• 20 hours ago
Today I went through 8 of the most loved and most hated fortnite weapons of all time. Let me know if there's any I forgot... Enjoy!

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#fortnite #sypherpk #season2
00:00Fortnite has a lot of different weapons.
00:03Some of them people love and some of them people hate.
00:06So today I've put together a list
00:07of the eight most loved weapons and the eight most hated.
00:11And we're gonna start with hated weapon number one,
00:14the crossbow.
00:15This was added early in chapter one
00:18and people were pretty excited for an alternate way
00:21to kind of snipe people, but it was terrible.
00:24It was part of a Valentine's Day update
00:26and the blue and purple one only did 75 and 79 damage,
00:30but that wasn't even the worst part.
00:32Hitting a shot with this crossbow was nearly impossible.
00:35It had a different bullet travel
00:37compared to the sniper rifle, so nobody was used to it.
00:40And it only did one structure damage,
00:42meaning you could not break any builds using this crossbow.
00:45You also had to pull the bow back
00:47every single time you shot, which was awkward
00:50and made it very, very slow and clunky.
00:52As a result, people barely picked this up
00:54and it was pretty much a meme weapon.
00:56But in chapter one, we had a very loved weapon
00:58that we haven't seen in a very long time.
01:01Loved weapon number one is the guided missile launcher.
01:04The amount of clips and moments this one weapon created
01:07back in chapter one was insane.
01:09It was extremely unique.
01:10You got to control a rocket
01:12that shot out of the guided missile launcher,
01:14leaving your character behind,
01:16but then you can track and find your opponents,
01:18sending the rocket straight into them.
01:20It was kind of powerful because back then,
01:21people didn't really know how to build,
01:23so it was easy to land the rocket
01:24on them every single time.
01:26But that's not where the weapon really shined
01:28because you could actually use this guided rocket
01:30and rocket ride your teammates or even yourself.
01:34Yes, that's right.
01:35You could rocket ride your teammates or yourself
01:37with the guided missile launcher,
01:39creating some insane moments and awesome clips.
01:42The rocket itself also did a hundred damage,
01:44so getting hit with this thing was pretty serious.
01:47But now we go on to hated weapon number two.
01:49And even though NickA30 loves this weapon,
01:51I got to put some hate on the lever action shotgun.
01:55The thing about this weapon is it replaced the pump.
01:58So when you remove the pump shotgun
02:00and replace it with a weapon
02:01that is as weak as the lever action,
02:03people are going to hate it just a little bit extra.
02:05The damage drop off on this gun is insane.
02:07It's only ever useful in super close quarter.
02:10And honestly, it doesn't do that much damage.
02:12Sure, it shoots pretty fast,
02:14but when this was added to the game,
02:16there was no zero build.
02:17So all the fights were like box fights and build fights.
02:20The fact that it's shot faster
02:21didn't really help it too much.
02:23It doesn't really have an identity.
02:25You know, the pump shoots hard, but slow,
02:28and the tac shoots fast, but has medium damage.
02:30This thing has medium damage and it's slower than the tac.
02:33So I don't know what's going on here.
02:35But let's talk about loved weapon number two,
02:37a shotgun that did it well.
02:39The purple tac, an OG classic weapon.
02:42This thing did an insane amount of damage.
02:45And if you weren't good with landing your pump shots,
02:48you were going to go for the tactical shotgun.
02:50I remember back in chapter one,
02:51you were either a pump shotgun player
02:53or a tactical shotgun player.
02:54Like people actually chose which one they preferred.
02:57And the tactical shotgun could keep up with the pump
02:59in terms of damage.
03:00Sure, you didn't have the one pump capabilities,
03:03but it did a lot of damage.
03:04And it was something that you could pick up over the pump
03:07and you wouldn't be wrong for doing that.
03:09But now we've got to talk about hated weapon number three.
03:11This one's actually recent.
03:13The Typhoon Blade, I'm not going to lie.
03:15The animations on this thing, the movement,
03:17it's all very cool, very anime-esque.
03:20And initially I was like, yeah, this is a cool weapon.
03:22But once people start swinging at you with the Typhoon Blade
03:26and they're really close to you,
03:27their character is jumping all over the place,
03:30making it impossible for you to hit a shot.
03:32There were so many deaths that happened
03:34where I have somebody one shot,
03:35they pull out the Typhoon Blade, start spamming it,
03:37and I just can't land a shot.
03:39And I'm sure that has happened to you guys.
03:40I will say a good example of how a melee weapon
03:43should look like when they are attacking you
03:45is the new baseball bat in chapter six, season two,
03:48because the animation is not over the top,
03:50but I think they learned a valuable lesson
03:52with the animation of the Typhoon Blade,
03:54because people were really hating on this thing,
03:56especially towards the end of chapter six, season one.
03:58And now for loved weapon number three,
04:01the Mythic Havoc Shotgun.
04:03Now, people sometimes complain
04:05when a weapon is too overpowered.
04:07This was one instance where a very overpowered weapon
04:10was actually loved.
04:11The ability to hit 250 headshot damage
04:15kind of reminded us of the OG chapter one pumps
04:18that used to also hit for 250 headshot damage.
04:21So we kind of felt like it was the OG pump,
04:24but re-skinned in a new way.
04:25It was the first shotgun that could also one pump players
04:28who were in zero build, because of course in zero build,
04:30you have the 50 overshield,
04:32and that's what made it very, very powerful,
04:34because even if you miss the headshot
04:36and you just hit them in the body,
04:37you were hitting them for like 116 damage,
04:39which is a little ridiculous,
04:40but that didn't stop people from loving it.
04:42The next hated weapon is a no brainer.
04:45The hated weapon number four is the charge SMG.
04:47The whole point of an SMG is it's supposed to be quick.
04:50You're supposed to be able to shoot people fast,
04:52reload fast.
04:53This thing required you to charge the gun before using it,
04:57making it the worst SMG Fortnite ever added,
04:59let alone maybe the worst weapon Fortnite ever added period.
05:02It took forever to charge up,
05:03and once you started shooting the charged up bullets,
05:07there was so much recoil,
05:08it was very hard to even land the shots that you charged up.
05:11It just looked absolutely silly
05:12if you shot somebody with a pump shotgun
05:14and then pulled out the charge SMG,
05:15and then you had to wait half a second to a second
05:17so you could charge up some of the bullets to shoot.
05:20It also only did 17 damage.
05:21This thing was not a damage dealing gun,
05:24but a gun that did do a decent amount of damage
05:26was loved weapon number four, the Stark Industries Rifle.
05:30This thing was amazing for getting surge,
05:32for tagging people across the map.
05:34It was super accurate,
05:35and it was one of our first weapons
05:37that had like two different modes.
05:39If you aim down sight,
05:40you were gonna shoot slow, hard hitting shots.
05:43If you hip fired with it,
05:45it was gonna shoot a lot faster,
05:46making it kind of like a AR-SMG combo.
05:49It was the best assault rifle during chapter two season four,
05:52and it was very similar to the infantry rifle,
05:54which a lot of people really liked.
05:56Now, next up is hated weapon number five.
05:58Again, a very useless weapon that let us all down,
06:02the kinetic boomerang.
06:04You see, we had the kinetic hammer, which was insane.
06:07We had the kinetic blade, a good successor to the hammer.
06:10We were expecting something crazy with the boomerang,
06:12maybe the ability to teleport
06:14to where the boomerang was thrown,
06:15maybe the ability to pull people towards you,
06:17maybe a ton of damage.
06:19This thing had none of that.
06:20You threw the boomerang, it tracks players,
06:22did only 60 damage of throwing it.
06:25It was clunky, it took too long.
06:2799% of the time, this thing was not practical to use.
06:30And I'm sure it's a weapon that has the least amount
06:32of total eliminations all time on Fortnite,
06:35just right next to the charge SMG, but probably even less.
06:38But a weapon I know has a lot of kills,
06:40this loved weapon number five, the gold scar.
06:43An absolute classic.
06:44This thing was a beast when they first added it
06:46with a 97 headshot damage, of course.
06:49Now the thing is, they almost kind of ruined
06:52the legacy of the scar, because you remember back
06:54in chapter three, they brought the scar back
06:57and it dropped in green and blue rarity,
06:59and even in purple and legendary, but something was off.
07:02This wasn't the same gun that we had back in chapter one.
07:05The stats were different, the accuracy was different,
07:08and the blue and green scar just wasn't hitting.
07:10But people started saying that the scar was actually washed
07:13and the hammer assault rifle was much better
07:15and made the scar look useless.
07:17But with the return of Fortnite OG, we were proven wrong.
07:20Scar is still one of the best assault rifles in Fortnite.
07:23It still does a ton of damage,
07:25especially with the old headshot multiplier,
07:27which is where the scar thrived
07:29and what we have in current Fortnite OG.
07:31It's also one of the most iconic weapons of all of Fortnite
07:34and people even outside of Fortnite know about this weapon.
07:37Now for hated weapon number six,
07:39and I know some of you controller players
07:41and console players might not agree with this one.
07:43I don't care.
07:44Every DMR.
07:45I couldn't pick one.
07:47Every DMR.
07:48These things were bad.
07:49I would rather have a sniper or any assault rifle
07:52than a DMR.
07:53Sure, if you hit a couple of headshots with this thing,
07:55it was gonna do some damage, and yeah,
07:57maybe the one from chapter five,
07:58which you could put a bunch of attachments on
08:00was somewhat useful because of the attachments,
08:02but at the end of the day, what are we doing here?
08:04This thing is not a sniper or an assault rifle.
08:07It doesn't do the job of either one.
08:09It is just mediocre and average.
08:11I've only ever seen console players
08:12hit a decent amount of shots with this thing
08:15because I guess the aim assist on it is very strong,
08:17but that's it.
08:17I hate it when they're in the loot pool
08:19and yeah, I'm the DMR's number one hater.
08:22But now we gotta talk about a weapon
08:23that mouse and keyboard players love
08:25and controller and console players love.
08:27The mammoth pistol.
08:28Loved weapon number six.
08:29This is an instant classic.
08:31People loved it as soon as it was added.
08:33It literally saved an entire season of Fortnite.
08:35That's right, chapter four, season three
08:37was an absolute disaster.
08:39And this one weapon managed to save it.
08:41Insane damage, very accurate, fun to use.
08:45They added it to reload
08:45and people were going feral for it.
08:47Now we have a mythic version of it and it goes crazy too.
08:50Everyone loves this gun.
08:52And of course they brought it back to Battle Royale
08:54for a reason, because we all love it.
08:56And now for another disappointment.
08:58Hated weapon number seven.
09:00The paper bomb kunai.
09:02You know, you think about the mythic items
09:04that Fortnite added for Dragon Ball Z
09:06with the cloud and the Kamehameha.
09:09You think about the Gojo Collab.
09:11Think about the Jujutsu Kaisen and the My Hero Academia.
09:14All those mythics were so powerful, so OP.
09:17And then you have a anime like Naruto,
09:20which has some of the most iconic attacks in all of anime.
09:23The Rasengan, the Shidori, the Shadow Clone Jutsu.
09:27And you give us the paper bomb kunai,
09:30but you make it so bad.
09:3235 damage, 35 explosive damage.
09:34This thing was so bad.
09:36It was slow.
09:37Nobody got a kill with it.
09:39And it was a disgrace to one of the best animes ever.
09:42I'm sorry, man.
09:43They gotta do Naruto right, bro.
09:45They gotta bring back some Naruto skins,
09:47bring us some new Naruto skins.
09:48We want Madara, bring in some new skins
09:51and give us a mythic Naruto weapon
09:53that we can all be happy with.
09:55Now they don't always fumble the collabs
09:56because loved weapon number seven.
09:58One of the most loved collab items in Fortnite
10:02is the Spider-Man web shooters.
10:03Now I know this isn't really a weapon,
10:05but I had to include it because this thing was perfect.
10:08You were swinging around as Spider-Man,
10:11better than actual Spider-Man games.
10:13You felt like you were playing a completely different game.
10:15Fortnite really showed us that they were different.
10:17It had 80 charges, so you could use it the entire match.
10:20And it was actually balanced.
10:22Sure, swinging a Spider-Man was a little powerful,
10:24but if you got shot while you were swinging,
10:26you would fall and take fall damage.
10:27So they actually managed to make a very, very unique item,
10:31very powerful, but also very balanced.
10:33And now for the final hated weapon,
10:35hated weapon number eight, all the makeshift weapons.
10:38That's right.
10:39All the makeshift weapons were bad.
10:41Chapter two, season six, primal.
10:44Makeshift weapons obviously weren't meant to be used
10:47because you had to find parts and upgrade them.
10:49But having to fight in the early game
10:51with a makeshift submachine gun or a makeshift rifle,
10:54or God forbid, like the makeshift pistol, this was horrible.
10:58Nobody wanted that.
10:59Worst weapons, worst stats, inaccurate.
11:02No first-person accuracy.
11:03The only thing they were good for
11:04is doing a challenge video where you try to win
11:06with only the makeshift weapons.
11:07Besides that, thumbs down from me.
11:10But now for loved weapon number eight.
11:12This is probably one of the most overpowered items
11:15ever added to Fortnite, but we still loved it
11:18regardless of how overpowered it was.
11:20Because you know what?
11:20It was supposed to be overpowered.
11:22Loved weapon number eight is the Infinity Gauntlet.
11:25This was iconic.
11:26We got to turn into Thanos and drop a 30 bomb
11:30on the defaults.
11:31This happened early in chapter one.
11:32Marvel and Fortnite collab happened so early,
11:35we knew Fortnite was a different kind of game.
11:37We knew it was gonna be something special.
11:40200 shield, 500 health.
11:41You get to fly around and jump as Thanos.
11:44You would regen your health on kills,
11:46making you a walking boss.
11:48This is back when everybody sucked.
11:50So when you turned to Thanos,
11:51you were getting 10, 15, 20, 30 kills very easily.
11:54One of the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.
11:56Let me know if you guys agree or disagree with this list.
11:59Even if you agree or disagree,
12:00make sure you like and subscribe.
12:01I'll see you in the next one.