• 2 days ago
Today I asked you to send me your BEST rocket wars clip, and y'all have hit some insane clips on it im ngl! Go play Rocket Wars! Search up "SypherPK" or use code "5196-0233-5799"

T&Cs apply. No purchase or gameplay necessary. Alternate entry available. This promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Epic Games, Inc. https://onistudios.gg/blog/blog/rw-looted-week2-terms/

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📺 Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/sypherpk
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📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sypherpk/
💌 Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/sypherpk
📚 Facebook: https://facebook.com/SypherPK

🎥 Produced, and Thumbnail by: JackZenn:

Produced by: James

Edited by: Camilo

#fortnite #sypherpk #season2


00:00today we're reacting to the best clips people have gotten on my fortnite map rocket wars
00:06all right sukiyo using the cypher scan bear w keying this guy
00:12shockwave into storm we're gonna get out splashes in hand boogie bomb comes out
00:19come on for the team show me some tell me a snipe show me a snipe you got one bullet
00:25you only got one shot oh bro made that shot cow are you kidding me cool dominator
00:37oh nice little one pump to get back into the fight and you got the cyber pk glider
00:44bro's back he already wants to smoke what's he gonna do here is he shooting them out
00:48oh hold on hold on hold up hold up oh my god first of all he's got a ton of xp he killed
00:57one two three four five people okay bro's camping inside the red base these guys don't even know
01:06he's here he's like snuck in they don't even know he oh my god his teammate thinks he got
01:12sniped from somewhere else oh my god last guy yo three red players down that's crazy
01:22how'd you even get in here without them noticing all right we got bro lining up a snipe headshot
01:28snipe from across the map back to back headshot snipes what i love the reaction i love the double
01:37kill solid stuff vibe dealer reboots are disabled we do have reboot in rocket wars by the way
01:47if you haven't played the map in a while
01:51okay i thought we asked for the best clips this guy whoever this is just
01:55rage so loud i am so sorry to anybody who had to hear that okay so i want to give you guys a quick
02:00update on rocket wars this entire month we're giving out 200 000 vbucks that's 200 different
02:06vbucks cards and i'm giving away four ps5s but now it's down to three ps5s because one person
02:13won already uh all you have to do is actually just play the map and get some of the rare coins that
02:18are in the chest post proof of the coins in my discord that's literally all you have to do you
02:23can just casually play with your friends or in a public lobby and you could win vbucks or even a
02:27ps5 by doing that you want to find it just search up cypher pk make sure you're following me because
02:32i'm trying to pass epic and followers they currently have a 2 million follower lead on me
02:36but with enough of you guys follow me we can certainly pass them and uh by searching up
02:40cypher pk you'll also find the map rocket wars all right g is getting put he's actually pushing
02:47into the base though he's pushing into uh the green base how is 207 dead how is he not dead
02:56bro must have gotten like a power buff or something this one has no bullet drop the
03:01exotic one's no bullet drop yes no bullet drop on the stink bomb oh that's sick that's sick i
03:10got i got to try out the new exotic snipers i haven't really messed with them even in battle
03:14rail all right max is in the gulag as you can see chat the uh the performance and the ping is
03:22really low on the map now people can actually do stuff like that all right mando
03:27easy easy good why does wise bro voice his voice is auto-tuned bro submitting an old clip
03:37of one of the rare wind screens oh my goodness oh my god oh my god what is this clip a lot of
03:44people have been saying we should bring back wind screens to rocket wars and like bring back rare
03:49wind screens uh let me know in the comments if we should or if we shouldn't all right bb
03:55snipe midair snipe from the top snipe from the base snipe from the middle
04:05this is the same guy you keep killing it over over and over man give him a chance
04:09splatty thermal you put a thermal attachment on the sniper that's diabolical bro that's diabolical
04:20you can put any attachment on the snipe and you put a thermal one
04:26okay yo
04:30that was a good snipe
04:33all right bro's on the high ground so 1v1 bro shock waves up snipes him pops him
04:40he's dead it's over all right rare love it's a 1v1v1 situation
04:49we're cranking we're dropping down we're editing we're trying to hit with the
04:53uh he's got the myth uh the mythic fish he's trying to get a one shot with it
04:59picks it back up runs up on this guy full box
05:02cracks him once it's the edit mythic fish
05:06get some respect for sticking to the mythic fish play
05:11even though it almost got you killed all right edits
05:21he's got the sniper out he's also using the thermal am i sleeping on the
05:26thermal scope
05:29am i sleeping on it
05:33i'm not gonna lie guys i might have to try to the thermal scope after this
05:37attention all right sierra with the quick knock using the thunder burst smg
05:43there's the thirst enemy below we're gonna drop down
05:48one pump easy peasy
05:52another player just flew in with the baseball bat
05:55reloading the sniper quick scope not on the cypher pk scan come on man
06:02give him a chance that's a clean quick scope though clean
06:08sitting up here spamming i guess sitting up there
06:12oh my god
06:18yo your teammate is peeking so hard with the cypher skin
06:22oh no what is going on buddy brat oh using the rare
06:29nintendo switch scan which i now have oh he timed the builds resetting and got
06:33the clean one pump he needs one more one more kill to get
06:37back into the action
06:40obby fn oh no oh no you can't get missing you can't
06:46get missing
06:51full box
06:59bro what is that
07:03never what never back down all right oh bro's got the new uh laser
07:10rifle bro this thing absolutely shreds is he about to kill this
07:13entire lobby with it it's a custom weapon on rocket wars by
07:18the way you have to be like 75 kills to get it
07:22or get it from the rare chest oh my god good thing we made this kind of rare and
07:26hard to get because this guy is absolutely frying with it holy crap
07:32oh my god that was insane bro submitted that he got the rare
07:38midas coin that's right he got the rare one that was from week
07:41number one every single week there's gonna be a new rare coin one of them
07:44gets you into the vbucks giveaway and one of them gets you into into the
07:47playstation 5 giveaway i got three more playstation 5s and i got
07:51150 more vbuck cards to give away so search up
07:54rocket wars or search up cypher pk play today you might get lucky and win
08:00dibid locked in with a sniper that was a no scope that was a straight
08:05up no scope clean clean kill all right
08:11monkey hitting an edit course in the gulag
08:17good way to stay warmed up there's the one pump bro didn't see it coming
08:20yes all right ties in his base
08:25are they getting pushed
08:30see somebody up in the air damn
08:35damn all right disco lands misses the pump lands the other
08:45okay okay we we got we got a chill on emoting on people bro clearly the action
08:49was still happening all right nxs
08:54here we go running around shockwave
09:01don't stand with the burst smg it's the pump
09:04it's the mammoth barely survives but gets the kill
09:082am mr putz
09:12here we go here we go i hear the uh the kneecapper
09:15it's a 1v1 situation he's got it too
09:22he's got the kneecapper as well it's lebron james on the low ground no it's
09:26not that's not the lebron skin
09:29that's the golf chick skin
09:32come on brother show me some full box oh that's nasty
09:40that's nasty all right guff they're bullying them in their own base
09:47guff gets the pump it's 4v1 he's got the exact exotic rpg is he
09:54gonna use it he's using it it's still 4v1 you guys are
10:00bullying them hold up what's going on here
10:05brother this is not a clip man it was a 4v1 both fights
10:09but i respect i respect the aggression all right dom
10:14using the exotic rpg with the exotic sniper oh my god nasty do party hips
10:21what don't forget to like and all right hey
10:25buddy oh
10:28you found this little guy hiding in the base i'm done
10:34i'm done oh you're bullying your own friend that's crazy
10:38all right blitz
10:41oh my god
10:45shockwaves quick scopes in the head oh my god
10:50bro bro stood in disbelief
10:54wait you're shockwaving your own teammate
10:58that's toxic bro you're setting up in a storm bro that's toxic
11:03okay bro we're gonna have to vault this rpg if you keep doing this bro
11:10that's messed up
11:14bro he spends the whole game doing this all right chris thermal scope
11:22pistol exotic
11:25hold on
11:28that didn't even make any sense all right edits
11:32he's on the high ground
11:35anybody shooting him out nope another thermal scope
11:40i keep seeing the thermal scope
11:46hit him with it hit him with it
11:54bro come on man do you have you have the
11:57mythic kinetic blade too you could have saved yourself
12:00all right skiff mammoth time nice
12:07oh okay okay rosanne shots
12:13all right bro's in the gulag he just pickaxe an afk player
12:18but he's going on a little edit streak right here
12:24why are we singing that did bro clip two people that were afk and submitted it as
12:28a clip are we are we serious bando pk we're on the right here
12:35we're sneaking up on the red team we're crouch walking up they can't see us
12:40because we're crouch walking
12:43oh no they have no idea
12:47they have no idea
12:51come on bro hit the shot bro bro come on what's taking you so long
12:59oh come on you could have gotten two you could have gotten two man come on
13:05hey mothy who's bro clipping
13:14you have the cyber pk skin on you got to do well here bro
13:17oh the no scope to the back with the lawless heavy impact sniper
13:25all right leo
13:27dang everybody's using the new exotic snipers it's actually kind of sick
13:32oh no oh no
13:39skiv shockwave to take the person's roof
13:43double head it down one pump i can see it coming from a mile away because i'm an
13:47og solomon last clip
13:51oh okay oh a little bit of fall damage but
13:59gets the finish anyways ladies and gentlemen i'm going to
14:02be doing another one of these episodes where i review the
14:06best clips from rocket wars any good clips that you have on this map
14:11be sure to save it once we open up the clip channel again for you guys can
14:15submit it just go search cypher pk and fortnite
14:18creative or just use this map code right over here
14:21go play rocket wars and best of luck if you're going for the vbucks
14:24or the playstation 5 that giveaway is live right now
14:27and it's live this entire month
