• yesterday
Important info: I originally thought I had a 2.5 inch exhaust but my tuner peeped that the piping looked to be way thinner to about 2 and a quarter inches, which definitely reduced some gains, and i also run stock intakes. that being said if i had a wider exhaust and 3 inch intakes i would’ve most likely pushed closed to 340 wheel which is insane. but for the mods i have im satisfied asf with my tune and numbers.


00:00Look at this downshift y'all Alright y'all, tune day finally for the Q50
00:28Right now need to get gas cuz I'm on E right now. The tune I'm about to get
00:34Y'all not ready bruh
00:36For all the comments that's gonna ask who am I getting tuned with? I am getting tuned by on3nick
00:40I'll put his at right here on the screen. His shop is like right next to my crib
00:44So it's convenient for me and he's actually a good tuner. I had friends tuned by him
00:48I'm not trying to be the typical VQ and just get like fucking abusive ass flame ass
00:54But I'm not gonna abuse it cuz I am daily in my car and I'm commuting to college
01:00So not trying to ruin my motor and shit, but yeah, we about to go tune right now
01:04I'm about to get some gas and I'll catch y'all later
01:10Alright getting gas right before the tune with the gang 370z
01:14RSX, my boy Lincoln and Pevo. We about to go to the shop in a minute
01:19I'll give y'all a little rundown on what I got. Yo, I washed this car yesterday by the way
01:25But yeah, I got catback exhaust custom
01:29Basically a two and a half inch catback exhaust and I got birth resonator test pipes
01:34That I also made a video about. Just made the car really loud
01:39Like compared to like just a catback, it did make a crazy difference
01:54It's raining hard as shit right now. I asked my tuner if like the weather and humidity would affect anything
02:05But he did say the dyno does correct temperatures and for all climates
02:10So I should get accurate numbers. I did wanted to tune it in like cold weather dry weather
02:15So I could get like good numbers, but it really doesn't matter to be honest what conditions you do it
02:24She know a nigga too soft, she need a new one
02:27Getting off on the clerk, I got a cool one
02:29I can't hang with lame niggas, they gotta prove something
02:32You crew hopping for some money, that ain't cool dummy
02:34Every day I wake up thinking about some blue hundreds
02:37You ain't made shit today, but that's a bad day
05:21Alright y'all the tune is finally complete
05:23I'm tuned on Ecutech which has four different available maps and how you change them is you hold this
05:28Cancel button on the right-hand side of your steering wheel and you're gonna see the RPM gauge move
05:33So I'm gonna do one more time for y'all
05:35So focus on the RPM gauge and I'm gonna hold the cancel button
05:38It moves to one and then to change the maps you go up or down and I'm gonna explain each map
05:44So map one is economy mode, map two is performance mode, three verbals and four is flames
05:51So eco is like if you're just cruising, you don't want to waste too much gas, you're just like chilling
05:56You just go on eco mode
05:58Performance mode obviously if you want to get your maximum amount of horsepower if you're racing
06:03Yeah two is the map you want to go to
06:05And then three verbals which I'm gonna give y'all a little sound check
06:14Yeah crazy
06:16And flames is number four
06:18But I'm not gonna do that right now cause no point, I don't have a camera man so
06:22Alright I'm gonna give y'all some sound clips on the verbal map
06:24It is insane, I already tried it but I need y'all to hear this
06:27So you want to go up to like around four, above 4000 I would say is like where you would get pops
06:34And then you just hold the gas a little bit right after you let go
06:46Look at this downshift y'all
07:08I feel fucking embarrassed sometimes bro, this shit is so obnoxious
07:14Oh my god I just had to show y'all
07:16I'm going right back to eco mode, hell no
07:19I feel like I'm abusing my car right now
07:21Eco mode, let's go back there, let's chill
07:27Man that shit is insane boy
