• 17 hours ago
00:00The most beautiful city of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Makkah, Madinah,
00:09This is the city that makes man.
00:16Ladies and gentlemen, in your best interest, scholars and scholars, today,
00:19the great and honorable, Allah's grace and blessings are being included,
00:24in regards to your personality, in regards to your religious services,
00:27which are included in your other attributes,
00:31there is a very prominent description among them, that is bravery.
00:35So, in regards to Hazrat Ali's bravery, we would like to know from you,
00:41that please shed some light on this.
00:43In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.
00:45You are very brave, and there are many aspects of your life on this,
00:52as a guide, as a guide, for example,
00:55first of all, to have faith in such a dangerous environment,
00:59and to have faith in such a young age.
01:02In some narrations, it is said that your age is 10 years,
01:04some say 8, some say 7 years,
01:06and the scholars have accepted 7 years more,
01:09and in this regard too, that the Prophet commanded a 7 year old child to pray,
01:14so Hazrat Ali came with faith at that time,
01:17as Hazrat Ali actually stated, that the government gave Dawah to everyone,
01:21but no one accepted, so Hazrat Ali stood up,
01:24and the government made him sit,
01:25this happened 2-3 times, and then he took the oath of allegiance.
01:28So, in the 40th year of the life of the Prophet,
01:33at that time, Hazrat Ali was 8 years old, or 10 years,
01:37and then 13 years of life in Mecca,
01:39if we take 10 years, then 23 years,
01:41when you were young,
01:42this means that in that dangerous environment,
01:44someone could have said,
01:45that he was young, so he could not have guessed,
01:48So, it is not that he was young,
01:50and later, God forbid, he changed his mind,
01:53till the age of 23, till his youth,
01:55living in that environment,
01:57and tolerating people's insults,
01:59and this was a danger,
02:00like the Prophet was attacked at times,
02:04and he was given the mercy of an animal,
02:07in the state of prostration,
02:08so he was the enemy of every Muslim,
02:10so this was a matter of courage,
02:12that in this young age,
02:13and in the world of youth,
02:16to stand in front of the disbelievers,
02:18and then the second incident,
02:19which was mentioned by Hazrat Ali,
02:21that the Prophet, peace be upon him,
02:23made him sleep on his bed,
02:25that you stay here,
02:26and in the morning,
02:27hand over your belongings to the people,
02:29now there are two aspects to this,
02:30one is that Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
02:32says that,
02:33when I used to sleep every night,
02:35I used to fear death,
02:37but that night,
02:38I slept very deeply,
02:40because I was absolutely sure,
02:41that I will be alive till morning,
02:43because the Prophet, peace be upon him,
02:45said that in the morning,
02:46hand over your belongings to the people,
02:48but along with that,
02:49there was a state of fear,
02:50the Prophet, peace be upon him,
02:51had gone to sleep,
02:52and Hazrat Ali, may Allah be pleased with him,
02:53was on his bed,
02:54and there were people at the door,
02:55waiting to martyr the Prophet,
02:57and this is a matter of certainty,
02:58that in a state of thoughtlessness,
02:59anything can happen,
03:00no one knows who is sleeping,
03:02to be in that state,
03:04this is a matter of courage,
03:08and in every such battle,
03:10you participated,
03:11and most of the time,
03:12you were ahead,
03:13most of the time,
03:14when you were sent forward,
03:17your duty was,
03:18to be very close to the Prophet,
03:19peace be upon him,
03:20and the people who were closest to you,
03:22who were the most courageous,
03:24the reason was that,
03:25the target of the disbelievers,
03:26was the Prophet, peace be upon him,
03:28he wanted to attack with all his strength,
03:30that if the government,
03:31God forbid,
03:32something happens,
03:33then all of them will stand up,
03:34like in the battle of Uhud,
03:35a rumor spread,
03:36and it even happened,
03:37that the companions,
03:39got scared of that situation,
03:40and attacked from behind,
03:41and it became known,
03:42that the Prophet was martyred,
03:43so this incident happened,
03:44but Hazrat Ali,
03:45in every battle,
03:46when he was sent forward,
03:47he was ahead,
03:48this is also a dangerous situation,
03:50that arrows are coming from the front,
03:52someone is shooting an arrow,
03:53any brave man,
03:54he had a long,
03:55broad wrestler,
03:56he fought against him,
03:57and otherwise,
03:58with the Prophet,
03:59and most of the time,
04:00the companions themselves say,
04:01we used to consider him,
04:02the most courageous,
04:03who used to fight,
04:04being closest to the Prophet,
04:07in the same way,
04:08the issue of Khyber,
04:09that the Prophet,
04:10sent many companions,
04:12and they did not win,
04:13I am not saying,
04:14that God forbid,
04:15they were less courageous,
04:16but it is true,
04:17that there should have been,
04:18another man,
04:19who was more courageous,
04:20and had more fighting techniques,
04:21and had special blessings,
04:22from Allah,
04:23and in that,
04:24the government said,
04:25that tomorrow,
04:26I will give the flag,
04:27to the one,
04:28who Allah is pleased with,
04:29the Prophet,
04:30and Allah is pleased with him,
04:31Hazrat Umar says,
04:32that that night,
04:33I had a bad dream,
04:34and I was sleeping,
04:35and I woke up,
04:36in the middle of the night,
04:37and I saw,
04:38that that night,
04:39was a very restless night,
04:40and I never,
04:41had the passion,
04:42and enthusiasm,
04:43for such a building,
04:44in my heart,
04:45as it was,
04:46on that day,
04:47and in the morning,
04:48even in the world,
04:49of imagination,
04:50you will see,
04:51that the companions,
04:52would not have slept,
04:53in the morning,
04:54how the government,
04:55points towards,
04:56because it was,
04:57a matter of great joy,
04:58but when,
04:59all the companions,
05:01the government,
05:03and said,
05:04where is Ali,
05:05I said,
05:06there is a problem,
05:07and he said,
05:08I am fine,
05:09and then he sent,
05:10Hazrat Ali,
05:11there are two narrations,
05:12according to one narration,
05:13the door,
05:14that Hazrat Ali,
05:16the companions say,
05:17later when we picked it up,
05:18even 40 people,
05:19could not pick it up,
05:20and in another narration,
05:21that 80 people,
05:22tried to pick it up,
05:23but we could not,
05:24so see the strength,
05:25of Maulana Ali,
05:26and then Shujaat,
05:27before all of you,
05:28and breaking that door,
05:29all the arrows,
05:30and everything,
05:31but you made it a shield,
05:32and took everyone out,
05:33and Allah,
05:34gave you victory,
05:35in the same way,
05:36Hazrat Asarkar,
05:37peace be upon him,
05:38left you,
05:39in the battle of Tabuk,
05:40everyone else,
05:42so staying there,
05:43is a proof,
05:44of great bravery,
05:45the reason for that,
05:46was that,
05:47the danger of the disbelievers,
05:48was there,
05:49that when the companions,
05:51they would attack from behind,
05:52that they have women,
05:53and children,
05:54and they could attack,
05:55but they had a grudge,
05:56in that,
05:57Hazrat Ali,
05:58staying there,
05:59and then,
06:00it is a matter,
06:01of great bravery,
06:02and the Prophet,
06:03at that place,
06:04and the Prophet,
06:05at that place,
06:06chose you,
06:07this proves,
06:08that you,
06:09chose the bravest person,
06:10to stand there,
06:11that if he comes,
06:12then you alone,
06:13have to face him,
06:14and Hazrat Ali,
06:15stayed there,
06:17all the aspects,
06:18that you see,
06:19we see them,
06:20the real thing is,
06:21how brave we are,
06:22how brave,
06:23the one who loves,
06:24Maula Ali is,
06:25how brave he is,
06:27compared to the soul,
06:28what bravery did he show,
06:29compared to the devil,
06:30compared to the creation,
06:31and compared to the world,
06:32the real thing is,
06:33after listening to these,
06:34narrations of Aqabari,
06:35we should also,
06:36calculate ourselves,
06:38in the most dangerous,
06:40collided with everyone,
06:41and gave the religion,
06:43supported the Prophet,
06:44in a way,
06:45increased your hope,
06:46even today,
06:47the religion,
06:48is in the same delicate state,
06:49we should also,
06:50show bravery,
06:51sometimes we are afraid,
06:52of the mother,
06:53sometimes of the father,
06:54sometimes of the family environment,
06:55sometimes friends,
06:56sometimes circle,
06:57sometimes gathering,
06:58sometimes the environment,
06:59of our college,
07:00makes us afraid,
07:01and we,
07:03he said,
07:04Mufti Sahab,
07:05I befriended a non-Muslim,
07:06on Facebook,
07:07and when he asked me,
07:08about my religion,
07:09I felt so ashamed,
07:10that I called myself,
07:11a non-believer,
07:12so my faith,
07:13was saved or not,
07:14that is,
07:15sometimes we are,
07:16so cowardly,
07:17and so,
07:18in comparison to Islam,
07:19we have so less,
07:21and we feel ashamed,
07:22that we don't even call ourselves,
07:24and on one hand,
07:26has given us,
07:27a lesson from his,
07:29and has enabled us,
07:30to increase this bravery,
07:31In answer,
07:32Mufti Sahab,
07:33in our mind,
07:34about the Battle of Tabuk,
07:35that when the government,
07:36left Maulana Ali,
07:37to women and children,
07:38so the question was,
07:39that you are leaving me,
07:40to women and children,
07:42we have the same,
07:44that the government,
07:46that the relationship,
07:47that Haroon has with Moses,
07:48so you have the same,
07:49with me,
07:50but after me,
07:51there is no prophet,
07:52but the point,
07:53that Mufti Sahab,
07:54has made,
07:55this is amazing,
07:56that this is also bravery,
07:57to be left alone,
07:58of course,
07:59you have to protect,
08:00your children,
08:01and women,
08:02and on the other side,
08:03the disbelievers,
08:04and polytheists,
08:05are also in it,
08:06Allah is great,
08:07what a beautiful thing,
08:08Mufti Sahab has said,
08:09on the topic of bravery,
08:10a short Waqf,
08:11after the Waqf,
08:12please stay with us,
08:13yes viewers,
08:14your best wishes,
08:16Hazrat Ali,
08:17may Allah be pleased with him,
08:18is being glorified,
08:19his other attributes,
08:20are being mentioned,
08:21he is also called,
08:22Ameerul Momineen,
08:23that is,
08:24Ameer of Momineen,
08:25and also called,
08:26Imamul Muttaqeen,
08:27Imam of Muttaqeen,
08:28so these attributes of yours,
08:29both the subjects,
08:30are very big topics,
08:31that is,
08:32morals and habits,
08:34we would like to know,
08:35about morals and worship,
08:36that in these attributes,
08:37Syedna Ali Ibn Abi Talib,
08:38may Allah be pleased with him,
08:39what is his status,
08:40and rank,
08:41he is carrying,
08:42I would like,
08:43Mufti Sahab,
08:44to say something,
08:45on this,
08:48the morals,
08:49of Hazrat Moula Kainat,
08:50of your worship,
08:51just try to guess from this,
08:52whose training,
08:53is being done,
08:54in the hands of,
08:55the Prophet,
08:56peace be upon him,
08:59and blessings,
09:00morning and evening,
09:01they benefit from it,
09:02so just try to guess from this,
09:03whose training,
09:04Huzoor himself,
09:05has done,
09:06from childhood,
09:07to adolescence,
09:08and has lived his whole life,
09:09in the shadow of Huzoor,
09:10so how would be,
09:11his character,
09:12how would be his morals,
09:13how would be,
09:14the taste of worship,
09:16Hazrat Moula Kainat,
09:17has said that,
09:18Imamul Anbiya,
09:19peace be upon him,
09:20on the day of Peer,
09:21announced his Prophethood,
09:22and on the day of Mangal,
09:23I was present,
09:24behind Huzoor,
09:25and I offered my prayers,
09:27Hazrat Moula Kainat,
09:28was the first person,
09:29to offer his prayers,
09:30with the Prophet,
09:31peace be upon him,
09:32and in fact,
09:33when it came to,
09:34his martyrdom,
09:35he said to his Shahzadus,
09:36that my face should face,
09:37the East,
09:38so he addressed the Sun,
09:39and said,
09:40O Sun,
09:41you are a witness,
09:42that ever since,
09:43I have offered my prayers,
09:44behind Huzoor,
09:45you have never,
09:46appeared before me,
09:47in such a state,
09:48that you found me asleep,
09:50before you,
09:51I woke up,
09:52in the worship of Allah,
09:53and in the prayer,
09:54to please Allah,
09:55I am trying,
09:56to please Allah,
09:57and all my life,
09:58I have been,
09:59in the worship of Huzoor,
10:00with great intensity,
10:01in the Quran,
10:02where Huzoor,
10:03was mentioned,
10:04and the excellence,
10:05of spending,
10:06was mentioned,
10:07and his praise,
10:08and praise,
10:09was said,
10:11those who spend their money,
10:12by night and day,
10:13secretly and openly,
10:14they will have a reward,
10:15from their Lord,
10:16and no fear,
10:17nor will they grieve,
10:18then similarly,
10:19those three fasts,
10:20which are kept in mind,
10:22and they fear,
10:23the Day,
10:24when their evil will be complete,
10:29and the Quran,
10:31gives them a description,
10:32and a certificate,
10:34all these deeds,
10:35are not,
10:36to show off,
10:37or to show off,
10:38or to show off,
10:39or to show off,
10:40or to show off,
10:43they do not want,
10:44any reward,
10:45or gratitude,
10:46that they do not want,
10:47any reward,
10:48or gratitude,
11:20from their Lord.
11:50Tera jo khatma kiya hai, wo Allah ki riza ke liye nahi, balki nafsani taskeen ke liye
11:54aur nafs ko arama sukoon pochane ke liye kiya hai.
11:57To Hazrat Ali ke akhlaaq, aap ka kirdaar, aur phir jab aap ko Ibn-e-Muljim ne aap par
12:02hamla kiya, to issi se hum dekhe ke namaz ke liye aap tashreef harma hai, masjid mein
12:07hazir hai, aur phir aap ka maamool yeh tha ke na sirf aap akele namaz ke liye aa rahe
12:12hai, balki poore raste mein sab ko jagaate jagaate, aur namaz ka ilan farmate ho tashreef
12:16laate hai.
12:17To issi se hum andaaza karein ke hamara amal, jo hum Hazrat-e-Maula-e-Kainat ke muhabbat
12:21ke daavedaar hain, to aap ko jab Ibn-e-Muljim ki taraf se shadeed zarb pochayi, to aap ne
12:27Ibn-e-Muljim ke hawale se jo wasiyyat farmayi, Hazrat Imam-e-Hassan-e-Mustafa Pak se aap
12:30ne wasiyyat farmayi, aap ne farmayi ke agar main iss zarb ki wajah se main shaheed ho
12:35jaun, to farmayi ke phir theek hai tumhara liye qisas jaayiz hai.
12:38Lekin usme bhi farmayi ke ek zarb ke saath uska kaam tamam karna, uske kaan nahi kaatna
12:44hai, usko musla nahi karna, aur usko bila wajah aziyyat nahi pochani hai.
12:48Aur agar main iss kaifiyat se nikal ho, agar main saheed yaab ho jaun, to farmayi ke iss
12:52ke saath main apna muamla seeda kar loonga, aur muafi mere liye betar hai, phir aap ne
12:57bakaida uske liye taqeed farmayi ki iss ko jaisa khud khao khilana, jaisa khud piyo
13:01iss ko pilana, balki aap ke liye sharbat pesh kiya gaya, to aap ne Ibn-e-Muljim ko pesh
13:05To hum aap ke akhlaaq aur kirdaar ka, ye jo aala zarfi hai, iss kaifiyat ke babjood,
13:11aap ne apne kaatil ke saath jaisa sulook kiya, apne dushmanon ke saath jaisa sulook kiya,
13:15jaan ke darpe jo afraad hai, unke saath jo sulook kiya, ye yakinan aap Sallallahu ta'ala
13:20alaihi wa sallam ki tarbiyat, aur Huzoor ki, jo aapki taaleem ka itmam tha uske hume barkat
13:25nazar aati hai.
13:26Kya baat hai, subhanallah, subhanallah.
13:28Ab hum Syedna Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib karamallahu zulkareem ki, deeni khidmat par bhi kuch baat
13:33kar lein.
13:34Zahir hai, itni badi shikhsiyat, aur Khulafa-e-Salasa ka poora aapne daur dekha, balko usme ek
13:40aham mansab, faisle karne ki, yaani ke jo, aur mashawarat karne ka jo mansab hai, uspar
13:45aap rahe hain, Syedna Siddiq-e-Akbar, Syedna Umar-e-Farooq, Syedna Usman-e-Ghani, in adwaar
13:50mein bhi aapko wo ahamiyat hasil rahi.
13:52Ek toh khandaan-e-saadat ka fardh hona hai, ek jagah, lekin ilmi taur par, aur jaisa
13:57Syedna Ayesha Siddiqa radhiyallahu ta'ala na, se kisi ne poocha ki, huzoor ko sabse
14:01zyada mehboob kaun tha, toh aap firmati hain ki, huzoor-e-Alaihi-Salaatu-Salaam ki baarga
14:05mein Ali-e-Ibn-e-Abi Talib bohot, bohot mehboob rahe, aur jab ek aur jagah aapne, Umm-ul-Mumineen
14:11ne firmaya, ki Nabi-e-Karim-e-Alaihi-Salaatu-Salaam ki sunnaton ka sabse zyada ilm rakhna wali
14:16shikhsiyat jo hai, wo bhi hazrat Ali-e-Ibn-e-Abi Talib karamallahu zulkareem.
14:19Toh is itabar se main chahata hu, ki is marale par hum aapki deeni khidmat ke hawale se kuch
14:24aap roshni daliye kaha hai, ki Syedna Ali-e-Ibn-e-Abi Talib karamallahu zulkareem ki deeni khidmat
14:29jo hai, usko kuch discussion.
14:31Ji, Rehis bhai, main idhar ek jumla kahunga ki, jo deeni khidmat, jo lafz hai, ye bada
14:35ek khubsurat aapne isko istimal kiya, kyunke humare hain hum deeni khidmat, aur deen lafz
14:40ko pehle samjhe.
14:41Dekhein, mazhab kya hai, mazhab jismein teen cheezein hun, ya to aqeeda hu, dogma jisko
14:46hum kahtein.
14:47Modes of worship, ibadat ke tariqe hun, ya koi bhi custom aur culture, ye kisi bhi mazhab
14:51ka hisa hu sakin.
14:52Lekin, deen kya hai?
14:54Deen, ye tamaam cheezeon ke baa wajood, humare deen ke andar economic, military, muashree,
14:59muashrati, har nizam maujood hai, the complete code of life, agar mai baat karoon, wo deen-e-Muhammad-i-Rasool-Allah-Sallallahu-Waala-Alaihi-Wasallam.
15:07Zindagi ka har gosha Rasool-Allah-Sallallahu-Waala-Alaihi-Wasallam ki sunnat se aur Quran hume batata hai.
15:11Agar hum Hazrat Ali ki zindagi ko dekhen to deen ki har shobha-e-zindagi, Hazrat Ali radhi-Allah-u-taala,
15:18chahein wo military skills hoon, shujaat ki baat hoon, ye mufti sahab ne ki, badro-hunain
15:22ki baat hoon, khandaq ki baat hoon, khaibar ki baat hoon, leaderships ki baat hoon, to
15:25usme bhi Hazrat Ali superlative darjeh par nazar aate hain, sakhawat ki baat hoon, superlative
15:29darjeh par nazar aate hain, aulaat ki tarbiyat ki baat hoon, Imam Hassan-o-Hussain ko dekhen
15:33superlative darjeh par nazar aate hain, isi tarah khud ibadat ki baat hoon, tahajjud
15:37ki baat hoon, ibadat guzari ki baat hoon, to superlative darjeh par nazar aate hain,
15:41Rasool-Allah-S.A.W. ke saath khidmat ki baat hoon, Suleh-Hudaibiyah khud apne haato se
15:45likh rahein, kaatibin-e-wahi ki baat hoon, to usme maujood hain, treaties aur pacts
15:49sign karne ki baat hoon, to khutooz saare Hazrat Ali apne haato se likh rahein, to zindagi
15:53unki deeni jis goshe mein bhi dekhen, to Hazrat Ali hume wahan superlative aur ala darjeh
15:58par nazar aate hain, to bachpan se lekar aakhri waqt tak, Hazrat Ali ka ek ek lamha deeni
16:04khidmat mein guzra hai, aur deen ko sarf karte ve guzra hai, chahe wo agar yeh mein jumla
16:09kahoon ki saans lena, wo bhi unke deen ke liye tha, aur Allah-Rabbul-Izzat ne unko apne
16:15deen ke liye chuna, aur unki shaksiyat ko dekh kar, aaj hume deen ko follow karna bohot
16:21asaan ho gaya, aur yeh baat hum nahi, ek to insaan aqeedat mein kahe deta hai, agar
16:26aap duniyawi taur par bade bade philosophers ko dekhen, to wo bhi Hazrat Ali ki shaksiyat
16:31ko, Hazrat Ali ke ilm ko, Hazrat Ali ki shujaat ko, personality ko, superlative darjeh par
16:36rakhte hain, aur Hazrat Ali ki shaksiyat aisi hai, aisi shaksiyat jisko follow karna, har
16:42momin ko chahiye ki inki aitaat kare, kyunki inki aitaat asal mein aitaat-e-rasool hai,
16:47Allah-Rabbul-Izzat ki aitaat.
16:48Subhanallah, subhanallah, kya kehne, kya kehne, bohoti khumsurat andaaz mein, aaj
16:53shaan-e-haidr-e-karraar bayan ki ja rahi hai, aur aaj ki kisvi sehri hai, to zahir hai,
16:59yeh taarikh mansoob hai aapke saath, to main yeh Mufti sahab se jaanna chahunga, Mufti
17:04Syed Zia Gham Ali Shah Sahib Gardezi se, ke maula-e-kainaat ki hayat-e-mubarakah se,
17:08jaisa Mufti sahab ne bhi firmaaya, jo humein dars mil raha hai, wo kya hai, uske hawalis
17:12ko ishaat firmaaya.
17:14Raiz bhai hum dekhen ke, poori zindagi, aap sallallahu ta'ala Ali walayhi wa sallam ke
17:19liye jis darjeh par bhi agar qurbani ki zarurat padti hai, to wo hazrat-e-maula-e-kainaat
17:25pesh-pesh nazar aate hain, aapka akhlaaq, kirdaar, aapki aadat-o-atwar, aapke aamaal,
17:30aur aapki muasharat, aur yeh aapki zindagi se jude hui jitne muamlaat hai, wo tarbiyat-e-rasool
17:36sallallahu ta'ala Ali walayhi wa sallam ka usmein humein, wo aqaasi nazar aate hai,
17:40aur huzoor ki sirat-e-tayyiba ka aapki shaksiyat mein humein ek aksh nazar aate hai, jhalak
17:44nazar aate hai, to isliye zikar ke saath-saath hum aapki shaksiyat ki jo fikar hai, aur
17:50aapke naam ke saath-saath, aapka jo kaam aur pehgaam hai, puri zindagi aapne jo talim
17:55di, aur jin khutood par aapne agar zaman-e-khilafat dekhe, ya ulaat ki tarbiyat ki hawale se
18:00hum dekhe, to in sari cheezon ko apnane yeh hum sab par laazim hai, aur koshish ki jaye
18:05ki inn nismaton ke jo taqazi hai, ki hum sirf zabani kalami unka naam na le, sirf
18:10zabani kalami muhabbat ke daave na kare, balki unka Allah se taaluk kaisa tha, Allah
18:15ki rasool se taaluk kaisa tha, muasaya mein unka maqam aur murtaba aur kirdar kaisa tha,
18:19muasaya ki falaon baibood ke liye, aur deen-e-islam ki khidmat ke liye, wo hamesha pesh-pesh
18:23rahte the, to yeh sari cheez humare peshe nazar honee chahiye, aur iske mutaabik agar
18:27hum nismaton ke inn taqazi ko poora karenge, to yakeenan pir Allah ki bargah mein,
18:31Allah ki rasool ki bargah mein surf rahi aaseen hogi.
18:33Qibla Mufti sahab, kya pegham dijayega, aaj Hazrat Ali ki shahane beyan hui, to uspar
18:37main chahata hu, conclusion kuch beyan kumara.
18:39Jee, bari tafseel se aapki jo sarkaar ke saath nisbat aur taaluk uspe kalam hua, main sirf
18:45ek point ke upar tawajjo karwana pasand karunga, ki Hazrat Ali radhiya Allah-u-taala,
18:51anho ne kabhi bhi is nisbat se koi najais faida nahi uthaya, kabhi is nisbat ki wajah
18:58se aap apne amal ya kirdar ki maamle mein susti ka shikaar nazar nahi aaye.
19:03To jitne logon aise koi afraad hain, unhe kisi bhi aitabar se kisi badi shahsiyat se
19:08aaj agar nisbat hasil hai, khususan jo sayyid hazarat hain, khususan jo kisi pir khaane
19:13se taaluk rakhte hain, unke aba aujdaad bade the, istara koi aalim ka beta hain, koi mufti
19:18ka beta hain, isi tariqah se aur hamari bachiyan hain, jo isi tariqah se kisi nisbat se apne
19:23aapko doosron se kuch buland-o-baala mahsus karte hain, unhe hazarat-e-ali ko, bibi fatima
19:28radhiyallahu ta'ala anha ko, hasnain-e-karimain ko, khaas taur par is jihad se role model
19:33banana chahiye, ki unhone kabhi apne in taalukat ko cash nahi kiya, najais cash nahi kiya,
19:38mere murad wo hai, kabhi bhi unhone aisa nahi kiya ki apne mansab ko buniyat banaakar kisi
19:43ko nigaah-e-haqarat se dekha ho, unhone kabhi bhi aisa nahi kiya ki Allah ta'ala ki itaat
19:48ya rasool ki itaat-o-farmabardaari mein kisi kisam ki kota hi ki ho, unhone kabhi aisa
19:53nahi kiya ki nabi-e-karim ke naqsh-e-gadam par chalne mein susti mahsus ki ho, bas is
19:57cheez ko agar buniyat banaakar, jinko Allah hain kai jihadon se pehle hi izzat se nawaza
20:02hai, agar wo us mansab ki qadar kar lein, Allah unko aur ba-izzat banayega, aur jitne
20:07log unko dekhka fir amal karte rahenge, unka qasdo irada ho ya na ho, inshaAllah unke
20:12liye bohot bada sawab-e-jaariya ka sabab banaya.
20:15Subhanallah, subhanallah.
20:16Tanveer Phool, America mein, ek mumtaaz shayar hai, wo kahte hain, wo dil jo aashiq-e-shabbir
20:22wo shabbar ho nahi sakta, wo dil jo aashiq-e-shabbir wo shabbar ho nahi sakta, yame-hubbe-nabi
20:29ka wo shanawar ho nahi sakta, yame-hubbe-nabi ka wo shanawar ho nahi sakta, padho taarikh
20:36aur dekho, nabi ne kar diya zahir, bajuz Haider kisi se fath-e-khaybar ho nahi sakta.
20:44Ali ki shan mein dekho, sada-e-la-fata aahi, Ali jaisa zamane mein dilawar ho nahi sakta.
21:00Ali Jaisa Zamane Mein Dilawar Ho Nahi Sakta Hararat Ishq-e-Ahmed Ki Mili Hai Phool Ke Dil Ko
21:13Jo Dil Ho Soj Se Khaali Sukhanwar Ho Nahi Sakta
21:21Wo Dil Jo Aashique Shabbir Ho Nahi Sakta
21:25Yam-e-Hubbe-Nabi Ka Wo Shanawar Ho Nahi Sakta
21:28Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to thank Mufti Gurdizi and Allama Saad Khan for coming.
21:37Qibla Mufti Muhammad Akmal Madani is with us and will be with us till after the Fajr prayer
21:42so that your questions and answers are included.
21:46The last segment of this segment. I would like to present the Manqabat.
21:52Ehle Nazar Ki Aankh Ka Tara Ali Ali
22:04Ehle Wafa Ki Dil Ka Sahara Ali Ali
22:18Duniya Mein Sabse Aali Gharane Ke Noor Hai
22:47Jai Sivaji
