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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.
Mods I used in this video:
Fluffyrox4 (
Pipo3o (
Call Me Kevin
How I Made Minecraft Fun Again with a Forever World
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft
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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.
Mods I used in this video:
Fluffyrox4 (
Pipo3o (
Call Me Kevin
How I Made Minecraft Fun Again with a Forever World
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft
00:00Hey there friends, how's it going? Today we're going looking at a bit of Minecraft again.
00:04Thank you for all the positive feedback on my last video, by the way. These have been a joy,
00:08I must admit, so I'm glad you liked them. I saw all your feedback, thank you for the help
00:13and the friendly and not so friendly roasting on my Minecraft abilities. I'm trying my best,
00:19but apparently that's not good enough for some of you. But I'm really just enjoying playing Minecraft
00:23and enjoying it for what it is again. I have a couple mods, not much, so it's kind of vanilla
00:28experience. But let me show you how it's going. If you didn't see the start of this world or you
00:34just forgot, which is totally fine, I'm not offended. This is my home. I fixed a few little
00:40things, just cleaned up a little bit. This is my furnace along with water wheel. You can see what
00:45it's completed in here, which is great. And there are a few things we're going to need to work on
00:50if we want to make this place actually work. I also got to pretty up the house a little bit.
00:54I'm going to set up a little work area down here outside. I left the mechanism from my big
01:00water wheel contraption that's under here visible here. That allows me to connect with some shafts
01:07and I should be able to make a cog wheel and attach this. I've never used these, so let's see
01:13how this goes. Oh, that's pretty neat. I like that. Oh, that's very cool. And then if I put down,
01:22say, one of these gold ingots. Whoa. Don't blink. You might miss it. We've got a gold sheet. Grab
01:32the string here from my box of randomness. Every house has that. Just a drawer with loads of random
01:38crap in it. Then I can make some engineering goggles so people will believe that I'm smart.
01:43How do I put these on my face? Maybe I just hold them up. Do I look smart yet? I put. Ah, there we
01:48go. This will allow me to see stats of the machines that I'm making. I do think I'll move
01:53this machine because it will ruin my view. Probably useful for a machine that's less vertical. We're
01:59going to make a hand crank and I need a mechanical saw pretty bad, but I also need iron. With this
02:06and the hand crank, we're going to be able to cut down trees pretty easy and I need resources.
02:11Also, I think my bees are dead. They've not been home in a while. I was going to move them out of
02:16my house, but then I guess they just died. So mission accomplished, I guess. And I have a
02:23solution for our lack of food issue, which will also need iron. So I clearly have an iron deficiency
02:30and that is our main objective. What we might have to do instead is go out on a bit of an adventure.
02:36And you know the old saying, fail to prepare and you're going to have a really nice time. So we're
02:41just heading out into the ocean in a direction I've never gone before. And look, I think I already
02:46see a ship just rendering in, so it's already working. Now that I'm here and seeing all this
02:51kelp as well, it reminds me that that will come in handy because you can use dried kelp to make
02:56little conveyor belts. And I don't know what I'd put on a conveyor belt, perhaps some villagers
03:01or something, but it sounds pretty cool and I want them. Aha, true. OK, well, you see what I said?
03:08Fail to prepare and good things will happen. I think it's actually an old Chinese proverb
03:13or Irish bullshit, one or the other. I'm not sure. Nice. And some suspicious stew.
03:20I don't know if I can like just plant more of this, but God, it's easy to harvest, isn't it?
03:26I'm nearly going to drown. I'm nearly going to drown. I may have overreacted. I'm not that
03:31deep, really. Now I just got to swim around and collect my kelp. This is the best mission I've
03:38ever gone on. Absolutely no obstacles whatsoever. I'm having a leisurely swim here. Wait, I don't.
03:45Oh, God, I don't remember the direction I came in. Yes, spinning in circles will make it better.
03:49I should do more of that for God's sake. When I saw the ship, what orientation was it? No,
03:54I took the kelp from the opposite side I came from, I think. So, yeah, we're going to trust
03:59that logic. That's good enough for me. And we're going to continue in that direction.
04:03Just a little bit more iron and we're good, to be honest. All I need is another shipwreck, maybe.
04:10Is that one? Land ho. I'm going to call it laggy land because I think it's rendering in
04:18and my PC does not like it. I like this, though. I'm pretty sure this is a ship.
04:24It's a big ship, too. It's becoming nighttime, so I don't want to be here like at all. I'm going to
04:30try and get this over with and get out of here after I steal all their treasure.
04:39Oh, man, I wish I brought an axe. If only I had prepared or planned at all.
04:46Right, quickly before nightfall. Do I want an iron axe? I don't, but I do.
04:51Yeah, I don't have any other choice. Screw it. It'll make it easier anyway.
04:55OK, finally made it in here. Yes. All right. This is this what I'm talking about. This I'm not talking
05:00about. I don't know what that is. And I don't want to talk about things I don't understand.
05:05It makes me look stupid, unlike my glasses. I will take it, though.
05:09I'll leave treasure for the next person. Eight kelp and a single stair.
05:15Oh, Jesus. OK, now God's against me. All right. I'm going home. I'm going home. That's fine.
05:20OK, OK, I get it. I won't collect the logs either.
05:24OK, wait, hold on. Have I gotten turned around here again somehow? I have all this technology
05:30and I'm working on automation, but I could really use a map. Hey, all right. I'm nearly home. I'm
05:37sorry for exploring. That sounded like it actually hit me. I don't even know what that noise was,
05:45but it sounded like something exploded. Right now that it's morning, I don't have to be afraid.
05:53I'm home, although I guess I am a little bit afraid of the lightning. I better get inside my
05:57home that has no roof and go to sleep. Yeah, the rain has cleared up after my 20 minute nap.
06:04Many people would take that as a sign that I shouldn't be exploring like that,
06:07but I'm stubborn and it's only egging me on. Now time for my genius to begin. First of all,
06:13we got a press to impress. So I'm going to attempt to make a waterwheel over here where
06:18it's a bit more out of sight, out of mind and easily accessible for me. And now that I think
06:23about it, I'm probably going to need a lot of tools here in the future. So let's just make a
06:28tiny river. Right. I've dug a little channel through my land, destroying who knows how many
06:34ecosystems in the process. But I've created a little river. Yesterday I went on a grand
06:40adventure discovering buried shipwreck and battling God himself head on. Today I dug a
06:47hole and I kind of dug in the wrong place and I had to build this offshoot so that I can put a
06:52waterwheel. I'm going to bed. I've made it into sort of a man-made dam over here. I think this
06:57could link up pretty nice. Actually, this can be my workshop. I'm going to put in the waterwheel.
07:02It's not going to work because I've done something wrong and then we're going to take it out. I'm
07:07running out of wood. So that's the first thing I have to address. But for now, we're going to build
07:10my workshop out of ship and a mechanical press. That's working, right? Yep. There it goes. It's
07:18actually moving so fast. You think you see it moving slow, but it's moving so many times and
07:25it just looks like it's once slowly, but it's not. We got to make some andesite casing and I
07:32totally remember how to do that. Yes. Yes, I do remember how to do that. Now I can make a
07:38mechanical saw and this should solve my wood woes. So we're going to go up to this tree here.
07:45We're going to face the saw the wrong way. And again, it's for luck. It's an Irish thing
07:52or an old Chinese proverb. I can't remember. And then we're going to attach the hand crank. We're
07:58going to spin the hand crank. Boom. Well, it wasn't that spectacular because I kind of missed
08:04it, but the whole tree came down along with the saplings. You know what? Under it. Under it is
08:14fine. That's where we're going to place it from now on. What this means is I can use the saplings,
08:18have myself my own little forest, and then just cut them down just like this. And it's clearly
08:25not working. Sure, it has a few kinks, but don't we all have kinks? Judge not, lest ye be judged.
08:33And please don't judge me. All right. You know what? I didn't actually want this tree. I like
08:38this tree where it is. It's nice for my house. I don't know if it's because I've used so much of
08:43it or it's just not for me. I think it's just a bit overpowering with the amount I've had to use
08:48of the orange and I don't really want more of it. So we're going to use that as our utility wood.
08:54Anything I want to make, I can make it out here, which means I can stop using this and wasting it.
09:00My beloved ship wood. Neighbors are out and we do not get along well unless they're on fire,
09:07so I'm going to bed. I don't trust that creeper. He's going to run into me when I'm in my house
09:12and I stupidly leave the doors open and it'll be all his fault. So we're going to take care of him.
09:19Great, now I have a paddling pool full of monsters. You see what I mean? It's all his fault.
09:24I didn't slam my desk, by the way, when I died. That was someone knocking on my door. Who wants
09:29to hang out with me? It happens all the time. One of my many friends, but you wouldn't know them.
09:34Oh man, I definitely lost items there. Some of them blew up. I see saw anyway. I don't see anything
09:41important missing. As long as I have saw, which I see, then we can wait and see saw cutting.
09:47I'm going to set it up here just in just in case, you know. That's not baring anything.
09:53I lost my weapon. Did I? No, I didn't. I have it. I can't see without my glasses.
09:58And for some reason I wear them on my forehead.
10:04Oh, it just clicked what I did. I put on the shoes and I was like, wait, they have enchantments.
10:10What does this do? Cursive binding. What's cursive binding? And tried to take it off and nothing
10:15happened. Right, the spider came over to my house just to show me its ass. It's just mooning me
10:20for no particular reason. Right, like the Irish version of Popeye, I'm going to eat an entire
10:25potato and then I'm going to run at you. Who's the coward now? Now that you're stuck and I'm full
10:30health and attacked you without warning. Time to get out the workshop. And now that I have a lot
10:37of andesite and a lot of zinc nuggets, I can make a lot of andesite alloys. Don't worry. I don't know
10:44what they do either. I Googled it though. Oh, it actually makes quite a nice little countertop.
10:50Would make a lovely kitchen. And before we get making tools, I did want to see the large cog
10:55wheel and see if I can make things spin faster with cog wheels. I'm pretty sure that's working.
11:02Yeah, that's going faster than the water wheel, right? And then that'll turn the contraption
11:06faster, which in this case is our mechanical press. I'm going to be mechanically depressed
11:13in a second. Nothing is going my way. Right there. Probably going to need a bunch of these
11:19iron plates. So let's see if this works.
11:24Yeah, I think that's faster. And I don't think I'm in denial this time. I think it legit is faster.
11:31Can I place them all down at once? Okay, clearly not because I missed.
11:35But if I don't miss, can I place them all down at once? Oh no, I can't.
11:43Ow. Why are they all trying to kill me? They must be threatened by my intellect. Clearly
11:48they see the things I'm making and they accuse me of witchcraft.
11:52And I'm in here because of it, suffering from success.
11:57Oh, who is it? Oh, it's you. Sorry, I forgot about you.
12:02Wanting to kill me isn't really a defining trait in this world.
12:05Right, two more water wheels and one of them into a large water wheel. And look at that.
12:12Now, I have my very own teacup ride. Yeah, this is awesome. It's actually to make a mill,
12:19but it might look cooler the other way. I'm just thinking I could probably turn it with cogs
12:24and with some creative redirection, get it a bit more speed.
12:29That didn't speed it up at all. I thought it would. There, now it's going upwards.
12:35It's a bit fecked. Hold on. There is a slight famine brewing, which makes me pretty uneasy
12:42as an Irishman. And half my food is also potato. See, all the renewable sources of food that I have
12:49that don't require effort are kind of incomplete or just didn't work out. Like honey was my first
12:54idea and then all the bees died. And then pumpkin was my next idea, but I don't have any chickens.
13:02At least I can keep harvesting them. And when I do get chickens and by that eggs,
13:07I'll have plenty of pumpkins and sugar. And then I'll never go hungry again,
13:12except for the times when I forget food, which could be kind of often.
13:16Right, this is a bit awkward, but this should now work. I love how it was also the smallest tree.
13:23Wait, I have an idea. And it's not bone meal on tree because that's not much of an idea.
13:27What if I connect them? Does it count as one tree? So let's try this. I've removed a line
13:33underneath them. Hell yeah. All right. That's genius. If only I had space in my inventory
13:39to put all my stuff away. Right. So we are not building more saws. We are just going to cheese
13:46it some more. Boom, boom. And now that'll all technically be one tree. Move the saw to the
13:52other side. I should put down some light while I'm here because I just suddenly felt in danger,
13:58like as soon as I started talking. That's usually when stuff goes wrong. I don't know why. I think
14:03it's just God timing it so it makes me look as stupid as possible. Nice. That is going to help
14:09a lot. Now, what was I doing? I think. Oh, yeah, I'm ill. Oh, God. Just don't look. Pretend I
14:19didn't see him. Oh, oh, tree. Oh, look at this beautiful thing. Is he gone? Oh, God, he's come
14:25closer. Oh, I see something in the ocean. This is how far I'm willing to go to avoid socializing.
14:32I wish I could see how fast the cogs were going with my glasses because I genuinely can't tell
14:37if it's going faster. It feels like an optical illusion. Oh, I'm pondering. So, yeah, the large
14:43ones speed up the little ones. OK, I sometimes miss blocks, but that was ridiculous. I don't
14:50think that was my fault. Oh, yeah, it's much easier to tell if you just look at the shafts
14:55rather than the wheels. Now we're talking, I'm going to put sand into the mill and it's
15:09it's going to do nothing. Here we go. I'm going to put wheat into the mill.
15:17Hold on. No, I know this is right. Yes, look, it's working. There we go. Embrace the grind.
15:25There we go. Wheat flour. Right now I'm grinding up cobblestone and that is giving me
15:31gravel. And then with some slight adjustments here, I'm hoping I can change up this so that not only
15:38will it burn things, but it'll also clean things. I just got to be careful doing the adjustments
15:43because I know there's lava like really close to my basement. I know because I put it there.
15:50It's my bin. Oh, diving boots. Oh, wait, I can't take my shoes off. Never mind. They're stuck on
15:56me, apparently. Well, I'll just build a boring fan instead. You start with something simple.
16:02You just want to wash some dirt and then you end up with whatever this thing is. Yeah, just some
16:09minor changes is all. Why have I done this?
16:18Right, so that completely defeated me, but I think I have sorted it out. I've done some minor
16:23modifications to the house, even just things like moving this box, which I was really, really
16:30procrastinating on. Look at that water wheel. Ignore the fact it goes into a block. That actually
16:35annoyed me like an unreasonable amount, but this is how we're looking. I need to actually decorate
16:41these things because they're just machines right now, but it's starting to look pretty cool. Like,
16:46it's pretty functional, right? I changed the river so it's like an actual dam that moves in here and
16:52then it powers the workshop and it comes back out through here. I think it looks kind of neat. I'll
16:56build some sort of a structure there. This water wheel is powering the conveyor belts and in a
17:02similar fashion, I've a little river coming out through there. It's like the whole thing is
17:06legitimately functional. There it is, slowest conveyor belt of all time, but it is moving. You
17:12may notice my fancy new kitchen floor, by the way, earlier. It's actually just to hide the pipes
17:18because it got really messy down here. Now you come down here, you can see one in action right
17:23away because the problem is my plan was to make a water wheel and connect all the conveyor belts,
17:28but then they were rotating the wrong ways. So this one would be going up and this one would
17:32be going down. So they all needed their own cogs and wheels. It was honestly just awful. So this is
17:38the first test. I'm standing on top of it. This is OSHA approved. That should cook the glass,
17:44hopefully. Come on, come on, cook before you go around the corner. Please, oh man. But it did
17:52reach the conveyor belt, so that's good. And then that's gonna make its way up. I'm gonna try and
17:57beat it, which honestly shouldn't be hard. In fact, I might just stop and, uh, let's see, eat an entire
18:03carrot. I'm not hungry. Okay, well, that's come out. Yeah, I still beat it. This is a question mark. I
18:09hope this goes into the hopper. Did it go in? It did, and that's emptying into the chest. Okay, perfect.
18:17Now I have an amazing automated sand mover right in my own house. I could have sworn I tried this
18:24with cobble and it worked just fine. Yeah, it, it turned into stone. Maybe they just differ,
18:29like how long they take. Oh, wait, maybe it can't do like when you drop it as a stack and it has to
18:34be individually dropped. Oh, that's it. Okay. So my design isn't stupid. I'm just stupid. Oh,
18:43what a relief. Now my most dangerous tool, the chisel. I'll take out a little chunk here. I hope
18:50these little knobs are enough to Kevin-proof the whole design and I don't fall down there.
18:55Of course, I'm testing it with, with all my tools still on me, mind you. I could just stand up on
19:01the thing. And in fact, I don't think this is doing anything, even though I want to save the beehive,
19:07like just not because of the bees, but for me, I guess I could just run off into the wild and
19:13get some honeycomb that way. Let me try. Because you make a bee house with honeycomb,
19:18but I need them to like fully prepare the honey in order for me to take the honeycomb.
19:23And I'm pretty sure all my bees drowned. Right. Let us head out. It's nighttime? What,
19:30what have I done all day? All right. This is very relatable to real life. Oh, the house actually
19:35looks kind of cool from here. This is actually the best distance to view it from because you
19:39can see the water wheel, the different colors and everything, but you're not close enough
19:44to realize how fecked it looks. You know, it's just a bit blurred. My goal here with the exploring
19:51is just to get a lot of variety, but not a lot of each thing. Like if I just have one jungle sapling,
19:58for example, I planted back home and then I create my own supply. I want to be self-sufficient by
20:04robbing from everywhere else. Get in. Thanks. That was easy. Now I move my all terrain vehicle
20:13towards the water. I collected a lot of eggs and now with this chicken, I have a renewable source
20:19of eggs and therefore chickens. I just realized I'm actually wearing two pairs of glasses,
20:26so they don't really make me look that smart. Right. And screw hard work. I'm taking your
20:31honeycomb. What do you mean you're not done? What else are you guys doing out here? Right,
20:36that did nothing. I'm going to try and kidnap one of them. You're going to die, little fella,
20:40just so you know. It's like the ship Journeys of Olden. Some people just don't make the voyage.
20:46I think I made up my mind and I think the double glasses make me look stupid. Could be the fact
20:53I'm some old man in a rowboat with a chicken and a bee following behind. It's kind of swaying it
20:59and also who I am as a person. What? Oh, you just dropped an egg, man. That was valuable cargo.
21:06No, no, no, no, no, no. Don't don't leave. Hold on. Come with me. Come with me. Yeah. Remember,
21:11I'm the one with the daisy. I know it's scary. We're going through enemy territory here,
21:15but the turtle people are a friendly nation and they allow us passage.
21:20It is a bit intimidating how they just kind of stare at you when you're going through.
21:25Okay, we're here. Right, chicken, you guard the perimeter. I think he's stuck. And you,
21:30you come with me. Let's face it. Your kind are just not very smart. So your outdoor privileges
21:35are now gone. And here's that daisy you wanted. Look, it's just as good as being outside.
21:41I'm forcing my lifestyle of never leaving my room onto this bee. Yeah, you see,
21:45you finally got your daisy. So this is the plot as it stands. We clearly need some sort of extension
21:51I think a barn would be a good way to start this ranch. I think this area in particular is kind of
21:57useless and it's ugly. So maybe I clear this up and this is where the barn could be. I find I'm
22:02getting too distracted with like trying to make a full creation that I just don't need right now
22:08and then letting other things fall into the background. So my plan with this one is just
22:13to figure out where it's going, which we've done and not construct the barn right now,
22:17but make the fenced area and get the chicken in there.
22:21Oh, you're new. Ow, I don't like you. You're not welcome here.
22:32Oh, now I've gotten trapped in the river. No, I'm trapped under my house. I literally cannot get out.
22:40This is a death trap.
22:48Oh, he's right there. Come on, get in. That would make it actually really handy for me.
22:55Of course, then you immediately just turn tail and walk away. Come here, you coward. What? You too
23:00chicken to be a prisoner? Don't answer that. You don't even get the reward. You get nothing.
23:07And if we get really lucky, we'll get another. Yes. All right. Oh, yes. Okay, now we're talking.
23:13And how are you getting on? Oh, having a mental crisis, I see. Yes, understandable.
23:18Are these done? I can't. Oh, they are done. They don't look done to me.
23:22I'm not a very good farmer for someone who's opening a ranch. Oh, hell yeah. Good job,
23:27buddy. Now beehive. I can move the bees outdoors. What a revolutionary idea. Now I feel like things
23:33are really starting to come together. The frustration of those water wheels was not
23:38worth it, but it wasn't for nothing, at least. Like when I really think about it, I went to all
23:43that trouble and all I did was save myself having to use a furnace and waiting for a furnace. You
23:49know, it's good, but I don't know, is it worth it? We got the bees outside. Well, actually,
23:54no, we got the beehive outside. We got the bee inside still. Right. Sorry about your hard work
23:59on the rest, but that's getting destroyed. No, I'm your owner. I own you. You can't attack me.
24:04Great. Now the bee owns the house. I thought I could re-home him. I probably should just put
24:09him outside and close the door. But no, I had to destroy his life's work. There we go. He's
24:16calmed down now again. He's in a trance once more. Well, I'm destroying that too. Come on,
24:22come outside and I'll just put the flowers on the side without the water so it doesn't drown.
24:26And you can live there now. I'll get you a friend at some point. Don't talk to the chickens.
24:31Anything bad they say about me, a rumor is in speculation.
24:36What? He just fucking- I'm going to bed. I don't care if it's in the middle of the day. He just
24:42died on impact from flying into sand. How is that my fault? Bees are so stupid.
24:48I'm just gonna sit here and brood for a while. Okay. Something was in the sapling for this one.
24:54How did you grow this big and you haven't grown at all? Now that I think about it, that would be a
24:59good way of getting charcoal as well. Like when I have enough wood for building, which honestly,
25:04I'm getting there. Like I have all these logs and I don't have anything to use them on right now.
25:09It's also giving me a good enough food source because I don't really leave the house right
25:13now. I think- I think I'm going to take tomorrow to just work on the ranch a little bit and then
25:18go on a grand adventure again. Remember the last time when we bravely crossed the ocean in a boat?
25:25Got a nice little daisy and brought the bee back and then it feckin died. I guess I should
25:31probably take this fire out of my wooden house now that I don't have the bees anymore. I'll put
25:38it down outside for now in case any bees fancy a good old-fashioned hot boxing. I think that'll
25:45keep them safe. I'll- if- if they die like from that, they kind of deserve it. Like the sand one, to be
25:52fair, he had it coming. No? But why were you so eager to escape, huh? They've forgotten all about
26:01escaping now that I've given them seeds. Ah, such a happy family. Move! Sorry. So we've completed the
26:12ranch for the day and take a look at this. The front is kind of done. Like the chicken- chicken's
26:21kind of gone away, but it's- it's kind of done. Look at that for a design. Wow. Sorry boys, after that last
26:29escape attempt, the pen just got a lot smaller and it's not due to my incompetence. That's just a
26:35coincidence. All this talk about food and what I'm gonna do, I- I don't even know how to make the
26:41pumpkin slices. Oh, he doesn't even know what they are. Great. Maybe I just have to put it in with the
26:46sugar cane and the eggs? Well, I have my white powder safely stored away. I just need eggs, but the
26:54chickens over there are slacking. Hurry up. Come on. Oh, nice. Good job, you guys. Oh, two. Oh my god.
27:00You guys ready to have another family bonding moment? Nice. My very first pumpkin pies.
27:09Nice. Oh my god, I'm full. So that's what it feels like. Something I could also do, and it's a bit late
27:15now, but at the same time, it'll help in the future, is put in the sugar cane into this. Ow. And then, yeah,
27:23that'll do it for me. And you can get multiple, so instead of just getting one for one, you get two.
27:28Is that a creeper on the ranch? I'm a little flattered, but you gotta go. Oh, I wish I had a
27:34steed. That's another point that I've been thinking of every time I see them. Like, it's a good place
27:39for a ranch, given the horses just happen to be here. But I just have to find a saddle. I wonder
27:44if I can make them, or if I still have to find them. That could be part of my quest. But my main
27:49quest is, I want to make stuff sticky with glue. God, that's still coming out? That's really good,
28:00actually. Oh, maybe it was worth all the effort. Now, this will be an interesting one. This is where
28:05my machines start to collaborate. At least, I hope. That could just burn and disappear.
28:11Oh, there we go. It disappeared. Right, here is not where my machines start working together.
28:17Okay, so that one didn't even get cooked. It looks awful. That's meant to be food.
28:22Oh, wait. No, I think I just realized something. It's the second part that's making it into dough,
28:30right? Like, the washing of it. Because it's adding water, and I was, like,
28:34just throwing wheat flour onto the fire. Right, so none of them worked. But yeah,
28:41if I wet that, it'll make dough, and then I just need green dye to turn it into glue,
28:45which will help me a lot. Like, I don't know why, but it'll make me have the ability to
28:49make really cool machines, and that's good enough for me. Is that where the water comes out?
28:56I- I'm just digging holes in my floor here. Would a chute work? Just, just, like,
29:03a doormat, do you think? Like, the way it is, if I just put something in there, does it just go
29:09down? Because if so, that should land right on the water, and then it should get washed,
29:14and hopefully not have enough time to burn. Yes, it's all an exact science here in Kevin's
29:22basement. What the- oh my god, you scared the shit out of me, dude. Just lightning and thunder,
29:32and then this noise by this little invisible demon. Where are you? Dude, just talk to me,
29:37if you're gonna come to my house, at least. I don't care if it's a lightning storm, I wanna chat.
29:42And my mouse has died. I want that cherry tree, though. Hold on, I'll be right back,
29:48if I can find my way. Oh, thank god I broke my door. It's a serious problem with the new system
29:53we set up. Cherry sapling, nice. Do I want these? Hold on, wait here in the lightning storm while
30:01I google what that is. Yeah, I googled it and I want it, I want it, it's a cool tree, where is it?
30:05Right, I want this too, even though it seems like a scam, to be honest with you. But oh well, I stole
30:10these emeralds from villagers. My door is not a door anymore. I'll do that for now, I'm sorry.
30:21Pumpkins are so undervalued as a food source in Minecraft. All you gotta do is be cruel to a few
30:27chickens, and honestly, it's a great food source. Much easier than bees as well, and their honey,
30:34I would just like to add that. Even though this isn't perfect, it is so good, honestly. It's one
30:40of my best machines. I scared the shit out of him this time. And now we're gonna plant the cherry
30:46one, and the mangrove one. I'm sure I'll be able to improve this as well, it would be really cool
30:51to have it even more automatic. If I'm not mistaken, desert is like the one biome I've not
30:57come across. Well, there are many other ones, but I just mean it's kind of common and I haven't seen
31:02it yet. But I want those cacti so I can make stuff sticky. Ah, look at that iron golem there. He's just
31:12hanging out. I think security is slacking at the village right now. Be a good opportunity for me to
31:18attack. Okay, surely we'll find what we're looking for. Ill-begotten gains at least anyway. Oh, a saddle!
31:25Didn't I say that was part of my main quest? Quest complete entirely by accident. I'm also
31:32gonna steal this wheat. They're not even looking, they won't notice. And it doesn't count if you
31:37don't get caught. Oh, I didn't take anything, so that doesn't count either. Maps! And a compass.
31:47Nice, I found this. This guy'll buy paper. That's not bad, I could make paper from a sugar cane.
31:53This guy is Irish and will buy potatoes. This guy's a monocle! Oh yeah, I spoke to you already,
31:59sorry. I don't know how I didn't notice that. It seems like such a defining feature and I didn't
32:03even realize. Where's that guy who got uncomfortably close to me? Yeah, we're bonking together.
32:08All right, all three of us are bonking together. Another thing that I'm like on the cusp of
32:14discovering, I guess. I'm gonna- I'm gonna look at you while I talk to you. I'm kind of shifty-eyed.
32:19Because of the blue ice, I can make a basalt generator. And for that, I just need lava and
32:25some soul sand or something from the nether. I don't think you can actually do anything with it,
32:30but just to have a block that I can just build with or use for any reason and it's just being
32:36generated automatically, that would be awesome. Ah, perfect! And I got golden horse armor! Very
32:43fitting. It's probably belonging to the same guy in the village. So if I'm not mistaken,
32:48this can pick up obsidian, right? I think that's crying obsidian. I actually don't know now that I
32:53look at it. It all looks the same. I'm disappointed. All right, let's try with the iron one.
33:00Because I have a feeling like I remember someone giving out to me in the comments at one stage
33:05because I tried with gold but not with iron. There is absolutely no way this is gonna work.
33:11I've been standing here for ages. Yeah, all right. Now I'm doubly disappointed. Oh,
33:17this is enchanted. Fortune too. So I think if I find stuff with ores, if I pick up with that,
33:23I'll get extra ores. Speaking of which... Ah, never mind. It doesn't pick that up. God,
33:31it's so hard to just keep failing over and over again. I have no idea what I found,
33:36but it looks dangerous and I'm going in. I'll need my humble steed.
33:42No? All right, fair enough.
33:47The water can be my steed. Oh, a slime! I don't remember if they're dangerous and something is
33:53telling me that they are. He wants me anyway. Whether he's dangerous or not remains to be seen.
33:59Oh, oh, well now come the babies. Gang, I don't want to kill all of you, but I will if you make me.
34:06Oh, wait, you all dropped them? Oh, then I am killing all of you. We're not even doing anything.
34:11Where's the rest of your family? Come here. There's no getting away now. Although,
34:16it would be great if you didn't go into such a dark, dingy cave. I'm a little bit scared.
34:24What a horrible sound to be hearing in just this awful cave. Well, weirdly enough,
34:28I didn't come across the cactus I wanted, but I found the slime directly instead,
34:33which is honestly, as far as I know, super rare. I don't usually find them.
34:38Jeez, this goes even further down. This is dangerous. Why would I go to the edge like that?
34:43I have so much on me that I really need, and I'm like, oh, let's just turn away,
34:48not even check behind me, and look off this cliff. What is this thing? I don't know what
34:53this block is, but I don't like it. It's making weird noises when I break it. Crimsite. This place
35:01is massive. I think I should be heading home before it gets too late, but I need to come back here.
35:09You know, for a guy called the traveling merchant or whatever, you don't do a whole lot of traveling.
35:14You seem to be just kind of squatting. It's time for me to pick a steed. I pick you.
35:22Would be terrifying to ride this thing into battle. Also painful. Oh, I like the look of
35:27this fella, for sure. Oh, I've forgotten how to tame him. Come on, man, you look so cool
35:33in golden armor. I just need to feed it apples? Lucky for me, I've got an apple generator. Oh,
35:39nice. I just shoved four apples in its mouth, and it's like, oh, I guess you're okay,
35:45or it's distracted enough for it. It doesn't mind me. Come on, man. I gave you four apples.
35:52I googled it, and it said the fastest way to tame a wild horse is to take your time and follow
35:57your heart. I don't want to. We made a deal, goddamn it. Oh, wait, I can also feed it wheat.
36:02Okay, hold on. We might be all right then. Here, eat these. Again, just stuffing it in its mouth.
36:09All right, there we go. Put on your armor. Put on that. Oh my god, this is awesome. Now,
36:14this is the high life. Oh, hey, traveling merchant. Sorry, I'm up on my high horse here.
36:20I just realized you don't have golden armor. Oh, those are llamas? Lame. I should probably not make
36:28spitting noises around them. There we go. Nice. Don't worry, I'll eventually just fence in the
36:34whole ranch, and he'll be able to walk around at some point. Unlike you guys, I don't think I'm
36:41even gonna bother lying. I don't think it's gonna happen. I'll make it a bit bigger, but you know,
36:47I'm a busy guy. This should be cool. This is my first time using this with iron or anything like
36:53that that would have taken quite some time, and I guess they'll be going up on the conveyor belt.
36:58I need to improve this design. This is awful, actually, when you're dropping a lot of stuff.
37:03Nice, look at that. Oh, and up they go. That's really neat, actually. You could even have, like,
37:09a crusher that would crush some of them on the way up. That'd be neat. Like, you could have one right
37:13there, and then crush some of my dough. Just crush everything, and here they come. Now, you stay away.
37:20I'm sure you travel fast and far as soon as you get your hands on my ingots. This is working out
37:26well. 17. Okay, it's really starting to come into effect, the automation, and look at that beauty.
37:32You can't have that either. You see, if you just persevered and grew your own tree, you'd be better
37:36off by now, but you're lazy, and you'll never amount to anything, and I killed your llamas.
37:42Oh, there he is. Sorry, I thought he lost him. Oh, I stole the leads. All right, I'm just not going
37:48back outside to that guy. I think it's time for a bit of a break, but I think I'm going to end up
37:54finishing off the ranch a little bit, at least. Let's take a look over the final house for now.
38:00This guy lives on my roof, apparently. I reworked this side of the house a little bit and built this
38:06roof for this guy to live on. That's exactly why I built it. It's being used as intended.
38:10We got my little workshop underneath him, where I can listen to the pleasant
38:16noises, and I know what you're thinking. There's not enough llama storage, but I also stored them
38:22down here. I don't even know how this happened. The trees are growing fabulously and on top of each
38:28other. It might be time to cut down the tree that's growing in my house. I'm not sure. Maybe give me
38:35some feedback on that and what you think I should do with it. This is where I keep my bees, and this
38:40is where I keep my other animals in the little stable. I definitely need to improve this. This
38:44looks a bit shabby, but there's something there. It's just there's also something missing. This is
38:49the start of my little mill, so you get your food there, and of course you put it in over here.
38:54Inside the barn, it's not really finished. The horse and the chickens are getting along
38:59swimmingly. They're bonding over the inhumane conditions. I think the next time we're going
39:03to move the farm like out here a little bit. Right now it's pushed up against my house, and
39:09of course it's too small. We might try and automate a bit of it as well. I'd love to hear
39:14your ideas for that actually. If you have any ideas to automate a farm or just ideas in general,
39:19even if it's just small quirky things. I would love to hear about it. I actually can't remember
39:24what I did to the inside because I've been working on this for a few days passively. It's definitely
39:29a lot more open, and this is definitely a lot more broken. I used the chisel and bits mod here to just
39:35pick away at the tree, and it's cool. I like it. I'm figuring out more how to use it properly.
39:40The create mod on the other hand, it's much slower. These conveyor belts took me
39:45ages to make. This section also took me ages to make, but I think the important thing is
39:52I'm really enjoying this. This has just been a really, really cool experience playing Minecraft
39:58again where I'm just like, yeah, I want to play this. Even as I'm finishing up now showing you
40:02all I've done, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to do another one. But the sun is setting, and despite
40:08being a fully grown man, my parents told me I got to go to bed. So whatever. So yeah, that's how it
40:14is looking. Thank you so much for checking out the video. I humbly ask for your help, and I also
40:21prepare for your roasting. Your roasting of me. I mean, I'm not going to roast you. Well, I guess
40:28I may as well in advance just so we're one for one. You're an awful person. That's it.
40:35All right, thanks for watching. Bye for now.