do though Daznerth is
09:12in this competition and he's known known for winning events like this
09:29wait why are you coming here why are you coming here wait who is that
09:34wait I'm going in my trash can no why are you coming here why are you coming
09:38here this is my PC Dizzy why can't I be here because you're you're literally a
09:46beacon of light
09:53wait maybe maybe the strat is to hide behind the door yeah or like next to the
10:01door like wait we can go like oh wait this is good because it also my bed my
10:05this is my room like I know this good like my bed is to the right so we can
10:09just like bolt for under my bed okay I haven't even seen anyone pass by like
10:15that's how undercover this spot is hey I've already survived like
10:32yes he's too what do you know this is dreams dad we're talking he would he
10:37double killed you earlier he did it I'm sorry but I just can't do this alone I
10:41need friends please just let me hang out for now like he's not even close he's
10:46not even very actual friends if you're gonna stand on top of us okay I'll go
10:50like on this other platform okay wait awesome dude awesome dude what if I do
10:54this oh my wait what oh my wait no no like you wait no it's coming into this
11:05room actually right now oh this is so good
11:21how's your seat Georgia it's comfy
11:40oh my god the Titans literally right there oh my god he's checking he's
12:38oh my god
12:53oh I got away
13:29wait he's going here next!
13:35You come back here!
13:37GO GO GO GO!
13:39Let's work together George!
13:41Let's work together!
13:43Oh oh I'm hearing panic!
13:47Wait what is happening?
13:49I'm sneaking with you awesome let's get out of here
13:51I'm on the move
13:53I'm on the move
13:55Let's get on the prowl!
13:57Let's go upstairs if he's upstairs and get away
13:59Did he get Sapnap?
14:03Okay at least Jess died she was being stupid
14:05Oh wait Sapnap's alive!
14:07Wait how did he escape?
14:09How did he pick me up and I lived?
14:19I need to make a run for it
14:21I'm gonna go for it
14:23I'm gonna run!
14:25Oh my god!
14:33Wait but I don't hear him we did hear him for a sec
14:35Yeah he was talking about the rooms though
14:37He was like did anyone go in
14:39Yeah he even said Sap's room
14:41Which is where we were I think
14:45They're in my room!
14:47They're in my room listen to me!
14:49They're in my room!
14:51No he's right there!
14:53He's right there!
14:57Oh my god!
14:59This way
15:15Oh my god he's over there
15:17Oh my god!
15:23Oh my god
15:29I can't believe I let him get away
15:31Oh my god!
15:39Oh my god!
15:41Oh my god!
15:59Oh my god I cannot believe I got away
16:01Oh my god!
16:07Please don't see me
16:11Wait what if we go in
16:15What is here?
16:17Oh everyone's here!
16:19Yo what up George
16:21Oh look who it is
16:23This is the room
16:25My mission objective is to make a friend
16:27I will not betray him unless he betrays me
16:2950 seconds and we're gonna have to get out of this spot
16:33Hey we good
16:35This house is a mansion bro what
16:39Yo we're glowing
16:41Okay wait are we clear in here
16:43Other spot other spot come here
16:45Go go go go
16:47Wait you guys know spots
16:49Yeah yeah I'm coming
16:51I'm gonna show you a spot
16:53No way
16:55Oh my god
16:57Wait can I have fun with you guys though
16:59Okay like what
17:05Wait no and you haven't seen us
17:09Wait I'm going in the washroom
17:11I'm in this washroom
17:13That's like the first thing he's gonna check
17:15Oh I see him
17:21Yeah yeah
17:23Let's watch out
17:25George where are you guys
17:27Wait I see you you're on the ceiling
17:29Wait are you upstairs
17:31Yeah yeah where are you are you downstairs
17:33Oh we're below you we're in the laundry room
17:35Okay I'm coming I'm coming
17:37I can't believe he picked me up
17:39And I somehow lived
17:41Wait wait wait
17:43We can't trust them
17:45Wait what if we go on top of the door
17:47Can you do that I thought there was a
17:49We can go on top of the door
17:51We just can't go on top of the door frame
17:53He would never see us
17:55Yeah we stay here
17:57This is good this is good
17:59I'm gonna leave you in a bookshelf
18:01Wait did you just glow me
18:03And run away
18:07What are you doing
18:09Get in there
18:11Got those nerds out of the way
18:13Out of my spot
18:19Guys guys he's in the kitchen
18:21He's in the kitchen
18:23He's in the kitchen
18:25Shut up shut up
18:27He's in the logo room so that he can't tell where we are
18:29Dude there's no way he's coming for us here right
18:33He saw everybody glowing at the top floor
18:35Except us two
18:41It's awful quiet in here
18:43Come on people
18:51Oh my god
18:57Here hiding in the snacks
19:05Oh somebody's glowing
19:07Go there
19:09Look up
19:21I got somebody
19:25Dude it's not like 5 minutes since I got anybody
19:27You ain't gonna figure a way out of here
19:29Oh my god
19:31Rip coldy
19:37Please don't see me
19:39I can't even
19:43We can talk about this
19:49You let me run
19:51And I show you to other people
19:53Okay I feel bad but I kinda wanna sabotage you
19:57No you don't
19:59I'm sorry I had to
20:03Yeah exactly we can be in it together
20:05Your dad is very aggressive
20:07I'm scared
20:09Dad I've never seen you like this
20:13Dad stop
20:15How does that sound
20:17How about you tell me where they are
20:19And if they are where they say
20:21You say they are then I will drop you and let you go
20:25Let's do that
20:29Okay we have to head upstairs
20:31Let's go in there
20:33Why are they sabotaging each other
20:35Yeah yeah
20:37Run around the map
20:39Get as far away from me as you possibly can
20:41Let's just ruin other people
20:43Yeah why not
20:45These maniacs
20:47These maniacs
20:49My friends
20:51It's gonna take a little
20:55So are we good
20:57Are we like friends
20:59He's here
21:01Oh shoot shoot shoot
21:07Guys don't all hide in the same spot
21:09Or spread out
21:11Look we are the new dream team guys
21:13It's like a wish.com
21:15Dream team
21:17Wait what if we go in the toilet
21:19Nah he's gonna find us
21:21I don't think we can go under the movie
21:23Well in real life you can
21:25Cats go under there all the time
21:27This is not real life
21:29The cats go under there all the time
21:31We are smaller than the cats
21:33Did you hear that
21:35It's getting better
21:39The cool part is that stuff is definitely happening right now
21:41That we just don't know about
21:43In the bathroom
21:45That place is stinky
21:47Who wants to go in there
21:49Do you see them on the right
21:51They are walking
21:53One to the left one to the right
21:55One is hiding on the right side
21:57I can't believe I am doing this
21:59It's been real Benix
22:01I can't believe it worked
22:03Oh my gosh
22:05It's right there
22:07It's been real Benix
22:09Don't close the door
22:11Don't close the door
22:13Oh my
22:15Chloe close the door
22:17How did that work
22:19Oh my god
22:23Lilith you are Chloe
22:25Get away from me
22:35Rest in peace to those two people there
22:37Somebody has to die
22:39Who's dead
22:59Oh who's that
23:01Sammy boy
23:07You can let me live
23:09Go back to Texas
23:21No you don't have anybody
23:23You don't have anybody
23:25I'm sorry Mr. Ticket let me go
23:27I'll do anything
23:35He's so hardcore
23:39Oh my god
23:41Chloe 13 players left
23:43Oh my god
23:45It's like the dad version of the Hunger Games
23:47Alright anybody else up here
23:49Alright anybody else up here
23:55You're still up here by now
23:57There's something wrong with you
23:59There's something wrong with you
24:01I can take care of that
24:07Oh my god
24:09The vents really are mapped out
24:11Dude that is insane
24:19That's genius
24:21I think the less you move the better
24:23Probably like you don't want to be a moving glowing object
24:25Yeah if dad comes into this room
24:27I'm not going to worry too much about it
24:29Well I'm going to worry if he does
24:31But I'm not moving right now
24:33Wait is that patches on your bed
24:35No it's a cat bed though
24:37She looks a little different
24:39It's funny if we go on my bed
24:41I have a mattress sponsor so it plays music
24:43Come with me
24:45Oh we're glowing it's fine
24:47Alright dad's just never going to find me right here
24:49It's cooked for dad
24:51Dad has no chance
24:53Wait look someone's in Dream's room
24:55Probably Dream
24:57My bed plays music
24:59My actual mattress in real life has speakers in it
25:01Oh that's sick
25:03It's Dream showing off his bed being like
25:05My bed can make music
25:07Thank you to Beyond Sleep for sponsoring me
25:09And helping with this video
25:11They actually put speakers in your bed
25:13It's kind of crazy
25:15It vibrates like a massage
25:17I mean it's pretty awesome
25:19You can do some interesting things with that
25:21Oh my god
25:23Yes yes yes exactly
25:25I want to get off the bed now I've had enough
25:31Bro you have this all figured out man
25:33Have you ever taken an IQ test
25:35Yeah it's at 400
25:37Listen I took an IQ test 4 times
25:39And it's gone down every single time
25:41Alright well everyone's downstairs
25:43Okay I'm alone here
25:45We actually have an advantage because we know the map
25:47Wait we won all the girls died
25:49We won we did it
25:51We did it guys
25:53No more girls in gaming
25:55They're gone
25:57Oh no Puffy's still alive idiot
25:59Look Puffy's one of the boys
26:01He's one of the boys
26:05Surely he's just clearing the entire upstairs right now
26:07Like that's what's happening
26:09I think he's just cleared the entire upstairs
26:11Like he's right now clearing the entire upstairs
26:15Oh god
26:19Stay away
26:21Please leave dad please
26:23God please no
26:25Please god no
26:33Nobody wanted to take a shower
26:39No no no no
26:41No no no no
26:45I'm missing out on some action
26:47Yes you are yes you are
26:49Get down leave the room
26:51Get out of here daddy
26:59Nobody in here
27:05Oh what's this
27:21Is he leaving
27:23Daddy chill
27:35That's the titan
27:37Let's try the office
27:39How's that
27:41Anybody back here
27:43Wait he's in the office he's in dreams office
27:45Dad can you hear me
27:47Dad can you hear me
27:49Dad it's sapnap
27:51Dad it's sapnap
27:53I'm not your dad
27:55What do you mean
27:57You're a father figure to me
27:59Since when
28:01You never told me that before
28:03You save it for a game
28:05Yeah well now it feels appropriate
28:07Oh sure
28:09I just wanted to let you know I've always looked up to you
28:11And I appreciate all the guidance you've given me in my life
28:13He's lying he's telling me he's only saying this
28:15Because he wants to win the money
28:17But I will tell you there's people hiding in the laundry room
28:19Just because
28:21You're a father figure to me
28:25Why should I believe you
28:27I swear
28:29Take a look
28:31I gotta finish what I'm doing here first
28:33I'll consider
28:35I feel actually very comfortable right now
28:37I feel like the titan is my buddy now
28:39That was like the only option I had
28:41Sacrificing other people's life
28:43For my own good
28:45If anybody else was in the office
28:47You're done good
28:49Or as my wife would say
28:51You've done well
28:53I gotta go pick another area of the house
28:55I don't really believe the laundry room thing
28:57Not sure I trust
29:03Something about
29:05He was walking away though
29:07He was walking away from us
29:09He's coming
29:11He's coming
29:13He's coming
29:17It did get quiet all of a sudden
29:23That's not the laundry room dad
29:25That's the mud room
29:29How doesn't he know where the laundry room is
29:33He's been in there
29:35He's literally done laundry in there
29:39He replied and said dad is near us
29:41Big trouble
29:43He said pray for me and George
29:45Oh no
29:47I think I'm on to something when it gets really quiet
29:49That would be correct sir
29:51Alright I made it upstairs
29:53Thank goodness
29:55I think he was in Sapnap's room already so that's perfect
29:57Yeah that's why I'm hiding in there
29:59Oh man you guys were something else
30:11Who is that
30:15I'm french
30:17Don't kill me I'm french
30:19How do you say that
30:29I know where is Sapnap
30:31You want to know
30:33Oh my god
30:35That was dramatic as hell
30:37Shadoon to you dude
30:49Oh no
30:51Oh my god he closed the door
31:51Take them out daddy
31:53Take them out
31:55Sorry Antvenom
31:57It didn't give you your
31:59Five seconds of fame before you die
32:01Not 15 seconds
32:03There's a time limit here, folks.
32:05Oh, well, Dizzy's dead.
32:08Do we use Code Dream?
32:10Oh, there's actually, you get 50% off until January 8th, January 5th.
32:17Not with Code Dream, I think they're just doing the same old thing.
32:24Somebody's in the washroom.
32:27Not what it is from the code.
32:30I'll check immediately.
32:36Oh, go time.
32:37Alright, here we go.
32:38Go time.
32:46Oh, please see them.
32:47Oh, please see them.
32:51They're glowing!
32:52They're glowing!
32:56Dad, dad, dad.
32:57Before you kill me, talk to me.
32:58Just talk.
32:59Dad, wait, dad, dad, listen.
33:00Listen, you don't have to kill me.
33:01We can talk.
33:02I can help you.
33:03I can tell you where people are.
33:04We can make a trade, okay?
33:05My life or someone else's life, okay?
33:07Can we make a deal?
33:08My life or someone else's life?
33:10Keep talking, keep talking.
33:11Okay, my life or someone else's?
33:16You killed him!
33:17Okay, dad, you killed him.
33:18You can let me go.
33:19You can let me go.
33:20You can let me go.
33:21You can let me go, dad.
33:22Dad, dad, listen, listen.
33:23The Englishman's gone now.
33:24He's squashed.
33:25You can put me down.
33:26You can put me down, dad.
33:27You can put me down.
33:28I don't even like lying to me the whole time.
33:29Nobody was in the laundry room.
33:30You killed two people in the laundry room.
33:31Who was in the laundry room?
33:32That's the laundry room right there.
33:34That was a lie.
33:35You killed two people in there.
33:36You killed two people in the laundry room.
33:38You went to the mudroom.
33:39The mudroom is wrong.
33:40Man, you can scream with the best of us.
33:41But listen, but listen.
33:42Hold on.
33:43Before you kill me, just listen to what I have to say.
33:44The laundry room, you killed two people in there.
33:45You killed Aunt Venom and Dizzy.
33:46I told you they were in there.
33:47I don't remember.
33:48I'm an old man.
33:49I have bad memory.
33:50I'm sorry, man.
33:51Don't do it.
33:52You don't have to do this.
33:53You're a father figure to me.
33:54Don't do it.
33:55I know.
33:57Say it after the game, whenever you don't have any money.
33:58Don't do this to me!
33:59Don't do this to me!
34:00Oh, my God.
34:01That was brutal.
34:02That was cinema.
34:03That was cinema.
34:04Oh, my God.
34:06Zenet died.
34:08Now it's getting very interesting.
34:12Oh, God.
34:13Oh, God!
34:15Oh, God!
34:16Oh, God!
34:17Oh, God!
34:18Oh, no!
34:19Oh, no!
34:20Oh, my God!
34:22Oh, my God!
34:23Oh, my God!
34:24Oh, my God!
34:25No, well, the dream team is cooked.
34:28Yeah, now we really are the wish dream team.
34:31All right, listen to me.
34:32All three of them are next to each other,
34:33so we just got to be the last two.
34:36So no, okay, now we just chill for a bit.
34:38So that was also north.
34:39Yeah, okay.
34:40He hasn't come in here yet, so surely there's two,
34:42there's five people of the remaining eight are in here,
34:44so he's going to start cooking as soon as he gets in here.
34:46I'm worried that this is going to be the last room.
34:48I think that, yeah, I think we just got lucky and picked.
34:50What's the plan, Pravda? Do we go upstairs?
34:53We first book it for my bed,
34:54and then if he didn't see us and he had closed the door,
34:56then we recoup.
34:58We go right here, like right around this corner,
34:59just enough to where we're out of his view,
35:01because if there's blocks between you and him,
35:03then he won't glow, and as long as we're not glowing,
35:04he won't get us because we're so small.
35:06Me and Daz are still chilling up here on the door.
35:08Every single time that the glow effect happens,
35:10we run to a different location
35:12and try to basically squabble up next to each other
35:15so we don't get discovered.
35:17It's been working so far.
35:19Once the numbers start dwindling down,
35:20we're going to have to start thinking of other strategies.
35:22Stay away from me, Dad.
35:24My room!
35:26I'm going to do my homework when I want!
35:29Nobody's moving.
35:30I feel like I'm the only one who can move,
35:33if that makes sense.
35:34Where's the titan?
35:39Oh, back there. Oh my god.
35:42The numbers are dwindling.
35:48He's there. He's there. He's there. He's there. He's there.
35:54Oh my gosh.
35:56There he is!
35:59Oh my gosh, he shut the door.
36:04Okay! Fun time!
36:07Anybody who decided to hide back here in the, uh, dreams area?
36:12This is dreams area?
36:14I had no idea!
36:17He's searching. He's just searching.
36:22God, Glo is in two minutes.
36:25I'm worried that it's going to happen to me when he comes over here.
36:28Oh my god.
36:39He's not looking up.
36:41There? No?
36:43Bro, it's not aware!
36:46Come on!
36:47Come on!
36:49Clear the room.
36:51We're not here.
36:53Go to the door!
36:55Okay. I feel pretty good about that one.
37:05Let's try the bathroom.
37:10Let's try the bathroom.
37:21He just finished the server room.
37:23Yeah, he finished the server room. He closed the door.
37:35Oh my god, my heart rate is spiking.
37:37130 beats per minute.
37:40Do you signal me to come over?
37:43Oh, the Glo effect!
37:48He's gotten really, really quiet.
37:58Oh, yeah, there's two people in the kitchen.
38:00Or, I'm sorry, in the bathroom.
38:02No, they're in the server room. He missed them somehow.
38:06Come on.
38:08Come on.
38:12What's he saying?
38:14He's on the bath.
38:20Once he steps in,
38:22we need to go and bolt for the right.
38:24We need to do it while he's turning around.
38:26He needs to be walking in. He's not going to look up right away.
38:28Then we bolt.
38:38I'm seeing ghosts now.
38:56Woo, you guys are making me work.
38:58That's a lot of work.
39:00His dad is working right now in Minecraft.
39:04If I can get you out of my house
39:06and back to the real world.
39:12I see a lot of music symbols.
39:14There's something going on with that bed.
39:16It's the sponsor.
39:20They're going to glow in 30 seconds.
39:26Fancy schmancy.
39:28Look at this closet.
39:30They're getting found.
39:32No way!
39:35No shot.
39:37There's no way.
39:39It worked. It actually worked.
39:47Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
39:49Oh my god.
39:51I'm so excited.
40:03What an awful time to glow.
40:05Oh no.
40:07He's looking at the door.
40:09Look to see where his head looks.
40:11He's looking left.
40:13Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
40:17He's looking at the door.
40:19He's looking to them.
40:21I see some people.
40:27Run. Run. Run.
40:29The jackpot.
40:31This is the jackpot.
40:33No. No. No.
40:37It's almost the first time.
40:48Dream sacrifice.
40:50Oh my god.
40:56No. Dream.
41:04Who do we have there?
41:12No. No. No.
41:14It's Christmas.
41:16It's Christmas.
41:18Have you guys ever met each other before?
41:20We're very familiar.
41:22You can go back to Minecraft world.
41:24I do whatever you want.
41:26You can put this down.
41:30The three stack is dead.
41:36I guess he knows it the best.
41:38Where are you all at?
41:46Oh my god.
41:48Do they know?
41:50I can't even see the other guys.
42:00How did I miss?
42:02I didn't see any glows.
42:06Christmas lights going on and off.
42:08Confusing me.
42:10Confusing me.
42:14Let's go back upstairs.
42:16What do I want to do here?
42:18Oh god. He's coming.
42:20Oh god. Please. Please. Please.
42:22Please. I'm dead.
42:24I think. One minute until next glow.
42:26I am trapped. I feel like.
42:28Get out of my room. Dad.
42:34Unless he goes like into a whole other direction.
42:36I mean to be fair I could run anywhere.
42:38He has to look everywhere.
42:40I got to risk it.
42:42I have to know where he is.
42:44Oh god. I'm dead.
42:46I'm dead.
42:48No. No. No.
42:54Go away.
43:00There's no way they find us.
43:02No way. No way. No way.
43:08I spoke too soon.
43:10I spoke too soon.
43:12I take it all back.
43:22He knows I'm in the server room.
43:28Come on. Come on. Come on.
43:34I'm waiting for the door to open. That way I can run out.
43:38There it is.
43:50I blundered.
43:58No. Please.
44:00I beg of you.
44:04What is going on?
44:09They're in the bathroom. In the toilet.
44:11I can take you to them. Just take me to the toilet.
44:13I swear.
44:15There's a guy there.
44:17Thank you for telling me.
44:19I will guide you there.
44:21Just please spare me.
44:23Please. Please. I beg.
44:25You can clear the rest of the room.
44:27I swear they're in the toilet.
44:29Oh no.
44:31You were saved by the bell.
44:33You were saved.
44:35I have to go.
44:37Everyone has been found.
44:41Until the final hiding place.
44:43No way.
44:45No way.
44:49Oh my gosh.
44:51You guys are the final three alive.
44:53We closed all the doors.
44:55You're in the living room and kitchen.
44:57You're going to hide.
44:59Whoever is the last one standing is the last one standing.
45:01Good luck.
45:05This is going to be insane.
45:09I see him.
45:21Good luck.
45:23Oh my goodness.
45:25He got me.
45:33He got me.
45:35Oh man.
45:37You guys got this.
45:39Best of luck.
45:41Oh my gosh.
45:43Let me summarize what's happened here so far.
45:45Sapnap took a dirt nap.
45:47Doors not found was found.
45:49Dream turned into a nightmare.
45:51It seemed like Skeppy and Bat had something better to do.
45:53They got out of there so quickly.
45:55Sam, he was not so awesome.
45:57Then there was this real guy.
45:59He was a real sellout.
46:02After a bunch of others.
46:20After I get one more, I get to go back to my real life.
46:32We went back again.
46:34Maybe he found a way.
46:36Starting next week
46:38a challenge will presentateed.
46:40Where we'll see.
46:46We show this to him,
46:48it's a game we won't be able to beat.
46:50Don't miss the next video
46:52and participate as a reference.
46:54Don't miss the first video
46:56at discord.
46:58It's yours now.
47:00Oh my god.
47:25Wait this pillar is a crazy spot.
47:28The fact that he can juke the titan is insane.
47:45He's going back around.
47:46The titan has definitely saw him.
47:59Is bro crazy like that?
48:11Oh 55 seconds Velvet, 55 seconds.
48:22Good thing I'm far away.
48:39Is that you on the couch?
48:40No I'm not on the couch.
48:41You're on the couch.
48:42You're on the couch.
48:43Is that you on the couch Velvet?
48:44No I'm in the cupboards.
48:45Is that you on the couch over there?
48:46I'm in the cupboard.
48:47I'm in the cupboard.
48:48I'm in the cabinet.
48:49I'm in the cabinet.
48:50Is that him Velvet?
48:51No I'm fine.
48:52Oh my god what's happening?
48:53Oh who's that?
48:54Oh who's that?
48:55Oh who's that?
48:56Oh who's that?
48:57Oh who's that?
48:58Oh who's that?
48:59Oh who's that?
49:00Oh who's that?
49:01Oh who's that?
49:02Oh who's that?
49:03Oh who's that?
49:04Oh who's that?
49:05Oh who's that?
49:06Oh who's that?
49:07Oh who's that?
49:08Oh who's that?
49:10Oh who's that?
49:11Oh who's that?
49:12Oh who's that?
49:13No it wasn't me.
49:14Why'd you wanna see the station?
49:15Did you wanna see the station?
49:16No it wasn't me!
49:18You did this!
49:19Why did I do this?
49:20Oh my gosh!
49:21Are you willing to split the money with me if I let you go?
49:22Oh yes absolutely.
49:24I will give you a slice of my cake and I'll do whatever you want.
49:27Well what do you mean by that?
49:29That's- that's not good.
49:30Well what do you mean by that?
49:32Bye byee.
49:34YES AHH!
49:37Let's go!