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During Friday's State Department Press Briefing, Spokesperson Tammy Bruce discussed the cause of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

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00:00I'll keep going.
00:03Thank you, Tammy.
00:04Just to follow up on the annexation issue, because it's a big issue.
00:05It's been the American position, the steadfast official position that no to reoccupying Gaza
00:11and definitely no to annexation.
00:13So do you feel that the U.S. is going to stick to this policy or there's going to be some
00:18change regarding this issue?
00:20And then I have a follow-up on the humanitarian situation.
00:22AMBASSADOR HALEY Well, and I know you ask, and I appreciate
00:27your passion in asking about the humanitarian situation.
00:29That's what we all think about.
00:30You know, we think about it here at State in a certain fashion, and you do yours.
00:34But again, when we think about rumors or suggestions or hypotheses or things talked about in the
00:44media is not a basis for my commentary about whether or not something is or is not going
00:50to happen.
00:51What I – I've expressed to you what we do know is what is public and what is the
00:56policy of this administration.
00:59Policy that Secretary Rubio is committed to, which is ending bloodshed.
01:03Now, so there's talk about annexing things or – that is, if anything, for those of
01:12you who care about these issues, it is a distraction to move past the nature of what's going
01:18on now via – with one cause, which is Hamas's attitude and actions.
01:25And while you then – we have to deal with what is continuing and not happening because
01:30of their choices.
01:32We are continuing to try to stop that.
01:34So it's interesting that we can continue to keep in – like, sir, just a minute – keep
01:39in our minds the nature of what's in front of us, which is still to stop the wholesale
01:46slaughter of people, the use of other individuals as human shields, the general chaos that that
01:52causes, and the fact that there are ways to stop it.
01:56And that's what we're working on now.
01:58But others, perhaps – they want us to always talk about something else, to get people distracted
02:04about that thing so you stop looking at what is the thing that we need to deal with immediately.
02:10And I look to the Trump administration and to Secretary Rubio as examples of keeping
02:15their eyes on the prize and working methodically in this moment to get us to where we need
02:21to go.
02:22All right.
02:23All right.
02:25Well, let's – yes, go ahead.
