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#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shaneiftar

Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 24 March 2025 | #shaneramazan

Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan


00:00The mercy of my heart has been overshadowed again.
00:05How can I face you?
00:11Janab-e-Ali, we welcome you.
00:13We have a daily session with the Ulema.
00:16Janab-e-Qibla Mufti Akmal Sahib is with us.
00:19Thank you very much.
00:20Janab-e-Allama Dr. Mohammad Raza Dawood Ali Sahib is with us.
00:22Thank you very much.
00:23Your questions and Ulema's answers will be displayed on your screens.
00:28You can send your questions via audio and video.
00:32You can also send your questions on Twitter.
00:34We will try to include your questions.
00:36Let's start with the first question.
00:39My name is Firdous. I am from Zafrabad, Azad Kashmir.
00:43I have a question.
00:44Is it a sin for a person to eat something unknowingly?
00:49To eat something unknowingly.
00:51In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:53To eat something unknowingly is not a sin.
01:01But why was he so heedless that he ate something unknowingly?
01:05What does it mean?
01:07It means that sometimes the person who is offering is suspicious.
01:12So when such a thing happens, one should be careful.
01:16But if you don't know and there is a common man,
01:19about whom there is no doubt,
01:21And I told you later that it was unlawful.
01:23So this is a big responsibility.
01:25Still, in the presence of Allah,
01:26Be careful to repent for this heedlessness.
01:28On which there is no doubt.
01:30This is what happened.
01:31The food that is unlawful,
01:33For example, in the outside world,
01:35That this is not Halal chicken.
01:37I am saying that it is unlawful.
01:39Although the question has come before.
01:41But I have seen it personally.
01:42I am asking on repetition.
01:44In that, the standard that you can eat only if it is Halal.
01:48Because I have actually seen some people.
01:50Allah's name is very big.
01:51You take anything from anywhere.
01:52Read Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim from the heart.
01:54It is Halal.
01:55Allah's land is right.
01:56It is right.
01:57Look, in the present era,
01:58Because a lot of people are involved in it.
02:01This is called Balwa in our Shariah terminology.
02:04There are a lot of things of doubts and suspicions.
02:06So in this, we keep at least this level.
02:08That if there is a Muslim hotel.
02:10Or a Muslim shop.
02:12You can take chicken without investigation.
02:16Like going to a wedding here.
02:18You don't check.
02:19We don't ask the host.
02:21Although we have dead chickens, dogs, rats, snakes, scorpions.
02:26I don't know what they are eating.
02:28So if there is a Muslim there,
02:30You can trust him.
02:33It is easy in this.
02:34But if,
02:35The question I am asking is that,
02:36I know,
02:37I am sure that it is not Halal.
02:39They say,
02:40Read Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
02:41It will be Halal.
02:42Then bribery is also Halal.
02:43gambling is also Halal.
02:44Snatching is also Halal.
02:46This is not right.
02:48Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
02:50There is no difference.
02:51It is almost the same.
02:52All the things are the same.
02:54Next question.
02:56My question to you is that,
02:58Some people commit a sin.
03:00And we know that it is a sin.
03:02But they don't know that it is a sin.
03:05If we don't tell them,
03:07Will we become sinners?
03:09Or is it necessary to tell them?
03:12If you send your name and where you are sending the question,
03:14It will be better.
03:17This situation,
03:19It is a very interesting situation.
03:20If you know someone,
03:22A close friend or a distant friend,
03:24He is doing some work,
03:25You think he has no idea that it is a wrong thing.
03:27You know.
03:29One thought comes to mind,
03:30If I don't tell him,
03:31I will also commit a sin.
03:32One is that,
03:33He knows that I am not a milkman.
03:35If I tell him,
03:36He will say,
03:37Let it be.
03:38It is yours.
03:39We don't know.
03:40You are teaching us.
03:41Why are you becoming a Muslim?
03:43What is the legal responsibility?
03:44What should we do?
03:46If you see the title of Nahi Anil Munkar,
03:47Stopping from evil,
03:50If there is a possibility of effect in it,
03:53There can be a difference from what I say.
03:55He is doing this because of ignorance.
03:57He is doing this because of negligence.
03:58I will pay attention to him.
04:01He will revisit it.
04:03It is necessary to tell.
04:05How necessary will it be necessary?
04:06It will be absolutely necessary.
04:09You can become a sinner by not telling.
04:10Of course,
04:11It could be.
04:13Nahi Anil Munkar means that,
04:14You should fulfill your responsibility.
04:15There is another aspect in it.
04:17It is possible that,
04:18According to his research,
04:19He is understanding it correctly.
04:21There is an issue of estimation here.
04:24He is under his estimation.
04:25You are under your estimation.
04:27It is possible that,
04:28According to that jurisprudence,
04:29The jurisprudence you are following,
04:30That thing is Halal in it.
04:32That is obvious.
04:34The jurisprudence you are following,
04:35It is certified in it.
04:36That is right.
04:39There is no imposition in it.
04:40It is possible.
04:41I will give you an example of it.
04:43In our jurisprudence,
04:44It is permissible to eat fish with skin.
04:46It is not permissible to eat fish without skin.
04:51Our Sunni brother,
04:52Is eating fish without skin.
04:54Should I follow him?
04:55For example,
04:56He is doing something wrong.
04:59The way he is accepting it,
05:00It is not right at all.
05:01According to that,
05:02It is justified.
05:03It is lawful.
05:06You are following your jurisprudence.
05:07According to his jurisprudence,
05:08He is doing it right.
05:10There should be some change in it.
05:12He is eating fish without skin.
05:14He is enjoying it.
05:17If you tell him,
05:18His ignorance will be removed.
05:20He will be saved from a bad deed.
05:25It is like this.
05:26There is a little clarification in it.
05:27In our jurisprudence,
05:28If you are sure that,
05:29He will accept it.
05:30If there is a bad deed,
05:32He will accept it.
05:34It is justified.
05:35If you don't do it,
05:36You will be a sinner.
05:39If you are sure that,
05:40He will fight.
05:42It is better to do it.
05:43That is,
05:46If you don't do it,
05:47You will not be a sinner.
05:49It is better to do it.
05:51The other aspect,
05:52Which was asked from the Prophet,
05:53O Messenger of Allah,
05:55At that time,
05:56We should command goodness,
05:57When we are completely good.
05:59At that time,
06:00We should stop evil,
06:01When we are completely saved from evil.
06:03He said,
06:04You command goodness,
06:05Even if you cannot be good yourself.
06:07Stop evil,
06:08Even if you cannot be saved from evil.
06:10If you are waiting,
06:13I become a good Pappu,
06:15After that,
06:16I will be saved from being a sinner.
06:18In the whole life,
06:19There will not be a day,
06:21There will not be any mistake.
06:22Allah will forgive.
06:24This Tabligh-e-Deen,
06:25Which was said by the Prophet,
06:26Will be repeated continuously.
06:28Mufti Sahab,
06:29It is very important,
06:30How you pinpoint someone.
06:31I have seen,
06:33Even a right thing,
06:34The next person,
06:35In a gathering,
06:36In front of four people,
06:37One is,
06:38The position of the Ulema,
06:40The other is,
06:41The position of the Imam.
06:43In a gathering,
06:44In such a way,
06:46The next person,
06:49He says,
06:51Do your work.
06:53It is very important,
06:54How you communicate.
06:57In the Quran,
06:58Many times,
06:59This verse,
07:00Is quoted here,
07:01Call to the way of your Lord,
07:02With wisdom,
07:04With good intention.
07:06Call to the way of Allah,
07:07With good advice,
07:09The affliction of Kufr,
07:10Will be on the one,
07:11Who is to be called.
07:13Some people say,
07:14Don't drink with your left hand,
07:15Drink with your right hand.
07:17They say,
07:19I will drink with my left hand.
07:21They immediately say,
07:22Are you a Kafir?
07:27In reply,
07:28They say,
07:30I am a Kafir,
07:33The affliction of Kufr,
07:34Will be on the one,
07:36With wisdom,
07:37Will be on the one,
07:38Who is to be called.
07:41We are,
07:45We say,
07:47I am Drinking,
07:48In the way,
07:50We are,
07:52The way,
07:53We are,
07:55In the way,
07:56We are,
07:58The way,
07:59We are drinking.
08:01We have to say,
08:03I am drinking,
08:04In the way,
08:06We need to learn from the elders, that is why the style, the work that is being done,
08:10it has to be done in the right style, in the right way.
08:15Many times it happens, I gave this example in your program also,
08:18that if a person becomes sensitive about the choice of words,
08:22then how much difference does it make, if you have presented a very good food in front of someone,
08:27and you just said this sentence in front of him, take, eat, die,
08:31then the enjoyment of that food will end.
08:33But if you have presented a lentil, a pumpkin, and you have said,
08:36Noshay Jaan, there are no signs of you, but if you have said this,
08:40then it will increase our respect, then he will really like it more than a hen.
08:45So the choice of words, style, the impression of the face,
08:48all these things matter a lot,
08:50it is not necessary to come out of the mouth of a person every time.
08:54Let me clarify this.
08:56See, it happens that, as we are from this field,
08:59in the whole statement, it is being said politely that there is a Jalal somewhere,
09:03let's take out Jalal, because he is being sold.
09:06He is being sold, he gets defamed, he is always angry.
09:10Look at the way he talked to Narmin.
09:13The second thing we use in our language is,
09:15Hazrat knows, Muqtaza-e-Haal,
09:18that what is the situation demanding.
09:20When you are sitting in the media, you will not do anything enthusiastic here.
09:24Screaming, shouting, moving like this.
09:26There will be a polite conversation here.
09:28Whoever you see the scholar, he must be doing the same.
09:30He must be jumping on the stage.
09:32He must be sitting here and talking to Narmin.
09:34At this stage, sometimes the demand of the audience in front of you is that,
09:38sometimes you speak harshly, sometimes softly,
09:41sometimes you speak loudly, sometimes you speak softly.
09:43Because you have to bring everyone together.
09:45If you keep on speaking in a beautiful way,
09:48then I have seen that someone is on the mobile.
09:50The kids are crying, take them home.
09:52I have to go to my mother.
09:53There is a voice coming from there, Pappu's father, come home soon.
09:57Such an environment that your good and special preaching will also be left.
10:01That is why I mean to say that the public needs it.
10:04If a scholar is doing this,
10:05First of all, see that there is a clip.
10:07So that you must listen to everything.
10:09Secondly, if a scholar is speaking,
10:11then it is possible that he is doing it from the perspective of Muqtaza-e-Haal.
10:15When we are speaking in front of the public,
10:17we are not recording for the media.
10:19So when he will listen to it on the media,
10:21he will not be in the same mood as he was in that environment.
10:24He will get a different result.
10:26Thirdly, I say that if someone is doing this,
10:28put him aside and take your place.
10:30And instead of criticizing in a good way,
10:32do it yourself.
10:34This is the best for people.
10:36If you pay attention to me,
10:38see the nature of the program.
10:40There is a political conference.
10:42If you listen to Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's speech,
10:44then the pitch in it will be different.
10:46And if you look at him,
10:48what he is saying on TV,
10:50then his idea will be different.
10:52And he is giving an interview,
10:54this happens everywhere.
10:56So in religion, it is obvious that
10:58it is taken more care of.
11:00Show me the next question.
11:02My question is
11:04that if a husband
11:06tells his wife not to fast,
11:10forbids her from fasting,
11:12what are the rules for this?
11:14For the husband,
11:16and what should the wife do?
11:18La tahata li'l makhluq
11:20fi ma'siyatil khaliq.
11:22One cannot obey the creation while doing la tahata li'l makhluq.
11:24There, very politely,
11:26she can say,
11:28your order is in front of your eyes,
11:30you are very respected for me,
11:32you are very beloved for me,
11:34everyone is in their place,
11:36but here it is God's order to fast,
11:38so how can I accept your order?
11:40So as long as it is not forced on the gun point,
11:42it is wrong.
11:44Otherwise, one has to fast.
11:46The transition of the mind
11:48is towards fasting.
11:51If the husband forbids it,
11:53then the woman will not do it without the consent of the husband.
11:55If he is forbidding it from fasting,
11:57then it is different.
11:59But what the Prophet said is absolutely right.
12:01It is a matter of duty.
12:03I have personally seen
12:05that in the case of women,
12:07the husband,
12:09I have seen some cases,
12:11even the father,
12:13she wants to do purdah,
12:15but the husband does not want it.
12:17What should be done?
12:19The first thing is that
12:21if the girl wants to live
12:23in a religious environment,
12:25then she should also choose
12:27a life partner in the same way.
12:29In fact, the parents should understand that
12:31when our daughter is purdah,
12:33if she will go to a house
12:35where they will tell her to do purdah,
12:37then how will the girl survive?
12:39It is just the opposite.
12:41The boys want to do purdah,
12:43the girl does purdah first,
12:45then they tell her to do purdah.
12:47If the son says that
12:49he wants to marry a purdah girl,
12:51then the father says,
12:53let her come,
12:55then we will make her do purdah.
12:57After that, the wife is so uncontrollable
12:59that she says,
13:01I will not do it,
13:03you should have told me first,
13:05then I would not have married you.
13:07These are the problems.
13:09But anyway,
13:11this is a completely wrong attitude.
13:13A girl's shame and modesty
13:15will make the husband stand up
13:17and he will be held accountable for it.
13:19You have read the hadith.
13:21Every one of you
13:23will be questioned about his modesty.
13:25Such husbands will be questioned
13:27to encourage their wives
13:29to commit sins.
13:31And to break the Shariah,
13:33to throw the Quran and Hadith
13:35into the trash.
13:37According to the commandments,
13:39to consider Allah and the Prophet
13:41as ordinary,
13:43what will they answer?
13:45So, never do this.
13:47And what should the wife do?
13:49Should she do purdah or not?
13:51She should do purdah,
13:53but if there is a lot of pressure,
13:57if she thinks that she will be
14:01then she should compromise.
14:03I am not saying in all cases,
14:05she can do it in this case,
14:07then the husband will be held accountable.
14:09If we reverse this situation,
14:11I will answer to Allah,
14:13whatever it is.
14:15Can the husband suggest it?
14:17Can he force it or not?
14:19The first phase was
14:21about which we have already discussed,
14:23that if the wife is facing a problem
14:25with her family,
14:27it is a different matter,
14:29otherwise she should do purdah.
14:31As far as this matter is concerned,
14:33the husband,
14:35with the title of Amrabil Maroof,
14:37with the title of Nayyan-e-Munkar,
14:40there is another phase,
14:42that if the wife is going out of the house,
14:44then the husband has the authority
14:46in this regard.
14:48So, in that respect,
14:50it is the responsibility of the husband
14:52to see how she is going.
14:54Where will you put a cap?
14:56For example,
14:58if we talk about our society,
15:00if she wants to go out wearing a miniskirt,
15:02or shorts,
15:04or if she wants to go further,
15:06then what will the husband do?
15:08In any case, you will have to put a cap.
15:10And after putting the cap,
15:12you will have to try with wisdom
15:14to make it better.
15:16I am not saying that divorce is the only option.
15:18But, in any case,
15:20how far this matter will go,
15:22we cannot say anything black and white.
15:24Wisdom is very much involved.
15:26But, in any case,
15:28whatever is possible,
15:30to bring her towards religion,
15:32she should do it.
15:34But, if she does not have to do it,
15:36then the husband will not be a sinner.
15:38If he fulfills his responsibility,
15:40then he will not be a sinner.
15:42But, if he fails to fulfill his responsibility,
15:44then he will definitely be a sinner.
15:46Would you like to say something on this?
15:48Yes, this is the problem.
15:50It is just that,
15:52such compulsions have arisen.
15:54If we give this order,
15:56the real condition is that,
15:58if the wife is rebelling like this,
16:00and there will be negative effects on the children,
16:02then she should be separated.
16:04But, the problem is that,
16:06this is not just one problem.
16:08If she is separated,
16:10if she gets married again,
16:12what will she do now?
16:14If she gets divorced,
16:16if she gets married again,
16:18what will she do?
16:20And, this is the problem of husbands.
16:22Some sisters say,
16:24my husband does not pray,
16:26should I divorce him?
16:28I do not want to.
16:30I say, if you get married again,
16:32what will happen?
16:34Because, we will not say divorce,
16:36that the house will be destroyed,
16:38then everything will be finished.
16:40So, try to do as much as possible.
16:42As I said,
16:44the future should be planned in advance.
16:46And, if this unforeseen disaster has come,
16:48then the better you can do,
16:50the better.
16:52My question is to Mufti Akmal.
16:54My father takes a loan from the bank,
16:56and pays interest on it,
16:58and it is used somewhere at home.
17:00I am an adult,
17:02and I have no other source of income.
17:04So, what will be the Shariah order for me?
17:08The answer is technically long.
17:10In short,
17:12when such a situation arises,
17:14that you do not have
17:16any source of income,
17:18and you are taking such a risk,
17:20then you can use it
17:22as much as you want.
17:24The problem will be on them,
17:26not on them.
17:28They can do courses on the internet,
17:30and earn halal.
17:32So, it is obligatory on them
17:34to sit at home and earn,
17:36and not take this risk.
17:38So that the father also realizes.
17:40But, as long as there is no such situation,
17:42he can take this risk.
17:44But, if she can earn,
17:46then she can stay in the same house.
17:48She can stay,
17:50feeling the loss.
17:52Then, when she has raised the flag of rebellion,
17:54then she will make it clear
17:57But, she does not have to go so far,
17:59that she does not stay in this house.
18:01No, that is the problem.
18:03Where will she go?
18:05It will be the same in whichever house she goes.
18:07These are the problems.
18:09The fundamental thing is
18:11that if we determine
18:13that the house in front of us
18:15has come out of Haram,
18:17then in that case,
18:19we have to get rid of it.
18:21But, if there is a mixed income,
18:23in which there is halal and haram,
18:25then whether it has come out of Haram or not,
18:27there is a problem.
18:29But, in spite of that,
18:31there will be a space in it.
18:33And, in that case,
18:35if there is a problem,
18:37then the matter will be taken care of.
18:39Okay. Thank you very much.
18:41Thank you very much,
18:43Dr. Muhammad Reza Daudani.
18:45After a break,
18:47we will be back with our next segment.
