• 2 days ago
In this DanTDM Minecraft video, I'm playing my brand new Minecraft world and this one was supposed to be calm... the day had different plans..

Edited by: http://www.twitter.com/NoGoodDavis & Me, DanTDM

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DanTDM
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DanTDM
00:00We are back in my vanilla Minecraft world where last time I performed the burning down of the old stolen house ceremony and almost
00:08Unalived my dog the dog. Oh my god the dog out dog quick
00:13Oh, he made his way. Oh, look at that by accident, of course
00:16And then I replaced it with this new house, which i'm pretty happy with so today was supposed to be pretty chill
00:22But it took a turn for the worse twice. No
00:26I hope you enjoyed this episode. And of course if you're not already
00:29You gotta subscribe subscribe subscribe. I still like it. I still
00:34Like it. I don't know about you, but I think I have cooked
00:38Finally, how long have I been playing minecraft like 15 years and I finally made something i'm pleased with it's beautiful
00:45And I think fungo is a little bit jealous. We're gonna have to build him a house at some point
00:49Um, hey, how's it going? Welcome back to oh, no, I forgot. Oh, I forgot to
00:55Move this do you know what there's a reason actually there's a reason I haven't moved all my chest yet. It's because I haven't
01:01Quite decided where i'm gonna put stuff. I kind of wanted to put stuff up here just because there's more space
01:07But I feel like it's gonna be so annoying if we don't have everything down here
01:12So I might have to start everything down here and then maybe we can have like a walkway down
01:17God, I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, what I wanted to do today was
01:21Finish the roof because the roof is not done
01:24A lot of you guys seem to suggest like a dome would be good because we have a lot of glass
01:31Somewhere. Where is it glass glass glass?
01:3427 we definitely have more than that. Don't we?
01:37I'm sure we had a lot of glass. Maybe we don't this is why I need to sort my chest out
01:40I did say I was going to do it in between episodes, but I read a comment that was like, you know
01:44What I want to watch you do it. So
01:46blame them I guess
01:48But I wanted to put a big chimney on the top and I feel like i'm gonna need more
01:52I'm gonna need more bricks. Let me go see this from the outside again
01:56Um, I can't jump off there don't be jumping off the balcony first use that'd be crazy with the shape that it is though
02:02I don't know if i'm gonna be able to pull that off
02:06Do I want like a see-through? I don't think I want a see-through roof. Nah chalk the dome idea
02:10I don't think i'm gonna be able to pull it off. We're gonna go flat roof and brick chimney on the top
02:16I think that's what i'm gonna do. Uh, right another job I have to do today is going to a bastion
02:21I know that seems completely off the mark and not matching anything
02:25We did last episode or potentially end up doing today
02:28But my son keeps reminding me because he watches these videos that I have not been there yet
02:34Um to go and reclaim the stuff
02:36That I had last time because I went through a bastion and it was the treasure room and I didn't actually
02:43Collect the treasure. So i'm gonna go and see what is waiting for us in that treasure room. I kind of need my um
02:51I need my gold helmet
02:53Have I misplaced a gold helmet? There it is. Okay gold helmet
02:57Uh, why do I have these leather boots? I'm sure there was an enchantment on these no
03:02Are these not my frost walker ones?
03:04No, they're not. I'm just wearing random leather boots. What?
03:08Why have I done that wherever I put my diamond boots?
03:12I think i'm gonna have to make new ones right new diamond boots coming up
03:15Let's get some boots up in here. And you know what? I can't make
03:18Minecraft videos quick enough at the minute. I just can't oh I need to rename this as well. This was
03:24But there's so much to do. I broke didn't it? My anvil broke. Is that all i've got?
03:29Oh, no
03:3115 iron. Oh, buddy. Oh, it just was a little five coal. Yeah, we need some uh,
03:37this is the downside of having no farms, but
03:40It's okay, we don't need farms. Where's my coal that I don't have coal either. No coal
03:45Okay, that's just gonna have to last us for now
03:47Yeah, I need to go to the bastion right now to go and get some stuff
03:50I might take a bundle with me though. Just quickly make one of those
03:55There we go. And let's go. Let's just do it. Let's start the episode off with some
04:00Adventure because as well I haven't been to the nether
04:04I can't remember what's in the nether who's in the nether what's going on? Let's go see let's go to the bastion now
04:09It was how many villagers are in here? Oh, wait, there's only one left. Where do your friends go?
04:15They come back through
04:17Smart they are smart men. It was just this way wasn't it? We just need to head straight
04:21Oh also what I was saying about the updates
04:24I can't make minecraft videos fast enough because they keep bringing out updates super fast
04:29So we've got the cows that we now need to find the warm and cold cows
04:33I don't know if they're gonna be spawning over here, but I should at least check
04:37The thing is I want to have the ranch finished first
04:40Which I guess we can work on today
04:42But I want that finished first before I go and get these because the pigs i've already got they are they're gone
04:47They're way gone. I can't remember what the bastions have in them like what treasures they have
04:52I'm sure I remember it being good like really good
04:55We got enchanted books, maybe diamond arbor, which I probably do need some of actually
05:01Ain't got my helmet on I think we are bearing close. Yeah, here it is. All right. Calm down. Here we go
05:06So as soon as I start trying to rob them
05:08They're gonna get mad aren't they so I might
05:11Have to just pop them
05:16It won't be the most ah, no, no what what what's the problem?
05:21That's the most embarrassing arrow shot i've ever had in my life. How did he dodge that? Yeah, I think you're funny now, huh?
05:27I think you're funny. Do you oh the whole horde on me the whole orders on me. Um
05:31I'm scared. I'm actually scared now. I'm gonna switch to I don't actually have a diamond helmet on me
05:36That was smart, wasn't it?
05:37I think I might be okay from here though
05:41Ow, okay touche never mind. I've got my totem on me just in case I think that's almost more important
05:46Yeah, bye. Bye. See you later. Oh, that's a shame you've fallen in the pit
05:51What an absolute shame i'm gonna get you you go in the pit get in the pit. You'll get in the pit. That's right
06:00Okay, you want some too I don't think they can actually get up here as he starts to try and get up here
06:05Ow, okay. Stop
06:06Stop i'm trying to i'm trying to use a shield and I don't have one on me
06:10Right, you can go i'm gonna chop you. There you go. See you later
06:13This pit has come in very handy. Look at this. The brutes are down there both of them
06:18I think I can now get down there
06:21Without upsetting too many people
06:23Ow, stop
06:25I will smack you. There we go. Anyone else want to come at me? I'm hearing noise
06:29Oh god brute. Okay brute
06:33No, okay, this could have been bad, okay, this could be bad this could be bad this could be bad
06:38Yes, this is bad. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die
06:42No, don't get caught come on we can do this we can do this he's not gonna get me he's not gonna get me
06:46He's not gonna get me
06:48Not today. That's what i'm talking about. I forgot how hard they hit my goodness. I almost got him as well
06:53Where is he? Oh, come here
06:57I can't see the totems in the way. Did I kill him?
07:01I think I killed him. Okay
07:02That's a second totem been used slightly embarrassing on my part, but it's okay. Nothing happened buddy. Yo back up
07:09No, I said nothing happened
07:11Why don't you believe me?
07:13Oh, it's because i'm not wearing gold anymore, isn't it? All right, chill i'll put the gold back on
07:17So how many times is that total i've used two total that one could have been avoided I think
07:22Any other you know brutes want to show themselves because
07:25If you do the time is now as soon as I open this they're gonna get mad
07:30Ha ha
07:31Bone blocks. Yeah, that's what I wanted
07:33Crying obsidian. That's not what I wanted either. We got a piercing four crossbow. That's quite nice
07:39Okay, we're gonna need something better from this chest go
07:44Curse of vanishing iron sword you think this is some kind of sick joke?
07:48I risked my life for this and you give me a curse of vanishing iron. Oh, never mind. I got ancient debris
07:52I'll take that. Hello
07:54Nothing to see here. Nothing to see here
07:57If I fall in that pit i'm so dead
08:00What is that noise noise it's horrible, okay, we got the snout banner yo these chests suck they're so bad
08:09Why are they so bad getting the bundle getting the bundle getting the bundle right these can go in there too
08:14crying absurd
08:16What else needs to go in there the debris can go in there? Oh a block of iron. That's quite nice
08:21I'm gonna take this and this yo, he's not bothered
08:23I'm gonna take the snout right this this one has to be great
08:26I don't know what i'm gonna need from it for it to be great
08:30But it needs to be something good
08:32Oh my word
08:34bane of arthropods 5
08:36mending crossbow
08:38golden apple
08:41I'm hearing a lot of shrieking right now. Everyone just piped down. I've got gilded blackstone obsidian string
08:47Bones lots of iron. Okay. I did actually need iron. So
08:51That is welcome treats. Oh, there you go. That goes in there
08:55That can go in there. I'm glad I bought the bundle. Wow bundles full soul speed three golden boots is actually kind of nice
09:02I like that
09:03mending crossbow
09:05golden app
09:07I've actually run out of room again
09:08so what do we get from that mending crossbow, which we can combine with piercing even though I don't really like crossbows, but
09:14We're gonna go with it. Got another one crossbow
09:17We got obsidian black stone block of iron ancient debris is probably the best thing
09:25fortune to axe soul speed three golden boots not too shabby. Oh god. Oh
09:32Oh, that's embarrassing for you, isn't it?
09:35That's very embarrassing see you later fellas nice knowing you it did cost me a totem of undying though, which is
09:41embarrassing on my part so
09:44We have both been embarrassed here. This raid was a great success
09:46The ancient debris is probably the best thing out there because i'm i'm way off getting any nether right right now
09:52I was kind of hoping for maybe two pieces, but you know what? I think that went okay. I just uh died
09:58Those brutes are something else. Let's get back to the house
10:01Wow now all of this new stuff can go in the storage that I don't have
10:06Oh man, oh I got the snout pattern as well, I guess I shouldn't be ungrateful for that
10:12Of course, it's night time as well. Goodness sake everyone get to bed fungo junior get to bed
10:17He's now a farmer again. That's good. Who's stolen my bed. Hey you
10:21Who's this?
10:22I'm gonna say if that's fungo i'll be shocked
10:24We did get some new achievements though war pigs loot a chest cry an obsidian and was it hidden in the depths ancient debris?
10:30What are you doing? Yo, why is it stop you've come in here for solace? I don't think so. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa
10:36Okay, this is actually dangerous
10:38Where are the iron golems at? Huh?
10:40Where are they?
10:43Where the iron golems that could have been tragic he was hunting fungo down. Oh you stuck in here
10:50Uh, oh, oh you went up to something what happened man? He can't get out. Can he spawned in here?
10:57That's so silly, okay good distraction we now need to put a roof on this place
11:02This has already become like a garbage chest and i'm not comfortable with it right mending crossbow piercing crossbow
11:08Put those there. Let's put that there golden legs and stuff
11:15What was that is everyone okay
11:19Well, you all heard that noise right it sounded like a
11:22A wave did not enjoy don't do it again, right obsidian can go in there and take this obsidian as well
11:29Blackstone i'll put in here. All right. Let me sort this stuff out the debris
11:33It'll give me and then we'll start building a roof. So I kind of need
11:37More clay now, don't I if I want to make like a big chimney up top?
11:43I'm gonna need
11:44I want to say like four campfires in the middle
11:46But I also need to decide what I want to put on my roof like for the rest of it
11:50So I don't want it to just be a chimney that i'd look ridiculous, right time for a clay montage
11:56I know you've wanted to see one. We might have even seen one last time, but it's time for another one clay montage
12:01Let's get it. We need bricks. I'm dying. I'm dying help
12:08Yo fungo
12:10What's going on here man
12:12I can't even I can't bring myself to kick him out. I need to just make a bed real quick
12:18I need to do it soon. Otherwise things are gonna spawn fungo. This is all down to you. Where's my wall?
12:21Where's my wall? I have string i'm gonna put this in here. I'm gonna make
12:27uh, one two three
12:31There we go, we're gonna make a bed
12:35And tonight fungo we're sleeping next to each other let's go why are these why are these beds different colors? Oh never
12:43Why was mine yellow? Did you enjoy that?
12:46I know you did
12:48You sleep alone, but actually that was kind of nice fungo. We've bonded. No, come on. Stop it. I'll put you out of misery
12:55Bye. Bye. I had coal on me just now and I put it somewhere random. There it is. I need that so
13:03Uh, I need to put that in here and we do some smelting. I've got lots of clay
13:08Uh, all this all these bricks in here already. Let's go
13:12Let's take some of these put those in there
13:16Sweet. Okay. Let's wait for these to smell and then we'll get our brick on but um, I need to
13:22Man, what do I need to do?
13:24I need to make sure I can get up here easily. I need to make the edge. I don't know if I have enough green
13:30Copper to be able to do it though. I want to be able to put like, you know, this lip that's here
13:35Put it in green above there and then I need to decide what I want to make my roof out of I don't think glass
13:41Is the one I just don't think I can do it
13:43I feel like that's the hardest thing that I have to kind of figure out is what block to use maybe just more copper
13:49This is getting so industrial that we can't help ourselves. I don't think i've got enough
13:54to be able to make
13:56The green edging though I could do this
14:01Up the top. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see. Let me test it
14:04So we need to have another layer of this
14:07So this bit will be see-through then I need to put
14:11Block of copper
14:14Behind it. So like this
14:17So this will be the roof and then I'll have like a big chimney on it
14:20So let's try this. I just want to see what it's going to look like from the ground, man. I got so much
14:24stuff in here
14:27I think I need this
14:29No, not today enderman. Stop it
14:32Stop it
14:34I'm, glad that was a glass a grass block in your hands. If that was copper, I would mess you up
14:38All right, you can stay for now. I don't want to make him mad
14:41Uh, what am I doing? I need
14:44I need slabs, but I don't know
14:46This seems excessive but i'm going to do it. Anyway, look he's just stood under there like it's his house now. I don't think so
14:52It's like the repossession has arrived
14:54I'm gonna put them like here
14:59Just like the ones underneath right, let's see what that looks like
15:02Uh, is there any water to jump in? Yes, there is right near my tap. Oh, i've missed it
15:09Never mind, how's that? Oh
15:12Oh, not sure about that. Not sure about that. Wow
15:15Um, what do I put there though? Like more bricks? Really? There's no way it's just more bricks, right?
15:21It would carry on from like
15:27Maybe it is maybe it's four chimneys. I do need to grab some but I'm a tree space
15:33Bundles didn't help me at all. Really did they bundles actually?
15:37Just made it worse because now I can hoard even more. I got another stack. I'm fine for now
15:42All right, let's get those. Um, let's get those bricks and start bricking
15:46Give me
15:48Give me
15:50It's not me to make this
15:52That doesn't make many does it wow, so where are the bricks they're like here
16:00And then I think it's two across
16:04Wait, wait, wait, I can
16:06I'm trying to see without going down. I don't want to have to go down
16:09Yeah, it's two across okay, so if I do
16:14Let me make the chimney this big would that be weird? It could be weird
16:18We're gonna go check it out. Anyway that I like better i've added the corner pieces
16:22Which I didn't think I would like but I do actually prefer it
16:25So we've got that
16:27And then do we I don't know what to do for a roof
16:30A dome would look cool. But how do you do it? There's no way I can do a dome
16:37I think i'm gonna have to do a dome
16:40But I don't quite know how i'm gonna do it because it's not circular and the roof is just like so uneven
16:47Like this doesn't look good. I feel like a dome with then a chimney on top would be best
16:51Let me take some time figure out some ideas and i'll be back with the best one
16:55So just to save some time here
16:57I hopped into creative just to look at different color palettes
17:00Otherwise it was going to take ages and the one I settled on was this one. This is the block I wanted
17:06Basalt the only problem with this is that the only place to find it I think is in the nether
17:11So I decided to try and make it more interesting finding a basalt plains biome not by walking
17:17Nah, we're not walking today. We're riding on the back of a strider. Yes, this will be fine
17:23Right. This could be a terrible idea. But hey, what's a um, what's a minecraft?
17:29Let's play without some kind of risk, huh? So i'm gonna need a
17:35I'm gonna need a saddle
17:36So I definitely have loads of somewhere
17:41They are here. Yep, they're here
17:44That's with this bane of arthropods away this can go away as well
17:47We are back up to 53 iron though, which is really good. Um, pop this back
17:53What do I actually does that go in there? Probably not just in here. So I need
17:57a fishing rod
17:59So I need some sticks and stuff. Let me grab this
18:03I love the bundles. I even like that. They're satisfying to use. Uh, let's grab this I had sticks on me already
18:11Grab some string and then we need one of those
18:15Mushrooms, don't we i'm pretty sure that's what you need. It's like the green version of this
18:20Didn't I use it all?
18:22I think I used all of my green version of the the nether thing
18:26to grow the trees
18:30So i'm gonna have to go and get one of those but that's fine I need to go to the nether anyway
18:33So stick recipe is this right, right? Yeah. Okay. I definitely need one of these though
18:38I'm not gonna need the shield. I need the totem of undying. Let's just do it
18:42Let's just go for it. See what happens who knows in order to to make my dream roof
18:48Sacrifices will have to be made. I am slightly worried though because I haven't done this for a long time
18:54And i'm also worried that oh, wait, I've got gold on sweet. Yeah, i'm worried
18:58I'm, just gonna fall in the lava and die
19:01So I guess is a it's a reasonable concern. I'm pretty sure you can find the um, the green mushrooms here, right?
19:07Oh, there's one right there
19:09Please be one up here instead. That'd be so much nicer for me. Look at these guys
19:13Wow, okay got one. So this should be able to combine with this. Oh, there we go warped fungus on a stick
19:20I've made it for the first time ever. I've actually made it. I've not done that for a long time
19:30What is that
19:32Why are you gold?
19:34Hello, i'm confused. Wait, what what is that?
19:38Why is it gold? I don't have a resource pack on what is happening. Okay, we need to we need to grab this guy
19:43I'm getting a lead. Hopefully you can attach a lead to a chicken
19:48Why is there a gold chicken in there is there hot and cold chickens now
19:53And if so, why is he spawning in the nether? I guess that is a hot place
19:56But still we need investigation. We've got more distraction coming in. This roof is never gonna get finished at this rate
20:02I even mentioned it earlier. I was like, I think there's only new cows. There's new chickens, too
20:08This is what I get for not being on twitter as much as I usually am. This is so confusing. Yo, come here
20:14Come here. You are my golden lucky chicken
20:17You are now the lucky chicken actually look look at him. It's just made to be a lucky chicken come this way
20:22Yo, check what I found
20:24That's right. Look at this
20:26He doesn't believe me. He doesn't believe what i've just found. Look at it. It's amazing, right?
20:30You need to come through here, please sir
20:32Come through that's it. I don't believe it found a golden chicken
20:38Oh, it's still on the lead as well. That's clutch this way, please sir
20:42You're gonna come and bless the new house. You're gonna stand
20:46Well, you're gonna be just like right here
20:48Look at this
20:50How does no one care what on earth is happening fungo? You're not fungo. Who are you? Why are you sleeping here?
20:56It's fungo's place. Actually, that's my bed. Okay, i'm i'm leaving. I don't like this i'm going
21:03Oh man, golden chicken has been acquired. I wonder if it lays golden eggs
21:09That'd be sick. What am I doing? Oh, I need to find the basalt plains. That's why we're here, isn't it?
21:15That's what we need to do. But first I need to find myself one of them striders one of those. Okay, I can go down
21:21Let's go down and get one instead. I can't believe that just happened. Is that like a cold chicken as well?
21:26There must be so i'm assuming that's a hot one, but
21:30Why is it in the nether is it supposed to spawn in the nether very much confused over here
21:34Give me some blocks. I need to go and fetch me
21:37Oh, that's not ideal. Is it? Um
21:41What's the best way to get down there? Well, there's a few down here actually, you know what go away stop it
21:47Oh, that noise is horrendous. Wow horrific you sound
21:51Let's go down this way
21:54I guess we could go that way. Oh my word. You're in trouble. Let's save him
21:57Let's save him and not die ourselves
21:59Oh the other thing I was gonna do I was gonna make a fire resistance potion like just in case things went wrong
22:04Never mind
22:07All right, let's get on him
22:09Oh, i'm scared
22:14Well, I had a right to be scared
22:16Why have you got why have you done this to me? You dipped me in lava. You think this is okay. Do you?
22:22Oh, no, no, no, no
22:25It's so close to breaking
22:27It's got i'm breaking on it. Ironically. Let's swap them
22:30Uh, let's go this way then I guess I forgot how cool this was actually
22:35Wow, I can't remember where we've actually been in the nether though. I need to eat probably
22:40There we go, that's better
22:42Oh, yeah, I don't like this at all. This does actually make me feel uncomfortable
22:45I just need to find as much basalt as I can get. Is it called basalt? I'm pretty sure it is
22:49I'm just gonna go right we're gonna go
22:53South so to get back home. We need to go
22:56North this is kind of cool. Look at him go. They're out there quicker than I thought they were
23:00Wow, look at him go
23:04Stop for a little snack and then off we go
23:08No, don't follow me don't follow me please only one at a time
23:11this is the only problem we're gonna find is if we keep getting hit with dead ends because
23:16Then we just can't go any further. Maybe this is the way we need to go. Um
23:21Was this a bad idea?
23:22It could potentially have been a bad idea fire resistance would have been really good to have actually as well
23:26I was meant to do that and I forgot what happens if they actually do walk on land and they go up blocks and stuff
23:33Oh, they're well slow on land
23:36Can they go up blocks? Okay, they can go up blocks. Wait, can they?
23:40Oh, no
23:42They're like horrifically slow though, maybe it's the soul sand actually
23:45Blue bless him. All right, go on in hop to it. Let's go
23:48We're just gonna have to make do and see what happens
23:50We didn't go through basalt plains earlier
23:53Did we when we ran through to get the bastion i'm pretty sure we didn't but i've also wasn't paying attention
23:58So I could have done here's a fortress. Okay second fortress. I don't know what to do with this information. I don't know if that's like
24:06Part of the old one because i'm now completely lost. Oh, this is the soul sand bio man
24:10I thought I was there for a second. Oh, wait
24:13There's a whole line of basalt there. I could get I also need to make sure that this guy doesn't
24:17Wander off
24:18How am I gonna do that?
24:22Oh, he's going up these now, right so
24:26Oh, his little noise is kind of cute actually, how do I get him to stay I don't really know
24:31All right. This is what I need, isn't it?
24:35Pretty sure
24:36Yeah, but this doesn't even get
24:38Oh, okay. It gives four back quite good. Good. Good. I'm gonna mine all this
24:44I don't know how much i'm gonna need actually
24:46Maybe I don't need as much I think I do this one column is gonna give us quite a lot
24:50Please keep tabs on my my guy because I don't really want to lose the saddle
24:54Maybe I should have bought another one as a backup just in case. All right, let's grab all this
24:57We can turn it into bricks
24:59Because i'm pretty sure that's what we need. It's the one that kind of looks like logs
25:02I'm slightly terrified being up here though. Don't be bouncing off into the lava either. I need every piece I can get
25:09There we go, probably shouldn't mind that last one that was a slightly risky we've got 53 so how many blocks is that gonna make
25:18That's not bad. Is it?
25:21Okay. Yeah, this this might be all right, right stay here
25:24Don't wander because if you get out of my range, i'm not gonna be able to uh, get you back
25:29Which would be very sad I probably just need like one more of those columns and then we're good
25:34Great. He's disappeared already
25:36Oh, yes, there's a column. I found one. Okay, this might be enough. This one's a bit thicker as well. So we might get
25:42More out of it, even though it's not as big
25:45Whoa almost fell backwards. That was terrible. I'm just someone who doesn't belong in the nether
25:49It's just not where i'm supposed to be, you know
25:53Too much danger. I'm too clumsy
25:56I just shouldn't be out here by myself unsupervised. Yeah, it's gonna be a decent amount. We've got
26:04Loads literally loads look at that. I got almost two stacks. Is that gonna be enough?
26:08I might as well go and grab that one over there and hopefully my strider doesn't leave me and then hopefully
26:13We can find our way back home. Otherwise
26:16That's gonna be so sad all for a roof a roof. Well, at least we need to find one of the
26:21Arguably more dangerous biomes right after this one. It's only a single one, but I think we should be fine
26:27Polished basalt. That's what it's called
26:41How did he just do that to me
26:46Who is that bro, oh my god, um, I have died twice in this episode now technically, um,
26:53Yo, that was terrific. Yo, who did that? Who did that? I thought I was safe
26:57Apparently not now. I need to go and reclaim my basalt because i've used basalt to come up here. What the yo
27:04Oh my god, I need to get a shield on i've got no helmet now as well. Oh god
27:09Everything's gone horrifically wrong today
27:14Need to just claim this stuff and get out of here because
27:18I said I told you the nether wasn't for me man. I'm actually terrified that's gonna happen again. I'm just going down
27:22I'm, not dealing with that again
27:26Oh, that was horrible, I did not enjoy that one bit be weird if I did I guess i've got my stuff i've got
27:34You know what if that's not enough i'll just find something else to build out of i'm not doing this
27:38This roof better be worth it because it's almost cost me my life twice
27:43I can't believe that just happened now my strider better be there. Oh, man. Imagine this was hardcore
27:48I mean i'm I would be a lot less careless like I wouldn't do stuff like that, but
27:53Still that'd have been quite the trip. Oh, there he is. Oh good boy
27:57Let's go. Right. Come here. I've got a I've got a thing on a stick for you. Come here
28:01Don't go too far, please
28:04Come here
28:05Thank you loyal beasts, right i'm out of here this place sucks I now need to go
28:10North right
28:12I was going south. I need to go north and now also not wearing a gold helmet
28:16So I could be killed I see the lantern great. Okay, we're in the right place
28:21I kind of want to save this guy. He's been pretty loyal
28:22This is where I picked you up from you did almost try and kill me as soon as we met
28:26Why did you have to leave him here?
28:28How am I gonna get off this safely?
28:32That scared me
28:34Man, I don't want to leave him here, but i'm gonna have to because there's no safe way to get up
28:38Well, you know what the saddle served his purpose is fine. He's underneath somewhere. I'm glad I found my way home because
28:44Was that actually yeah north it was north. Okay, we got what we came for. Let's do this. It's roof time
28:50I've also just remembered we found the gold chicken as well. I need to
28:54Should I look it up? I'm kind of i'm super curious now. Yeah, here we go
28:57So how do I want to do it? Do you know i'm gonna make some scaffolding i'm gonna do it because otherwise
29:02What am I doing, let's just do it. Okay pig over there I found one
29:07Come here you I can't remember how to make scaffolding at all. Wait, that seems so expensive
29:14Oh, you get six. Okay. I was gonna say imagine getting one for that. That'd have been crazy
29:21All right, let's go
29:23Straight up I guess
29:25No fungo. Come on now not about you. Not right now. Not right now
29:29Most of the time it's about you but not today
29:31It's the only time of every scaffolding I think
29:34There we go. I want to go up this way i'm gonna have to just like
29:43I don't even know where the middle is. Wait, that's wrong if I do
29:49and then across
29:51Yeah, that's it. Right. I need to go sleep quick sleep time fungo. You better be in there, buddy. Yeah
29:56Get out
29:57This is mine and fungo's place. Thank you. We'll grab that extra
30:00Copper, which isn't here. Let me go get that from upstairs. Hopefully
30:05Oh, it's not a lot though. We're gonna need some more of that too. That's crazy. I need to do another layer here. Oh, no
30:11Oh, no, I've really messed this up. Can you still have the lip of this I made earlier?
30:14That's probably why we're running out actually, um, right so we've got two across and then
30:22Like this maybe two across again
30:25Yeah, then two across makes it pretty even I think
30:34Oh, okay, let's see what this looks like if I get down and I don't like it
30:37It's just gonna have to stay i'm not i'm not doing this anymore. Let's get down
30:43No more trips
30:46How I messed that up, okay, that's three by accident
30:48I think it needs to go up one actually needs to go up one the whole thing. But is this correct? Let me see
30:57Think that's gonna look good. Then we put glass in the middle. It has to be glass panes
31:00I also want to make this glass panes as well. I don't know if I mentioned if I also added this extra
31:06little bit of brick as well
31:09Which I need to put on both sides and that's gonna look much better as well. Okay, we're we're working on it
31:14We're getting there and we definitely have enough basalt so we're not gonna have to go back again
31:17i'm, just trying to think do I put the glass inside or have
31:21The archways like over the top of the glass i'm not too sure right where is an even
31:28Place we put one there
31:31And maybe one
31:33Yeah, that would only make like three though. Oh
31:36Because i'm doing the roof, isn't it? Okay. This one needs to be a bit longer
31:40So we're gonna have to go across three
31:43And then like this I think these yeah, these are level. Okay, that's good. I need to go like this
31:52And that means go down the other side give me some time i'm gonna complete these archways and then
31:57I think that's gonna work. It's gonna be super uneven. Anyway, so we just kind of need to work with it
32:02And I can't sleep
32:03No, no sleeping
32:07Okay, I think I have done the archways with the extra trim and stuff I think they're gonna look good
32:13We're just gonna need more copper, which is slightly frustrating. So i'm gonna have to go all the way back to the trial chambers
32:18No, there's nothing here because I made these I made abundance of these which I do actually need I guess
32:24But at the minute we now need uh, lots of glass
32:27And I think i'm gonna put it in the way that I put that netherrack up the top. I'll just kind of uh,
32:32Tested it see if it would look good that way
32:35i'm hoping it will so next task is
32:38Filling everything with glass and i'm finally learning how to use scaffolding correctly who knew good feature
32:45I feel like I should have done this with pains pains at the front
32:48And then let me see. Do I have any pains?
32:52I don't I wonder if like pains in here would have been fine and then glass after now
32:56I've wasted all this glass because I can't actually um silk touch these right now. No, it's fine. Let's get rid of the glass
33:02It's gonna be okay
33:08How's that looking
33:09Oh, you know what?
33:11Actually don't mind that I think that's looking good. Okay. Yeah, this is finally coming together. Wow. I'm actually running out of coal
33:17That's embarrassing, isn't it?
33:20More bricks can go in there more sand can go in
33:24There see these are wax blocks as well. I want them to I guess I could put orange blocks in there
33:29like standard ones i've got normal copper of
33:34Which i'm sure I have somewhere right then over time it will just slowly change color. I forgot about my tap, too
33:41Some people were saying it's like reminiscent of the xbox 360
33:45Uh gameplay, that's a throwback. Wow. Yeah, there's probably gonna be some weird bits like
33:51There but i'm kind of okay with it, I think
33:54I don't have the brain power to make it match. So it's gonna have to be fine
33:58How far does this go? Oh, it goes pretty far actually, right? I need to put some pains in here
34:03Yeah, this is what I needed. Yeah, this is gonna be good
34:05Okay, we've actually turned out to have like a massive upstairs, which I kind of didn't mean to
34:11But I think it's gonna look best
34:13Feels roomy though. This could be like the bedroom as well. I'm well pleased with this, right?
34:17I also need to do something on this side with the bricks. I have the bricks on me
34:21I need to make these line up with the bricks downstairs
34:24So the bricks are here and here so this has got to go
34:33Then like this that should look much better now. Yes, that does look much better
34:38I like the the colors and also because we're going for like a industrial kind of vibe. We should have like
34:45Power lines and stuff coming off it as well. I think that would be really cool
34:50I could also go with like, um
34:52A colored glass eventually too, but I don't know which color maybe like a light blue would be nice overall
34:58I'm happy with this. I like the roof
34:59I'm glad because it was like kind of painful to get oh wait on the outside wrong here
35:03I think I have haven't I yeah, I need to fix that
35:06It needs to go out one. Okay, I can fix that. Well, I need coal
35:09I need to go and get some coal from somewhere. Let's go find some wait a second
35:15I wonder what was going on then I thought oh, okay. Yeah, what is going on here?
35:18I thought these bubbles were like at the end of a waterfall were like a new feature
35:23Turns out no black cat is just stuck. Remember I saved your life. That means I don't get bad luck
35:28It's the opposite now. Oh, no, the villager trap has worked
35:31This keeps on working and the cows as well
35:35Um, do any of you guys trade coal?
35:38I would love some coal or just point me in the direction of some that'd be great, you know around here
35:43There's like hardly any caves. I don't know why and the ones that are around here are just like underwater, which is terrible
35:51Oh, no, uh, how do I fix this?
35:56This is bad, um, how did I fix this again? I gotta do
36:00A bucket of water. I need to put a trapdoor on top of this. I keep forgetting
36:04Uh to remind myself i'm gonna put this trapdoor here
36:08I need a bucket of water and then it's gonna float to the top, right?
36:14Where's my chicken where'd my chicken go?
36:18Did he spawn
36:21No, he didn't
36:22No, he didn't yo guys. Did you see did you see a chicken around here golden chicken?
36:27Yo, what was he a mirage this whole time?
36:32I think he's despawned
36:34Okay, this is how we're gonna do it operations save villagers. I wonder where the whole like villager population had gone
36:41They've been stuck in my trap
36:47Like how do I get them out, uh, let's see
36:53Come on my friends, I can't remember how I did it before. Oh, here they go. I don't go up there though. Oh, no, no
37:02They're gonna get me killed
37:05There we go. Welcome back fellas. Come on. How you come? How you come you got this you can do it buddy. There we go
37:13Oh man, okay, so now I need to
37:17Ride this back down. Oh, this guy's coming up. This guy's coming up. Never mind
37:22Come on buddy don't drown though. No drowning allowed. He's drowning
37:26There you go. There we go. Jeez
37:30Did we lose anyone down there let me fix this
37:33I feel like there's been a lot of like odd things happen today ladder ladder ladder ladder ladder ladder nice and now I need
37:42Don't go back in don't do it man, please
37:53Move buddy move
37:55You're like one of my good guys you're my looting two I didn't even know I had a looting two villager
37:59I just watched a villager just fall and die. I'm glad that wasn't anyone else because I just left that death trap open
38:06Another one. Okay. I just need to
38:09Let's sort this out. This is going terribly right now. I need to move the engine to that. That is an awful entrance
38:14Okay, we now need to add a gravestone. That's great. Isn't it? Oh, we haven't added anything to this for ages and now i've got to add
38:21Someone who just fell to their death in front of us
38:25This is so sad. Wow. Um
38:28We're gonna put him over here
38:30Might have to just cull this tree gonna have to put this
38:34um, i'm gonna do a wooden one for this guy because
38:38he just
38:39I've got a good idea for this actually
38:41Here we go. Uh, wait, what villager number is he villager number four? We've got one two three. He was a nitwit
38:50Oh, we could do nitwit one actually should do nitwit one
38:57number one didn't
39:00Look down
39:05There we go, and then we're actually gonna build
39:10We're gonna build a hole
39:11We're gonna reenact what it was, but we're gonna put like a safety something over it safety piece of glass
39:17Maybe because we are gonna have some glass. Let's sleep real quick. And then yeah nitwit one rest in peace, man
39:22Oh my god
39:25It's been so long since the villager death too
39:28I'm, well upset with that one if we just nerd pole up the other side put a piece of glass in
39:34There's more grass
39:37Didn't look down he looks down death
39:41Okay, um, yeah that happened we could put a flower at the bottom
39:47I borrow one of these flowers. Let me borrow this flower
39:50We're gonna put a flower at the bottom
39:54There we go
39:57Oh man, I can't wait to watch that back just see him just plummet like that. That was so bad
40:02He like flew down there as well. He was kind of like grasping the opportunity
40:06crazy, man
40:08There we go
40:09There's all you can barely see it as well. I should put in like a few item frames on the floor
40:13That'd be great. Okay. What was I doing? I needed coal. I got like 19 cold. That's probably
40:19That's probably not too bad actually it seems to have
40:22Yeah, definitely to work there
40:24Got enough of this though. Let's go. All right, let's finish the glass. I'm not gonna bore you with it. We've had enough, uh,
40:29escapades today
40:31We're just gonna make glass now
40:33Too much has happened
40:38All right, we are almost there we need
40:41Probably about that much in pains to be able to finish this scaffolding op
40:46Never realized how good it was. I think all I need to do is this now, but these guys are loving it fungo and his new
40:53Absolutely loving this new space as am I fellas as am I look at this so good
40:59So I fill all this in we have all the glass. I think there's some bits that are like higgledy-piggledy
41:04But that is fine with me. Can't please be enough. I think this should definitely be enough, right?
41:13We're done
41:14Okay, so there are bits that aren't finished I need these are like these are just placeholders for green copper when I can get them
41:20But overall i'm pretty pleased with this. I think there's probably too much glass now
41:25So we probably could improve that by like making a strip in the middle and then maybe putting our chimney on top
41:31With like a different material, but for now i'm kind of liking it. I do also need to fix the outside
41:38i've got
41:40These somewhere
41:42I don't need bricks anymore. I don't actually need any of this basalt anymore way too much basalt
41:47which is a
41:48Sentence, I never thought i'd have to say but there we go
41:51The roof is done. The only thing I don't like is this bit here where it kind of like sticks out
41:56So if I can replace that with like a different block, I think that will fix that look at fungo on the balcony
42:03You know, he loves this place. He's jealous. He's got oh wait
42:06Well, that's fungo jr. No wonder I got you mixed up
42:08You look so alike, but I need to fix these need to be panes as well. Then we're good. I'm liking it
42:13Yeah, I think i'm gonna do another strip which is a different material there and that'll be fine
42:17But we've got a functioning house now. We did it
42:21We have evolved
42:22Thank goodness for that. Finally, right these need to become panes
42:26There we go
42:28i'm not gonna have enough
42:32But that's the idea
42:33Yo fungo, what do you think buddy?
42:35Oh, he wants to give me money. I want to exchange my carrots. No, i'm not gonna do that to you, buddy. Sorry
42:39You don't have to pay me to sleep here. You can just sleep overall
42:42I'm, pretty happy with this that I built so far. There's some improvements that need to be made
42:47We still don't have a chimney either which i'm slightly upset about
42:52The industrial revolution in my minecraft world is here. I could also
42:57I could probably replace a lot of this glass actually
43:00Thinking about it. It's almost too see-through at the top. Do you know what i'm saying?
43:04I think I could actually put like a solid material there instead. Hmm
43:08The cogs are whirring. Okay upon reflection
43:11I think I need to add like one more thing to the roof and i'm hoping the secret lies with smooth stone
43:18Let me see. Excuse me fellas
43:20Uh, oh wait, that's not
43:25What just happened there did he fall off the top you good bro, what happened
43:29It's probably because your trades suck. Anyway, um
43:33I want to add
43:34Wait, how do I get the stone that I want? I want like smooth stone slabs
43:38I feel like that gray around the edge will make it look better because now it looks pretty flat
43:42If we add those add those around the edge, I think that'll make it better. Um stone. How do I make these?
43:49I don't have the recipe for it. Surely. It's not like it better be a whole one of these
43:53No, you have to cook it twice. Don't you? I don't have the coal for this
43:56You do
43:57Oh, that's frustrating. Okay, actually that might not be too bad. So stone
44:03Yeah, three of those make six slabs. I might be all right. I'm gonna have to go and get some buckets
44:10or fuel
44:12That's the point that we're at right now. We need lava for fuel. I could take it from here
44:16This needs improving. I feel very embarrassed
44:19About the the lava lake it seemed like a great idea
44:23Now seems terrible, uh, it's as if everyone kind of told me it was gonna be a bad idea
44:28I'm, also really sad about the gold chicken that left us. I can't believe that happened still
44:33I should have known to give it a name tag. It's because I went too far away and then it despawned
44:38You know how it is. Look i've obviously done this before because
44:41We've got patches of lava just missing everywhere, but desperate times call for desperate measures
44:47I can't find a decent cave system around so that's why we're having to literally just like
44:52Scrimp and steal lava from the nether to be able to fuel our projects. Isn't that crazy?
44:58So i'm gonna have to go and find a better one. Oh, no. No i'm leaving before this happens get out
45:02No gas, please. I don't like you be gone
45:05You killed my friend last time
45:07Oh, look at it. Ow. Look at it. It looks so nice
45:11Yeah, if i always decided to just move in
45:15This is his place now, I guess I guess this is just him giving like a biggest hint to just make him a house
45:20So he's staring me dead in the eyes. He knows i'm right as well. He's like make me a house
45:24Uh, i'm probably gonna take this out put that in there
45:28Lava bucket that's what i'm gonna do because I think that gives you like 100 items right 100 smelts worth
45:33Okay, let's put those spuds in there smooth stone. We have acquired so we're gonna need probably one more
45:39I'm not gonna use this smooth stone for anything else really but I want to edge
45:45With the smooth stone. I think i'm gonna put it like
45:47Underneath I think that's gonna look good. It could look awful. But let's find out scaffold up my new favorite block. Let's go
45:56to the moon
45:58And we're gonna put it like
46:02I think that's what we're gonna do
46:05It could look awful
46:08But we're gonna try it anyway
46:11So actually maybe yeah, we need to stagger these ones. That'd be silly not to
46:15No, I tried to catch it and fell off. Yeah, there it is
46:18Okay, the scaffolding. Oh trick shots doing trick jumps to scaffolding. So this goes here this goes here
46:25then this one goes
46:27There yeah, this could be all right actually
46:29There there there so it's kind of like a roof. I know what we want to do with the other side
46:34But let's just see if this works. Hey
46:37I know you can go down scaffolding. It's just too slow way too slow. Please be good. Please be good
46:41Please be good. Please be good. Please be good
46:44Oh, it's better
46:45I think it is better. What do you guys think or do we have to move it up one and do the same?
46:50I think we should move up one. Shouldn't we? Right? Okay, let's do it again. This is taking me
46:54I'm, so picky with builds but also like not the best builder so it makes for a very frustrating combo
47:00So i'm gonna try and move them all up by one. I'm gonna start with these ones up top there
47:07There oh i'm confused i've confused myself. How does that look? Let's just see what that looks like
47:13I'm gonna die falling off this. I don't know man. How do I make this look better?
47:17I feel like the edging is cool. Maybe I just line the tops of it, right?
47:20I'm going up again. Let me see if I figure this out double up that one
47:24Don't look this one. Don't look this one
47:27I need one more you're joking one more. No, I don't think that's right. I think the first one probably looked best
47:35I need some more carrots. Let me get some more carrots and then look at it from the farm
47:40I haven't replaced this in ages. I don't even used it right switch it on switch it off
47:46My magnificent invention look at that
47:48Beautiful and from here. I feel like it looks good
47:51But I need to figure out where I want to put maybe like a whole edge of those
47:55Maybe that will that's like the arc. Oh
47:57I probably don't have a home either. Oh, that's frustrating. Yeah, I think if I add some more
48:03Slabs around the outside. I think that will look better, but I haven't finished my other slabs anyway, so we're
48:09We're behind on the slabs. Anyway, let me see. Let's do that that that and then it'll just keep going around
48:14Oh, look at them father and son. He's teaching him how to farm. Oh god. No, that looks bad. Yeah, we'll take those down
48:22The one thing I do want to do is maybe add a roof to this balcony I think i've got
48:26Four have I got any more of those? I'm sure I had some more in here
48:33Maybe up top
48:35Yeah, I got 21, okay, I can definitely do that how many warped fences
48:40What else do we need just more of these slabs, right? I want to bring it
48:45I might get rid of this quickly. I want to bring it up to here. So we need to go one, two, three, four
48:52That needs to be one more out and then
48:56This on the edges. Oh, wait
48:58Are they too far? So I just need to go to there so it can connect
49:02Decent okay. I like that. Let's grab some more of these fences
49:06this back
49:07Gosh, it's so messy up here, but you should expect it. There we go. I like it put that back
49:13I kind of need to trim this off as well because I was going to have that go all the way to the roof
49:18I don't think we need that right now
49:21So we're just gonna that there and then probably just end it here actually
49:26There we go strip that sweet, okay i'm happier with
49:31The roof now. I just don't know. I feel like it's
49:34Might need another layer of basalt on top just so you can see it or I can just change
49:39Some of the glass completely we probably have a lot of basalt still don't we?
49:45Oh, I don't know it's gonna take me too long to decide I need some help comment section help me out
49:49I like it so far. I think I might just make the roof solid though
49:52I think that might be the only thing I change i'm gonna probably trim that off, but i'm happy with like the front
49:59With the double balcony as well looks looks nice
50:03This bit being uneven is slightly annoying. So I might move that back one maybe or maybe I could just
50:09trim it
50:11Yeah, I could definitely trim it. Anyway, that's for another day
50:14the only other thing we need to do is figure out the sleeping sitch, which I know fungo is going to be pretty upset about but
50:21We need to change it buddy, but I also want to make this area like practical as well
50:26So I feel like let's sleep
50:29In the middle and I feel like we're just gonna have to go even further down here
50:34Sorry fungo. I'm, really sorry, buddy
50:36If you can path find to the bed up here, i'll let you sleep in it
50:40All right, is that a deal if I put another one down someone else is gonna
50:44Make their way up here too, aren't they?
50:46So I don't think this is a storage room is going to work
50:48I think this if we dig down even further will work as a storage room
50:53But we're gonna have to go down like another level and I don't know how I feel about that
50:57Dismantling this and it feels gross. I don't like it, but I think to be able to have enough storage
51:03It's just got to happen
51:04It's gonna be the most iggledy piggledy weird house, but I think it's gonna have to happen and then if I make this all
51:13So I have it straight to the back of the house. This will just make more sense. So the vision
51:19The vision is like this
51:22This will go down
51:23And then like stop here, then we'll be able to walk down further have more room for chests
51:28Yeah, this is already making more sense to me
51:31Fungo you looking for your bed buddy? Or did he go straight up? He might have just gone straight up
51:35We are above water though, which is pretty frustrating, but we'll figure a way around it
51:40Whoa, I told you see now all three of us can sleep here. It's definitely a better sleeping position here. I like it more
51:46Yes, buddy. I'm glad you're back. Oh, we're right above the uh,
51:50Oh, i'm gonna hear them sleeping
51:53Unreal at least i'm gonna hear any misbehaving. Look at this coal though. Take this. Wow
51:58We are in desperate need of coal
52:02Okay, this already feels better but there's not a lot of storage space
52:08Which is bad for a storage room
52:12Uh, okay, let me just
52:14I'm gonna put that there
52:18That there just to finish off this and then there can be some more storage here I see to figure out the
52:23Oh, no. Oh, no, I properly encroached
52:27It's fine. It's fine. It's going to be covered up
52:29I need to work on the wall, but it now means I can get some chests in here, which is great because we need it
52:35Oh gosh
52:36Oh, this was this feels wrong. Okay, so we can do like one chest there double chest there
52:42We can't do chests on top of chests camel. Okay, this is starting to take shape though, which is good
52:48I need to make some more chests. We just need to make all of this into chests basically so we can't
52:55We can do that. Okay, this is good using a lot of my wood
52:58But I think it's gonna be easier to do it this way. Yeah, this should be fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
53:01We got plenty of storage, right? This is gonna be okay. We can even put some in the middle. We could sink the middle
53:07This is going to be okay
53:10Keep telling myself that all right, it's going to be fine because look i'm gonna be picking out all my wood
53:16like this
53:18And then i'm going to put all the wood in here
53:20this is all wood stuffs, I don't know if I should separate out the wood though because
53:25There's a lot of wood available in this game now, which is crazy. There we go
53:29The sorting has begun but again, I didn't do it last time I should probably make yeah like its own chest for this probably
53:35which is madness, that's probably just because of the sheer amount i've got but
53:39This can be my little wood section. There we go. And then this goes in there
53:43Maybe yeah, maybe I could fit it all in one actually
53:46I'll have to figure it out. But let's see how it looks when we just walk through who's going in here
53:50Stop going in here. It's making it very sus
53:53Uh, if we go in here
53:56If I finish the wall, I think it's going to be fine
53:58This is how I want to live from now on I think okay
54:01So I know this has been quite the project and it's still not done
54:04Which is the maddest thing but I feel like it's coming together. The outside is done
54:09We also did some exploring today and died twice
54:12Which is kind of wild that happened too. Yeah, I need to know what to do about the roof. I like the front
54:16But i'm not sure about how I make it look good around the edges
54:19Maybe it is just solid roof and then keep the glass
54:23on the front
54:24That might be it. I don't know roofs are hard in minecraft and then I can like
54:28Trim the top of this as well. So it's just a standalone little column
54:31Anyway, and that's probably what i'm gonna end it today. Thank you so much for watching
54:35I hope you appreciate it building is not my uh does not come naturally to me
54:39So I hope thank you for being patient with me and enjoying this
54:42Uh this episode if you did leave a like that'd be awesome subscribe if you're brand new
54:46And next time i'll have all the chests moved over and this wall
54:50complete and then
54:52I think it's ranch time. This is the space I made for the ranch, but it's gonna have to be a whole lot bigger
54:58See you later guys. Bye