• 2 days ago


00:00Which gas station has the most sour item?
00:02Starting with 7-Eleven.
00:04What's the most sour thing you guys have?
00:06Um, the gummies.
00:07She pointed me to Trolley Sour Bites.
00:09They're kinda sour.
00:10But maybe Cumberland can do better.
00:12I went inside, and they had lots of options.
00:15What do you think the most sour thing you guys have is?
00:17He pointed me to Sour Patch Kids.
00:19Except they said not so sour.
00:21In his defense, why are Sour Patch Kids making something that's not so sour?
00:26That doesn't even make sense.
00:28But how about mobile?
00:28What do you think the most sour thing you guys have is?
00:30Sour Skittles.
00:31Which somehow, I've never had before.
00:33Oh my.
00:33They're getting an 8!
00:34But maybe Speedway can beat that.
00:35What's the most sour thing you guys have?
00:37He showed me Sour Strips.
00:39I've seen these before, but I've never had them.
00:41But when I gave him a shot...
00:43Oh man!
00:43Oh my gosh!
00:45But don't forget about Shell.
00:46What do you think the most sour thing you guys have is?
00:48He literally led me to Toxic Waste.
00:51Good luck.
00:52What do you mean, hazardously sour?
00:55Oh yeah, I'm only getting worse!
