00:00Ima kara koko ni iru 24 mei de basuke, survival battle ni idonde morau.
00:07Mawari ni iru sankasha wa zen'in teki da.
00:10Seigen jikan wa hyaku myou.
00:17Ikinokotta mono ni wa hyaku man yen da.
00:21Kono hyaku man wo totte, jinsei wo kaetai to omotte iru no de.
00:24Hyaku bushou sama, kourin!
00:31Kachiagatta juu ni mei de, second stage wo tatakatte morau.
00:39Dete kori, Ninja Defender!
00:43Second stage wa Ninja Defense 3X3 da.
00:52Ike Ryusei! Ryusei ike!
00:54Mazu wa, migi saido, nanto kore wa!
00:58Gooru shita ninja ga trampolin de jump shita!
01:02Nanda are! Nanda are wa!
01:05Dou tokuten shiyou to iu no ka?
01:11Umaku screen shite!
01:16Second stage, Team Red no tokuten wa 3 ten da.
01:25Second stage, Team Green no tokuten wa 3 ten da.
01:33Ninja Defense 3X3.
01:36Tsuzuite wa Team Green da.
01:40Koukousei no fureshisa de kachikirimasu.
01:44Ito Shisato desu.
01:46Kotoshi no Winter Cup de Best 16 ni hairimashita.
01:50Watashi ga toshiue datta no de,
01:52rebound wa shinakute ii yo,
01:54tte iu fuu ni shiji wo dashite,
01:56takusan paso wo dashite,
01:57shoot wo takusan utsu to,
01:59sakusen de kattemashita.
02:01Genki sanrinsei pro basuke senshu,
02:03ken basu no untenshu wo shite iru,
02:05Shinagawa Natsuo desu.
02:06Sanjusai desu.
02:08Sanrinsei no basuke wa,
02:09mada amari fukyuu shite orazu,
02:10sore dake dewa,
02:11seikatsu ga dekinai no de,
02:12basu no untenshu,
02:13eki kara koujou made no,
02:15oufuku no basu wo untenshite,
02:17okyakusama wo nosete,
02:18hakonde imasu.
02:20Dribble wo shiai chuu toka,
02:22torareta koto ga nai no de,
02:24kyou mo dare ni mo torarenai to omoimasu.
02:26Dare ga aite demo zettai wakenai no de,
02:28zettai shoukin,
02:29motte kaete ikimasu.
02:33zenhan sen,
02:42Mazu wa,
02:433 point shutei.
02:45Josei nomi no sansenshi no tatakai desu.
02:47Kondo wa,
02:48drive kara,
02:49kore wo,
02:50trampolin ninja,
02:53Hidari side,
02:54feint wo irete,
02:55choushin no,
02:56ninja defender wo,
02:57kawashite ikimashita.
03:00Shinagawa ga,
03:01ball wo hakon de,
03:02trampolin ninja!
03:03Dondo uta,
03:04dondo uta!
03:05Kondo wo,
03:06trampolin ninja!
03:09Kondo wa,
03:10migi side,
03:12goal shita,
03:17Feint kara,
03:193 wo nerau,
03:21todokanai shute wo,
03:22utte kita.
03:25Trampolin ga,
03:27ninja ga,
03:29takai shute de,
03:3430 sai no,
03:35Shinagawa ga,
03:36futari no,
03:37teenager wo,
03:38lead shite ikimasu.
03:39Ii zo,
03:40ninja defense!
03:44Kakan ni,
03:45semete iku,
03:46mae ni iru,
03:47futari no,
03:48defender wo,
03:49do wo,
03:50hiki tsukete,
03:51board ni,
03:53banku shute de,
03:54semete kita,
04:00tsujou kara,
04:01otosu shute wo,
04:0320 byou desu.
04:06quick shoot!
04:09Migi side kara,
04:10timing wo,
04:11zurashita ga,
04:12kore mo,
04:14nokori wa,
04:1510 byou,
04:19Ato wa,
04:21kimerareru ka?
04:25Zenhan sen,
04:26shuryou da.
04:28Ok, ok, ok, ok.
04:31Ya, defense tsuei na.
04:33San pun kan no,
04:34half time ni,
04:41Rin ga atatteru kara,
04:44Sakusen dori wa dekiteita no de,
04:45ato wa,
04:46trampolin no,
04:47ninja ga,
04:48sawaranai kereba,
04:49shuto ga hairimasu shi,
04:51un ga nakatta,
04:52tte iu youna joutai de.
04:55Trampolin de,
04:56block to wa,
04:58kono mama ja,
04:59mazuri na,
05:00to wa,
05:01omotte tan desu kedo,
05:02san nin nara,
05:03betai ikiru,
05:04to omoide kara,
05:07Nocchi no side wo,
05:08ichi yasui to ka,
05:11Kyakuman ga,
05:12kyakuman ga katteru kara,
05:13koko toppo shinai to.
05:16Half time shuuryou.
05:20kouhan sen,
05:28Ninja Defender wo,
05:29kouryaku dekiru ka,
05:30Team Green.
05:313 to 3 ni furikitta.
05:32Ii kata shite,
05:33takai kou egaite,
05:36Ii kata shite,
05:37takai kou egaite,
05:39Ii kata shite,
05:40takai kou egaite,
05:43banku wa mujii!
05:44Ii yo,
05:45mecha mecha ii!
05:46Ii ni change shita,
05:47Miyagi no banku shuuto!
05:48Trampolin ninja wo,
05:49tsui ni kouryaku!
05:50Kondo wa,
05:51Ito ga free!
05:52Koko no bansu wo,
05:53tsukatte kuru!
05:55shinagawa ga,
05:56rigi side no,
05:57Miyagi kara,
05:58kondo wa,
05:59ninja ga block!
06:00Umaku ito wo,
06:02kore mo,
06:05ring wo,
06:06kasumete ikimashita.
06:10Shinagawa three!
06:12trampolin ninja ga block!
06:15Kondo wa,
06:16kore mo block da!
06:17Defender futari,
06:19trampolin defender,
06:20umaku hikitsukete Ito!
06:23Trampolin genki da na!
06:24Nokori ga,
06:25sanjuu byou!
06:27Ito wa,
06:28umaku sagatte,
06:29three wo utsu!
06:31trampolin ninja,
06:32kono taikuu jikan no nagasa!
06:36Ii kata shite,
06:38nokori nijuu byou desu!
06:40Pass fake kara Ito,
06:44trampolin ninja wa,
06:45hidari side ni sukoshi,
06:46ichi ga zurete iru,
06:47sugu ni utte kita,
06:48oshii shuuto!
06:49Nokori ga,
06:50juu byou!
06:52Jibun de iku shoumen kara,
06:54nokori sanbyou!
06:56Josei umami no,
06:57shiru guri ni!
06:59Koko de,
07:00time up!
07:04nice shot.
07:06I've never scored more than 3 points.
07:08Same score.
07:09Game over.
07:12Team Green has 3 points.
07:17Team Red is tied at 1st place.
07:22Okay, 3 points is safe, so it's okay.
07:24There's still one more chance.
07:26He was really strong.
07:28If I don't shoot at a different timing
07:30than the three I usually shoot at,
07:32I'll get blocked.
07:34That was difficult for me.
07:41No matter what happens,
07:42there will be a rebound.
07:45I'll shoot all of them.
07:47Leave it to me.
07:49You can shoot as many as you want.
07:52I'll shoot as many as I can.
07:54I'll think about how to make
07:56elementary and middle school students fight.
08:00I'll try to have fun
08:02playing baseball.
08:06My name is Nochi Ikuto.
08:08I'm 28 years old.
08:10I'm an air conditioner cleaner.
08:12I like to play with my body.
08:14That's what I'm good at.
08:16No one has more power than me.
08:17I think I'm the best.
08:20I'm confident.
08:22I've been playing street basketball
08:23with adults since I was a kid.
08:25I'll use my dribbling skills
08:27to win.
08:29If I win a million yen,
08:30I want to go to Yakiniku Tabe Houtai.
08:38Team Orange.
08:40I won.
08:43The first half,
08:52Akatsuka, a first-year middle school student,
08:53shoots a dribbling shot.
08:5713-year-old Akatsuka,
08:5812-year-old Ririka,
09:00and 28-year-old Ikuto
09:02challenge one-on-one.
09:05Ikuto is a defender.
09:09Akatsuka, a first-year middle school student,
09:11carries the ball and shoots.
09:13The ball hits the goal.
09:18Next, Team Orange,
09:20with a pass.
09:22Ikuto, a physical monster.
09:25Ikuto, a physical monster.
09:26Ririka shoots the ball
09:30and is now the free thrower.
09:32It's a close call.
09:35Ikuto and Ririka
09:37are adults.
09:39They are children.
09:41It's a 3x3 match.
09:43Akatsuka and Ririka
09:45are the geniuses
09:47of street basketball.
09:51Akatsuka, a defender,
09:53is blocked by the ninja.
09:54Akatsuka has 3 points!
09:57He's got it!
09:58Akatsuka has 3 points!
10:01He's got it!
10:02Akatsuka has...
10:03Not yet, not yet, not yet!
10:0513-year-old Akatsuka,
10:07Ninja Defender,
10:08has 3 points!
10:1210 seconds left.
10:14Akatsuka's intense,
10:16beautiful dribble,
10:19and when the ball goes in...
10:21Shoot! Shoot!
10:22It went in!
10:23It went in!
10:25It's a tiebreaker!
10:28Nice, nice.
10:30The first half is over.
10:32They're in the half-time of 3 minutes.
10:37They might be in the second group.
10:39There's only one point left.
10:40We're all lined up, right?
10:42There's only one point left.
10:44It's fine with the current flow.
10:46It's okay.
10:47You're in a good mood.
10:49I'm nervous.
10:50It's okay.
10:52I was wondering how I could
10:54score from that distance.
10:56I thought about it a lot.
10:58I tried to guard the timing,
10:59and tried to fake the shot.
11:01I tried to block it quickly.
11:05Ruki, which shot are you good at?
11:09This one.
11:10Then I'll go with this one.
11:11Ririka, which shot are you good at?
11:14You don't have many?
11:15What should I do?
11:17This one?
11:19The worst thing was that I was nervous
11:21and lost my concentration.
11:23I told myself to enjoy the game.
11:27The half-time is over.
11:30Let's start the second half.
11:38Go, go, go!
11:39Akatsuka, who is a first-year junior high school student,
11:41shoots a left-handed dribble.
11:45A pass to a sixth-year junior high school student.
11:48A pass to a sixth-year junior high school student.
11:49Ikuto pulls the ball and scores three points.
11:53Ririka carries the ball.
11:55Akatsuka is on the right side.
11:57He's creating a free position.
11:59Ikuto receives the ball and scores a free.
12:02The second half is over.
12:04Ririka grabs the ball and shoots.
12:07He pulls the ball to the left and scores.
12:10The outside shot was blocked.
12:12The lower block was not good.
12:15If I had aimed at the moment and shot,
12:18I would have been blocked.
12:22This is the defense of the trampoline ninja.
12:25Akatsuka scored three points in the first half.
12:29Ikuto pulls the ball and scores.
12:32Ikuto pulls the ball and scores.
12:35He used the board.
12:37Good job!
12:39Did he beat the ninja defender?
12:41He scored five points in the second stage.
12:44He has 50 seconds left.
12:47Ririka is a sixth-year junior high school student.
12:50Ikuto uses the board again.
12:53He still has plenty of time.
12:57Akatsuka scored three points.
13:01He has 30 seconds left.
13:03Ikuto gives instructions.
13:05He takes a rebound on the screen.
13:08He shoots.
13:10It was close.
13:13He has 20 seconds left.
13:16He shoots.
13:18It was close.
13:21Ririka has 15 seconds left.
13:25Will he be able to score the last point?
13:28Go for it!
13:30He scored from the front.
13:33He scored from the front.
13:37He is a sixth-year junior high school student.
13:40Team Orange is the winner.
13:45Good job!
13:50They are a good team.
13:52The game is over.
13:54Team Orange scored eight points.
13:59Team Orange has more than two points.
14:04Team Orange is the winner.
14:12Ikuto said he wanted to have fun.
14:17He shot a lot.
14:19It was a lot of fun.
14:21Team Orange scored 100 points.
14:23Team Orange scored 100 points.
14:28I don't think I can lose to Team Orange.
14:32I can't lose to Team Orange.
14:35Even if you miss a shot, you can still hit it.
14:38You have to be strong.
14:40You have to be strong.
14:44I think basketball is everything to me.
14:49I'm Keiji Asagawa.
14:51I'm a member of Team Uenohana.
14:54I'm a member of Team Uenohana.
14:57If I make it to the end, I'll win a million yen.
15:00I want to make it to the end.
15:04I'm Bakemon Sensei.
15:06I'm 47 years old.
15:08I'm 193 cm tall.
15:10I'm the same height as Shota Otani.
15:13I played basketball in the professional league.
15:16I'm going to the finals.
15:18I'm going to win a prize.
15:24The second stage is over.
15:27Team Blue, are you ready?
15:38Team Blue, start the first half.
15:47Three players are over 190 cm tall.
15:51Ninja can't reach.
15:53Is this a rebound strategy?
15:56Team Blue scores from the ninja in the first 10 seconds.
16:02Ninja block.
16:08Bakemon versus Ninja again.
16:16Three players from the outside.
16:19Ninja defenders are pulled under the goal.
16:23Ninja block.
16:30Ninja blocks the rebound.
16:33Ninja blocks the rebound.
16:36The player who controls the rebound controls the game.
16:39That's right.
16:42Ninja blocks the pass.
16:49Team Blue uses the size.
16:52He's a monster.
16:55Now, he's going to cut in.
16:57He's got a chance.
16:59He's going to use the board.
17:06He did it well.
17:08And he's got three in a row.
17:10He's got a chance.
17:12From Ninja Defender to Team Blue.
17:15This time it's Hasegawa.
17:17He's got a chance.
17:19And he's got a chance.
17:22And here comes Soichiba.
17:24He's got the ball.
17:26He's got a chance.
17:28He's got a chance.
17:30He's got a chance.
17:32He's got a chance.
17:34And the monster has time up.
17:36He's got a chance.
17:38He's got a chance.
17:40The first half is over.
17:43At this point, the winner is already decided.
17:47The winner is Team Blue.
17:56From the bottom of the goal,
17:58it's hard to block the Ninja Defender and the Trampoline.
18:01I'm glad I managed to do it.
18:03I think I was able to show my will at the end.
18:06Team Red and Team Green are eliminated.
18:11I was aiming for a million yen,
18:14so I'm really disappointed.
18:16I want the six people who won
18:19to do their best for me.
18:31The third stage is an individual match.
18:35What you're going to challenge is called
18:39the Moving Ring.
18:43Moving Ring.
18:45The ring doesn't move.
18:47Of course, the time limit is 100 seconds.
18:51In the Moving Ring, which comes out in order from 1 to 10,
18:55the top three people who score the most goals win
19:00and get a chance to challenge the 100-member leader.
19:05It looks difficult.
19:07Three people can do it.
19:08By the way, if the number of goals is the same,
19:12the one who scores the most goals wins.
19:16How many goals will we get?
19:19At the end of the ring,
19:22the 100-member leader will witness the match.
19:26The 100-member leader.
19:28Please come out.
19:30Oh, no.
19:35Who is it?
19:43The legend of the Japanese basketball world,
19:47the 100-member leader.
19:56I can't imagine it.
19:58He didn't look that tall.
20:01I didn't know his face.
20:03I didn't know who he was.
20:05I didn't know who he was.
20:07I didn't know who he was.
20:09I didn't know his face.
20:11I didn't know who he was.
20:13But I thought he looked very strong.
20:15I thought he was a professional.
20:22The first one,
20:24Mae Akatsuka.
20:34I'll prove that I can beat adults even if I'm small.
20:39Are you ready?
20:41The moving ring, start.
20:48Akatsuka is 145 centimeters tall.
20:50The first one to come out is Futago.
20:52He'll score two goals.
20:53He's a strong player.
20:54He's going back and forth.
20:57Unfortunately, he missed in the front.
20:59This is difficult.
21:00Will he be able to score with his own rhythm?
21:02Next is the up-and-down ring.
21:04Oh, he's going up and down.
21:06It's a close call.
21:08The up-and-down ring.
21:10Arch! Arch! Arch!
21:12He drew an arch.
21:14Next is the neck swing ring.
21:16He's going back and forth.
21:18This ring.
21:21Is this really the last one?
21:23He spilled it.
21:24Let's go next.
21:25Next is the open ring.
21:29He drew a good arch against the open ring.
21:36He drew a good arch.
21:39He's got a good rhythm.
21:41He's fast.
21:42Next is the slide ring.
21:46He's fast.
21:48He's fast.
21:50Arch! Arch!
21:51One more! One more!
21:52Next is the no-board ring.
21:54He's got no board.
21:56He scored a goal.
21:58He scored a goal.
22:00He scored a goal.
22:02He drew an arch like this.
22:05Next is the up-and-down ring.
22:09It's high.
22:11It's a high goal for Akatsuka.
22:14Will he be able to score a goal at this height?
22:18Will he be able to score a goal at this height?
22:19He almost kicked it.
22:21The last one is the tornado ring.
22:23The last one is the tornado ring.
22:25This ring.
22:27Will he be able to score a goal at this height?
22:30Akatsuka, a genius kid in his first year of junior high school,
22:33Akatsuka, a genius kid in his first year of junior high school,
22:34has the last chance.
22:38The time is up.
22:43This is difficult.
22:44This is difficult.
22:45This is difficult.
22:47He was moving more than I expected.
22:49Akatsuka, your record is 2 points.
22:55I was frustrated.
22:57I thought I could do better.
22:59I was frustrated.
23:00I thought I could do better.
23:02Especially, the inside of the fourth ring was the most difficult.
23:07Especially, the inside of the fourth ring was the most difficult.
23:14The second player, Ikuto.
23:16The second player, Ikuto.
23:18I will do it.
23:20I will do it.
23:22I want to change my life.
23:24I'm a vacuum cleaner of an air conditioner.
23:26I'm a vacuum cleaner of an air conditioner.
23:27I plan to become an independent individual employer.
23:30I plan to become an individual employer.
23:32I want to get 1 million yen.
23:34Let's start the moving ring.
23:46First, the second ring.
23:49It's a good distance.
23:52This is also the second ring.
23:54It's a good distance.
23:55It's close.
23:56It's close.
23:57You can do it.
23:58He missed the fourth ring.
24:00He missed the first and second rings.
24:03Next, the upper and lower rings.
24:05It's okay.
24:06Don't rush.
24:08He's still got a chance.
24:11He wants to get a ring.
24:14Next, the neck swing ring.
24:17It's a little further.
24:18He wants to get a ring.
24:19It's difficult.
24:20It's difficult.
24:21Will he get it?
24:23He missed it.
24:24It's close.
24:25Next, the open and close ring.
24:27It's close.
24:28He can survive.
24:30It's okay.
24:31He can get a lot of rings.
24:32He will get a ring.
24:34He was blocked.
24:36It was an open and close ring.
24:39Will he get a ring?
24:42It's close.
24:43He can get a ring.
24:45He missed it.
24:46Don't rush.
24:47It was very difficult.
24:49If he missed even one ring, he would have been in trouble.
24:52He doesn't have a board.
24:55How can he get a ring?
24:58He can get a ring.
25:00Will he get a ring?
25:01He got a ring.
25:03Will he get a ring?
25:04He did.
25:05He did.
25:06He got both rings.
25:07He did.
25:08He did.
25:09He got both rings.
25:10He did.
25:11Second consecutive pitch errors.
25:12It's close.
25:13It's close.
25:14It's two lanes left.
25:15The two-way boards are left.
25:16He pushed in his butt.
25:17He got two lanes.
25:18He gets a ring.
25:19It's close.
25:20He can get a ring.
25:21It's close.
25:22It's close
25:23It's three points remaining.
25:24He got a ring.
25:25He got a ring.
25:26That's right.
25:27He did.
25:28He got a ring.
25:29The ball successfully creeped into his sight.
25:30He yanked and moved.
25:31He can get a ring.
25:32He got two lanes left.
25:33He's got it at 0 speed!
25:35Here! Here! Here!
25:37He's got it at 0 speed!
25:39He's got the 2nd ball at the last minute!
25:47He's strong at the last minute!
25:49He's got it at the last minute!
25:51He's got it at the last minute!
25:53He's got 4 points.
25:59It was difficult to feel the distance.
26:01I couldn't see the ground.
26:03So it took me a long time to feel the distance.
26:07I couldn't score at all.
26:13He's got it at the last minute!
26:15He's got it at the last minute!
26:17He's got 4 points.
26:19He's got 4 points.
26:21He's got 4 points.
26:23He's got 4 points.
26:29The 4th player, Soejima.
26:31Come forward.
26:35He's got 4 points.
26:37He's got 4 points.
26:39He's got 4 points.
26:41Soejima, are you confident?
26:43I am.
26:45He stole everything good about me.
26:47He stole everything good about me.
26:49He stole everything good about me.
26:51I'm confident that I can win.
26:53I'm confident that I can win.
26:57You're well prepared.
26:59You're well prepared.
27:01Let's start!
27:09The first challenge.
27:11The first challenge.
27:13The first challenge.
27:172 minutes!
27:39One-punch again!
27:41One-punch again!
27:452 points.
27:47Nice pace.
27:48Now, the moment he's covered by the goal doesn't look good.
27:53Oh, no.
27:54He's embarrassed.
27:57Can he make it?
28:00Can he make it?
28:01He's saved by the goal.
28:053 points.
28:06This is hard.
28:06Good, good, good.
28:07He needs 1 more point.
28:09He has to be patient.
28:13It doesn't look good.
28:14Don't rush.
28:15Soejima is confused.
28:19He's focused again.
28:20Anti, anti, anti.
28:21Good, good, good.
28:22He's not on the board.
28:24He made it.
28:25He's not on the board.
28:27He made it.
28:284 points.
28:30I was so excited.
28:31I thought I could make it today.
28:34He needs 1 more point.
28:38So close.
28:39He'll challenge for 1 million yen.
28:41Oh, no.
28:44Don't rush.
28:45Don't rush.
28:46It's okay.
28:47It's okay.
28:48He needs 1 more point.
28:50Oh, no.
28:51No, no, no.
28:52His willpower is being tested.
28:55He made it.
28:57His willpower is being tested.
28:59He made it.
29:02He's the best.
29:11He made it.
29:15You did it.
29:16His record is 5 points.
29:19He'll advance to the final at this point.
29:21He made it.
29:27Akatsuka had 2 points.
29:30This is the end of your challenge.
29:33I'm so frustrated.
29:36But it was so much fun.
29:39I want to challenge again.
29:41Good job.
29:43Good job.
29:43Good job.
29:47The second half starts now.
29:49He's fast.
29:50He's fast.
29:51He's fast.
29:52He's fast.
29:53He made it.
29:57I won't give you a single point.
29:59Wash your face and come back.
30:02This is difficult.
30:08The 6th challenger is Ririka Mae.
30:12Good job.
30:16Good job.
30:17I think I'll have more chances to advance.
30:22I want to hit a lot of balls.
30:24The 6th challenger is Ririka.
30:27Let's start.
30:35First, the twin rings.
30:39Aim from the front.
30:41Is she going to hit a lot of balls?
30:44She's hitting more than anyone else.
30:47Will she make it?
30:49Will she move up and down?
30:50She made it.
30:52I was so nervous.
30:54I was relieved to finally get a point.
30:57Now she's going to check the timing of the rings.
31:02She's dribbling.
31:04She's creating a rhythm.
31:06She's going at her own pace.
31:08Will she make it?
31:09She made it.
31:10If she didn't move...
31:11Now she's going to check the timing of the rings.
31:15She's going to make it.
31:16It's high.
31:17It's a good timing.
31:18She made it.
31:20She made it.
31:21She made it.
31:24She made it.
31:28She made it.
31:31Now she has 3 points.
31:33She's 12 years old and a 6th grader.
31:36This is what she's been doing for 3 years.
31:40One more time.
31:41You can do it.
31:46She's been hitting a lot of balls.
31:52She's going up and down.
31:54It's a different height.
31:56She has to throw it up.
31:58You can do it.
32:00She's got a chance.
32:03She made it.
32:04She has 4 points.
32:06Will she make it to the top?
32:09She made it.
32:11Will she make it to the top?
32:14She made it.
32:16She made it.
32:18She made it.
32:21Ririka Inoue.
32:24She made it to the top.
32:28How many points?
32:296 points.
32:32Ririka Inoue.
32:33It was a great challenge for an elementary school student.
32:376 points.
32:39She made it to the final with a total of 1st place.
32:48Ikuto and Hasegawa have the same 4 points.
32:53Ikuto is in the last ring.
32:55Ikuto, you're the only one left to advance to the final.
33:08When I was eliminated, I was frustrated.
33:12I thought I could make it.
33:26Ririka Inoue
33:29Ririka, Soejima, and Ikuto have advanced to the final.
33:35They've made it this far.
33:41If they can beat the 100-wrestlers in the final,
33:46they'll win 1,000,000 yen.
33:53I can't believe we've made it this far.
33:57No matter who comes, I'll win.
34:00I'll do my best to win 1,000,000 yen.
34:04Now, it's time for the 100-wrestlers.
34:10Who is it?
34:12The 100-wrestlers have arrived.
34:20The 100-wrestlers have arrived.
34:41He's not that big.
34:43Who is it?
34:45Who is it?
34:48I don't know.
34:50I really don't know who it is.
34:58I'll reveal the identity of the 100-wrestlers who will face you.
35:09I'll reveal the identity of the 100-wrestlers who will face you.
35:18Who is it?
35:20Who is it?
35:22It's me, Ikuito!
35:39It's Kei Igarashi!
35:43is the Japanese Basketball Champion, Kei Igarashi.
35:56I'm Kei Igarashi, and I play for the Niigata Rubrics DB.
36:00I'm a professional, so I can't afford to lose.
36:06I thought he was amazing.
36:08He's not a rookie. He's a legend.
36:13I was surprised and nervous.
36:17I was very excited.
36:18Wow, Kei Igarashi!
36:21The final match for the 1 million yen prize is...
36:27The moving ring you challenged earlier.
36:33You will have a one-on-one match with the Secretary of Defense.
36:40If you can score more goals than the Secretary of Defense, you win.
36:46In other words, all three of you have a chance to win the 1 million yen.
36:54Oh, it's a moving apple.
36:57However, if you score a goal, the Secretary of Defense wins.
37:03I'm definitely going to win.
37:04Let's have a look.
37:17First, the first player, Ikuto.
37:20Come forward.
37:25I'm not going to lose.
37:27I thought I could see the 1 million yen.
37:30I heard it was Igarashi's first time.
37:33I'm playing in the same moving ring as him on the previous stage.
37:38I thought there was a chance there.
37:42I'm a professional, so I can't afford to lose.
37:44Wow, the Secretary of Defense.
37:47The Secretary of Defense.
37:48Well done.
37:51Now, the match between the Secretary of Defense and Ikuto.
37:55The battle for the 1 million yen.
37:58Let's begin.
38:05The first player is Futago Ring.
38:08The ball is crossed.
38:11The Secretary of Defense, Ikuto.
38:13He shoots it in at the same time.
38:16He made it.
38:18It's not going to go in.
38:20It's going to move up and down.
38:23The Secretary of Defense makes his first attempt.
38:28However, he was so close to losing.
38:33He shifts it to the side.
38:35The Secretary of Defense makes it.
38:39He shifts it to the side.
38:40This is the Hyakubu-shou that he has decided on!
38:44He did it diagonally!
38:46He decided it diagonally!
38:48This is it!
38:50Hyakubu-shou Igarashi-kei!
38:53This is it!
38:54Hyakubu-shou Igarashi-kei!
38:57This is it!
38:59Ikuto is overwhelmed, but he has decided it again!
39:03Ikuto-san is amazing!
39:05It's not over yet!
39:07Calm down, calm down!
39:09Calm down, calm down!
39:11Calm down, calm down!
39:13He has carefully decided on the target.
39:15Ikuto's shoot.
39:17And Hyakubu-shou.
39:21Here, the ring without a board.
39:23A different perspective than usual.
39:26In that, Hyakubu-shou Igarashi-kei.
39:28First, Ikuto!
39:30In that, Hyakubu-shou Igarashi-kei.
39:33First, Ikuto!
39:34Ikuto has decided!
39:37Next, Matenro Ring.
39:40The ball stretches.
39:43He draws a beautiful arc.
39:45Ikuto has decided!
39:47He draws a beautiful arc.
39:49Ikuto has decided!
39:50Now it's a tie, 3 to 3!
39:53Ikuto has seen a million yen.
39:55Hyakubu-shou Igarashi-kei, who cannot be defeated as a professional.
39:58Who will win this battle?
40:02Will he suddenly win a million yen?
40:06He missed it!
40:11It's a tie.
40:18He fought well, but it's a tie of 3 to 3.
40:22And so, the winner is Hyakubu-shou.
40:31That was close.
40:32That was close.
40:34That was close.
40:35I thought I had the best chance.
40:39I did it, but it's a tie.
40:42It's quite frustrating.
40:44It was difficult to move,
40:47but I think I gradually got the hang of it.
40:51Who will be the winner?
40:59The second player, Soejima.
41:01He's up front.
41:03Good luck!
41:10He's got a great aura.
41:12He's amazing.
41:13I don't look at his side,
41:14but if I do, I'll lose focus.
41:16So I decided to stop admiring him.
41:19He has a good career,
41:21a good high school, and a good university.
41:23He's been playing for a long time.
41:25But he's a professional,
41:27so I don't think he can lose.
41:29And so,
41:31Hyakubu-shou vs. Soejima,
41:34the battle for a million yen,
41:41And so,
41:42Hyakubu-shou vs. Soejima,
41:45the battle for a million yen,
42:18Will he make it?
42:21Soejima leads.
42:23A diagonal kick.
42:25He's winning!
42:26Who will be the winner?
42:28There's only one chance.
42:30They both got kicked!
42:32It's a head-to-head,
42:34but Hyakubu-shou wins!
42:37It's a head-to-head,
42:39but Hyakubu-shou wins!
42:41It's a tie.
42:44It's 2-2.
42:47Hyakubu-shou's aim is clear.
42:51He's moving left and right.
42:54While he's moving,
42:57it's a close call,
42:58but Hyakubu-shou scores a goal!
43:00Hyakubu-shou takes the lead.
43:02And it's a head-to-head!
43:06After Ken-san caught up with me,
43:08I was a little worried.
43:10Hyakubu-shou is increasing his chances.
43:12He's getting the hang of it.
43:15Soejima is in a hurry.
43:19The ball is getting closer.
43:21Hyakubu-shou is increasing his accuracy.
43:26It's a low ball.
43:29Soejima's angle is diagonal.
43:32Hyakubu-shou's leader is Kei Igarashi.
43:36Will he make it?
43:39Soejima scores his third goal.
43:47That was close.
43:58The score is 4-3.
44:00Hyakubu-shou's winner is Kei Igarashi.
44:09I'm so frustrated.
44:12I'll regret it later.
44:15I got the hang of it,
44:17but I'm not used to it.
44:20It's difficult.
44:30The third player is
44:33Mae Ririka.
44:39Don't fall!
44:42Ririka, what would you do if you won a million yen?
44:47I'd go to a B-League game
44:49or go on a trip with my family.
44:53Ririka is a good girl.
44:56I'm still in elementary school.
44:59I think girls are good at shooting.
45:03I think I'm a dangerous player.
45:05Hyakubu-shou vs. Ririka.
45:08The last battle for a million yen.
45:15Hyakubu-shou vs. Ririka.
45:19The last battle for a million yen.
45:27Ririka is a 12-year-old 6th grader.
45:30Ririka is a 12-year-old 6th grader.
45:35Ririka goes first.
45:38Kei Igarashi vs. Ririka.
45:41Ririka leads by 2 to 1.
45:44Ririka leads by 2 to 1.
45:47Ririka leads by 2 to 2.
45:50Ririka goes first.
45:53Ririka puts pressure on Ririka.
45:57Igarashi is concentrating.
46:00Ririka scores!
46:01Hyakubu-shou wins!
46:04It's 3 to 3.
46:07It's okay.
46:10It's okay.
46:13The game is...
46:16Ririka will decide the winner.
46:21Igarashi is blocked.
46:23Igarashi is blocked.
46:26Igarashi is blocked.
46:28It's okay.
46:30It's okay.
46:31It's 1 to 4.
46:35Ririka lost a million yen.
46:38Hyakubu-shou vs. Kei Igarashi.
46:43Ririka will win.
46:46Ririka has no board.
46:48Ririka has no board.
46:50Ririka takes the lead.
46:52Ririka takes the lead.
46:53Ririka takes the lead.
46:54Ririka is lined up.
46:56Ririka takes the lead.
46:58Ririka is lined up.
47:02Ririka keeps scoring the same amount of goals.
47:07Ririka scored.
47:10Ririka scored.
47:11It's okay.
47:12Calm down.
47:14Hyakubu-shou leads by 1 to 1.
47:16Ririka is a sixth grader.
47:20Ririka lost a million yen.
47:21It's close.
47:22Igarashi takes the lead. He's one step ahead of his opponent.
47:26Ririka, a 6th grader, has been cornered.
47:29But she's still in the lead by 2 points.
47:31The match is over.
47:39It was a fierce battle.
47:43The winner is Ririka, who is in the lead by 8 to 6.
47:47Ririka, you did it!
47:49Ririka, you're still in the lead.
47:52You were too strong.
47:53It was very frustrating.
47:55When the two previous players were fighting,
47:57Igarashi's score was a bit low,
48:01so I thought I could win.
48:03I thought I could win if I was in the first round.
48:09I'm relieved for now.
48:12But I couldn't score 10 points in all three rounds,
48:16so I think I still need more practice.
48:19You're still in the lead.
48:21Unfortunately, there is no one who can beat Hyakubu-shou-sama.
48:27I'm looking forward to another challenge from Hyakubu-shou-sama.