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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.
Mods I used in this video:
Fluffyrox4 (
Justin (
Pipo3o (
Call Me Kevin
How This Mod Made Me Enjoy Minecraft Again
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft
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Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and simple machines. Depending on their chosen game mode, players can fight hostile mobs, as well as cooperate with or compete against other players in the same world. Game modes include a survival mode and a creative mode. There is also a wide variety of user-generated content, such as modifications, servers, skins, texture packs, and custom maps, which add new game mechanics and possibilities.
Mods I used in this video:
Fluffyrox4 (
Justin (
Pipo3o (
Call Me Kevin
How This Mod Made Me Enjoy Minecraft Again
#CallMeKevin #Gaming #Minecraft
00:00Hey there friend, how is it going? Today we're going to be looking at Minecraft.
00:03I've been on a mission recently to make Minecraft fun again.
00:07I started to think back about like what brought me to Minecraft and why do I enjoy killing the
00:13villagers so much. To really dive deep I was thinking about the past videos I made on Minecraft
00:18and my past experiences. The one chunk series I did where I trapped myself in a little box
00:23really changed up the game for me and I really loved that. I think what that series did is it
00:28kind of encouraged me to think outside of the box ironically given I was trapping myself within a
00:33box. But it brings out that creativity and that problem solving. I'd recently seen videos about
00:38like forever worlds where you just commit to a world instead of just doing the same loop over
00:43and over again and I thought that's what I need. I got a mod pack that encourages this sort of
00:47thing and engineering and simple machines as well as automation called Minecraft Create
00:52and I got another mod called Chisel and Bits which allows you to just break down the Minecraft
00:57blocks even further and decorate them or chip away whatever you want to do. That one may have
01:02been a mistake but we'll get to that later. I guess long story short has anyone ever told you
01:07the world doesn't revolve around you? Well I wanted to so I made my forever world suit me as best I
01:13can and well this is how it went. Well I guess this is our world. I think I can see like four different
01:20biomes from up here. I don't know why I spawned on the tree by the way but I'm just gonna jump off
01:25and begin the satisfying gameplay loop that is the start of new Minecraft world and just a little
01:33bit from where I hurt my head falling from that tree I came across here and I found bees.
01:41Oh sorry that's a horse. Bees and also a horse. I don't know a whole lot about Minecraft but what I
01:47do know is bees are actually a really good source of food. So I'm gonna go eat this bee. No I mean
01:54you can harvest their honey I think you just have to smoke them out of it or something so
01:59I'm gonna settle down here to make that nice and easy. We've got various mobs here which is awesome
02:05and various resources. I can see a jungle from my house. Well if I had a house but in future I will
02:13be able to see the jungle from my house. I also see turtles, sugar cane and a nether portal.
02:19Logically this is the place I should settle down and rather than applying for planning permission
02:24I think I'm just gonna build my house onto the existing beehive house. I'm sure they won't mind.
02:30I think I can fit in there. Right I did collect some wood so that is awesome. I'm gonna build a
02:35little platform because I am not living my life with those bees looking down on me. I can't believe
02:40I forgot like Minecraft is the most basic repetitive game loop at the start and I forgot to
02:48make a bed. So now I'm just standing here with this annoying buzzing in my right ear because the
02:54bees. I didn't I didn't think about that. I'm sneaking out of my house past midnight no matter
02:59what my parents say. Get a little bit more wood and then slaughter a few sheep. Boys will be boys.
03:08This really brings me back. Is that a village? POV an absolute lunatic is running at your village
03:15in the middle of the night with an axe out.
03:19Ow. But he got shot so maybe you're okay. Hey wanna trade me all your stuff for some sticks?
03:25Nah he just uno reversed me with his own unreasonable offer. All right that's it. To bed. To bed with you.
03:34This world is awful. Nobody listens to my authority. Shouldn't they all run home when that happens?
03:40Oh pants. Awesome. At least I'll feel like I'm wearing the pants in some way. I'm gonna resist my
03:46normal urges and I'm not going to burn down their village. Honestly I don't mean to offend whoever
03:51designed your town but it looks like it already has been burned down. Oh sorry about that. That
03:57wasn't intentional. They don't seem to have many houses and like there's stuff just broken. It was
04:04It was you wasn't it? Like who let this water lose? How did this happen? I just destroyed their crops.
04:10There's a zombie down there with this kid. Yeah this might be the worst village I've ever seen
04:16in Minecraft. I actually feel sorry for them. Look I'm gonna, I'm gonna help for once.
04:26Oh oh sorry about that. That wasn't intentional. They probably don't need this right? Like
04:31This is a box with nothing in it. This, this is just clutter. I'm cleaning for them. Also I'm taking their floor.
04:38This would look nicer if it were in my house I think. I don't want to take the piss and ruin
04:42this village. I really don't. So I'm just going to take one more thing. Uh this person's entire
04:47house. I think it would look better as my house. I've decided to arm myself just in case that
04:52villager comes back. Like you'd hear of people getting their houses robbed but not quite this
04:58literally. And I think a freak out would be like somewhat warranted. And get rid of the path as well.
05:08Just have no trace whatsoever. So when they show up we're like, no your house was never there. It was a tree remember?
05:15This has been pretty cool actually. It's felt like the starting location in a game where you begin
05:21your full adventure and you're doing the bad guy run or something. But look they're, they're trying
05:26to collect rotten flesh those freaks. Uh I'll be back. I might sell you some of that if I can
05:31figure out how. Ah at last a bed. Okay I'm still, I'm not, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna steal anything else.
05:38Uh where do I live? I remember staring into the sun on account of the intense burning of my retinas.
05:47So I must be over here. I think the burning of my retinas may have caused more damage than I once
05:52thought. I can't find my house. Right you know what? Isn't the world all of our home? Or I don't know some,
05:59some positive bullshit. I, I'm sleeping in a field. Wait is that where I live? I could have sworn. Oh that
06:05is my home. Okay I thought I lived on this tree not the next tree. Could be from falling out of all of
06:10these trees. It's causing again more damage than I once thought. God it's beautiful isn't it? No not
06:17you. The, the house. Move. I, I want to admire my house. Or actually yeah, yeah block it. It's not great
06:23yet. After stealing that other person's house it feels like I just have a flat pack of a full-on
06:29house or something. The hell was that? Oh it was the bee going into his house. It's been so long
06:37since I've built just a normal Minecraft house that I'm trying to make look somewhat good.
06:43Uh it's not working is it? Oh man it looks like they dropped it. Well it's certainly not pretty
06:50and I ran out of materials so we're gonna have to deal with a few dirty windows. I'm just gonna
06:56pause so you can laugh. Great. And I'll have to get some more resources at some point. But it's uh
07:04it's a cool place to live for now. Well it's a place to live for now. Other than the bee infestation.
07:10Well actually I'm the infestation. The bees were here first. I'm doubling down on this terracotta
07:15stuff and I don't know why. I don't like it. I don't think. Oh no there are dead people living
07:20near my house. I wouldn't mind if it was just dead bodies floating in the water. That would be kind
07:27of nice to look out on. Ah oh this window's awesome. I like this part of the house. Jesus for my person's
07:35entire existence since they were birthed. They've never eaten. They're evolving really slow. They
07:40don't understand. Oh not to worry that's just my homemade mine collapsing in on itself. In my eyes
07:49that just makes a big DIY skylight. I originally went down so I could cook and actually have him
07:55eat something but I've changed my mind now because tonight we're cooking sand. I can burn some of
08:01these useless items I have on me. And sure Jesus I'll just hang the curtains while that's cooking
08:07then. That's lovely. Oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no. Maybe I shouldn't have made the side
08:17of my house into a stairs. Ah well you live and you learn. Or well I hope I live because he might
08:22kill me or I might starve to death. Yeah he's going up on the roof. This I can live with. Well I don't
08:27really have any other choice but this is fine. It somehow recovered slightly. We definitely need
08:34some more variation when we get the blocks but for now this will do just fine. And now to deal with
08:40my bee infestation and hopefully allow me to eat. I say this as I have loads of stolen wheat on me.
08:46You know what yeah after he built an entire house he gets to eat. I'm a nice guy when it comes down
08:51to it. Go. Is this working. I don't know if it's like something's supposed to happen or that's
09:00working. I'm sure I've done it. I didn't really take that into account with the house design now
09:05that I think about it. It's a bit dangerous. Also my house is made of tree. So that's also dangerous.
09:11I'm going to try and take their honey. It's not working. I've done something wrong. Oh I googled
09:16it and I need shears. Also I need to stop the bees from lighting my entire home on fire apparently.
09:24There. I think that'll do it. I've blocked the fire.
09:29What am I after hitting. I realize you can't answer this because you can't see anything.
09:34Maybe me not being able to see anything is also hampering my ability to identify what this might
09:40be. Ah OK. No I just have no feckin idea what that is. Well I'll just have to tough it out.
09:47Dripstone block. Oh my God. Where have I built my house on. Stupid bees picking a bad location.
09:55This is cool. This is another mod I got called chisel and bits. I want to make a stone chisel.
10:00Let's try this with a bit of light. Oh my God. Someone's coming to see. Oh no. Even he doesn't
10:07care about this. Well that's so cool though. I don't know if I have the patience for it but I'll
10:12definitely use it at points. I just wonder like if you make a mistake are you kind of screwed. You
10:18just got to start again. I guess you just got to be really good at what you do and not really slow
10:25down at all. You just commit. Is that right. Yeah I think that's right. Why does it look so wrong.
10:32Oh because I made a mistake here. Oh man damn it. Well you know what they say about mistakes.
10:38Just make more of them and act like it was intentional. There. Yeah. Now it looks perfect.
10:43Oh no you do pick up the bits. Oh that's pretty cool actually. I like that oak windows. Oh
10:51oh that's very cool. I like that. I'm destroying them because I don't like where I put them but
10:56it's neat. I'm going to head out and we're going to look for some coal and we're going to look for
11:06iron. I always like starting near the ocean biomes as well because you might just run across a ship
11:12wreck or a different biome or just the ability to sail and quickly traverse areas and find cool
11:19stuff like whatever is generating in there. And most importantly I'm faster than all of my enemies.
11:25Ah the impulsive desire to just build a home in there now. That tower looks awesome. Oh I think a
11:32pig is already living there. Jump. Oh no sorry. Right me in your will and then jump. Oh and they've
11:38bees over here as well. Oh the grass is always greener on the other side. Oh look at all this.
11:45This is lovely. I also need the box. Humble beginnings. Ah look at all this bling. Now I'm
11:52going to get all those hoes. I left them over here. Perfect. That'll be useful for my farm.
12:00Something I thought was really funny after I did this. I realized that I actually overshot.
12:07This isn't where I meant to go. It just so happened that between the cliffs and my house
12:13there's another obsidian portal. Oh what is this? Are bad things gonna be here? I'm gonna take a
12:20quick look. It's not like I have much to lose but I'm still a bit scared. It's a pride thing.
12:27I think yeah one of them's stuck on the magma. I found a book down here. That's pretty lame.
12:33Well I found the coal I'm after. And I see another chest. More coal. And a fishing rod. I'm saved.
12:41Not that I was feeding my guy anyway but that will be a renewable source of food. It's becoming
12:46nighttime and despite my exhaustive efforts we haven't found any iron. Well I didn't go that far
12:53actually. That's my new home and my old home is just over there. I'll just go sulk in the
12:58basement and keep digging until I find some iron. Oh I need to come kill you guys in a while.
13:06They all just turn to look at me. Actually maybe I don't have to kill you. I might have to breed you.
13:13Anyway see you later. See the house is kind of cute. It's not bad. I don't know what these fire
13:18charges are. I just feel like legally I shouldn't be allowed to have them. And I found a quick
13:22charge 3 for my mobile phone. Well at least I got the coal and that allows me to go search for iron
13:29so that I can actually see. Yeah this does look very different. I think I built on like a cursed
13:37burial ground or something or a septic tank one or the other. It looks pretty off. Oh yes and
13:44there's a tunnel here as well. That's excellent. Oh Jesus Christ there are people living under my
13:49house. Do you all have permits? Get up here. Oh no I'm just gonna. Again my person isn't aware of
13:56like you can't look them in the eye. I just got social anxiety so I'm gonna look at the floor.
14:00Oh I should have put my phone on quick charge. I could have looked at that. The heck is this place?
14:05It's huge. I got some gold. Gold. I can't pick it up with my shitty stone pickaxe. God damn it.
14:12Right back on point. I need iron. Oh no I need iron. I need iron.
14:22Hey. Hey no stop it. This is my basement. It wasn't even in the listing when I got the place.
14:28I guess bees don't really find it that much of a plus but for humans who are into like kidnapping
14:35villagers for example. This is awesome. Get in. Come here. Get in the boat. Get in the boat.
14:42There you go. Now I'm gonna drive the boat over to there. How romantic.
14:51Oh dude why don't you like me? We're basically the same. We're thin and bony and pale.
14:58I don't know if I just got unlucky or what but there doesn't seem to be any iron around.
15:03I don't know what this is but apparently I can't pick it up with a stone pickaxe.
15:07Wait is that iron? Two iron. I put this down as a like. This means don't go down these caves.
15:14They're useless and I walked right past it. Why is there one there? I don't remember putting it
15:21more than once. Oh I climbed up to get the iron. Right well the system is broken before it even
15:27began. That's great. And I can't find my way home. Oh this must be it. That's an exact Kevin
15:34sized hole right there. And now I pick up some of the goop on my way home otherwise known as Akhrum.
15:40Honey I'm home and I got all the Akhrum we can eat. What the hell is it man? I'll just go to bed.
15:49I had dreams filled of Akhrum and apparently it's a decorative block but it can be crushed
15:55and I can get gold out of it. So it's part of that mod. I might keep my Akhrum safe. I want
16:01to stop saying it like that. I might just keep it there for the future when I have some machines.
16:06With the ore I found and the iron nuggets that I stole from the sea people I can just about make
16:12an iron pick. You know what I do like about this house? When you go underneath it you escape from
16:17how ugly it is but also there are plenty of different materials that you can use which is
16:22pretty cool when you want to build something nice. I got a lot of variety to work with now.
16:26And then I'll pick up some of the random ores around because I'm guessing they'll be handy
16:30with the mod. Let's take a look. What do we got here? It's raw zinc. I have no idea what I can
16:35do with that but I want it. I hear of people having zinc deficiencies so maybe maybe it's
16:41good that I have a lot of it. As soon as I type Z everything is gone so I don't think the recipe
16:49guide is going to help me. Oh so that actually can make the thing I need. That's cool. That's
16:54awesome. Fortunately there seemed to be a lot of it as well as iron in the cave. Right it's time.
17:00It's time to attack the bees. I attack. It's not doing anything. Right so I googled it again and
17:09I can get honey with the bottles. The issue is it's not honey level five whatever the hell that
17:16means. I think I'm gonna need flowers. I've planted another tree on top of it. It's kind of
17:22making it look cool. It looks like I have a tree house but rather than a traditional tree house
17:27it's like growing through my home and causing serious subsidence issues. I put down all the
17:32flowers but I haven't seen the bees in a while. What if I just kill them all with the smoke?
17:39I'm also building this little kill room. I'm gonna try and put like magma blocks down on the ground
17:44and just see will things spawn here under my house and then maybe they come in and burn their
17:50little toesies and die. I got the idea earlier when I saw that guy burning at the bottom of the ocean
17:55and like if it works down there surely it works here. I'm gonna put down my cauldron so they think
18:01I'm like a witch or something. I don't know. I just look like an easy target don't I? Or maybe that's
18:07just from my perspective. Like this is what I see when I see a village and I just attack. I see
18:12weakness. Right so I got some zinc ingots and I can get rid of that and then if I take my andesite
18:20I can then do this I think. Yes and that makes andesite and it has become night. It's taken me
18:28so long. It did say on the wiki like someone in the comments was complaining like oh great I have
18:33to do the work of seven generations in order to do this but that's good. That's gonna help me
18:39make a lot of cool gadgets. I think I need to like finalize my house and then go out and explore.
18:45Oh look the neighbor's burning to death. It's gonna be a good day. I got no roommates living
18:50in the basement as of yet anyway. We'll see how that progresses. Oh thank god that didn't break
18:56the box. I want to make myself a tiny little kitchen. I want to finish up on the house I think
19:02and then maybe go on an adventure. We need some supplies. So out of curiosity like what if I make
19:07a little border. How does that look? Oh jesus I thought I just destroyed it. Oh god oh god maybe
19:12I'm going too fast. Oh jesus oh god. Yeah that's nice. Imagine all the kitchen grease you could
19:17catch in there. Yum. What? Oh oh that's cool. I just took a chunk off of that. Why no stop. Why am
19:29I doing this to myself? I was like haha funny and then realized it might take me a lot of work but
19:34it actually looks pretty convenient. Oh no instead of taking away what I wanted I took an extra chunk
19:43off the crafting table. No I took more. What's happening? Stop it. Giving myself extra work now.
19:52Right well I completely ruined the kitchen somehow. All right that's great. Put this
19:57chisel away before I break the entire house. I have so much crafting table bits in there now.
20:05And then I get rid of it after all that. We need a cauldron in here.
20:09Oh what's this? An ugly bit that I need to fix? Well let's hope I don't feck it up.
20:16Well I fecked it up. I can't- give me back that chisel. Well another day has passed
20:22and I've accomplished nothing. This is a pain. Get it? I think I'm depressed in Minecraft.
20:30Anyway I've got some window panes and this will really help the place feel like a secure home.
20:37Oh god the bees aren't gonna be able to get- ah they'll be fine. Yeah that's lovely. Now it's
20:41really coming together. I'll leave this open for the bees for now. I'll do some more minor
20:45improvements but I gotta get out of this house or I'm gonna go mad just chiseling bits for days on
20:51end in real time. I don't know if this is a good or a bad idea but I'm making a hole in the top of
20:56my house. I know that's usually probably a bad idea but I need to let the bees back in. I think
21:01they've abandoned the place or they've possibly died. There goes my plan for renewable food.
21:07But I- I bet they're around here somewhere. I just have to find them.
21:14It's time for us all to get naked. That's what farmers say to their- to their sheep before they
21:20I know I'm Irish. I live near farmers so you can take my word on this. Oh enemies. I see a tower
21:28and look I just got- wait hold on my inventory's a mess. I'll find it here in a second. Wait did I
21:32not pick it up? Let's see here. Oh yeah there we go. Uh look I just got flint. I didn't want to
21:38kill all the livestock around my house but I'm not gonna walk this far again unless I
21:42lose this fight. I'm never gonna return here. Normally you'd want to cook all this chicken
21:48but I got so much of it I'll just eat it raw if it comes to it. What's the worst that could happen?
21:53Right I'm scouting it out. They've got some weird sculptures built. I think there's a person up on
21:58that waterfall. I think anyway. I still can't make it out and I'm almost up there. Of course
22:04I didn't bring any bloody blocks with me. Yeah that's a guy. I'm just gonna walk into his house
22:10now. I'm sure he won't mind. He's got bloody nothing so far anyway. This is a pretty crappy
22:14house. What about this? You know I'll take the dark oak logs. That's awesome. What's this? A
22:18goat horn. Feel. It says no thanks. And I would actually like to use this wood on my house so
22:24we're gonna take out just a few supporting columns. Nothing crazy. Oh jeez. Oh they've realized.
22:34I hear you guys down there. Right I should be able to make this jump. Yeah. Oh I'm gonna take
22:39one of your cute little banners. You think it's threatening but really it's just inspired interior
22:44design. There's a little tent there. I gotta know what's in it so I'm just not even gonna think
22:48about it. Just gonna run down take a look. Oh that's where they keep their pumpkins. Okay that's
22:52a bit stupid. I'm gonna just move on. I didn't even burn down their home. I'm really after turning
22:58over a new leaf you know. I think it was just mainly because I wanted it to stay pretty though.
23:02I didn't want an eyesore on the horizon of my base. So it was a little bit selfish. Whoa what is
23:09this? I want to live on this thing. Just anything different I see and I'm like yeah it's calling to
23:15me. Oh jesus. Alright well I don't know where my boat is but it's definitely not here. I feel like
23:20I would remember this absolute travesty. What happened here? Just when I thought I was lost.
23:26Actually apparently I wouldn't remember this travesty because it is right next to my boat.
23:31Well I'm getting out of here. I liked that. Good old-fashioned robbery and no one had to get hurt.
23:36Like mainly me because I feel like I'm underprepared to do that and yeah I'm happy
23:41I made it out alive. I'm happy for me. The good guy wins. See if I lived in a really cool tower
23:47I'd be home by now. But now I have to go hungry instead because I live all the way over there.
23:53Oh wait I have food. What am I talking about? Chow down on some raw chicken.
23:58I'm not poisoned. I must have just caught a cold or something. It's a coincidence.
24:03What does this horn even do?
24:09Uh excuse me.
24:15Right so I can just do that noise now. That's cool. I looked it up on the wiki and apparently
24:21players can hear it from like 250 blocks away but I'm alone so I can be doing this all day
24:28and no one will ever hear me except for you unfortunate souls.
24:32Let me quickly collect all of my loot from the kill room. Oh um must have uh
24:42must have despawned. Yeah all right. Would you bees like to come with me? Come on this way.
24:47Remember you live here. You love it here and you love that a weird Irish man is now living with you
24:54right? Okay good I think it's confused so now I'll go get the other one.
25:00I think that one is killing itself. No you're not allowed. Get in. Get in the boys. This would all go
25:07a whole lot faster if you'd stop trying to kill yourself just because you have to be in my company.
25:12Okay one of them went in. Good. Look. Love the other one.
25:18All right well he found his way home anyway that's the main thing I suppose.
25:21Right before they get any ideas about trying to move out without me again
25:25I'm gonna go destroy their other home so they don't have any other options.
25:31Okay I thought maybe I'd get something useful but no just the satisfaction of destroying a home.
25:36Oh man I've put a lot of work into just making these bees make me honey. I just want to suckle
25:42on some sweet honey. Is that really so wrong? Think I'll just take in the sunset and the fire
25:48and the neighboring island. Have a quick little snack of some chicken sushi and go to bed. I said
25:56I'm going to bed dude just get in the kill room or something. No one's ever gone out alive or been in
26:03there probably because it's probably not working. I thought I had 44 of that orange wood but no
26:10they're just the tiny bits. May as well hang up my wall art uh here I guess. Oh god that's ugly.
26:18You think it's threatening but really it's just inspired interior design.
26:24But that is cool. I made a shelf or something. I added a little extension for a kitchen which
26:30means it ruined the whole house again but that's okay I'll fix it later. This has expanded faster
26:36than I thought it would. I actually like it from the inside it looks pretty cute I think. Oh I can
26:41I can take shavings off windows. Oh this is awesome.
26:45Uh-oh oh man I just ruined the seal of my windows. Oh Jesus oh god stop what I'm doing. Oh no
26:54oh god someone take this chisel off me forever. My inventory is even worse than normal because I
27:00got shit like half a crafting bench inside one of my boxes. I also have stuff like this
27:07in my inventory which will definitely come in handy. I might want to build an incinerator. I've
27:14made myself a bucket so I can collect lava when I see it but for now polluting the ocean is my
27:20dumpster. It's really convenient actually. Now we're gonna try making a machine. I'm not sure
27:25if this will work. I mean I'm really confident in what I'm doing this this will definitely work.
27:29I place this oh oh awesome okay that was cool and then I need to pick this up because I'm
27:35gonna work on like a little automatic farm here since I'm perpetually starving and speaking of
27:40which I should probably feed myself. Oh I was like what is that squelching sound? I think my
27:49honey is ready. I thought it was never gonna happen but today is the day. Yes that's it I
27:57I can't get more but I want more. Honey bottle this is really good look at that. I need more
28:04though. Can I have more? Fortunately I think the bees are stupid so maybe not for now. Now I can
28:10make these shafts which I think I need. Yeah I definitely need these because that will allow me
28:16to make a water wheel. My plan is to make a little farm here by allowing the water to just channel in
28:23this way. Oh now you'll get in the boat when it's a bloody inconvenience of course you will.
28:30There bee free you eejit. There uh oh god the water's not meant to go both ways.
28:39There we go now the water is going in there it's turning that and then it's coming out of there
28:44and it's turning it again and then I think I can just stick a shaft on that. Whoa that's really cool.
28:52I hope that's a bee that's pushing me from behind it's a bit unsettling.
28:57Oh I'm one iron short of course I am. Just gonna let out some frustration.
29:05Yeah there I feel better. Right let me quickly. Anything dead in here? Oh sure they're all dead
29:10of course. The hordes of things that have spawned in there have already died. Some say the world
29:15isn't overrun because of that little room I built. Whoa magical I want to kill you. Do I get your
29:23ink sac or anything? Oh I do nice. Glow ink sac that's cool I'm gonna kill more of them.
29:32Nice I'll leave one surviving so he can reproduce alone. He'll figure it out I'm sure.
29:38Squids are actually really smart. Oh he's killing himself. All right well maybe my theory wasn't
29:45correct they're not very smart or maybe they're just social creatures and I killed their family.
29:50No no it's the first one they're just stupid idiots.
29:55Is that? That is andesite oh I need loads of this this is perfect. I was worried about this like
30:01well not really worried because I'm really cool and manly but I mean like it's kind of hard to
30:06see because it just looks like stone but I need a lot of this so this is great. Oh more honey already
30:14nice. Now a block of iron and that goes here that goes here and is it this? Yes kinetic stress
30:22impact hi. Oh this thing's gonna kill me isn't it? You press something under it and it presses
30:27it. Yeah I need like an iron plate. This is really cool. Oh god be careful man.
30:36They want to die so bad. You want to ride on the water wheel? Is that it?
30:40No you keep to this the water you got so much room out there. Oh rotten flesh nice. I could
30:47definitely make some sort of grinder for rotten flesh right? Like if I can somehow bait them in.
30:53I was thinking earlier with the kill room if I put like water in there and then the magma blocks
30:58would make them sink down and they they die that would be pretty neat. So if I put my water wheel
31:03no I want to put it the other way. I mean kind of yeah I can work with that I guess.
31:10Yeah now that the shaft can come out this way. I'm gonna have to kind of ruin everything for
31:14this to work but hey it's kind of ruined already right? So now the water is spinning the wheel
31:19that's spinning the shaft and it does seem to be working so let's give this a go. Boom yeah any
31:26minute now. Excellent. Wouldn't say it's the most efficient machine in the world. We can build a
31:35proper one maybe. I'm thinking if I like build a river and then I have a basement with all these
31:40machines in it it would be quite useful. Let us pick up some of this machinery now that I have
31:46what I want and we're gonna make something pretty cool. I've redirected some water here to go under
31:53there and now I just need a little basement room. Sand above it that's a bit dangerous here. No it's
31:59fine just makes the building easier and more deadly but easier because the blocks come down to me
32:06and it's also collapsing the foundation of my house but yeah it's great.
32:12There's the water. Oh uh-oh that'll be fine. It'll all be grand. I saw earlier that underneath my
32:20house was a little bit hollow and I was thinking that I'm gonna want a basement then at some point
32:24anyway. Okay well I flooded the basement. I'm gonna fix that and now I can put up my water wheel.
32:31Uh where do I want it? I guess uh here. What we're going to actually make. It's night time already.
32:37How slow am I at this? We're going to make a little fan. I think it's like this. Is that it? Encased
32:45fan. Yes. Can I put that right onto it? Oh I can. Oh that's neat. I moved it a bit out of the way
32:52because this one's actually kind of dangerous what I'm doing here. Right we need one final ingredient
32:56and that's lava and this is going to serve as two things. An incinerator and a smelter. At least I
33:02hope. Oh that's lovely and safe right outside my door. Okay and now we're just going to go collect
33:11that lava we saw earlier and pollute the ocean along the way because I don't have an incinerator
33:17for now. Wait actually the thing that started the fire, not me, the lava over there. I could pick
33:23that up right? I didn't even think of that. I was thinking of going to the tower. There we go. I'm
33:28just gonna kill one or two of you as well. I want to test something. So if I place that here and I
33:34hope those can't catch on fire. I don't think they can. I'll be fine and I drop this for example.
33:41It should be cooking it.
33:46I think it disintegrated. I may have left it on too long. I got loads of copper here. Let me
33:52try it with that. Wait can you even smelt copper? Oh it did. It made copper bars. Ow, ow, ow, ow.
33:58Where's my water? Where's my water? Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.
34:02Yeah it works. That's awesome. That's so cool and convenient.
34:06Oh the house is on fire. The house is on fire. House is on fire. House is on fire. Yeah it's so
34:09cool and convenient. That's awesome. Oh look at that. I even have a sunroof in my basement now.
34:13That's so cool. I'm staying really far away from it now. I just want to know how long does it
34:18actually take. Not a, not a huge amount of time. And how far can it push the things? Because if I
34:23could just make a hopper like there to automatically collect them, it might be safer.
34:30Oh god on fire. All right no that's fine. Oh god it's on fire again.
34:36Right so first of all, emergency water here. It's on fire again. So second of all,
34:45we're gonna get rid of the wood. I think the wood was a bad idea. I'm gonna replace it with that.
34:54Oh god why is it on fire again? I should stop leaving it unattended. This thing is the most
35:00dangerous thing in my house. And that's saying something because I'm in here.
35:04Okay watch this. So I drop a stone. I pick up the stone and then I drop it and I run away this time.
35:13Watch the stone. Watch the stone. And there. Now it's smooth stone. The fan keeps pushing,
35:21drops it into the hopper and into the chest. Let's try that with some other materials.
35:27I don't know if they have different times or different weight even when they're being pushed
35:31along. Yeah you see that didn't work at all. It's just okay well that's disappointing.
35:37Well I think I went about it all the wrong way but I think I finally come up with a solution.
35:42Just gonna make sure it's like fireproof because it does still make me nervous. When I was trying
35:48to fix this one, I accidentally made it turn backwards so the thing started getting sucked
35:54inwards and it gave me this idea of having a fan that's smelting it and then a fan that's
36:00pulling it into the hopper as well as cooling it I guess. And then that should drop things in here
36:05like this example piece. Now let's just see what I have to try this on. I got some gold, more copper.
36:12I'm gonna have to move my bedside table and I definitely don't want to roll out of bed
36:18at the wrong side. But you can throw stuff down into this hole and I don't want to pick it up but
36:23oh I can see some gold bars. Isn't this a great demonstration?
36:26Yes! Oh this is awesome. Okay this is really cool.
36:34Oh my pick broke. Oh well that's fine. I didn't want it anyway. I was just thinking
36:38I could change this to glass. Oh and that can still open even with glass. That's ideal.
36:44What? Hello? Who is that?
36:48Oh wandering trader eh? Where are you? Oh I think he's stuck in the well. Okay hello?
36:59Oh he's there somewhere. I'm floating away from him now. I don't really want any of these and
37:03your prices are rip-offs. I'm gonna drink some honey to put me to sleep. I think it's been
37:08multiple days and nights just trying to figure that out. It's like I'm playing Minecraft for
37:13ants now but I think this should protect me. At least I hope so. I always have to protect me from
37:20myself. So the last thing I think I need uh oh god this is this a bad idea. One second.
37:28I'm in danger. Okay that should be fine.
37:34Oh my god I nearly fell in. Jesus that was awful. I have made that so much safer now. Let me show
37:40you but first let me show you this. So this is what's powering the fan at the moment. What I did
37:46was block some of it. Damn it. Put that back. Okay so the water flows over it and then it flows down
37:55and then it flows. Am I gonna drown if I go down there? Into the water wheel. I just get crushed
38:02and then it goes underneath it as well. The flow goes down again so I think it gives it extra power
38:08and obviously I have three. I don't know if that did anything but I figured I needed them anyway.
38:12I know you can build big ones so maybe we'll experiment with that next time. And for this
38:17it may be a little bit difficult to see but you can see the lava is there and this slab is blocking
38:23the water but if you drop something in just slide straight in and with a little bit chiseling there
38:31we have a Kevin proof grate and I can just not do what I want then.
38:38Oh okay well it does go down the middle. Alright nice that works. Neat. Uh not neat you're not
38:45allowed in here. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm gonna be finding little bits like this
38:50everywhere. I seem to have misplaced my chisel so I can't really finish off the house but let
38:56me show you around. Oh there's another one there. They're on both furnaces. Interesting.
39:00Well I chiseled away this part. Is there? That's another piece. Interesting. Alright this is where
39:06I drop things in to smelt it. Oh I have a visitor. Interesting. Okay this is the basement.
39:13I also need to chisel these back because I want them to be like this one where I just chiseled
39:19away so it's just one block and I'm only now realizing it's unusable so I'm going to cancel
39:24that idea. For now it's just that. We got the smelting room and I blocked off that to make it
39:31a bit nicer. Come on man. Ow. Okay I don't want to die so I'm going to go over here now. I fixed
39:41the land out here. We can come down and around and this I didn't really fix but I sort of fixed it
39:47and that's enough. It's a peculiar looking house but I'm debating just keeping it. It definitely
39:53needs some TLC we'll call it and a little bit of redesign but considering the limited materials I
39:59guess that was bound to happen. Only just now realizing I didn't fix that water. Overall I'm
40:04quite happy with how it's gone and this has been really enjoyable I must say. This has been the
40:10most fun I've had on Minecraft in some time so I hope you've enjoyed it. Let me know if you have
40:14any feedback or any ideas for me to do in my world. I've already started playing in it again.
40:19Also let me know if you have any suggestions for mods and such. I don't really want to change
40:23it too much. Little tweaks are cool or little visual things or things I can make are awesome
40:28but I still want it to feel like Minecraft and vanilla in a way.
40:32Hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next video. Bye for now.