00:00In the verse of the Holy Qur'an, the glory of Ramadan, Ramadan, Ramadan
00:30Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Maliki Yawm Al-Deen, Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
00:40Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema, Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim, Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim, Maladdalin
00:55Inna Lanansuru Rusulana Walladhina Amanu Fi Alhayati Al-Dunya Wa Yawma Yaqoomu Al-Ashhaad
01:08Yawma La Yanfa'u Al-Dhalimeen Ma'zeeratuhum Walahumu Al-La'natu Walahum Suu'u Al-Daar
01:18Walaqad Aataynaa Moosa Al-Huda Wa Awratna Bani Israel Al-Kitaba Hudan Wa Dhikraa Li-Uli Al-Albaab
01:29Fasbir Inna Wa'da Allahi Haqqum Wastaghfir Li-Dhanbika Wasabbih Bi Hamdi Rabbika Bil-Ashayi Wal-Ibkaar
01:42Inna Al-Ladhina Yujadiluna Fi Ayati Allahi Bighayri Sultanin Ataahum In Fi Sudurihim Illa Kibarun Ma Hum Bi Balighihi Fasta'idh Bil-Lahi Inna Hu Huwa As-Sami'u Al-Basir
02:00La Khalku As-Samawati Wal-Ardi Akbaru Min Khalki Al-Nasi Walakinna Akthara Al-Nasi La Ya'alamun
02:09Wa Ma Yastawi Al-A'la Wa Al-Basiru Wa Al-Ladhina Amanu Wa Amilu As-Salihati Wa La Al-Musi'u Qaleelan Ma Tatadakkarun
02:20Inna As-Sa'ata La Aatiyatun La Rayba Fiha Walakinna Akthara Al-Nasi La Yu'minun
02:28Wa Qala Rabbukumu Da'uni Astajibalakum Inna Al-Ladhina Yastakbiruna Ain Ibadati Sayadakhuluna Jahannama Daakhireen
02:44Allahu Akbar
02:52Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
02:56Allahu Akbar
03:05Allahu Akbar
03:09Allahu Akbar
03:13Allahu Akbar
03:27Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
03:30Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
03:31Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
03:33Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
03:38Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Maladdalleen
03:53Allah Al-Ladhi Ja'ala Lakumu Al-Layla Litaskunu Feehi Wal-Nahara Mubasiraan
04:01Inna Allaha Lathoo Fadlin Ala Al-Nasi Walakinna Akthara Al-Nasi La Yashkuroon
04:09Zalikumu Allahu Rabbukum Khaaliqul Kulli Shay'in La Ilaha Illa Huwa Fa'anna Tu'fakoon
04:18Kathalika Yu'fako Alladhina Kanoo Bi-Ayati Allahi Yajhadoon
04:23Allah Al-Ladhi Ja'ala Lakumu Al-Arda Qaraaran Wa As-Sama'a Bina'an Wa Sawwarakum Fa Ahsana Sawarakum Wa Razaqakum Minat Tayyibat
04:38Zalikumu Allahu Rabbukum Fatabarakallahu Rabbul Alameen
04:44Huwa Al-Hayyu La Ilaha Illa Huwa Fada'uhu Mukhlistina Lakuddina Al-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
04:53Qul Inni Nuhiytu An A'abuda Alladhina Tad'uuna Min Dooni Allahi Lamma Ja'ani Al-Bayyinatu Min Rabbi Wa Umirtu An Uslima Li Rabbil Alameen
05:11Huwa Al-Hayyu La Wa Umirtu An Uslima Li Rabbil Alameen
05:17Huwa Alladhi Khalaqakum Min Turabin Thumma Min Nuqafatin Thumma Min Alaqatin Thumma Yukhrijukum Tiflan Thumma Litablughu Ashuddakum Thumma Litakoonu Shuyukha
05:37Wa Minkum Man Yutawaffa Min Qablu Wa Litablughu Yusalam Musamman Wa La'allakum Ta'qinoon
05:48Huwa Alladhi Yuhyi Wa Yumeet Fa Idha Qada Amran Fa Innama Yaqoolu Lahukum Fayakoon
06:00Allahu Akbar
06:11Sami'Allahu Liman Humeedah
06:15Allahu Akbar
06:23Allahu Akbar
06:27Allahu Akbar
06:36Allahu Akbar
06:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
07:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
07:56Allahu Akbar
08:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
08:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
09:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
09:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
09:59As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:02As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:05As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:08As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:11As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:14As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:17As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:20As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:23As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:29As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:32As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:35As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:38As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:41As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:44As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:47As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:50As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:53As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
10:59As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:02As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:05As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:08As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:11As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:14As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:17As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:20As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:23As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:29As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:32As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:35As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:38As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
11:41Allah is the greatest
11:44Allah is the greatest
11:53Allah is the greatest
11:57Allah is the greatest
12:00Allah is the greatest
12:06Allah is the greatest
12:14All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, the Beneficent, the Merciful,
12:18Master of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
12:24Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed.
12:29Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have blessed.
12:45Tanzilun Min Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
12:51Kitabun Wa Fussilat Ayatuhu Quranan Arabiyan Li Qawmin Ya'lamun Bashiran Wa Nadheera
12:58Fa A'raba Aksaruhum Fahum La Yasma'oon
13:02Wa Qaal
13:03Qawwubuna Fi Akinnatin Mimma Tad'uuna Ilayhi Wa Fi A'dhanina Wa Qarun
13:13Wa Min Bainina Wa Bainika Hijabun Fa'amal Inna Na'ami
13:19Inna Ana Basharun Mislukum Youha Ilayha Anna Ma Ilahukum Ilahum Wahid
13:28Fa Istaqeemu Ilayhi Wa Istaqfiruhu Wa Wainun Lil Mushrikeen
13:35Inna Al-Ladhina Ya'atuna Al-Zaqata Wa Qafiratihum Kafirun
13:41Inna Al-Ladhina Amanu Wa Amiru As-Saliha Illa Huwa Mamnun
13:51Allah Akbar
13:59Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
14:03Allah Akbar
14:11Allah Akbar
14:14Allah Akbar
14:23Allah Akbar
14:40As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
15:10Jorme? Jorme?
15:40Allahu Akbar
16:56Qalat Sa'i'een
17:03Faqadahunna Saba'a Sama'a Yawmayni Ba'uhaa Fi Kulli Sama'i Al-Amraha
17:11Inna As-Sama'a Al-Dunyaa Bimasabiha Wa Hifza
17:17Thalika Taqadeer
17:20Fa'in A'aradu Fa-Qul Anzartukum Sa'iqatan Minhum Wa Thamud
17:28Idh Ja'atuhum Thalfihim Al-La Ta'budu Illa Allah
17:39Qaloo Law Sha'a Rabbuna La Anzal Malatan Fa'inna Bima Ursildum Bihi Kafirun
17:53Allah Akbar
18:02Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
18:06Allahu Akbar
18:14Allahu Akbar
18:18Allahu Akbar
18:27Allahu Akbar
18:32Allahu Akbar
18:35Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Al-Rahman Al-Raheem Maliki Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
18:43Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Latheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Walad-Dalileen
18:56Fa'ammaa Aadun Nafasatun Bil-Ardi Bighayri Al-Haqqi Wa Qaloo Man Ashaddu Minna Quwah
19:07Wa Ashaddu Minhum Quwah
19:09Wa Kanoo Bi Ayatina Yaj'
19:12Farsalna Alayhim Reehan Sarsaran Fi Ayyamin Nahisatin Linuthiqahum Azaba Al-Khizi Fil Hayati Al-Dunya Wala Azaba Al-Akhirati Akhza Wa Hum La Yunsaroon
19:33Wa Ammaa Thamudu Fa Hadaynakum Fastahabbul Amaa Ala Al-Hudaa Fa Aqadathum Sa'iqatu Al-Azabi Al-Hoon Bimaa Kanoo Yaksiboon
19:44Wa Najjaina Al-Ladheena Amanoo Wa Kanoo Yattaqoon
19:51Allahu Akbar
19:53Allahu Akbar
20:02Allahu Akbar
20:05Allahu Akbar
20:14Allahu Akbar
20:18Allahu Akbar
20:48As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
21:09Subhanadil Mulki Wal Malakuti Subhanadil Izzati Wal Azamati Wal Haibati Wal Qudrati Wal Kibriya'i Wal Jabarut
21:19Subhanal Maliki Al-Hayyi Al-Ladhi La Yanamu Wa La Yamut
21:24Subboohun Wa Quddusun Rabbuna Wa Rabbul Mala'ikati Wal Ruuh
21:31Allahumma Adirna Minan Naar
21:35Ya Mudeer Ya Mudeer Ya Mudeer
21:40Salat Bar Muhammad Sallallahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam
22:05Salat Bar Muhammad Sallallahu Ta'ala Alayhi Wa Sallam
22:28Allahu Akbar
22:37Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
22:41Maliki Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
22:46Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
22:51Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim Maladdallin
23:00Wa Yawma Yuhsharu A'da'u Allah Ila Al-Nari Fahum Yus'a'oon
23:06Hatta Itha Ma Ja'uha Shahida Alayhim Sam'uhum Wa Abasaruhum Wa Julooduhum Bima Kanoo Ya'amaloon
23:18Wa Qaloo Lijuloodihim Lima Shahittum Alayna
23:22Qaloo Antaqana Allahu Alladhi Antaqa Kulla Shay'in Wahuwa Khalaqakum Awwala Marratin Wa Ilayhi Turja'oon
23:34Wa Ma Kuntum Tastatiroon An Yash'ada Alaykum Samuhukum Wala Abasarukum Wala Juloodukum
23:41Walakin Zalantum Anna Allaka La Ya'lamu Katheeran Mimma Ta'amaloon
23:48Wathalikum Zallukum Alladhi Zanantum Bi Rabbikum Ardakum Fa Asbahtum Mina Al-Khasirin
23:56Fa'in Yasbiru Fa'n-Narumathman Lakum Wa'in Yasta'atibu Fa Ma'kum Mina Al-Mu'tabin
24:04Wa Qayyadna Lakum Qurana'a Fa Sayyanu Lakum Ma Baina Aydihim Ma Ma Khalfahum
24:12Wa Haqqa Alayhimu Al-Qawlu Fi Umamin Qad Khalat Min Qablihim Mina Al-Jinn Wa Al-Ins
24:21Innahum Kanoo Khasireen
24:27Allahu Akbar
24:37Sami'Allahu Liman Hamida
24:41Allahu Akbar
24:49Allahu Akbar
24:53Allahu Akbar
24:56Allahu Akbar
25:03Allahu Akbar
25:10Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
25:12Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
25:14Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
25:15Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
25:18Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
25:20Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta
25:22Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdubi
25:25Alayhim Al-Ad-Dallin
25:34Wa Qala Al-Ladhina Kafaru La Tasma'u Li Hadha Al-Qur'aani Wa Al-Ghawfi
25:39La'Allakum Taghlibu'un
25:41Falanudhiqanna Al-Ladhina Kafaru Azaban Shadeedan
25:46Walanajaziyannakum Aswa' Al-Ladhi Kanoo Ya'amalun
25:50Zalika Jazaa'u A'da'illahun Naaru Lakum Feehaa Daaru Al-Khuld
25:59Jazaa'am Bima Kanoo Bi'Ayaatina Yajahadun
26:06Wa Qala Al-Ladhina Kafaru Rabbana Alina Al-Ladhayni Adallana Minal Jinni Wal-Insin
26:14Ja'alhuma Tahti'a Qadamina Liyakuna Minal Asfalin
26:19Inna Al-Ladhina Qaloo Rabbuna Allahu Thumma Astaqamu Tatanazzalu Alayhimu Al-Malaikatu
26:28Al-La Takhafu Wa La Tahsanu Wa Abashiru Bil-Jannati Al-Lati Kuntum Tuwa'adun
26:39Nahnu Awliya'ukum Fi Al-Hayati Al-Dunya Wa Fi Al-'Aqirah
26:45Walakum Feehaa Ma Tashtahi Anfusukum Walakum Feehaa Ma Tadda'un
26:54Nuzulan Min Ghafoori Al-Rahim
27:00Allahu Akbar
27:08Sami'Allahu Liman Hamida
27:12Allahu Akbar
27:20Allahu Akbar
27:24Allahu Akbar
27:30Allahu Akbar
28:00Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah
28:04Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah
28:38Allahu Akbar
28:41Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
28:52Maliki Yawmi Al-Deen
28:54Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
28:57Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
28:59Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
29:02Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim
29:04Wala Ad-Dallin
29:13Wa Man Ahsanu Qawlam Min Man Da'a Ila Allah Wa Amila Salihan
29:20Wa Qala Inni Mina Al-Muslimin
29:24Wa La Tastabil Hasanatu Wala Al-Sayyi'ah
29:27Idfa'u Bil-Latihi Ya Ahsan
29:30Fa Idha Al-Ladhi Bainaka Wa Bainaku Adabatun Ka Anahu Waleehun Hamim
29:38Wa Ma Yulqaha Illa Al-Ladhina Sabarun
29:43Wa Ma Yulqaha Illa Duhu Haqqin Azim
29:49Wa Imma Yansakannaka Mina As-Shaytaani Nazgul
29:54Fa Ista'idh Bil-Lahi Innahu Huwa As-Samee'u Al-Aleem
30:00Wa Min Ayatihi Al-Laylu Wal-Nagharu Wa Al-Shamsu Wal-Qamar
30:04La Tasjudu Li Al-Shamsi Wala Al-Qamar
30:07Wa Asjudu Li Allahi Al-Ladhi Khalaqakun In Kuntum Iyahu Ta'budun
30:14Fa In Istakbaru Fa Al-Ladhina Inda Rabbika Yusabbihuna Laghuu Bil-Layli Wal-Naghari Wa Hum La Yas'amun
30:26Allah is the Greatest
30:37Allah is the Greatest
30:43Wa Min Ayatihi An-Nakataral-Arda Khashiatan Fa Idha Anzalna Alayhi Al-Maa Ahtazzat Wa Rabat
30:55Inna Al-Ladhi Ahyaaghaa Lamuhyi Al-Mawtaa Inna Huwa Ala Kulli Shay'in Qadeer
31:03Inna Al-Ladhina Yulhiduna Fi Ayatinaa La Yakhfawna Alaynaa
31:09Afa Man Yulqaa Finnaa Li Khayrun An Man Ya'ti Aminaan Yawma Al-Qiyamah
31:16I'malu Ma Shaitum Inna Huw Bima Ta'maluna Baseer
31:21Inna Al-Ladhina Kafaru Bil-Dhikri Lamma Ja'ahum Wa Inna Huw La Kitaabun Azeez
31:28La Ya'tihi Al-Baatilu Min Baini Yadaihi Wala Min Khalfihi Tansilun Min Hakimin Hameed
31:39Allah is the Greatest
31:47Allah has heard those who praise Him
31:51Allah is the Greatest
31:59Allah is the Greatest
32:03Allah is the Greatest
32:12Allah is the Greatest
32:19Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
32:22Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
32:24Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
32:25Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
32:28Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
32:30Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
32:33Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim
32:41Ma Yuqalu Laka Illa Ma Qad Qeela
32:44Lil-Rasul Min Qabalika
32:46Inna Rabbika Lathoo Maghfiratin Wathoo Iqaabin Alim
32:50Walaw Ja'alnaahu Qur'aanan A'jamiyan
32:53La Qalu Law La Fussilat Ayatuh
32:56A'jamiyun Wa Arabiyun
32:59Qul Huwa Lil-Ladhina Amanu Hudan Wa Shifa
33:04Wal-Ladhina La Yu'minuna Fi Aadhanihim Waqarun
33:08Wa Huwa Alayhim Aman Ula'iga Yunadaun Min Makaanin Ba'eed
33:19Wa Laqad Aataynaa Moosa Al-Kitaab Fa Akhtulifa Feeh
33:23Walaw La Kalimatun Sabaqat Min Rabbika La Qudiya Bainakum
33:27Wa Innahum La Fi Shakkin Minhum Mureeb
33:32Man Amila Salihin Fa Linafsihi Waman Asa'afa Alayha
33:39Wa Ma Rabbuka Bi Zallamin Lil'Abiid
33:46Allahu Akbar
33:54Sami'Allahu Liman Hamida
33:58Allahu Akbar
34:03Allahu Akbar
34:08Allahu Akbar
34:15Allahu Akbar
34:32As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
34:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
35:26As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
35:56As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
36:21And this is the last Taraweeh of the second ten days of this blessed Ramadan.
36:28And it is Friday night as well.
36:32And from tomorrow, the fortunate ones will be in the mosques to attain the happiness of I'tikaf throughout the world.
36:46Here as well, according to the tradition, approximately 2000 people will attain the happiness of I'tikaf.
37:01And they will come from all over the country and perhaps some people will come from other countries as well.
37:14And they will be our guests for ten or nine days.
37:21So, I always request the Salafis and the regular locals here that
37:37For the past three hundred and fifty days, you have been looting and plundering blessings according to your own will.
37:51But for these nine or ten nights and days,
37:57For your new guests,
38:01Give some space to your hearts and give some space to your places as well.
38:11And the weather is also like that of a drought.
38:18That is why the weather outside is very good.
38:21So, you all feel very good in the open air outside.
38:27So, with the advice of the administration of the Darbar Sharif,
38:32We will offer the Taraweeh outside as well, Inshallah.
38:38So, there will be a lot of crowd. Obviously, there is enough space behind.
38:43But at that time as well, I request all of you to cooperate and love each other.
38:51And tomorrow, Shabina will also start from Taqrat.
38:57And we have arranged Shabina in the area of the mosque.
39:04Those of you who want to hear Shabina,
39:08At least, those of you who are Mutaqif should listen to Shabina.
39:15So, there will be Taqrat of the first and last ten days.
39:18So, for them, we have arranged it in the hall,
39:22So that those who want to listen to it, can go inside the hall.
39:26The rest of the people, according to their nature, can continue their affairs.
39:32The purpose of telling this is that,
39:34We should maintain the order, order and love for each other.
39:42Another arrangement is that,
39:44Since we have to start with Shabina,
39:48Son, sit down.
39:51Good boy.
39:55Qari sahib, look at them.
39:57Since the time is appropriate,
40:05So, for this reason,
40:07The Qal Parah that we have to recite for the 25th time,
40:10We will present some of its Tafseer and some other things today.
40:13Because in Taqrat, due to the beginning of Shabina,
40:16We collect the Tafseer of the Quran in two days.
40:20So, today we have recited the 24th Parah.
40:24And tomorrow, with Allah's permission,
40:26We will have the opportunity to recite the 25th Parah.
40:29In which, there will be many Surahs and their subjects will be discussed.
40:36Surah Az-Zumar, which we recited yesterday,
40:41And the rest of the Surahs that we have recited today,
40:44In that, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned the truthfulness of the Quran,
40:48The light of Islam,
40:51And the end of the disbelievers,
40:54And along with this,
40:56The arguments of Tawheed,
40:58And the one who adopts Taqwa,
41:04What will be his good end?
41:08His end will be in the form of punishment,
41:13And in the form of hell,
41:15Which we have mentioned earlier,
41:17It has been mentioned here.
41:20And in the end,
41:22The dialogue,
41:26And the situation and the scenario,
41:29Of the hell-bound and the fortunate,
41:32Of the people of Paradise,
41:34Allah has mentioned this,
41:37And has concluded this Surah.
41:40May Allah grant us,
41:42And may He grant us the good fortune of going to Paradise,
41:45And may He protect us from His punishment,
41:48With His grace and the blessings of Ramadan Mubarak.
41:53In Surah Momin,
41:55Again, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
41:57Has mentioned His promise,
41:59His glorious statement,
42:01And the Day of Judgement.
42:03He has mentioned Moses,
42:05And the Pharaoh,
42:08And the other statements,
42:10Of his court,
42:12And of his dialogue,
42:14Which took place between Moses,
42:16And the Pharaoh,
42:18Is mentioned here.
42:20Once again, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
42:22Has mentioned the arguments of Tauheed,
42:24That Allah is the One,
42:26Who has created the Earth and the Heavens,
42:28The Lord of the Universe is the One,
42:30Who has created the Night and the Day,
42:32He has made the Night as a means of rest,
42:34And the Day as a means of sustenance,
42:36He has made the Day as a means of rest,
42:38And the Heavens as a means of sustenance,
42:40Allah is the One,
42:42Who will always be alive,
42:44And He will raise everyone on the Day of Judgement,
42:48He is the Lord of the Universe,
42:50Who created man from clay,
42:52And then the sperm,
42:54And then the flesh,
42:56From the womb of the mother,
42:58He is the Lord of the Universe,
43:00Who made you young,
43:02And He is the One,
43:04Who makes you alive,
43:06And He is the One,
43:08Who will give you death.
43:10In Surah Hameem Al-Sajdah,
43:12Allah, the Lord of Glory,
43:14Has mentioned the arguments of
43:18That Allah is the One,
43:20Who has created the Earth and the Heavens,
43:22And as I had mentioned in
43:24Surah Yasin Sharif,
43:26Allah, the Lord of Glory,
43:28Has mentioned there as well,
43:30That on the Day of Judgement,
43:32Allah, the Lord of Glory,
43:34Will testify about you,
43:36And it is your misconception,
43:38That perhaps no one is aware of
43:40Your deeds,
43:42So remember,
43:44He is the Knower of the hearts,
43:46He knows the thoughts
43:48That are in your hearts,
43:50Allah, the Lord of Glory,
43:52Knows them as well,
43:54As will be explained further in
43:56Surah Qaf.
43:58In Surah Al-Baqarah,
44:00At the beginning of Surah Shura,
44:02After mentioning the arguments of
44:06It is specifically mentioned that
44:08It is a command of love from
44:12That I do not ask of you any reward
44:14Except that you love one another.
44:16Allah, the Lord of Glory,
44:18Says as a reward for
44:20This promise and this message,
44:22That I do not ask of you anything,
44:24O Beloved, make a declaration,
44:26Except that you love one another,
44:28But I ask of you
44:30The love of Ahl-e-Bayt.
44:32And remember,
44:34Love and affection are two words,
44:36So in simple words,
44:38Where love ends,
44:40Affection begins.
44:44Which if I say,
44:46Not just love from Ahl-e-Bayt,
44:50Love from Ahl-e-Bayt is required.
44:52Not just love from Ahl-e-Bayt,
44:54But above that,
44:56Love from Ahl-e-Bayt is required.
44:58And this is the
45:00Requirement of faith.
45:02Allah, the Lord of Glory,
45:04Has mentioned the attributes of
45:06Those who have faith.
45:08Those who have faith,
45:10The first attribute is that
45:12They avoid great sins.
45:14The second quality is that
45:16They do not commit
45:18Great sins.
45:20The second quality is that
45:22When they are angry,
45:24They do not take revenge,
45:26Rather, they forgive.
45:28They obey Allah's command,
45:30They observe prayer,
45:32And their matters are
45:34Discussed among themselves.
45:38And even if someone commits
45:42If they have to take revenge,
45:44They do so.
45:46They do not commit injustice
45:48But despite this,
45:50Whoever forgives and
45:54Allah says,
45:56His reward is
45:58With Allah, the Lord of Glory.
46:00That is,
46:02For him,
46:04A reward is
46:08In Surah Al-Zukhruf,
46:10The previous Prophets,
46:12While mentioning them,
46:14Prophet Moses,
46:16And their conditions,
46:18And the end of this Surah,
46:20With the mention of
46:22The people of Paradise and Hell,
46:24Allah the Lord of Glory said,
46:26Allah the Lord of Glory,
46:28For the people of Paradise,
46:30The rewards that He has created,
46:32He has mentioned them,
46:34And for the people of Hell,
46:36The punishment and punishment
46:38He has mentioned them.
46:40May Allah protect us from it.
46:42Surah Al-Dukhaan,
46:44The beginning of this Surah,
46:46After Surah Al-Muqattahat,
46:54In its initial verse,
46:58Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:00With the mention of the belief of Tawheed,
47:02According to some commentators,
47:04The 15 nights of Barat,
47:06With reference to it,
47:08While mentioning the revelation of the Quran,
47:10The excellence of it has been mentioned,
47:12Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:14With the mention of Bani Israel,
47:16While mentioning Bani Israel,
47:18At the end of it,
47:20Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:22With His rewards,
47:24Has concluded the Surah of the Quran.
47:26Surah Al-Jasiyah,
47:28Its fundamental subject,
47:30Is the Tawheed and Oneness of Allah the Lord of Glory.
47:32And Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:34Has mentioned in detail,
47:36The proofs of the Oneness of Allah.
47:38And a few other things,
47:40As Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:42Has said,
47:44The earth and the sky are for you,
47:46The seas are for you,
47:48The rewards Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:50Has given to Bani Israel,
47:52Allah the Lord of Glory,
47:54Has mentioned them.
47:56And once again,
47:58Allah the Lord of Glory,
48:00Who has created the earth and the sky,
48:02Who has created the night and the day,
48:04Who has made the rain rain from the sky,
48:06And as a result,
48:08Allah the Lord of Glory,
48:10Who runs the winds,
48:12What does it mean?
48:14It means,
48:16It means,
48:18It means,
48:20It means,
48:22It means,
48:24It means,
48:26It means,
48:28It means,
48:30It means,
48:32It means,
48:34It means,
48:36It means,
48:38It means,
48:40It means,
48:42It means,
48:44It means,
48:46It means,
48:48It means,
48:50It means,
48:52It means,
48:54It means,
48:56It means,
48:58It means,
49:00It means,
49:02It means,
49:04We are sleeping,
49:06But how does the nature
49:08Repair the broken parts of our body?
49:10How does it happen by nature?
49:12And how does the darkness of the night
49:14Affect our mental peace
49:16And our mental health?
49:18And how does it affect
49:20And refresh a person?
49:22This is one of the strange blessings of Allah the Lord of Glory.
49:24And remember this also,
49:26Remember this also,
49:28That the sleep
49:30Coming automatically,
49:32Without taking
49:34Any medicine.
49:36Without taking any medicine.
49:38This is also a strange thing.
49:40A poor, middle class person
49:42A poor, middle class person
49:44Never has to take medicine for sleep.
49:46This is a strange thing.
49:48What do you think?