Bazm e Ulama | Naimat e Iftar
Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
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00:00From all the months, the glory of Ramadhan
00:05From all the months, the glory of Ramadhan
00:10The glory of Ramadhan is the heart of the believers
00:15The glory of Ramadhan
00:18The glory of Ramadhan
00:21Welcome dear viewers, I am your reporter Mufti Muhammad Suhail Azamzadeh
00:28Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi
00:30And our guest, the scholar of religion, I would like you to introduce yourself
00:34Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
00:37My name is Syed Abdul Basit Gardezi
00:41I am from Darul Mamjidiyah, Alhamdulillah, I have achieved Faragat
00:43I have achieved Faragat
00:45And being under the protection and shadow of such scholars
00:49Allah has given me such a great honour
00:52That I am sitting in the gathering of such scholars
00:54And I will have the honour of sharing my lesson
00:57MashaAllah sir, you are welcome
01:00When a young scholar and scholar comes and sits somewhere
01:04There is mercy of Allah
01:06And both of you are with me as guests in this institution
01:10And you are continuously working hard
01:13Thank you for your time
01:15Mufti Qibla, today we are going to talk about Infaq
01:17Since we don't have much time, I will tell you without delay
01:20Infaq in the name of Allah, what do we find in Quran and Hadith
01:24Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
01:26Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa sallim
01:33I would like to welcome
01:36Sayyid Abdul Basit Gardezi
01:39He said that Sayyid Abdul Basit Gardezi
01:41He didn't say Allama or Fahama
01:43But he is Sayyid Allama and Mufti
01:45Sayyid Abdul Basit Gardezi
01:47May Allah accept him
01:50And grant him more success
01:52The point is that
01:54If we say Infaq in the name of Allah
01:57It comes in Sadaqat-e-Nafilah
02:00And it also comes in Sadaqat-e-Wajibah
02:03Sadaqat-e-Wajibah like Zakat, Fitrah, Kaffarah
02:10Or Sadaqat-e-Nafilah which we usually give
02:15All of these are included in Infaq in the name of Allah
02:18Quran says that
02:20They spend in the way of Allah
02:24Quran says that
02:26They spend in the way of Allah
02:29And we spend in the way of Allah
02:34And similarly if we look at Zakat
02:37Zakat is something that we are bound to spend
02:44Once in a year
02:46And who all will be given
02:48That is also stated by Allah
02:51And similarly who will stop that Zakat
02:55Quran says that
03:01The one who has stopped gold and silver
03:04And has not spent them in the way of Allah
03:07Meaning they have stopped Allah from spending in the way of Allah
03:12Allah will give them a painful punishment
03:17Quran says
03:21Their foreheads, their sides, their faces
03:25Their wealth will be burned
03:29Their back will be stained
03:35And it will be said that this is the treasure that you have stopped
03:40And if Zakat is given in the way of Allah
03:43Zakat purifies our wealth
03:46Zakat protects our wealth
03:52It protects the treasure of Allah
03:57Zakat purifies us
04:00And Allah has stated the promise of stopping
04:04Now let's look at the expenses that are not necessary for us
04:08But we spend in the way of Allah
04:12You can invest anywhere in the world
04:14But you can't get as much profit as our Lord gives
04:19We invest in the world, the wealth is ours
04:23But here the wealth is also His
04:26And whatever He has given, the life is also His
04:30He says
04:35No doubt Allah has bought from the believers
04:39Their wealth, their lives
04:41And in return, He promises them paradise
04:45He says in Surah Aal-e-Imran
04:48Who has spent one in the way of Allah
04:56Its translation is
04:59Allah is not one, not two, not ten
05:02700 times
05:06In fact, He will give 1400 times
05:10Glory be to Allah
05:13I would like you to shed some light on the benefits of spending in the way of Allah
05:22Spending in the way of Allah means spending in the way of Allah
05:26There are so many benefits of spending in the way of Allah
05:29The biggest benefit is that Allah is pleased
05:32And when Allah is pleased, all the affairs of man become better
05:35His world becomes better, his hereafter becomes better
05:39The benefit of the hereafter is obtained
05:42Allah says
05:53Whatever you spend in the way of Allah
05:58It has been collected for you in the way of Allah
06:01And what will happen? You will get a greater reward
06:03You will get a greater reward than the actual deed
06:06In the way of Allah
06:08The one who spends in the way of Allah
06:11The one who spends in the night and in the day
06:14Allah has said
06:24Those people who spend in the night and in the day
06:27They spend in the way of Allah
06:30They spend in the way of Allah in front of everyone
06:33Their reward is in the hands of their Lord
06:35And on the Day of Resurrection, they will have no fear and no sorrow
06:39On the Day of Resurrection, the day of fear and the day of sorrow
06:42They will get freedom from the sorrow of that day
06:45They will get relief
06:47They will get freedom from the fear of that day
06:49This is the reward of those who spend in the way of Allah
06:53They will get a separate reward
06:55Along with that reward
06:57They will get relief from the fear of the Day of Resurrection
07:00They will get relief from the fear of the Day of Resurrection
07:02And in a hadith
07:04There are seven people who will receive the shadow of Allah on the Day of Resurrection
07:08And there will be no other shadow on that day
07:10One of those seven people
07:12Allah has said
07:14Those who give charity in the way of Allah
07:16Give charity in such a way
07:18That his left hand does not know what his right hand has spent
07:21That is, he spends secretly
07:22If you are safe from charity
07:24He will get the reward of the shadow of Allah
07:27And the person who thinks that if we spend
07:30It will be less
07:32My wealth will go
07:34Allah says
07:39And whoever you spend in the way of Allah
07:42Allah will give you his reward
07:44And he is the best giver of sustenance
07:47Allah's beloved said
07:48Allah said
07:51O son of Adam, you spend
07:53You will be spent
07:55So the benefit of spending is that
07:57The world is also benefiting
07:59Allah removes interest
08:01Allah removes interest
08:03Provides charity
08:07The wealth of the world is also blessed
08:09The wealth of the world is also pure
08:11And the comfort of the Hereafter is also granted
08:13And Allah is also pleased
08:15These are the benefits of spending in the way of Allah
08:16What are the types of charity in the way of Allah?
08:18After the break from Syed Sahab
08:20We will shed some light on this question
08:40Welcome back to Khair Maghda
08:42Once again you are with us
08:43Today our guest scholar
08:45For the first time
08:47Syed Abdul Basit Gardezi Shaza
08:50I asked a question about the types of charity in the way of Allah
08:53In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
08:55Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa barik wa sallim
08:58Thank you very much Salman
09:00And I am feeling very happy today
09:04That today in such a beautiful gathering
09:06In the midst of scholars
09:08Allah is giving me the honor of giving me a lesson
09:10There are two types of charity in the way of Allah
09:15One is the obligatory charity
09:18And the other is the non-obligatory charity
09:20In these conditions
09:22Allah has given us the obligatory charity
09:25For example
09:35These are the things which are obligatory on a believer
09:38If we do not believe in these things
09:41Then this is kuffar
09:43This person leaves the path of Islam
09:46One thing that is found in this is
09:48As a Muslim
09:50When a person
09:52Participates in this
09:55Participates in the charity
09:57Gives charity
09:59Means he spends his money
10:01In this Allah's blessings are bestowed upon him
10:04Allah's blessings are bestowed upon him
10:05Allah's blessings are bestowed upon him
10:07What should be the basic reason for a person to spend his money?
10:11Wherever you look
10:13Allah has used the word infaq
10:16And then said
10:18You should spend your money
10:21For the pleasure of Allah
10:23For the pleasure of Allah
10:26As it is said
10:28I have not created the jinn and the men but that they may worship Me
10:30I have created the jinn and the men only for worship
10:33And in worship
10:35One more thing that is found
10:37In physical worship
10:39We worship spiritually
10:41We worship verbally
10:43In that Allah has kept one thing
10:45Financial worship
10:47Financial worship
10:49Zakat, Fitrah
10:51We help people
10:53What we give is obligatory on us
10:55On every person
10:57The second type is
11:01Which is not obligatory on us
11:04But after that if we spend it in the service of people
11:07We spend it in our family
11:09We spend it in our neighbors, friends, poor people
11:12Then Allah gives its reward
11:14As Hazrat Mufti Sahib Qibla said
11:17When a person does such a normal charity
11:20Means he gives infaq-e-nafila
11:22Then Allah does not give it 700 times
11:25But gives it more than that
11:27How much Allah should give
11:30In a narration it is said
11:32When Allah created the earth
11:34When the earth began to shake
11:36Then the angels said
11:38What is the reason for its shaking
11:40So Allah put mountains on it
11:42Then the angels said
11:44Is there any more important than this
11:46So it is said that the most important thing in this universe
11:48When a person gives charity
11:50Then Allah gives more than that
11:53What a thing
11:56Mufti Sahib, what is masarif
11:58Please tell me
12:02It is a collection of masarif
12:06Which people can be given zakat
12:10This is what it means
12:12In the 10th chapter Allah
12:15Gave 8 masarif of zakat
12:17In the 10th chapter Allah gave 8 masarif of zakat
12:328 masarif
12:34See here it is sadaqat
12:37I have said before that
12:39Quran is sadaq-e-nafila or wajiba
12:42It is interpreted as sadaqat
12:44It is interpreted as wajiba
12:47It is also interpreted as zakat
12:50It is also interpreted as zakat
12:53Now here
12:55Fukara means
13:01In the same way
13:03The one who does not have much
13:05He is called sahib-e-nisaab
13:07The second is
13:11Who are misakeen
13:12Those who have food for one time
13:14But do not have food for another time
13:16Third is
13:24Those who are sent for the collection of zakat
13:39In the beginning of Islam
13:40The disbelievers
13:42Who used to be taught by the master of Islam
13:46That their hearts should not go against the Muslims
13:50They should stay towards Islam
13:52They should be pious towards Islam
13:54Even if they do not become friends
13:56They should not join the enemies
13:58And it was basically
14:00That they should be influenced by Islam
14:02And enter Islam
14:04But this misleading of the hearts
14:06It has been removed from the consensus of the Ummah
14:07Because it is obvious
14:09That it is not the same thing
14:11It is the pride and glory of Islam
14:13Now the matter is different
14:15So the companions have declared it as an abrogation
14:18After this
14:22If there is a slave
14:24To free him
14:26Zakat can be paid
14:28Now this is no longer
14:30In the same way
14:32If there is a loan
14:34Zakat can be paid
14:35So that he can get freedom
14:37From the clutches of the loan
14:39And in the same way
14:41The traveler of the way of Allah
14:43That is, if there is a traveler
14:45Now there is a debit card
14:47There is a credit card
14:49All facilities have come
14:51But in that era
14:53If there was a traveler
14:55Traveling means being away from home for months
14:57On the way
14:59What kind of company can come
15:01What kind of difficulty can come
15:03So at that time
15:05He has run out of provisions
15:07All things are nothing
15:09So it can also be helped through Zakat
15:12And in the same way
15:14There is one more thing left in it
15:17Who is a Mujahid in the way of Allah
15:20So it can also be helped through Zakat
15:23In the way of Allah
15:25Now there are eight Masarif
15:27Two of them
15:29Muallafati Quloobuhum
15:31And Wafir-i-qaab
15:33This is not abrogated
15:35If there are such matters
15:37But Muallafati Quloob
15:39This is abrogated
15:41The rest of the Masarif
15:43I tell you responsibly
15:45If we start paying Zakat for these Masarif
15:48So the Muslim
15:52Takes out so much Zakat
15:54That I say that poverty should end from the society
15:57Our aim today is
15:59That we become a lawyer for Zakat
16:01And then use it as our wealth
16:02And then use it as our wealth
16:05I think this is a very inappropriate thing
16:07Today you see in Karachi
16:09See in Pakistan
16:11There are some organizations
16:13Which work
16:15But most of them came on footpaths
16:17And today they are millionaires
16:19And today there is no one to ask them
16:22Remember that Allah's beloved Prophet said
16:25That the amount of Zakat
16:27Which is found in the wealth
16:29It destroys it
16:30And an interesting thing
16:32I have just mentioned
16:34The nation of Dawood
16:36That they were making a deal with Allah
16:38They were making a deal with Allah
16:40That fish will come
16:42We don't hunt in a week
16:44We make deals
16:46Our deals come on their own
16:48So Allah asked them
16:50Should we fear Allah
16:52Should we ask for Allah's protection
16:54The matter of trust
16:56Mufti Sahib Badar Jaha
16:58Our elders say
17:00I am saying a sentence
17:02That the amount of Zakat
17:04Is applicable to you
17:06But you didn't give it
17:08Your wealth is being destroyed
17:10You made someone a lawyer
17:12And he is sitting
17:14His wealth is also being destroyed
17:16So there is destruction on both sides
17:18I think the lawyer has more destruction
17:20If he does it on purpose
17:22Yes, he has more destruction
17:24One is the trust
17:26And the second is Zakat
17:28We will meet after the break
17:30Mufti Muhammad Sohail Ahmed Ali
17:32Will note your questions
17:34Will answer your questions
17:36But now you call and ask
17:38I will meet you after the break
18:01Welcome back
18:03We have some callers with us
18:05I will ask them about the end
18:08I will ask them about the end
18:10Assalamu Alaikum
18:12Walaikum Assalam
18:14What is your question?
18:16My husband has passed away
18:18Two months ago
18:22Someone told me
18:24If you want Zakat
18:26You can take it
18:28If you want Zakat
18:30If you want Zakat
18:32Are you poor?
18:34No, I am not poor
18:36My brother is very poor
18:38He is saying
18:40You can take it
18:42Give it to me
18:44Is it possible?
18:46First tell me
18:48Are you eligible?
18:50No, I am not eligible
18:52How can you take it?
18:54Mufti sahib will tell
18:56That is why Mufti sahib was asking
18:58Are you eligible?
19:00Give it to me
19:02Is your brother eligible?
19:04Yes, he is eligible
19:06My husband used to give it to me
19:08She used to give it to her husband
19:10As a lawyer
19:12You are asking about Zakat
19:14Ok, ok
19:16I will tell you in both cases
19:18We have one more caller
19:20Assalamu Alaikum
19:22Assalamu Alaikum
19:24I am Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi
19:25I am Mufti Hassan Naveed Niazi
19:27I want to know the feelings of the companions and the elders
19:30I want to know the feelings of the companions and the elders
19:32I have said
19:34When it is morning, two angels come
19:36One angel prays in the presence of Allah
19:38Allah, give us a beneficial successor
19:40O Allah, give us a reward for those who spend
19:43And the other angel prays
19:45Allah, give us a beneficial successor
19:47O Allah, destroy those who do not spend
19:49And those who stop
19:51Now the beloved of Allah is saying
19:53Now the beloved of Allah is saying
19:55One angel is praying for those who spend in the way of Allah
19:58The other angel is praying for those who do not spend
20:01So by seeing such traditions
20:03We should awaken the passion of Infaq Fi Sabilillah
20:07The companions of the Holy Prophet
20:09The people of Bait-e-Thaar, the elders of the religion
20:11They were full of the passion of every good
20:13And they were also full of the passion of Infaq Fi Sabilillah
20:15You see
20:17Ghazwa Jaish-ul-Usra, Ghazwa-e-Tabuk, Tangeek-ul-Mamla Jai
20:19When Sayyiduna Usman-e-Ghani was encouraging Allah
20:23Sayyiduna Usman-e-Ghani once stood up and said
20:25I have 100 camels from my side
20:27The second time he encouraged
20:29He announced 200 camels again
20:31The third time he encouraged
20:33He announced 300 camels again
20:35So the narrator says
20:37I saw that Allah came down from the throne with joy
20:39And said
20:41There is no blame on Usman after this
20:44He can do whatever he wants
20:46There is no blame on Usman after this
20:47He can do whatever he wants
20:49There is no blame on Usman after this
20:51He can do whatever he wants
20:53Sayyiduna Farooq-e-Azam brought half of his wealth
20:55He asked
20:57What did you leave for your family
20:59He said
21:01I left half of it
21:03Sayyiduna Siddiq-e-Akbar brought all his wealth
21:05He asked
21:07What did you leave for your family
21:09What a beautiful answer he gave
21:11I have left Allah and his messenger for them
21:13I have left Allah and his messenger for them
21:14I have left flowers for the nightingale
21:16I have left Allah's messenger for Siddiq
21:18Imam Muhammad Baqir-R.A.
21:20made Qaba-e-Nafis
21:22Imam Ibn-ul-Imam Sayyiduna wa Ibn-ul-Sayyidina Kareem Ibn-ul-Kiram
21:26These are the words of the great Hazrat
21:28How he gave tribute to the people of the Bai'at
21:30Imam Muhammad Baqir made Qaba-e-Nafis
21:32He went to the Qaza-e-Hajat
21:34He thought to give it in the way of Allah
21:36He called for a servant
21:38The servant came to the wall
21:40He said to spend it in the way of Allah
21:43When he came out
21:45He asked why are you in such a hurry
21:47He said that the intention does not change when I come out
21:49So I gave it from there
21:51The passion of spending in the way of Allah
21:53The passion of spending in the way of Allah
21:55This is the passion of the people of Bai'at
21:57What a great thing
21:59We have one or two minutes
22:01I want to get your message
22:03In the light of Seerat-e-Tayyaba
22:05What do we get in terms of spending
22:07Benefits and blessings
22:09In the life of the Prophet
22:10In the life of Seerat-e-Tayyaba
22:12Where the Prophet used to give tribute
22:16He used to give it to the companions
22:19From this we can understand
22:21That Hazrat Ayesha Sadiqah
22:24When someone came to the court of the Prophet
22:26The Prophet used to give it to them
22:28If they did not have anything
22:30The Prophet used to take it as a loan
22:33And used to give it to them
22:35So we see that the Prophet
22:37How generous the Prophet is
22:40In the life of the companions
22:43We see in the life of the companions
22:45We see in the life of the companions
22:47The Prophet himself gives
22:49We see at the time of Ghazwa-e-Tabuk
22:51The Prophet himself gives
22:53He encourages the companions
22:55In the same way, in his house
22:57The Prophet spends his wealth
22:59The other questions that come to him
23:01The Prophet blesses them
23:03And encourages them
23:05If you look at the house of Ahl-e-Bayt-e-Bagh
23:08It is the house of the righteous
23:10No one goes empty from the house of Ahl-e-Bayt-e-Bagh
23:13There is a narration of Hazrat-e-Maulali
23:15That a person comes to you
23:17And sees that you are eating bread with water
23:20So he came to you
23:22He pointed out
23:24In short, I will continue this Hadith
23:26He said, go to such and such house
23:28You will not be sent empty from there
23:30When you are given tribute, you are blessed
23:32Then I think that the one who sent me
23:34I will talk to him
23:36I will take something for him
23:38Then a voice comes from inside
23:40The one from whose court you are being given
23:42He is the one who showed you the door of this court
23:45This is the house of the righteous
23:47The Prophet himself blessed
23:49He encouraged us to do this
23:51Great, Mufti
23:53I would like to say as a message
23:56The Prophet of Allah said
23:58Allah says in the Hadith
24:00O son of Adam, spend and do not count
24:02Otherwise I will count you too
24:05Spend countlessly
24:07I promise I will give you countless
24:10So whenever you spend for Allah
24:12Do not count and spend
24:14You will be given countless
24:16In a mosque
24:18We spend countless for Allah
24:20Five thousand, two thousand, one thousand
24:22I said, Mr. Mullah, please announce
24:24That Mr. Malik, Mr. Choudhary, Mr. Seth
24:26Please pray for some children
24:28It was like this
24:30Someone did this to a person from behind
24:32He thought it was five thousand
24:34He put it in chanda
24:36He said later
24:38Why didn't you tell me before?
24:40This is our condition
24:42Give countless for Allah
24:46I have seen people
24:48I told them to keep the money in the middle
24:50And they die giving money
24:52I have never seen them
24:54I have never seen them prosper
24:56They spend their lives in the protection of money
24:58In this focus
25:00I have seen those who give in the way of Allah
25:02I have never seen them prosper
25:04Whoever spends in the way of Allah
25:06With both hands
25:08Allah sends down blessings from the sky
25:10His affairs are from the unseen
25:12My Lord keeps filling
25:14Keep spending
25:16You will hear Azan-e-Asr in the break
25:18In the beautiful voice of Mr. Khari Zabar Qasmi
25:20And during that time you can call us
25:22You can ask questions
25:24Ask questions
25:26See you
25:32The doors of repentance are open
25:34To all the heavens