Hello again YouTube! Here is the highly anticipated third YouTube video 🤠thought I’d answer some of your burning questions— and make sure to subscribe because exciting things are coming soon 👀👀
As always, let me know what videos you’d like to see next! 🌷
As always, let me know what videos you’d like to see next! 🌷
00:00Hi YouTube, I'm back. Welcome back to my YouTube channel. And if you're new here, hi, my name is Cassie
00:06You may know me better as Cassie's book talk on tik-tok or Cassie's books on Instagram
00:11And I'm now on YouTube and I'm back with another video. So without further ado, let's just jump right into it
00:17So based on the title, you are probably aware that this is a Q&A
00:21Um, I had so many things up on my Instagram story. I could not figure out what this video was gonna be
00:26I think I did your Wattpad main character moments, but I did it as one of those like question boxes
00:31So it was so hard to find the entire story
00:34Some of them were really good, but they'd always cut off because I didn't know you can only do like 15 words in that thing
00:39So that one will come eventually and I'll do it in a better way
00:42So people can tell the entire story in one thing probably like a Google form
00:45And then I did film a video that was like calling character AI and the whole thing got deleted
00:51So that was supposed to be up last week, but this week we are back and we are doing a Q&A last week
00:56I did a little question box on my Instagram story and we got a lot of questions asked. So let's dish some tea
01:02Okay. So the first question is what's your favorite book series and this is literally impossible, but I have a few
01:07So just looking at my bookshelf probably the Addicted Calloway Sisters series would be my favorite romance
01:12Book series and then Percy Jackson is my favorite fantasy series
01:17I do love let me look again. I do love voice of Tommen
01:21Those are my favorite series if you could date any fictional character who and why by the way, I love your content
01:25Thank you. So we're doing book character Robbie Singh. That is my man always will be my man if we're doing like movies
01:38JJ Maybank
01:40Your favorite color blue. I feel like it's pretty obvious but blue favorite Taylor Swift song. I love this question
01:46So, um, this changes every single day and I will it will probably change by the time you're seeing this video recently
01:52It's been so high school. I love that song
01:54But yeah, it changes every single day seven Peter
01:58How did it end this love? I'm definitely forgetting some but it changes every single day. What show are you currently watching?
02:04I'm rewatching modern family. Currently. Let me introduce you to my show rewatch rotation modern family, Brooklyn nine-nine Parks and Rec
02:15I'm forgetting one
02:17Parks and Rec Brooklyn nine-nine modern family friends
02:20the office and
02:22Then I just repeat constantly over and over and over again favorite fictional character ever Percy Jackson always
02:28What was the book that got you into reading? So I was the weird kid that always liked reading. Um
02:34Yeah, I always liked reading so
02:37Like green eggs and ham. I don't thoughts on me
02:39I've read a screenshot of this one thoughts on the edits of you and Nick Wilkins. They're fire. I love them
02:45They're so cool. Like honestly, I've seen so many of them. I cannot stop watching them the other night
02:51Actually, I'm sitting in my room and I could hear the audio playing like you guys know the audio
02:56My mother's obsessed with the edits. She can't stop watching them. So any crushes
03:03Do you experience hate on social media and if yes, how do you handle it girl?
03:09So for me at the start, it was really hard
03:11Like I took it to heart like I'm such a people pleaser like I cannot stand the thought of anybody disliking me
03:16It was just really hard to know somebody just didn't like me and I couldn't change that like I didn't know them personally
03:21I can't change that but it got easier, you know, you get more hate the more followers you get
03:25But it still like gets easier to deal with it
03:28My advice is don't look up your name on Twitter and don't look up your name on reddit because you will not like what you see
03:33Your favorite book you've ever read
03:36That's impossible. I could I could literally never choose. We're gonna look at my bookshelf again. Um, do you guys want to see my bookshelf?
03:43This is she my room's probably really messy. Don't look at the floor
03:47We're gonna set you back up
03:49Okay, don't fall. Um, okay looking at the bookshelf. I'm just gonna list as many books as I can think of right now as
03:56Good as dead. That's probably the book that if anybody asks I would say as good as dead or yours truly
04:02Anything Taylor Jenkins read I love Malibu rising Carrie Soto is back
04:06The seven husbands love and Hugo Daisy Jones in the six a love letter to whiskey
04:10Hey, so probably as good as dead yours truly a love letter to whiskey are the ones I would say all roads lead here
04:14Wait for it Mariana spotted anything Mariana Zapata
04:17I love the boys of Tom in series any book in the addicted Calloway sisters series
04:21Percy Jackson series, obviously that will always have a place in my heart just for the summer. Oh
04:29Talking about audiobooks obsessed with audiobooks. I can't do anything without listening to audiobooks. One of the best audio audio books
04:34I've ever read is um
04:36Though oh my gosh the purple book that Lauren Asher wrote. It's like they're like Property Brothers one
04:44I literally have a five stars. Why can I not think of it love?
04:47Love redesigned one of the best books ever as an audiobook loved it. How long have you been a content creator?
04:52Okay, we're gonna go way back. So I actually had a major fan account in 2018
04:57And then I started my tik-tok account in April of 2020
05:02So I didn't actually start posting every single day until April of 2022
05:06so like two years after I started the account and I didn't really blow up until I
05:12Would say like late summer into like December's when my account started kind of growing and then January
05:182024 was nuts like that was a crazy time for me drop the Nick lore
05:22Okay, a lot of people don't know this but this all started last summer
05:26So summer 2024 on his snapchat spotlight account
05:29I did not have a snapchat like a public snapchat account at that point
05:32Um, but I think it literally just started because I complained about being single all the time and he complains about being single all the
05:37time so people are just like here damn get together like stop complaining it started on his like and his comments and I didn't have
05:43A snapchat account and a lot of people that have snapchat don't have tik-tok. So it bled over into my youtube account
05:50I was getting comments on my youtube short. But yeah, that's how it started was snapchat spotlight
05:56favorite book trope
05:58to name a few I
06:00Love I didn't know where else to go enemies to lovers like whenever the main characters injured and she shows up to her enemies
06:05And then who did this to you? Oh my gosh, my all-time favorite trope in romance books is
06:12Child it's so hyper specific
06:14It's childhood best friends to lovers to strangers to like meeting up later in life like ten years later back to lovers
06:21So like love in other words a love letter to whiskey kind of every summer after is that true?
06:26But that is my all-time favorite romance trope
06:28But like in fantasy, where is my wife like there's just so many one bed trope it the list goes on
06:33You should date that one guy, you know the blonde one with the short hair
06:38Okay, I wasn't gonna put this one in here but it says we're yellow or blue and the YouTube video if you need help I
06:43Unironically wore blue today. I don't need help, but I figured I should put this in here just to let you know
06:48This person know that I'm safe. I I don't need help and the same person asked did you poop today?
06:53I'm really glad you're concerned about that. Actually, I haven't but I did just have a farmer's wrap in a nice cap
07:00So probably soon. What are your thoughts about siblings to lovers? Why did I screenshot this?
07:06What if I just said I was in full support
07:10No, that is that's weird. I'm not from Alabama. So I'm against it. What's a book that never fails to make you cry. Okay
07:18Allegiant is like a big one for me the ending gets me every single time
07:23I hate that book the ending makes me sob every single time
07:26Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins read I cry like a baby the two of us by Taylor Torres. Um assassins blade. Oh
07:35I love in other words. How are you? I like just so beautiful like drop the curler and mascara, please girl. I got you
07:41Okay, so here's what you're gonna do
07:42So you need either the Shiseido eyelash curler or the tweezer and personally my opinion the tweezer min is better
07:46But with the Shiseido you can buy the replacement curler pads at Sephora
07:50so it's just more convenient and then you get either aqua for a Vaseline and you just put a barely a little bit on your
07:55fingers and you're just gonna put it on like the tips of your eyelashes just the tips your eyelashes and then I use the
08:01Maybelline lash sensational just on the like edges and then I use the Maybelline sky-high and I do the same thing like just on the
08:07Edges and then I like curl backwards with the Maybelline sky-high
08:10Honestly in my opinion mascara does not matter like it doesn't matter if it's drugstore high-end
08:14It doesn't matter. The only thing that really matters is the eyelash curler other than that. That's what I do
08:19Also, I would like to point out that my eyelashes are pin straight. I curl them every single day. They're falling out real bad. So
08:27That's also the end of what I have screenshotted but we will for you guys look into
08:34Some other questions for the final one. I'm just gonna scroll in the big responses and close my eyes and pick one
08:44It's just Nick and big capital letters
08:46so that is it for this video and thank you guys so much for watching and make sure to like this video while you're here and
08:51Subscribe because some very very exciting things are coming soon and you're gonna want to make sure you subscribe
08:55so you can see when it's posted and if you guys have any requests for future videos make sure to comment them down below because
09:00I'm always open to ideas and
09:02You know gotta keep the people happy. So let me know and that is it for this video. So I'll see you very soon. Bye