00:00I just want to ask you, because you were telling us about what it's like to be in the room,
00:04presumably the Oval Office, I don't know, perhaps it isn't, when a call like that takes
00:09place between President Trump and a high-level foreign leader like President Putin.
00:16Just talk us through, who's in the room when that happens?
00:20Just tell us some details, anything you can remember from any similar calls that you sat
00:23in on, what sort of things...
00:24Sure, it's not any great trade secrets or anything like that.
00:27On a call of that level, again, I have no information about the specific call, I wasn't
00:31there, I'm no longer in the White House, but a call of that level.
00:35I'd be curious, by the way, first and foremost, to know if the conversation took place in
00:39My guess is there were translators on both sides, and that is important, Tom.
00:43We saw this with Zelensky.
00:44When Zelensky came into the White House a couple of weeks ago in that famous or infamous
00:48face-to-face meeting with President Trump and Vice President Vance, he was speaking
00:53I think that was a mistake.
00:54He used a line where they asked him about the clothes that he was wearing, and he said,
00:59well, you know, it's wartime.
01:00When the war is over, then maybe I will wear the costume again.
01:03In American English, that's almost an insult until you figure out that the word costume
01:09is the direct translation in Ukrainian language to suit to what you are wearing right now.
01:15There's that opportunity for a misinterpretation or at least a misunderstanding as to intention
01:21based upon translation from a different language.
01:24Thank you, Tom.