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#Waseembadami #aalimauraalam #shaneiftar

Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Iftar | Waseem Badami | 23 March 2025 | #shaneramazan

Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

#WaseemBadami #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan


00:00He came to me like this,
00:03He came to me like a blessing,
00:08How can I face you?
00:13I am falling, hold me.
00:18Welcome, Mr. Ali.
00:20We have this session with the scholars,
00:22and both the scholars are with us,
00:24Mr. Ibrahim Mufti Akmal,
00:25Allama Dr. Mohammad Reza Daudani.
00:27Thank you both very much.
00:29We will move forward without any delay.
00:32Your telephone number will be displayed on the screen,
00:33on which you can send your questions.
00:35We will move forward to ask our first question.
00:38Zainab, please start.
00:39My name is Zain, I live in Australia.
00:41In 2016, I borrowed $10,000 from my uncle.
00:47He never asked me for it.
00:48But 8-9 years have passed,
00:51I want to return it to him.
00:52Considering the time value of the money,
00:55when he gave me $10,000 in 2016,
00:57its value was different then.
00:59Now, of course, our rupees have been devalued.
01:03Can I return $20,000 to him instead of $10,000?
01:07If I can,
01:09does this justify the time value of money for 8-9 years,
01:13in a double amount?
01:16Or should I give him more than that?
01:19And if I should give him more,
01:20or whatever amount I give him,
01:21$20,000, $25,000, whatever I give him,
01:23according to our Islam,
01:25what is the justification for this?
01:28In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
01:29Obviously, the one who gives,
01:30does not have the right to ask for interest.
01:33Otherwise, it will be interest,
01:34it will be haram,
01:35it will be a grave sin.
01:36But whoever has been given,
01:38obviously, whoever has been borrowed,
01:40it is a good deed.
01:41And it is considered a mustahab
01:42that when he returns,
01:43he should return with more.
01:44There is no necessity for it.
01:46It is not a restriction.
01:47But if he returns with more,
01:49it is good for him
01:50that he has acknowledged
01:51that he supported me in bad times,
01:54did my work,
01:55and gave me a loan.
01:56So, there is no limit for him.
01:57If he wants to increase his interest,
02:01then he can definitely give.
02:02He does not have the right to ask for interest.
02:03It is preferred to increase it.
02:06Mufti sahib,
02:07it is also not right to say
02:09that I am giving $10,000 to someone
02:14and will return it after 5 years.
02:16So, I should not have any interest in it.
02:18But let's see,
02:19today the dollar is of Rs.100.
02:20So, it becomes Rs.50,000.
02:23On that day,
02:23whatever the dollar is,
02:24you should return it to me on that day.
02:26So, at least the amount that I have given you,
02:28I should get that much back.
02:30This will also be included in interest or his title.
02:33In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:35First, as Hazrat has said,
02:37it is completely irrelevant.
02:38Okay, absolutely right.
02:39I will say this a little bit.
02:40When is interest made?
02:42When we do a financial matter
02:45and it is conditional.
02:48That is, it should be a conditional situation
02:50that the amount I am giving you,
02:52you will have to give more on the return.
02:55And the other person will say,
02:56okay, like you gave me $100,000,
02:57and I will have to return $150,000.
02:59He will say, yes.
03:00So, whatever is more than Rs.50,000 is interest.
03:03First thing, keep this in mind.
03:05So, I am sorry to say this.
03:05If he says,
03:06I am not asking for more,
03:08I am actually asking for the same amount of dollar,
03:09but in terms of rupees.
03:10Yes, I will tell you.
03:12See, what happens in our country is that
03:13it depends on the amount.
03:14The amount that has been given,
03:16in that amount,
03:17he will have to return it in quantity.
03:20How much did its price increase?
03:21How much did the rate increase?
03:22If it increased, it can also decrease.
03:24It can happen in both cases.
03:26So, if the condition is set,
03:28that I am giving you $1000,
03:29and if you return $15000,
03:31it will become interest.
03:32And if this is not the case,
03:34and now, for example,
03:35the one who is giving is thinking,
03:36he will think well and accept it.
03:37Some people say,
03:38you gave me $1000,
03:40so, according to that,
03:41the price that is being made,
03:42I will give you that in Pakistani Rupees.
03:44I will not give you in dollars.
03:45In dollars, it will become so much.
03:46This will be wrong.
03:47You will have to give in dollars.
03:48If the price increases, it increases.
03:50If it decreases, then?
03:51Then, you will have to return $150,000.
03:52Then, you will not.
03:53The second thing is that,
03:54as you said,
03:55you have to return it.
03:56You have to increase it a little.
03:58It will be better.
03:59There is no harm in it.
04:00So, the formula is that,
04:01whatever money I have given,
04:02I have to add $10000 to it.
04:04And I have to add it after deciding it.
04:05So, it will become interest.
04:06I have to add it after deciding it.
04:07This is the thing.
04:08It has been explained.
04:09Absolutely right.
04:10Let's go to the next question.
04:12This is a dupatta.
04:13On top of the dupatta,
04:14there is a parrot.
04:16So, now, in this,
04:17we can read Namaz or the Holy Quran.
04:21On the dupatta, there is a parrot.
04:23There is Namaz in the parrot.
04:24This is the question.
04:25See, if the picture,
04:26this is shown very closely.
04:28It is done on the ground.
04:29If it is on the ground,
04:30our jurists say that,
04:31if the picture is kept on the ground,
04:33and it is so small that,
04:35the inscriptions are not clear.
04:37And it is alive.
04:39Then, it is not in the command of the picture.
04:41In the same way,
04:42if there are no inscriptions on its face at all,
04:44only the outline is made,
04:46then, still, it is not in the command of the picture.
04:48So, this outline seems that,
04:50there is something blind like a parrot.
04:52So, this will not have any effect on Namaz.
04:54It will not.
04:54Yes, sir.
04:55Namaz is not false,
04:57but Namaz is certainly blind.
04:59Being blind means,
05:00in worship,
05:01there will be a reduction in its reward.
05:04So, Namaz is not false.
05:05The second question is about the Holy Quran.
05:06That, the recitation of the Holy Quran can be done.
05:08It has nothing to do with it.
05:11on the T-shirts of boys,
05:12there are such prints.
05:13So, the same command will come,
05:14as you said.
05:15Same formula.
05:16If it is in the command of the picture,
05:18then, as you said,
05:19it will be blind.
05:19Otherwise, it is a mubah.
05:22And, if there is a pattern in front,
05:24for example,
05:25there are such bedsheets,
05:26on which a design is made.
05:27So, perhaps,
05:27you said that,
05:29it is better not to have it,
05:31as it can distract a person in Namaz.
05:33The Prophet, peace be upon him,
05:35was teaching Namaz.
05:35So, there was a sheet of his.
05:37So, he took it off after Namaz.
05:40the shoes of his shoes,
05:41had drawn your attention towards him.
05:42So, you removed those shoes.
05:44That, in Namaz,
05:45she is drawing my attention towards her.
05:47When the Prophet, peace be upon him,
05:48said this,
05:49then, I said,
05:49I will go to Badr, Allah.
05:52Zahra, go ahead.
05:52The next question will go.
05:53The teacher will tell you.
05:54My question is that,
05:56if someone's parents,
05:57do not direct their children towards religion,
06:00do not direct them towards religion,
06:02then, what is the Shariah command for those parents?
06:07Zahra, that,
06:08upbringing is the responsibility of the parents.
06:10Mother's Lab is the first institution.
06:12The mother's child is the first lesson.
06:14The father, in his own way,
06:15the mother, in his own way,
06:16the elders, in their own way,
06:18are bound to teach and teach religion.
06:21The child, in his own way,
06:22is a copy.
06:23He imitates.
06:24Yes, yes, yes.
06:24He sees what the mother is doing,
06:26what the father is doing.
06:27He will see while offering Namaz,
06:28then, he himself will come to Musallah.
06:29He will see while doing Wudhu,
06:31then, he himself will try to do something like Wudhu.
06:34So, he sees the parents.
06:36This matter,
06:37in terms of upbringing,
06:38is very important.
06:39There comes a time,
06:39when he is seven years old,
06:41within that,
06:41the responsibilities increase even more.
06:43That, he has to say it properly.
06:45He has to do Amr.
06:46He has to take it along.
06:47So, all these things,
06:48if he is not doing it,
06:49then, of course,
06:49he has to oppose the Qur'an as well.
06:51The Lord has said,
06:54that, save yourself,
06:55and save your family members,
06:57from the fire of hell,
06:58whose fuel,
06:59humans have to become,
07:01and stones have to become.
07:02There is a saying of the Prophet,
07:03peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
07:08Every one of you,
07:09has a citizen.
07:10Every one of you,
07:11has some people within you,
07:13whose responsibilities they are.
07:15They will be asked,
07:16that, what solution,
07:18how did you treat them?
07:19How did you bring them up?
07:21So, this was the basic responsibility,
07:23which a parent had to fulfill.
07:26So, if they are making mistakes in this regard,
07:28then, of course,
07:28it is a criminal negligence.
07:30But, in any case,
07:31that is,
07:32the extreme would be,
07:33that the parents,
07:34are keeping away from religion,
07:35or are saying,
07:35that you should not go towards religion.
07:36That is the maximum situation.
07:38In that too,
07:39the children,
07:40those rights,
07:42of the parents,
07:42that, in reality,
07:43in any case,
07:44is not there.
07:45I mean,
07:46In short,
07:46giving them respect,
07:47or taking care of their basic needs.
07:50See, the problem is,
07:51first of all,
07:52if the parents,
07:53are being negligent in the rights of the children,
07:55make education and upbringing the basis.
07:57So, in this,
07:58one is,
07:58to take accountability from the children,
08:00and one is,
08:01to take accountability from the scholars.
08:03So, the scholars are responsible.
08:05We will say,
08:06even if a father is sitting,
08:07with the child,
08:08and we say something,
08:09then sometimes,
08:09he sends us a message,
08:10that sir,
08:11keep a light hand.
08:12Not in front of him.
08:13The son was sitting with him.
08:15So, we keep a light hand,
08:15and where are you taking the child?
08:17You should think about it.
08:19So, the scholars,
08:21in a good manner,
08:22with softness,
08:23or harshness,
08:23can say it.
08:24what is the command for the children?
08:25Do not say to them,
08:26Do not say to them,
08:27Do not say to them,
08:28Do not say to them,
08:29Do not say to them,
08:30Do not say to them,
08:31Do not say to your parents,
08:32Do not scold them.
08:33And talk to them,
08:34with softness.
08:36Allah knows that,
08:37in the parents,
08:38there will be jealousy,
08:39there will be quarrels,
08:40there will be atrocities.
08:41The mother,
08:42will be dancing on Tik Tok,
08:43and will be showing the child,
08:45and will be encouraging the child.
08:46Despite this,
08:47Allah has kept the rights of the parents.
08:49So, the children,
08:50are not allowed to calculate.
08:52I also invite my students,
08:54and give them concern,
08:55that if your elders,
08:56are making a mistake,
08:57then note it down.
08:58Do not show it to them,
09:00but note it down.
09:01And decide that,
09:02these things,
09:03I will not let it happen
09:04in my generation.
09:05Only for this.
09:07if you do not keep your observation strong,
09:08it will not be strong.
09:10you will make these mistakes.
09:11Feel it,
09:12what is good,
09:13accept it.
09:14What is bad,
09:15decide to leave it.
09:17the calculation of the parents,
09:18is not your responsibility.
09:19Absolutely right.
09:21Next question.
09:22My question to the scholars,
09:24is that,
09:25if a person's ablution,
09:26is not remaining,
09:27and if it is not remaining,
09:28that he can pray,
09:30what are the instructions,
09:31in Shariah,
09:32for that?
09:34Is there any such issue?
09:36it is,
09:38through which,
09:39there are different aspects,
09:40of this situation,
09:41which are being explained.
09:44ignoring the minute details,
09:47General formula.
09:49in the time of Salah,
09:50there is a time,
09:51which he gets,
09:52even a little time,
09:53in which he can offer his Salah.
09:56he has to wait.
09:59he should not be in a hurry,
10:00to offer his Salah.
10:02he should wait for the time,
10:03in which,
10:04he can offer his Salah,
10:05in the right way.
10:06Absolutely right.
10:08if there is no such time,
10:10his responsibility is,
10:11to perform one ablution,
10:13to put cotton,
10:14so that,
10:15the impurities,
10:16do not spread,
10:17to the other parts of the body,
10:18to the clothes,
10:20he should carry himself,
10:21in the same way,
10:22and complete his Salah.
10:24Allah will accept his Salah.
10:26there is no need to worry,
10:28I am not in that condition.
10:30that condition,
10:31is not a normal condition.
10:33Allah does not give anyone,
10:34more than his capacity,
10:35more than his capacity,
10:37For Umrah,
10:38for Tawaf,
10:39the Tawaf,
10:40in which ablution is necessary,
10:41there will be the same formula.
10:42Same formula.
10:43If you feel,
10:44that there is a time in the day,
10:45when I will complete these 7 rounds,
10:47you have to do that.
10:48If it is absolutely unavoidable,
10:50you have to do it with one ablution.
10:51This is the extreme case,
10:52when a person believes,
10:53that I cannot manage.
10:54Cannot manage.
10:57This is it.
10:59There is a little addition,
11:01when the next time,
11:02of the new Salah,
11:03will come,
11:05remove the cloth,
11:06that was kept outside,
11:07and keep a new one,
11:08and perform fresh ablution.
11:10In short.
11:12I said this in the segment of Sahar,
11:14in every question,
11:15your Ulema try,
11:17we are given so little time,
11:19in every question,
11:20there are 100 Jahat,
11:22it is not included.
11:23The answer to the question,
11:24is addressed,
11:25and that is the whole effort.
11:26The rest,
11:27is neither a place for discussion,
11:29to talk about every Jahat.
11:31it is absolutely right.
11:32The details are in their place.
11:34you have told the formula.
11:36Next question.
11:37I am talking to Raji.
11:38My question is,
11:39Ulema are narcissistic,
11:40and they don't want to get their treatment done.
11:42They don't believe,
11:43that they have an illness.
11:45in that case,
11:46what is the Ulema's opinion,
11:47that what should we do,
11:48as a child?
11:49I don't know,
11:50about Shariah.
11:51What is it?
11:53we have an illness from our parents,
11:54and they are not willing to get it treated.
11:56As a child,
11:57what should we do?
11:59it is just that,
12:00Inna Allaha Ma'a Saadirin.
12:01There can't be any other way.
12:02They should be explained with love,
12:04and try,
12:05through someone.
12:07they will listen to their aunt,
12:08and they should be advised,
12:09and they should be requested.
12:11We repeatedly request our parents,
12:15don't involve your children,
12:16in that test.
12:19by force,
12:20so that the children,
12:21can't complete that test.
12:23And then,
12:24you raise your finger,
12:25and say,
12:26may Allah put such unfortunate children,
12:27in hell.
12:29at this time,
12:30when your health is good,
12:31don't eat bad things,
12:32don't eat bad things.
12:33Take care of your health.
12:34Do some exercise,
12:35at home.
12:36These days,
12:37you can go on YouTube,
12:38and see the workout,
12:39of a day.
12:40You will find it,
12:41of a day.
12:42Keep following it.
12:43And these,
12:48and even in sugar,
12:49in custard,
12:50spoon by spoon,
12:51and in weddings,
12:52in two Pepsi bottles,
12:54with a straw,
12:55they are drinking.
12:56Fear Allah.
12:57If you are getting a free thing,
12:58the flour is yours,
12:59the body is yours,
13:00take care of it.
13:02the request is,
13:03not to take such tests.
13:05you will have to be patient.
13:06I have tried,
13:07and I request you,
13:08that it is very important,
13:09to understand this.
13:11if this lifestyle change,
13:12is not ours,
13:13then I can guarantee you,
13:14that our future,
13:15will be even more difficult.
13:16You can see,
13:17that 40-50 years ago,
13:18those diseases,
13:19were not there,
13:20that we can see now.
13:21At a young age.
13:22That we can see now,
13:23because our food,
13:24our drinking habits,
13:25our cold drinks,
13:26and all these things,
13:27processed food,
13:29it has caused a lot of harm.
13:30And especially,
13:31when the resistance,
13:32in the body,
13:33starts to end,
13:34and a person,
13:35goes towards depression,
13:37its effects,
13:38start to show.
13:40there is an immunity,
13:41and a person,
13:43endures it.
13:46he is not able to endure it.
13:48the same thing,
13:49that children,
13:50should not be put,
13:51in a test.
13:53the problem,
13:54they asked,
13:55if I am not making a mistake,
13:56this is a psychological issue,
13:59A narcissist,
14:00or a narcissist,
14:01who is a victim,
14:02where a person,
14:03becomes self-centered,
14:06I am being considered,
14:09I am being considered,
14:10as if,
14:11I am of no use.
14:13for that,
14:14there is a psychological,
14:15stage to show,
14:17he wants to express,
14:21I am very relevant.
14:23in reality,
14:24at that time,
14:25he is in a state,
14:26which becomes,
14:27very merciful.
14:29in this,
14:30be very careful,
14:31about dignity.
14:33listen to them.
14:34The best thing,
14:35for them,
14:36is to become,
14:37good listeners.
14:39Take some time out of your time,
14:42convince them,
14:43to come and sit for a while,
14:44listen to them.
14:46by listening,
14:47a lot of their problems,
14:48get solved automatically.
14:50Next question,
14:52I am Samira Balushi,
14:53from Oman.
14:54It has been,
14:55about a year,
14:56my husband,
14:57was very unwell,
14:58at that time.
14:59During that time,
15:01prayed to Allah,
15:02that I should,
15:03continue to fast for 10 days,
15:04but I couldn't,
15:06I tried a lot,
15:07but I couldn't,
15:09I have a child,
15:10and the child has to go to school,
15:12and I have to raise him,
15:13and do the housework,
15:14and I also work,
15:15for 9 hours,
15:16in the office,
15:17and in between,
15:18I couldn't do it.
15:20I want to say this.
15:22I understood the question.
15:23Okay, sir.
15:24She is speaking in Baloch accent,
15:25thank you very much.
15:26You understood the question,
15:27didn't you?
15:28Yes, I understood.
15:30my husband was unwell,
15:31what should I do?
15:33the first thing is,
15:34the concept of mannat,
15:35in our culture,
15:36is that,
15:37you should at least,
15:38with this much voice,
15:39make a promise to Allah,
15:40of doing Iqtiyar,
15:42that you should listen to your ears.
15:44If you had only,
15:45made an intention,
15:46made a wish in your heart,
15:48this is not Shari'a mannat.
15:49And if your husband,
15:50gets well,
15:52it won't be necessary,
15:53to do this.
15:55Shari'a mannat,
15:56didn't happen.
15:58and then,
15:59it is conditional,
16:00if my husband gets well,
16:01then I will fast for 10 days.
16:03it is obligatory,
16:04to fast on getting well.
16:06if you didn't make a mannat,
16:07or you did,
16:08that your husband should get well,
16:09and you still didn't get well,
16:11it won't be obligatory.
16:13if someone,
16:14makes a mannat,
16:15without any condition,
16:18it must be fulfilled.
16:20in this also,
16:21there is a thing,
16:23whether it is a permanent mannat,
16:24or permanent.
16:25Permanent means,
16:26without the condition of time.
16:27I will fast.
16:28If I had said this,
16:29I would have done it later,
16:30after a year,
16:312 years,
16:323 years,
16:33before death.
16:35if God forbid,
16:36if I didn't get the time,
16:37then I would have told,
16:38that instead of every fast,
16:39there will be a donation,
16:40of the amount of the nature.
16:41If you can't do it,
16:42then it will be easy for you.
16:44don't worry,
16:45do it later.
16:47if mannat shari'a is not done,
16:48then it is not obligatory.
16:50only mannat shari'a mannat,
16:51will be done,
16:52which should be done,
16:53with at least this much voice,
16:54so that,
16:55your voice can be heard.
16:57I believe this mannat,
16:58I'll just add a little bit to this, in case there's a misunderstanding.
17:02We can consider a prayer as something that is obligatory or obligatory on us.
17:06This is also one of our conditions.
17:08For example, if Salah is obligatory on us, then I can consider it as a prayer for Nafl.
17:13If fasting is obligatory on us, then I can consider it as a prayer for fasting.
17:16If Zakat is obligatory on us, then I can consider it as a prayer for Nafl.
17:20So you don't consider it as a prayer that if I do one thing, I'll do Fajr prayer for the next two years.
17:23This can't be considered as a prayer.
17:24Yes, that's already a must.
17:25If you consider it as a prayer that if I complete this, I'll walk ten steps forward and ten steps back.
17:31Now this is a useless question.
17:34I'm not making this up.
17:35There are strange questions like this that don't have an end.
17:38I won't cut my hair for a year.
17:40If I do this, I'm considering it as a prayer for Allah.
17:42You can become a great man for the rest of your life.
17:44What's the use of growing your hair to your feet?
17:48This is not a prayer like this.
17:50Absolutely right.
17:51Final word.
17:51The basic thing is what Mufti Sahib said.
17:54The word that is used in our language is that the one who has an interest in something,
17:58the one who can be preferred, the one who likes it,
18:01that can be considered as a prayer.
18:03And you must have heard that intention is the intention of the heart.
18:06To offer Salah, to fast, to say something with your tongue is not necessary.
18:09There is no such thing in a prayer.
18:10Ah, very interesting.
18:11The one who has an interest in something,
18:14it is necessary to say it with your tongue.
18:16This is special.
18:17Say it in Arabic, say it in Urdu, say it in your own language.
18:21It is necessary for Allah that I will do this work.
18:24If my work is done or otherwise, then in that case, it is a prayer.
18:27The words are also what you said.
18:29It seems like there is a little scope here that the words are that I have done this work.
18:32So that the meaning can be fulfilled.
18:33For the fulfillment of this meaning, whatever words he uses,
18:36then that prayer will be contradicted.
18:38And then there is enthusiasm in it.
18:40If there is no restriction, then when possible,
18:43when the cold weather comes, then do it.
18:45The fasts will be shorter.
18:46There is one more thing in this.
18:48Now I will differ with Mufti Sahib with respect.
18:50In Kifayat-e-Jafri, you can believe in the voluntary work,
18:52you can believe in the voluntary work.
18:54You can even believe in the obligatory work.
18:56It is already obligatory.
18:57It had to be done.
18:58Otherwise, you would have been a sinner.
19:00But if you do not do that work even after believing in the prayer,
19:03then along with being a sinner,
19:04you will also be found guilty of not fulfilling the prayer.
19:06And you will also be fined for breaking the prayer.
19:08You will be a sinner even more.
19:09On a lighter note,
19:11maybe this is the only Shariah issue about which
19:14the lady was thankful that I did not know.
19:17Because maybe she did not believe in the prayer.
19:20If it was not voluntary,
19:21then she would have said,
19:22okay, this work is done.
19:24It is a matter of great joy that
19:26a question has come from Balochistan.
19:28And she did not take any effort to ask the question.
19:31There was a problem in the accent in the words.
19:33Still, she discussed her issue.
19:35This means that she discusses for guidance.
19:39And she says to someone,
19:40okay, I will ask my question here.
19:41Maybe I will get an answer.
19:43I think the background is from Balochistan.
19:45The question came from Oman.
19:46She lives there.
19:47Of course, the background is from Balochistan.
19:50Yes, border is the same.
19:51Accent is the same.
19:53Thank you very much.
19:54And this issue,
19:55this is the issue of Benul Bar Azam.
19:58No matter which Bar Azam you follow.
20:01Let's take a break.
20:02After the break,
20:03we will be back with the next segment.
